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Caractérisation fonctionnelle du gène AP1S1 mutant associé au syndrome de MEDNIKCôté, Stéphanie 03 1900 (has links)
Dans les cellules eucaryotes, le trafic intracellulaire de nombreuses protéines est assuré par des vésicules de transport tapissées de clathrine. Les complexes adaptateurs de clathrine (AP) sont responsables de l’assemblage de ces vésicules et de la sélection des protéines qui seront transportées. Nous avons étudié cinq familles atteintes du syndrome neurocutané MEDNIK qui est caractérisé par un retard mental, une entéropathie, une surdité, une neuropathie périphérique, de l’icthyose et de la kératodermie. Tous les cas connus de cette maladie à transmission autosomique récessive sont originaires de la région de Kamouraska, dans la province de Québec. Par séquençage direct des gènes candidats, nous avons identifié une mutation impliquant le site accepteur de l’épissage de l’intron 2 du gène codant pour la sous-unité σ1 du complexe AP1 (AP1S1). Cette mutation fondatrice a été retrouvée chez tous les individus atteints du syndrome MEDNIK et altère l’épissage normal du gène, menant à un codon stop prématuré. Afin de valider l’effet pathogène de la mutation, nous avons bloqué la traduction de cette protéine chez le poisson zébré en injectant une séquence d’oligonucléotides antisenses spécifique à AP1S1. À 48 heures après la fertilisation, les larves knock down pour AP1S1 montrent une réduction de la pigmentation, une désorganisation de la structure de l’épiderme et une perturbation du développement moteur. Alors que la surexpression de l’AP1S1 humain dans ce modèle a permis la récupération du phénotype normal, l’expression de l’AP1S1 mutant fut sans effet sur les phénotypes moteurs et cutanés des larves knock down. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la mutation du AP1S1 responsable du syndrome de MEDNIK est associée à une perte de fonction et que la sous-unité σ1 du complexe AP1 joue un rôle crucial dans l’organisation de l’épiderme et le développement de la moelle épinière. / Intracellular protein transport between organelles is mainly mediated by clathrin coated vesicles. Clathrin adaptor protein (AP) complexes participate in clathrin coated vesicle formation and in sorting protein cargo. We studied 5 families with MEDNIK syndrome, which is characterized by mental retardation, enteropathy, deafness, neuropathy, ichtyosis and keratoderma. All families affected with this autosomal recessive syndrome originate from an isolated population in the Kamouraska region of Quebec. The candidate genes identified in the positive region were sequenced and a founder mutation was identified in the acceptor splice slice of intron 2 of the AP1S1 gene. This gene encodes for the small subunit σ1 of the complex adaptor 1 (AP1). This splicing mutation leads to a premature stop codon, which is predicted to alter the normal function of this protein. To validate the pathogenic effect of this mutation we blocked the AP1S1 protein translation in zebrafish by injecting an anti-sense oligonucleotide designed against AP1S1. At 48 hours post fertilisation, the knockdown larvae showed reduced pigmentation, perturbation of skin formation, and severe perturbation of motor development and function motor development. Over expression of the human AP1S1 rescued the normal phenotype whereas the expression of the mutant AP1S1 did not. These results show that this mutation is causative for MEDNIK syndrome and demonstrates a critical role of the small subunit σ1 in epidermal organisation and in the development of the spinal cord.
