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Ucwaningo ngokusetshenziswa kolimi lwesiZulu ngenhloso yokuqhakanjiswa kwala makhono: elokulalela, elokubhala, elokufunda, elokukhuluma kanye nelokwethula lwenziwe ezikoleni ezikhethiwe esifundeni saseKing CetshwayoBengu, Rodney Muzikayise Martin January 2019 (has links)
Lwethulwa ukufeza izidingo zeziqu zobudokotela kwinzululwazi (Doctor of Philosophy) emnyangweni wezilimi zomdabu namasiko enyuvesi yaKwaZulu, 2019 / Iqoqa lalo msebenzi wocwaningo lokusetshenziswa kolimi lwesiZulu ukuze kuqhakanjiswe
amakhono aqukethe ubumtoti, ukuhlwabusa nokuyihlaba esikhonkosini ngolimi lwesiZulu
luhlelwe lwaba izahluko eziyisishiyagalombili.
Isahluko sokuqala isethulo socwaningo esethula ucwaningo ngokupheleleyo. Lapha
kubukwa intshisekelo yocwaningo, izinhloso zocwaningo, amakhono, izindlela zokuqhuba
ucwaningo, umklamo wocwaningo, imibono yongoti, abazohlomula, uhlaka lwezahluko
Isahluko sesibili sethula ikhono lokulalela nokuzwa. Lesi sahluko sethula umehluko
phakathi kokulalela nokulalelisisa ngenhloso yokuzwa uqonde. Sethula izindlela zokulalela,
izindlela zokufundisa ukulalela kanye nenzwa yokulalela.
Isahluko sesithathu sethula injulakuhlaziya ulwazi ngamakhono okusetshenziswa kolimi.
Kulesi sahluko kubhekwe okushiwo ongoti abehlukene behlaziya imiphumela eyehlukene
ngokubuka injula yolwazi nxazonke.
Isahluko sesine sethula izindlela noma amasu okuqhuba ucwaningo. Kula masu
kusetshenziswe uhla-mbuzo isizindalwazi (inthanethi), ukuhanjelwa kwezithangami,
amaphephandaba, ukubuxoxa nezinjulabuchopho nezazi emikhakheni ethile. Kube
sekuvezwa ngokolandela imibono yongoti okuncomekayo ngezindlela ezisetshenziswayo
uma kuqoqwa ulwazi kanye nokufekela kwazo.
Isahluko sesihlanu sethula ukuhlelwa nokwethulwa kolwazi oluqoqiwe. Njengoba ulwazi
luqoqwe ezingxenyeni ezehlukene lube seluhlelwa kanjalo. Kunolwazi oluqoqwe kothisha,
bamabanga aphansi naphezulu, olunye luqoqwe kubafundi nabo ngokwehlukana
kwamazinga. Olunye luqoqwe ezikhulwini zeminyango kaHulumeni emihlanganweni, olunye
beluqoqwa ezingxoxweni nezazi ezehlukene, ulwazi lwamaphephandaba, izincwadi imibhalo
yongoti, ingosi yesizindalwazi (inthanethi) nakumabonisakude imbala.
Isahluko sesithupha sethula ikhono lokubhala, elokufunda nelokuphendula. La makhono
ehlukene kepha asebenza ngokubambisana kanti kuvamile ukuba asebenze ngesikhathi
esisodwa kanyekanye. Lesi sahluko sethule izindlela ezinconywe ongoti zokufundiswa
kwekhono lokufunda, elokubhala nelobuciko bokuphendula imibuzo. Lesi sahluko sibuye
sethula ikhono lokukhuluma nokwethula. Ukwethula nokukhuluma kuzwakala kufana ngoba
ngisho kwethulwa inkulumo kusuke kukhulunywa. Lezi zimo zidinga amanye amakhono
ukuze okukhulunywayo nokwethulwayo kudlule ngobuciko kuya kwabalalele nabethamele.
Ongoti baphawulile ngala makhono beveza umehluko kanye namasu okucija ikhono
lokukhuluma nokwethula. Babuye baphawula ngezimo ezinqinda ukusetshenziswa kwala
makhono ngenzuzo.
