Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ukuphathwa"" "subject:"okuphathwa""
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A leadership capability model for the South African higher education environment / ‘n Leierskapbekwaamheidmodel vir die Suid-Afrikaanse hoër onderwys omgewing / Uhlaka lokwazi ubuholi iwe imvelo yemfundo ephakeme yaseNingizimu AfrikaCloete, Michael Stanley 12 1900 (has links)
Text in English with keywords and abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Over the past few years, the world in general has been influenced by several rapid changes and disruptions including climate change, globalisation, economic developments, the fourth industrial revolution, technological advancements, social changes, political changes and most recently the Covid-19 pandemic.
The above changes have also influenced South Africa Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in South Africa. In particular, over the past two to three years, South African HEIs have been increasingly faced with the drive for transformation in higher education (including the decolonisation of the curriculum), reduced government subsidies,
increased competition, rising costs, increased enrolments, declining resources the announcement of free higher education, increased politicisation of higher education and the increased need to use information technology in teaching and research. As a result, the aforementioned rapid changes and disruption require that leaders in South African HEIs possess the capabilities that will enable them to successfully lead their organisations during such times.
While leadership has been researched within South African HEIs none was found that focussed on identifying and describing the capabilities needed to lead successfully in South African HEIs during rapid change and disruption. The aim of this research was to determine a leadership capabilities model required to lead successfully during rapid
change and disruption within South African HEIs. This research successfully identified and described the capabilities and competencies needed to lead South African HEIs successfully during rapid change and disruption in general as well as for each leadership level.
Finally, this research formulated a theory and model that explains the relationship between rapid change and disruption, the possession and application of the capabilities required to lead successfully in South African HEIs during rapid change and disruption and actually dealing successfully with the rapid change and disruption. / Oor die afgelope paar jare was die wêreld deur verskillende vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings beïnvloed insluitended limaatverandering, globaliseering, ekonomiese ontwikkelinge asook die vierde industriële rewolusie, tegnolosiese vooruitgange, sosiale veranderinge, politiese veranderinge, en mees onlangs, die Covid-19 pandemie.
Die bogenoemde veranderinge het ook die Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys beïnvloed.
In die besonder, oor die afgelope twee tot drie jaar, is Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies toenemend gekonfronteer deur ‘n strewe na transformasie (insluitended dekolonisering van die kirrikulum), vermindende staatsubsidies, toenemende kompetisie, toenemende kostes, toenemende inskrywings, vermindende hulpbronne,
die aankondiging van gratis hoër onderwys, toenemende politisering van hoër
onderwys en die toenemende behoefte om inligtingstegnologie te gebruik in onderwys en navorsing. As ‘n gevolg van bogenoemde vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings, word dit van leiers in die Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys vereis om vermöens te besit wat hulle in staat stel om hulle organisasies suksesvol te kan lei gedurende sulke tye.
Alhoewel navorsing oor leierskap binne Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies voorheen gedoen is, kon geen navorsing gevind word wat alleenlik fokus op die identifisering en beskrywing van die eienskappe wat nodig is om Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te kan lei gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigting.
Die mikpunt van hierdie navorsing was om vas te stel watter leierskap eienskappe nodig is om Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te kan lei, gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings. Hierdie navorsing het daarin geslaag om die eienskappe en vaardighede wat leiers benodig om Suid-Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te lei gedurende tye van vinnige veranderinge
en ontwrigtings te bepaal, asook wat vir elke leierskapvlak benodig word. Hierdie navorsing het ook ‘n teorie en model geformuleer wat die verhouding tussen vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings, die besit en toepassing van die eienskappe om Suid Afrikaanse Hoër Onderwys Instansies suksesvol te kan lei gedurende tye van vinnige
veranderinge en ontwrigtings en uiteindelik suksevolle leierskap gedurende vinnige veranderinge en ontwrigtings, te beskryf. / Eminyakeni embalwa edlule umhlaba jikelele ubhekane nezinguquko
nokuphazamiseka okuningi okuhlanganisa ukuquka kwesimo sezulu, ukuxhumana kwamazwe omhlaba, ukuthuthuka kwezomnotho, uguquko kwezezimboni kwesine (fourth industrial revolution), ukuthuthuka kwezobuchwepheshe, izinguquko kwezenhlalo, izinguquko kwezombusazwe nokwakamuva nje, ubhubhane i-Covid-19.
Lezi zinguquko ezingenhla zibe nomthelela naseziKhungweni zeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika (HEIs). Ikakhulukazi, eminyakeni emibili kuya kwemithathu edlule, iziKhungo zeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika zibhekana ngokwengezekile nomkhankaso wezoguquko kwezemfundo ephakeme
(okuhlanganisa nokuhlelwa kabusha kwezinhlelozifundo), ukuncipha
kwemalisibonelelo kahulumeni, ukukhula kokuqhudelana, ukukhula kwezindleko, ukukhula kwesibalo sababhalisile, ukuncipha kwezinsiza, ukumenyezelwa kwemfundo ephakeme yamahhala, ukudlondlobala kwezombusazwe ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme nokukhula kokusetshenziswa kobuchwepheshe kwezokufundisa
nocwaningo. Okungumphumela walokhu, ukudingeka kwabaholi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika abanamakhono azobalekelela ekuholeni ngempumelelo izinhlangano zabo kulezi zikhathi.
Yize noma ubuholi bucwaningiwe ezikhungweni zemfundo ephakeme eNingizimu Afrika akukho okutholakele obekugxile ekuhlonzeni nasekuchazeni ngokuyizidingo zokuhola ngempumelelo lezi zikhungo ngalesi sikhathi sezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okwenzeka ngesivinini. Lolu cwaningo luhlonze futhi lwachaza ngamakhono namava
adingekayo ukuze kuholwe ngempumelelo iziKhungo ZeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika ngesikhathi sezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okwenzeka ngesivinini kanye nokuyizidingo zezinga ngalinye lobuholi.
Okokugcina, lolu cwaningo lwakhe injulalwazi nohlaka oluchaza ngobudlelwano phakathi kwezinguquko nokuphazamiseka okwenzeka ngesivinini, ukuba namava adingekayo nokuwasebenzisa ngempumelelo ekuholeni iziKhungo zeMfundo ePhakeme zaseNingizimu Afrika ngesikhathi salezi zinguquko nokuphazamiseka
kanye nokubhekana nakho ngempumelelo. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Consulting Psychology)
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A talent management model for medium sized enterprises in UgandaNdawula, Gerald January 2018 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in Zulu and SePedi / Business-oriented studies have revealed that medium-sized enterprises greatly contribute to economic growth and socio-economic development of developed and emerging economies like Uganda. At the same time, these enterprises are faced with copious challenges, and chief among them, is a general lack of prudent talent management model(s) and talented people to propel them forward in order to sustain competitiveness.
The aim of the present research undertaking was to develop a model for talent management that could be applied by medium-sized enterprises in Uganda to attract and retain talented people with the view to sustain survival, growth, development and competitiveness.
The study evolved on the thesis statement that the characteristics of an enterprise (i.e., main business, number of employees, years of existence, technological advancement, ownership arrangement, location and active website) and managerial characteristics (i.e., level of competition, performance rating of the enterprise, leadership style, owners participation, academic attainment of the General Manager/Chief Executive Officer and academic attainment of Assistant General Manager/Assistant Chief Executive Officer) influence the direction and dynamics of talent management (i.e., talent identification, leadership talent development, talent development for hard to fill positions, higher position talent development, cohort of talent, talent utilization and reward management) in the medium-sized enterprises in Uganda.
A mixed research design was adopted. Primary data was obtained through a survey questionnaire and interviews of management experts were conducted, using the theoretical sampling technique. The interviews were meant to obtain the underlying in-depth factors pertaining to emerging issues from the quantitative data analysis. Based on the Business Register for the year 2006, the total population of the medium-sized enterprises in Uganda stood at 58,512 and the targeted sample of 600 medium sized enterprises was statistically arrived at. 570 medium-sized enterprises responded positively to the study. This gave a response rate of 95%, which was classified as excellent.
The measuring instrument yielded an overall Cronbach Alpha value of 0.77 which implied that the instrument was reliable to conduct the study. A variable was generated to measure talent management. This was done by the application of STATA Version 13.0. Linear regression analysis was conducted for all the seven research questions for the study. The model fit was good because the probability value (0.000) was less than 0.05 and the conclusions were made at 95 per cent level of confidence.
Using the adjusted model, it was established that main business, technological advancement, ownership structure and location of enterprises significantly influence talent management in the medium-sized enterprises in Uganda. In addition, it was revealed that performance rating, leadership style, owners participation and academic attainment of the assistant general managers significantly influence the dynamics and direction of talent management in the medium-sized enterprises in Uganda. These findings formed the developed talent management model for medium-sized enterprises.
The fundamental theoretical contribution of this investigation was the development of a talent management model for medium-sized enterprises in Uganda, in the context of developing countries. The practical worth of the model is its application to strengthen talent management in the medium-sized enterprises with the view to sustain survival, growth, development and competitiveness.
The recommendations of the study are that: the dependency of medium sized enterprises in Uganda on general management aspects without embracing fundamental ingredients of talent management is a risky business venture; and medium-sized enterprises in Uganda must revisit their talent identification, talent development initiatives, talent retention programs, talent utilization and reward management systems. This will permit them to be aligned with the volatile competitive business environment. Medium-sized enterprises must continuously re-examine leadership talent development initiatives in order to enhance business leaders with the view to attain long term sustainability. / Izingcwaningo eziphathelene nebhizinisi sezikuvezile ukuthi amabhizinisi amaphakathi ngobukhulu anegalelo elikhulukazi ekukhulisweni komnotho kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwenhlalomnotho yamazwe aneminotho esithuthukile kanye nalawo aneminotho esafufusa
njenge-Uganda. Kusenjalo, lawa mabhizinisi azithola ebhekene nezinkinga eziningi, futhi enkulu kunazo zonke, wukuntuleka kwemodeli noma amamodeli okuphathwa kwabasebenzi, ngokunjalo nokuntuleka kwabasebenzi abanekhono abazokwazi ukuqhubekisela phambili amabhizinisi lawo ukuze akwazi ukukhula futhi adlondlobale emsebenzini wawo webhizinisi lapho kunesimo sokuncintisana okukhulu phakathi kwamabhizinisi.
Inhloso yalolu cwaningo lwamanje kwabe kuwukuthuthukisa imodeli yokuphathwa kwabasebenzi engasetshenziswa emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu ase-Uganda, ngenhloso yokuheha nokugcina abantu abanamakhono ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi amabhizinisi ayaqhubeka nokusebenza, ayakhula, ayathuthuka futhi ayakwazi ukuncintisana ngempumelelo emkhakheni wezebhizinisi.