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Sorting nexin 9 in clathrin-mediated endocytosisLundmark, Richard January 2004 (has links)
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis is a process by which cells can internalise diverse molecules such as nutrients, antigens and signalling-surface receptors. The creation of clathrin-coated vesicles demands interplay between the plasma membrane lipids, cargo molecules and the proteins that build up the coat. This thesis deals with the identification and characterisation of sorting nexin 9 (SNX9) as a novel component of the endocytic machinery. SNX9 belongs to a large family of proteins based on the presence of a PX domain. In addition, SNX9 harbours an SH3 domain followed by a region with predicted low-complexity and a C-terminal BAR homology domain. Binding studies demonstrated that SNX9 interacted with the endocytic core components clathrin and AP-2 and dynamin-2, a GTPase known to be crucial for vesicle scission. The C-terminal region bound to phosphatidylinositols and targeted SNX9 to artificial liposomes and cellular membranes. Consistent with a role in endocytosis, a large portion of SNX9 co-localised with AP-2 and dynamin-2 but not with markers for early endosomes, Golgi. Over-expression of truncated variants of SNX9 in K562 and HeLa cells interfered with the uptake of transferrin. SNX9 recycles between a membrane-bound and a cytosolic pool. In cytosol, SNX9 formed a resting complex together with dynamin-2 and the metabolic enzyme aldolase. Activation for membrane binding involved ATP hydrolysis and correlated with phosphorylation of SNX9 and the release of aldolase. Aldolase bound to a tryptophan-containing acidic region near the clathrin and AP-2 motifs and blocked lipid binding of purified SNX9 derivatives. SNX9 was required for membrane targeting of dynamin2 in vitro and knockdown of SNX9 in HeLa cells by RNAi resulted in impaired membrane localisation. Together these results argue strongly for a role of SNX9 in recruiting and linking of dynamin-2 to sites of vesicle creation.
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Evidence for a Dynamic Adaptor Complex between the P1 Plasmid and Bacterial Nucleoid Promoted by ParA and ParB Partition ProteinsHavey, James C. 21 August 2012 (has links)
P1 prophage is stably maintained in E. coli as a low-copy-number plasmid. Stable maintenance of P1 is dependent on the function of the plasmid encoded partition system, parABS. ParA is the partition ATPase, ParB is the partition-site binding protein, and parS is the partition site. The concerted action of these proteins results in dynamic movement of the plasmid over the bacterial nucleoid, which results in its stable maintenance. Plasmid movement has been proposed to be caused by interactions between parS bound ParB and nucleoid bound
ParA. In this thesis, I have identified a complex of ParA, ParB, and DNA that is capable of promoting plasmid stability. ParA, ParB, DNA interactions required the ATP bound conformation of ParA. The ParA-ParB-DNA complex was dynamically regulated by nucleotide hydrolysis, which promoted complex disassembly. Complex formation resulted from the cooperative binding of ParA and ParB to DNA. ParA-ParB and ParB-DNA interactions were both necessary for complex formation. ParA-ParB-DNA complex size was regulated by ParB stimulation of ParA-ATP hydrolysis. Microscopy demonstrated that complexes resulted in the association of multiple DNA molecules due to protein binding. The properties of complex assembly, dynamics, and DNA grouping lead me to propose a model where associations between ParA bound to the bacterial nucleoid and the partition complex mediated plasmid movement and localization.
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Evidence for a Dynamic Adaptor Complex between the P1 Plasmid and Bacterial Nucleoid Promoted by ParA and ParB Partition ProteinsHavey, James C. 21 August 2012 (has links)
P1 prophage is stably maintained in E. coli as a low-copy-number plasmid. Stable maintenance of P1 is dependent on the function of the plasmid encoded partition system, parABS. ParA is the partition ATPase, ParB is the partition-site binding protein, and parS is the partition site. The concerted action of these proteins results in dynamic movement of the plasmid over the bacterial nucleoid, which results in its stable maintenance. Plasmid movement has been proposed to be caused by interactions between parS bound ParB and nucleoid bound
ParA. In this thesis, I have identified a complex of ParA, ParB, and DNA that is capable of promoting plasmid stability. ParA, ParB, DNA interactions required the ATP bound conformation of ParA. The ParA-ParB-DNA complex was dynamically regulated by nucleotide hydrolysis, which promoted complex disassembly. Complex formation resulted from the cooperative binding of ParA and ParB to DNA. ParA-ParB and ParB-DNA interactions were both necessary for complex formation. ParA-ParB-DNA complex size was regulated by ParB stimulation of ParA-ATP hydrolysis. Microscopy demonstrated that complexes resulted in the association of multiple DNA molecules due to protein binding. The properties of complex assembly, dynamics, and DNA grouping lead me to propose a model where associations between ParA bound to the bacterial nucleoid and the partition complex mediated plasmid movement and localization.
