Spelling suggestions: "subject:"airpollution"" "subject:"micropollution""
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Long-term Exposure to Ambient Air Pollution and Trajectories of Cognitive Decline in Northern ManhattanKulick, Erin Ryan January 2018 (has links)
Age-related cognitive decline is a growing public health issue as increases in life expectancy are expected to substantially raise the prevalence of cognitive impairment and dementia. An estimated 46.8 million individuals are currently living with dementia, with the global prevalence expected to double every 20 years. Emerging evidence suggests that ambient air pollution from traffic and other sources may be an important risk factor for cognitive decline in addition to its association with other cardiovascular and neurological outcomes.
The aim of this dissertation was to first investigate the association between long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and cognitive decline among older adults in an urban population within Northern Manhattan. I then set out to assess specific mechanisms involved in the association between long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and cognitive decline, specifically investigating the ApoE4 allele, age, and current smoking behavior as effect modifiers of the association between long-term exposure to ambient air pollution and cognitive decline.
I found evidence of an adverse effect of ambient air pollution on the cognitive functioning of older adults. Overall, exposure to higher levels of ambient air pollution was highly predictive of lower cognitive scores, but at baseline only. Contrary to the current hypothesis, limited evidence was found for an association between estimates of air pollution and trajectories of cognitive decline. The patterns of effect were similar across pollutant types and cognitive domains in this aging, urban population. I found strong evidence of effect modification by smoking status, where contrary to the hypothesis; the overall effects of ambient air pollution on cognition and cognitive decline were stronger among individuals who never smoked. The impact of effect modification by age category was most prominent in the memory and language cognitive domains. Among individuals less than 75 years old at baseline, there was a stronger association between a one IQR increase in air pollutants and cognitive domain scores at baseline as compared to individuals 75 years and older. I did not observe conclusive evidence of an association between air pollution and cognition in models stratified by APOE-4 status.
To my knowledge, this is the largest study to analyze the association of ambient air pollution on cognition and cognitive decline over time in a racially and ethnically diverse sample. These results further support the current evidence on the role of air pollution on accelerated cognitive aging and brain health.
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Contribuições de compostos antropogênicos e biogênicos na atmosfera da cidade de São Paulo / Contributions of anthropogenic compounds and biogenic atmosphere in the City of São PauloPool, Cristina Salvador 30 April 2004 (has links)
Uma importante classe de poluentes do ar são os compostos orgânicos voláteis (VOCs), comumente encontrados na atmosfera de centros urbanos e industriais, em quantidades muito baixas. Os VOCs contribuem para episódios sérios de poluição. Eles participam ativamente na formação do smog fotoquímico, problema encontrado em muitos centros urbanos. Além do efeito tóxico à saúde humana, os VOCs podem apresentar impactos indiretos via produção fotoquímica de ozônio. Alguns VOCs encontrados no ar urbano são carcinogênicos. Diante do papel importante dos VOCs na química atmosférica, o objetivo geral deste projeto de pesquisa foi avaliar os VOCs emitidos por fontes antropogênicas e biogênicas na atmosfera urbana da cidade de São Paulo. As emissões antropogênicas foram avaliadas através de estudos de emissões veiculares em dois túneis da cidade de São Paulo. A atmosfera de um túnel fornece condições apropriadas para a medida da composição média das emissões veiculares. A caracterização química da atmosfera dos túneis mostra que as emissões veiculares se acumulam ao longo dos túneis causando níveis altos de poluição. Os freqüentes congestionamentos nas principais vias de acesso e nos túneis da Cidade de São Paulo tomam preocupante a exposição humana a poluentes tóxicos no ar. Para a avaliação das emissões biogênicas foram empregadas câmaras fechadas (sistema cuvette) para coletar os VOCs emitidos por plantas. Espécies de plantas que emitem uma quantidade significativa de isopreno e monoterpenos foram estudadas em alguns países do mundo. No entanto, nenhum estudo sobre emissão de VOCs por plantas foi feito na vegetação encontrada na cidade de São Paulo. Dessa maneira, foram realizadas amostragens de algumas plantas da vegetação típica da Mata Atlântica. Os valores de taxas de emissão de VOCs em µg de carbono por hora e massa de folha seca (µgC h-1 g-1) foram calculados para cada planta. Ocorreram variações nas taxas de emissão tanto entre as diferentes espécies de plantas (inter-espécies), como entre exemplares diferentes de uma mesma espécie (intra-espécies). / Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are an important class of air pollutants, commonly found in urban and industrial atmospheres at low concentrations. VOCs contribute to serious episodes of air pollution. They play a major role in the formation of the photochemical smog, an air pollution problem often encountered in many urban centers. Besides the toxic effect to human health, VOCs may be responsible by indirect impacts, such as the photochemical production of ozone. Some VOCs found in urban air are carcinogenic. The goal of this study was to evaluate VOCs emitted by anthropogenic and biogenic sources in the urban atmosphere of São Paulo City since they have an important role in atmospheric chemistry. VOCs anthropogenic emissions were evaluated through vehicular emissions inside two urban road tunnels of São Paulo City. A tunnel atmosphere provides appropriate conditions for the measurement of the average composition of vehicular emission. The chemical characterization of the atmosphere of both tunnels showed that vehicular emissions accumulate inside the tunnels leading to high pollutants levels. VOCs biogenic emissions from plants were evaluated by using closed chambers (cuvette system). Species of plants that emit significant amounts of isoprene and monoterpenes were studied in some countries of the world. Nevertheless, no study about VOCs emissions had been done in the vegetation found in São Paulo City. Some typical plants of the Mata Atlântica were investigated. The VOCs emission rates expressed in µg of carbon per hour and leaves dry weight (µgC h-1 g-1) were calculated for each plant. Variations in the emissions rates were observed between different plants species (inter-species) and between different plants of the same species (intra-species).