Isahluko sesikhombisa sethula ukuhlaziywa kolwazi lwamakhono olimi oluqoqiwe. Ikhono
lokulalela nokuzwa, ikhono lokubhala, elokufunda, elokuphendula imibuzo, elokukhuluma
nokwethula, ukuphumelela kwabafundi, ukuqeqesheka kothisha kanye nokulumbana kolimi
Isahluko sesishiyagalombili sethula ukuhlaziywa kwamakhono, izincomo zocwaningo
ngakho kubalwa ikhono lokulalela, ukufunda nokwazi ukuphendula imibuzo ngokunembayo
nokusetshenziswa kwekhono lokubhala ngokubhala ubhalomagama olwamukelekile kanye
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Development of an integrated career anchor preferences, career interests and abilities measure for career path congruenceRoythorne-Jacobs, Hermanus Louis 08 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu. Translated titles in Afrikaans and isiZulu supplied. / The research focused on individual–organisational career path congruence and the development of an integrated measure (I-PIA-M) constituting individual variables (i.e. career anchor preferences, career interests and abilities) which are recognised as influencing individuals’ perceptions of fit with the organisation. The research adopted a mixed-methods approach: (1) principles and constructs of person–environment (P-E) fit were applied, both to develop the I-PIA-M and empirically test the measure for reliability and validity; and (2) a qualitative study (career intervention) was conducted in which the empirically tested measure was applied in a career counselling context, to assess and guide career path congruence in an authentic work setting. The quantitative study involved a randomly selected sample (N = 270) of predominantly working adults in the economic and management sciences fields. The qualitative study involved five respondents in a career construction interview, along with the administration of the empirically tested I-PIA-M measure. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the multi-dimensionality of the I-PIA-M, and the reliability and construct validity of the scale. The results showed that race and gender significantly explain individuals’ self-perceived career anchor preferences and career interests, but not their self-perceived abilities. Age did not significantly explain individuals’ self-perceived career anchor preferences, career interests or abilities. The qualitative study corroborated the multi-directionality of individuals’ career paths and the notion of guiding person–organisation career path congruence by means of the I-PIA-M. The research contributed to career psychology and career counselling practice through the empirical testing and application of the I-PIA-M in the contemporary work context. Various limitations and recommendations for further research were also highlighted in this thesis. / Die navorsing het gefokus op individuele-organisatoriese-loopbaankongruensie en die ontwikkeling van 'n geïntegreerde maatstaf (I-PIA-M) bestaande uit individuele veranderlikes (bv loopbaanankervoorkeure, loopbaanbelangstellings en vermoëns) wat erken word as faktore wat individue se persepsies van passing met die organisasie beïnvloed. Die navorsing het 'n gemengdemetode-benadering gevolg: (1) beginsels en konstrukte van persoon-omgewing is toegepas om sowel die I-PIA-M te ontwikkel en die maatstaf empiries vir betroubaarheid en geldigheid te toets; en (2) 'n kwalitatiewe studie (loopbaanintervensie) is onderneem waarin die empiries getoetsde maatstaf in 'n loopbaanberadingskonteks gebruik is om die loopbaanpadkongruensie in 'n outentieke werksituasie te evalueer en te lei. Die kwantitatiewe studie het 'n ewekansig geselekteerde steekproef (N = 270) van oorwegend werkende volwassenes op die terrein van ekonomiese en bestuurswetenskappe betrek. Die kwalitatiewe studie het vyf respondent in 'n loopbaankonstruksie-onderhoud betrek, saam met die aanwending van die empiries getoetste I-PIA-M maatstaf. Verkennende faktoranalise en bevestigende faktoranalise het die multidimensionele aard van die I-PIA-M bevestig, en die betroubaarheid en konstrukgeldigheid van die skaal. Die resultate het getoon dat ras en geslag beduidend individue se self-vermeende loopbaanankervoorkeure en loopbaanbelangstellings verklaar, maar nie hul self-vermeende vermoëns nie. Ouderdom het nie beduidend individue se self-vermeende loopbaanankervoorkeure, loopbaanbelangstellings of vermoëns verklaar nie. Die kwalitatiewe studie het die multidireksionele aard van individue se loopbaanpaaie en die idee dat persoon–organisasie-loopbaanpadkongruensie deur middel van die I-PIA-M gerig word, gestaaf. Die navorsing het tot loopbaansielkunde en loopbaanberadingspraktyk bygedra deur die empiriese toetsing en toepassing van die I-PIA-M in die kontemporêre werkkonteks. Verskeie beperkings en aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing is ook in hierdie tesis uitgelig. / Ucwaningo lugxile kuhlelo olufanayo lobizo lomsebenzi olulandelwa umuntu ngamunye–yinhlangano kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwendlela ehlangene yokwakha izimpawu zomuntu ezahlukahlukene (I-PIA-M) (zona yilezi ukwenyulwa kobizo lomsebenzi oluyinsika, ubizo oluthandayo lomsebenzi kanye namakhono okwenza umsebenzi) ezithathwa njengalezo ezinomthelela phezu kwemiqondo yomuntu ohambelana ncimishi nenhlangano. Ucwaningo lwamukela ingxubevange yezindlela zokwenza ucwaningo: (1) imigomo kanye nezakhiwo zesizinda somuntu (P-E) zisetshenziswe, kabili, ukwakha i I-PIA-M kanye nokuhlolwa ngendlela ephathekayo izinga lokwethembeka kanye nokulunga; kanye; kanye (2) nocwaningo olusebenzisa amagama lwenziwa, lapho isinyathelo sokuhlola esiphathekayo sasetshenziswa kuhlelo ngaphansi kwesizinda sokululekwa ngokobizo lomsebenzi, ukuhlola ikhono kanye nokukhombisa umfundi indlela yobizo lomsebenzi ehambisana naye angayilandela ngaphansi kwesimo sangempela somsebenzi. . Lesi sifundo socwaningo besixuba isampuli yokukhethwa ngokungahleliwe kwabantu abadala (N = 270) abasebenzayo emikhakheni yezesayensi yezomnotho kanye nezokuphata. Uhlelo locwaningo olusebenzisa amagama luye lwaxuba abaphenduli abahlanu kunhlololwazi lokuzakhela ubizo lomsebenzi, kanye nokuqhutshwa kwesinyathelo sokuhlolwa okuphathekayo kohlelo lwe-I-PIA-M. -. Uhlelo lokuhluza oluvumbululayo kanye nohlelo lokuhluza oluqinisekisayo aye aqinisekisa ukwehlukahluka kwe-I-PIA-M ngokwezigaba, nokwethembeka kanye nohlelo lwesakhiwo esifanele sobukhulu. Imiphumela iye yakhombisa ukuthi ubuhlanga kanye nobulili zichaza kahle kakhulu ubizo lomsebenzi olukhethwa, ubizo lomsebenzi othandwayo noma amakhono omsebenzi athandwayo, kodwa hayi ngokuzikhethela komuntu ngokwamakhono anawo. Unyaka awuzange ucacise kahle ukwenyula ubizo lomsebenzi, ukuthanda ubizo lomsebenzi kanye namakhono omsebenzi ngokuzazi komuntu ngokwakhe. Unyaka, ubuhlanga kanye namaqembu obulili akhombise umehluko omkhulu mayelana nobizo lwemisebenzi abalwenyulayo, ubizo lwemisebenzi abayithandayo kanye namakhono omsebenzi abawaqondayo ngokuzazi kwabo. Ucwaningo olususelwa kumagama lusekela uhlelo lwezindlela eziningi lwezindlela zobizo lomsebenzi ezilandelwa ngabantunkanye nombono wokuholela umuntu-inhlangano endleleni efanayo yobizo lomsebenzi ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lwe-I-PIA-M. Ucwaningo luye lwaba negalelo kusayikholoji kanye nasemisebenzini wokweluleka ngokobizo lomsebenzi ngokusebenzisa uhlelo oluphathekayo lokuhlola kanye nokusetshenziswa kohlelo lwe-I-PIA-M kwisimo sanamuhla sasemsebenzini. Kuye kwavezwa imingcele eyahlukahlukene kanye nezinqumo ezimayelana nokwenza olunye ucwaningo oluqhubekayo kuye kwavezwa kule thesisi. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)
