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Analyse de mutants d'Arabidopsis thaliana affectés dans la tolérance au déficit hydriquePlessis, Anne 18 December 2008 (has links) (PDF)
L'acide abscissique (ABA) est une hormone cruciale pour la tolérance des plantes au déficit hydrique. Son accumulation induit rapidement à la fois la fermeture stomatique qui limite les pertes en eau et l'expression de gènes qui participent à des processus de protection et détoxification des cellules. La thermographie infrarouge permet d'observer en temps réel la différence de température entre des plantes « froides » aux stomates ouverts et des plantes « chaudes » aux stomates fermés. Afin d'identifier de nouveaux gènes impliqués dans la réponse au déficit hydrique, cette technique a été utilisée pour rechercher des suppresseurs « chauds » de la mutation de déficience en ABA aba3-1 chez Arabidopsis thaliana. Quatre mutants suppresseurs « chauds » récessifs, nommés has aba3-1 (hot ABA-deficient suppressors), plus résistants qu'aba3-1 à une déshydratation progressive ont été isolés et étudiés. Leur meilleure tolérance au stress hydrique n'est pas due à une accumulation accrue d'ABA. Des analyses phénotypiques et transcriptomiques ont été effectuées, notamment pour étudier leur réponse à différents types de stress hydrique, à un stress biotique et leur sensibilité à l'ABA dans plusieurs tissus. Les mutations has ont été sélectionnées en l'absence de la mutation aba3-1 et certains phénotypes ont été étudiés dans ce fond sauvage. La mutation has1 semble complexe, entraînant la disruption d'un gène codant pour une hélicase à ARN putative dont la mutation n'est pas seule responsable de tous les phénotypes de has1 aba3-1. La mutation has2 diminue la perte en eau pendant une déshydratation rapide ou progressive, en contexte aba3-1 ou sauvage. Son analyse transcriptomique a montré que le niveau d'expression de l'ensemble des gènes était proche du sauvage en accord avec la suppression de la sensibilité au déficit hydrique. La mutation has3 semble induire une hypersensibilité à l'ABA au niveau des stomates et de la graine. Enfin, le suppresseur has4 aba3-1 est affecté dans la sensibilité à l'ABA pour tous les tissus testés et montre les phénotypes stomatiques les plus marqués des quatre suppresseurs, qui semblent conservés chez has4. Ces observations ont conduit à cartographier en priorité ce locus. L'étude des 32 gènes de son intervalle de cartographie est bien avancée et devrait prochainement permettre d'identifier lequel est muté. La cartographie des loci has2 et has3 a réduit la région contenant ces mutations à des zones d'environ 0,5 et 1 Mb respectivement. Les quatre loci has sont distincts et leurs régions de cartographie ne contiennent pas de gènes déjà étudiés dont la mutation correspondrait à leur phénotype. Ce projet devrait donc conduire à l'identification d'au moins trois nouveaux gènes intervenant dans la tolérance au dèficit hydrique.
