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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Gyvenamojo namo procesų kompiuterinio valdymo modelio sudarymas ir tyrimas / Development and research of living house processes computerized control model

Čepkauskas, Vladas 28 May 2004 (has links)
This work is dedicated to the making and research of smarthouse control systems. The main problem in such systems is that there are many subsystems in the living house that we have to control in real time. Following tasks were completed in order to tackle this problem:  in-house processes analysis;  formal modeling methods analysis;  composition of control system model;  control system model verification. Petri nets were chosen as formal modeling method for control system. Control system model was created using timed Petri nets (TPN). Models of functional elements and control system model was simulated using Matlab software. Following conclusions were made after model research:  models of functional elements operated correctly;  models of functional elements can be used for systems with specific requirements;  control system model dispensed time for functional elements properly;  composed model can be easily changed and expanded;  composed model will be implemented and used in “Structural Solutions and Functionality Optimization of Dwelling Houses” project.

Ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų verbaliniai gebėjimai ir adaptyvus elgesys / Verbal abilities and adaptive behavior of preschool children

Bubnytė, Kamilė 23 June 2014 (has links)
IKIMOKYKLINIO AMŽIAUS VAIKŲ VERBALINIAI GEBĖJIMAI IR ADAPTYVUS ELGESYS SANTRAUKA Ikimokykliniame amžiuje įvertinti vaiko intelektiniai gebėjimai ir iš tėvų bei ugdymo įstaigų darbuotojų gautos žinios apie vaiko funkcionavimą kasdienėje jo aplinkoje – svarbi informacija ruošiant vaiką mokyklai. Tačiau Lietuvoje mažų vaikų įvertinimui skiriama pakankamai mažai dėmesio, paprastai akcentuojama vaiko kognityvinė raida, neatsižvelgiant į jo gebėjimą savarankiškai veikti. Šiame tiriamajame darbe analizuojami ryšiai tarp vyresnio ikimokyklinio amžiaus vaikų verbalinių gebėjimų ir adaptyvaus elgesio. Verbaliniams gebėjimams įvertinti pasirinkti keturi subtestai iš Lietuvoje pradėto standartizuoti WPPSI-III (Wechsler Pre-school and Primary Scale of Intelligence). Siekiant įvertinti tiriamųjų adaptyvų elgesį naudotos Lietuviškos adaptyvaus elgesio skalės (LAES), vertinančios vaiko adaptyvų elgesį 9 srityse. Vidutinės, tačiau statistiškai reikšmingos koreliacijos tarp WPPSI-III subtestų ir LAES sričių leidžia teigti, kad tai du skirtingi, tačiau susiję konstruktai. Tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad statistiškai reikšmingo skirtumo tarp berniukų ir mergaičių adaptyvaus elgesio ir verbalinių gebėjimų nėra, tačiau vidutiniškai berniukų LAES ir WPPSI-III subtestų įverčių ir bendrų skalių rezultatai geresni už mergaičių (išskyrus WPPSI-III Panašumų subtestą ir LAES Savireguliacijos ir veiklos organizavimo bei Bendruomenės įgūdžius). Pagal gyvenamąją vietą statistiškai reikšmingai geresni mieste... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / VERBAL ABILITIES ANDADAPTIVE BEHAVIOUR OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN SUMMARY In the preschool years assessed intellectual abilities and adaptive behaviour is important information to prepare child for the schooling. Still, the are relatively few concern with preschool children assessment in Lithuania. Commonly, psychologists and other professionals emphasize childrens‘ cognitive development, ignoring his or her ability to act independently in daily situations. In this study we examine ralations between 5-6 years old preschool childrens verbal abilities and adaptive behaviour. To assess verbal abilities there were chosen four subtests from WPPSI-III (Wechsler Pre-school and Primary Scale of Intelligence) which is now being standartized in Lithuania. Adaptive behavior was assessed using Lithuanian adaptive behaviour scales (LAES) which provide information about individuals adaptive functioning in 9 areas. Significant though medium correlations between WPPSI-III subtests and LAES areas let us analyze them as related but separate constructs. In accordance to our results, there were no significant differences between boys and girls adaptive behavior and verbal abilities, however boys tend to receive better scores (excepting Similarities subtest in WPPSI-III as well as Self-regulation and activities organization and Community skills in LAES). According to our results, compared to children from village, preschoolers from bigger cities got significanly better scores in WPPSI-III Similarities... [to full text]

Mechatroninių vykdymo sistemų adaptyvių valdymo algoritmų tyrimas / Investigation of adaptive control algorithms of mechatronic control systems

Viržintas, Tomas 17 June 2005 (has links)
Summary Efficiency of the model reference based adaptive control systems is investigated and discussed in this master degree work. The main goal of this work was to evaluate and compare the performance characteristics of two widely used in mechatronics adaptive control approach – adaptive control approach based on controller parameters automatic adjustment (parameter adaptive approach) and adaptive control approach based on compensating control signal generation (signal adaptive control). Investigations were carried out on the model of the second order electromechanical velocity control system, realized with help of matlab/simulink software. Transmittance of the reference model is coincident with transmittance of conventional hierarchically arranged velocity control system, adjusted in respect of quantitative optimum conditions. The rapidity of adaptation process in the case of velocity controller detune or control object parameters change, the limits and velocity of system parameters drift and influence of external load on adaptation process were investigated for both – parameter adaptive and signal adaptive control systems cases. For obtaining of continue adaptation process, the harmonious reference and loading signals were applied on the system. The system parameters change was also modeled in harmonious mode. The modeling results allow comparing the performance characteristics of these both adaptive control methods. It was demonstrated in this work that signal... [to full text]

