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The use of stochastic simulation to investigate trends in the water quality of the River Clyde catchment areaMcAlpine, Janette Donald January 1999 (has links)
No description available.
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Potential Sources of Stormwater Pollutants : Leaching of Metals and Organic Compounds from Roofing MaterialsAndersson-Wikström, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
Runoff from paved surfaces in the urban environment is recognised as a major contributing source to deteriorated water quality. In stormwater, both various metals and organic compounds can be present and the quality of stormwater is dependent on e.g. the characteristics of the surfaces that the runoff encounters. Diffuse pollution sources, i.e. anthropogenic emissions from e.g. traffic or constructions, has been pointed out by the European Water Framework Directive to significantly contribute to pollution of stormwater receivers. In order to create and obtain a sustainable, liveable and aesthetical urban environment it is critical to be able to mitigate stormwater pollution, not least considering the increasing amount of stormwater due to climate change.The aim of this master’s thesis was to evaluate the potential release of inorganic- and organic stormwater pollutants from conventional roofing materials by laboratory leaching experiments. The study was mainly aimed to serve as a first screening on the roofing materials, in order to be able to select a number of materials for further investigation later on. The organic compounds included in this study were polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nonylphenols and -ethoxylates, phthalates and herbicides. Previous research on stormwater pollution has mainly focused on metals and there is therefore a knowledge gap on organic compounds in urban runoff. The leaching experiments were designed considering previous similar studies. Synthetic rainwater was prepared based on measurements of rainwater quality in Sweden. Duplicates of 16 commonly used roofing materials were prepared and immersed in beakers of synthetic rainwater. The beakers were agitated on an orbital shaking device for 24 hours and pH as well as conductivity was recorded in the leachates before sending the samples to the contracted laboratory for analysis. Metals were analysed on all materials and the organic compound analyses were performed on selected materials based on each material’s composition and was limited with the substance’s probability to release from each material.From the analysis results, mean values for the leached concentrations of all duplicates were calculated. The annual potential release of substances from materials was estimated based on the leached concentrations and data on the average annual precipitation in Sweden, in order to get an indication of the order of magnitude of the pollutant release. The results showed a potential release of a number of the included substances from many of the studied roofing materials, in varying order of magnitude. The shingle roofing was the material that showed the ability to release the largest number of pollutants. Some materials e.g. the clay tile also showed potential to adsorb substances on the material surface. Metals were mainly released in dissolved form from most materials. Phthalates were not present in concentrations above report limits in the leachates from any of the studied materials. The results also indicate a significant different in the release potential from materials that were considered similar in their composition and expected to have similar leaching behaviour prior to the laboratory experiments, e.g. two similar felt roof materials from different manufacturers. / <p>Validerat; 20150715 (global_studentproject_submitter)</p>
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Identifying multiple pollutant catchment risks for the selection and targeting of water industry catchment management interventions : development, implementation and testing of the CaRPoW frameworkBloodworth, Jack January 2015 (has links)
Water companies are continually adopting catchment management as a way of improving the quality of raw water prior to treatment. The catchments from which raw water is abstracted are often heterogeneous which regularly presents multiple pollutant issues and variability in the spatial distribution of pollutant-contributing areas. For catchment management to be effective, it is crucial that water companies select and target appropriate interventions at multi-pollutant high risk areas. Within this thesis a conceptual framework is developed to disaggregate and compare multiple pollutant risks in drinking water catchments to aid water companies in this decision making process. A review of pollutant processes highlights links between pollutants often mitigated using catchment management and therefore confirms the feasibility for a multi- pollutant framework. Criteria were developed with water industry catchment management professionals to determine framework requirements. No current framework or model fully meets these criteria.