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Efeito das diferentes frações do material particulado proveniente da emissão de motores movidos a óleo diesel sobre o epitélio do palato da rã / Effects of different fractions from diesel engines exhaust particles on the frog ciliated epitheliumTrindade, Sergio Henrique Kiemle 30 March 2011 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A poluição atmosférica é reconhecida como fonte de possíveis agravos à saúde. Estudos tem demonstrado uma clara associação entre aumento da concentração dos poluentes atmosféricos, especialmente o material particulado proveniente de resíduos de exaustão de motores movidos a diesel, com morbidade e mortalidade respiratória e cardíaca na população geral. Até o presente momento, sabe-se que o material particulado possui ações deletérias sobre as vias aéreas superiores e inferiores; contudo, ainda não são completamente conhecidas as ações tóxicas isoladas das diferentes frações do material particulado do diesel. OBJETIVO: O presente estudo teve por finalidade avaliar o grau de toxicidade das frações orgânicas de baixa, média e alta polaridade e da fração inorgânica do material particulado proveniente da emissão de motores movidos a óleo diesel sobre o epitélio mucociliar. MÉTODOS: Para tanto, utilizou-se como modelo experimental a preparação do palato da rã, que possui um epitélio similar ao das vias aéreas de mamíferos. O estudo foi dividido em duas etapas: Fase I - Quarenta palatos foram utilizados com intuito de titular a concentração de material particulado bruto capaz de promover um aumento significante no tempo relativo de transporte mucociliar. Fase II - Uma vez definida a concentração efetiva, cinqüenta palatos foram expostos aos seguintes tratamentos: material particulado bruto do diesel (sem nenhum tipo de tratamento), material particulado do diesel tratado com hexano (solvente que reduz a quantidade dos compostos orgânicos de baixa polaridade), material particulado do diesel tratado metanol (solvente que reduz a quantidade de compostos orgânicos de polaridade intermediária, gerando aumento relativo da concentração de orgânicos de baixa e alta polaridade) e material particulado do diesel tratado ácido nítrico (solvente que reduz a concentração de compostos inorgânicos, gerando aumento relativo da fração orgânica como um todo). Para fins de controle utilizou-se um grupo com ringer-rã. As variáveis analisadas foram: tempo relativo de transporte mucociliar, freqüência de batimento ciliar e análise histológica, na qual foram avaliados o volume proporcional de muco ácido, muco neutro, muco misto, de cílios, vacúolos, dos núcleos celulares e interstício e espessura epitelial. RESULTADOS: Fase I: A concentração de material particulado bruto capaz de promover um aumento significativo no tempo relativo de transporte mucociliar, e também do volume proporcional de muco ácido (p<0,05), correspondeu a 12mg/L. Fase II: Observou-se: a) aumento significativo no tempo relativo de transporte mucociliar e redução significativa do volume proporcional de muco neutro no grupo ácido nítrico; b) maior volume proporcional de muco ácido no grupo metanol (p<0,05); c) ausência de diferenças entre o grupo controle e o grupo hexano, tanto na análise histológica quanto no tempo relativo de transporte mucociliar. CONCLUSÃO: Os dados obtidos sugerem que os compostos orgânicos de baixa polaridade do material particulado proveniente da emissão de motores movidos a óleo diesel desempenham um importante papel na toxicidade aguda ao epitélio ciliado / INTRODUCTION: Air pollution is recognized as a source of potential health problems. Studies have shown a clear association between increasing concentration of atmospheric pollutants, especially particulate matter from waste exhaust of diesel engines, and respiratory and cardiac morbidity and mortality in the general population. To date, it is well known that particulate matter from diesel exhaust has deleterious actions on upper and lower airways; however, the isolated toxic actions of different fractions of the particulate matter are not yet fully understood. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed at evaluating the degree of toxicity of the organic fractions of low, intermediate and high polarity and of the inorganic fraction of particulate matter from diesel engines on the ciliated epithelium. METHODS: The experimental model used was the frog palate preparation, which has a similar epithelium to that found in mammalian airways. The study was divided into two phases: Phase I - Forty palates were used in order to titrate the concentration of intact diesel particulate matter able to elicit a significant increase in the relative time of mucociliary transport. Phase II Once defined the optimal concentration, fifty palates were exposed to dilutions with the following treatments: intact diesel particulate material (without any treatment), particulate matter from diesel exhaust treated with hexane (solvent which reduces the amount of organic compounds of low polarity), particulate matter from diesel exhaust treated with methanol (solvent which reduces the amount of organic compounds with intermediate polarity, generating a relative increase in concentration of organic compounds with low and high polarity) and particulate matter from diesel exhaust treated with nitric acid (solvent which removes inorganic compounds, eliciting a relative increase of the organic fraction as a whole). For control purposes, a group of frog-ringer was used. The following variables were analyzed: relative time of mucociliary transport, ciliary beating frequency and histological analysis, which evaluated proportional volume of acid mucus, neutral and mixed mucus, cilia, vacuoles, cell nuclei and interstice, and epithelial thickness. RESULTS: Phase I: The effective concentration of intact diesel particulate matter in eliciting a significant increase in the relative time of mucociliary transport, and a proportional increase of acid mucus volume (p<0.05), corresponded to 12mg/L. Phase II: a) The nitric acid treatment caused a significant increase in the relative time of mucociliary transport, and decrease in the proportional volume of neutral mucus. b) A higher proportional volume of acid mucus was found in the methanol group (p<0.05). c) There were no differences between control and hexane groups regarding histological findings and relative time of mucociliary transport. CONCLUSION: The results suggest that organic compounds of low polarity from diesel engines exhaust particles play an important role in the acute toxicity on the ciliated epithelium