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Developing critical thinking in auditing students through technology-based educational interventions : a conceptual frameworkTerblanche, Ester Aletta Jacomina 04 November 2019 (has links)
Although the development of critical thinking in students is not an easy task, it is becoming
increasingly more vital. Students need to be able to think critically to thrive in the 21st
century workplace. The auditor of the future must adapt to a fast-changing, technologydriven
world where critical thinking capabilities provide the ability to solve unstructured
problems, analyse and interpret information, make informed decisions and interrogate
With claims that the auditing profession is not delivering entry-level chartered accountants
with the necessary skills and competencies to truly add value to auditing clients, the onus
is on educators to develop critical thinking in their students. As critical thinking is a
complex concept with multiple dimensions, imparting this skill to students is an intricate
process. Technology-based educational interventions which include simulations, virtual
reality and games can provide effective platforms for developing critical thinking.
However, educators are often hesitant to use these technologies and uncertain how to
instill critical thinking in students.
It is therefore clear that educators need guidance and require a robust, holistic framework
for critical thinking development through technology-based educational interventions. The
primary objective of this study was to propose such a conceptual framework that would
provide guidance to educators in addressing the growing need for auditors with welldeveloped
critical thinking capabilities. To arrive at this conceptual framework, more
insights into the conceptualisation and development of critical thinking were required.
These insights set the foundation for a preliminary, literature-based, conceptual
framework. To validate the concepts and relationships proposed in this preliminary
framework and to provide insights into additional concepts and relationships, the
perspectives of three groups of participants were obtained using an Interactive Qualitative
Analysis (IQA) design. Concepts in the final conceptual framework included studentrelated
factors, educator-related factors, design and development considerations,
technology-based enabling tools, collaboration among stakeholders and disciplines, the
learning process, ethics, globalisation, auditing content, critical thinking and other learning
outcomes associated with critical thinking, constructivism and characteristics of critical thinking instruction. The end product is a novel, integrated and robust conceptual
framework aimed at the development of critical thinking in auditing students through
technology-based educational interventions. This framework provides a structure to the
complex nature of critical thinking development. The acquisition of critical thinking
capabilities is, however, not a once-off, linear event. The framework and its individual
concepts and relationships should thus be seen as part of a continuous process of critical
thinking growth. / Hoe moeilik dit ook al mag wees om studente te leer om krities te dink, dit word
toenemend noodsaaklik. In die 21e eeu vereis die werkplek immers kritiese denke van
studente. Die aspirantouditeur moet by ʼn snel veranderende, tegnologies gedrewe wêreld
kan aanpas deur krities te dink om ongestruktureerde probleme op te los, inligting te
ontleed, te vertolk en te betwyfel, en om ingeligte besluite te neem.
Aangesien ouditeursfirmas kla dat jong geoktrooieerde rekenmeesters nie oor die nodige
vaardighede beskik nie, het opvoeders die verantwoordelikheid om studente krities te leer
dink. Omrede kritiese denke ʼn komplekse konsep met veelvuldige fasette is, is dit ʼn heel
ingewikkelde proses om studente daarmee toe te rus. Tegnologiese onderrigintervensies
deur onder meer nabootsings, virtuele werklikhede en speletjies kan hierin van groot nut
wees. Opvoeders aarsel egter om hierdie tegnologieë aan te wend, en daarby is hulle
onseker hoe om kritiese denke by studente in te skerp.
Opvoeders het ongetwyfeld leiding hierin nodig, en ʼn stewige, holististiese raamwerk vir
die ontwikkeling van kritiese denke deur middel van tegnologiese onderrigintervensies is
duidelik nodig. Die doel van hierdie navorsing is om met so ʼn konseptuele raamwerk te
kom wat leiding kan gee aan opvoeders wat aspirantouditeurs moet oplei om krities te
dink. Hiervoor moes groter insig in die konseptualisering en ontwikkeling van kritiese
denke verkry word. Hierdie insigte het die grondslag gelê vir ʼn voorlopige konseptuele
raamwerk wat op die literatuur berus. Drie groepe deelnemers is gebruik om die
geldigheid van die addisionele konsepte en verbande in die voorlopige raamwerk te toets
en insigte in addisionele konsepte en verbande te verkry. ʼn Interaktiewe kwalitatiewe
analise (IKA) is gedoen. Die konsepte in die finale konseptuele raamwerk is onder meer
studentfaktore, opvoederfaktore, oorwegings soos ontwerp en ontwikkeling, tegnologiese
instrumente, samewerking tussen belanghebbers en dissiplines, die leerproses, etiek,
globalisering, die ouditkunde-inhoud, kritiese denke en ander leeruitkomste wat met
kritiese denke gepaard gaan, konstruktivisme en die kenmerke van onderrig in kritiese
denke. Die eindproduk is ʼn nuwe, geïntegreerde en stewige konseptuele raamwerk
waarmee ouditkundestudente met tegnologiese onderrigintervensies opgelei kan word
om krities te dink. Hierdie raamwerk verleen struktuur aan die komplekse aard van opleiding in kritiese denke. Die verwerwing van die vermoë om krities te dink is egter nie
eenmalig en lineêr nie. Hierdie raamwerk met sy afsonderlike konsepte en verbande moet
beskou word as ʼn onderdeel van ʼn deurlopende proses om kritiese denke te ontwikkel. / Nakuba ukuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi kungesiwo umsebenzi
olula, kuya ngokuya kubaluleka kakhulu. Abafundi kumele bakwazi ukucabanga
sakuhlaziya ukuze baphumelele emsebenzini kwikhuluminyaka lama21.