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The Clathrin Adaptor AP-1 and Type II Phosphatidylinositol 4-Kinase are Required for Glue Granule Biogenesis in DrosophilaBurgess, Jason 06 December 2012 (has links)
Regulated secretion of hormones, digestive enzymes and other biologically active molecules requires formation of secretory granules. However, the molecular machinery required for secretory granule biogenesis is incompletely understood. I used powerful genetic approaches available in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster to investigate the factors required for biogenesis of mucin-containing ‘glue granules,’ which form within epithelial cells of the third-instar larval salivary gland. I discovered that clathrin and the clathrin adaptor protein complex (AP-1), as well the enzyme type II phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI4KII), are indispensable for glue granule biogenesis.
Clathrin and AP-1 are necessary for maturation of exocrine, endocrine and neuroendocrine secretory granules in mammalian cells. I found that Drosophila clathrin and AP-1 colocalize at the TGN and that clathrin recruitment requires AP-1. I further showed that clathrin and AP-1 colocalize with secretory cargo at the TGN and on glue granules. Finally, I demonstrated that loss of clathrin or AP-1 leads to a profound block in secretory granule biogenesis. These findings establish a novel role for AP-1/clathrin-dependent trafficking in the formation of mucin-containing secretory granules.
Type II phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI4KII) generates the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P) at the trans-Golgi network and is required to recruit cargo to endosomes in mammalian cells. I generated null mutations in the sole Drosophila PI4KII and demonstrated a role for PI4KII in both glue granule and pigment granule biogenesis. PI4KII mutant salivary gland cells exhibit small glue granules and mislocalize glue protein to abnormally large late endosomes. Additionally, PI4KII mutants exhibit altered distribution of the granule specific SNARE, SNAP-24. These data point to a crucial role for PI4KII in sorting of regulated secretory products during granule biogenesis. Together, my results indicate that the larval salivary gland is a valuable system for investigating molecular mechanisms involved in secretory granule biogenesis, and provide a framework for future studies using this system.
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Function of Nck-1 adaptor protein as modulator of elF2alpha phosphorylation by specific elF2alpha kinases and PKR activityCardin, Eric. January 2008 (has links)
Phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of the eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2alpha) on Serine 51 (Ser51) is an early event associated with downregulation of protein synthesis at the level of translation and constitutes a potent mechanism to overcome various stress conditions. In mammals, four eIF2alpha-kinases PERK, PKR, HRI and GCN2, activated following specific stresses, have been involved in this process. Our laboratory has previously demonstrated that the adaptor protein Nck, composed only of Src homology domains and classically implicated in cell signaling by activated plasma membrane receptor tyrosine kinases, modulates translation through its interaction with the beta-subunit of the eukaryotic initiation factor 2 (eIF2beta). Moreover, we reported that Nck-1 overexpression antagonizes the inhibition of translation in endoplasmic reticulum stress condition and prevents the PERK-mediated phosphorylation of the alpha-subunit of eIF2 on Ser51. In this thesis, I demonstrate that the adaptor protein Nck-1 modulates eIF2alpha-kinase-mediated eIF2alphaSer51 phosphorylation in a specific manner. More particularly, I show that Nck-1 overexpression reduces eIF2alpha phosphorylation in conditions activating PKR or HRI as described previously for PERK. In contrast, I observe that overexpression of Nck-1 in mammalian cells fails to attenuate eIF2alphaSer51 phosphorylation in response to amino acid starvation, a stress condition activating GCN2. I further confirm this observation by showing that Nck-1 fails to alter eIF2alphaSer51 phosphorylation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, for which the sole eIF2alpha-kinase is GCN2. In addition, I report that Nck-1 reduces PKR activation in response to dsRNA. I also find that Nck-1 reduces dsRNA-induced activation of p38 MAPK, a PKR-downstream substrate, and cell death. Finally, I show that Nck-1 interacts exclusively with the inactivated form of PKR in a Src homology domain independent manner. All together these data uncover the existence of a novel mechanism regulating phosphorylation of eIF2alphaSer51 under various stress conditions and identifies Nck-1 as a modulator of the tumor suppressor and antiviral protein kinase PKR.
