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Problematika institutu vazby / The issue of the concept of criminal custodyŠmahelová, Michala January 2015 (has links)
- The issue of the concept of criminal custody The thesis provides a comprehensive overview of selected issues relating to criminal custody, one of the means of securing an accused person for the purposes of criminal proceedings and sentence execution, provided for in the Act on Criminal Procedure. After a concise introduction, the thesis examines the historical development of custody as regulated in the Act No. 141/1961 Coll., on Criminal Procedure. Limits of restricting personal liberty are then discussed from the viewpoint of the Czech Constitution and international commitments of the Czech Republic. The principle part of the thesis deals with material and formal custody law. It defines the term 'custody' and elaborates on the conditions of the imposition of custody, especially with regard to the particular grounds of custody. The section dealing with formal custody law is focused on the provisions regarding the decision process on custody, custody hearing, the examination of the existence of grounds of custody, the maximum duration of custody and the setting off a custody period against a term of imprisonment when the accused is found guilty. Due regard is also given to alternatives to custody, since the accused can only be deprived of personal liberty when the purpose of custody cannot be...
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« Yaab-rãmba » : une anthropologie du care des personnes vieillissantes à Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) / «Yaab-rãmba», ageing anthropology of care in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)Rouamba, George 09 December 2015 (has links)
Les transformations politiques, familiales, religieuses, économiques et spatiales amènent à rompre avec les évidences entretenues sur les sociétés africaines comme celles de care au profit des personnes âgées au nom du respect social des âges. Ce travail déconstruit les représentations sociales de la vieillesse en montrant d’une part que les catégories de la vieillesse sont les produits des politiques publiques et d’autre part que les vieillesses sont hétérogènes, contextuelles et dynamiques. A partir d’études de cas élargis, cette thèse explore les expériences du vieillir à partir des formes de prise en charge des personnes vieillissantes dans la capitale Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso).Une ethnographie au sein des familles, dans une unité de soins spécialisé dans un centre hospitalier universitaire et dans un centre d’accueil de femmes accusées de sorcellerie permet de décrypter les relations complexes de prise en charge entre le niveau micro et macro sociale. Cette thèse est une contribution à une anthropologie du care de la vieillesse. / The political, family, religious, economic and spatial lead to break with evidence maintained on African societies like those in care for the elderly in the name of social respect of ages. This work deconstructs social representations of old age by showing both on the on hand, that the categories of old age are the product of public policies and on the other the old ages are heterogeneous, dynamic and contextual. From a broader the case studies, this thesis explores the experiences from old forms of care for elderly in the capital, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso). An ethnography within families, in a special care unit in a university hospital and a reception center for women accused of witchcraft allows to decrypt the complex relationships of care between the micro and macro social level. This thesis is a contribution to the anthropology of care in old age.
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Protection of the rights of an unpresented accusedMotubatse, Mosinki Justice January 2014 (has links)
Thesis (LLM. (Management and Development)) -- University of Limpopo, 2014 / Every accused person has the right to a fair trial which encompasses the right to adduce and challenge evidence in court. Whilst the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa confers the right to legal representation, an accused person may still opt to conduct his or her own defence. Once an unrepresented accused opts to conduct his or her own defence, the presiding officer then becomes obliged to assist the undefended accused to present his or her own case.
South Africa adheres to the accusatorial / adversarial system. Under the accusatorial / adversarial system the presiding judicial officer is in the role of a detached umpire, who should not descend the arena of the duel between the state and the defence for fear of becoming partial or of losing perspective as a result of the dust caused by the affray between the state and the defence. Under the accusatorial/adversarial system, a presiding officer may find it challenging to assist an unrepresented accused or may inadequately assist him or her. This may be so because a fair trial is not determined by ensuring exercise of one of the rights to a fair trial but all the rights to a fair trial.