Adaptyvaus atlyginimų skaičiavimo modelio sudarymas ir tyrimas / Development and Research of Adaptive Model of Salary Calculation

Zlatkauskas, Giedrius 09 January 2007 (has links)
The work provides the results of the survey on the present situation of salary calculation information systems in the market trying to distinguish advantages and disadvantages of the usable systems, their compatibility with organizations’ administrative information systems as well as possibilities to adjust them to the requirements of users. The survey confirmed that most of examined information systems are either old, or cause many problems then combining them with organizations’ administrative information systems. Moreover, only some of the examined salary calculation information systems provide users with a possibility to change calculation formulas, reports or other properties of information system. This work presents the description of adaptive salary calculation model. This model gives the version of a possible solution of a problem which reduce the influence of determinate salary calculation information systems’ drawbacks. In this work preferred basic diagrams and descriptions of adaptive model of salary calculation. Late was created project of adaptive model of salary calculation according to diagrams and descriptions. Development of adaptive model of salary calculation gives possibility to change calculation formulas, reports and other properties of information system. Analysis gives that adaptive model of salary calculation information system solves the problem and is more comfortable for the user then other salary calculation information systems. According to this... [to full text]

Gyvenamojo namo informacinės sistemos modelio tyrimas ir kūrimas / Smart House IS model analysis and development

Vaitkevičiūtė, Kristina 28 May 2004 (has links)
Only after information system implementation it is possible to ensure effective and save computerisation and automation for smart house, which gives possibilities for remote devices or subsystems manage. Information system must ensure effective information collection, processing, monitoring or presentation measures. Changeable functional and information requirements are intrinsic for smart house information systems. Such a system must be flexible for new objects or systems integration. The flexible structure provides the rapid adaptation of the system to the control object directly. There was analysed smart house CIS development methods, smart house peculiarities and described systems integration problems in this job. Also presented objective model for smart house CIS and it main principals. According to analysed problems it was made model verification during experimental phase. The result - offered flexible smart house CIS model that allows save new objects implementation and olds modification.

Adaptyvaus valdymo elektromechaninių vykdymo sistemų tyrimas / Investigation of Adaptive Electromechanical Servo Systems

Raudys, Dainius 04 August 2011 (has links)
Magistro darbo tema yra aktuali, nes tai naujas ir efektyvus žingsnis tobulinant elektros pavaras ir pagerinant daugelio mechanizmų valdymo kokybę. Adaptyvios pavarų valdymo sistemos sudaromos taikant parametrinės arba signalinės adaptacijos principą. Parametriškai adaptyvioje valdymo sistemoje, kintant valdymo objekto parametrams, keičiami reguliatorių parametrai taip, kad valdymo kokybė nepakistų. Naudojant signalinės adaptacijos principą, adaptacijos blokas formuoja papildomą valdymo signalą, kuris veikia reguliatoriaus įėjime ir garantuoja pastovią valdymo kokybę kintant valdymo objekto parametrams. Tyrimų metu nustatyta, kad parametrinė adaptacija turi trūkumų – adaptuojamasi tik po kelių ciklų, pajungus apkrovą gaunamas statinis greičio nuokrypis. Taigi parametrinės adaptacijos metu yra kompensuojamas inercijos momento pokytis, tačiau nėra kompensuojama apkrovos momento įtaka. Signalinės adaptacijos principo taikymo elektromechanėse sistemose tyrimo rezultatai rodo, kad adaptuojamasi iš karto to paties ciklo metu. Statinės apkrovos įtaka yra pašalinama tuo išvengiant greičio statinio nuokrypio bei užtikrinant pageidaujamą pereinamąjį procesą. Taigi taikant signalinę adaptaciją kompensuojami tiek inercijos, tiek ir apkrovos momentų pokyčiai. Nustatyta, kad taikant P-PI kintamos struktūros reguliatorių yra kompensuojamas tik statinės apkrovos momento pokytis, tuo išvengiant greičio statinio nuokrypio. Signalinės adaptacijos ir P-PI kintamos struktūros reguliatoriaus... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The theme of this Master project is actual, because it is new and effective step to elevate electrical drives, and also improves the quality of mechanism control. Adaptive speed control system allows the application of the parametric and the signal adaptation principle. In an adaptive control system, which is consist of parametric adaptation principle the change of the controlled object parameters causes the change of the controller settings so that control quality of the system remains constant. Using the signal adaptation principle, the adaptation block forms additional control signal, which acts in a regulator input and guarantees a constant quality of system control, when the object parameters are changing. There has been made research of the parametric adaptation principle application in the electromechanical servo drives. It has been determined that this adaptation principle has disadvantages – adaptation is not instantaneously, but after few cycles. Static load causes the static deviation of the speed. So using the parametric adaptation the moment of inertia is compensated, but load torque can‘t be compensated. The results of the investigation of the signal adaptation principle application in the electromechanical servo drives demonstrate that this adaptation is instantaneously and it does not affected by the load. The signal adaptation compensates the change of the moment of inertia and load torque. The P-PI variable structure controller compensates only the change of... [to full text]

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