Lolu cwaningo kwathuthukiselwa phezu kwesitatimende sethisisi esithi izici-bunjalo zebhizinisi (okusho umsebenzi oyinhloko owenziwa yibhizinisi, inani labasebenzi, iminyaka esiphelile lasungulwa futhi likhona, ukuthuthuka noqhukubekela kwalo phambili kwezobuchwepheshe, isimo sobunikazi, indawo elisebenzela kuyona kanye newebhusayithi esebenzayo) kanye nezici-bunjalo eziphathelene nokuphathwa kwebhizinisi (okusho, izinga lokuncintisana, isilinganiso-kusebenza sebhizinisi, isitayela sobuholi, ukubamba iqhaza komnikazi, izinga lemfundo eliphakeme afinyelele kulona uMphathi-jikelele/uMphathi Omkhulu kanye nezinga lemfundo eliphakeme elifinyelele kulona iPhini loMphathi-jikelele/iPhini loMphathi Omkhulu) kunomthelela emgudwini kanye nezinqubo-kusebenza zokuphathwa kwabasebenzi (okusho, ukuhlonzwa kwabasebenzi abanekhono, ukuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi abanekhono lobuholi, ukuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi abanekhono lokugcwalisa izikhala okunzima kakhulu ukuzigcwalisa, ukuthuthukiswa kwabasebenzi abazongena ezikhundleni eziphakeme, iqembulabasebenzi abanekhono, ukusetshenziswa kwabasebenzi abanekhono kanye nokuphathwa kwemivuzo) emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu kwelase-Uganda.ngobukhulu abamba iqhaza ngenkuthalo kulolu cwaningo. Lokhu kwahlinzeka ngezinga lokusabela elingama-95%, okuyizinga elithathwa njengelihle kakhulu.
Ithuluzi lokukala lakhiqiza inani-bungakho eliphelele le-Cronbach Alpha elingu 0.77 okusho ukuthi leli thuluzi labe liyithuluzi elithembakele futhi elifanelekile ukwenza ucwaningo. Kwenziwa isikali esiguquguqukayo sokukala ukuphathwa kwabasebenzi abanekhono. Lokhu kwenziwa nokusebenzisa i-STATA Version 13.0. Kwenziwa uhlaziyo lwe-linear regression maqondana nayo yonke imibuzo yocwaningo eyisikhombisa. Ukufaneleka kwemodeli kwabe kukuhle kakhulu ngoba i-probability value (0.000) yabe ingaphansi kuka-0.05 futhi imibono yokuphothula yenziwa yafinyelele ezingeni lokuthembakala elingama-95%.
Ngokusebenzisa imodeli ehlelwe kabusha, kwatholakala ukuthi umsebenzi oyinhloko owenziwa yibhizinisi, ukuthuthuka nokuqhubekela kwalo phambili kwezobuchwepheshe, isimo sobunikazi kanye nendawo asebenzela kuyona amabhizinisi kunomthethela omkhulu ekuphathweni kwabasebenzi emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu ezweni lase-Uganda. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ucwaningo lwakuveza ukuthi isilinganiso-kusebenza, isitayela sobuholi, ukubamba iqhaza komnikazi kanye nezinga lemfundo eliphakeme elifinyelele kulona iphini lomphathi, kunomthelela kwizinqubo-kusebenza kanye nasemgudwini wokuphathwa kwabasebenzi emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu kwelase-Uganda. Le miphumela etholakele ocwaningweni yakha imodeli yokuphathwa kwabasebenzi ethuthukisiwe, eqondiswe emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu.
Igalelo eliyisisekelo, eliphathelene nethiyori, elenziwe yilolu cwaningo wukuthuthukiswa kwemodeli yabasebenzi eyenzelwe amabhizinisi amaphakathi ngobukhulu kwelase-Uganda, ngokwesimo esiqondene namazwe asathuthuka. Ukusebenziseka nokubaluleka okuphathekayo kwale modeli wukusetshenziswa kwayo ekuqiniseni ukuphathwa kwabasebenzi abanekhono emabhizinisini amaphakathi ngobukhulu ukuze kuqinisekiswe ukuthi amabhizinisi ayaqhubeka nokusebenza, ayakhula, ayathuthuka futhi ayakwazi ukuncintisana ngempumelelo emkhakheni wezebhizinisi.
Izincomo zocwaningo wukuthi: ukuthembela kwamabhizinisi aphakathi ngobukhulu ase-Uganda ezinqubweni zokuphatha ezijwayelekile ngaphandle kokuqinisekisa ukubhekelelwa
kwezinto ezisemqoka kakhulu futhi eziyisisekelo sokuphathwa kwabasebenzi abanekhono kuyinto eyingozi kakhulu ebhizinisini; futhi amabhizinisi amaphakathi ase-Uganda kumele abuyekeze noma abhekisise izindlela nezinqubo zazo eziphathelene nokuhlonza abasebenzi abanekhono, izinhlelo zazo zokuthuthukisa abasebenzi abanekhono, izinhlelo zokugcina abasebenzi abanekhono, izinhlelo zokusebenzisa abasebenzi abanekhono kanye nezinhlelo zokuphathwa kwemivuzo. Lokhu kuzokwenza ukuthi lawa mabhizinisi akwazi ukuhambisana nesimo sebhizinisi esinokuncintisana okunzima impela. Amabhizinisi amaphakathi ngobukhulu kumele aqhubeke nokuhlola nokubhekisisa kabusha izinhlelo zokuthuthukiswa kobuholi bebhizinisi ukuze kuthuthukiswe abaholi bebhizinisi ngenhloso yokuqinisekisa ukusimama kwesikhathi eside. / Dithuto tša go šetša kgwebo di utullotše gore dikgwebo ya bogolo bja magareng bo dira seabe se segolo go kgolo ya ikonomi le tlhabollo ya ikonomi le leago ya diikonomi tšeo ditšwelelago go swana le Uganda. Ka nako e tee, dikgwebo di lebane le mathata a magolo, bjo bogolo go fetiša ke hlokego ya kakaretšo motlolo wa taolo ya talente le batho ba go ba le talente ba kgoromeletša go re go kgone go kgotleletšwa phadišano.
Nepo ya matsapa a diphatišišo tša bjalo e be e le go tlhabolla motlolo wa taolo ya talente yeo e bego e ka šomišwa ke dikgwebo tša magareng mo Uganda go gokagoketša le go rua batho ba go ba le talente ka maikemišetšo a go tšwetša pele go phomelela, kgolo, tlhabollo le go kgona go phadišana.
Thuto ye e gatetše pele ka go setatamente sa thesise ya go re dimelo tša kgwebo (ke go re., kgwebo ya motheo, palo ya bašomi, mengwaga ya go ba gona, kgatelopele ya thekenolotši, peakanyo ya bong, lefelo le weposaete ya go šoma) le dimelo tša bolaodi (ke go re., maemo a phadišano, kelo ya mašomelo a kgwebo, mokgwa wa boetapele, botšeakarolo bja mong, phihlelelo ya dithuto tša Molaodikakaretšo/Molaodiphethiši le phihlelelo ya dithuto ya
Motlatšamolaodikakaretšo/Motlatšamolaodiphethiši) do huetša tsela le mathaithai a taolo ya talente (ke go re., tlhaolo ya talente, tlhabollo ya talente ya boetapele, tlhabollo ya talente ya diposo tšeo go lego boima go di tlatša, tlhabollo ya talente ya diposo tša godingwana, yuniti ya talente, tšhomišo ya talente le taolo ya difoka) ka go dikgwebo tša magareng kwa Uganda.
Tlhamo ya hlakahlakano ya diphatišišo e kgethilwe. Datha ya motheo e hweditšwe ka letlakalapotšišo la dinyakišišo le ditsebi tša taolo ya dipoledišano tša mošomo di dirilwe, go šomiša mokgwa wa go dira sampole ya teori. Dipoledišano tša mošomo di be di diretšwe go hwetša dintlha tša motheo tša go tsenelela mabapi le ditaba tšeo di tšwelelago go tšwa go tekolo ya datha ya dipalopalo. Ge go lebeletšwe Retšisetara ya Kgwebo ya ngwaga wa 2006, palomoka ya setšhaba sa dikgwebo tša magareng kwa Uganda e be e eme go 58,512 le sampole yeo e nepilwego ya dikgwebo tša magareng tše 600 di fihlile go ya ka dipalopalo go dikgwebo tše 570 tša magareng tšeo di ikarabetšego ka tshwanelo go thuto ye. Se se file kelo ya dikarabo ya diperesente tše 95 tše di hlophilwego bjalo ka tša maemo a godimo.
Sedirišwa sa go ela se fihleletše palomoka ya boleng bja Cronbach Alpha ya 0.77 yeo e laeditšwego go re sedirišwa se se tshepegile go diragatša thuto ye. Sefapantšhi se hlamilwe go ela taolo ya talente. Se se dirilwe ka tšhomišo ya STATA Version 13.0. Poelomorago ya kelo ya tatelano e dirilwe go dipotšišo ka moka tše šupa tša diphatišišo tša thuto. Mohuta wo wa motlolo o be o le botse ka gobane boleng bja kgonagalo e be e le (0.000) ka fase ga 0.05 le dithumo di dirilwe ka diperesente tše 95 tša maemo a boitshepo.
Go šomišwa motlolo wo o beakantšwego, go hwetšagetše go re kgwebo ye kgolo, kgatelopele ya thekenolotši, sebopego sa bong le lefelo la dikgwebo di huetša kudu taolo ya talente ka go dikgwebo tša magareng tša Uganda. Go tlaleletša, go tšweleditše go re kelo ya mašomelo, mokgwa wa boetapele, botšeakarolo bja mong le phihlelelo ya dithuto tša batlatšabalaodikakaretšo di huetša kudu mathaithai le khuetšo le tsela ya taolo ya talente ka go kgwebo ya magareng mo Uganda. Dipoelo tše di hlamilwe motlolo wa taolo ya talente wa dikgwebo tša magareng.
