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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessing resilience of agricultural system of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Rashid, Farhana January 2016 (has links)
Due to rapid urbanization agricultural lands in metropolitan areas are shrinking.  As a result our cities are getting more dependent on distant places for food, which is making the food system vulnerable. In the context of rapid urbanization and climate change a resilient agricultural system of Dhaka could be one of the key to ensure a sustainable future. To investigatethe impact of urbanization and climate change on the resilience of the agricultural system of Dhaka a resilience assessment of agricultural system of Dhaka has been done. The study followed the resilience assessment wordbook for practitioner as method of assessment. As methods to collect and analyze data field studies, interview, GIS analysis, policy analysis were conducted. This study shows that, urbanization is directly responsible for changes in both quality and quantity of the agricultural land of Dhaka whereas climate change does not affect directly. Even with this rapid urbanization there is still scope to take measures to make agricultural system resilient by preserving land within Dhaka metropolitan area. Therefore two Strategies have been proposed. First one is; increasing local food production without administrative reformation and the second; reducing the future demand by administrative and economic decentralization of Dhaka. Both of the strategies will require strong political will along with recognition of importance of agricultural land within the city boundary.

High Altitude Aerial Photography for the Interpretation of Agricultural Land Use

Salisbury, Nancy 04 1900 (has links)
<p> Agricultural land use in the Niagara Peninsula was examined using high altitude colour infrared aerial photography obtained from aircraft. A visual analysis of the photography revealed that it contained great detail, and that the hue and density of the images were especially important in the interpretation process. In the subsequent densitometric investigation, it was found that quantified image density alone was of limited value in land use recognition, due to the density distortion inherent in the photography. The numerical data were much more useful when the ratios of densities in two emulsion layers of the film were determined, since this procedure largely removed the distortion element. </p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Arts (BA)


Neupane, Ghanashyam 18 May 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Strategic Plan for an Egyptian Village: A policy analysis of the loss of agricultural land in Egypt

Toth, Orsolya January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Práva a povinnosti vlastníka zemědělské půdy / Rights and duties of agricultural land owner

Kuřinová, Pavla January 2012 (has links)
Rights and obligations of the agricultural land ownership The purpose of my thesis is to make a summary of rights and obligations of the agricultural land ownership, describe and evaluate problems related to status of agricultural land owner. The thesis is composed of seven chapters, each of them allows to come to know aspects of the land ownership. Chapter One generally represents an ownership of the land with accent on a constitutional right, because proprietary right is one of the basic human rights. Because everybody has the right to own property and nobody can be deprived unlawfully of the property. Chapter Two describes historical development of ownership and chapter Third depicts an object of ownership, i.e. agricultural land, thus which means as a component of enviroment and as a production means of a primary human livelihood. Chapter Four defines a land owner, especially state into role of owner and process of restitution and of sale state land. Chapter Five is devoted to rights. This chapter is subdivided into four parts, part one is about tenure, second part about use of agricultural land. Next part is about treatment of land and the last part pays attention to civil action as protection of ownership. Extensively there is described a lease of land. Chapter Six is the principal and incorporates...

Žemės ūkio paskirties žemės rinkos analizė 2003 – 2006 m. Ukmergės rajone / Analyze of Agricultural Land Market in Ukmergė District in 2003 – 2006 Year