Umcwaningimabhuku wesikhathi esizayo kufanele ajwayele isimo sezwe elishintsha
masinya, esiholwa ubuchwepheshe nokuyilapho ukukwazi ukucabanga sakuhlaziya
kuhlinzeka ikhono lokusombulula izinkinga ezingahlelekile, ukuhlaziya nokuhumusha
imininingwane, ukuthatha izinqumo ezikahle nokuphenyisisa imininingwane.
Njengoba kuthiwa umkhakha wezocwaningomabhuku awukhiqizi abagcinimabhuku
bezinga lomhlaba abasaqala abanamakhono nokuqonda okufanele ukwenza umehluko
kumakhasimende ocwaningomabhuku, kungumsebenzi wabafundisayo ukusungula
ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi babo. Njengoba ukucabanga sakuhlaziya
kungumqondo olukhuni ozigabaningi, ukudlulisela leli khono kubafundi kungumsebenzi
oxakayo. Ukusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe, ezifaka kuzo
ukulinganisa, okwenzeka ngempela nemidlalo, kunganikeza izinkundla ezisebenza
ngempumelelo ukuthuthukisa ukucabanga sakuhlaziya. Nakuba kunjalo, othisha bavame
ukuba manqikanqika ukusebenzisa lobu buchwepheshe futhi abanasiqiniseko sokuthi
bangakufaka kanjani ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi.
Ngakho-ke kusobala ukuthi othisha badinga ukwelulekwa kanye nohlaka olunamandla
olufaka konke maqondana nokuthuthukiswa kokucabanga sakuhlaziya ngokusebenzisa
izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe. Injongo enkulu yalolu cwaningo
ngukuhlongoza uhlaka lomqondo oluzohlinzeka umhlahlandlela kothisha ukubhekana
nesidingo esikhulayo sabacwaningimabhuku abanamakhono athuthukile okucabanga
sakuhlaziya. Ukuze kufinyelelwe kulolu hlaka, kwadingeka ulwazi olwengeziwe
ekucabangeni nasekusungulweni kokucabanga sakuhlaziya. Lolu lwazi lwaba yisisekelo
sohlaka lomqondo lokuqala olugxile emibhalweni. Ukuze kuqinisekiswe imiqondo
nobudlelwano obuhlongozwayo kulolu hlaka lokuqala futhi kuhlinzekwe ulwazi
emicabangweni nasebudlelwaneni obengeziwe, imibono yamaqoqo amathathu
ababambiqhaza yatholakala ngokusetshenziswa komklamo ongukuHlaziya Izingahle
Ngokusebenzisana owaziwa ngokuthi yi-Interactive Qualitative Analysis (i-IQA).
Imiqondo esohlakeni lomqondo lokugcina yayibandakanya okuphathelene nabafundi,
okuphathelene nothisha, okumayelana nomklamo nentuthuko, amathuluzi okusiza ancike
kubuchwepheshe, ukuhlanganyela phakathi kwabathintekayo nemikhakha, indlela
yokufunda, okuphathelene nokulunga, ukusabalalisa umhlaba wonke, ukucwaninga
imininingwane yokuqukethwe, ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kanye neminye imiphumela
yokufunda ehambisana nokucabanga sakuhlaziya, nobunjalo bendlela yokufunda
ukucabanga sakuhlaziya. Umkhiqizo ovela ekugcineni kuba yinoveli nohlaka lomqondo
olunamandla okuhloswe ngalo ukuba kuthuthukiswe ukucabanga sakuhlaziya kubafundi
bezocwaningomabhuku ngokusebenzisa izindlela zokufunda ezincike kubuchwepheshe.
Lolu hlaka luhlinzeka umumo esimweni esingaqondakali sokuthuthukiswa kokucabanga
sakuhlaziya. Kodwa-ke, ukutholakala kwamakhono okucabanga sakuhlaziya, akusiyo
into eyenzeka kanye, ngendlela efanayo. Ngakho-ke, uhlaka kanye nemiqondo yalo
ngaminye nobudlelwano bayo kumele kubonakale njengengxenye yomsebenzi
oqhubekayo wokukhula kokucabanga sakuhlaziya. / Taxation / D. Phil. (Accounting Sciences)
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A leadership capability model for the South African higher education environment / ‘n Leierskapbekwaamheidmodel vir die Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys omgewing / Uhlaka lokwazi ubuholi iwe imvelo yemfundo ephakeme yaseNingizimu AfrikaCloete, Michael Stanley 12 1900 (has links)
Text in English with keywords and abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Over the past few years, the world in general has been influenced by several rapid changes and disruptions including climate change, globalisation, economic developments, the fourth industrial revolution, technological advancements, social changes, political changes and most recently the Covid-19 pandemic.
