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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ekonomické působení Číny v Africe / The economic presence of China in Africa

Kašperová, Magda January 2009 (has links)
The Popular Republic of China occupies an important position on the African continent. Although China and Africa have already been in contact in antiquity, the intensive cooperation had started after the Popular Republic of China had been created in 1949. While the Chinese government had focused on its political interests in the second half of the twentieth century, the Chinese strategy is now dominated by economic interests. The bilateral trade exceeded 100 billion USD in 2008 and China has become the second most important trading partner of African countries. The Chinese presence is significant in many economic areas. The Sino-African cooperation is not only characterized by the export of African raw materials but also the Chinese foreign direct investment in Africa have become increasingly important and the Chinese enterprises are very successful in the construction industry. The aim of this thesis is to analyze China's position on the African continent and present how intensive the Sino-African relations are.

Skupina štátov BRIC a ich ekonomická spolupráca s Afrikou / The group of states BRIC and its economic cooperation with Africa

Kurimská, Miroslava January 2012 (has links)
Growing global importance of group of states BRIC has serious impact on current world economy. Economic cooperation with African states has become one of priorities of BRIC's group, what is seen on its higher interest of African continent. BRIC group presents alternative of traditional "north-south" cooperation by its new form of attitude. Goal of this diploma thesis is comprehensively identify form of new "south-south" economic cooperation of BRIC group with African continent using trade and investment analysis of economic cooperation of particular states of group BRIC and synthesis of main trends for BRIC as a group. Thesis supported growing importance of BRIC group on African continent at the expense of traditional partners of Africa by comparison of new and traditional partners' different attitudes. Application of international trade theory on cooperation of BRIC with Africa defined possible impact on economic development of African states.

Konflikty v současné subsaharské Africe (se zaměřením na súdánský Dárfúr)

Koppová, Eliška January 2006 (has links)
Specifičnost subsaharské Afriky z ohledem na vznik a průběh konfliktů je dána různými geografickými, historickými, sociálními a politickými determinantami jejího koloniálního a postkoloniálního vývoje. Podle Heidelberského institutu pro výzkum mezinárodních konfliktů celkový počet konfliktů v regionu v minulém roce vzrostl. Nejvyššího stupně intenzity dosáhl konflikt v súdánském Dárfúru. Súdán je zmítán konflikty téměř nepřetržitě od získání nezávislosti. Všechny je spojuje pocit marginalizace a opomíjení řadových obyvatel centrální vládou v Chartúmu.

