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Experiences of causing an accidental death : an interpretative phenomenological analysis studyRassool, Sara Begum January 2009 (has links)
Accidentally killing or feeling responsible for another person’s death constitutes a traumatic event that is unique from any other traumatic stressor. Considering the frequency of incidents such as deaths resulting from road traffic accidents (RTAs), it is surprising that the academic literature regarding those who have accidentally killed is almost none existent. This study therefore aimed to gain an insight into the lived experiences of drivers who have caused an accidental death. Five participants were recruited through an on-line advertisement; all were drivers directly involved in a RTA that occurred suddenly, unexpectedly, without planning or intention and resulted in the death of a person. An interpretative phenomenological approach was used to analyse data collected through semistructured interviews. Three main themes emerged from the participants’ accounts: trying to make sense of a life changing moment; struggling to cope with the trauma of causing a death and a changed sense of self. These findings are discussed in relation to the relevant literature. Clinical implications, methodological limitations and directions for future research are presented. The study provides a valuable insight for any professional working with people who have caused, or feel responsible for, an accidental death. It is hoped that this study will be a catalyst for discussion and future research.
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Využití metod vícekriteriálního hodnocení variant pro hodnocení úrazového pojištění / Application of the methods of multi-criteria evaluation of alternatives for assessment of accidental death and dismemberment insuranceROUHOVÁ, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
Decision making is an inherent part of human life. Every day we decide on little things, but also some more complex problems may appear. In such cases, we need to choose a more complex process leading to the final decision. To do so, many multiple-criteria decision-making methods can be used. These methods will be explored in this thesis. They will be used to select accident insurance according to the preferences and requirements of several respondents. Accident insurance protects the insured person against the impairment of their life caused by the consequences of their injury. Accident insurance is a commitment for many years, so its choice needs close attention. The choice of the insurance can be assessed based on of several criteria. Designing a model of multi-criteria decision-making strategy was the main goal of this diploma thesis. The thesis is divided into two parts - the theoretical and practical part. Theoretical part defines the concepts of decision making, multi-criteria decision making and its methods using specialized literature. It also defines the concept of insurance and its specifics relating to accident insurance. The practical part focuses on the specific solution of the given problem. The first step was a survey of offers of insurance companies operating on the Czech market that have separate accident insurance in their product portfolio. Based on these offers, decision variants have been created. The second step was to determine the five criteria on whose basis the variants were evaluated. After the general procedure has been established, the model has been applied. The proposed procedure was tried on a group of respondents to select the best offer for them. The target group, for which the procedure was designed, was set for people between the ages of 40 and 50 who do not have a risky job and do not engage in any hazardous leisure activities. Their preferences were determined by a questionnaire, based on which the decision matrices and weightings of the individual criteria were compiled. The optimal option was recommended to respondents.
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Gold fever: death and disease during the Klondike gold rush, 1898-1904Highet, Megan J. 12 September 2008 (has links)
This thesis represents the first anthropological perspective to be offered on the nature of the Klondike Gold Rush population. In order to better understand the experience of the average gold rusher, morbidity and mortality patterns are examined for the residents of the Yukon Territory following the discovery of gold in the region (1898-1904). Infectious diseases such as measles, pneumonia, smallpox and typhoid fever are the primary focus of this study, however local factors such as the severe climate and the seclusion of the gold fields from the outside world also offers an interesting opportunity to examine the consequences of leading a particularly harsh and physically demanding lifestyle in an inhospitable environment. / October 2008
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Gold fever: death and disease during the Klondike gold rush, 1898-1904Highet, Megan J. 12 September 2008 (has links)
This thesis represents the first anthropological perspective to be offered on the nature of the Klondike Gold Rush population. In order to better understand the experience of the average gold rusher, morbidity and mortality patterns are examined for the residents of the Yukon Territory following the discovery of gold in the region (1898-1904). Infectious diseases such as measles, pneumonia, smallpox and typhoid fever are the primary focus of this study, however local factors such as the severe climate and the seclusion of the gold fields from the outside world also offers an interesting opportunity to examine the consequences of leading a particularly harsh and physically demanding lifestyle in an inhospitable environment.