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ABC och ekonomisystem : En studie av Volvo Construction Equipment Components AB / ABC and Accounting Information Systems : The Case of Volvo Construction Equipment Components ABGustavsson, Tomas, Muänoz Elvelin, Pedro January 2001 (has links)
<p>The accounting information system comprises budgeting, accounting, and costing. The accounting information system has, traditionally, constituted an integrated system where the different elements collaborate. If ABC is introduced this order is disturbed, since ABC is based on another logic which cannot easily be integrated with budget and accounting. ABC, therefore, is usually used parallely to the conventional costing method. There are, however, companies that have taken its ABC one step further by letting it replace the old costing model and integrate it with the accounting information system. Our purpose is to describe how a well-integrated ABC has been designed and analyse its general possibilities to create an integrated ABC and accounting information system. In order to fulfil this purpose we have based our empirics on interviews and internal documents from our case company; a subsidiary to Volvo. In the case we have studied, a high degree of integration has been achieved through a partial adaptation of ABC as well as the remaining components of the accounting information system. The account of overhead revenues has changed from focusing on hours to register based on articles produced. The budget, at a whole, continues unchanged, but some rationalisations in the budget process have been a positive consequence of the adoption of ABC. ABC has been adapted by letting the accounts plan and the cost pool structure remain unchanged and no division based on activities has been realised. The procedure of the studied case can be applicable to other constructing enterprises facing the decision to adopt or integrate ABC to its accounting information system.</p>
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ABC och ekonomisystem : En studie av Volvo Construction Equipment Components AB / ABC and Accounting Information Systems : The Case of Volvo Construction Equipment Components ABGustavsson, Tomas, Muänoz Elvelin, Pedro January 2001 (has links)
The accounting information system comprises budgeting, accounting, and costing. The accounting information system has, traditionally, constituted an integrated system where the different elements collaborate. If ABC is introduced this order is disturbed, since ABC is based on another logic which cannot easily be integrated with budget and accounting. ABC, therefore, is usually used parallely to the conventional costing method. There are, however, companies that have taken its ABC one step further by letting it replace the old costing model and integrate it with the accounting information system. Our purpose is to describe how a well-integrated ABC has been designed and analyse its general possibilities to create an integrated ABC and accounting information system. In order to fulfil this purpose we have based our empirics on interviews and internal documents from our case company; a subsidiary to Volvo. In the case we have studied, a high degree of integration has been achieved through a partial adaptation of ABC as well as the remaining components of the accounting information system. The account of overhead revenues has changed from focusing on hours to register based on articles produced. The budget, at a whole, continues unchanged, but some rationalisations in the budget process have been a positive consequence of the adoption of ABC. ABC has been adapted by letting the accounts plan and the cost pool structure remain unchanged and no division based on activities has been realised. The procedure of the studied case can be applicable to other constructing enterprises facing the decision to adopt or integrate ABC to its accounting information system.
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HDZip I Transcription Factors in Arabidopsis thaliana : Expression and Function in Relation to Environmental Stress ConditionsOlsson, Anna S. B. January 2005 (has links)
The homeodomain leucine zipper (HDZip) proteins constitute a plant-specific family of transcription factors, that based on sequence criteria have been grouped into four classes, HDZip I-IV. This thesis describes the phylogeny, function, expression patterns and regulation of the HDZip class I genes in the model species Arabidopsis thaliana. The phylogenetic analyses, traced duplication history and exon/intron organisation of the 17 class I genes in Arabidopsis show that the genes form six monophyletic groups, clades, with an origin in early plant evolution. All genes are expressed in broad tissue distribution patterns and the majority are responsive to water availability and/or light conditions. The expression of the genes show different patterns and dependence on environmental stress conditions, indicating evolutionary changes within and between clades. Ectopic expression of the genes suggest that they regulate genes in part by conserved mechanisms. Therefore, different functional roles seem to have evolved by a divergence mainly in the regulatory properties of the genes. Detailed expression analyses of the paralogous HDZip I genes ATHB7 and ATHB12 show that they have essentially overlapping patterns of activity in response to abscisic acid, ABA, or water deficit in leaves, stems and roots. The water deficit response of ATHB7 and -12 is mediated by ABA and depends on the protein phosphateses ABI1 and ABI2. Transgenic plants with ectopic expression of ATHB7 and/or -12, and athb7 and athb12 mutants, reveal that the genes in roots mediate the growth inhibitory effects of ABA. In this aspect of their function they do not overlap. In leaves and stems, the genes might act as growth regulators redundantly with other factors. Taken together these data suggest that ATHB7 and -12 regulate growth in response water deficit and that other HDZip I genes have related functions in response to environmental stress conditions.