An evaluation of southern Africa's elephant sub-populations as a metapopulation

Olivier, Pieter Ignatius 13 August 2010 (has links)
Elephant management traditionally centers on reducing ecological impact and human-elephant conflict by controlling numbers. However, such an approach only deals with symptoms, and ignores the causes of the problem. Planning for cases when a species is a nuisance in some areas, but threatened in others, could benefit from the application of metapopulation theory. The theory offers a framework that is elegant, and have ecological as well as political appeal. Applying classic metapopulation theory to long-lived species that are widely distributed in stochastic environments where they can resist extinctions is problematic. However, empirical evidence for metapopulation structure may exist when applying more lenient criteria. I examined the literature for empirical support of classic criteria set by Hanski (1999) and for a more lenient sub-set of criteria proposed by Elmhagen&Angerbjörn (2001) for specifically mammals. I propose that for small mammals (≤5kg) the full complement of classic criteria must be applied to yield perspectives on population regulation and conservation. However, for large (>100kg) and medium sized (>5≤100kg) mammals only habitat discreteness, potential of demographic asynchrony and the likelihood of dispersal among sub-populations must be evaluated. Metapopulation theory could then be useful when constructing conservation plans that ensure the persistence of a species and contribute to forces that stabilize populations regionally. I evaluated the applicability of metapopulation theory to southern Africa’s elephant sub-populations. I identified 51 discrete administrative sub-populations that occurred in six conservation clusters. Population growth rates varied across space and time within and among conservation clusters. Some sub-populations and conservation clusters increased or decreased while others remained stable. Therefore, elephant populations in southern Africa were in demographic asynchrony, both on a local and regional scale. I also suggest that dispersal may occur among sub-populations within clusters. Consequently, the regional population is stabilized by emigration to, or immigration from neighboring sub-populations as a result of demographic asynchrony across an ecological gradient. Elephant populations across southern Africa thus adhered to one and could possibly adhere to all metapopulation criteria. Observed changes in elephant numbers could also be the result of survey error. To gain an understanding of how survey error could affect estimates, I used dung counts and measurements to estimate population size and construct an age structure for the elephants living in the Maputo Elephant Reserve in Mozambique. I suggest that dung surveys can yield population estimates with known precision and can be used in monitoring programmes aimed at assessing population trends - despite the fact that it can be affected by observer bias. In this thesis I show that metapopulation theory provides the opportunity of applying a spatio-temporal approach to elephant conservation that is not obsessed with numbers. When implementing metapopulation theory, management no longer have to centre on elephants, but can focus on the landscape as a spatially and temporally dynamic area. Local fluctuations in elephant numbers could be construed within a regional context, rather than implementing management strategies on a local scale. Such an approach will focus on the causes rather than the symptoms of the elephant problem and may contribute to the persistence of elephants as well as other components of southern African biodiversity. AFRIKAANS : Die ekologiese impak van olifante en konflik tussen mense en