Seabe sa teori ya motheo sa dinyakišišo tše ke tlhabollo ya motlolo wa taolo ya talente wa dikgwebo tša magareng tša Uganda ka go lefapha la dinaga tšeo di hlabologago. Boleng bja nnete bja motlolo wo ke tšhomišo ya wona go matlafatša taolo ya talente ka go dikgwebo tša magareng ka tebelelo ya go tšwetšapele go phela, kgolo, tlhabollo le go kgona go phadišana. 15
Ditigelo tša thuto ke go re: go ithekga ga dikgwebo tša magareng kwa Uganda go merero ya kakaretšo ntle le go amogela ditswakwa tša motheo tša taolo ya talente ke kgwebo ye kotsi; le dikgwebo tša magareng tša Uganda di swanetše go boela go tlhaolo ya bona ya talente, matsapa a tlhabollo ya talente, mananeo a go swarelela talente, tšhomišo ya talente le tshepedišo ya taolo ya difoka. Se se tla ba dumelela go sepelelana le tikologo yeo e tekatekago ya kgwebo. Dikgwebo tša magareng di swanetše go tšwela pele go lekolaleswa matsapa a tlhabollo ya talente ya boetapele go re go kgontšhwe baetapele ba kgwebo ka maikemišetšo a go fihlelela kgatelopele ya go ya go ile. / Graduate School of Business Leadership / D.B.L.
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Personal branding and career success : an empirical investigationCoetzer, Esme 30 October 2019 (has links)
Knowledge about personal branding, the development and sustaining of a personal
brand and the link between personal branding and career success did not exist in a
scientifically structured manner. The purpose of this study was to understand what the
elements of personal branding are and what it takes to develop a personal brand in
the corporate environment. It was also important to identify whether personal branding
is key to career success. The systematic literature review procedure was used to
identify, analyse and critically evaluate both empirical studies and popular literature
relating to personal branding. The current body of knowledge was ill defined and a six
step model detailing how to develop and maintain a personal brand was developed as
a result of a content analysis of the available popular literature. A measure of a
complete personal brand within the workplace was subsequently developed. In this
study, the hypotheses of a possible relationship between personal branding and
career success (performance appraisal score, 360 leadership evaluation and talent
board placement) were tested. It was found that talent board placement was
statistically significant and practically related to personal branding. The study was the
first to provide a measurement tool as well as empirical evidence on the relationship
between personal branding and career success and, as such contributed significantly
to the body of knowledge. This study also opened avenues for further research. / Daar was min kennis oor ’n persoonlike handelsmerk, die ontwikkeling en handhawing
van ’n persoonlike handelsmerk, en die verband tussen ’n persoonlike handelsmerk
en loopbaansukses in die wetenskaplike domein beskikbaar. Die doel van hierdie
studie was om die elemente van ’n persoonlike handelsmerk te begryp, asook om te
bepaal wat dit behels om ’n persoonlike handelsmerk in die korporatiewe omgewing
te ontwikkel. Dit was ook belangrik om te bepaal of ’n persoonlike handelsmerk
deurslaggewend is tot loopbaansukses. ‘n Sistematiese literatuuroorsig is gedoen om
empiriese studies asook gewilde literatuur oor ’n persoonlike handelsmerk te
identifiseer, te ontleed en krities te evalueer. Gegewe beperkte akademiese
kennismateriaal, en na aanleiding van die inhoudsontleding van die beskikbare
gewilde literatuur, is ’n sesstapmodel ontwikkel om aan te dui hoe ’n persoonlike
handelsmerk ontwikkel en gehandhaaf kan word. Na aanleiding hiervan is ’n
instrument ontwikkel om ’n person se handelsmerk omvattend in die werkplek te meet.
Dit is gevolg deur hipoteses van ’n moontlike verband tussen ’n persoonlike
handelsmerk en loopbaansukses (prestasiebeoordelingtelling, 360-leierskapevaluasie
en talentplasing) te toets. Die studie het bevind dat ’n persoonlike handelsmerk
statisties beduidend en prakties relevant is tot talentplasing. Hierdie navorsing lewer
’n omvattende meetinstrument vir die meting van ’n persoonlike handelsmerk, asook
empiriese bewyse rakende die verhouding tussen ’n persoonlike handelsmerk en
loopbaansukses. Die studie maak in dié opsig ‘n beduidende bydrae tot die gebrekkige
akademiese kennismateriaal wat oor hierdie onderwerp beskikbaar is. / Ulwazi nge-branding yomuntu siqu, ukuthuthukiswa kanye nokuqhubekela phambili
kwe-brand yomuntu siqu kanye nokuxhumana phakathi kwe-brand yomuntu siqu
kanye nokuphumelela emsebenzini bekuyizinto ebezingahlelekile ngendlela
yesisayense. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuqondisisa ukuthi ngabe iyini
imikhakha ye-branding yomuntu siqu kanye nokuthi yini okudingekayo ukwenza ibrand
yomuntu siqu emkhakheni wezamabhizinisi. Bekubalulekile nokubheka ukuthi
ngabe i-branding yomuntu siqu isemqoka kangakanani ekuphumeleleni emisebenzini.
Inqubo yokubuyekeza imibhalo ngendlela ehlelekile iye yasetshenziswa ukuphawula,
ukuhlaziya kanye nokuhlola izifundo ezinobufakazi ezenziwe kanye nemibhalo
edumile maqondana ne-branding yomuntu siqu. Imikhakha yolwazi ekhona
ibingachazekile kahle, kanti kuye kwalandelwa imodeli yezinyathalo eziyisithupha
echaza imininingwane ngokwenza kanye nokugcina i-brand yomuntu siqu, iye
yenziwa ngakho-ke kwase kuhlaziywa ingqikithi yemibhalo edumile ekhona.
Kwenziwe i-brand yomuntu siqu ephelele emkhakheni wezemisebenzi. Kulolu
cwaningo, kuhlolwe i-hypotheses yobudlelwane phakathi kwe-branding yomuntu siqu
kanye nokuphumelela emsebenzini (amaphuzu ohlolo lokusebenza ngendlela
efanele, uhlolo lobuholi obungu 360, kanye nokubekwa kwebhodi yamathalente
endaweni efanele) kuye kwahlolwa. Kutholakale ukuthi ukubekwa kwebhodi
yamathalente endaweni efanele yinto esemqoka ngokwamastatistiki kanti futhi
kuhambisana ne-branding yomuntu siqu. Ucwaningo belungolokuqala ukuhlinzeka
ngethuluzi lokukala kanye nocwaningo obunobufakazi obubambekayo ngobudlelwane
phakathi kwe-branding yomuntu siqu kanye nokuphumelela emsebenzini, kanti-ke,
lokhu yikho okuye kwaba nomthelela obabalukile kulwazi. Lolu cwaningo luvule
imikhakha lapho okungenziwa khona ezinye izinhlobo nemikhakha yocwaningo. / Business Management / DBL
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The perception of customer service in the hotel industry in PretoriaNyirangondo, Marie Celine 01 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Southern Sotho and Zulu / The primary objective of the study was to explore customers’ perceptions of the service quality provided in the hotel industry, in Pretoria. Considering the growth of the hotel industry in Pretoria, this study revealed that customers expect to receive a high level of service quality, which will lead to customer satisfaction and produce a positive perception of hotel service. An exploratory research design was adopted in this study and qualitative data were collected through interviewing customers of a hotel. In terms of limitations, this study was conducted at one selected hotel in Pretoria. Atlas.ti software was used to analyse collected data. The analysis of the data identified a number of specific themes that were relevant to shaping the perceptions of the respondents, in terms of service quality and their satisfaction with the service quality received. The themes supported existing literature in terms of the factors influencing perceptions of service and the specific influences within those themes were elaborated on, leading to recommendations for managing service quality perceptions in the hotel industry. / Maikemišetšomagolo a dinyakišišo e bile go utolla maikutlo a badiriši mabapi le boleng bja ditirelo tše di abiwago ka intastering ya dihotele ka Pretoria. Ka ge di hlokometše kgolo ya intasteri ya dihotele ka Pretoria, dinyakišišo tše di utollotše gore ba emetše go hwetša ditirelo tša boleng, tšeo di tlago feletša ka go kgotsofala ga badiriši le go tšweletša maikutlo a makaone a tirelo ya dihotele. Tlhamo ya dinyakišišo tša go utolla e dirišitšwe ka mo dinyakišišong tše gomme tshedimošo ya boleng e kgobokeditšwe ka go botšiša badiriši ba dihotele dipotšišo. Mabapi le mellwane, dinyakišišo tše di dirilwe ka hoteleng e tee yeo e kgethilwego ka Pretoria. Softewere ya Atlas.ti e šomišitšwe go sekaseka tshedimošo ye e kgobokeditšwego. Tshekatsheko ya tshedimošo e utollotše merero ye mmalwa ye itšego yeo e bego e le maleba mabapi le go beakanya maikutlo a baarabi, mabapi le boleng bja ditirelo le go kgotsofala ga bona mabapi le boleng bja ditirelo tšeo di hweditšwego. Merero e thekgile dingwalwa tše di lego gona mabapi le mabaka ao a huetšago maikutlo ka ga ditirelo gomme dikhuetšo tše itšego ka gare ga merero yeo di hlathollotšwe, gomme se sa feletša ka ditšhišinyo tša go laola maikutlo ka ga boleng bja ditirelo ka intastering ya dihotele. / Inhloso enkulu yalolu cwaningo kwakuwukuhlola imibono yamakhasimende ngekhwalithi yesevisi enikezwa embonini yamahhotela, ePitoli. Uma kubhekwa ukukhula komkhakha wamahhotela ePitoli, lolu cwaningo luveze ukuthi amakhasimende alindele ukuthola izinga eliphakeme lezinsizakalo, okuzoholela ekwanelisekeni kwamakhasimende futhi kuveze umbono omuhle wensizakalo yamahhotela. Lolu cwaningo oluchazayo lwamukelwe kanti lakhelwe phezulu kwemininingwane ebhekelele ubunjalo besimo yaqoqwa ngokuxoxisana namakhasimende asehhotela. Ngokwemikhawulo, lolu cwaningo lwenziwe ehhotela elilodwa elikhethiwe ePitoli. Kusetshenziswe isofthiweye noma uhlelo lokusebenza elibizwa nge-Atlas.ti ukuhlaziya imininingwane eqoqiwe. Ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kukhombe izingqikithi ezithile ebezifanele ukwakhela imibono yabaphenduli, ngokuya ngekhwalithi yesevisi nokweneliseka kwazo ngekhwalithi yesevisi etholakele. Izindikimba zisekele imibhalo ekhona ngokwezinto ezinomthelela emibonweni yesevisi kanye nemithelela ethize kulezo zingqikithi yachazwa kabanzi, okuholela ezincomweni zokuphatha imibono yekhwalithi yesevisi embonini yamahhotela. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)
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A best practice framework for visitor information centres in Gauteng Province, South AfricaChikati, Shybow 04 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Afrikaans / Globally, Visitor Information Centres are increasingly recognised touchpoints contributing to the success
of tourism destinations. In Gauteng, South Africa, their numbers continue to decline. The service level of
these remaining VICs differ across and fall below expectation. Furthermore, most models of operation
are obsolete, with these centres having minimal exposure to best practices. Limited research focuses on
the supply side, namely the staffing and management of centres.