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Nck1 is required for ER stress-induced insulin resistance and regulation of IRS1-dependent insulin signallingLaberge, Marie-Kristine. January 2008 (has links)
Activation of the Unfolded Protein Response (UPR) following stress in the Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) is an important mechanism by which obesity results in insulin resistance and type II diabetes. We uncovered a role for the adaptor protein Nck in modulating the UPR. In this study, we report that obese Nck1-/- mice, which show lower levels of UPR in liver and adipose tissue, present improved insulin signalling in these tissues. We established that the effect of Nck1 is cell autonomous by showing that HepG2 cells treated with Nck1 siRNA have reduced ER stress-induced UPR and Insulin Receptor Substrate-1 (IRS-1) serine phosphorylation. In these cells, we observed that the IRS-1 levels and activation of signalling components downstream of the insulin receptor were increased. This correlates with enhanced cell survival to stress and insulin stimulated glycogen synthesis. Overall, we demonstrated that Nck1 participates in ER-stress-induced insulin resistance and regulation of IRS-1-dependent signalling.
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The role of the Gab family of docking proteins in Met mediated membrane ruffle formation /Frigault, Melanie M. (Melanie Mae), 1979- January 2008 (has links)
In response to extra-cellular cues, cells activate signal transduction pathways to elicit a biological response. Cell surface growth factor receptors such as the Met receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) activate signals that result in cellular proliferation, survival, migration, as well as epithelial morphogenesis. In order for signal transduction to occur, docking proteins are recruited to the activated RTK, become phosphorylated on tyrosine residues, which then serve as docking sites for the recruitment of other signaling proteins. Docking proteins function to diversify the signal by assembling multi-protein complexes. The Gab1 docking protein is the most tyrosine phosphorylated protein upon Met receptor activation and is required for Met mediated signaling and biology. / Gab1 belongs to a family of docking proteins including the highly related Gab2 protein. Gab1 promotes signals for epithelial morphogenesis downstream of the Met receptor, however Gab2 is unable to do so. Insertion of the Gab1 Met binding Motif (MBM) which confers direct binding to the Met receptor, as well as membrane targeting of Gab2 is sufficient to switch the capacity of Gab2 to activate the morphogenic program, cell scatter and lamellipodia formation. This is achieved via activation of sustained signaling pathways, and redistribution of the Gab protein, and associated molecules to sites of lamellipodia formation at the peripheral edge of the cell. / Activation of the Met RTK, promotes the formation of dorsal ruffles on the apical surface of epithelial cells. The Met receptor, Gab1 and Gab1 associated molecules Shp2, Crk, and p8S subunit of PI3K, are localized to these structures, however only the Gab1erk complex is required to drive dorsal ruffle formation. Gab1 is required for Met induced dorsal ruffles as well as downstream the PDGF and EGF RTKs. These are a signaling micro-environment which results in enhanced receptor degradation. Inhibition or enhancement of Met mediated dorsal ruffle formation correlates with receptor stability. / Dorsal ruffle formation downstream of Met requires the enzymatic activity of PI3K and PLCgamma, both enzymes that metabolize PIP2, and form complexes with Gab1 downstream of Met. PLCgamma and the PIP3 lipid product of PI3K are co-localized with Gab1 in dorsal ruffles. Gab1 engages with elements of the cytoskeleton, actin and cortactin, providing a link between growth factor signaling and remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton. Gab1 is localized to membrane protrusions of the basal surface in organoid cultures and is required for actin protrusions of the basal surface of breast cancer cells.