This mini-dissertation, on the injunction of section 35 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa which makes provision for the rights to a fair trial, covers the different rights of an unrepresented accused. This is done alongside related provisions of the Criminal Procedure Act 51 of 1977 and pertinent case law. The fat that an unrepresented accused has waived legal representation at the expense of the state and has opted to conduct his or her own defence should not be to his or her peril. The court has a constitutional injunction to protect and advance the rights of an unrepresented accused. Justice must not only be done but must also be seen to be done.
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An evaluation of the benefit of plea and sentence agreements to an unrepresented accusedBotman, Andre January 2016 (has links)
Magister Legum - LLM / Section 105A of the Criminal Procedure Act is unconstitutional with regard to its
failure to extend benefits to an unrepresented accused. Unlike a represented
accused, an unrepresented accused cannot benefit from section 105A. The only
recourse available to him or her is to enter a plea of guilty under section 112 of
the Criminal Procedure Act. This plea of guilty does not offer him the benefits
under section 105A. This causes the section to operate unfairly against the
unrepresented accused based on his/her failure to secure legal representation.
This continued operation of section 105A infringes on the rights of an accused by
not affording this protection to the accused. This is in terms of a right to equality
before the law, freedom from discrimination and what constitutes a justifiable
limitation under section 36 of the Constitution. South Africa has ratified or acceded to international and regional treaties which require, inter alia that the right to equality before the law is respected. This requires a model framework to be put in place to ensure that unrepresented accused can benefit from section 105A. An evaluation of the viability of adding the unrepresented accused to the protection under section 105A is done. This is informed by experiences from other jurisdictions, which aid the need for reform.
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Účastníci řízení o přestupku a jejich práva v aplikační praxi / Participants in misdemeanor proceedings and their rights in application practiceŠimon, Josef January 2021 (has links)
Participants in misdemeanor proceedings and their rights in application practice Abstract Misdemeanor proceedings are an administrative procedure of public authorities (administrative bodies). Through which, part of the criminal policy of states is implemented. Its main task is to hold the perpetrator liable for their wrongdoing and to protect society from less serious acts - misdemeanors. In essence, it is similar to criminal proceedings, whose objective differs only in that it protects society from more serious acts. It follows from this definition, that the misdemeanor proceedings should not differ significantly from the procedural guarantees observed in criminal proceedings. Procedural guarantees of criminal proceedings are provided through the rights of accused persons. The subject of this paper is the analysis of procedural rights, especially of those accused of a misdemeanor, but also other participants in the proceedings on the misdemeanor. Emphasis is placed on the content of these rights and the possibility of exercising them towards administrative authorities. To this end, the thesis examines the decision-making practice of supreme courts (European Court of Human Rights, Constitutional Court, Supreme Administrative Court), as well as administrative bodies in the field of administrative criminal...