olifante word tradisioneel hanteer deur olifant getalle te beheer. Ongelukkig los so ʼn benadering net die simptome en nie die oorsaak van die problem op nie. Gevalle waar ʼn spesie ʼn problem is in sommige areas maar bedreig is in ander, kan baat vind by die toepasing van die metabevolkings teorie. Die teorie bied ʼn elegante raamwerk wat op ekologiese en politieke gebiede aanklank vind. Die toepasing van die klassieke metabevolkings teorie op lang lewende spesies wat wyd versprei voorkom in stochastiese omgewings waar hulle weerstand kan bied teen uitsterwings skep egter probleme. Emperiese bewyse vir ʼn metabevolkings struktuur kan egter voorkom waneer meer gematigde kriteria ondersoek word. Ek het die literatuur ondersoek vir emperiese ondersteuning vir die klassieke kriteria wat Hanski (1999) voorgestel het, asook vir ʼn meer gematigte sub-groep van kriteria wat deur Elmhagen&Angerbjörn (2001) vir spesifiek soogdiere voorgestel is. Ek stel voor dat die klassieke kriteria aangewend kan word om bevolkings van klein soogdiere (5≤kg) te reguleer, beter te kan verstaan en dan te bewaar. Vir groot (>100kg) en medium groot (>5≤100kg) soogdiere kan die metabevolkings teorie net gebruik word as die bestaan van aparte habitate, demografiese asinkronie en die potensiaal van verstrooing tussen tussen subbevolkings bewys kan word. Die metabevolkings toerie kan dan gebruik word om bewarings inisiatiewe in te stel wat spesies in staat sal stel om voort te bestaan en oor die streek te stabiliseer. Ek het die toepasbaarheid van die metabevolkings teorie vir suidelike Afrika se olifant sub-bevolkings ondersoek. Ek het 51 aparte administratiewe sub-bevolkings geidentifiseer wat in ses ‘bewaringsklosse’ voorkom. Bevolkings groeitempos het binne in en tussen bewaringsklosse gewissel. Sommige het of toegeneem of afgeneem terwyl ander stabiel gebly het. Olifant sub-bevolkings in Suider Afrika was dus in demografiese asinkronie, op ʼn lokale sowel as op ʼn streeks vlak. Ek het ook voorgestel dat verstrooing kan voorkom tussen sub-bevolkings binne in bewarings klosse. Die olifant bevolking van die streek word dus deur emigrasie na, of immigrasie van naburige sub-bevolkings as gevolg van demografiese asinkronie oor ʼn ekologiese gradient gestabiliseer. Olifant bevolkings in Suider Afrika het dus voldoen aan een, en kan potensieel voldoen aan alle metabevolkings kriteria. Opmerklike veranderinge in olifant getalle kan ook wees as gevolg van foute wat tydens tellings gemaak word. Om beter te verstaan hoe sulke foute bevolking skattings affekteer, het ek olifant mis tellings en metings gebruik om ʼn bevolking skatting en ouderdomsstruktuur vir olifante in die Maputo Olifant Reservaat in Mosambiek saam te stel. Ek stel voor dat mis opnames bevolking skattings kan lewer wat bekende presiesie het en dat dit gebruik kan word in moniterings programme wat neigings in olifiant bevolkings ondersoek - alhoewel sulke skattings beinvloed kan word deur die vooroordeel van waarnemers. In hierdie tesis toon ek aan dat die metabevolkings teorie ʼn geleentheid skep vir ʼn ruimtelike-tydelike benadering in olifant bewaring wat nie net op getalle fokus nie. Wanneer die metabevolkings teorie toegepas word, kan bestuur op die landskap as ʼn ruimtelike en tydsgebonde dinamiese area fokus, in plaas van net op olifant getalle. Lokale wisselings in olifant getalle kan binne in ʼn streek konteks geinterpreteer word, eerder as om bestuurs inisiatiewe net op ʼn lokale vlak in te stel. So ʼn benadering sal fokus op die oorsprong in plaas van die simptome van die olifant problem en mag bydra tot die voorbestaan van nie net olifante nie, maar ook tot die biologiese diversiteit van Suider Afrika. Copyright / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Zoology and Entomology / unrestricted