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Anthropogenic Nitrogen and Phosphorus Emissions and Related Grey Water Footprints Caused by EU-27's Crop Production and ConsumptionMesfin M., Mekonnen, Lutter, Franz Stephan, Martinez, Aldo 20 January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Water is a prerequisite for life on our planet. Due to climate change and pollution, water availability for agricultural production, industry and households is increasingly put at risk. With agriculture being the largest water user as well as polluter worldwide, we estimate anthropogenic nitrogen and phosphorus emissions to fresh water related to global crop production at a spatial resolution level of 5 by 5 arc min and calculate the grey water footprints (GWF) related to EU-27's crop production. A multiregional input-output model is used to trace the the GWF embodied in the final consumption of crop products by the EU-27. The total GWF related to crop production in the EU-27 in 2007 was 1 × 1012 m3/year. Spain contributed about 40% to this total. Production of cereals (wheat, rice and other cereals) take the largest share, accounting for 30% of the GWF, followed by fruits (17%), vegetables (14%), and oil crops (13%). The total agricultural GWF of the EU-27 related to crop consumption was 1830 billion m3/year, which is 3700 m3/year per capita on average. Overall, the EU-27 was able to externalize about 41% of the GWF to the rest of the world through imports of crop products.
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Impacto de intervenções nutricionais no valor da pegada hídrica do produto leite bovino / Impact of nutritional management on the dairy milk water footprintNovelli, Táisla Inara 29 November 2017 (has links)
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o impacto de intervenções nutricionais no valor da pegada hídrica do produto leite bovino. O cálculo da pegada hídrica considerou as águas verde, azul e cinza, consumidas no sistema de produção e no beneficiamento do produto. Para determinação dos consumos de água no sistema de produção foram selecionados dois grupos experimentais, cada um contendo sete vacas em lactação. As dietas fornecidas a cada grupo continha os mesmos ingredientes. Porém, na composição do concentrado havia diferentes percentuais proteicos. O concentrado fornecido ao Grupo 1, continha 20% de proteína bruta, e o concentrado fornecido ao Grupo 2, tinha seu teor de proteico ajustado de acordo com a produção de leite do grupo, ao longo da lactação. O ajuste do teor de proteína da dieta as necessidades dos animais promoveu a redução dos consumos das águas verde, azul e cinza e da pegada hídrica do produto leite. A pegada hídrica do Grupo 1 com base no nitrato foi de 503,79 L kg-1 de FPCM (86,1% água verde, 13,4% água azul e 0,43% água cinza) e a do Grupo 2 foi de 452,59 L kg-1 de FPCM (85,3% água verde, 14,3% água azul e 0,45% água cinza). Com base no fósforo, a pegada total do Grupo 1 foi igual a 518,43 L kg-1 de FPCM (83,7% água verde, 13,1% água azul e 3,2% água cinza) e a do Grupo 2 foi de 465,16 L kg-1 de FPCM (83% água verde, 13,9 % água azul e 3,1% água cinza). Entre as três águas, a verde foi a que apresentou maior consumo, atestando a importância da eficiência hídrica na agricultura para os produtos de origem animal. A prática de irrigação das pastagens representou o maior consumo de água azul. O Grupo 2 apresentou melhor eficiência de uso de nutrientes, mas em ambos os grupos as entradas foram maiores que as saídas. O balanço do Grupo 1 foi de 962,7 kg de N, 95,2 kg de P e 545,1 kg de K e do Grupo 2, 869,4 kg de N, 57,8 kg de P, 601,9 kg de K. A captação de água de chuva por cisterna foi avaliada como uma tecnologia hídrica. Essa demonstrou ter impacto positivo na redução do volume de água captado de fonte natural, mas a análise financeira da tecnologia se mostrou inviável para a condição produtiva do estudo. A utilização de intervenções nutricionais que promovam o melhor aproveitamento dos nutrientes pelos animais demonstrou ser uma prática que também contribui para melhoria da eficiência hídrica do sistema de produção e dos produtos de origem animal. Estudos que relacionam o cálculo da pegada hídrica com os aspectos produtivos da pecuária promoverão impactos positivos na conservação dos recursos hídricos e no desempenho dos sistemas de produção. / The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of nutritional interventions on the dairy milk water footprint. Water footprint calculation considered the green, blue and gray water consumed in the production system and in the dairy unit. To determine the water consumption in the production system was selected two experimental groups with seven lactating cows each. The diets provided to each group contained the same feeds. However, concentrate had different crude protein contents. The concentrate feed Group 1 contained 20% of crude protein, and the concentrate feed Group 2 had its protein content adjusted according to the milk production of