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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Nano-polypyrrol pro detekci plynných analytů a tekavých organických látek / Nanoscaled polypyrrole for sensing gaseous analytes and volatile organic compounds

Šetka, Milena January 2020 (has links)
Polypyrol (PPy) je heterocyklický vodivý polymer s chemickou strukturou založenou na existenci systému konjugovaných elektronů mezi střídajícími se jednoduchými a dvojnými vazbami. Díky svým vynikajícím vlastnostem jako je dobrá elektrická vodivost, relativně vysoká stabilita prostředí a zároveň i jednoduchost a variabilita metod jeho přípravy, přilákal tento polymer pozornost mnoha vědců z různých vědních disciplín. Cílem výzkumu v této dizertační práci byla studie senzorického chování PPy. Za tímto účelem byla ověřena účinnost nanostruktur PPy při detekci vybraných „vysoce důležitých molekul plynů“ včetně acetonu, amoniaku, etanolu, etylenu a toluenu. V této práci byl připraven PPy ve formě nanotyčinek (NRs) pomocí elektrochemické syntézy a také ve formě nanočástic (NPs) chemickou cestou. Dále byly připraveny modifikované PPy struktury, a to funkcionalizací PPy NPs katalytickými částicemi zlata (Au), stříbra (Ag) a teluridu kademnatého (CdTe). Pro charakterizaci morfologie, složení a struktury připravených materiálů bylo použito několik komplementárních analytických (mikroskopických i spektroskopických) technik. Navíc byly využity techniky jako Ramanova a rentgenová fotoelektronová spektroskopie (XPS) pro in-situ test detekce plynů, které potvrdily potenciál připraveného materiálu, tedy PPy NRs i PPy NPs, pro využití v senzorech plynů. Za účelem výroby senzoru plynů byl připravený PPy materiál integrován do dvou typů převodníkových platforem: chemorezistivní a na bázi povrchové akustické vlny v tzv. Love módu (L-SAW). Test detekce plynů pro chemorezistivní senzory s PPy NRs ukázal pouze zanedbatelnou odpověď těchto senzorů pro oxid dusičitý a amoniak z důvodu jejich komplikované architektury. Změření odzevy tvou typú chemorezistivních senzorů-nemodifikovaného i modifikovaného PPy NPs nebylo možné z dúvodu extrémně vysoké odporu v řádu G. Nicméně multivodivé L-SAW senzory založené na holých PPy NPs či PPy NPs modifikovaných Au či Ag NPs a nebo CdTe kvantovými tečkami (QDs) vykazovaly odezvu pro nízké koncentrace všech testovaných velmi důležitých molekul plynů při pokojové teplotě (RT). Obecně měly L-SAW senzory s modifikovanou citlivou vrstvou vyšší citlivost než senzory s nemodifikovanou PPy citlivou vrstvou. Účinnost L-SAW senzoru primárně závisí na pracovní frekvenci a na výběru citlivé vrstvy v aktivní oblasti senzoru. Z otestovaných typů vrstev senzoru vuči jednotlivým plynům, modifikovaná PPy NPs s Ag NPs i Au NPs se javí jako nejlepší varianta pro detekci acetonu. Připravené L-SAW senzory na bázi PPy jsou jednoduchá a cenově přijatelná zařízení s vylepšenými detekčními vlastnostmi jako je vysoká senzitivita a nízký limit detekce (LOD), což je řadí mezi potenciální kandidáty v budoucích systémech pro kontrolu kvality vzduchu, potravin a rovněž pro diagnostiku nemocí z dechu.

Využití signálů elektromagnetické a akustické emise pro lokalizaci trhlin vznikajících při mechanickém zatěžování pevných látek / Application of electromagnetic and acoustic emission signals for localization of cracks generated during mechanical stressing of solids

Burděj, Václav January 2008 (has links)
Terms of acoustic emission (AE) and electromagnetic emission (EME) designated physical effects and also as diagnostic methods based on these effects. These effects are caused by generated cracks in materials that rank among non-destructive techniques of material diagnostics. The advantage of them is that they do not affect the measured object and give us information about the current dynamic state of a tested material. One disadvantage of these effects is that they provide very low energy of signal emissions and make it difficult for broader usage. It is expected better localization of cracks in non-conductive materials by connecting of these two techniques (diagnostics). There are designed and described new methods for crack detection with usage of AE and EME signals in this work. Also there is description of measuring arrangement intended of crack detection and experimental sample for checking accuracy of methods for crack detection. There was performed comparison of accuracy of methods in crack detection.

Teplotní závislost elektronického šumu piezokeramických snímačů / Electronic noise temperature characteristics of piezoceramic sensors

Shromáždil, Petr January 2009 (has links)
The main objective of the thesis „Electronic noise temperature dependence of piezoceramic sensors“ is to design the measuring set-up for the measurement of the piezoceramic sensor noise temperature dependence. The application for the control of the measurement process is realized. The theoretic chapter is focused on the properties of materials for the production of piezoceramic sensors. The basic effects related to the piezoceramic properties and the material structure is described in this part. Next chapter is focused on the technology of production of used piezoceramic. The properties of solid solutions as PbZrO3 – PbTiO3, and the non-destructive methods of the material testing are discussed. Our attention is concentrated to methods of acoustic emission. The next chapter is concerned on the realization of the measuring set-up and program equipment. The tested sample is the acoustic emission sensor made of piezoceramic material PCM-51. It is placed in the cylinder chest which is heated by the DC current source. The temperature measurement is realized by the data acquisition switch unit. The results of measurements are saved in PC and they are analyzed using MATLAB program. As a result we receive the frequency spectra of the electric noise voltage spectral density SU. The temperature dependencies of resonant peak value and frequency are determined from these spectra.

