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Rates of Algal Production and Sphaerotilus Assimilation in the Logan River, UtahBeers, Gary D. 01 May 1969 (has links)
The rates of algal production and Sphaerotilus assimilation in the lower Logan River benthos were investigated in 1966 and 1967 .
The rate of annual gross primary production (3,416 Kcal/m2/yr) was estimated from the relation of pigments to the photosynthetic rate of benthic communities in a submersible, metabolism chamber. The photosybthetic rate was predicted with high precision when a measure of the accessory pigments (D480/D665 and/or chlorophyll-c ) was considered with the chlorophyll-a . The pigment density estimates were obtained from the community present on paraffin-coated, concrete hemispheres after immersion in the river for periods ranging from 11 to 20 weeks.
The daily rate of energy utilization by Sphaerotilus (1.3 c a l/m2/day) was estimated from the observed generation time of this bacterium on glass slides suspended in the river at various locations and metabolic coefficients obtained from other sources. The magnitude of microbial activity in the river water Has estimated to be 448 cal/m2/day. The accumulation rate of Sphaerotilus biomas s on glass slides was 0.3 mg? (net weight)/m-/48 hours , and could be predicted from the temperature, nitrate (plus nitrate) content , and the dissolved organic carbon content of the river water. The generation time of Sphaerotilus (average was 20 hours) could be predicted f rom temperature, nitrate (plus nitrite) content, and velocity of t he water. The daily P/B coefficient for this bacterium was 1.20.
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Effects of copper on benthic communities in artificial microcosmsComeaux, Jay Louis 10 November 2005 (has links)
Due to perceived shortcomings in some aspects of hazard assessment for chemicals administered to aquatic systems, experiments were conducted to determine the effects of copper on various ecological parameters in artificial streams and microcosms. Effects investigated were colonization and growth of periphyton communities in artificial streams, community composition and nutritional content of periphyton in these streams, leaf conditioning and nutritional content in laboratory microcosms, and nutritional suitability of these leaves to a shredding macroinvertebrate.
Main effects observed in periphyton growth experiments were significant reduction in substrate colonization due to copper treatment, which led to significantly lower standing biomass in treated streams. Observed growth rates were generally similar between control streams and copper treated streams. Light treatments did not affect periphyton responses to copper. Community composition of the periphyton was affected by 2.5 μg/L copper. Periphyton phosphorus and nitrogen contents were not affected by copper treatment.
Conditioning rate of leaves was significantly decreased by 50 μg/L copper treatments in some cases. Leaf phosphate and nitrogen contents were not significantly affected by copper treatment. Significant differences in nutritional suitability of copper-treated leaves to a shredding macroinvertebrate were not detected.
These experiments suggest that aquatic primary producers are more sensitive to copper than heterotrophs. Additionally, adverse effects on periphyton were observed at concentrations well below measures of chronic toxicity to organisms dependent on periphyton as a trophic resource and the chronic criteria for copper. As such, greater emphasis should be placed on the sensitivities of periphyton communities in future copper criteria determination. / Ph. D.
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Responses of biodiversity and ecosystem functions to land use disturbances and restoration in boreal stream ecosystemsTurunen, J. (Jarno) 30 January 2018 (has links)
Streams and rivers have been extensively altered by humans. Channelization and land use have changed stream habitats and water quality with adverse effects on biota and ecosystem functions. Impacted streams have been targets for restoration, but there is considerable lack of understanding how streams should be restored in an ecologically effective way. In this doctoral thesis, I studied the impacts of channelization (for timber floating) and agricultural diffuse pollution on stream biota. I also studied the effectiveness of restorations of forestry impacted streams stressed by excessive sand sedimentation from catchment drainage. Finally, I also studied the effects of mosses, fine sediment