the group. The adjustment of the protein content promoted a lower consumption of green, blue and gray water and the reduction of water footprint value. The water footprint based on nitrate in the Group 1 was 503.79 L kg-1 of FPCM (86.1% green water, 13.4% blue water, and 0.43% gray water) and in the Group 2 was 452.59 L kg-1 FPCM (85.3% green water, 14.3% blue water, and 0.45% gray water). Water footprint based on phosphorus was 518.43 L kg-1 of FPCM to Group 1 (83.7% green water, 13.1% blue water, and 3.2% gray water) and to Group 2 was 465.16 L kg-1 of FPCM (83% green water, 13.9% blue water, and 3.1% gray water). Green was the highest volume consumed. This shows the relation between agriculture water efficiency and the water footprint of animal products. Irrigation represented the highest consumption of blue water. The nutrient use efficiency was better to Group 2, but in both groups the inputs were higher than the outputs. The nutrient balance for Group 1 was 962.7 kg N, 95.2 kg P and 545.1 kg K and for Group 2, 869.4 kg N, 57.8 kg P, 601.9 kg of K. Rainwater harvesting in a cistern was evaluated as a water technology. It had a positive impact on reducing the withdraw from ground source, but the economic analysis of the cistern was unfeasible for the productive condition. The use of nutritional interventions for lactating cows promoted better nutrient utilization and has proved to be a management that contributes to the increase of water efficiency in the production system and to animal products. Studies that relate the water footprint with productive aspects of livestock will promote positive impacts on the water conservation and on the performance of production systems.
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Optimizing low impact development (LID) practices in subtropical climate / Otimização de técnicas compensatórias de drenagem urbana em clima subtropicalMacedo, Marina Batalini de 17 March 2017 (has links)
The urban drainage in Brazil has been focused historically in the hydraulic conduction of the runoff. From the 1990\'s a paradigm shift was initiated with the study of LID practices, aiming at adapting the local scenario to compensate the urbanization effects on runoff and reestablish the water cycle as close as possible to the natural. However, there is still a gap regarding the integration of qualitative-quantitative variables and their comprehension. In addition, the temperate climate regions have been in the center of the studies, with still few knowledge about other climates influence in its efficiency. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate the operation of a bioretention structure in a subtropical climate region, regarding mainly its pollutant treatment capacity and water retention, in an integrated way. The results indicate a positive use of the bioretention in reducing the exceedance risks, by reducing the peak flow, the total volume and the pollutant load transferred downstream. However, adaptations the implementation and operation stages are necessary for subtropical climates. The local specific characteristics, such as soil highly weathered and rainfall with high intensities in short intervals of time, affect the water and pollutant retention efficiency. Further studies evaluating different applications locals and scales, and treatment key factors must be performed. / A drenagem urbana no Brasil esteve focada historicamente no tratamento hidráulico para a condução do escoamento superficial. A partir da década de 90 se inicia uma mudança de paradigma com o estudo de técnicas compensatórias (TCs), visando adaptar o cenário local para compensar os efeitos da urbanização sobre o escoamento superficial, de forma a manter o ciclo hidrológico o mais próximo possível do natural. No entanto, existe ainda uma lacuna quanto a integração das variáveis quali-quantitativas e sua compreensão. No mais, as regiões de clima temperado estiveram no centro dos estudos, havendo pouco conhecimento sobre a influência de outros climas em sua eficiência. Assim, a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo avaliar a operação de uma estrutura de bioretenção em uma região de clima subtropical, quanto a sua capacidade de tratamento da poluição difusa e retenção hídrica de forma integrada. Para tal, foram monitorados dois dispositivos em escalas distintas, sendo essas laboratório e campo. Os resultados obtidos indicaram um uso promissor da bioretenção em reduzir os riscos de enchente, reduzindo a vazão de pico e o volume total transferido à jusante, assim como a carga total de poluentes. No entanto, adaptações nas etapas de implantação e operação são necessárias para clima subtropical. As características específicas desses locais, como solos altamente intemperizados e regimes de chuva de alta intensidade em pequeno intervalo de tempo, afetam a eficiência de retenção hídrica e retenção de poluente. Novos estudos avaliando diversos locais, escalas de aplicação, e fatores-chave para o tratamento devem ser realizados.