Die rapportering en sanksionering van polisie-brutalteit in Suid-Afrika

Ingram, Renaldi January 2013 (has links)
Polisie brutaliteit bestaan al vir solank as wat die polisie self bestaan. Insidente van polisie brutaliteit kan gekenmerk word aan geweld, die misbruik van mag en marteling. Hierdie studie het ten doel om die verskeie vorme van polisie brutaliteit te identifiseer en om ondersoek in te stel na die redes vir die geweldadige optredes van polisielede teenoor die publiek. Verskeie sanksionerings prosedures, te wete: interne dissiplinêre stappe, strafregtelike vervolging van polisielede, asook sivielregtelike verrigtinge ten aansien van skadevergoeding en staatskompensasie aan slagoffers, word ondersoek. Die studie het nie net ten doel om die aard en erns van polisie brutaliteit en sanksionerings prosedures te openbaar nie, maar ook om moontlike oplossings vir die bekamping van polisie brutaliteit te vind. / Dissertation (LLM)--University of Pretoria, 2013. / gm2014 / Procedural Law / unrestricted

A comparative study of environmental taxes in the South African context

Laage, Annelie 26 July 2011 (has links)
The environment is in crisis, it has recently been reported that cars and trucks in the United States of America emit 314 million metric tons of carbon dioxide annually. To put it into perspective, that as much as would be released from burning all the coal in a freight train 80 467 kilometres long – enough to circle the world, twice (Science News, 2008). The world’s response to the environmental crisis is through the ratification of the Kyoto Protocol. Currently, there are 190 parties (189 states and one regional economic integration organisation) to the Kyoto Protocol, of which the developed nations that are parties to the protocol account for 63.7% of global greenhouse gas emissions. The Kyoto Protocol is, however, proving to be inefficient in curbing greenhouse gas emissions due to the following reasons: <ul> <li> there are currently no ramifications if agreed targets are not reached by member states;</li> <li> in its current form, the protocol only sets emission limits for the period ending 2012;</li> <li> the protocol subscribes mostly to quantitative measures as opposed to the introduction of a tax system to penalise emission producers.</li></ul> Through extensive research conducted as part of this study, it was shown that a tax system is more efficient in ensuring a double dividend and achieving the Kyoto goals than a quantitative system as currently promoted under the Kyoto Protocol On the premise that a taxation system is preferable, this study sought to understand the current trends in environmental taxes and combined the available research in a comprehensive environmental tax matrix. The matrix of the various environmental taxes clearly distinguished between the incentive or revenue-raising functions of a tax and the main uses of the revenues. Each category was clearly illustrated through examples of its application based on extensive research. The study further sought to demonstrate the practical application of environmental tax systems through an analysis of the environmental tax systems of Mexico, Malaysia and the United States, or sections in their tax law, dealing specifically with environmental-related tax matters. Lastly, the research culminated in a review of the current environmental tax regime followed in South Africa in terms of normal income tax ,and proposed various alternatives, which can be considered for introduction by the South African Revenue Service. Based on the literature reviewed the study concluded that a tax system is preferable to a quantitative system in order to limit GHG emissions. The various environmental taxes were investigated by taking into account an environmental tax matrix as well as experience gained from other countries in order to support, amongst other recommendations, the establishment of a carbon tax system in South Africa. AFRIKAANS : Die omgewing is in ’n krisis, daar is onlangs berig dat voertuie in die Verenigde State van Amerika jaarliks verantwoordelik is vir 314 miljoen metrieke ton koolstofdioksied-besoedeling. Om dit in perspektief te plaas, dit is die koolstofdioksied wat vrygestel sou word as ‘’n 80 467 kilometer vragtrein vol steenkool verbrand sou word. Hierdie trein sou lank genoeg wees om twee maal om die aarde te strek (Science News, 2008). Die wêreld se reaksie op die omgewingskrisis is deur die bekragtiging van die Kyoto-protokol. Daar is tans 190 partye tot die protokol (189 lande en een ekonomiese integrasie-organisasie). Sommige van die ontwikkelde lande wat lede van die protokol is verantwoordelik vir 63.7% van wêreldwye kweekhuisgasbesoedeling. Die Kyoto-protokol is egter nie in staat om kweekhuisgasbesoedeling teë te werk nie om die volgende redes: <ul> <li> daar is tans geen strafmaatreëls indien doelwitte deur deelnemende lande nie bereik word nie;</li> <li> in sy huidige vorm stel die protokol slegs beperkings op besoedeling tot 2012;</li> <li> die protokol onderskryf meestal kwantitatiewe beginsels in teenstelling met die voorstel van‘’n belastingstelsel wat die belastinglas op die bron van die besoedeling plaas.</li> </ul> Daar word aan die hand van die uitgebreide ondersoek, wat as deel van hierdie studie onderneem is, getoon dat ’n belastingstelsel ’n doeltreffender manier is om‘’n dubbel-dividend te verseker ter bereiking van die Kyotodoelwitte in teenstelling met die huidige kwantitatiewe beginsels wat tans deur die protokol onderskryf word. In die veronderstelling dat ’n omgewingsbelasting die voordeligste opsie is om te volg, bied hierdie studie meer inligting oor die huidige tendense in omgewingsbelasting en kombineer die beskikbare inligting in hierdie verband in ’n omgewingsbelasting-matriks. Die matriks klassifiseer die verskillende soorte omgewings-belasting in die voordeel of inkomste-genererende funksie van ’n belasting en die hoofgebruike van die inkomstes. Elke kategorie word duidelik geïllustreer deur toegepaste voorbeelde wat gegrond is op deeglike ondersoek. Verder het die studie die volgende ondersoek: die praktiese toepassing van omgewingbelastingstelsels deur ’n analise van die Mexikaanse, Maleise en Amerikaanse omgewingsbelastingstelsels, of gedeeltes van hul belastingwette wat spesifiek verband hou met omgewingsbelastingsake. Laastens het die studie gekyk na die huidige belastingstelsel in Suid-Afrika in die lig van omgewingsbelastingsake en stel alternatiewe voor vir die huidige belastingstelsel wat deur die Suid-Afrikaanse Inkomstediens oorweeg kan word. Die studie het bevind dat ’n belastingstelsel meer gunstig is as ’n kwantitatiewe stelsel ten einde kweekhuisgasse te beperk. Die verskeie omgewingsbelasting opsies is ondersoek deur die omgewingsbelasting-matriks sowel as ervaring van ander lande te bestudeer. Hierdie studie het bevind dat, tesame met ander moontlike wysigings van die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse belastingstelsel, ’n koolstof-belasting in die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks oorweeg moet word. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Taxation / unrestricted

Čína v Africe: drak ve lvím doupěti / China in Africa: The Dragon in the Lion's Den