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Carbon dioxide emissions and its relationship with economic development. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collectionJanuary 2012 (has links)
大量學術文獻指出氣候變化是毫不含糊地由持續增加的人為溫室氣體排放所造成。其中,二氧化碳排放(碳排放)是最為重要的溫室氣體排放。碳排放和經濟發展之間的密切關係亦受到廣泛肯定。碳排放和收入之間的關係引起了研究人員的極大興趣。學者們對該關係的環境庫茲涅茨曲線(一個倒U形曲線)的有效性持有不同的觀點,該曲線之有效性的討論可以分為兩部分,即時間和空間(國家)的尺度。 / 在這項研究中,首先以描述性統計研究碳排放量的變化,其中包括排放總量,人均排放量和碳強度三個指標。然後,透過雙對數和二次雙對數回歸模型進一步研究這三項指標和各經濟發展指標的關係(經濟發展指標包括總量和人均國內生產總值,貿易值和產業值)。結果指出國內生產總值可以很好地解釋碳排放之變化。根據1970年到2007年的數據,排放總量和國內生產總值總量在雙對數回歸模型中呈現顯著的線性關係。同樣在雙對數回歸模型中,人均排放量和人均國內生產總值之間的關係則從顯著線性變成顯著二次(倒U形曲線),從而支持環境庫茲涅茨曲線理論。碳強度和人均國內生產總值之間的關係是顯著的倒U形曲線。所有研究國家的回歸結果指出,發達國家在經濟增長的同時,已經減少排放總量及人均量,而發展中國家沒有減少。大多數發達國家在碳強度和人均國內生產總值的關係上呈現顯著的負相關,而發展中國家在碳強度和人均國內生產總值之間的關係上比例平均。在一般情況下,其他因素如貿易值和產業值解釋碳排放變化之能力較國內生產總值差。較特別的結果是由於製造、礦業和公用事業產業值屬於高碳密集性,該產業能很好地解釋碳排放的變化,所以為該產業的度身訂造之減排控制是必要的。 / 進一步說,發展中國家之間的差異仍然很大。透過層次聚類法,所有國家基於排放水平可分成11個類。其中,第11類主要包括發達國家,擁有極高的排放總量,非常高的人均排放量和中等的碳強度。與此同時,第4類主要包括發展中國家,亦有非常高的總排放量,中等的人均排放量和極高的碳強度。美國和中國,分別為第11類和第4類的案例研究,這兩國能有效地幫助了解碳排放和經濟發展之相互關係。其他集群則代表不同的經濟發展階段。聚類分析的結果可作為未來國際氣候變化政策建設的參考。 / Wealth of scholarly reviewed literatures indicates that climate change is unequivocally caused by the continual increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions. Carbon dioxide emissions remain to be of upmost importance among all GHGs emissions. It is widely accepted that close relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and economic development exists. The relationship between carbon dioxide emissions and income, in particular, has aroused much research interests. Researchers have polarizing views on the validity of Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC), an inverted U-shaped curve of that relationship. The ground of argumentation for the validity of EKC can be also divided into two parts, namely temporal and spatial (national) extents. / In this research, variations in three indicators of carbon dioxide emissions, including total emissions, per capita emissions and carbon intensity (CI), are firstly examined by descriptive statistics. Next, double-log and quadratic double-log regression models are employed to study the relationship between these three indicators and indicators of economic development (including the total and per capita GDP, trade values and sectoral values). Results show that GDP has high explanatory power for the large variation of emissions. By using the data from 1970 to 2007, the relationship between total emissions and total GDP is significantly linear in double-log regression models. The relationship between per capita emissions and per capita GDP has changed from linear to quadratic (inverted U-shaped), which supports the EKC. The relationship between CI and per capita GDP is significant in an inverted U-shaped curve. Regression results in each country indicate that developed countries have reduced total and per capita emissions in parallel with economic growth while developing countries have not. Majority of developed countries have negative relationship between CI and per capita GDP; whereas their counterparts have even proportion in the relationships. Other explanatory factors, like trade values and sectoral values, in general, have lower explanatory power than GDP. Surprisingly, results indicated that manufacturing, mining and utility (MMU) sector yields very high explanatory power for the variation of carbon dioxide emissions due to the sector’s high carbon-intensive nature. Tailor-made control on this sector is necessary for emissions abatement. / Furthermore, as the variation within developing countries is still large, countries are classified into clusters on the basis of their levels of emissions by Hierarchical Cluster Analysis. Eleven clusters are formed. Among all, cluster 11, comprised of mostly developed countries, yields extremely high total emissions, very high per capita emissions and medium CI. Meanwhile, cluster 4, made of mostly developing countries, have very high total emissions, medium per capita emissions and extremely high CI. The USA and China, case studies of clusters 11 and 4 respectively, have provided insight for the interactive relationship between emissions and economic development. Remaining clusters represent different stages of economic development. The results of the clustering can serve as a reference for the construction of future climate change policy. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Wong, Wai Fung. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 273-280). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts also in Chinese. / ABSTRACT --- p.i / 摘錄 --- p.iii / ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS --- p.iv / TABLE OF CONTENTS --- p.v / LIST OF TABLES --- p.x / LIST OF FIGURES --- p.xix / LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS --- p.xxiv / Chapter CHAPTER ONE: --- INTRODUCTION --- p.1 / Chapter 1.1 --- EFFECTS OF CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS ON CLIMATE CHANGE --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- VARIATION IN CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AMONG COUNTRIES IN TERMS OF THREE INDICATORS: TOTAL AMOUNT, PER CAPITA AMOUNT AND CARBON INTENSITY (CI) --- p.3 / Chapter 1.3 --- RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --- p.6 / Chapter 1.4 --- RESEARCH QUESTIONS --- p.8 / Chapter 1.5 --- RESEARCH OBJECTIVES --- p.8 / Chapter 1.6 --- SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY --- p.9 / Chapter 1.7 --- ORGANIZATION OF THE THESIS --- p.10 / Chapter CHAPTER TWO: --- LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.12 / Chapter 2.1 --- CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS --- p.12 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- Definitions of carbon dioxide emissions --- p.12 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- Estimation of carbon dioxide emissions --- p.13 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- Importance of carbon dioxide emissions in the context of climate change --- p.15 / Chapter 2.2 --- ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --- p.19 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Concept and different stages of economic development --- p.19 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- Indicators of economic development among all countries --- p.20 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Economic development since 1970 in major countries --- p.23 / Chapter 2.3 --- PAST STUDIES ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --- p.30 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Relationship between emissions and income expressed by GDP --- p.30 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Relationship