The above changes have also influenced South Africa Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in South Africa. In particular, over the past two to three years, South African HEIs have been increasingly faced with the drive for transformation in higher education (including the decolonisation of the curriculum), reduced government subsidies,
increased competition, rising costs, increased enrolments, declining resources the announcement of free higher education, increased politicisation of higher education and the increased need to use information technology in teaching and research. As a result, the aforementioned rapid changes and disruption require that leaders in South African HEIs possess the capabilities that will enable them to successfully lead their organisations during such times.
While leadership has been researched within South African HEIs none was found that focussed on identifying and describing the capabilities needed to lead successfully in South African HEIs during rapid change and disruption. The aim of this research was to determine a leadership capabilities model required to lead successfully during rapid
change and disruption within South African HEIs. This research successfully identified and described the capabilities and competencies needed to lead South African HEIs successfully during rapid change and disruption in general as well as for each leadership level.
Finally, this research formulated a theory and model that explains the relationship between rapid change and disruption, the possession and application of the capabilities required to lead successfully in South African HEIs during rapid change and disruption and actually dealing successfully with the rapid change and disruption. / Oor die afgelope paar jare was die wêreld deur verskillende vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings beïnvloed insluitended limaatverandering, globaliseering, ekonomiese ontwikkelinge asook die vierde industriële rewolusie, tegnolosiese vooruitgange, sosiale veranderinge, politiese veranderinge, en mees onlangs, die Covid-19 pandemie.
Die bogenoemde veranderinge het ook die Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys beïnvloed.
In die besonder, oor die afgelope twee tot drie jaar, is Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies toenemend gekonfronteer deur ‘n strewe na transformasie (insluitended dekolonisering van die kirrikulum), vermindende staatsubsidies, toenemende kompetisie, toenemende kostes, toenemende inskrywings, vermindende hulpbronne,
die aankondiging van gratis hoër onderwys, toenemende politisering van hoër
onderwys en die toenemende behoefte om inligtingstegnologie te gebruik in onderwys en navorsing. As ‘n gevolg van bogenoemde vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings, word dit van leiers in die Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys vereis om vermöens te besit wat hulle in staat stel om hulle organisasies suksesvol te kan lei gedurende sulke tye.
Alhoewel navorsing oor leierskap binne Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies voorheen gedoen is, kon geen navorsing gevind word wat alleenlik fokus op die identifisering en beskrywing van die eienskappe wat nodig is om Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te kan lei gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigting.
Die mikpunt van hierdie navorsing was om vas te stel watter leierskap eienskappe nodig is om Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te kan lei, gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings. Hierdie navorsing het daarin geslaag om die eienskappe en vaardighede wat leiers benodig om Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te lei gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge
en ontwrigtings te bepaal, asook wat vir elke leierskapvlak benodig word. Hierdie navorsing het ook ‘n teorie en model geformuleer wat die verhouding tussen vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings, die besit en toepassing van die eienskappe om Suid Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te kan lei gedurende tye van vinnige
veranderinge en ontwrigtings en uiteindelik suksevolle leierskap gedurende vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings, te beskryf. / Eminyakeni embalwa edlule umhlaba jikelele ubhekane nezinguquko
nokuphazamiseka okuningi okuhlanganisa ukuquka kwesimo sezulu, ukuxhumana kwamazwe omhlaba, ukuthuthuka kwezomnotho, uguquko kwezezimboni kwesine (fourth industrial revolution), ukuthuthuka kwezobuchwepheshe, izinguquko kwezenhlalo, izinguquko kwezombusazwe nokwakamuva nje, ubhubhane i-Covid-19.
Lezi zinguquko ezingenhla zibe nomthelela naseziKhungweni zeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika (HEIs). Ikakhulukazi, eminyakeni emibili kuya kwemithathu edlule, iziKhungo zeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika zibhekana ngokwengezekile nomkhankaso wezoguquko kwezemfundo ephakeme
(okuhlanganisa nokuhlelwa kabusha kwezinhlelozifundo), ukuncipha
kwemalisibonelelo kahulumeni, ukukhula kokuqhudelana, ukukhula kwezindleko, ukukhula kwesibalo sababhalisile, ukuncipha kwezinsiza, ukumenyezelwa kwemfundo ephakeme yamahhala, ukudlondlobala kwezombusazwe ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme nokukhula kokusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe kwezokufundisa
nocwaningo. Okungumphumela walokhu, ukudingeka kwabaholi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika abanamakhono azobalekelela ekuholeni ngempumelelo izinhlangano zabo kulezi zikhathi.
Yize noma ubuholi bucwaningiwe ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika akukho okutholakele obekugxile ekuhlonzeni nasekuchazeni ngokuyizidingo zokuhola ngempumelelo lezi zikhungo ngalesi sikhathi sezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okwenzeka ngesivinini. Lolu cwaningo luhlonze futhi lwachaza ngamakhono namava
adingekayo ukuze kuholwe ngempumelelo iziKhungo ZeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika ngesikhathi sezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okwenzeka ngesivinini kanye nokuyizidingo zezinga ngalinye lobuholi.