The study focuses on Gauteng VICs and the best practices that could improve future effectiveness. An
exploratory design was followed which commenced with a concise review of best practice literature,
global case studies and examples on the operation of effective VICs. An empirical study then reported
on the opinions of 25 VIC staff and eight managers from eight Gauteng VICs regarding the current
situation and future needs. A two-tiered approach was used to gather data via two custom-designed
surveys with Gauteng VIC staff and managers respectively. A snowball sample of 25 staff members and
a purposive sample of eight key informants were obtained. Data were analysed quantitatively using SPSS
and qualitatively using thematic content analysis; and presented in three parts. The literature, the
findings and the researcher’s recommendations culminate in a best practice framework for Gauteng
VICs. The framework advocates for an integration of traditional and new media services and platforms
in the dissemination of tourism information based on the funding available to a particular VIC. It is
envisaged that if managers implement the best practice framework, it could avert further decline in the
number of VICs. Moreover, it could improve their effectiveness in meeting the needs of the
technologically-savvy and the traditional visitor, thereby ushering the Gauteng VICs into the 21st century. / Emhlabeni jikelele, izikhungo zolwazi zabavakashi (VICs) ziya ngokuya ziqashelwa njengamaphuzu
okuxhumana abamba iqhaza ekuphumeleleni kwezindawo zezokuvakasha. EGauteng, eNingizimu Afrika
inani labo, liyaqhubeka ngokwehla. Amazinga okusebenza kwalokho kwama-VIC asele ahluka ezindaweni
zonkana futhi awela ngezansi kokulindelekile. Ngaphezu kwalokho, izinhlobo eziningi zezifanekiso
zomsebenzi azisetshenziswa, nalezo zikhungo nokuba nokubanakaliswa okuncane nemikhuba
ephambili. Ucwaningo olulinganiselwe lugxile ohlangothini lokunikezela, okuyizikhungo zabasebenzi
Lolu cwaningo lugxile kuma-VIC aseGauteng kanye nemikhuba ephambili engase ithuthukise ukusebenza
ngokuzayo. Umklamo oyisibonelo walandelwa okuyinto eyaqala ngokubuyekeza okufingqiwe okuhamba
phambili kwezincwadi, izifundo zomhlaba nezibonelo zokusebenza ngempumelelo kwama-VIC.
Ucwaningo lomdlandla lwabika ngemibono yamalungu abasebenzi abangama -25 beVIC nabaphathi
abayisishiyagalombili abavela kuma-VIC ayisishiyagalombili aseGauteng mayelana nesimo samanje
kanye nezidingo esikhathini esizayo. Izindlela ezimbili zokuhlaziya zasetshenziswa ukuqoqa
imininingwane ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezimbili ezenziwe ngokwezifiso nabasebenzi be-VIC
eGauteng nabaphathi ngokulandelana
Isampula yokudluliselwa (snowball sampling) kwamalungu abasebenzi abangama-25 kanye nesampula
yokwahlulela ekhethayo (purposive sampling) yabafundisi abamqoka abayisishiyagalombili yatholakala.
Imininingwane yahlaziywa ngokufanelekile kusetshenziswa iSPSS (Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences) futhi ngokufanelekile kusetshenziswa ukuhlaziywa kwezindikimba okuqukethwe futhi
yethulwa izingxenye ezintathu. Imibhalo, okutholakele kanye neziphakamiso zomcwaningi zifinyelele
emkhubeni ophezulu wohlaka lwama-VIC aseGauteng. Uhlaka lummela ukuhlanganiswa kwendabuko
futhi ukusebenzisa kwezokwazisa ngezinkundla ekusabalalisweni kolwazi lwezokuvakasha kusekelwe
ngokuxhaswa ngezimali okutholakala ku-VIC ethile. Kucatshangwa ukuthi uma abaphathi beqalisa
umkhuba ophambili wohlaka, kungase kugweme ukwehla okwengeziwe kwenani lama-VIC. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kungase kuthuthukise ukuphumelela kwabo ekuhlangabezaneni nezidingo zobuchwepheshe
zokwenza izinqumo ezinhle kanye nesivakashi sendabuko, kanjalo kubonise ama-VIC ku-21st Century. / Besoekersinligtingsentrums word wêreldwyd toenemend erken as kontakpunte (touchpoints) wat tot
die sukses van toerismebestemmings bydra. Die aantal besoekersinligtingsentrums in Gauteng, Suid-
Afrika, toon ’n afname. Die diensvlakke van die oorblywende sentrums verskil en voldoen nie aan
verwagtinge nie. Die bedryfsmodelle van die meeste van hierdie besoekersinligtingsentrums is ook
verouderd en die betrokke sentrums het minimale blootstelling aan beste praktyk. Beperkte navorsing
fokus op die aanbodkant, dit wil sê, die personeelvoorsiening en bestuur van
Hierdie studie fokus op besoekersinligtingsentrums in Gauteng en die beste praktyke wat hulle
doeltreffendheid in die toekoms kan verbeter. Die navorser het ’n verkenningsontwerp gebruik,
beginnende met ’n bondige oorsig van literatuur oor beste praktyk, wêreldwye gevallestudies en
voorbeelde van die werkswyse van doeltreffende besoekersinligtingsentrums. Die navorser het daarna
in ’n empiriese studie verslag oor die menings van 25 personeellede van besoekersinligtingsentrums en
8 bestuurders van 8 besoekersinligtingsentrums in Gauteng rakende die huidige stand en toekomstige
behoeftes van die sentrums gelewer. Die navorser het ’n tweevlakkige benadering gevolg om data in te
win deur twee aangemete opnames te gebruik om data van onderskeidelik personeellede en
bestuurders van besoekersinligtingsentrums in Gauteng te bekom. ’n Sneeubalsteekproef van 25
personeellede en ’n doelbewuste steekproef van 8 sleutelrespondente is bekom. Data is kwantitatief
met behulp van die Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) en kwalitatief deur middel van ’n
tematiese inhoudsanalise ontleed en in drie dele aangebied. Die literatuur, die bevindings en die
navorser se aanbevelings het op ’n raamwerk van bestek praktyk vir Gautengse
besoekersinligtingsentrums uitgeloop. Ingevolge hierdie raamwerk moet tradisionele en nuwe
mediadienste en -platforms geïntegreer word na gelang van die befondsing wat tot ’n bepaalde
besoekersinligtingsentrum se beskikking is. Daar word voorsien dat indien sentrumbestuurders die
bestepraktyk-raamwerk implementeer, dit ’n verdere afname in die aantal besoekersinligtingsentrums
kan verhoed. Daarbenewens kan die raamwerk lei tot ’n verbetering in Gautengse besoekersinligtingsentrums se vermoë om in die behoeftes van beide tegnologies bedrewe en
tradisionele besoekers te voorsien, en sodoende daartoe bydra dat die sentrums by die 21ste eeu
aanpas. / Transport Economics, Logistics and Tourism / M. Com. (Tourism Management)
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Social context, social cohesion and interventions: an assessment of early childhood development (ECD) programmes in selected communities in the Cape FlatsSonnenberg, Edwina Samantha 01 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in English, isiZulu, and isiXhosa / South Africa’s education system is in crisis. Problems in education directly impact the country’s economy through its influence on skills development for employability. Young children trapped in an environment under serviced by educational resources and haracterised poor social cohesion cannot reach their full potential. This study,
undergirded by Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model, sought to establish whether stateled early childhood development centres (ECDCs) in the Cape Flats can establish social cohesion and foster responsible citizenship and youth resilience. A qualitative study was conducted in selected ECDCs. Focus group interviews with caregivers of children from sampled centres and face-to-face interviews with the owners/managers of centres were augmented by an interview with an official from local government. The study concluded that the sampled ECDCs are merely coping, but restricted by various problems. They cannot function optimally as institutions for community development,
although the community holds them in high esteem. Recommendations are made for improvements. / Uhlelo lwemfundo yaseNingizimu Afrika lunezingxaki. Izinkinga ezitholakala kwezemfundo zinomthelela othintana ngqo nezomnotho ngenxa yethonya ezinalo ekuthuthukisweni kwamakhono kuzokwenza abantu ukuba baqasheke. Izingane ezisezincane ezibiyelwe esibayeni esincishwa izimfanelo zezemfundo, ezingenakho nokubumbana okufanele komphakathi, ngeke zakufeza lokho ezinamandla okufinyelele kukho. Ucwaningo olususelwe esibonelweni sikaBronfenbrenner ngobudlelwane bomuntu nesizinda sakhe, lwaluhlose ukuthola ukuthi ngabe izikhungo eziholwa ngumbuso zokuthuthuka kwezingane ezincane (ama-ECDC) eCape Flats
ziyakwazi yini ukugxilisa ukubumbana komphakathi, zikhulise kumuntu ukuba yisakhamuzi esiqotho nabasha abakwazi ukuqina bomelele. Kwenziwa ukuhlolisisa ezikhungweni zama-ECDC ezikhethiwe. Kwaba nokuxoxisana namaqembu aqokiwe abanakekeli bezingane zakulezo zikhungo ezikhethiwe, kwabuye kwaba nokuxoxa bukhoma nabanikazi/abaphathi bezikhungo, okwengezwa kukho nesikhulu esivela kuhulumeni wendawo. Lolu cwaningo lwafinyelela ekuthini izikhungo ezikhethiwe zama-ECDC zazipatanisa nje ngoba zazinqindwa yizinkinga ezahlukene, okusho ukuthi zazingakwazi ukusebenza ngokuphelele njengezikhungo zokuthuthukisa
umphakathi, noma umphakathi wona wawuzibabaza kakhulu. Kukhona nezincomo ngokungase kwenziwe ukuze isimo sibe ngcono. / Isimo senkqubo yemfundo yoMzantsi Afrika simandundu. Iingxaki ezikhoyo kwezemfundo ziluchaphazela ngqo uqoqosho ngenxa yokuba zinefuthe kuphuhliso lwezakhono ezilungiselela ukuqesheka komntu. Abantwana abaselula abakwazi ukuphuhla ngokugqibeleleyo kuba bavaleleke kwimeko yemfundo eneenkonzo ezingekho mgangathweni nakwisimo esingazinzanga somphakathi. Esi sifundo
sisekelwe kwinkqubo kaBronfenbrenner yolwalamano lwezinto eziphilayo nendalo, kwaye sizama ukuqonda ukuba ingaba ukusekwa kwamaziko ophuhliso lwabantwana abancinci (iiearly childhood development centres- ECDCs) eCape Flats kungadala uzinzo eluntwini, kukhuthaze ukuba ubani abe ngummi othatha uxanduva, ulutsha lungathabatheki lula kusini na. Uphando lomgangatho lwenziwe kumaziko iiECDCs ezikhethiweyo. Udliwano-ndlebe namaqela abantu abagcina abantwana kumaziko akhethiweyo kwanabaphathi baloo maziko luxhaswe ludliwano-ndlebe esiphathamandla sorhulumente wendawo. Esi sifundo sifikelele kwisigqibo esithi ezi ECDCs zikhethiweyo ziyazama kodwa zikhonkxwa ziingxaki ezahlukeneyo, nto leyo ithetha ukuthi azikwazi ukusetyenziswa ngokupheleleyo njengamaziko ophuhliso lomphakathi
nangona umphakathi wona uzixabise kakhulu. Kunikwe iingcebiso zokuphucula imeko. / Development Studies / M.A. (Development Studies)
7 |
The development and validation of a high performance model within an IT organisationVan Zyl, Anize 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English with summaries and keywords in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Bibliography: leaves 294-314 / How does an organisation turn good results into great results? What makes one organisation
good and another great? What defines high performance organisations? Which aspects within
an organisation play vital roles into taking an organisation from good to great? Are some
aspects more important than others, if so, which ones? These questions have been explored
and researched over the years and various researchers have proposed different theories and
models that impact high performance as well as definitions around high performance with
mixed results.