between emissions and international trade expressed by export and import values --- p.38 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- Relationship between emissions and sectoral composition expressed by sectoral values --- p.43 / Chapter 2.4 --- RESEARCH GAPS IN THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --- p.44 / Chapter 2.4.1 --- Identification of relationship between emissions and economic development --- p.44 / Chapter 2.4.2 --- Classification of countries based on the amount of carbon dioxide emissions --- p.46 / Chapter 2.4.3 --- Research plan for this study --- p.47 / Chapter 2.5 --- SUMMARY OF THE LITERATURE REVIEW --- p.48 / Chapter CHAPTER THREE: --- CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK, DATA SOURCE AND METHODOLOGY --- p.49 / Chapter 3.1 --- INTRODUCTION OF THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK --- p.49 / Chapter 3.2 --- RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS UNDER THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK --- p.50 / Chapter 3.3 --- INTRODUCTION TO THE INDICATORS OF THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK --- p.51 / Chapter 3.4 --- RELATIONSHIPS AMONG THE COMPONENTS --- p.53 / Chapter 3.4.1 --- Relationship between income and carbon dioxide emissions --- p.53 / Chapter 3.4.2 --- Relationship between international trade and carbon dioxide emissions --- p.54 / Chapter 3.4.3 --- Relationship between sectoral composition and carbon dioxide emissions --- p.54 / Chapter 3.5 --- EXAMINATION OF THE RELATIONSHIP IN SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL EXTENT --- p.54 / Chapter 3.6 --- DATA SOURCE --- p.57 / Chapter 3.6.1 --- Data source for the indicators of economic development and population --- p.57 / Chapter 3.6.2 --- Data source for the indicators of carbon dioxide emissions --- p.58 / Chapter 3.7 --- METHODOLOGY --- p.59 / Chapter 3.7.1 --- Variables used in the research --- p.59 / Chapter 3.7.2 --- Methodology used in the research --- p.60 / Chapter 3.8 --- SUMMURY OF THE CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK, DATA SOURCE AND METHODOLOGY --- p.63 / Chapter CHAPTER FOUR: --- VARIATIONS IN THE LEVELS OF INDICATORS OF CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AND INDICATORS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --- p.65 / Chapter 4.1 --- VARIATIONS IN CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS, POPULATION AND GDP --- p.65 / Chapter 4.1.1 --- Variation in total carbon dioxide emissions --- p.65 / Chapter 4.1.2 --- Variation in total population --- p.72 / Chapter 4.1.3 --- Variation in total GDP --- p.75 / Chapter 4.1.4 --- Variation in per capita carbon dioxide emissions --- p.79 / Chapter 4.1.5 --- Variation in per capita GDP --- p.83 / Chapter 4.1.6 --- Variation in CI --- p.87 / Chapter 4.2 --- VARIATIONS IN INTERNATIONAL TRADE VALUES AND SECTORAL VALUES --- p.91 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Variation in total export values --- p.91 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Variation in total import values --- p.94 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Variation in per capita export values --- p.96 / Chapter 4.2.4 --- Variation in per capita import values --- p.99 / Chapter 4.2.5 --- Variation in trade balance --- p.102 / Chapter 4.2.6 --- Variation in total sectoral values --- p.104 / Chapter 4.2.7 --- Variation in per capita sectoral values --- p.106 / Chapter 4.2.8 --- Variation in sectoral composition --- p.107 / Chapter 4.3 --- SUMMARY ON THE VARIATIONS IN THE LEVELS OF INDICATORS OF CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AND INDICATORS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --- p.109 / Chapter CHAPTER FIVE: --- RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN INDICATORS OF CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AND INDICATORS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --- p.112 / Chapter 5.1 --- RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AND INCOME IN TERMS OF TOTAL AMOUNT, PER CAPITA AMOUNT AND CARBON INTENSITY --- p.112 / Chapter 5.1.1 --- Relationship between total carbon dioxide emissions and total GDP --- p.112 / Chapter 5.1.2 --- Relationship between per capita carbon dioxide emissions and per capita GDP --- p.123 / Chapter 5.1.3 --- Relationship between CI and per capita GDP --- p.133 / Chapter 5.2 --- RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AND INTERNATIONAL TRADE IN TERMS OF TOTAL AMOUNT, PER CAPITA AMOUNT AND CARBON INTENSITY --- p.142 / Chapter 5.2.1 --- Relationship between total carbon dioxide emissions and total values of exports and imports --- p.142 / Chapter 5.2.2 --- Relationship between per capita carbon dioxide emissions and per capita values of exports and imports --- p.146 / Chapter 5.2.3 --- Relationship between CI and per capita values of exports and imports . --- p.151 / Chapter 5.3 --- RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AND SECTORAL COMPOSITION IN TERMS OF TOTAL AMOUNT, PER CAPITA AMOUNT AND CARBON INTENSITY --- p.157 / Chapter 5.3.1 --- Relationship between of total carbon dioxide emissions and total values of six sectors --- p.157 / Chapter 5.3.2 --- Relationship between per capita carbon dioxide emissions and per capita values of six sectors --- p.160 / Chapter 5.3.3 --- Relationship between CI and per capita values of six sectors --- p.163 / Chapter 5.3.4 --- Relationship between indicators of carbon dioxide emissions and ratios of sectoral values to the sum of all sectors --- p.165 / Chapter 5.4 --- SUMMARY ON THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN INDICATORS OF CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AND INDICATORS OF ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT --- p.168 / Chapter CHAPTER SIX: --- CLASSIFICATION OF COUNTRIES BASED ON THE LEVELS OF TOTAL CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS, PER CAPITA CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS AND CARBON INTENSITY --- p.171 / Chapter 6.1 --- CORRELATION ANALYSIS BETWEEN TOTAL EMISSIONS, PER CAPITA EMISSIONS AND CARBON INTENSITY --- p.171 / Chapter 6.2 --- MEMBERSHIP OF COUNTRIES AND BASIC CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH CLUSTER --- p.173 / Chapter 6.2.1 --- Result of Hierarchical Cluster Analysis and membership of countries --- p.173 / Chapter 6.2.2 --- Characteristics of each cluster in terms of carbon dioxide emissions --- p.176 / Chapter 6.2.3 --- Characteristics of each cluster in terms of GDP (indicator of economic development) --- p.180 / Chapter 6.3 --- IN-DEPTH EXAMINATION OF THE CHARACTERISTICS OF EACH CLUSTER --- p.184 / Chapter 6.3.1 --- Clusters with extremely high to very high total emissions: clusters 11 and 4 --- p.185 / Chapter 6.3.2 --- Clusters with high total emissions: clusters 8, 10 and 3 --- p.211 / Chapter 6.3.3 --- Clusters with medium to low total emissions: clusters 9, 2 and 1 --- p.230 / Chapter 6.3.4 --- Clusters with very low to extremely low total emissions: clusters 5, 6 and 7 --- p.247 / Chapter 6.4 --- SUMMARY OF THE RESULTS --- p.263 / Chapter CHAPTER SEVEN: --- CONCLUSION --- p.267 / Chapter 7.1 --- MAJOR FINDINGS OF THE RESEARCH --- p.267 / Chapter 7.2 --- IMPLICATIONS OF THE RESEARCH --- p.270 / Chapter 7.3 --- LIMITATIONS OF THE RESEACH --- p.271 / Chapter 7.4 --- RECOMMENDATION FOR FUTURE RESEARCH --- p.272 / REFERENCES --- p.273 / APPENDICES --- p.281