Kličiūtė, Rūta 08 August 2007 (has links)
Ukmergės rajonas yra vienas didžiausių Vilniaus apskrities rajonų. 62,23 % rajono užima žemės ūkio paskirties žemė. Rajone įregistruoti 1628 ūkininkų ūkiai, jie potencialiausi žemės ūkio paskirties žemės pirkėjai. Tyrimų tikslas - išanalizuoti žemės ūkio paskirties žemės rinką Ukmergės rajone. Analizės objektas – žemės ūkio paskirties žemės rinka Ukmergės rajone. Remiantis Registrų centro informacija, 2006 m. Ukmergės rajone buvo sudaryti 1103 žemės ūkio paskirties žemės perleidimų sandoriai, bendras perleistas per metus plotas 3,5 tūkst. ha. Žemės ūkio paskirties žemės sklypų įregistruojama vis daugiau: daugiausiai įregistruota perleidimų 2005 II ketvirtį, mažiausiai 2003 m. II ketvirtį, atitinkamai 360 ir 21 sandoris. Atlikus rinkos analizę buvo išbraižytos žemės verčių zonos. Atlikus daugianarę regresinę analizę nustatyta, kad sklypo kainai didžiausią įtaka turi kiti veiksniai ir atstumas iki rajono centro. Prie kitų veiksnių priskiriami visi veiksniai susiję su galimu pagrindinės tikslinės sklypo naudojimo paskirties pakeitimu. Kadangi Ukmergės rajone vyrauja nenašios žemės, didžiausią įtaką rinkos aktyvumui turi sklypo vieta ir susisiekimas su rajono centru. Kainų diferenciacija leidžia daryti prielaidą, kad žemė perkama ne tik žemės ūkio gamybai plėsti, o yra dar ir tiesiog patikima investicija, viliantis, kad ateityje ji dar brangs. 2006 m. daugiausia parduodamų sklypų susikaupę aplink miestelius ar tam tikras gyvenamąsias vietoves, tačiau nedaug žemės ūkio paskirties... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Ukmergė district is one of the biggest areas of Vilnius region. 62, 23 % of the district takes agricultural land. There are 1628 farms of farmers registered, are the most potential buyers of agricultural land. Work’s intention – analyze the market of agricultural land in Ukmergė district. Object of analysis – land market of agricultural land in Ukmergė district. With reference to the information of Registry centre, in year of 2006 there were drawn up 1103 transfer transactions of agricultural land in Ukmergė district, overall transferred area during the year is 3, 5 thousand hectares. Increasingly are registered agricultural land plots: mostly registered transfers are in II quarter of year 2005, least in II quarter of year 2003, accordingly 360 and 21 transactions. There were drafted maps of land values, after the market analyze was accomplished. There was collected information about buyable agricultural land plots in a period of 2003-2006 year. There was applied information about 252 plots for analysis. After the accomplished multinomial regression analyze, there were defined, that the biggest impact to the price of the plot has other factors and distance till the centre of district. All factors connected with the possible modification of main objective plot, use purpose are referred to other factors. Because unproductive land is dominating in Ukmergė district, the biggest influence to the market’s activity has place of the plot and communication with the district’s centre... [to full text]

Klaipėdos apskrities žemės ūkio paskirties žemės pardavimas ir nuoma / Sales And Rent Of Agricultural Land In Klaipeda Region

Majutė, Odeta 14 January 2009 (has links)
Lietuvai būdinga tai, jog žemės rinka plėtojasi žemės reformos metu, taigi ši rinka yra paveikta ūkių ir žemės pertvarkymo procesų taip pat buvusios suvalstybintos žemės grąžinimo teisėtiems savininkams. Žemės rinkos reguliavimo sąlygos ir priemonės Lietuvoje yra susiję su Lietuvos įstatymais bei norminiais aktais. Šiame darbe atlikta Klaipėdos apskrities žemės ūkio paskirties žemės pardavimo ir nuomos tyrimai nuo 2005 iki 2008 metų. Atliekant tyrimą buvo naudojamasi Žemės fondo, Nacionalinės žemės tarnybos statistiniais duomenimis. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad Klaipėdos apskrityje iki 2008 m. sausio 1 d. pastebima, jog juridiniai asmenys valstybinės žemės ūkio paskirties žemės rinkoje yra pasyvūs, o užsienio subjektai iš viso nedominuoja šioje rinkoje. Tai įtakoja apribojimai nustatyti Lietuvos Respublikos juridiniams asmenims ir užsienio subjektams, siekiantiems įsigyti žemės ūkio paskirties žemės, kurie pablogina investavimo ir laisvo kapitalo judėjimo sąlygas. Nustatyta, kad teritorijos, kurios pasižymi gražia aplinka, vertingos rekreaciniu ir komerciniu požiūriu, susisiekimu bei privažiavimo keliais, parduodamos už gana ne mažą vidutinę žemės kainą. Klaipėdos apskrityje brangiausia žemės ūkio paskirties žemė yra Klaipėdos bei Kretingos rajonuose. / In Lithuania land market is expanding due to land reform. So this market is influenced by economy, land reformation processes and restoration of nationalized land to it‘s official owner. Land market regulations are connected to Lithuanian law and policies. This paper covers the research of land sales and rent in Klaipeda region from 2005 till 2008 year is done. Land Foundation and National Land Office‘s statistical data was used for the research. The research shows that in Klaipeda region till the 1st of January 2008 juridical persons are passive in public agricultural land market and foreign subjects do not take part in this market at all. This is due to one of Republic of Lithuania laws that restrict buying agricultural land to juridical person or foreign subjects. This phenomenon worsens investment and capital movement. The research also shows that territories with beautiful landscape, territories that are commercially valuable, and territories with good road communications are sold for quit high average price. In Klaipeda region the most expensive agricultural land is in Klaipeda and Kretinga districts.