The general aim of this research was to develop and validate a High Performance Model for
an IT organisation. The concept of high performance was explored in terms of how to define
high performance, which high performance models and frameworks have been developed
within the literature and what sustains high performance. These existing High Performance
Organisation (HPO) models and frameworks were evaluated against an identified set of
criteria to arrive at a definitive theoretical model of high performance. The theoretical HPO
model was developed based on the evaluation of the literature reviews together with the
existing HPO model of the participating IT organisation.
The main purpose of the empirical research was to gather data by means of three
questionnaires, over six years, which were used to statistically determine the organisational
and behavioural constructs that influence High Performance in an IT organisation in South
Africa. Furthermore, the researcher developed an empirical model to verify the theoretical
model. A quantitative empirical research paradigm using the survey method was followed
and explanatory and descriptive research was used in this study. An HPO questionnaire was
developed and administered to employees. Over the six years and three questionnaire
administrations, 3,451 employees participated.
A new best fitting HPO model was postulated based on new constructs postulated in the
factor analysis. The model indicated that Leadership, Knowledge Management – team,
Strategic Focus as well as Job Satisfaction especially contributed to high performance within
the participating organisation, as well as that strong relationships exist between the HPO
This research should contribute towards longitudinal studies on high performance as well as a
comprehensive understanding of the factors that influence high performance, within South
Africa but also globally. The new HPO model should assist organisations and practitioners in
measuring high performance in any organisation after validation. With increased competition
and globalisation organisations struggle to survive, this study can provide a roadmap for
organisations to obtain and sustain high performance. / Hoe kan ‘n organisasie goeie resultate in uitnemende resultate verander? Wat maak een
organisasie goed en ‘n ander een uitnemend? Hoe word hoë prestasie organisasies
gedefinieer? Watter aspekte binne ‘n organisasie speel die belangrikste rol om die organisasie
van goed na uitnemend te neem? Is sommige aspekte belangriker as ander, indien wel,
watter? Hierdie vrae is al deur die jare heen ondersoek en nagevors. Verskeie navorsers het
verskillende definisies, teorieë en modelle wat hoe prestasie beïnvloed word ontwikkel, met
gemengde resultate.
Die algemene doel van hierdie navorsing was om ‘n Hoë Prestasie (HP) Model vir ‘n IT
organisasie te ontwikkel en te bekragtig. Die konsep van hoë prestasie word ondersoek, meer
spesifiek, die definisie van hoë prestasie, watter hoë prestasie modelle en raamwerke al
ontwikkel is in die literatuur en wat hou hoë prestasie in stand. Die bestaande HP modelle en
raamwerke word ge-evalueer teen kriteria wat vooraf geïdentifiseer is om sodoende ‘n
beslissende teoretiese model vir hoë prestasie te onwikkel. Die teoretiese HP model was
ontwikkel op grond van literatuur evaluasies, tesame met die bestaande HP model van die
deelnemende IT organisasie.
Die hoofdoel van die empiriese navorsing was om data te versamel deur middel van drie
vraelyste, oor ‘n tydperk van ses jaar, wat gebruik is om te bepaal watter organisasie- en
gedragsveranderlikes beïnvloed hoë prestasie in die deelnemende Suid-Afrikaanse IT
organisasie. Die navorser het ook ‘n empiriese model ontwikkel om die teoretiese model te
verifieer. ‘n Kwantitatiewe empiriese navorsingsparadigma, insluitend die vraelysmetode,
was gevolg in hierdie navorsingstudie, sowel as verklarende en bevestigende navorsing. ‘n
HP vraelys was ontwikkel en geadministreer. Gedurende die ses jaar en drie vraelys
administrasies, het 3,451 werknemers deelgeneem.
‘n Nuwe en beter-passende HP model word gepostuleer, gebaseer op nuwe konstrukte
gepostuleer in die faktoranalise. Die model wys dat Leierskap, Kennisbestuur—span, Strategiese Fokus, asook Werksbevrediging—veral bydra tot hoë prestasie in die
deelnemende organisasie en dat sterk verhoudings bestaan tussen dié HP faktore.
Die navorsing behoort by te dra tot longutidinale studies van hoë prestasie, asook ‘n
omvattende begrip van die faktore wat hoë prestasie beïnvloed, op globale vlak, maar ook
binne die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. Die nuwe HP model behoort organisasies en praktisyns te
help om hoë prestasie te meet in enige IT organisasie, nadat bekragtiging gedoen is. Met
toenemende kompetisie en globalisering, sukkel organisasies om kop bo water te hou, dus
kan hierdie studie ‘n padkaart bied na die verkryging en handhawing van hoë prestasie. / Ngabe inhlangano ikwenza kanjani ukwenza ukusuka kwimiphumela emihle ibe
nemiphumela yezinga eliphezulu kakhulu? Ngabe yini okwenza ukuthi inhlangano ethile ibe
yinhle kanti enye ibe sezingeni eliphezulu kakhulu? Ngabe yini okuchaza inhlangano
esebenza ngezinga eliphezulu kakhulu? Ngabe yiziphi izinto kwinhlangano ezidlala indima
ebalulekile ekwenzeni ukuthi inhlangano isuke ezingeni elihle iye kweliphezulu kakhulu?
Ngabe kukhona izinto ezibalulekile ukudlula ezinye, uma zikhona, ngabe yiziphi? Le mibuzo
iye yacutshungulwa nokucwaningwa eminyakeni eminingi kanti abacwaningi abehlukene
baphakamise amathiyori ehlukene kanye namamodeli athinta umphumela wezinga eliphezulu
kanye nezincazelo ngokusebenza kwezinga eliphezulu, ngemiphumela ehlukene.
Inhloso enabile yalolu cwaningo bekuwukwenza kanye nokuqinisekisa imodeli ye-high
performance model (HPO) ngokwenhlangano ye-Information Technology (IT). Kuye
kwahlolisiswa umbono wokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu ngokulandela indlela yokuchaza
ukusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu, nokuthi ngabe yiwaphi amamodeli okusebenza ngezinga
eliphezulu nezinhlaka ezenziwe ngaphansi kwemibhalo, kanye nokuthi yini ukuqikelela
ukuqhubeka kokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu. Amamodeli akhona e-HPO kanye nezinhlaka
zahlolwa ngaphansi kwama-criteria aboniwe akhona ukuze kufinyelelwe kwithiyori echazayo
ngemodeli yokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu. Ithiyori yemodeli ye-HPO yenziwe
ngokulandela uhlolo lwemibhalo ebuyekeziwe kanye nokulandela imodeli ye-HPO ekhona
kwinhlangano ye-IT ebingenele ucwaningo.
Inhloso enkulu yocwaningo olunobufakazi bekuwukuqoqa idata ngokwenza uhla lwemibuzo
emithathu, esikhathini seminyaka eyisithupha, kanti yasetshenziswa ukunquma ngezinto
ezihlukene eziphathelene nenhlangano kanye nokuziphatha kwayo okunomthelela
ekusebenzeni ngezinga eliphezulu kwinhlangano ye-IT eNingizimu Afrika. Kanti futhi,
umcwaningi wenze imodeli yobufakazi ukuqinisekisa imodeli yethiyori. Kulandelwe
ipharadayimi yocwaningo lwamanani ngokusebenzisa inqubo ye-survey kanye nocwaningo
lwencazelo nengcaciso okusetshenziswe kulolu cwaningo. Kwenziwe uhla lwemibuzo yeHPO yasetshenziswa kubasebenzi. Eminyakeni eyisithupha kusetshenziwswe uhla oluthathu
lwemibuzo, kubasebenzi ababambe iqhaza abangu 3, 451.
Imodeli engcono kakhulu ye-HPO iye yasetshenziswa ngokulandela uhlelo olusha olwenziwe
kwinqubo yohlaziyo. Imodeli ibonise ukuthi Ubuholi, kanye Nokuphathwa koLwazi –
ithimba, Ukugxilisa kwinhloso ethile kanye Nokuneliseka Ngomsebenzi ikakhulukazi yikho
okunomthelela ekusebenzeni ngezinga eliphezulu enhlanganweni ebamba iqhaza.