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Short-term effects of particulate matter pollutants on population health: time series studies on emergency hospital admissions. / 顆粒污染物對人群健康的短期效應 : 時間序列研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Ke li wu ran wu dui ren qun jian kang de duan qi xiao ying : shi jian xu lie yan jiu / Short-term effects of particulate matter pollutants on population health: time series studies on emergency hospital admissions.January 2012 (has links)
研究背景:顆性空氣污染物(PM₁₀)的危害作用已經為許多病學研究所證實。有學者認為,空氣動學直徑小於2.5 微米的細顆(PM₂.₅)和空氣動學直徑介於2.5 和10 微米之間的粗顆(PMc)屬於種同的污染物,應當分別測。區分粗、細顆的健康效應將為今後分別制訂有關粗、細顆的空氣質標準提供依據。同時,空氣污染物是由顆污染物和氣態污染物構成的複雜混合物,二者之間存在一定程上的合或交互作用。 / 研究目的:以每天心血管系統、呼吸系統疾病急性入院人為研究結局,區別估計顆污染物PM₁₀ 中粗、細顆的健康危害作用,并探討PM₁₀與氣態污染物(二氧化氮,NO₂;二氧化,SO₂;臭氧,O₃)的交互作用。 / 研究方法:收集香港1998 1 月至2007 12 月每天心腦血管疾病、呼吸系統疾病急性入院人,日均污染物濃,日均氣溫、相對濕等資,採用時間序分析的研究方法,應用Poisson 廣義相加模型分析顆污染物中粗、細顆的同健康效應。同時應用三個平的時間序研究模型(雙變反應面模型、合效應模型和分層模型)探討顆污染物和氣態污染物之間潛在的交互作用。 / 研究結果:研究發現,在校正PM₂.₅的影響后,PMc 對呼吸系統疾病導致的急性入院作用顯著,但對心腦血管疾病引起的急性入院則無明顯作用。在雙污染物(PMc 和PM₂.₅)模型中,空氣中每一個IQR(四分位間距)的PM[subscript c] 和PM₂.₅濃的增加將使每天急性呼吸系統疾病入院分別增加1.05% (95% CI: 0.19%, 1.91%)和1.81% (95% CI: 0.78%,2.87%),使急性心腦血管疾病入院分別改變 -0.16% (95% CI: -1.07%,0.76%) 和1.86% (95% CI: 0.85%, 2.88%)。研究發現某種程6 的顆污染物和氣態污染物的交互作用。在NO₂ 或SO₂ 高水平(NO₂ 濃高於64.4μg/m³ 或 SO₂ 濃高於20.9μg/m³)的日子,PM₁₀ 對急性心臟疾病入院的影響高於NO₂ 或SO₂ 低、中水平的日子;而在臭氧高水平(O₃濃高於46.8μg/m³)的日子,PM₁₀ 對急性呼吸和循環系統疾病入院的作用低於O₃ 中、低水平的日子。 / 研究結:粗、細顆污染物對呼吸系統疾病的危害均作用顯著且相對獨,但對循環系統疾病的危害作用則主要體現於細顆污染物。同時,顆性污染物的健康危害可能被空氣中的氣態污染物水平所修飾:研究發現PM₁₀ 與NO₂ 或SO₂ 之間的協同作用,以及PM₁₀ 與O₃ 之間的拮抗作用。 / BACKGROUND: The adverse effects of particulate matter (PM) air pollution have been confirmed by many epidemiological studies. Fine and coarse particles should be considered as separate classes of pollutants and measured separately. Differentiating the effects of fine (PM₂.₅, particles with an aerodynamic diameter less than 2.5 microns) and coarse particles (PM[subscript c], particles with an aerodynamic diameter between 2.5 and 10 microns) would help in the future to support a PM[subscript c] standard. Meanwhile, ambient air pollution is a complex mixture of PM and gaseous pollutants. PM might interact with gaseous pollutants to affect the population health. / STUDY OBJECTIVES: To differentiate the effects of fine and coarse fractions of PM₁₀ and to explore the possible interaction between PM₁₀ and gaseous pollutants (nitrogen dioxide, NO₂; sulfur dioxide, SO₂; ozone, O₃) on emergency hospital admissions for cardio-respiratory diseases in Hong Kong. / METHODS: This is a time series study. Daily counts of emergency hospital admissions for cardio-respiratory diseases, daily mean air pollution concentrations and weather conditions were collected from January 1998 to December 2007 in Hong Kong. We used generalized additive Poisson model with log link allowing overdispersion and autocorrelation to examine the differential effects of PM₂.₅ and PM[subscript c]. Three parallel time series approaches (bivariate response surface model, joint effect model and parametric stratified model) were used to explore the possible interactions between PM₁₀ and gaseous pollutants. / MAIN RESULTS: The associations between PM[subscript c] and emergency hospital admissions were statistically significant for respiratory diseases but not for circulatory diseases. In two-pollutant (PM₂.₅and PM[subscript c]) model, an interquartile range increase in the 4-day moving average (lag₀₃) concentrations of PM[subscript c] and PM₂.₅ corresponded to 1.05% (95% CI: 0.19%, 1.91%) and 1.81% (95% CI: 0.76%, 2.87%) increase of respiratory admissions, respectively. The effect estimates of PM₂.₅and PM[subscript c] remained robust when adjusting for gaseous pollutants. Meanwhile, an interquartile range increase in lag₀₁ concentrations of PM[subscript c] and PM₂.₅was associated with -0.16% (95% CI: -1.07%, 0.76%) and 1.86% (95% CI: 0.85%, 2.88%) change of circulatory admissions, respectively. Some interactions between PM₁₀ and gaseous pollutants were found. The effects of PM₁₀ on circulatory hospitalizations were greatest during the days when NO₂ or SO₂ concentrations were high (the 3rd tertile, NO₂>64.4 or SO₂>20.9μg/m³). The effects of PM₁₀ on both respiratory and circulatory admissions were greatest during the days when O₃ concentrations were in low to medium levels (<=46.8μg/m³). / CONCLUSION: We found PM[subscript c] to be associated with emergency hospital admissions for respiratory diseases independent of the effect of PM₂.₅, but not for circulatory diseases in Hong Kong. The effects of PM₁₀ on cardio-respiratory hospital admissions were modified by gaseous pollutants. There were synergetic interactions between PM₁₀ and NO₂ or SO₂ on cardiac hospitalizations and antagonistic interactions between PM₁₀ and ozone on cardio-respiratory hospitalizations. These findings provide supportive evidence for a future PM[subscript c] regulation and contribute to the development of a multipollutant air quality management. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Qiu, Hong = 顆粒污染物對人群健康的短期效應 : 時間序列研究 / 邱宏. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2012. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 122-137). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstract also in Chinese. / Qiu, Hong = Ke li wu ran wu dui ren qun jian kang de duan qi xiao ying : shi jian xu lie yan jiu / Qiu Hong. / Abstract (English) --- p.v / Abstract (Chinese) --- p.viii / List of Contents --- p.x / List of Tables --- p.xiv / List of Figures --- p.xvi / List of Abbreviation --- p.xviii / Acknowledgements --- p.xix / Chapter Chapter 1 --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter Chapter 2 --- Literature Review --- p.5 / Chapter 2.1. --- Review on the differential health effects of fine and coarse particles --- p.5 / Chapter 2.1.1 --- A brief description of particulate matter air pollution --- p.5 / Chapter 2.1.2 --- The objective of this part of literature review --- p.7 / Chapter 2.1.3 --- Methods --- p.8 / Chapter --- Inclusion and exclusion criteria of studies/papers --- p.8 / Chapter --- Search terms and keywords --- p.9 / Chapter --- Information abstracted --- p.9 / Chapter 2.1.4 --- Results --- p.10 / Chapter --- Short-term effects of PM₂.