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Poluição difusa da drenagem urbana ecohidrológica: diagnóstico atual e cenários de longo prazo em bacias urbanas de São Carlos, SP / Diffuse pollution from urban drainage based on ecohydrology: diagnosis and long term scenarios in urban watershed in São Carlos, SPZaffani, Aline Gomes 12 September 2012 (has links)
O estado da drenagem urbana relaciona-se com o tipo e frequência de cheias, o aumento da poluição difusa e a degradação da qualidade da água. Como parte dos projetos FINEP/MAPLU \"Manejo de águas pluviais em meio urbano\" e FAPESP-IAV \"Assessment of impacts and vulnerability to climate change in Brazil and strategies for adaptation options\", o presente estudo teve por objetivo a análise experimental e a modelagem quali-quantitativa da poluição difusa da drenagem urbana com base ecohidrológica. O estudo foi realizado na área urbana da cidade de São Carlos, em 5 sub-bacias com áreas de drenagem entre 3,4 e 75,6 km², com grau de urbanização entre 0 e 100% e com potencial de escoamento (CN) de 58 a 95. Foram escolhidos 14 pontos para o levantamento de dados experimentais. Avaliando a continuidade dos rios, pode-se observar o impacto da urbanização na redução da qualidade no sentido da nascente à foz, com influência de esgoto. Os intervalos das variáveis de qualidade foram de: 235 a 35.000 kg/km²/ano para DQO; 0 a 7300 kg/km²/ano para DBO; 0 a 1378 kg/km²/ano para N-amoniacal; 0 a 133 kg/km²/ano para Fósforo Total e 7,8 x \'10 POT.4\' a 1,3 x \'10 POT.7\' NMP/km²/ano para coliformes fecais. Os maiores valores para as cargas específicas de DBO, DQO, N-amoniacal, Fósforo Total e Coliformes Fecais foram observados na saída das duas bacias com maior grau de urbanização. Dois indicadores ecohidrológicos foram aqui estudados: o indicador de continuidade X1 relaciona o número de afluentes laterais por unidade de comprimento do rio principal (nº/km), e X18, relacionado à vulnerabilidade, é obtido pelo produto entre velocidade e profundidade da água (m²/s). Em geral, X1 apresentou comportamento variado em cada sub-bacia, enquanto X18 mostrou elevação contínua no sentido de montante a jusante. A modelagem matemática foi realizada com o modelo SWMM no qual foram simulados cenários de macrodrenagem com base em mudanças no uso e ocupação do solo adaptados do Millenium Ecosystem Assessment. Para chuva de projeto com TR = 10 anos foram simulados cenários conforme o macrozoneamento, variando valores de CN, declividade e coeficiente de rugosidade n-Manning. Com horizontes futuros de uso e ocupação para os anos 2025, 2050, 2075 e 2100, os cenários de políticas reativas (\"GO\" e \"OS\") apresentaram vazão máxima específica e carga máxima de poluição específica superiores aos verificados nos cenários pró-ativos (\"AM\" e \"TG\"). Os resultados indicaram que a variabilidade quali-quantitativa da drenagem urbana é afetada não somente por aspectos antropogênicos, como lançamento de esgotos e falta de planejamento, como também por critérios ecohidrológicos mais complexos que sugerem aumentar expressivamente o monitoramento e simulações quali-quantitativas da poluição difusa urbana. / Urban drainage is influenced by the frequency of floods, the increase of diffuse pollution and the degradation of water quality. As a component of research projects FINEP/MAPLU \"Urban water management\" and FAPESP-IAV \"Assessment of impacts and vulnerability to climate change in Brazil and strategies for adaptation options\", this study aimed to do experimental analyses and quali-quantitative modeling of diffuse pollution of urban drainage based on ecohydrology. The study was developed at the urban area of São Carlos, in 5 sub-basins with drainage area between 3,4 and 75,6 km². The urbanization varies between 0 and 100% and the runoff potential (CN) between 58 to 95. Evaluating the continuity of the river, we can notice the impact of urbanization in decreasing water quality from upstream to downstream. Experimental analyses were made in 14 points and the quality variables oscillated between 235 - 35.000 kg/km²/yr to COD; 0 - 7300 kg/km²/yr to BOD; 0 - 1378 kg/km²/yr to N-NH3; 0 - 133 kg/km²/yr to total phosphorus and 7,8 x \'10 POT.4\' - 1,3 x \'10 POT.7\' MPN/km²/yr to fecal coliform. The