Fairchild, David January 2020 (has links)
Announced in 2013 by Chinese President Xi Jinping, the Belt Road Initiative (BRI) is a global development project that extends across Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. Most Western scholars and politicians have been highly critical of the BRI, particularly in connection with sub-Saharan Africa, defining the project as neo-imperialistic and arguing that only China would benefit from it in terms of political, economic, and military expansion. This thesis uses Kenya, South Africa, and Nigeria as case studies to measure the effectiveness of the BRI in the development of these three countries. On the basis of this analysis, it can be posited that not only China, but also sub-Saharan African countries, specifically continental coastal democracies with access to natural resources that engage with China as business partners within the BRI's context, derive substantial benefits from their partnerships. To different degrees, Kenya, South Africa, and Nigeria, are presented with opportunities to improve their infrastructure, enjoy economic growth, and reduce inequality by engaging in the BRI. Key Words:​ ​Sub-Saharan-Africa, China, Belt Road Initiative, development, economics, neo-imperialism, natural resources, infrastructure Title:​ China and Africa: The Dragon in The Lion's Den

'n Sosio - ekonomiese impak-studie van watervoorsienigstekort in die landelieke gebiede van Namakwaland

Solomons, Millicent Lynette January 2000 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Water is an indispensable source of life - it should not only be regarded as a social good, but also as a valuable economic resource. Since two thirds of South Africa are highly dependent on groundwater as a result of the lack of perennial rivers, it is essential that this resource be conserved and protected for the future at all costs. The value of groundwater is therefore thoroughly realised in the sparsely populated and semi-arid Namaqualand. The main objective of this study was to make a survey of the availability and the quality of groundwater in the rural areas of this region, so that ultimately, a consumption strategy could be developed for the area. Since sanitation and factors associated with it cannot be separated from the water provision problems in the selected areas, it also formed part of the study. Aspects like the availability of water and sanitation facilities were scrutinised and strongly linked to social aspects around groundwater consumption and health conditions. Two small towns were used as case studies, namely Paulshoek in the Leliefontein rural area and Bulletrap in the Steinkopf area. These towns have a lack of both physical and social infrastructure, while the area as a whole is characterised by poverty. The region is inhabited by culturally homogeneous groups of people with one language and faith, who also share very similar historical backgrounds.

Die effek van 'n leeshulpprogram op Kleurling-hoërskoolleerlinge : 'n vergelykende psigologiese ondersoek / Petrus Daniël Francois Voges