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Индивидуализација казне затвора – криминолошки, кривичноправни и пенолошки аспект / Individualizacija kazne zatvora – kriminološki, krivičnopravni i penološki aspekt / Individualization of the prison sentence – the criminological, criminal-law and penological aspectMilić Ivan 11 September 2017 (has links)
<p>Предмет докторске дисертације јесте индивидуализација казне затвора, и то три њена нераздвојна аспекта – криминолошки, кривичноправни и пенолошки. Први део рада, посвећен је криминолошком аспект индивидуализације казне затвора. Кривичноправним аспектима индивидуализације казне затвора посвећен је други део рада. Предмет истраживања у трећем делу рада јесте пенолошки аспект индивидуализације казне затвора.</p><p>Разноврсни су криминогени фактори који утичу на појединца да учини кривично дело, али они пре свега могу бити субјективни и објективни. У току кривичног поступка, они се вреднују и утичу на саму индивидуализацију казне затвора. Осим тога, њихов значај је огроман и у току извршења затворске казне. Зато су криминолошки аспекти нераздвојни од кривичноправних и пенолошких аспеката.</p><p>За свако кривично дело прописана је казна у распону, тако да се кривичним законодавством Републике Србије не прописује казну која је апсолутно одређена, нити казна која је апсолутно неодређена. С обзиром на то да се казне затвора прописује у распону судија у кривичном поступку мора да је индивидуализује, на основу одређених околности. Те околности су пре свега оне које се односе на личност учиниоца кривичног дела. Овде је реч о индивидуализацији казне затвора у ужем смислу, о којој одлучује суд.</p><p><br />Казна затвора се индивидуализује и након што осуђујућа пресуда постане правноснажна, и траје све док се и сама казна не изврши. У току извршења казне затвора личност осуђеника је главни критеријум за индивидуализацију казне у самом казненом заводу, а сама индивидуализација се спроводи пре свега од стране затворских власти. Осим тога, казна затвора се индивидуализује и кад се извршава у просторијама у којима осуђени станује. Овде је реч о индивидуализацији казне затвора у ширем смислу.</p><p><br />Циљ истраживања предметне проблематике јесте да се укаже на актуелно стање у вези са индивидуализацијом казне затвора у теорији, да се анализирају прописи из ове области и предоче законска решења из појединих држава који се тичу предметне проблематика. Крајњи циљ јесте да се укаже на значај<br />индивидуалиације казне затвора како у поступку изрицања казне, тако и у поступку извршења и да се дају конкретни de lega ferenda предлози.</p> / <p>Predmet doktorske disertacije jeste individualizacija kazne zatvora, i to tri njena nerazdvojna aspekta – kriminološki, krivičnopravni i penološki. Prvi deo rada, posvećen je kriminološkom aspekt individualizacije kazne zatvora. Krivičnopravnim aspektima individualizacije kazne zatvora posvećen je drugi deo rada. Predmet istraživanja u trećem delu rada jeste penološki aspekt individualizacije kazne zatvora.</p><p>Raznovrsni su kriminogeni faktori koji utiču na pojedinca da učini krivično delo, ali oni pre svega mogu biti subjektivni i objektivni. U toku krivičnog postupka, oni se vrednuju i utiču na samu individualizaciju kazne zatvora. Osim toga, njihov značaj je ogroman i u toku izvršenja zatvorske kazne. Zato su kriminološki aspekti nerazdvojni od krivičnopravnih i penoloških aspekata.</p><p>Za svako krivično delo propisana je kazna u rasponu, tako da se krivičnim zakonodavstvom Republike Srbije ne propisuje kaznu koja je apsolutno određena, niti kazna koja je apsolutno neodređena. S obzirom na to da se kazne zatvora propisuje u rasponu sudija u krivičnom postupku mora da je individualizuje, na osnovu određenih okolnosti. Te okolnosti su pre svega one koje se odnose na ličnost učinioca krivičnog dela. Ovde je reč o individualizaciji kazne zatvora u užem smislu, o kojoj odlučuje sud.</p><p><br />Kazna zatvora se individualizuje i nakon što osuđujuća presuda postane pravnosnažna, i traje sve dok se i sama kazna ne izvrši. U toku izvršenja kazne zatvora ličnost osuđenika je glavni kriterijum za individualizaciju kazne u samom kaznenom zavodu, a sama individualizacija se sprovodi pre svega od strane zatvorskih vlasti. Osim toga, kazna zatvora se individualizuje i kad se izvršava u prostorijama u kojima osuđeni stanuje. Ovde je reč o individualizaciji kazne zatvora u širem smislu.</p><p><br />Cilj istraživanja predmetne problematike jeste da se ukaže na aktuelno stanje u vezi sa individualizacijom kazne zatvora u teoriji, da se analiziraju propisi iz ove oblasti i predoče zakonska rešenja iz pojedinih država koji se tiču predmetne problematika. Krajnji cilj jeste da se ukaže na značaj<br />individualiacije kazne zatvora kako u postupku izricanja kazne, tako i u postupku izvršenja i da se daju konkretni de lega ferenda predlozi.