highest values of specific charge for COD, N-NH3 and phosphorus were observed at sub-basins with high degree of urbanization. Two ecohydrological indicators were estimated. The continuity indicator X1, relates to the number of lateral affluents and to the length of the river. X18 is related to vulnerability, and obtained by the product between velocity and depth. The indicator X1 showed different behaviors in sub-basins, while X18 increased in direction upstream to downstream. Both indicators didnt show a tipical behavior. Mathematical modeling used SWMM model to simulate scenarios of macrodrainage based on land use changes adapted from Millenium Ecosystem Assessment. Rainfall of project with return period of 10 years was used to simulate scenarios in all sub-basins according to the macrozoning, ranging values for runoff potential (CN), slope and rugosity coefficient. The scenarios were simulated with horizons of use and occupation for the years 2025, 2050, 2075 e 2100. The reactive scenarios (\"GO\" and \"OS\") showed maximum specific flow and maximum specific load higher than the proactives scenarios (\"AM\" and \"TG\"). The results indicated that the variability quali-quantitative of an urban drainage is affected by antropogenic factors, like wastewater and lack of planning, and also by ecohydrologic criteria. This fact sugests the necessity of a significant increase in the monitoring and simulations quali-quantitaives of the diffuse pollution in urban drainage.
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Bioretention for diffuse pollution control in SUDS using experimental-adaptive approaches of ecohydrology / Bioretenção para o controle da poluição difusa em drenagem urbana sustentável (SUDS) utilizando abordagens experimentais-adaptativas de ecohidrologiaAltair Rosa 24 November 2016 (has links)
Problems of land use and occupation in urban areas may prevent the infiltration of water, thus increasing runoff. Bioretention techniques are solutions, which are emerging from the hydrology field to mitigate the consequences of increasing urbanization, including, flooding and contamination of rivers. The general objective of this research is to study the general efficiency of combined Compensatory Techniques (CT) with detention and bioretention control of diffuse pollutants from an urban drainage system. Specific objectives are defined in each chapter and relates to sizing and to the bioretention systems of modeling and monitoring, located in southeastern Brazil, São Paulo – São Carlos. The first chapter presents the general introduction of the thesis, the objectives and research hypotheses, as well as, the description of the general methodology for the thesis construction and the goals related to each chapter. The second chapter discusses the scope and some limitations of the classifications of terms frequently used in the theme of sustainable urban drainage. This chapter, in a way, approaches the other chapters, which composes this thesis, by providing them comprehensive database of references. The third chapter presents the design criteria used for the construction of experimental bioretention system and compares the design with the model HEC – HMS - Hydrologic Engineering Center - Hydrologic Modeling System. The fourth chapter talks about some criteria to identify areas for building bioretention systems and presents the GIS - Geographic Information System and ecohydrology indicators, in this characterization, considering the quantity and quality aspects in the urban drainage. The fifth chapter shows the use of PCSWMM model (Personal Computer Stormwater Management Model) to simulate future scenarios, assuming progressive modular expansion of CTs, modeling efficiency in qualitative and quantitative aspects diffuse pollution for scenarios 2015, 2025, 2050, 2100. The conclusion of this research is that compensatory techniques can be used not only to assess the impacts of diffuse pollution stemmed from urban drainage system, but as a contribution to the sustainability of watersheds and to mitigation of extremes risks derived by increased urban drainage demand. / Problemas decorrentes do uso e ocupação do solo em áreas urbanas podem dificultar a infiltração da água, aumentando o escoamento superficial. Técnicas de bioretenção são soluções decorrentes do campo da hidrologia para mitigar as consequências resultantes da crescente urbanização, entre elas, enchentes e contaminação de rios. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é estudar a eficiência generalizada de Técnicas Compensatórias (TCs) experimentais, adaptáveis combinadas de detenção e bioretenção para controle da poluição difusa da drenagem urbana. Objetivos específicos são definidos em cada capítulo e relacionam-se com o dimensionamento e monitoramento de modelagem de sistema de bioretenção, localizado no Sudeste do Brasil, São Paulo – São Carlos. O Primeiro capítulo apresenta a introdução geral da tese, objetivos e hipóteses, bem como, descreve a metodologia geral para construção da tese e relação dos objetivos com os respectivos capítulos. O Segundo capítulo discute os alcances e limitações de nomenclaturas sobre termos frequentemente utilizados na temática drenagem urbana sustentável. Este capítulo de certa forma aporta os demais capítulos que compõe esta tese, por propiciar vasto banco de dados referenciais. O Terceiro capítulo apresenta os critérios de dimensionamento utilizados para a construção de um sistema de bioretenção experimental e uma comparação com o dimensionamento com o modelo HEC – HMS - Hydrologic Engineering Center - Hydrologic Modeling System. O Quarto capítulo discorre sobre critérios de escolha de áreas propicias para a construção de sistemas de bioretenção usando Sistemas de Informações Geográficas para a caracterização de áreas, utilizando indicadores ecohidrológicos, considerando os aspectos de quantidade e de qualidade na drenagem urbana. O Quinto capítulo demonstra o uso do modelo PCSWMM – Personal Computer Stormwater Management Model, na simulação de cenários futuros assumindo expansões modulares progressivas da TC, modelando a eficiência para os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos da poluição difusa para os 2015, 2025, 2050, 2100. Conclui-se com esta pesquisa que técnicas compensatórias podem ser empregadas não só para avaliação dos impactos da poluição difusa provindos da drenagem urbana, mas como forma de contribuir com a sustentabilidade de bacias hidrográficas e para mitigação de riscos de extremos advindos do aumento da demanda de drenagem urbana.
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Bioretention for diffuse pollution control in SUDS using experimental-adaptive approaches of ecohydrology / Bioretenção para o controle da poluição difusa em drenagem urbana sustentável (SUDS) utilizando abordagens experimentais-adaptativas de ecohidrologiaRosa, Altair 24 November 2016 (has links)
Problems of land use and occupation in urban areas may prevent the infiltration of water, thus increasing runoff. Bioretention techniques are solutions, which are emerging from the hydrology field to mitigate the consequences of increasing urbanization, including, flooding and contamination of rivers. The general objective of this research is to study the general efficiency of combined Compensatory Techniques (CT) with detention and bioretention control of diffuse pollutants from an urban drainage system. Specific objectives are defined in each chapter and relates to sizing and to the bioretention systems of modeling and monitoring, located in southeastern Brazil, São Paulo – São Carlos. The first chapter presents the general introduction of the thesis, the objectives and research hypotheses, as well as, the description of the general methodology for the thesis construction and the goals related to each chapter. The second chapter discusses the scope and some limitations of the classifications of terms frequently used in the theme of sustainable urban drainage. This chapter, in a way, approaches the other chapters, which composes this thesis, by providing them comprehensive database of references. The third chapter presents the design criteria used for the construction of experimental bioretention system and compares the design with the model HEC – HMS - Hydrologic Engineering Center - Hydrologic Modeling System. The fourth chapter talks about some criteria to identify areas for building bioretention systems and presents the GIS - Geographic Information System and ecohydrology indicators, in