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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Plantas ornitófilas de sub-bosque e suas interações com beija-flores / Ornithophilous understory plant species and their interactions with hummingbirds

Silva, Raphael Matias da 27 February 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-11-04T14:17:31Z No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Raphael Matias da Silva - 2014.pdf: 1915356 bytes, checksum: 46210dde4f1e2691a46a9de1c7a3a31e (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luciana Ferreira (lucgeral@gmail.com) on 2014-11-04T14:19:11Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Raphael Matias da Silva - 2014.pdf: 1915356 bytes, checksum: 46210dde4f1e2691a46a9de1c7a3a31e (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-11-04T14:19:11Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 Dissertação - Raphael Matias da Silva - 2014.pdf: 1915356 bytes, checksum: 46210dde4f1e2691a46a9de1c7a3a31e (MD5) license_rdf: 23148 bytes, checksum: 9da0b6dfac957114c6a7714714b86306 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-27 / Ornithophilous plant species occur in greater number in the understory of tropical forests, with Acanthaceae as one of the major families with this pollination syndrome. However, several other angiosperm families have species pollinated by hummingbirds, which is the largest group of vertebrate pollinators of the Neotropic, besides being the most representative and specialized group of nectarivorous birds. The present study is organized into three chapters, with the following objectives: 1) Conduct a literature review, compiling information on the pollination and reproductive systems found in the family Acanthaceae Juss. in Brazil, 2) Assess the association between ornithophilous understory plants and hummingbirds in two fragments, evaluating potential levels of specialization according to the floral traits, 3) To investigate the pollination biology of Geissomeria pubescens Nees (Acanthaceae), including aspects of its morphology, floral biology, nectar energy availability and reproductive system. Four pollination syndromes were recorded in a total of 28 species of Acanthaceae family: ornithophily, melittophily, psicofilia and chiropterophily. The ornithophily was the predominant syndrome and, consequently, hummingbirds were the most common group of floral visitors. Regarding the reproductive system, 94.1% of the Acanthaceae species studied in Brazil are self-compatible. In the study of the community ecology of the ornithophilous plants, 12 species were recorded, with Acanthaceae being the principal ornithophilous family. Thalurania furcata was the hummingbird which interacted with the greatest number of species, being considered as a generalist. The average amount of sugar produced in the area, by the species, was the only factor associated with the visitation rate. This feature may be a consequence of the fact, that larger resource quantities represent greater attraction and greater abundance of hummingbirds that exploit these resources in the areas. G. pubescens was the ornithophilous species that offered the greatest amount of resources to hummingbirds in the studied area. Based only on the amount of available energy for this plant species, on a daily basis, the studied fragment can support up to 94.6 hummingbirds during its flowering peak. G. pubescens produced no fruit by agamospermy and self-spontaneous pollinations. Thus, these results demonstrate the importance of the hummingbirds (the unique visitors) in the pollen flow occurrence and therefore, in the fruit formation of the species. / Espécies ornitófilas são encontradas em maior número no sub-bosque de florestas tropicais, sendo Acanthaceae uma das principais famílias com esta síndrome de polinização. Entretanto, várias outras famílias de Angiospermas apresentam espécies polinizadas por beija-flores, sendo este o maior grupo de polinizadores vertebrados do Neotrópico, além de ser o grupo mais representativo e especializado de aves nectarívoras. O presente estudo está organizado em três capítulos, com os seguintes objetivos: 1) Realizar uma revisão teórica compilando informações sobre os sistemas de polinização e reprodutivos encontrados na família Acanthaceae Juss. no Brasil; 2) Analisar a associação entre as plantas ornitófilas de sub-bosque e beija-flores em dois fragmentos avaliando possíveis níveis de especialização de acordo com os atributos florais; 3) Investigar a biologia da polinização de Geissomeria pubescens Nees (Acanthaceae), incluindo aspectos da morfologia, biologia floral, disponibilidade energética do néctar e sistema reprodutivo. Foram registradas quatro síndromes de polinização em um total de 28 espécies da família Acanthaceae, sendo elas: ornitofilia, melitofilia, psicofilia e quiropterofilia, onde a ornitofilia foi a síndrome predominante e, consequentemente, beija-flores foi o grupo mais comum de visitantes florais. Quanto ao sistema reprodutivo, 94,1% das espécies de Acanthaceae estudadas no Brasil são autocompatíveis. No estudo da ecologia de comunidades de plantas ornitófilas, foram registradas 12 espécies, sendo Acanthaceae a principal família ornitófila. Thalurania furcata foi o beija-flor que interagiu com o maior número de espécies, sendo considerado generalista. A quantidade média de açúcar produzida na área, por espécie, foi o único fator relacionado com a taxa de visitação. Tal característica pode ser consequência das maiores quantidades de recurso gerar uma maior atração e maior abundância dos beija-flores na exploração dos recursos. G. pubescens é a espécie ornitófila que ofereceu a maior quantidade de recursos aos beija-flores. Baseado apenas na quantidade de energia disponível por esta espécie vegetal, o fragmento estudado pode suportar até 94,6 beija-flores, diariamente, durante o pico de floração. G. pubescens não produziu frutos por agamospermia e autopolinização espontânea. Com isso, estes resultados demonstram a importância dos beija-flores (únicos visitantes) para que ocorra fluxo de pólen e, consequentemente, formação de frutos na espécie.