Voges, Petrus Daniël Francois January 1985 (has links)
1. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY - The aim of this study is a psychological and scholastic investigation of the effect of a supplementary reading programme on Coloured high school pupils. In order to do this, zero hypotheses and alternative hypotheses were drawn up which would enable one to compare an experimental group (which had done the supplementary reading course) with a control group (which had not done such a course). In short the zero hypotheses amount to saying that there are no differences in reading ability, school performance, study habits and study attitudes, aptitude and personality between Coloured high school pupils •who did a reading development course and those who did not do such a course. The alternative hypotheses endeavour to prove the opposite, namely that such differences do exist. 2. LITERATURE SURVEY - As a starting point for this investigation, a number of relevant concepts were defined. Some of these concepts are "read", "reading difficulties”, "Coloured”, “Urban and -rural areas”. The importance of reading was demonstrated by pointing out that a good reading ability is essential for the forming of a healthy personality, social development, recreation, extending knowledge, etcetera. The complexity of the reading process came to the fore when the explanation of what the reading process entails, was discussed as it is described by various researchers. The different theoretical models discussed, are the optical-mechanical model, psychometric models, psychological models, the communication model and linguistic models. The extent of reading difficulties was outlined by means of results obtained by researchers, local and foreign. In this respect reference was also made to reading differences pertaining to sex and reading differences between rural and urban areas. A detailed account was given of the main causes of reading difficulties related to scholastic and socioeconomic factors, and in particular how these factors manifest themselves among the Coloured community. As far as the scholastic determinants are concerned, attention was given to the poor pre-school environment of the Coloured child, insufficient number of nursery schools, compulsory education and school leaving at an early age, inadequate differentiation, lack of accommodation and a shortage of suitably qualified staff. Concerning the socio-economic determinants the following were dealt with: class differences, life style of the lower class, the family milieu, cultural values and norms, residential area and housing, recreational activities, linguistic abilities and physical factors. The diagnosis of reading difficulties was discussed in short. In this survey particular attention was paid to the different levels of diagnosis and methods of diagnosing. Some difficulties in diagnosing reading problems among Coloureds were also pointed out. The last aspect from the literature which was dealt with was the remediation of reading problems. Emphasis was given to the more traditional methods of supplementary reading teaching, for instance the basic reading book method, the alphabet method, the neurological and the perceptual kinaesthetic method. Lifting the causes of reading problems which emanate from this study would allow remediation to be used to the full among the Coloured people. 3. METHOD OF RESEARCH - 3.1 Sample: In order to determine the effect of the supplementary reading programme, a comparative study •was made between an experimental group (which did a reading course) and a control group (which did not do such a course). The sample consisted of a total experimental group of 31 people (Std. 8 and Std. 9 pupils) of whom 15 were Std. 8 and 16 Std. 9 pupils while on the other hand the total contra l group of 26 people (Std. 8 and Std. 9 pupils) consisted of 14 Std. 8 and 12 Std. 9 pupils. 3.2 Measuring Instruments: The measuring instruments used to investigate the different fields were the following: - Reading ability, The ophtalmograph - Scholastic achievement, Real school marks - Study habits, Questionnaire on study habits and attitudes - Aptitude, Senior aptidude test - Personality, The High School personality Questionnaire and IPAT Anxiety scale. The above mentioned measuring instruments were discussed in detail under the headings: objective, composition, validity, reliability and reason for using them in this research. 3.3 Research procedures: Global as well as reductionistic comparisons were used in this study. A global comparison is drawn between the total experimental group and the total control group. The reductionistic investigation entails a comparison between the Std. 8 experimental and control groups as well as a comparison between the Std. 9 experimental and control groups. Apart from the above mentioned comparisons the Std. 8 and Std. 9 control groups, as well as the Std. 9 and Std. 9 experimental groups were also compared. A description was given of the supplementary reading programme which consisted of ten one hour sessions, as, well as a full description of the apparatus used, namely the tachistoscope and the contro11ed reader. Statistical calculations were done by the Statistical Consultation Service of the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education. Short descriptions only of the techniques used are given in the study. 4. RESEARCH RESULTS - The most important results of this research can be summarised as follows: * READING ABILITY - This study brings to light that the reading course brought a significant improvement in reading achievement in the total experimental group. Seen reductionistically the Std. 8 experimental group also showed significant improvement when compared with the Std. 8 control group. However, no significant differences were found between the Std. 9 experimental and control groups. In the case of the total and the Std. 8 experimental group the alternative hypothesis was accepted while the zero hypothesis was maintained in the case of the Std. 9 groups. * SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT - The scholastic achievement of the total experimental group showed a significant improvement when compared with the total control group. Seen reductionistically the Std. 8 experimental group also achieved significantly higher marks at school than the Std. 8 control group. This te1dency was not repeated in the Std. 9 experimental group, where no significant differences were found. In the case of the total and the Std. 8 investigations the alternative hypothesis was accepted, while the zero hypothesis had to be maintained for the Std. 9 group comparison. * STUDY HABITS AND ATTITUDES - Seen globally the total experimental group exhibited better study habits and attitudes than the total control group. When judged reductionistically neither the Std. 8 not the Std. 9 group comparisons brought to light any significant differences. Thus the zero hypothesis was applicable to the reductionistic investigations, while the alternative hypothesis was accepted in the case of the tota1 experimental group. * APTITUDE - The zero hypothesis had to be accepted right through, in the global as well as the reductionistical investigation, in other words, no significant differences were found between the different groups as far as aptitude is concerned. An interesting tendency was discovered, however, from the calculated IQ's of the SAT, namely that there is a connection between a supplementary reading course and a rise in intelligence. * PERSONALITY - The total evaluation of personality traits of the Coloured high school pupils by means of the HSPQ and IPAT Anxiety scale shows that the reading course, judged globally or reductionistically, did not bring about significant differences between the experimental and control groups. Thus the zero hypothesis was accepted throughout. 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION - In researching the effect of a supplementary reading programme on Coloured high school pupils it was found that there was a definite beneficial influence on reading ability and scholastic achievement. It does seem however, as if aptitude and personality development are established aspects which will not be changed by a reading development course. If the reading course should have a lasting effect on the aspects which it improves, it is possible that in the .long run personality changes and even improvement in aptitude may take place. As far as study habits and attitudes are concerned, positive results were obtained, but it had been expected to have been even better. The results of this study correlate well with those of other researchers on reading improvement by means of a supplementary reading course in which apparatus is used. It should not be considered however as the only method of reading aid, since many other researchers obtain positive results with other methods. On account of the distinctiveness of this study its results cannot be generalised by the norms formed by the results of other researchers. By reason of the population and the size of the sample of this study, the results of this investigation can only be made applicable to the Std. 8 and Std. 9 pupils of the Promosa High School in Potchefstroom. As a result of the new political dispensation it is to be expected that there will be an improvement in the factors which cause reading difficulties among the Coloured population, but it is .sure to be a long drawn out process. / Thesis (MA (Voorligtingpsigologie))--PU vir CHO, 1986