and enhanced dispersal on stream macroinvertebrate communities and ecosystem functions. I found that channelization did not have effect on diatom, macrophyte, macroinvertebrate and fish assemblages, whereas diffuse pollution had strong effects, with no interactions between the two stressors. I showed that excessive sedimentation from forest drainage was harmful for stream biota but had no effect on leaf decomposition and algal accrual rate. Restoration with boulders reduced sand cover and was more beneficial for in-stream biodiversity, whereas restoration with wood tended to increase hydrological retention of stream channels, thereby altering riparian plant assemblages toward more natural composition. In a mesocosm experiment, I found mosses to have a strong impact on macroinvertebrate communities and ecosystem functions. Mosses increased organic matter retention and reduced algal accrual rate and leaf decomposition. The effect of mosses on macroinvertebrates was stronger than that of sand sedimentation, and mosses mitigated some of the negative effects of sand. Extensive dispersal had a distinct imprint on invertebrate community composition but did not blur the effect of mosses and sand on communities, suggesting strong local-scale environmental control of composition. My thesis emphasizes that priority in stream restoration should be in the mitigation of diffuse pollution rather than restoration of channel morphology, especially in streams where channel alteration has been fairly modest, as in the case of timber floating. Addition of both boulders and large wood likely yields the best biodiversity response in the restoration of forestry impacted streams. Mosses are a key component of boreal lotic ecosystems; therefore, the recovery of mosses may be a prerequisite for the full recovery of biodiversity and ecosystem integrity of boreal streams. / Tiivistelmä
Ihmisen toiminta on laajasti muokannut virtavesiä. Uomien kanavointi ja maankäyttö ovat muuttaneet virtavesien elinympäristöjä ja veden laatua, millä on ollut haitallisia vaikutuksia virtavesien luonnon monimuotoisuuteen ja ekosysteemin toimintaan. Huonokuntoisia virtavesiä on kunnostettu paljon, mutta ymmärrys siitä, kuinka virtavesiä tulisi kunnostaa parhaan ekologisen lopputuloksen saavuttamiseksi, on edelleen vajaata. Tutkin tässä väitöskirjassa uittoperkausten ja maatalouden hajakuormituksen merkitystä ja yhteisvaikutusta virtavesien eliöyhteisöihin. Tutkin myös kunnostusten vaikutusta hiekasta kärsivissä metsätalouden muokkaamissa puroissa, sekä vesisammalten, hiekan ja eliöiden levittäytymisen merkitystä purojen pohjaeläinyhteisöjen ja ekosysteemin toimintojen muovautumisessa. Havaitsin, että uoman perkauksilla ei ollut vaikutusta virtavesien eliöyhteisöihin, mutta hajakuormituksen vaikutus oli voimakas. Perkauksella ja hajakuormituksella ei ollut yhteisvaikutuksia eliöyhteisöihin. Osoitin, että metsäojituksista aiheutuva ylimääräinen hiekan sedimentaatio on haitallista virtavesien eliöille, mutta sillä ei ollut vaikutusta lehtikarikkeen hajotukseen tai päällyslevien tuotantoon. Kunnostukset joissa käytettiin kiveä vähensivät hiekan peittävyyttä ja olivat hyödyllisempiä uoman eliöstölle kuin kunnostukset, joissa tehtiin puurakennelmia. Puukunnostukset kuitenkin lisäsivät uoman vedenpidätyskykyä ja siten muokkasivat rantavyöhykkeen kasvillisuutta luonnontilaisemmaksi. Havaitsin, että vesisammalilla on voimakas vaikutus pohjaeläinyhteisöjen koostumukseen. Sammalet vaikuttivat ekosysteemin toimintoihin lisäämällä eloperäisen aineksen pidättymistä ja vähentämällä lehtikarikkeen hajotusta ja päällyslevien tuotantoa. Sammalten vaikutus pohjaeläimiin oli voimakkaampi kuin hiekan, ja sammalet kykenivät jopa lieventämään joitakin hiekan negatiivisia vaikutuksia. Eliöiden levittäytymisellä oli selvä vaikutus yhteisöjen koostumukseen, mutta se ei hävittänyt hiekan ja sammalen vaikutusta, mikä viittaa korkeaan ympäristötekijöiden merkitykseen yhteisöjen rakentumisessa. Tutkielmani korostaa, että maatalousjokien tilan parantamisessa hajakuormituksen hallinta tulisi olla ensisijainen kunnostustavoite uoman rakenteen kunnostamisen sijaan. Metsätalouden vaikutuksista kärsivissä puroissa kivi- ja puumateriaalin käyttö samanaikaisesti tuottaa luultavimmin laajimman vaikutuksen purojen monimuotoisuuteen. Sammalilla on merkittävä vaikutus muiden eliöiden yhteisökoostumukseen ja ekosysteemin toimintoihin, joten sammalten palautuminen on tärkeä kunnostustavoite virtavesissä, joissa on luonnostaan paljon sammalkasvustoa.
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