Analyse des structures spatiales des données de distribution phytogéographique des Acanthaceae en Afrique centrale/Analysis of the spatial structures of the data of phytogeographic distribution of the Acanthaceae in central Africa

Koffi, Kouao Jean K. J. 04 July 2008 (has links)
RESUME Les données phytogéographiques reflètent la variabilité spatiale de la diversité des espèces et constituent donc un outil important dans le développement des politiques de conservation. Afin de stimuler et de valoriser le concept des systèmes phytogéographiques, cette étude dont le thème est «Analyse des structures spatiales des données de distribution phytogéographique des Acanthaceae en Afrique centrale» s’est donnée pour but (1) d’analyser la distribution spatiale de la famille des Acanthaceae en Afrique Centrale (R.D. Congo, Rwanda, Burundi) ; (2) de comparer cette distribution avec les théories phytogéographiques de Robyns (1948), White (1979, 1986) et Ndjele (1988); (3) d’utiliser les modèles de distribution spatiale comme support (outil) pour évaluer l'impact humain sur le paysage et la diversité; (4) d’identifier les espèces indicatrices potentielles des territoires phytogéographiques; (5) de mettre en évidence le phénomène de vicariance; et (6) de quantifier l’impact de la fragmentation du paysage forestier en Afrique centrale. Dans cette étude, deux niveaux de résolution spatiale ont été considérés: les systèmes phytogéographiques et les systèmes de maillage. Un système d’information géographique a été utilisé pour réaliser des cartes de distribution spatiale de chaque espèce. Le choix des Acanthaceae de l’herbier du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique (BR), a été dicté par le faite qu’elle a subit une révision systématique et par le nombre important de ses échantillons. L’aspect floristique a révélé 9181 échantillons, récoltés de 1888 à 2001 par environ 427 collecteurs en R.D. Congo, au Rwanda et au Burundi représentant 48 genres, 310 espèces et 6362 localités. La carte de distribution spatiale de l’ensemble des échantillons a mis en évidence les niveaux de prospection. Certains territoires phytogéographiques ont été plus explorés que d’autres. Les entités phytogéographiques les plus explorées et donc les plus diversifiées sont le centre régional d’endémisme Afromontagnard, incluant la Mosaïque régional du lac Victoria, et le centre régional d’endémisme Zambézien. Les cartes de distribution de chaque espèce mettent en évidence les patrons de distribution spatiale. Certaines espèces ont une large distribution alors que d’autres sont inféodées à certaines zones spécifiques. Ces dernières, qualifiées « d’espèces uniques » ou « espèces caractéristiques » peuvent être utilisées comme des bio-indicateurs pour stimuler et valoriser le concept de systèmes phytogéographiques dans la politique de la conservation. En utilisant uniquement la famille des Acanthaceae, il a été montré que l’impact de la fragmentation du paysage forestier est très important. Les espèces inféodées à une région phytogéographique sont des espèces vulnérables. Elles peuvent disparaître si leur biotope est détruit. La distribution potentielle, basées sur les localités de récolte et les variables environnementales, ont été réalisées afin de mieux déterminer les niches écologiques des espèces et les cas de vicariance. Deux types de vicariance ont été mis en évidence à travers les systèmes phytogéographiques de Robyns (1948) et de White (1979, 1986), au niveau générique et spécifique: la vicariance écologique et la vicariance géographique. La vicariance écologique s’applique aux espèces ou sous-espèces récoltées dans les mêmes territoires phytogéographiques tandis que la vicariance géographique concerne les espèces ou sous-espèces récoltées dans des territoires phytogéographiques séparés. L’analyse des cas de vicariance a mis en relief les zones de spéciation. L'analyse de classification hiérarchique a montré que les Acanthaceae suivent mieux le système phytogéographique de White (1979, 1986) que ceux proposés par Robyns (1948) et Ndjele (1988). Pour mieux valoriser cette approche, cette méthodologie doit être appliquée à d’autres familles largement récoltée en R.D. Congo, au Rwanda et au Burundi comme la famille des Rubiaceae, des Mimosoideae, afin de (1) synchroniser toutes les bases de données pour mieux mettre en évidence le degré d’exploration, les espèces à amplitude écologique restreinte (espèces uniques) et (2) de permettre d’identifier des zones prioritaires pour la conservation. ABSTRACT Phytogeographic data reflect the spatial variability of plant diversity and constitute consequently a potential tool for conservation policy development. In order to stimulate and valorise the concept of phytogeographic systems, this dissertation entitled “Analysis of the spatial pattern of phytogeographic data of Acanthaceae in Central Africa” aims (1) to analyse the spatial distribution of the Acanthaceae family in Central Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi); (2) to compare this distribution with the known phytogeographic theories of Robyns (1948), White (1979, 1986) and Ndjele (1988); (3) to use the spatial distribution models as a tool for evaluating the human impact on landscapes and diversity; (4) to identify potential indicator species of the phytogeographic territories; (5) to evidence the phenomenon of vicariance; and (6) to quantify the impact of the fragmentation of forested landscapes in central Africa. In this study, two levels of spatial resolution have been considered: the phytogeographic systems themselves and a system of grid cells. A geographic information system has been used to draw maps of the spatial distribution of every species. The choice to analyse the Acanthaceae family of the herbarium of the National Botanical Garden of Belgium (BR) has been justified by the systematic revision of this collection and by its huge number of samples. The data set contained 9181 samples, collected between 1888 and 2001 by about 427 collectors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi ; the samples represented 48 genera, 310 species and 6362 geographic positions. The maps showing the spatial distribution of all samples pooled evidenced the different levels of exploration of the study area. Certain phytogeographic territories have been explored more intensely than others. The mostly explored zones, consequently also denoted as the most diverse ones, were the Afromontane regional centre of endemism, including the regional mosaic of Lake Victoria, and the Zambezian regional center of endemism. Species distribution maps evidenced the spatial patterns of species presence. Certain species showed an overall distribution while others were clearly bound to particular territories. The latter species, denoted as “unique species” or “characteristic species” could be used as bio-indicators to stimulate and valorise the concept of the phytogeographic systems in the framework of conservation policy development. By means of the Acanthaceae family, it has been shown that the impact of forest fragmentation will be considerable; species bound to a specific phytogeographic zone are assumed vulnerable; they will disappear when their biotopes are destroyed. The potential distribution of the species, based on the geographic position of the samples and on environmental data, have been generated in order to describe more precisely the ecological niches of the species involved and to detect cases of vicariance. Two types of vicariance have been found using the phytogeographic territories of Robyns (1948) and White (1979, 1986) at the genus and the species levels: ecological vicariance and geographic vicariance; the former type involves species or subspecies observed in the same phytogeographic region while the latter type involves species and subspecies not found in the same territory. This analysis enabled us to identify zones of speciation. A cluster analyses showed that the spatial distribution of the Acanthaceae data corresponded more closely to the phytogeographic system of White (1979, 1986), than to those proposed by Robyns (1948) or Ndjele (1988). In order to valorise our approach, the current methodology should also be applied to other families widely collected in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi, such as the Rubiaceae or Mimosoideae families, this (1) to synchronise all data bases for a more profound understanding of the degree of exploration and of the existence of species with a limited ecological amplitude (unique species), and (2) to enable the identification of zones that should be prioritised for conservation.