</p> / <p>The subject of the doctoral thesis is the individualization of incarceration and its three inseparable aspects – the criminological, criminal-law and penological aspect. The first part of the thesis deals with the criminological aspect of the individualization of incarceration. The criminal-law aspect of the individualization of the punishment of incarceration is discusses in the second part. The subject of the third part is the penological aspect of the individualization of incarceration.<br />There are various criminogenic factors which influence an individual to commit a crime, but they are, first and foremost, divided into the subjective and objective. During a criminal procedure they are evaluated and then influence the individualization of incarceration. Furthermore, they are of great importance during the execution of a prison sentence. Because of this, the criminological aspects are inseparable from the criminal-law and penological aspects.<br />Punishments are perscribed within certain ranges for every crime. The criminal law of the Republic of Serbia also does not define punishments absolutely, nor does it leave a punishment absolutely undefined. Considering the fact that the punishment of incarceration is perscribed in a certain range, the judge in a criminal procedure must individualize it based on the existing circumstances. These circumstances include, above all, those concerning the personality of the defendant. The subject here is the individualization in its narrow sense, which falls under the jurisdiction of the court.<br />The punishment of incarceration is further individualized after a sentence becomes final and produces legal effect until the complete execution of the sentence. During the execution of a prison sentence the personality of the convict is the main criteria for the individualization of the sentence within the detention center itself, first and foremost by the prison authorities themselves. Apart from this, the punishment of incarceration is also individualized when it is being executed in the place of residence of the convict. This is the individualization of the prison sentence in its broader sense.<br />The goal of the research of this subject is to highlight the current state of individualization of incarceration in theory, to analyze legislation from this field and to present legal solutions of certain countries concering the subject. The final goal is to stress<br />the importance of the individualization of incarceration in the process of sentencing as well as during the execution of a sentence and to give concrete de lega ferenda proposals.</p>
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Court officials and the legal relevance of anti-indigenous discrimination, violence and colonial state harmsBatista, Cecília 08 1900 (has links)
Au Canada, la littérature montre que les personnes autochtones sont surreprésentées dans le système de justice pénale depuis des décennies Ce phénomène a souvent été lié au colonialisme. La jurisprudence et les modifications apportées au Code criminel canadien ont pris cette approche en compte. Les affaires R. c. Gladue et R. c. Ipeelee mis en évidence l’importance pour les juges de reconnaître les circonstances uniques des accusés autochtones. L'application des principes Gladue a suscité beaucoup de débats par le biais d'analyses d'études de cas. Pour enrichir et approfondir ces travaux, un compte rendu empirique analysant le point de vue des avocats de la défense pénale lorsqu'ils présentent ce type de considérations devant les tribunaux pénaux serait utile. Je me base sur 75 entretiens semi-structurés avec 64 avocats de la défense pénale représentant des clients autochtones dans des zones urbaines, suburbaines, nordiques, éloignées et rurales de l'Ontario. En ce qui concerne la reconnaissance par les acteurs judiciaires des arguments relatifs à la discrimination anti-autochtone, à la violence et aux préjudices causés par l'État colonial, les participants ont adopté une position relativement prévisible : cela dépend de multiples facteurs, notamment de qui ils sont, de la personne en face d'eux, de la juridiction et du type de tribunal devant lequel ils plaident, de l'identité de leur client et du délit commis. Cependant, les directives Gladue semblent encore souvent ignorées par les acteurs judiciaires. Mes conclusions dénoncent l’inadéquation des tribunaux traditionnels pour de nombreuses personnes autochtones, tout en illustrant comment les tribunaux pénaux du Canada sont ancrés dans les inégalités et les reproduisent. Mes conclusions soulignent également la nécessité d'augmenter le financement des avocats qui représentent les défendeurs autochtones marginalisés. / In Canada, research shows that indigenous people have been overrepresented in the criminal justice system for decades This phenomenon has been tied to colonialism by many Jurisprudence and modifications to Canada’s criminal code have been following along with this approach. R. v. Gladue and R. v. Ipeelee made significant considerations involving the duty of judges to recognize the unique circumstances of indigenous accused. Much