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Caractérisation fonctionnelle du gène AP1S1 mutant associé au syndrome de MEDNIKCôté, Stéphanie 03 1900 (has links)
Dans les cellules eucaryotes, le trafic intracellulaire de nombreuses protéines est assuré par des vésicules de transport tapissées de clathrine. Les complexes adaptateurs de clathrine (AP) sont responsables de l’assemblage de ces vésicules et de la sélection des protéines qui seront transportées. Nous avons étudié cinq familles atteintes du syndrome neurocutané MEDNIK qui est caractérisé par un retard mental, une entéropathie, une surdité, une neuropathie périphérique, de l’icthyose et de la kératodermie. Tous les cas connus de cette maladie à transmission autosomique récessive sont originaires de la région de Kamouraska, dans la province de Québec. Par séquençage direct des gènes candidats, nous avons identifié une mutation impliquant le site accepteur de l’épissage de l’intron 2 du gène codant pour la sous-unité σ1 du complexe AP1 (AP1S1). Cette mutation fondatrice a été retrouvée chez tous les individus atteints du syndrome MEDNIK et altère l’épissage normal du gène, menant à un codon stop prématuré. Afin de valider l’effet pathogène de la mutation, nous avons bloqué la traduction de cette protéine chez le poisson zébré en injectant une séquence d’oligonucléotides antisenses spécifique à AP1S1. À 48 heures après la fertilisation, les larves knock down pour AP1S1 montrent une réduction de la pigmentation, une désorganisation de la structure de l’épiderme et une perturbation du développement moteur. Alors que la surexpression de l’AP1S1 humain dans ce modèle a permis la récupération du phénotype normal, l’expression de l’AP1S1 mutant fut sans effet sur les phénotypes moteurs et cutanés des larves knock down. Les résultats obtenus montrent que la mutation du AP1S1 responsable du syndrome de MEDNIK est associée à une perte de fonction et que la sous-unité σ1 du complexe AP1 joue un rôle crucial dans l’organisation de l’épiderme et le développement de la moelle épinière. / Intracellular protein transport between organelles is mainly mediated by clathrin coated vesicles. Clathrin adaptor protein (AP) complexes participate in clathrin coated vesicle formation and in sorting protein cargo. We studied 5 families with MEDNIK syndrome, which is characterized by mental retardation, enteropathy, deafness, neuropathy, ichtyosis and keratoderma. All families affected with this autosomal recessive syndrome originate from an isolated population in the Kamouraska region of Quebec. The candidate genes identified in the positive region were sequenced and a founder mutation was identified in the acceptor splice slice of intron 2 of the AP1S1 gene. This gene encodes for the small subunit σ1 of the complex adaptor 1 (AP1). This splicing mutation leads to a premature stop codon, which is predicted to alter the normal function of this protein. To validate the pathogenic effect of this mutation we blocked the AP1S1 protein translation in zebrafish by injecting an anti-sense oligonucleotide designed against AP1S1. At 48 hours post fertilisation, the knockdown larvae showed reduced pigmentation, perturbation of skin formation, and severe perturbation of motor development and function motor development. Over expression of the human AP1S1 rescued the normal phenotype whereas the expression of the mutant AP1S1 did not. These results show that this mutation is causative for MEDNIK syndrome and demonstrates a critical role of the small subunit σ1 in epidermal organisation and in the development of the spinal cord.
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The Clathrin Adaptor AP-1 and Type II Phosphatidylinositol 4-Kinase are Required for Glue Granule Biogenesis in DrosophilaBurgess, Jason 06 December 2012 (has links)
Regulated secretion of hormones, digestive enzymes and other biologically active molecules requires formation of secretory granules. However, the molecular machinery required for secretory granule biogenesis is incompletely understood. I used powerful genetic approaches available in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster to investigate the factors required for biogenesis of mucin-containing ‘glue granules,’ which form within epithelial cells of the third-instar larval salivary gland. I discovered that clathrin and the clathrin adaptor protein complex (AP-1), as well the enzyme type II phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI4KII), are indispensable for glue granule biogenesis.
Clathrin and AP-1 are necessary for maturation of exocrine, endocrine and neuroendocrine secretory granules in mammalian cells. I found that Drosophila clathrin and AP-1 colocalize at the TGN and that clathrin recruitment requires AP-1. I further showed that clathrin and AP-1 colocalize with secretory cargo at the TGN and on glue granules. Finally, I demonstrated that loss of clathrin or AP-1 leads to a profound block in secretory granule biogenesis. These findings establish a novel role for AP-1/clathrin-dependent trafficking in the formation of mucin-containing secretory granules.
Type II phosphatidylinositol 4-kinase (PI4KII) generates the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P) at the trans-Golgi network and is required to recruit cargo to endosomes in mammalian cells. I generated null mutations in the sole Drosophila PI4KII and demonstrated a role for PI4KII in both glue granule and pigment granule biogenesis. PI4KII mutant salivary gland cells exhibit small glue granules and mislocalize glue protein to abnormally large late endosomes. Additionally, PI4KII mutants exhibit altered distribution of the granule specific SNARE, SNAP-24. These data point to a crucial role for PI4KII in sorting of regulated secretory products during granule biogenesis. Together, my results indicate that the larval salivary gland is a valuable system for investigating molecular mechanisms involved in secretory granule biogenesis, and provide a framework for future studies using this system.
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