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Salt stress tolerance in potato genotypesEtehadnia, Masoomeh 15 September 2009
Soil salinity affects over 20% of the worlds irrigated land. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), the most important vegetable crop worldwide, is relatively salt sensitive. However, relatively little work has been done on salt tolerance of the potato plant. This thesis investigated the methodology of treatment application and scion/rootstock effects on subsequent salt stress responses of four contrasting potato genotypes: Norland, 9506, 9120-05 [ABA-deficient mutant], and 9120-18 [ABA-normal sibling] grown hydroponically in sand. The effect of incremental salt stress were studied, using NaCl, CaCl2 and combined NaCl + CaCl2 pre- treatments as well as varying methods of ABA application with a specific focus on the role of rootstock and scion. Physiological responses of various potato genotypes to salt stress differed depending on how the salt stress was applied. An incremental salt stress regime was able to more effectively differentiate genotypes based on salt stress resistance and greater salt tolerance compared to a sudden salt shock. Generally, the ability to produce ABA was positively related to the degree of salt stress resistance, with higher ABA levels induced under incremental salt stress treatments compared to salt shock. The method of ABA application also had a marked effect on potato responses to salt stress. Slowly increasing concentrations of exogenous ABA maintained growth rates, enhanced root water content and induced more lateral shoot growth compared to a single ABA dose. The degree of salt tolerance induced by the grafted rootstock was primarily modulated by salt acclimation and was manifested in the scion as increased water content, stem diameter, dry matter accumulation, stomatal conductivity, and osmotic potential and was associated with reduced leaf necrosis. Using the salt-resistant 9506 line as a scion also significantly increased root fresh and dry weight and stem diameter as well as root water content of salt-sensitive ABA-deficient mutant rootstocks. Exogenous ABA appeared to enhance plant water status via the roots under salt stress beyond that of grafting alone. This was verified by more positive stomatal conductivity and greater upward water flow in ABA treated grafted and non-grafted plants as compared to the absence of upward water flow in non-treated grafted plants as measured via micro NMR imaging. NaCl pre-treatment produced greater salt stress resistance compared to pre-treatment with CaCl2 and was associated with a specific Na+ ion effect rather than a non-specific EC-dependent response. However, the presence of both ABA and CaCl2 appears to be necessary in order to enhance Na+ exclusion from the shoot and increases the K+/Na+ ratio.
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Salt stress tolerance in potato genotypesEtehadnia, Masoomeh 15 September 2009 (has links)
Soil salinity affects over 20% of the worlds irrigated land. Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), the most important vegetable crop worldwide, is relatively salt sensitive. However, relatively little work has been done on salt tolerance of the potato plant. This thesis investigated the methodology of treatment application and scion/rootstock effects on subsequent salt stress responses of four contrasting potato genotypes: Norland, 9506, 9120-05 [ABA-deficient mutant], and 9120-18 [ABA-normal sibling] grown hydroponically in sand. The effect of incremental salt stress were studied, using NaCl, CaCl2 and combined NaCl + CaCl2 pre- treatments as well as varying methods of ABA application with a specific focus on the role of rootstock and scion. Physiological responses of various potato genotypes to salt stress differed depending on how the salt stress was applied. An incremental salt stress regime was able to more effectively differentiate genotypes based on salt stress resistance and greater salt tolerance compared to a sudden salt shock. Generally, the ability to produce ABA was positively related to the degree of salt stress resistance, with higher ABA levels induced under incremental salt stress treatments compared to salt shock. The method of ABA application also had a marked effect on potato responses to salt stress. Slowly increasing concentrations of exogenous ABA maintained growth rates, enhanced root water content and induced more lateral shoot growth compared to a single ABA dose. The degree of salt tolerance induced by the grafted rootstock was primarily modulated by salt acclimation and was manifested in the scion as increased water content, stem diameter, dry matter accumulation, stomatal conductivity, and osmotic potential and was associated with reduced leaf necrosis. Using the salt-resistant 9506 line as a scion also significantly increased root fresh and dry weight and stem diameter as well as root water content of salt-sensitive ABA-deficient mutant rootstocks. Exogenous ABA appeared to enhance plant water status via the roots under salt stress beyond that of grafting alone. This was verified by more positive stomatal conductivity and greater upward water flow in ABA treated grafted and non-grafted plants as compared to the absence of upward water flow in non-treated grafted plants as measured via micro NMR imaging. NaCl pre-treatment produced greater salt stress resistance compared to pre-treatment with CaCl2 and was associated with a specific Na+ ion effect rather than a non-specific EC-dependent response. However, the presence of both ABA and CaCl2 appears to be necessary in order to enhance Na+ exclusion from the shoot and increases the K+/Na+ ratio.