Imiphumela ibonise nobudlelwane obukhulu obuqinile obukhona phakathi kwezinto
eziphathelene ne-HPO, ikakhulukazi phakathi Kwenhlangano Yokuphathwa Kolwazi,
okuhambelane kakhulu ngokuqinile nezinto ezinhlano kweziyisishagalolunye eziphathelene
Ucwaningo lungathela esivivaneni ekuqondisiseni okujulile kwizinto ezinomthelela
ekusebenzeni ngezinga eliphezulu, kuwo wonke umhlaba kanye neNingizimu Afrika
ngokwayo. Imodeli entsha ye-HPO ingasiza inhlangano kanye nabasebenzi ekukaleni
ukusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu kunoma yiyiphi inhlangano ye-IT, ngemuva
kokuqinisekiswa. Ngokukhula kokuqhudelana kanye ne-globalisation, izinhlangano zikuthola
kunzima ukuqhubekela phambili, lolu cwaningo lungahlinzeka ngomhlahlandlela
kwizinhlangano ukuthola indlela yokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu nokugcina lezo zindlela
zokusebenza ngezinga eliphezulu. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / D. Phil. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)
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A human resource practitioner framework to support the engagement of academics in research ethicsUys, Marie 02 1900 (has links)
This study explored academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics at an OpenDistance Learning (ODL) institution in South Africa (SA), with the intention of discovering the way in which human resource management (HRM) practitioners, employed at the same institution, can support academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics. The study’s purpose was to develop a conceptual framework for HRM practitioners to support academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics, at an ODL institution in SA.For this qualitative study, an Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) approach was
followed. Data were collected from 13 purposively selected academic researchers, employed at an ODL institution, by means of semi-structured individual interviews, naive sketches and fieldnotes. The IPA approach offers an analysis method that was accordingly employed. Thereafter, the findings were interpreted with the Job-Demands Resource (JD-R) theory.These interpretations were used to construct the conceptual framework according to the organising principles of Dickhoff, James and Wiedenbach (1968)
Academic researchers have some resources to support engagement in research ethics, but also face several job demands, which has a negative influence on their ability to engage in research ethics. HRM practitioners have a critical role to fulfil to support academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics, by facilitating a work environment where job resources are readily available. In addition, the ODL institution must be well-balanced, successful, and endorse a culture of ethics within its organisational culture, for academic researchers to engage in research ethics. HRM practitioners have an essential role to endorse a culture of ethics within the ODL institution. The findings will benefit both academic researchers and the ODL institution. The support that HRM practitioners provide, should include, inter alia, a) enabling an engaging leadership style, b) ensuring that ethical values are embedded in the recruitment strategy, and c) revising the performance agreements and performance appraisals of academic employees to include research ethics. This study forms part of a limited pool of qualitative studies to investigate WE, using the JD-R theory as a theoretical framework. This study is furthermore a forerunner in exploring the role that HRM practitioners can play in supporting academic researchers’ engagement in research ethics. It is the first study to use the IPA approach in the field of Management Sciences to investigate WE with the JD-R theory as a theory of engagement. By using the organising principles of Dickoff et al. (1968), for conceptual framework development to explain WE according to the JD-R theory, a seminal contribution was made. / Hierdie studie ondersoek akademiese navorsers se verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek by ’n oopafstandleerinstelling (ODL institution) in Suid-Afrika met die voorneme om ’n manier te vind waarop nslikehulpbronbestuurspraktisyns (MHB-praktisyns) wat by dieselfde instelling werksaam is, akademiese navorsers se verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek kan ondersteun. Die studie se oogmerk was om ’n konseptuele raamwerk vir MHB-praktisyns te ontwikkel om akademiese navorsers se verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek by ’n pafstandleerinstelling te ondersteun. Vir hierdie kwalitatiewe studie is ’n Interpreterende Fenomenologiese Ontledingsbenadering (Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis [IPA] approach) gevolg. Data is by 13
doelbewusgeselekteerde akademiese navorsers, werksaam by ’n oopafstandleerinstelling, ingesamel deur middel van migestruktureerde- individuele onderhoude, naïewe sketse en veldnotas. Die Interpreterende Fenomenologiese Ontledingsbenadering bied ’n ntledingsmetode wat dienooreenkomstig gebruik is. Hierna is die bevindings met die werk- vereistes-hulpbronneteorie (job-demands resource [JD-R] theory) geïnterpreteer. Hierdie interpretasies is gebruik om die konseptuele raamwerk te ontwikkel volgens die organiseringsbeginsels van Dickhoff, James en Wiedenbach (1968).
Akademiese navorsers beskik oor ’n paar hulpbronne wat ’n verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek ondersteun, maar word ook met verskeie werkseise gekonfronteer wat ’n negatiewe invloed op hulle vermoë om hul tot navorsingsetiek te verbind, kan hê. MHB-praktisyns speel ’n kritiese rol om akademiese navorsers te ondersteun ten opsigte van hul verbintenis tot navorsingsetiek deur ’n werksomgewing te fasiliteer waar werkshulpbronne geredelik beskikbaar is. Verder moet die oopafstandleerinstelling ‘n gebalanseerde etiese organisasiekultuur onderskryf om akademiese navorsers te help om hulle te verbind tot etiese navorsing. MHB-praktisyns speel ’n noodsaaklike rol om ’n etiese kultuur binne die ODL- instelling te ondersteun.
Akademiese navorsers, sowel as die oopafstandleerinstelling, sal baat vind by die bevindinge. Die ondersteuning wat MHB-praktisyns bied, behoort onder meer die volgende in te sluit: a) om ’n werksbegeesterde leierskapstyl moontlik te maak; b) om te verseker dat etiese waardes by die werwingstrategie ingesluit is; en c) om die prestasie-ooreenkomste en prestasiebeoordelings van akademiese personeel te hersien om navorsingsetiek in te sluit. / Lolu cwaningo lwacubungula ukulandela nokusebenzisa kwabacwaningi inkambiso yocwaningo enhle nelungileyo esikhungweni seMfundo-buqama Evulelekile (ODL), phecelezi, i-Open Distance Learning institution eNingizimu Afrika (SA), ngenhloso yokuthola indlela
engasetshenziswa ngabasebenzi abangongoti bezokuphathwa kwabasebenzi (HRM), abaqashwe esikhungweni leso, ukweseka ukulandela nokusebenzisa kwabacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme inkambiso yocwaningo enhle nelungileyo uma benza
ucwaningo. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo kwabe kuwukwakha okuthuthukisa uhlaka-kuhlaziya lokuqonda olwenzelwe abasebenzi be-HRM ekusekeleni abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme ukuze bakwazi ukulandela nokusebenzisa inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo esikhungweni esiyi-ODL eNingizimu Afrika.
Kulolu cwaningo olwabe luwucwaningo olugxile ekuxoxisaneni okunzulu futhi okunohlonze nababambiqhaza bocwaningo bakhethiweyo abayingcosana (qualitative research) kwalandelwa indlela-kuhlaziya egxile kwisimo-kuqonda sombambiqhaza ocwaningo,
phecelezi i-Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). Imininingo yocwaningo yaqoqwa kubacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme abayi-13 abakhethwe ngenhloso, kusetshenziswa indlela-kuxoxisana engagcini nje kuphela ohlwini lwemibuzo ehlelekile, kepha elandelisa nangeminye imibuzo evulekile, phecelezi ama-semi-structured individual interviews, nemidwebo elula kanye namanothi athathwe endaweni okwenzelwa kuyona ucwaningo. Indlela-kuhlaziya i-IPA ihlinzeka ngendlela yokuhlaziya okuyiyona eyasetshenziswa ocwaningweni. Emuva kwalokho imiphumela eyatholakala ocwaningweni yahunyushwa kusetshenziswa ithiyori i-Job-Demands Resource (JD-R) theory. Ngokusho kuka-Dickhoff, James no-Wiedenbach (1968) lezi zihumusho zabe sezisetshenziselwa
ukwakha uhlaka-kuhlaziya lokuqonda. Abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme banazo izinsiza-kusebenza zokulandela
nokusebenzisa inkambiso yocwaningo enhle nelungileyo, kodwa-ke zikhona futhi nezingcindezi-zidingo zomsebenzi eziningana ezinomthelela ongemuhle emandleni abo okulandela nokusebenzisa inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo. Abasebenzi
be-HRM banendima esemqoka kakhulu okumele bayidlale ekwesekeni abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme ekulandeleni nokusebenzisa inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo, ngokuthi bakhe isimo sokusebenzela lapho ziyinala futhi zitholakala
kalula izinsiza-kusebenza. Ngaphezu kwalokho isikhungo esiyi-ODL kumele kube ngesizinzile nesihleleke kahle, esiphumelelayo futhi eseseka usiko-mpilo lwenkambiso enhle nelungileyo ngaphakathi kusiko-mpilo lwaso njengenhlangano, ukuze abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme bakwazi ukulandela nokusebenzisa inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo. Abasebenzi be-HRM banendima esemqoka okumele bayidlale ekwesekeni usikompilo
lwenkambiso enhle nelungileyo ngaphakathi esikhungweni esiyi-ODL.
Imiphumela etholakale ocwaningweni izohlomulila abacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme iphinde futhi ihlomulise nezikhungo eziyi-ODL. Ukwesekwa okuhlinzekwa ngabasebenzi be-HRM kumele kubandakanye, phakathi kokunye, a) ukwakhiwa kwesitayela
sobuholi senzebenziswano, ubambiswano nokubonisana b) kuqinisekisa ukuthi izimo-mpilo zenkambiso enhle nelungileyo ziyisisekelo seqhingasu lokuqashwa kwabasebenzi, kanye c)
nokubuyekezwa kwezivumelwano zensebenzo kanye nokuhlolwa nokubuyekezwa komsebenzi wabasebenzi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme ukuze kubandakanywe inkambiso enhle nelungileyo.
Lolu cwaningo luyingxenye yeqoqwana elincane lomsebenzi osuwenziwe kuze kube manje wocwaningo olugxile ekuxoxisaneni okunzulu futhi okunohlonze nababambiqhaza bocwaningo abakhethiweyo abayingcosana okuhloswe ngalo ukuphenya nokucwaninga i-WE, kusetshenziswa ithiyori i-JD-R njengohlaka lwethiyori yocwaningo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, lolu cwaningo luyivulandlela ekucubunguleni indima engadlalwa ngabasebenzi be-HRM ekwesekeni ukulandela nokusebenzisa kwabacwaningi bezikhungo zemfundo ephakeme inkambiso enhle nelungileyo uma benza ucwaningo. Lolu wucwaningo lokuqala olusebenzisa
indlela-kuhlaziya i-IPA emkhakheni wamaSayensi Ezokuphatha ngenhloso yokuphenya nokuhlola i-WE kusetshenziswa ithiyori i-JD-R njengethiyori yokucubungula umsebenzi wocwaningo. Kwaba negalelo elikhulukazi impela ukusetshenziswa kwemigomo yokuhlela ka-
Dickoff nabanye (1968), ekwakheni nokuthuthukisa uhlaka-kuhlaziya lokuqonda ngenhloso yokuchaza i-WE ngokuhambisana nethiyori i-JD-R / Human Resource Management / D. Phil. (Human Resource Management)
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Emotional antecedents of customer loyalty in the formal retail industry of South AfricaYao, Valery Yao 05 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts in Zulu and Afrikaans / Despite its substantial growth and contribution to the economy of the country, the
South African retail industry is faced with various challenges, including customers’
changing buying habits and expectations, the evolution of e-commerce, the entry of
giant retailers into the retail market, and the growing importance of the urbanised
middle class and its potential purchasing power.