The screening of anti-inflammatory action of Clinacanthus nutans (Burm. f.) Lindau : a critical evaluation of carrageenan-induced hind paw edema model /

Wipa Tanasomwang, Jutamaad Satayavivad, January 1986 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmacology))--Mahidol University, 1986.

Analyse des structures spatiales des données de distribution phytogéographique des Acanthaceae en Afrique centrale / Analysis of the spatial structures of the data of phytogeographic distribution of the Acanthaceae in central Africa

Koffi, Kouao Jean 04 July 2008 (has links)
Les données phytogéographiques reflètent la variabilité spatiale de la diversité des espèces et constituent donc un outil important dans le développement des politiques de conservation. Afin de stimuler et de valoriser le concept des systèmes phytogéographiques, cette étude dont le thème est «Analyse des structures spatiales des données de distribution phytogéographique des Acanthaceae en Afrique centrale» s’est donnée pour but (1) d’analyser la distribution spatiale de la famille des Acanthaceae en Afrique Centrale (R.D. Congo, Rwanda, Burundi) ;(2) de comparer cette distribution avec les théories phytogéographiques de Robyns (1948), White (1979, 1986) et Ndjele (1988); (3) d’utiliser les modèles de distribution spatiale comme support (outil) pour évaluer l'impact humain sur le paysage et la diversité; (4) d’identifier les espèces indicatrices potentielles des territoires phytogéographiques; (5) de mettre en évidence le phénomène de vicariance; et (6) de quantifier l’impact de la fragmentation du paysage forestier en Afrique centrale. Dans cette étude, deux niveaux de résolution spatiale ont été considérés: les systèmes phytogéographiques et les systèmes de maillage. Un système d’information géographique a été utilisé pour réaliser des cartes de distribution spatiale de chaque espèce. Le choix des Acanthaceae de l’herbier du Jardin Botanique National de Belgique (BR), a été dicté par le faite qu’elle a subit une révision systématique et par le nombre important de ses échantillons. L’aspect floristique a révélé 9181 échantillons, récoltés de 1888 à 2001 par environ 427 collecteurs en R.D. Congo, au Rwanda et au Burundi représentant 48 genres, 310 espèces et 6362 localités. La carte de distribution spatiale de l’ensemble des échantillons a mis en évidence les niveaux de prospection. Certains territoires phytogéographiques ont été plus explorés que d’autres. Les entités phytogéographiques les plus explorées et donc les plus diversifiées sont le centre régional d’endémisme Afromontagnard, incluant la Mosaïque régional du lac Victoria, et le centre régional d’endémisme Zambézien. Les cartes de distribution de chaque espèce mettent en évidence les patrons de distribution spatiale. Certaines espèces ont une large distribution alors que d’autres sont inféodées à certaines zones spécifiques. Ces dernières, qualifiées « d’espèces uniques » ou « espèces caractéristiques » peuvent être utilisées comme des bio-indicateurs pour stimuler et valoriser le concept de systèmes phytogéographiques dans la politique de la conservation. En utilisant uniquement la famille des Acanthaceae, il a été montré que l’impact de la fragmentation du paysage forestier est très important. Les espèces inféodées à une région phytogéographique sont des espèces vulnérables. Elles peuvent disparaître si leur biotope est détruit. La distribution potentielle, basées sur les localités de récolte et les variables environnementales, ont été réalisées afin de mieux déterminer les niches écologiques des espèces et les cas de vicariance. Deux types de vicariance ont été mis en évidence à travers les systèmes phytogéographiques de Robyns (1948) et de White (1979, 1986), au niveau générique et spécifique: la vicariance écologique et la vicariance géographique. La vicariance écologique s’applique aux espèces ou sous-espèces récoltées dans les mêmes territoires phytogéographiques tandis que la vicariance géographique concerne les espèces ou sous-espèces récoltées dans des territoires phytogéographiques séparés. L’analyse des cas de vicariance a mis en relief les zones de spéciation. L'analyse de classification hiérarchique a montré que les Acanthaceae suivent mieux le système phytogéographique de White (1979, 1986) que ceux proposés par Robyns (1948) et Ndjele (1988). Pour mieux valoriser cette approche, cette méthodologie doit être appliquée à d’autres familles largement récoltée en R.D. Congo, au Rwanda et au Burundi comme la famille des Rubiaceae, des Mimosoideae, afin de (1) synchroniser toutes les bases de