Okokugcina, lolu cwaningo lwakhe injulalwazi nohlaka oluchaza ngobudlelwano phakathi kwezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okwenzeka ngesivinini, ukuba namava adingekayo nokuwasebenzisa ngempumelelo ekuholeni iziKhungo zeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika ngesikhathi salezi zinguquko nokuphazamiseka
kanye nokubhekana nakho ngempumelelo. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Consulting Psychology)
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Information needs and seeking behaviour of doctoral students using smartphones and tablets for learning : a case of the University of Cape Coast, GhanaBarfi, Kwaku Anhwere 11 1900 (has links)
Text in English, with abstracts and keywords in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / This qualitative study investigated the information needs and information-seeking behaviour of doctoral students who use smartphones or tablets for learning. Fifteen doctoral students who are
registered at the University of Cape Coast were interviewed. Ellis’s (1989) model of information-seeking behaviour guided the study and supported the researcher in developing a model that could be used to acquire an understanding of how mobile technologies influence
information needs and information-seeking behaviour. Two contexts influence the participants’ information needs and information-seeking behaviour, namely, the academic context and their everyday life contexts. The interplay between the elements of the context in which participants find themselves and their mental structures appear to influence their information needs and information-seeking behaviour. Most of the participating students do not seem to have the
required information literacy skills to seek information in an online environment. The contextual elements that appear to influence the participants’ information needs and searching behaviour
include situations in action, academic tasks and information resources. The ability to connect to the Internet and retrieve online sources of information proved to be important. The participants use the mobile devices to retrieve information from the Internet and in some instances from the university library’s resources. Certain device-related characteristics, such as small screens, limited memory space and short battery lifespan, seem to affect the usefulness of mobile devices
for information-seeking purposes. The cost of data and an inability to connect to the Internet, due to disruptions in network signals and a lack of Wi-Fi infrastructure, also curb the use of mobile devices. WhatsApp not only provides the participants with the means to share
information and discuss their academic tasks, but it also makes collaboration and group work possible. Some of the students lack the required information literacy skills to make optimal use
of the library’s resources. Therefore, it would be prudent for the university to include information literacy skills training in the curricula for all levels of study. This requirement should also include doctoral students who have not previously completed an information literacy
course. / Lolu cwaningo lohlelo olugxile kwingxoxo beluphenya izidingo zolwazi kanye nezenzo zokucinga ulwazi lwabafundi abakwiziqu zesibili abasebenzisa ama-smartphones noma ama-tablets ukufunda. Abafundi abayishumi nanhlanu abasezingeni leziqu zesibili abazibhalise kwi-University of Cape Coast bebehlolwa ngokwezimvo. Imodeli ka-Ellis
(1989) yezenzo ezihlose ukufumana ulwazi ihole ucwaningo futhi yaxhasa umcwaningi ekuthuthukisweni kwemodeli engasetshenziswa ukuthola ulwazi olumayelana nokuthi ngabe izinhlelo zobuchwepheshe be-inthanethi yefowunu zithinta kanjani izidingo zolwazi kanye nezenzo ezihlose ukuthola ulwazi. Izizinda ezimbili zinomthelela phezu
kolwazi lwabadlalindima kanye nokuziphatha okuhlose ukuthola ulwazi, zona yilezi yisizinda sezemfundo kanye nezizinda ezimayelana nempilo yabo yansuku zonke.
Ukuhlangana phakathi kwezinhlaka ezimayelana nesizinda abadlalindima abazithola ngaphakathi kwaso kanye nokuhleleka kwemiqondo yabo kubonakala kunomthelela phezu kwezidingo zabo zolwazi kanye nokuziphatha okuhlose ukuthola ulwazi. Iningi
labafundi abadlala indima alibonakali lifuna amakhono olwazi lokufunda ukuze bacinge ulwazi kwisizinda kwu-inthanethi. Izinhlaka zesizinda ezibonakala zithinta izidingo zolwazi lwabadlalindima kanye nezenzo zokusesha zifaka izimo kwimisebenzi yezenzo zemfundo kanye nemithombo yolwazi. Ikhono lokuxhumanisa i-inthanethi kanye
nokuvumbulula imithombo ye-inthanethi kukhombisa kusemqoka kakhulu.
Abadlalindima basebenzisa izixhobo zomakhalekhukhwini ukulandelela ulwazi ku Inthanethi, kanti kwezinye izimo, ukuthola ulwazi kwimithombo eyithala lezincwadi yasenyuvesi. Yize-kunjalo, izimpawu ezithile ezihlobene nezixhobo, ezingamasikirini amancane, isikhala esincane sokugcina ulwazi kanye nempilo emfushane yebhediri,
kubonakala kuthinta izinga lokusebenziseka kwezixhobo ezingomakhalekhukhwini ngezinhloso zokucinga ulwazi. Izindleko zedatha kanye nokungakwazi ukuxhumana nge Inthanethi ngenxa yokuphazamiseka kwamasiginali obuxhakaxhaka benediweki kanye
nokwentuleka kwengqalasizinda ye Wi-Fi kanti futhi nokuvimbela ukusetshenziswa kwezixhobo ezingomakhalekhukhwini. Uhlelo lwe-WhatsApp aluhlinzeka kuphela abadlalindima ngamasu okuphana ngolwazi kanye nokuxoxa ngemisebenzi yezemfundo,
kanti futhi yenza ukuthi kube nokusebenzisana kanye nokuthi iqembu likwazi ukusebenza. Abanye babafundi baswela amakhono wokufunda adingekayo ukuze bakwazi ukusebenzisa ngokusezingeni eliphezulu kwemithombo yethala lezincwadi.
Ngakho-ke, bekungaba kuhle kwinyuvesi ukuthi izinhlelo zokuqeqesha mayelana namakhono olwazi lokufunda kwikharikhulamu yawo wonke amazing ocwaningo. Lezi zinhlelo ezifunekayo kufanele futhi zisebenze kubafundi beziqu zesibili abangakaze esikahthini esedlule baphothule isifundo sokuthola ulwazi. / Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie het ondersoek ingestel na die inligtingsbehoeftes en inligtingsoekgedrag van doktorale studente wat slimfone of tablette vir hul studie gebruik. Onderhoude is gevoer met vyftien doktorale studente wat by die University of Cape Coast geregistreer is. Ellis (1989) se model van inligtingsoekgedrag het die studie gerig en het die navorser ondersteun in die ontwikkeling van ’n model wat gebruik kan word om ’n begrip te vorm van hoe mobiele tegnologieë inligtingsbehoeftes en inligtingsoekgedrag beïnvloed. Twee kontekste affekteer die deelnemers se inligtingsbehoeftes en inligtingsoekgedrag, naamlik die akademiese konteks en die
konteks van hul daaglikse lewe. Dit wil voorkom of die wisselwerking tussen die elemente van die konteks waarin deelnemers hulself bevind, asook hul verstandelike strukture, hul inligtingsbehoeftes en inligtingsoekgedrag beïnvloed. Die meeste van die
deelnemende studente beskik klaarblyklik nie oor die nodige
inligtingsgeletterdheidsvaardighede om in ’n aanlyn omgewing vir inligting te soek nie.
