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The publicness puzzle in organisation theory : a study of pharmacy in hospitalsAnderson, Stuart Charles January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Managing risk; how doctors, nurses and pharmacists optimise the use of medicines in acute hospitals in Northern Ireland: a grounded theory study.Friel, Anne B.M. January 2018 (has links)
Medicines optimisation requires healthcare professionals to work collaboratively
to meet the medication needs of patients.
A grounded theory was produced which explains how doctors, nurses and
pharmacists work to optimise the use of medicines in acute hospital settings in
Northern Ireland. Seventeen semi-structured, one-to-one interviews were
conducted with doctors, nurses and pharmacists. Concurrent data collection
and analysis was carried out using coding, particular to grounded theory,
adopting a constant comparative approach, writing memos and using theoretical
sampling as described by Strauss and Corbin (1998).
The core category was managing risk. Participants had an implicit
understanding of the need to continually manage risk when working with the
complex and the routine. They used personal and systemic checks and
balances which could be viewed either as duplication of effort or indicative of a
culture of safety. Multi-professional interdependencies and support for new,
professional, non-medical roles were highlighted. Working together was a
further strategy to ensuring each patient gets the right medicine. Establishing an
agreed framework for working with medicines at ward level could support the
safer use of medicines.
It is anticipated that this theory will contribute to the design of systems involved
in medicines use in acute hospitals in Northern Ireland. / Part-funded by:
Northern Ireland Centre for Pharmacy Postgraduate Learning and Development (NICPLD),
Western Health and Social Care Trust
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Impact of a person-centred dementia care training programme on hospital staff attitudes, role efficacy and perceptions of caring for people with dementia: A repeated measures studySurr, Claire A., Smith, Sarah J., Crossland, Jo, Robins, Jan 25 September 2015 (has links)
Yes / People with dementia occupy up to one quarter of acute hospital beds. However, the quality of care delivered to this patient group is of national concern. Staff working in acute hospitals report lack of knowledge, skills and confidence in caring for people with dementia. There is limited evidence about the most effective approaches to supporting acute hospital staff to deliver more person-centred care.
This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of a specialist training programme for acute hospital staff regarding improving attitudes, satisfaction and feelings of caring efficacy, in provision of care to people with dementia.
A repeated measures design, with measures completed immediately prior to commencing training (T1), after completion of Foundation level training (T2: 4–6 weeks post-baseline), and following Intermediate level training (T3: 3–4 months post-baseline).
All participants received the 3.5 day Person-centred Care Training for Acute Hospitals (PCTAH) programme, comprised of two levels, Foundation (0.5 day) and Intermediate (3 days), delivered over a 3–4 months period. Staff demographics and previous exposure to dementia training were collected via a questionnaire. Staff attitudes were measured using the Approaches to Dementia Questionnaire (ADQ), satisfaction in caring for people with dementia was captured using the Staff Experiences of Working with Demented Residents questionnaire (SEWDR) and perceived caring efficacy was measured using the Caring Efficacy Scale (CES).
The training programme was effective in producing a significant positive change on all three outcome measures following intermediate training compared to baseline. A significant positive effect was found on the ADQ between baseline and after completion of Foundation level training, but not for either of the other measures.
Training acute hospital staff in Intermediate level person-centred dementia care is effective in producing significant improvements in attitudes towards and satisfaction in caring for people with dementia and feelings of caring efficacy. Foundation level training is effective in changing attitudes but does not seem to be sufficient to bring about change in satisfaction or caring efficacy.
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Nimikesuojattujen ja laillistettujen ammattihenkilöiden työnjako yliopistosairaalan muuttuvassa toimintaympäristössäLavander, P. (Päivi) 10 October 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to synthesize the existing evidence of working time use and division of labour among nurses and healthcare workers in hospitals. In addition, the purpose was to describe and analyse the interface between registered nurses’ and practical nurses’ work in adult hospital wards and to determine challenges and barriers related to the development of division of labour.