₅and PM[subscript c] on mortality --- p.10 / Chapter --- Short-term effects of PM₂.₅and PM[subscript c] on morbidity --- p.14 / Chapter --- Biological mechanisms underlying the differential effects of PM₂.₅and PM[subscript c] --- p.18 / Chapter 2.1.5 --- Conclusion remarks --- p.19 / Chapter --- Health effects of PM₂.₅and PM[subscript c] on mortality --- p.19 / Chapter --- Health effects of PM₂.₅and PM[subscript c] on morbidity --- p.20 / Chapter 2.2. --- Review on the joint effects/interactions of particulate matter and gaseous pollutants --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2.1 --- Concept of Interaction --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2.2 --- The objective of this part of literature review --- p.21 / Chapter 2.2.3 --- Methods --- p.22 / Chapter --- Search terms and key words --- p.22 / Chapter --- Information abstract --- p.22 / Chapter 2.2.4 --- Results --- p.23 / Chapter --- Studies on the interaction between particulate matter and gaseous pollutants --- p.23 / Chapter --- Studies on the interaction between PM₁₀ and NO₂ --- p.23 / Chapter --- Studies on the interaction between PM₁₀ and O₃ --- p.24 / Chapter --- Studies on the interaction between PM and SO₂ --- p.26 / Chapter --- Modifiers identified through multicity study --- p.30 / Chapter --- Methodology used to detect interaction in time series studies --- p.33 / Chapter --- Nonparametric bivariable response surface model --- p.33 / Chapter --- Non-stratification interaction model --- p.34 / Chapter --- Parametric stratified model --- p.34 / Chapter --- Time series classification and regression tree (CART) model --- p.35 / Chapter --- Biological mechanisms of interaction between pollutants --- p.36 / Chapter 2.2.5 --- Conclusion remarks --- p.38 / Chapter Chapter 3 --- Differential health effects of fine and coarse particles --- p.39 / Chapter 3.1 --- Objectives --- p.39 / Chapter 3.2 --- Materials and Methods --- p.39 / Chapter 3.2.1 --- Data on particulate pollutants and meteorology variables --- p.39 / Chapter 3.2.2 --- Data on emergency hospital admissions for cardio-respiratory diseases --- p.40 / Chapter 3.2.3 --- Statistical models --- p.42 / Chapter --- Core model set up --- p.42 / Chapter --- Single-pollutant and two-pollutant models --- p.44 / Chapter --- Concentration-response relationship --- p.45 / Chapter --- Sensitivity analysis --- p.46 / Chapter 3.3 --- Results --- p.47 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Location of Tsuen Wan station, Tsuen Wan region --- p.47 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Air pollution concentrations and meteorological factors --- p.47 / Chapter 3.3.3 --- Emergency hospital admissions for cardio-respiratory diseases --- p.50 / Chapter 3.3.4 --- Regression results and Sensitivity analysis --- p.51 / Chapter --- Effects of coarse particulate matter on emergency hospital admissions for respiratory diseases --- p.51 / Chapter --- Differential effects of fine and coarse particles on emergency hospital admissions for cardiovascular diseases --- p.56 / Chapter 3.4 --- Discussion --- p.61 / Chapter 3.4.1 --- Main findings of this study --- p.61 / Chapter 3.4.2 --- Compared with findings from the literature --- p.62 / Chapter 3.4.3 --- Exposure windows selection and possible misclassification --- p.64 / Chapter 3.4.4 --- Sensitivity analyses of main findings --- p.65 / Chapter 3.4.5 --- Biological mechanisms of the differential effects of fine and coarse particles --- p.67 / Chapter 3.4.6 --- Limitations of this study --- p.68 / Chapter 3.5 --- Conclusion and recommendations --- p.69 / Chapter Chapter 4 --- Joint effects/Interactions of PM₁₀ and gaseous pollutants --- p.70 / Chapter 4.1 --- Objectives --- p.70 / Chapter 4.2 --- Materials and Methods --- p.70 / Chapter 4.2.1 --- Data on air pollution and meteorology variables --- p.70 / Chapter 4.2.2 --- Data on emergency hospital admissions for cardio-respiratory diseases --- p.71 / Chapter 4.2.3 --- Statistical models --- p.72 / Chapter --- Core model set up --- p.72 / Chapter --- Three parallel time series models --- p.73 / Chapter 4.3 --- Results --- p.76 / Chapter 4.3.1 --- Air pollution concentrations and meteorological factors --- p.76 / Chapter 4.3.2 --- Emergency hospital admissions for cardio-respiratory diseases --- p.79 / Chapter 4.3.3 --- Results from single-pollutant model --- p.81 / Chapter --- Pollution effects on emergency hospital admissions for respiratory diseases --- p.81 / Chapter --- Pollution effects on emergency hospital admissions for circulatory diseases --- p.83 / Chapter 4.3.4 --- Joint effects/Interactions between PM₁₀ and NO₂ on cardio-respiratory hospitalizations --- p.85 / Chapter 4.3.5 --- Joint effects/Interactions between PM₁₀ and O₃ on cardio-respiratory hospitalizations --- p.91 / Chapter 4.3.6 --- Joint effects/Interactions between PM₁₀ and SO₂ on cardio-respiratory hospitalizations --- p.96 / Chapter 4.4 --- Discussion --- p.102 / Chapter 4.4.1 --- Main findings --- p.102 / Chapter --- Effect estimates compared with previous Hong Kong studies --- p.102 / Chapter --- Interactions between particulate matter and gaseous pollutants --- p.103 / Chapter --- Interactions between PM₁₀ and NO₂ on cardiac hospitalizations --- p.103 / Chapter --- Interactions between PM₁₀ and O₃ on cardio-respiratory hospitalizations --- p.109 / Chapter --- Interactions between PM₁₀ and SO₂ on cardiac hospitalizations --- p.113 / Chapter 4.4.2 --- Strengths and limitations of this study --- p.116 / Chapter 4.5 --- Conclusion and recommendations --- p.119 / Chapter Chapter 5 --- Concluding remarks --- p.120 / References List --- p.122 / Chapter Appendix --- Relevant Publications and Submitted/Drafted Papers --- p.138
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Long-term exposure to air pollution and school children's respiratory health and lung function growth: a 1-year prospective cohort study in Guangzhou, China. / 長期暴露空氣污染與中國廣州學齡兒童呼吸系統健康及肺功能發育關係的前瞻性隊列研究 / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection / Chang qi bao lu kong qi wu ran yu Zhongguo Guangzhou xue ling er tong hu xi xi tong jian kang ji fei gong neng fa yu guan xi de qian zhan xing dui lie yan jiuJanuary 2009 (has links)
He, Qiqiang. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2009. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 142-154). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese.