Study of the farming community, the Lockyer Valley, Queensland

Oo, Khin Unknown Date (has links)
This study was conducted in two shires of Laidley and Gatton in the Lockyer Valley in 1986. The research method used was a self-administered mail questionnaire sent to four hundred primary producers. The response rate received was 49.5 percent which is quite reasonable for a random sample of a non-specific interest group. The study area was divided into six zones based on the 198 respondents’ assessment of the enterprise from which they derived major income. The main approach of this project was a situational analysis o the Lockyer Valley. Central to this research was identification of the pressure and extent of problems relating to several aspects of land use, notably soil erosion, weed infestation; availability and quality of water and more general community-based problems. The characteristics of farm households, the role of family members in decision-making and tasks related to farm as well as home, were also included in this study. The Lockyer Valley is a major production area of vegetables as well as a mixed farming area. Natural pasture, which was extensively found in Zone 6, was largely used for cattle grazing. Generally, rural women were better educated than their husbands, and the ratio of educational level of husband and wife was higher than previous research findings. A large number of producers and their wives have taken off-farm work, and women tended to spend more time in off-farm employment. Only 6.1 percent of producers’ children had completed tertiary education and the majority of all sons were working on the farm. Partnership was found to be the major type of property ownership and inter-generational transfer of the property was the future plan. The producers who were from a non-farm upbringing and who had already taken up off-farm work intended to leave their properties at some time in the future. With the running of the farm business , 35 percent of rural women worked full-time in partnership with their husbands, and 42 percent worked part-time. However, 23 percent of rural women were homemakers and were not involved in running the farm business. The association between decision-making of husband and wife and situational factors such as ownership, involvement in farm tasks, record-keeping, education, on-farm upbringing and age were analysed. Joint involvement of wives in decision-making was to be related to ownership, farm tasks and record-keeping. However, husbands were more likely to take a major role in decision-making if they were more educated and had an on-farm upbringing. Age was found to be a factor affecting joint decision-making, although this result conflicted with findings of earlier research. The opinions of the farm community in identifying the problems of the specific small area in the Lockyer Valley were revealed. Lantana was the most severe weed problem in the whole catchment. The catchment area also had problems with wattle. The recommended control method of lantana was replacement by improved pasture, but it was adopted by few primary producers. Soil erosion in the form of gullies, bank erosion, sheet erosion, salinity and flooding were some of the problems perceived by the local community. Regular ‘slash and burn’ was practised by most of the producers. This is one of the causes of land degradation. Bore, creek and river, and dam were the main water sources for farm supply and irrigation. Only 60 percent of bored had adequate water supply and good water quality. Farm dam and creek/river sources were less reliable due to the inadequate availability of water. Consequently, operators at about half the cropped farms had to stop growing some vegetables which were previously commercially successful. Within the context of farm family needs, emphasis was placed on conservation of water, because of the erosion and water problems. The community’s opinion on community development activities emphasised the involvement of farm families. Finally, suggestions for the extension program which should be emphasised on rural development by means of community participation were included. The bases for further studies was also provided in this report.