Die kontekstuele elemente wat skynbaar die deelnemers se inligtingsbehoeftes en -soekgedrag beïnvloed, sluit situasies in aksie- akademiese take en inligtingshulpbronne in. Daar is bevind dat die vermoë om tot die internet te koppel en aanlyn inligtingsbronne te verkry, belangrik is. Die deelnemers gebruik die mobiele apparate om
inligting van die internet, en in sommige gevalle, van die universiteit se
biblioteekhulpbronne te verkry. Sommige apparaatkenmerke soos klein skerms, beperkte geheuespasie en kort batterylewe blyk ‘n uitwerking op die bruikbaarheid van mobiele apparate vir inligtingsoekdoeleindes te hê. Die koste van data en ’n onvermoë om tot die internet te koppel vanweë onderbrekings in netwerksein en ’n gebrek aan Wi-Fi infrastruktuur belemmer ook die gebruik van mobiele apparate. WhatsApp bied nie net aan die deelnemers ’n manier om inligting te deel en hul akademiese take te bespreek nie; dit maak ook samewerking en groepwerk moontlik. Sommige van die studente
beskik nie oor die nodige inligtingsgeletterdheidvaardighede om die biblioteek se hulpbronne optimaal te kan benut nie. Daarom sal dit wys wees as die universiteit opleiding in inligtingsgeletterdheidvaardighede in die kurrikula vir alle studievlakke insluit. Hierdie vereiste moet ook geld vir nagraadse studente wat nie vantevore ’n kursus
in inligtingsgeletterdheid voltooi het nie. / Information Science / D. Litt et Phil. (Information Science)
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Effek van 'n emosionele ondersteuningsprogram op die emosionele intelligensie van adolessente leerders met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes / The effect of an emotional support programme on the emotional intelligence of adolescent learners with special educational needsMarais, Eileen 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans. Abstracts in Afrikaans, English and Zulu / This study explored how nine adolescent learner-participants with cerebral palsy or other physical
disabilities responded to an emotional support programme (EOP) of 20 intervention sessions, aimed at
developing their emotional intelligence. The research study highlighted the utilisational value and
importance of emotional intelligence, which is associated with problem-solving skills, career success, selfactualisation,
stress management and the like.
The rationale for compiling the EOP was in accordance with the rationale for the research study, being
embedded in diverse learning needs, support for learners, and the design of learner opportunities. The study
focused among others on the development and implementation of an EOP based on Bar-On as conceptual
model (2000), together with the five core competencies of social and emotional learning (SEL), namely:
responsible decision-making, emotional self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and
relationship skills. The Lions Quest SEL-programme, Skills for Adolescence, formed the basis of the EOP,
although the researcher had to adapt it for her learner-participants’ special educational needs. The EOP
was further extended with the knowledge obtained through the literature study regarding emotional
intelligence and adolescence, and was aligned with the aims of the South African school curriculum in
respect of emotional intelligence skills, as stated in the aims of the subject Life Skills.
The researcher’s embedded, mixed-method research design allowed the larger qualitative component to
include the smaller quantitative component, so that the specific phenomenon could be understood from
different participants’ perspectives. Qualitative data was collected by means of metaphor interviews and
collage activities. The quantitative research component of the study refers to the standardised Bar-On
Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (EQ-i:YV) together with the researcher’s own structured
questionnaire. The researcher did not interpret the data obtained from the quantitative data collection
instruments in isolation, but used it to expand and verify the results of her qualitative generated data. The
integrated data results of the learner-participants brought the answer to the research problem: most of the
adolescent learner-participants with special educational needs who had participated in the EOP, did indeed
benefit through their involvement, and their emotional intelligence (the phenomenon under scrutiny) had
improved. / Die studie ondersoek hoe nege adolessente leerder-deelnemers met serebrale en fisieke gestremdhede op
’n emosionele ondersteuningsprogram (EOP) van 20 intervensiesessies reageer met die doel om hulle
emosionele intelligensie te ontwikkel. Die benuttingswaarde en belangrikheid van emosionele intelligensie
word deur die navorsingstudie uitgelig. Hoë emosionele intelligensie word geassosieer met
probleemoplossingsvaardighede, werksukses, selfverwesenliking en streshantering, onder andere.