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Direct determination of lead in airborne particulate matter by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry.January 1997 (has links)
by Lai Yuen Kwan. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1997. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 41-45). / Abstract --- p.i / Acknowledgement --- p.ii / Contents --- p.iii / List of Figures --- p.vi / List of Tables --- p.vii / Chapter 1. --- INTRODUCTION / Chapter 1.1 --- Air Pollution in Hong Kong --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Lead in Air and its Harmful Effects on Human --- p.3 / Chapter 1.3 --- Sampling of Air Particulates --- p.6 / Chapter 1.3.1 --- Principles of filter sampling --- p.6 / Chapter 1.3.2 --- Filter media for air sampling --- p.7 / Chapter 1.4 --- Sample Treatment --- p.9 / Chapter 1.4.1 --- Acid digestion - standard method for analysis of metals --- p.9 / Chapter 1.4.2 --- Slurry sampling - direct method for analysis of metals --- p.9 / Chapter 1.4.3 --- Literature survey on slurry sampling --- p.10 / Chapter 1.4.4 --- Comparison between acid digestion and slurry sampling methods --- p.10 / Chapter 1.5 --- Instrumental Analysis --- p.11 / Chapter 1.5.1 --- Graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry --- p.11 / Chapter 1.5.2 --- Background correction by the Zeeman effect --- p.12 / Chapter 2. --- EXPERIMENTAL / Chapter 2.1 --- Apparatus --- p.14 / Chapter 2.2 --- Reagents --- p.14 / Chapter 2.3 --- Procedure --- p.15 / Chapter 2.3.1 --- Selection of sample introduction technique --- p.15 / Chapter 2.3.2 --- Recovery study of lead in standard reference material (SRM) in 1-decanol --- p.16 / Chapter 2.3.3 --- Study of suspension behavior of solvents with SRM --- p.16 / Chapter 2.3.4 --- Recovery study of lead in SRM in ethylene glycol --- p.17 / Chapter 2.3.5 --- Determination of lead in SRM by the developed method --- p.17 / Chapter 2.3.6 --- Determination of lead in SRM by the acid digestion method --- p.18 / Chapter 2.3.7 --- Application of the developed method on the analysis of real sample --- p.18 / Chapter 3. --- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION / Chapter 3.1 --- Choice of Solvents for Suspension of Air Particulates --- p.20 / Chapter 3.2 --- Sample Introduction Technique --- p.20 / Chapter 3.3 --- Recovery Study of lead in SRM in 1-Decanol --- p.22 / Chapter 3.3.1 --- Drying stage of the temperature program for analysis --- p.23 / Chapter 3.3.2 --- Effect of 1-decanol on the absorbance signal of the analyte --- p.24 / Chapter 3.3.3 --- Sample injection volume --- p.25 / Chapter 3.3.4 --- Design of temperature program for analysis --- p.25 / Chapter 3.4 --- Study of Suspension Behavior of Solvents --- p.27 / Chapter 3.5 --- Recovery Study of lead in SRM in Ethylene Glycol --- p.32 / Chapter 3.6 --- Evaluation of the Developed Method --- p.33 / Chapter 3.6.1 --- Determination of lead in SRM --- p.33 / Chapter 3.6.2 --- Application of non-linear standard addition method --- p.35 / Chapter 3.6.3 --- precision and accuracy of the developed method --- p.36 / Chapter 3.7 --- Recovery Study with the Acid Digestion Method --- p.36 / Chapter 3.8 --- Analysis of Real Sample by the Developed Method --- p.37 / Chapter 3.8.1 --- Principles of TEOM® on mass measurement --- p.37 / Chapter 3.8.2 --- Selection of filter media for air sampling --- p.37 / Chapter 3.8.3 --- Study of dislodging efficiency of air particulates from Teflon filter --- p.38 / Chapter 3.8.4 --- Comparison with the acid digestion method --- p.39 / Chapter 4. --- CONCLUSION --- p.40 / Chapter 5. --- REFERENCES --- p.41 / Chapter 6. --- APPENDIX --- p.46
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Ambient combustion by-product exposures and exhaled biomarkers of airway inflammation and oxidative stressRosa, Maria Jose January 2014 (has links)
Introduction: Numerous studies have found associations between exposure to airborne particulate matter and respiratory morbidity and mortality. However, the varying composition, dependant on the different sources of particulate matter, and its effect on processes of inflammation and oxidative stress in the airways has not been completely elucidated. The use of airway biomarkers, fractional exhaled nitric oxide (FENO) and exhaled breath condensate (EBC), can provide valuable insight into processes of inflammation and oxidative stress in the airways. In these studies we sought to characterize the associations between airborne pollutant exposures and their sources and airway biomarkers.
Methods:The study population of interest for Chapters III-V is a subset of children currently enrolled in a birth cohort under the Columbia Children's Center for Environmental Health. Chapter III refers to the validation in this population of a method for partitioning FENO contributions from the proximal and distal airways. Chapters IV and V refer to the implementation of this method in the study of ambient metals and residential proximity to relevant sources of particulate matter (PM) and black carbon (BC). Briefly, the children of African-American and Dominican mothers living in low-income NYC neighborhoods had FENO samples collected offline at constant flow rates of 50, 83 and 100 mL/sec at ages 9 and/or 11. Surrogate measures for bronchial flux NO (JNO) and alveolar (Calv) NO concentrations were estimated using a previously validated mathematical model. Wheeze in the last 12 months was assessed by the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC) questionnaire. Seroatopy was determined by specific IgE at age 9. For Chapter IV, in order to examine the associations between metal fractions of particulate matter and airway inflammation, ambient measures of Ni, V, Zn and Fe were obtained from a local central monitoring site and averaged over nine days based on three 24 hour measures every third day. Seroatopy was determined by specific IgE at age 7. For Chapter V, residential distance to a major road, truck route and bus stop density, area covered by major roads, stationary point sources (SPS), toxic release inventory sites (TRIS) and commercial buildings, and number of buildings burning residual oil within 250-meters of each child's home were determined. These variables were selected a priori as potential important sources or airborne PM and BC. For Chapter VI, the study population was comprised of seven- and eight-year-old children enrolled in an asthma case-control study in New York City. Seven day averages of domestic levels of particulate matter <2.5 microns (PM2.5), BC and environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) were measured. Urea and 8-isoprostane were measured by liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) in EBC collected during home visits. All data were analyzed with SPSS.
Results: In our first study, children with seroatopy had significantly higher median JNO p<0.001) when compared to non-seroatopic children; however, median Calv was not significantly different between these two groups (p=0.644). Children with wheeze in the past year had significantly higher median Calv (p<0.001), but not JNO (295 vs. 165 pL/s, p=0.241) when compared with children without wheeze. In our second study, ambient V and Fe concentrations were associated positively with FENO50 (p=0.018, p=0.027). Ambient Fe was associated positively with JNO (p=0.017). Ambient Ni and V concentrations were associated positively with Calv (p=0.004, p=0.018 respectively). A stronger association of Ni concentrations with Calv was observed among the children with seroatopy. In our third study, there were no significant associations between any of the air pollution indicator variables and FENO parameters in adjusted models.
In our final study, PM2.5and BC, but not ETS, were significantly associated with increases in 8-isoprostane (p<0.05 for both) after adjustment for covariates. In a co-pollutant model including PM2.5, BC and ETS, only BC remained a statistically significant predictor of 8-isoprostane.
Discussion: Recent exposure to airborne pollutants was associated with increased levels of biomarkers of airway inflammation and oxidative stress measured in exhaled breath. The metal and BC fractions of PM might be more relevant to the understanding adverse respiratory outcomes related to air pollution exposure.