This creates risks that are mostly beyond retailers’ control. Therefore, there is a
general drive among retail brands to build customer loyalty in order to respond to
these contemporary dynamics within the industry and, ultimately, enhance
sustainability. It is noted from literature that current understanding of customer
behaviour in the South African retail space is largely the result of rational behavioural
measurement, while the subconscious behaviour of customers is often neglected.
The study on which this thesis reports attempted to address this gap in the current
knowledge base. The current study makes a novel contribution to knowledge in
using complementary traditional and neuromarketing instruments in a sequential
mixed method research design to measure verbal, non-verbal and physiological
emotions, which indicate the key influential cognitive and emotive factors shaping
shopping decisions.
For a comprehensive understanding of customer behaviour, the study primarily
explored the emotional antecedents of customer loyalty in the formal retail industry of
South Africa. In order to explore and describe both retail brands and customers’
experiences regarding the drivers of retail brand loyalty, the empirical phase of the
study adopted a sequential mixed method research design. This design comprised
eight individual semi-structured interviews, which focused on and explored the
fundamentals of behavioural and attitudinal loyalty within the context of a customer
relationship management strategy.
Based on the findings emerging from the quantitative mall intercept survey with 300
retail customers, the study identified the motivating factors of greatest likelihood
among customers that best explain retail brand loyalty, namely product quality,
convenience of location, customer care, product variety and availability, as well as
fair pricing. Furthermore, findings emerging from the inferential analysis (structural
equation modelling, two-step cluster analysis, optimal scaling and multivariate binary
regression analysis) showed that brand trust, brand affect and attitudinal loyalty are
key predictors of behavioural loyalty. Additionally, customer loyalty differs depending
on customer predisposition towards the major retail brands tested. In this regard,
Pick n Pay, Massmart and Shoprite/Checkers recorded the most favourable
perceptions among customers.
As Despite its substantial growth and contribution to the economy of the country, the
South African retail industry is faced with various challenges, including customers’
changing buying habits and expectations, the evolution of e-commerce, the entry of
giant retailers into the retail market, and the growing importance of the urbanised
middle class and its potential purchasing power.
This creates risks that are mostly beyond retailers’ control. Therefore, there is a
general drive among retail brands to build customer loyalty in order to respond to
these contemporary dynamics within the industry and, ultimately, enhance
sustainability. It is noted from literature that current understanding of customer
behaviour in the South African retail space is largely the result of rational behavioural
measurement, while the subconscious behaviour of customers is often neglected.
The study on which this thesis reports attempted to address this gap in the current
knowledge base. The current study makes a novel contribution to knowledge in
using complementary traditional and neuromarketing instruments in a sequential
mixed method research design to measure verbal, non-verbal and physiological
emotions, which indicate the key influential cognitive and emotive factors shaping
shopping decisions.
For a comprehensive understanding of customer behaviour, the study primarily
explored the emotional antecedents of customer loyalty in the formal retail industry of
South Africa. In order to explore and describe both retail brands and customers’
experiences regarding the drivers of retail brand loyalty, the empirical phase of the
study adopted a sequential mixed method research design. This design comprised
eight individual semi-structured interviews, which focused on and explored the
fundamentals of behavioural and attitudinal loyalty within the context of a customer
relationship management strategy.
Based on the findings emerging from the quantitative mall intercept survey with 300
retail customers, the study identified the motivating factors of greatest likelihood
among customers that best explain retail brand loyalty, namely product quality,
convenience of location, customer care, product variety and availability, as well as
fair pricing. Furthermore, findings emerging from the inferential analysis (structural
equation modelling, two-step cluster analysis, optimal scaling and multivariate binary
regression analysis) showed that brand trust, brand affect and attitudinal loyalty are
key predictors of behavioural loyalty. Additionally, customer loyalty differs depending
on customer predisposition towards the major retail brands tested. In this regard,
Pick n Pay, Massmart and Shoprite/Checkers recorded the most favourable
perceptions among customers.
As a complement to the quantitative research phase of the study, a Self-Assessment
Manikin attitude measure was applied to a sample of 120 customers. This phase of
the study highlighted pertinent emotional elements as key mediators in securing
sustainable retail brand loyalty. In this regard, Woolworths and Pick n Pay recorded
the most favourable perceptions on four stimuli, namely quality, customer rewards,
customer care and brand logos. The study also applied eye tracking and galvanic skin response techniques to a
sample of 10 participants to determine customers’ psychophysiological reaction to
the four stimuli. Galvanic skin response findings showed that customers were
especially engaged with Spar, Shoprite/Checkers and Pick n Pay, while eye tracking
findings showed customers’ higher visual engagement with Shoprite/Checkers, Pick
n Pay and Spar.
A key overall finding of this study was the significant role of feelings and emotions in
driving customer loyalty. Retail brands lose relevance when they fail to connect
emotionally with customers, and without that emotional attachment, brands can
easily be replaced by generic imposters. A comprehensive understanding of
customer behaviour remains a quandary for marketing and business practitioners. In
an attempt to address this limitation, the current study used insights from non-verbal
attitudinal and psychophysiological measures to obtain a more comprehensive
behavioural understanding of retail customers. / Nakuba imboni yezitolo ezihwebayo yaseNingizimu Afrika ibonise ukukhula
nokudlondlobala okukhulu futhi idlala indima esemqoka emnothweni wezwe,
ibhekene nezinselelo eziningana futhi ezihlukahlukene, kubandakanya indlelakuthenga
yamakhasimende eguquguqukayo kanye nalokho okulindelwe
ngamakhasimende nezimfuno zawo, ukungenisa ngezinkani kwemboni yokuhweba
nge-intanethi nobuxhakaxhaka bobuchwepheshe besimanjemanje, ukungena
kwezitolo eziyizikhondlakhondla emakethe yezitolo ezihwebayo, kanye nokukhula
kokubaluleka kwabantu abahlala emadolobheni abasesigabeni sempilo
esimaphakathi kanye namandla abo okuthenga.
Lokhu kudala ubungozi obuvamise ukuba ngaphezu kwamandla nolawulo lwezitolo
ezihwebayo. Ngakho-ke, kunomkhankaso oqhutshwa yizitolo zonkana ezihlose
ngawo ukwakha ubudlelwano namakhasimende kanye nokuqinisekisa
ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende ukuze zikwazi ukumelana nezimo ezikhona
esikhathini samanje embonini yezitolo ezihwebayo, futhi ekugcineni, ukuze zikwazi
ukusimamisa ibhizinisi lazo liqhubeke njalo futhi likhule lidlondlobale. Kuphawulekile
emibhalweni efundiwe ukuthi ukuqonda kanye nolwazi olujulile olukhona
njengamanje mayelana nokuziphatha kwamakhasimende eNingizimu Afrika
emkhakheni wezitolo ezihwebayo ikakhulukazi kuwumphumela wokukalwa kwezinga
lokuthatha izinqumo ngobuhlakani nokwenza izinto emva kokucabangisisa, kepha-ke
ngakolunye uhlangothi kuvamise ukushaywa indiva ukwenza izinto
kwamakhasimende ngaphandle kokuqaphela nokucophelela futhi ngokuthathela
izinto phezulu noma ngaphandle kokucabangisisa ngalokho akwenzayo. Lolu cwaningo okubikwa ngalo kulo mbiko wocwaningo luzamile ukubhekana naleli
gebe elikhona njengamanje eliphathelene nokuntuleka kolwazi. Lolu cwaningo
lwamanje lufaka isandla esinohlonze kanye nemibono ephusile olwazini olukhona,
ngokusebenzisa amathuluzi asekelayo ajwayelekile kanye nalawo asebenzisa
ubuchwepheshe bokukala ukusebenza kwengqondo, ngaphansi kwedizayini
yocwaningo egxile kwindlela-kusebenza exubile yokwenza izinto ngokulandelana
kwazo, ngenhloso yokukala imizwa ezwakaliswa ngomlomo, ngezenzo noma
ngeminyakazo yomzimba, okuyinto ebonisa izimo nezici-bunjalo ezisemqoka futhi
ezinomthelela omkhulu eziphathelene nokusebenza kwengqondo kanye nemizwa,
okuyizona ezilawula izinqumo zamakhasimende eziphathelene nokuthenga. Ngenhloso yokuqonda ngokuphelele ukuziphatha kwamakhasimende, lolu cwaningo
lwacubungula futhi lwahlaziya ikakhulukazi izici-bunjalo zemizwa elawula
ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende embonini yezitolo ehlelekile yaseNingizimu
Afrika. Ukuze kucutshungulwe futhi kuchazwe kokubili izinhlobo zezitolo kanye
nezimo ahlangabezane nazo amakhasimende mayelana nezici-bunjalo ezenza
amakhasimende athembeke esitolo esithile futhi athenge kusona ngaso sonke
isikhathi, isigaba socwaningo esiphathelene nolwazi oluphathekayo nolubonakalayo
sasebenzisa idizayini yocwaningo egxile kwindlela-kusebenza exubile yokwenza
izinto ngokulandelana kwazo. Le dizayini beyibandakanya ama-semi-structured
interviews enziwa nababambiqhaza bocwaningo abayisishiyagalombili,
okuyizingxoxo ezabe zigxile ekucubunguleni ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende
okuphathelene nokuziphatha kwawo kanye nendlela abuka ngayo izinto ngaphansi
kwesimo seqhingasu lokuphathwa kobudlelwano namakhasimende. Ngokususela kwimiphumela eyatholakala kwinhlolovo ebandakanya abathengi
abangama-300 okwaxoxiswana nabo ezikhungweni ezinenxanxathela yezitolo,
ucwaningo lwahlonza izimo nezi-bunjalo ezikhuthaza futhi zihehe amakhasimende
okuyizona ezingasetshenziswa ukuchaza kangcono ukwethembeka
kwamakhasimende ezitolo ezithile, okuyikhwalithi yomkhiqizo, ukufinyeleleka kalula
kwendawo lapho kutholakala khona isitolo, ukunakekelwa kwamakhasimende,