this characterization, considering the quantity and quality aspects in the urban drainage. The fifth chapter shows the use of PCSWMM model (Personal Computer Stormwater Management Model) to simulate future scenarios, assuming progressive modular expansion of CTs, modeling efficiency in qualitative and quantitative aspects diffuse pollution for scenarios 2015, 2025, 2050, 2100. The conclusion of this research is that compensatory techniques can be used not only to assess the impacts of diffuse pollution stemmed from urban drainage system, but as a contribution to the sustainability of watersheds and to mitigation of extremes risks derived by increased urban drainage demand. / Problemas decorrentes do uso e ocupação do solo em áreas urbanas podem dificultar a infiltração da água, aumentando o escoamento superficial. Técnicas de bioretenção são soluções decorrentes do campo da hidrologia para mitigar as consequências resultantes da crescente urbanização, entre elas, enchentes e contaminação de rios. O objetivo geral da pesquisa é estudar a eficiência generalizada de Técnicas Compensatórias (TCs) experimentais, adaptáveis combinadas de detenção e bioretenção para controle da poluição difusa da drenagem urbana. Objetivos específicos são definidos em cada capítulo e relacionam-se com o dimensionamento e monitoramento de modelagem de sistema de bioretenção, localizado no Sudeste do Brasil, São Paulo – São Carlos. O Primeiro capítulo apresenta a introdução geral da tese, objetivos e hipóteses, bem como, descreve a metodologia geral para construção da tese e relação dos objetivos com os respectivos capítulos. O Segundo capítulo discute os alcances e limitações de nomenclaturas sobre termos frequentemente utilizados na temática drenagem urbana sustentável. Este capítulo de certa forma aporta os demais capítulos que compõe esta tese, por propiciar vasto banco de dados referenciais. O Terceiro capítulo apresenta os critérios de dimensionamento utilizados para a construção de um sistema de bioretenção experimental e uma comparação com o dimensionamento com o modelo HEC – HMS - Hydrologic Engineering Center - Hydrologic Modeling System. O Quarto capítulo discorre sobre critérios de escolha de áreas propicias para a construção de sistemas de bioretenção usando Sistemas de Informações Geográficas para a caracterização de áreas, utilizando indicadores ecohidrológicos, considerando os aspectos de quantidade e de qualidade na drenagem urbana. O Quinto capítulo demonstra o uso do modelo PCSWMM – Personal Computer Stormwater Management Model, na simulação de cenários futuros assumindo expansões modulares progressivas da TC, modelando a eficiência para os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos da poluição difusa para os 2015, 2025, 2050, 2100. Conclui-se com esta pesquisa que técnicas compensatórias podem ser empregadas não só para avaliação dos impactos da poluição difusa provindos da drenagem urbana, mas como forma de contribuir com a sustentabilidade de bacias hidrográficas e para mitigação de riscos de extremos advindos do aumento da demanda de drenagem urbana.
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Untersuchung und Modellierung der Stickstoff- und Phosphorumsatz- und Transportprozesse in mesoskaligen Einzugsgebieten des Tieflandes am Beispiel von Nuthe, Hammerfließ und Stepenitz / Analysis and modelling of nitrogen and phosphorus transformation and transport processes in the mesoscale lowland basins Nuthe, Hammerfließ, and StepenitzVoß, Anja January 2008 (has links)
Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die Stickstoff- und Phosphorprozesse im nordostdeutschen Tiefland detailliert zu untersuchen und Handlungsoptionen hinsichtlich der Landnutzung zur nachhaltigen Steuerung der Stickstoff- und Phosphoreinträge in die Fließgewässer aufzuzeigen.
Als Grundvoraussetzung für die Modellierung des Nährstoffhaushaltes mussten zunächst die hydrologischen Prozesse und die Abflüsse für die Einzugsgebiete validiert werden. Dafür wurde in dieser Arbeit das ökohydrologische Modell SWIM verwendet. Die Abflussmodellierung umfasste den Zeitraum 1991 - 2000. Die Ergebnisse dazu zeigen, dass SWIM in der Lage war, die hydrologischen Prozesse in den Untersuchungsgebieten adäquat wiederzugeben.