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Poluição e qualidade do ar, modelagem ambiental da dispersão dos poluentes de fonte fixa / Contaminacion y calidad del aire, modelamiento ambiental de la dispersion de contaminantes de fuente fijaValenzuela Saavedra, Gabriel Cristóbal 28 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Liliane Ferreira (ljuvencia30@gmail.com) on 2018-04-23T11:10:57Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-03-28 / Outro / El presente estudio tiene como finalidad encontrar un camino metodológico para modelar la dispersión de contaminantes atmosféricos provenientes de fuentes de emisión fija, a través de materiales baratos y simples. El camino insto de la revisión teórica de los principales conceptos de la contaminación atmosférica y la calidad del aire, así conocer cuales factores determinan áreas vulnerables a la contaminación atmosférica. Se usó una fuente de emisión fija de una industria alimentaria para mostrar un análisis de lo que sería un estudio de impacto ambiental de las emisiones producto de la operación normal de la fábrica para el año 2012, sin la intención de evaluar, si no, para mostrar cómo se aplica el modelo en un caso práctico. De esta forma, colocar en disposición una metodología que pueda ser usada en estudios que ayuden a la toma de decisión para la planificación en la introducción de nuevas fuentes de emisión o la alteración de las antiguas. Como resultado, se consiguen imágenes donde es fácilmente reconocible el área de susceptibilidad de las emisiones provenientes de la fuente fija, las que son interpretadas para aclarar que podría pasar frente a los diversos escenarios posibles. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo encontrar o caminho metodológico para modelar a dispersão de poluentes atmosféricos provenientes de fontes de emissão fixa, através de materiais baratos e simples. O percurso instou da revisão teórica e dos principais conceptos da poluição e qualidade do ar para saber quais são os fatores que determinam áreas vulneráveis à poluição atmosférica. Usou-se uma fonte de emissão atmosférica fixa de uma indústria alimentar para mostrar um analises do que seria um estudo de impacto das emissões produto da operação normal da fábrica para o ano 2012, sem a intenção de avaliar a indústria, mas para mostrar como se aplica o modelo de dispersão em casos práticos. Dessa forma, disponibilizar uma metodologia que possa ser usada em estudos que ajudem a tomar decisões de planejamento para a colocação de novas fontes de emissão ou a alteração das antigas. Como resultado, se consegue imagens onde é facilmente reconhecível a área de susceptibilidade das emissões provenientes da fonte fixa, as quais são interpretadas para esclarecer o que poderia acontecer frente aos diversos cenários possíveis.
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Estudo dos principais precursores de ozônio na região metropolitana de São Paulo / Study of major precursors ozone in the metropolitan area of São PauloDébora Souza Alvim 29 April 2013 (has links)
O ozônio (O3) é um dos poluentes que representa grande preocupação em termos de qualidade do ar na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo (RMSP). No ano de 2012 foram observados 98 dias de ultrapassagens do padrão horário da qualidade do ar para este poluente na RMSP. A exposição aos poluentes atmosféricos como O3 e outros está associada ao prejuízo da saúde respiratória. O enfoque deste estudo é determinar os principais Compostos Orgânicos Voláteis (COV) precursores de O3 para auxiliar no controle deste poluente. Neste trabalho foram realizadas 78 amostragens durante a semana de hidrocarbonetos no ano de 2006 e 66 amostragens de hidrocarbonetos, 62 de aldeídos e 42 de etanol durante o ano de 2011/2012, 7:00 h às 9:00 h, na estação CETESB IPEN/USP. Medidas de COV também foram realizadas no ano de 2006 e 2008, na Estação CETESB Cerqueira César. Adicionalmente, foram efetuados testes de emissões veiculares durante o ano de 2009 de 5 veículos a diesel, 3 a etanol, 2 a gasolina C e 1 motocicleta. O modelo de trajetórias OZIPR foi utilizado para determinar os principais precursores de O3. Durante o ano de 2011/2012, na Estação CETESB IPEN/USP, a classe de aldeídos representou 35,3% dos COV analisados em concentração na atmosfera, seguido pelo etanol 22,6%, compostos aromáticos 15,7%, alcanos 13,5%, cetonas 6,8%, alcenos 6,0% e alcadienos < 0,1%. Considerando a concentração dos compostos e sua reatividade, as simulações executadas com o modelo OZIPR mostraram que o acetaldeído contribuiu com 61,2% da formação do O3 na atmosfera da RMSP no ano de 2011/2012. Dos COV analisados, a classe dos aldeídos contribui com 74% da produção de O3, aromáticos 14,5%, alcenos 10,2%, alcanos 1,3% e alcadienos (isopreno) 0,03%. O estudo de emissão veicular mostrou que 39% dos aldeídos foram provenientes de veículos a etanol, 28% a diesel, 26% a gasolina C e 7% de motocicletas. As emissões dos COV por veículos a gasolina contribuíram com 44% da formação de O3, a diesel 22%, a etanol 19% e motocicletas 15%. / Ozone (O3) is a pollutant that represents great concern in terms of air quality in the metropolitan area of São Paulo (MASP). In 2012 were observed 98 days of exceedances of the standard time air quality for this pollutant in the MASP. Exposure to air pollutants such as O3 and others is associated with the injury of respiratory health. The focus of this study is to determine the main Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) precursors of O3 to auxiliary in control this pollutant. In this work were made 78 samples during the week of hydrocarbons in 2006 and 66 samples of hydrocarbons, 62 of aldehydes and 42 of ethanol during the year 2011/2012, 7:00 am to 9:00 am, at the CETESB IPEN/USP station. Measurements of VOCs also were realized in 2006 and 2008, in the CETESB Cerqueira Cesar station. Additionally, were performed tests vehicle emissions during the year 2009 of 5 diesel vehicles, 3 ethanol, 2 gasool and 1 motorcycle. The OZIPR trajectory model was used to determine the main O3 precursors. During the year 2011/2012, in the CETESB IPEN/USP station the class of aldehydes represented 35.3% of VOCs analyzed in concentration in the atmosphere, followed by ethanol 22.6%, aromatics 15.7%, alkanes 13.5%, ketones 6.8%, alkenes 6.0% and alkadienes <0.1%. Considering the concentration of the compounds and their reactivity, the simulations executed with the model showed that acetaldehyde OZIPR contributed with 61.2% to the formation of O3 in the atmosphere of MASP in the year 2011/2012. VOCs analyzed, the class of aldehydes contributed with 74% of the production of O3, aromatics 14.5%, alkenes 10.2%, alkanes 1.3% and alkadienes (isoprene) 0.03%. The study of vehicular emission showed that 39% of aldehydes were obtained from ethanol vehicles, 28% diesel, 26% gasoline and 7% of motorcycles. Emissions of VOCs by gasoline vehicles contributed with 44% of the formation of O3, diesel 22%, ethanol 19% and motorcycles gasoline 15%.
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