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Gold fever: death and disease during the Klondike gold rush, 1898-1904Highet, Megan J. 12 September 2008 (has links)
This thesis represents the first anthropological perspective to be offered on the nature of the Klondike Gold Rush population. In order to better understand the experience of the average gold rusher, morbidity and mortality patterns are examined for the residents of the Yukon Territory following the discovery of gold in the region (1898-1904). Infectious diseases such as measles, pneumonia, smallpox and typhoid fever are the primary focus of this study, however local factors such as the severe climate and the seclusion of the gold fields from the outside world also offers an interesting opportunity to examine the consequences of leading a particularly harsh and physically demanding lifestyle in an inhospitable environment.
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Dario Fos "Morte accidentale di un anarchico" und seine Adaptationen in Frankreich und Deutschland / Dario Fos "Morte accidentale di un anarchico" and its adaptations in France and GermanyWagner, Stefanie January 2012 (has links)
Dario Fo (Nobelpreis 1997) ist einer der herausragendsten Erneuerer des italienischen Theaters des 20. Jahrhunderts. Ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Stationen seines künstlerischen Schaffens zeugt zunächst von Fos stetem Bemühen um innovative Ansätze in Bezug auf Theaterkonzeption und –praxis: immer gilt es, sich von den Konventionen des literarischen, bürgerlichen, subventionierten, weitgehend passiv rezipierten Theaters abzugrenzen und das Theater für das Publikum wieder ganzheitlich erfahrbar zu machen. Doch nicht selten geraten er und seine Truppe dabei in Konflikt mit den herrschenden politischen und gesellschaftlichen Umständen. Dies trifft auch auf sein Stück "Morte accidentale di un anarchico" (1970) zu, dessen Analyse im Zentrum dieser Arbeit steht. Ein realhistorischer Fall, der "Fall Pinelli" (bzw. "la strage di Piazza Fontana") 1969, diente Fo als Grundlage seiner sehr zeitnah entstandenen grotesken Farce, die aufgrund ihrer politischen Brisanz für Aufruhr sorgte und die auch im Ausland bis heute immer wieder auf den Spielplänen zu finden ist. Die Arbeit geht daher nicht nur auf die Produktion, Inszenierung und Rezeption des Stücks in Italien ein, sondern nimmt auch die Adaptationen und deren Rezeption in Frankreich und Deutschland in den Blick, wobei die italienspezifische Ausrichtung von Fos Theater (Rekurs auf Traditionen des italienischen Volkstheaters, Verarbeitung (tages)politischen Geschehens etc.) eine besondere Herausforderung für die fremdsprachige Bearbeitung des Stückes und seine Inszenierung darstellt. Neben den produktions- und rezeptionsästhetischen Grundbedingungen des Textes von Dario Fo werden in diesem Zusammenhang auch Spezifika der Bühnenübersetzung beleuchtet und Alternativen hierzu aufgezeigt, die auch bereits von Fos Truppe genutzt werden. / Dario Fo (Premio Nobel 1997) è uno dei drammaturghi e capocomici più innovatori del teatro italiano del ‘900. Verranno mostrate le tappe più importanti del suo percorso artistico che attestano una ricerca incessante di approcci innovativi per la concezione e la prassi teatrali: una lotta acerrima contro le convenzioni del teatro letterario, borghese, sovvenzionato e fruito in modo passivo. Comunque, cercando di ristabilire l’evento teatrale come esperienza olistica, Fo e la sua compagnia si ritrovano spesso in pieno conflitto con la realtà socio-politica e i suoi rappresentanti. Era anche questo il caso del pezzo "Morte accidentale di un anarchico" (1970) di cui questo lavoro presenta un’analisi. Scritta poco dopo la strage di Piazza Fontana (dicembre 1969) e quindi a quell’epoca di scottante attualità politica, questa farsa grottesca fece sorgere grandi tumulti e rimane finora uno dei pezzi più rappresentati, anche all’estero. Pertanto, questo lavoro contempla non solo la produzione, l’allestimento e la ricezione del pezzo in Italia, ma tiene anche conto degli adattamenti e della loro ricezione in Francia e in Germania. Verrà mostrata la sfida per gli adattamenti stranieri che risulta dall’italianità del teatro di Fo (ricorso alla tradizione del teatro popolare italiano, trattamento di fatti socio-politici quotidiani etc.). In questo contesto verranno spiegati anche elementi specifici della traduzione per la scena e indicata qualche alternativa che anche la compagnia di Fo già utilizza.
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