Auf der Grundlage der Modellierung des Wasserhaushaltes wurden mit SWIM die Stoffumsatzprozesse für den Zeitraum 1996 - 2000 simuliert. Um dabei besonders das Prozessgeschehen im Tiefland zu berücksichtigen, war die Erweiterung von SWIM um einen Ammonium-Pool mit dessen Umsatzprozessen erforderlich. Außerdem wurde der Prozess der Nährstoffversickerung so ergänzt, dass neben Nitrat auch Ammonium und Phosphat durch das gesamte Bodenprofil verlagert und über die Abflusskomponenten zum Gebietsauslass transportiert werden können. Mit diesen Modellerweiterungen konnten die Stickstoff und Phosphorprozesse in den Untersuchungsgebieten gut abgebildet werden.
Mit dem so validierten Modell wurden weitere Anwendungen ermöglicht. Nährstoffsimulationen für den Zeitraum 1981 bis 2000 dienten der Untersuchung des abnehmenden Trends in den Nährstoffkonzentrationen der Nuthe. Die Untersuchungsergebnisse lassen deutlich erkennen, dass sich die Konzentrationen nach 1990 hauptsächlich auf Grund der Reduzierung der Einträge aus punktförmigen Quellen und Rieselfeldern verringert haben.
Weitere Modellrechnungen zur Herkunft der Nährstoffe haben ergeben, dass Nitrat überwiegend aus diffusen Quellen, Ammonium und Phosphat dagegen aus punktförmigen Quellen stammen. Als besonders sensitiv auf die Modellergebnisse haben sich die Parameter zu Landnutzung und -management und die Durchwurzelungstiefe der Pflanzen herausgestellt.
Abschließend wurden verschiedene Landnutzungsszenarien angewendet. Die Ergebnisse zu den Szenariorechnungen zeigen, dass fast alle vorgegebenen Landnutzungsszenarien zu einer Verringerung der Stickstoff- bzw. Phosphoremissionen führten. Die Anwendung von Szenarien, die alle relevanten Zielvorgaben und Empfehlungen zum Ressourcenschutz berücksichtigen, zeigen die größten Veränderungen. / The main objective of this study was to investigate the nitrogen and phosphorus processes in the north-eastern German lowlands and to suggest sustainable management options concerning land use that could lead to a reduction in nitrogen and phosphorous emissions into the river network.
In order to fulfil the basic requirements of water quality modelling on river basin scale, the hydrological processes had to be validated first. For this purpose the ecohydrological model SWIM was used. The simulations were carried out on a daily time step within the period 1991 - 2000. The results have shown that SWIM was able to reproduce adequately the hydrological processes within all investigation areas.
Based on these hydrological simulations the nutrient processes were modelled with SWIM for the time period 1996 - 2000. It became obvious that the modelling approaches within SWIM, especially concerning the nutrient cycling processes in lowland watersheds, had to be modified. Thus, an ammonium pool including its transformations processes was added. In addition, leaching not only of nitrate but also of ammonium and phosphate throughout the whole soil profile is now possible. Thus all nutrients can be transported to the outlet of the watersheds by the flow components. It could be shown that with these modifications the model was able to reproduce well the nitrogen and phosphorus processes in the research areas.
With the validated model further applications were enabled. In order to investigate the reason for the decreasing trend in the nutrient concentrations in the Nuthe River, nutrient simulations were performed for the period 1981 - 2000. The results show that the concentrations after 1990 have decreased mainly because of the reduction of emissions from point sources and sewage fields.
Further simulations in order to gain more information about the different nutrient sources showed that nitrate basically originates from diffuse sources and ammonium as well as phosphorus from point sources. Especially parameters related to land use and management as well as the root depth of plants turned out to be very sensitive to model results.
Concluding, different land use change scenarios were adapted. The calculation results demonstrate that almost all provided scenarios lead to a reduction in the emission rates. Applying those scenarios which consider all relevant aims and recommendations concerning the protection of resources the highest changing rates could be achieved.
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