The systematic review data consisting of 16 articles was analysed narratively. The quantitative data consisted of practical nurses’ (n = 121), registered nurses’ (n = 472) and nurse managers’ (n = 67) perceptions of practical nurses’ work activities which were analysed statistically. The qualitative data consisted of the above-mentioned groups’ perceptions (n = 260) of the challenges and barriers regarding the development of division of labour.
All working groups spent less than half of their working time in direct care duties. Registered nurses spent one-fifth of their working time on documentation. All nurses also had a lot of non-nursing tasks. The quantitative data results revealed that practical nurses performed a wide range of tasks, but the groups’ perceptions of the content of the work differed significantly. The qualitative data showed that challenges and barriers in developing the division of labour were related to individual experiences and know-how and organisational factors.
Both practical nurses and registered nurses should concentrate on the tasks they have competence on based on their training. Full expertise is used to benefit nursing work while non-nursing tasks should be delegated to lower educated staff. The role of nurse managers is to help to develop the division of labour and to influence the various challenges and barriers of division of labour.
Nurse managers, education planners and health educators may utilise the results. They provide an evidence-based tool for competence development, resource planning and development of education. / Tiivistelmä
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvailla ja analysoida työnjakoa välittömään potilashoitoon osallistuvan hoitohenkilökunnan välillä. Lisäksi tarkoituksena oli kuvailla ja analysoida nimikesuojattujen ammattihenkilöiden ja laillistettujen ammattihenkilöiden työnjaon rajapintaa sekä työnjaon kehittämisen haasteita ja esteitä. Työnjaolla tarkoitetaan sitä tapaa, jolla toiminta ja tehtävät järjestetään tarkoituksenmukaisella tavalla hoidon kokonaisuuden ja eri ammattiryhmien välisen osaamisen näkökulmasta.
Tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä vaiheessa tehtiin synteesi työnjakoon liittyvästä tutkimuksesta systemaattisen kirjallisuuskatsauksen avulla. Tutkimusartikkelit (n = 16) analysoitiin narratiivisesti. Toisen vaiheen tutkimusaineisto sisälsi kyselylomakkeen avulla saatuja nimikesuojattujen ammattihenkilöiden (n = 121), laillistettujen ammattihenkilöiden (n = 472) sekä esimiesten (n = 67) tuottamia vastauksia sekä saman lomakkeen avoimeen kysymykseen tuotettuja vastauksia (n = 260). Aineistot analysoitiin tilastollisesti ja sisällönanalyysillä.
Nimikkeestä riippumatta kaikki hoitajat käyttivät välittömään potilashoitoon alle puolet työajasta. Kirjaamiseen kului noin viidennes työajasta ja lisäksi kaikilla ammattiryhmillä oli paljon ei-hoidollisia tehtäviä.
Laillistettujen ammattihenkilöiden ryhmä arvioi lähes säännönmukaisesti nimikesuojattujen tekevän kyselylomakkeessa mainittuja tehtäviä useammin ja esimiehet harvemmin kuin nimikesuojatut itse arvioivat. Ryhmien väliset erot olivat merkitseviä yli puolessa tehtävistä. Työnjaon kehittämisen haasteet ja esteet liittyivät yksilön kokemuksiin, yksilön tieto-taitoon ja organisaatioon liittyviin tekijöihin.
Tavoitteena on, että työntekijäryhmät keskittyvät niihin tehtäviin, joihin ovat saaneet koulutuksen perusteella osaamisen. Koko osaaminen käytetään hyödyksi ja ei-hoidolliset tehtävät siirretään pois hoitotyöntekijöiltä. Hoitotyön johdon tehtävänä on edesauttaa työnjaon kehittämistä ja vaikuttaa erilaisilla interventioilla työnjaon esteisiin ja haasteisiin.
Tutkimuksen tuloksia voivat hyödyntää hoitotyön johtajat, koulutuksen suunnittelijat ja terveysalan opettajat resurssien kohdentamisessa, muutosten johtamisessa ja läpiviemisessä sekä koulutuksen ja osaamisen kehittämisessä.
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