données pour mieux mettre en évidence le degré d’exploration, les espèces à amplitude écologique restreinte (espèces uniques) et (2) de permettre d’identifier des zones prioritaires pour la conservation. <p><p><p>Phytogeographic data reflect the spatial variability of plant diversity and constitute consequently a potential tool for conservation policy development. In order to stimulate and valorise the concept of phytogeographic systems, this dissertation entitled “Analysis of the spatial pattern of phytogeographic data of Acanthaceae in Central Africa” aims (1) to analyse the spatial distribution of the Acanthaceae family in Central Africa (Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi); (2) to compare this distribution with the known phytogeographic theories of Robyns (1948), White (1979, 1986) and Ndjele (1988); (3) to use the spatial distribution models as a tool for evaluating the human impact on landscapes and diversity; (4) to identify potential indicator species of the phytogeographic territories; (5) to evidence the phenomenon of vicariance; and (6) to quantify the impact of the fragmentation of forested landscapes in central Africa. In this study, two levels of spatial resolution have been considered: the phytogeographic systems themselves and a system of grid cells. A geographic information system has been used to draw maps of the spatial distribution of every species. The choice to analyse the Acanthaceae family of the herbarium of the National Botanical Garden of Belgium (BR) has been justified by the systematic revision of this collection and by its huge number of samples. The data set contained 9181 samples, collected between 1888 and 2001 by about 427 collectors in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi ;the samples represented 48 genera, 310 species and 6362 geographic positions. The maps showing the spatial distribution of all samples pooled evidenced the different levels of exploration of the study area. Certain phytogeographic territories have been explored more intensely than others. The mostly explored zones, consequently also denoted as the most diverse ones, were the Afromontane regional centre of endemism, including the regional mosaic of Lake Victoria, and the Zambezian regional center of endemism. Species distribution maps evidenced the spatial patterns of species presence. Certain species showed an overall distribution while others were clearly bound to particular territories. The latter species, denoted as “unique species” or “characteristic species” could be used as bio-indicators to stimulate and valorise the concept of the phytogeographic systems in the framework of conservation policy development. By means of the Acanthaceae family, it has been shown that the impact of forest fragmentation will be considerable; species bound to a specific phytogeographic zone are assumed vulnerable; they will disappear when their biotopes are destroyed. The potential distribution of the species, based on the geographic position of the samples and on environmental data, have been generated in order to describe more precisely the ecological niches of the species involved and to detect cases of vicariance. Two types of vicariance have been found using the phytogeographic territories of Robyns (1948) and White (1979, 1986) at the genus and the species levels: ecological vicariance and geographic vicariance; the former type involves species or subspecies observed in the same phytogeographic region while the latter type involves species and subspecies not found in the same territory. This analysis enabled us to identify zones of speciation. A cluster analyses showed that the spatial distribution of the Acanthaceae data corresponded more closely to the phytogeographic system of White (1979, 1986), than to those proposed by Robyns (1948) or Ndjele (1988). In order to valorise our approach, the current methodology should also be applied to other families widely collected in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda and Burundi, such as the Rubiaceae or Mimosoideae families, this (1) to synchronise all data bases for a more profound understanding of the degree of exploration and of the existence of species with a limited ecological amplitude (unique species), and (2) to enable the identification of zones that should be prioritised for conservation. <p> / Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Evaluation of phytoremediation potentials of Phytolacca dodecandra, Adhatoda schimperiana and Solanum incanum for selected heavy metals in field setting located in central Ethiopia