ink has been spilled about the application of Gladue principles through case study analyses. What could complement and extend this work, is an empirical account that analyzes criminal defence lawyers’ point of view when presenting these types of considerations in criminal courts. I draw on 75 semi-structure interviews with 64 criminal defence lawyers representing indigenous clients in urban, suburban, northern, remote and rural areas of Ontario. When talking about court officials recognizing arguments about anti-indigenous discrimination, violence and colonial state harms, participants presented a somewhat predictable stance: it depends on multiple factors, including, but not limited to who they are, who is in front of them, what is the jurisdiction and type of court they are presenting their case at, who their client is and what crime they committed. Still, court officials still appear to disregard Gladue directives. My findings denounce the unsuitability of traditional courts to many indigenous peoples, all while illustrating how Canada’s criminal courts are embedded in and reproduce inequalities. They also emphasize the critical need for increased funding for lawyers representing marginalized indigenous defendants.
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Řízení o přestupcích v prvním stupni / First instance hearing of administrative delictsNováková, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The subject matter of this thesis is the first instance hearing of administrative delicts, where the main focus is on the legal status of the accused. Since the adjudgement on guilt of the accused is the fundamental objective of the administrative infraction proceedings, it is not conceivable that such proceedings would be conducted in his/her absence. The accused is the essential subject whose rights and obligations are mandatorily adjudicated. Part 3 of the Act No. 200/1990 Coll., on Transgressions, is the main source of legal regulation of administrative infraction proceedings, while the Act No. 500/2004 Coll., Administrative Procedure Code, shall be used subsidiarily. These laws represent the basic legal framework for a proper conduction of administrative infraction proceedings. However it is also necessary to apply a wide range of legal principles arising out of the constitutional law and the international law. The European Convention on Human Rights plays a pivotal role since it guarantees the right to a fair trial, together with the presumption of innocence and the right of self-defense, as two integral parts of the right to a fair trial. This thesis analyses the individual procedural rights of the accused in detail, along with their classification into appropriate stages of the...
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Úloha speciálního pedagoga v systému zacházení s vězni / Special pedagogue role in system of treating with prisonersSechterová, Lenka January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with special pedagogue role in system of treating with prisoners at the department custody and department of imprisonment. It also describes all the activities and programs, which are prepared by special pedagogue for accused and convinced. There is described the work of special pedagogue in Remand Prison Praha-Pankrác. The research was based on observations, case reports and interviews.
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Prognóza vývoje velikosti a struktury vězeňské populace v ČR / Forecast of the size and structure of the prison population in the CRKoňařík, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Forecast of the size and structure of the prison population in the CR Abstract: Forecasting of prison population in the Czech Republic is almost an unexplored topic. To the whole prison system as a topic is also devoted little space in the literature. The most advanced methods of forecasting of prison populations cannot be used to the Czech data, which are used in countries with a long tradition of it. The data are not connected between Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Interior, and also differ in their definitions. It is therefore necessary to use a simplified method, which correspond to the data sources. The process is also interfered with unexpected external factors such as the amnesty of the President of the Republic on the 1 January 2013. Models for convicted expected forecast decline in their number by the end of 2013 to 12 to 19 thousands. Models further assume that a decline in 2013 would take place, even if there were no amnesty. Models for the accused assume their fluctuation around the same values. Follow-up calculations show that the state would save significantly by the projection models variants and also the burden on prison officers in correctional facilities would be reduced to 2.1 to 3.2 prisoners per guard from the current 3.5 prisoners per guard. Keywords: prison projection,...
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