Filtr s akustickou povrchovou vlnou / Surface acoustic wave filter

Tichý, Jakub January 2010 (has links)
The theoretical part of this thesis deals with principles and characteristics of the surface acoustic wave filter. It explained the principle of magnetostriction and piezoelectric effect, which uses a filter. In the practical part in the program Comsol Multiphysics are made three simple models of SAW filter. Some modes are founded and are compared to previously known results. In the next phase of project is further studied using the parametric analysis. In the last phase of project is applied global optimization PSO at admittance characteristic from simple 2D structure. The results are compared with the commercially produced devices.

Systém pro lokalizaci vzdáleného zdroje zvuku s hradlovým polem / Beamforming system with FPGA

Vadinský, Václav January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with processing signals from the microphone arrays for sound source localization. Compares different types of fields, such as cross-field and circular array. It is shown here how to implement Beamforming on FPGA and design of signal processing with a microphone array.

Vliv parametrů vazebného média a struktury povrchu na kvalitu snímaného signálu akustické emise / Influence of parameters of bond media and surface roughness on the quality of the acoustic emission signal sensing

Schreier, Jan January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the influence of different AE sensor couplants and surface roughness on the selected acoustic emission parameters. There are compared the amplitude of the signal measured using five different couplants at 20°C and 80°C. To monitor the effect of surface roughness on the AE parameters simple measuring product was constructed. Its functionality has been verified by implementation of basic experimental measurements.

Výpočtové modelování aerodynamického hluku při obtékání tělesa / Computational modelling of aerodynamic noise of flow past a solid body

Sýkora, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on computational modelling of aerodynamic noise of flow past a solid body. Computation of flow around a cylinder is performed for different meshes and time steps in initial part of the thesis. Results from every computation are compared. Computation aerodynamic noise due to flow around a cylinder is simulated in other part of diploma thesis. In the second benchmark computation, turbulent models have to be considered, because flow with high Reynolds number is turbulent. Computation is based on two different ways: acoustic analogy and direct method. A few different turbulent models is described and is analyzed influence to modelling aerodynamic noise. The results and knowledge of the benchmarks computation have been used in compu-tational modelling of aerodynamic noise of flow around simplified side view mirror. Surface (2D) and spatial (3D) simulations are performed. Based on computation modelling of aerodynamic noise of flow around simplified side view mirror has been designed new geometry, that aim is reduced aerodynamic noise and improved aerodynamic parameters.

Studium anizotropie tvorby mechanických dvojčat v hořčíkové slitině AZ31 / Study of twinning anisotropy of AZ31 magnesium alloy

Zdražilová, Zuzana January 2011 (has links)
In the present work the deformation behaviour of magnesium-based alloy AZ31 which was produced by horizontal continual casting is investigated. Samples with two different orientations are deformed in tension and compression at strain rate of 10-3 s-1 in temperature range of 20 řC to 300 řC. Simultaneously, the acoustic emission is recorded and studied with focused on mechanical twinning. The mechanisms of plastic deformation of material and anisotropy between tension and compression are discussed. Dependence of deformation behaviour on temperature is analyzed. The microstructure of original and deformed material is also studied by means of optical microscopy.

Studium deformačních procesů perspektivních kompozitů na bázi hořčíku / Study of deformation processes of perspective magnesium-based composites

Farkas, Gergely January 2013 (has links)
The goal of the present work is investigation of deformation mechanisms in magnesium-based metal matrix composites and examination of the influence of morphology of strengthening phase on the mechanical properties. The microstructure of the specimen was studied by means of light optical and electron microscopy (SEM). Compression tests in the temperature range of 20řC-300řC were preformed. Acoustic emission measurements were performed during compression test at room temperature, whose help us elucidate the ongoing micromechanisms during the straining. Furthermore residual stress in the magnesium matrix at different strain levels was measured by neutron diffraction.

Studium kooperativních dislokačních jevů v pevných látkách metodou akustické emise / Study of cooperative dislocation phenomena in solids by the acoustic emission technique

Knapek, Michal January 2016 (has links)
Title: Study of cooperative dislocation phenomena in solids by the acoustic emis- sion technique Author: Michal KNAPEK Department: Department of Physics of Materials Supervisor: doc. RNDr. František Chmelík, CSc., Department of Physics of Materials Abstract: Plastic deformation of micron-scale crystalline materials differs con- siderably from bulk specimens, as it is characterized by random strain bursts. Three categories of metallic samples were investigated in this thesis: micron- scale copper micropillars with varied geometries, submillimeter-scale aluminum microwires, and aluminum and aluminum-magnesium salt-replicated foams. Very precise fabrication methods and sensitive measurement set-ups consisting of uni- axial compression and tensile tests with concurrent acoustic emission (AE) record- ing were developed. These fine methods allowed for investigations of effects re- lated to plastic deformation at micrometer scales, i.e. the dislocation dynamics associated with the stress drops. Size effects in plastic deformation, as well as clear correlations between the stress drops and the AE events, were found in mi- crosamples, confirming that dislocation avalanches are indeed responsible for the stochastic character of deformation processes also at microscales. Open-cell pure aluminum and aluminum-magnesium...

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