Die effek van 'n leeshulpprogram op Kleurling-hoërskoolleerlinge : 'n vergelykende psigologiese ondersoek / Petrus Daniël Francois Voges

Voges, Petrus Daniël Francois January 1985 (has links)
1. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY - The aim of this study is a psychological and scholastic investigation of the effect of a supplementary reading programme on Coloured high school pupils. In order to do this, zero hypotheses and alternative hypotheses were drawn up which would enable one to compare an experimental group (which had done the supplementary reading course) with a control group (which had not done such a course). In short the zero hypotheses amount to saying that there are no differences in reading ability, school performance, study habits and study attitudes, aptitude and personality between Coloured high school pupils •who did a reading development course and those who did not do such a course. The alternative hypotheses endeavour to prove the opposite, namely that such differences do exist. 2. LITERATURE SURVEY - As a starting point for this investigation, a number of relevant concepts were defined. Some of these concepts are "read", "reading difficulties”, "Coloured”, “Urban and -rural areas”. The importance of reading was demonstrated by pointing out that a good reading ability is essential for the forming of a healthy personality, social development, recreation, extending knowledge, etcetera. The complexity of the reading process came to the fore when the explanation of what the reading process entails, was discussed as it is described by various researchers. The different theoretical models discussed, are the optical-mechanical model, psychometric models, psychological models, the communication model and linguistic models. The extent of reading difficulties was outlined by means of results obtained by researchers, local and foreign. In this respect reference was also made to reading differences pertaining to sex and reading differences between rural and urban areas. A detailed account was given of the main causes of reading difficulties related to scholastic and socioeconomic factors, and in particular how these factors manifest themselves among the Coloured community. As far as the scholastic determinants are concerned, attention was given to the poor pre-school environment of the Coloured child, insufficient number of nursery schools, compulsory education and school leaving at an early age, inadequate differentiation, lack of accommodation and a shortage of suitably qualified staff. Concerning the socio-economic determinants the following were dealt with: class differences, life style of the lower class, the family milieu, cultural values and norms, residential area and housing, recreational activities, linguistic abilities and physical factors. The diagnosis of reading difficulties was discussed in short. In this survey particular attention was paid to the different levels of diagnosis and methods of diagnosing. Some difficulties in diagnosing reading problems among Coloureds were also pointed out. The last aspect from the literature which was dealt with was the remediation of reading problems. Emphasis was given to the more traditional methods of supplementary reading teaching, for instance the basic reading book method, the alphabet method, the neurological and the perceptual kinaesthetic method. Lifting the causes of reading problems which emanate from this study would allow remediation to be used to the full among the Coloured people. 3. METHOD OF RESEARCH - 3.1 Sample: In order to determine the effect of the supplementary reading programme, a comparative study •was made between an experimental group (which did a reading course) and a control group (which did not do such a course). The sample consisted of a total experimental group of 31 people (Std. 8 and Std. 9 pupils) of whom 15 were Std. 8 and 16 Std. 9 pupils while on the other hand the total contra l group of 26 people (Std. 8 and Std. 9 pupils) consisted of 14 Std. 8 and 12 Std. 9 pupils. 3.2 Measuring Instruments: The measuring instruments used to investigate the different fields were the following: - Reading ability, The ophtalmograph - Scholastic achievement, Real school marks - Study habits, Questionnaire on study habits and attitudes - Aptitude, Senior aptidude test - Personality, The High School personality Questionnaire and IPAT Anxiety scale. The above mentioned measuring instruments were discussed in detail under the headings: objective, composition, validity, reliability and reason for using them in this research. 