Alemu Shiferaw Debela 03 1900 (has links)
Pollution of soil by trace metals has become one of the biggest global environmental challenges resulting from anthropogenic activities, therefore, restoration of metal contaminated sites needs due attention. The use of phytoremediation technologies as nature-based solution to pollution, could support successful implementation of green economic development strategies; with economically affordable and environmentally friendly benefits. The present investigation employed an exploratory study on the phytoremediation potentials of three selected native plants; Phytolacca dodecandra (L’Herit), Adhatoda schimperiana (Hochst) and Solanum incanum L, dominating areas close to heavy metal contamination sources; in metropolitan centers of Addis Ababa. In this work, concentration of six heavy metals of interest chromium (Cr), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), nickel (Ni) copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) were examined in soil and in different tissues (leaves, stems and roots) of selected plants (both seedlings and mature plants), in dry and rainy seasons using atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Efficiency of phytoremediation is discussed based on calculated values of Bio-concentration Factor (BCF), Translocation Factors (TF) and Bioaccumulation Coefficient (BAC). Phytolacca dodecandra showed BCF, TF and BAC > 1 for Zn, Pb, Ni, Cu and Cd Adhatoda schimperiana gave BCF, TF and BAC > 1 for Zn, Cu, Ni and Cr; likewise, BCF, BAC and TF values of > 1 were noted in Solanum incanum for Zn, Cu, Pb and Ni. Based on these scenarios, the three plants could be utilized for phytoextraction of contaminated soil. Conversely, BCF and BAC for Cr levels in tissues of Phytolacca dodecandra were all < 1, which indicates unsuitability for phytoremediation of Cr in contaminated soils. Besides, Adhatoda schimperiana retained Pb and Cd in their roots showing root BCF > 1, while BAC and TF < 1, which highlights its suitability for phytostabilization. Moreover, BCF, TF and BAC values of < 1 noted for Cr and Cd in Solanum incanum reveal that Solanum incanum may not be a good candidate for remediation of Cr and Cd contaminated environments. In conclusion, results from this study revealed that the selected plants can accumulate substantial amounts of the above trace metals in their tissues and can serve as prospective phytoremediators of most of these metals. Phytoextraction and phytostabilization were the main mechanisms of remediation in this study. / Environmental Sciences / Ph. D. (Environmental Sciences)

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