Study of the farming community, the Lockyer Valley, Queensland

Oo, Khin Unknown Date (has links)
This study was conducted in two shires of Laidley and Gatton in the Lockyer Valley in 1986. The research method used was a self-administered mail questionnaire sent to four hundred primary producers. The response rate received was 49.5 percent which is quite reasonable for a random sample of a non-specific interest group. The study area was divided into six zones based on the 198 respondents’ assessment of the enterprise from which they derived major income. The main approach of this project was a situational analysis o the Lockyer Valley. Central to this research was identification of the pressure and extent of problems relating to several aspects of land use, notably soil erosion, weed infestation; availability and quality of water and more general community-based problems. The characteristics of farm households, the role of family members in decision-making and tasks related to farm as well as home, were also included in this study. The Lockyer Valley is a major production area of vegetables as well as a mixed farming area. Natural pasture, which was extensively found in Zone 6, was largely used for cattle grazing. Generally, rural women were better educated than their husbands, and the ratio of educational level of husband and wife was higher than previous research findings. A large number of producers and their wives have taken off-farm work, and women tended to spend more time in off-farm employment. Only 6.1 percent of producers’ children had completed tertiary education and the majority of all sons were working on the farm. Partnership was found to be the major type of property ownership and inter-generational transfer of the property was the future plan. The producers who were from a non-farm upbringing and who had already taken up off-farm work intended to leave their properties at some time in the future. With the running of the farm business , 35 percent of rural women worked full-time in partnership with their husbands, and 42 percent worked part-time. However, 23 percent of rural women were homemakers and were not involved in running the farm business. The association between decision-making of husband and wife and situational factors such as ownership, involvement in farm tasks, record-keeping, education, on-farm upbringing and age were analysed. Joint involvement of wives in decision-making was to be related to ownership, farm tasks and record-keeping. However, husbands were more likely to take a major role in decision-making if they were more educated and had an on-farm upbringing. Age was found to be a factor affecting joint decision-making, although this result conflicted with findings of earlier research. The opinions of the farm community in identifying the problems of the specific small area in the Lockyer Valley were revealed. Lantana was the most severe weed problem in the whole catchment. The catchment area also had problems with wattle. The recommended control method of lantana was replacement by improved pasture, but it was adopted by few primary producers. Soil erosion in the form of gullies, bank erosion, sheet erosion, salinity and flooding were some of the problems perceived by the local community. Regular ‘slash and burn’ was practised by most of the producers. This is one of the causes of land degradation. Bore, creek and river, and dam were the main water sources for farm supply and irrigation. Only 60 percent of bored had adequate water supply and good water quality. Farm dam and creek/river sources were less reliable due to the inadequate availability of water. Consequently, operators at about half the cropped farms had to stop growing some vegetables which were previously commercially successful. Within the context of farm family needs, emphasis was placed on conservation of water, because of the erosion and water problems. The community’s opinion on community development activities emphasised the involvement of farm families. Finally, suggestions for the extension program which should be emphasised on rural development by means of community participation were included. The bases for further studies was also provided in this report.

Effects of agricultural land use on tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor) reproduction, body condition and diet

2015 November 1900 (has links)
Agricultural practices have intensified over the last 50 years, increasing crop production and altering the Canadian Prairie landscape by removing non-cropped habitats and wetlands. The productivity, trophic structure and diversity have changed through increased agrochemical inputs and reductions in yearly rotation and diversification of crop types. Most intensive agricultural practices have negative effects on invertebrate communities that can indirectly affect higher trophic organisms, such as birds. Many populations of aerial insectivorous bird species have been experiencing rapid declines in the last 30–40 years. Dependency on high abundances of aerial insects for reproduction and survival is a common link among all species of this guild. My thesis examined aerial insect abundance as a potential link between agricultural land use and the reproductive ecology, nestling body condition, and diet of an aerial insectivore species, the tree swallow (Tachycineta bicolor). My broad goal was to determine whether agriculture has deleterious effects on timing of breeding, reproductive investment and success, and nestling quality, as mediated by food supply and differences in diet. Aerial insect abundance and biomass estimates obtained from passive insect traps which capture primarily aquatic dipterans were similar between agricultural and reference sites during all stages of breeding. However, estimates derived from sweep-net sampling in terrestrial habitats in 2013 indicated higher abundances of aquatic and terrestrial Diptera at a reference site relative to agricultural sites. Multiple measures of tree swallow productivity were not related to agriculture land use but nestling body condition was significantly lower on agricultural sites. Using stable isotope analysis (delta 13C and delta 15N), I found site and age specific differences in swallow diets and isotopic niche widths but variation was not consistently related to agricultural land use. Aquatic insect prey (Diptera and Odonata) made up the majority of the diet of swallows but nestlings had a larger proportion of terrestrial Diptera which resulted in larger isotopic niche widths compared to adults. The assimilated isotopic diet of nestling and adult swallows were not strong predictors of body size, mass or condition, suggesting that site differences in the diet do not appreciably affect condition. Nestlings raised on agricultural sites had lower body condition that was not directly linked to their diet alone. This suggests other unmeasured factors related to agricultural land use may affect nestling tree swallows. This study tested responses in an aerial insectivore species to land use and potential shifts in the insect community, which may provide important information for conservation and management decisions for many species within the aerial insectivore guild.

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