Die rasionaal vir die samestelling van die EOP stem ooreen met die rasionaal vir die navorsingstudie en is
gevestig in uiteenlopende leerbehoeftes, ondersteuning aan leerders, en die skep van leergeleenthede. Die
studie fokus op die samestelling en implementering van ’n emosionele ondersteuningsprogram (EOP)
gebaseer op Bar-On (2000) se konstruk van emosionele intelligensie as konseptuele model van die studie
saam met die vyf kernbevoegdhede van sosiale en emosionele leer (SEL), naamlik: verantwoordelike
besluitneming, emosionele selfbewussyn, selfbestuur, sosiale bewussyn en verhoudingsvaardighede. Die
Lions Quest SEL-program, Skills for Adolescence, vorm die grondslag van die EOP, alhoewel die navorser
baie aanpassings vir haar leerder-deelnemers se spesiale onderwysbehoeftes moes maak. Die EOP is
verder uitgebrei deur die kennis wat die navorser tydens die literatuurstudie ingewin het ten opsigte van
emosionele intelligensie en adolessensie, en sluit aan by die Suid-Afrikaanse skoolkurrikulum-doelwitte wat
verband hou met emosionele intelligensie-vaardighede soos uiteengesit in die doelwitte vir die vak
Die navorser se ingebedde, gemengdemetode-navorsingsontwerp laat toe dat die groter kwalitatiewe
komponent die kleiner kwantitatiewe komponent insluit, sodat die spesifieke fenomeen vanuit verskillende
deelnemers se perspektiewe verstaan kon word. Kwalitatiewe data is deur middel van die metafooronderhoud
en collage-aktiwiteit ingesamel. Die kwantitatiewe navorsingskomponent van die studie verwys
na die gestandaardiseerde Bar-On Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (EQ-i:YV) tesame met die
navorser se eie gestruktureerde vraelys. Die navorser het die data wat sy uit die kwantitatiewe datainsamelingsinstrumente
verkry het, nie net in isolasie geïnterpreteer nie, maar dit ook gebruik om die
resultate van haar kwalitatief-gegenereerde data uit te brei en te verifieer. Die geïntegreerde data-resultate
van die leerder-deelnemers bied die antwoord op die: die meerderheid van die adolessente leerderdeelnemers
met spesiale onderwysbehoeftes wat aan die EOP deelgeneem het, het inderdaad gebaat by
hulle deelname, en hulle emosionele intelligensie (die fenomeen wat ondersoek is) het verbeter. / Ucwaningo luhlola ukuthi ngabe ukuzibandakanya kwabafundi abangabadlalindima abayisishiyagalolunye
abasesigabeni sobubhungu/sobutshitshi abakhubazeke ngokwengqondo noma ngayiphi indlela emzimbeni
baphendule kanjani kuhlelo oluxhasa ngokommoya (emotional support programme) kumihlangano engama-
20 yokunceda, ehlose ekuqiniseni ubuhlakani bommoya. Isifundo socwaningo siveze ukubaluleka
kokusebenzisa kanye nokubaluleka kobuhlakani bommoya, okuhambisana namakhono okuxazulula
izinkinga, impumelelo yobizo lomsebenzi, ukuzibonakalisa, ukulawula ingcindezi yengqondo kanye nokunye.
Isizathu sokuhlela i-ESP sasihambisana nenhloso yesifundo socwaningo, esitholakala kwizidingo zemfundo
ezahlukahlukene, kanye nokuhleleka kwamathuba omfundi. Ucwaningo lubheke hlangana nokunye
nokuthuthukiswa kanye nokusetshenziswa kohlelo lwe-ESP olususelwa ku-Bar-On njengemodeli yegama
(2000), kanye namanye amacebo abalulekile amahlanu ohlelo lokufunda kwabantu kanye nokufunda
ngokwemizwa (SEL), wona yilawa alandelayo: Ukumelana nezinqumo ozithethe, ukwazi imizwa yakho,
ukuziphatha ngokwakho, ukuxwayiswa komphakathi kanye namakhono okwenza ubudlelwano. Uhlelo lwe-
Lions Quest SEL, Skills for Adolescence, akha isisekelo se-ESP, yize umcwaningi kwakufanele aluguqule
lolu hlelo ukwenzela ukuba luhambisane nezidingo ezikhethekile zemfundo yafundi abadlala indima. . Uhlelo
lwe--ESP lwaqhubeka nokukhuliswa ngolwazi olwalutholakala ngocwaningo lombhalo wobuciko
obumayelana nobuhlakani bokusebenzisa imizwa kanye nesigaba sobutshitshi/sobubhungu, kanti lolu hlelo
lwaluhambisana nezinhloso zekharikhulami yezikole zaseNingizimu Afrika mayelana namakhono
okusebenzisa obuhlakani bokusebenzisa imizwa, njengoba kushiwobkwizinhloso zesifundo samaKhono
Empilo (Life Skills).
Isakhiwo somcwaningi esequkethwe, sohlelo-oluvangene locwaningo siye savumela isigaba esikhulu
socwaningo olugxile kukhwalithi (qualitative) ukuba sixube isigaba esincane esigxile kumanani (quantitative),
ukuze kuzwisiseke uhlelo oluthize ngokwemiqondo yabadlalindima abehlukahlukene. Idatha yohlelo lwequalitative
yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolombono zokungathekisa kanye nemisebenzi yokuhlanganisa
imifanekiso eminingi. Isigaba socwaningo olugxile kumanani sichaza uhlelo olufanayo lwe--Bar-On Emotional
Quotient Inventory: Youth Version (EQi:YV) kanye nemibhalo yemibuzo ehlelwe wumcwaningi. Umcwaningi
akazange achaze idatha etholakele kumathuluzi okuqoqa idatha encike kumanani yodwa, kodwa le datha iye
yasetshenziselwa ukukhulisa kanye nokuqinisekisa imiphumela yakhe eyakhiwe ngokwendlela yekhwalithi.
Imiphumelo ehlangene yedatha yomfundi ongumdlalindima ilethe impendulo kwinkinga yocwaningo: Iningi
labafundi abadlala indima abasesesigabeni sobubhungu/sobutshitshi abadinga imfundo ekhethekile
abazibandakanye ohlelweni lwe-ESP, ngempela baye bazuza ngokuzibandakanya kwabo, kanti-ke izinga
labo lokusebenzisa ikhono lobuhlakani bemizwa buye bathuthuka kakhulu (the phenomenon under scrutiny). / Inclusive Education / D. Ed. (Inklusiewe Onderwys)
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