3.3 Research procedures: Global as well as reductionistic comparisons were used in this study. A global comparison is drawn between the total experimental group and the total control group. The reductionistic investigation entails a comparison between the Std. 8 experimental and control groups as well as a comparison between the Std. 9 experimental and control groups. Apart from the above mentioned comparisons the Std. 8 and Std. 9 control groups, as well as the Std. 9 and Std. 9 experimental groups were also compared. A description was given of the supplementary reading programme which consisted of ten one hour sessions, as, well as a full description of the apparatus used, namely the tachistoscope and the contro11ed reader. Statistical calculations were done by the Statistical Consultation Service of the Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education. Short descriptions only of the techniques used are given in the study. 4. RESEARCH RESULTS - The most important results of this research can be summarised as follows: * READING ABILITY - This study brings to light that the reading course brought a significant improvement in reading achievement in the total experimental group. Seen reductionistically the Std. 8 experimental group also showed significant improvement when compared with the Std. 8 control group. However, no significant differences were found between the Std. 9 experimental and control groups. In the case of the total and the Std. 8 experimental group the alternative hypothesis was accepted while the zero hypothesis was maintained in the case of the Std. 9 groups. * SCHOLASTIC ACHIEVEMENT - The scholastic achievement of the total experimental group showed a significant improvement when compared with the total control group. Seen reductionistically the Std. 8 experimental group also achieved significantly higher marks at school than the Std. 8 control group. This te1dency was not repeated in the Std. 9 experimental group, where no significant differences were found. In the case of the total and the Std. 8 investigations the alternative hypothesis was accepted, while the zero hypothesis had to be maintained for the Std. 9 group comparison. * STUDY HABITS AND ATTITUDES - Seen globally the total experimental group exhibited better study habits and attitudes than the total control group. When judged reductionistically neither the Std. 8 not the Std. 9 group comparisons brought to light any significant differences. Thus the zero hypothesis was applicable to the reductionistic investigations, while the alternative hypothesis was accepted in the case of the tota1 experimental group. * APTITUDE - The zero hypothesis had to be accepted right through, in the global as well as the reductionistical investigation, in other words, no significant differences were found between the different groups as far as aptitude is concerned. An interesting tendency was discovered, however, from the calculated IQ's of the SAT, namely that there is a connection between a supplementary reading course and a rise in intelligence. * PERSONALITY - The total evaluation of personality traits of the Coloured high school pupils by means of the HSPQ and IPAT Anxiety scale shows that the reading course, judged globally or reductionistically, did not bring about significant differences between the experimental and control groups. Thus the zero hypothesis was accepted throughout. 5. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION - In researching the effect of a supplementary reading programme on Coloured high school pupils it was found that there was a definite beneficial influence on reading ability and scholastic achievement. It does seem however, as if aptitude and personality development are established aspects which will not be changed by a reading development course. If the reading course should have a lasting effect on the aspects which it improves, it is possible that in the .long run personality changes and even improvement in aptitude may take place. As far as study habits and attitudes are concerned, positive results were obtained, but it had been expected to have been even better. The results of this study correlate well with those of other researchers on reading improvement by means of a supplementary reading course in which apparatus is used. It should not be considered however as the only method of reading aid, since many other researchers obtain positive results with other methods. On account of the distinctiveness of this study its results cannot be generalised by the norms formed by the results of other researchers. By reason of the population and the size of the sample of this study, the results of this investigation can only be made applicable to the Std. 8 and Std. 9 pupils of the Promosa High School in Potchefstroom. As a result of the new political dispensation it is to be expected that there will be an improvement in the factors which cause reading difficulties among the Coloured population, but it is .sure to be a long drawn out process. / Thesis (MA (Voorligtingpsigologie))--PU vir CHO, 1986

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