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Structure et fonctions de la protéine kinase OST1 dans la cellule de garde d'Arabidopsis thalianaBelin, Christophe 30 June 2006 (has links) (PDF)
La sécheresse est un stress majeur pour les plantes qui ont développé de nombreuses stratégies pour y faire face. La réponse la plus rapide à un stress hydrique est la fermeture des pores stomatiques qui limite les pertes d'eau par évapo-transpiration. La phytohormone acide abscissique (ABA) participe à cette réponse en modifiant la turgescence des cellules de garde. La protéine kinase OST1 d'Arabidopsis thaliana contrôle les étapes précoces de la transduction du signal ABA dans ces cellules. Au cours de cette thèse, nous avons cherché à comprendre les mécanismes de régulation de la kinase OST1. Nous avons d'abord montré que la protéine 10xHis-OST1 produite chez E.coli est active et s'autophosphoryle. Ceci nous a permis d'identifier des résidus phosphorylés, cibles potentielles de kinases ou phosphatases régulant l'activité de OST1 dans la plante. L'importance de ces résidus a d'abord été étudiée in vitro par l'analyse de l'activité de protéines recombinantes mutées sur les résidus phosphorylés. Puis nous avons étudié l'impact de ces mutations dans la plante en réalisant des tests de complémentation du mutant ost1 et des tests d'activité kinase après immunoprécipitation des différentes versions de la protéine OST1. La même stratégie appliquée à l'étude de versions tronquées de OST1 nous a permis d'analyser son domaine C-terminal. Nous avons ainsi identifié plusieurs éléments structuraux critiques pour l'activité de OST1 et sa fonction dans la plante. Enfin, notre analyse des différents allèles mutants ost1 suggère que OST1 régule les flux transpiratoires en réponse à un stress hydrique à deux niveaux distincts, dans les cellules de garde et les tissus vasculaires.
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Regulation of somatic embryo development in Norway spruce (Picea abies) : a molecular approach to the characterization of specific developmental stages /Sabala, Izabela. January 1900 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Improvement of seed germination of Fagus orientalis Lipsky /Soltani, Ali, January 2003 (has links) (PDF)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Sveriges lantbruksuniv., 2003. / Härtill 4 uppsatser.
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Does the difficulty of the training tasks in an EIBI program for children with autism match the learning abilities of the children?Roy-Wsiaki, Genevieve 12 January 2016 (has links)
In many early intensive behavioural intervention (EIBI) programs, such as the St.Amant Autism Programs in Manitoba, the Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised (ABLLS-R) is used as an assessment guide, a curriculum guide, and a skills tracking system. The ABLLS-R lists a total of 544 potential training tasks. In the St.Amant Autism Programs, the Assessment of Basic Learning Abilities-Revised (ABLA-R) is also used to assess a child’s ability to learn to perform 6 tasks, called levels, which are hierarchical in difficulty. Research has demonstrated that training tasks comparable to failed ABLA-R levels are very difficult to teach using standard prompting and reinforcement procedures, and training tasks that are mismatched to a client’s highest-passed ABLA-R level result in more aberrant behaviours than matched tasks.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate whether the difficulty of the training tasks taught to children enrolled in the St.Amant Autism Early Learning Program matched the learning abilities of the children. In order to do so, five questions were examined based on the ABLLS-R, the ABLA-R, and archival data from the St.Amant Autism Programs. The results reveal several potentially important findings. First, observers who were knowledgeable about the ABLA-R reliably categorized 99 of the 544 ABLLS-R tasks into individual ABLA-R levels. Second, for a random sample of those 99 ABLLS-R tasks, Autism Consultants from the St.Amant Autism Programs averaged 90.5% agreement that those tasks were taught at the categorized ABLA-R levels. Third, across a sample of 14 children, 81% of their training tasks were mismatched to each child’s highest-passed ABLA-R level. Fourth, for that sample of 14 children and across their 31 maladaptive behaviour assessments, 61% of the assessments had a score representative of maladaptive behaviours. Fifth, for that same sample of children, their rates of acquisition of new training tasks were lower for mismatched tasks than for matched tasks.
These findings have important implications for potentially improving the services that children with ASD are receiving from the St.Amant Autism Programs and other EIBI programs. / February 2016
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