imikhiqizo ehlukahlukene kanye nokutholakala kwayo, ngokunjalo namanani-ntengo
angambi eqolo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, imiphumela eyatholakala ohlaziyweni
lwezinqumo ezithathwe ngokubheka ubufakazi kanye nokuqonda okujulile (structural equation modelling, two-step cluster analysis, optimal scaling kanye ne-multivariate
binary regression analysis) yabonisa ukuthi ukwethenjwa kohlobo lomkhiqizo,
ukukhanga nokuthandeka komkhiqizo kanye nokwethembeka okuphathelene
nendlela-kubuka kuyizibikezeli ezisemqoka zokuziphatha kwamakhasimende
okuhambisana nokwethembeka emikhiqizweni ethile. Futhi ngaphezu kwalokho,
ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende kuyehluka, futhi lokhu kuncike ekuhehelekeleni
kwamakhasimende ezitolo enkulu ezihloliwe. Mayelana nalokhu-ke, abakwa-Pick n
Pay, Massmart kanye nabakwa-Shoprite/Checkers yizona zitolo ezibonise
ukuthandwa kakhulu ngamakhasimende. Njengendlela yokweseka nokunezezela phezu kwesigaba socwaningo
olukhwantithethivu olwenziwe, kwasetshenziswa isikali sendlela-kubuka esibizwa
nge-Self-Assessment Manikin kwisampula yamakhasimende ayi-120. Lesi sigaba
socwaningo saqhakambisa izimo nezici-bunjalo eziphathelene nemizwa ezifanelekile
njengezinto ezisemqoka kakhulu ekuqinisekiseni ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende
esitolo esithile ngokuqhubekayo. Mayelana nalokhu, abakwa-Woolworths kanye
nabakwa-Pick n Pay babonisa ukuthandwa kakhulu ngamakhasimende mayelana
nezici-bunjalo ezihehayo futhi ezikhuthazayo ezine, okuyikhwalithi, imivuzo
yamakhasimende, ukunakekelwa kwamakhasimende kanye nemibala egqamile,
igama elidumile nezimpawu zesitolo. Ucwaningo lwasebenzisa futhi nezindlela zokucwaninga eziphathelene nokulandela
umkhondo wamehlo amakhasimende kanye nezimpawu zemizwa yamakhasimende
ezibonakala esikhumbeni semizimba yawo, okuyizindlela zocwaningo
ezasetshenziswa kubabambiqhaza bocwaningo abayi-10 ngenhloso yokuhlonza
indlela-kusabela kwamakhasimende ephathelene nengqondo nomzimba kulezi zicibunjalo
ezikhuthazayo futhi ezihehayo ezine ezishiwo ngenhla. Imiphumela yendlela
yocwaningo ebheka izimpawu zemizwa yamakhasimende ezibonakala esikhumbeni
semizimba yawo yabonisa ukuthi amakhasimende ahehelekela ikakhulukazi
kwabakwa-Spar, Shoprite/Checkers kanye nabakwa-Pick n Pay, kanti ngakolunye
uhlangothi imiphumela yendlela yocwaningo ebheka futhi ilandele umkhondo
wamehlo amakhasimende yabonisa ukuheheka kwamehlo okuphakeme ezitolo
zabakwa-Shoprite/Checkers, Pick n Pay kanye nabakwa-Spar. Umphumela omkhulu futhi osemqoka otholakale kulolu cwaningo yindima ebaluleke
kakhulu edlalwa yimizwa ekukhuthazeni ukwethembeka kwamakhasimende. Izitolo
zilahlekelwa yiwozawoza yazo kumakhasimende uma zihluleka ukuxhumana
namakhasimende ngokwemizwa, futhi ngaphandle kwalokho kuxhumana
ngokwemizwa nokuzwana, izitolo zingazithola kalula zisesimweni lapho indawo yazo
isithathwe yizitolo-mbumbulu ezingosandanezwe. Ukuqondakala okuphelele
kwendlela aziphatha ngayo amakhasimende futhi enza ngayo izinto kusalokhu
kuyinkinga nesithiyo esikhulu kwizazi nezisebenzi ezenza umsebenzi wokukhangisa
nokuqhuba ibhizinisi. Njengomzamo wokubhekana nalesi sithiyo, lolu cwaningo
lusebenzise ulwazi nokuqonda okujulile okutholakale kwizikali zendlela-kubuka
yamakhasimende kanye nezikali zesimo sengqondo nesomzimba samakhasimende
ukuze kutholakale ukuqonda okuphelele futhi okujulile okuphathelene nokuziphatha
kwamakhasimende athenga ezitolo kanye nendlela enza ngayo izinto. / Ondanks sy stewige groei en aansienlike bydrae tot die landsekonomie, het die
Suid-Afrikaanse kleinhandelsbedryf met verskeie uitdagings te kampe. Veranderinge
in kliënte se koopgewoontes en verwagtings, groeiende e-handel,
reusekleinhandelaars wat die kleinhandelsmark betree, die toenemende invloed van
die verstedelikte middelklas en sy potensiële koopkrag is enkele hiervan.
Dit gee aanleiding tot risiko’s wat grotendeels buite die beheer van kleinhandelaars
is. As gevolg van die hedendaagse dinamiek in die bedryf, poog kleinhandelsmerke
om kliëntlojaliteit te verstewig en hulle eie volhoubaarheid te verseker. Dit blyk uit die
literatuur dat die kleinhandelsektor se siening van kliëntgedrag in Suid-Afrika op die
meting van rasionele gedrag berus, en dat die onbewuste gedrag van kliënte
verontagsaam word. Hierdie tesis doen verslag van ʼn studie om hierdie leemte in die huidige kennis te
probeer aanvul. Dit lewer ʼn bydrae deur aanvullende tradisionele en
neurobemarkingsinstrumente in ʼn opeenvolgende gemengde metode as
navorsingsbenadering te gebruik. Verbale, nieverbale en fisiologiese emosies is
gemeet aangesien hulle die kognitiewe en emotiewe faktore is wat inkopiebesluite
bepaal. Hierdie studie het hoofsaaklik die emosionele antesedente van kliëntlojaliteit in die
Suid-Afrikaanse formele kleinhandelsbedryf verken om ʼn grondige begrip van
kliëntgedrag te kry. Ten einde kleinhandelsmerke en kliënte se ervarings van die
drywers van kleinhandelsmerklojaliteit te beskryf en te verken, is ʼn opeenvolgende
gemengdemetode-navorsingsontwerp gevolg. Dit het uit agt halfgestruktureerde,
private onderhoude bestaan. Hierin is gekonsentreer op die grondslae van gedragsen
houdingslojaliteit teen die agtergrond van ʼn kliënteverhoudingsbestuurstrategie. Op grond van die bevindings van ʼn kwantitatiewe winkelsentrumopname onder 300
kleinhandelskliënte, is die motiveringsfaktore met die grootste waarskynlikheid
aangetoon. Hulle is produkgehalte, ʼn gerieflike ligging, kliëntesorg,
produkverskeidenheid, beskikbaarheid en billike pryse, en bied die aanneemlikste
verklaring vir kleinhandelsmerklojaliteit. Volgens die bevindings van die inferensiële
ontleding (struktuurvergelykingmodellering, tweestaptrosontleding, optimale
skalering en meerveranderlike binêre regressieanalise) is merkvertroue, merkaffek
en houdingslojaliteit betroubare aanwysers van bedragslojaliteit. Afgesien hiervan
verskil kliëntlojaliteit na gelang van kliëntpredisposisie jeens kleinhandelsmerke wat
getoets is. Kliënte was vir vier stimuli (naamlik gehalte, kliëntbelonings, kliëntesorg
en merklogo’s) die ontvanklikste vir Pick n Pay, Massmart en Shoprite/Checkers. Aanvullend tot die kwalitatiewe navorsingsfase van hierdie studie is ʼn
selfasseringsmodelhoudingmeting op ʼn steekproef van 120 kliënte toegepas. Hierdie
fase het die aandag gevestig op pertinente emosionele elemente as
sleuteltussengangers in die opwekking van volhoubare kleinhandelsmerklojaliteit. Vir
die vier stimuli (naamlik gehalte, kliëntbelonings, kliëntesorg en merklogo’s) was
kliënte se persepsies van Woolworths en Pick n Pay die gunstigste. Hierbenewens is oogvolg- en galvaniese velreaksietegnieke op ʼn steekproef van 10
deelnemers toegepas om hulle psigofisiologiese reaksie op die vier stimuli te bepaal.
Die galvaniese velreaksietoetse het aangedui dat kliënte besonder ontvanklik was vir
Spar, Shoprite/Checkers en Pick n Pay, en volgens die oogvolgtoetse visueel meer
aangetrokke tot Spar, Shoprite/Checkers en Pick n Pay was.
Hierdie studie het bevind dat emosies in die algemeen ʼn deurslaggewende rol in
kliëntlojaliteit speel. Kleinhandelsmerke raak irrelevant as hulle nie ʼn emosionele
band met kliënte smee nie. Sonder hierdie emosionele verbintenis kan generiese
bedrieërs maklik die plek van kleinhandelsmerke inneem. Bemarkings- en
sakepraktisyns het nie ʼn deeglike begrip van kliëntgedrag nie. Om dit reg te stel, het
hierdie studie nieverbale houdings- en psigofisiologiese toetse toegepas om die
gedrag van kleinhandelskliënte beter te begryp. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)
10 |
Constructing a framework for conflict management within a South African employment relations context / Die skepping van ʼn raamwerk vir konflikbestuur in die konteks van Suid-Afrikaanse werksverhoudinge / Ukwakha uhlaka lokuphatha kokungqubuzana elithinta izindaba zabasebenzi ngaphakathi Eningizimu AfrikaHoltzhausen, Magdalena Maria Elizabeth 01 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The general aim of the research was to investigate the components and nature of a psychosocial framework for conflict management in organisations. The research investigated the way in which such a framework manifests by exploring the relationship dynamics between the antecedents (leadership, organisational culture and employee voice), mediators (employee engagement and organisational trust), and outcome variables (conflict management – conflict types and interpersonal conflict handling styles), as moderated by socio-demographic factors (race, gender, age, qualification, job level, income level, tenure, employment status, trade union representation, trade union membership, sector, employee numbers, organisational size, employee engagement programme). The associations between individuals’ personal and organisational characteristics were further explored to determine significant differences between these variables. A quantitative cross-sectional survey was conducted amongst a non-probability sample of adult workers who were employed in South African-based organisations (n = 556). Canonical correlation analysis, mediation modelling, and structural equation modelling were conducted to identify the core empirical components of the framework. A critical review of the interrelated dynamics of the framework components revealed that the mediating variables of employee engagement (job engagement and organisational engagement) and organisational trust (commitment, dependability, integrity) were vital in intensifying the direction and strength of the link between leadership behaviour, organisational culture, conflict types (task, relational, process and status conflict, group atmosphere and conflict resolution potential), and various interpersonal conflict handling styles (integrating, avoiding, dominating, obliging, compromising). Stepwise multiple regression revealed that number of employees, a formal employee engagement programme, and job level were the three most important socio-demographic variables to consider in a conflict management framework, followed by age. The hierarchical moderated regression analysis showed that age, union membership, job level, number of employees, and formal employee engagement programme were important moderating factors to consider in the framework. Tests for significant mean differences indicated significant dissimilarities in terms of the socio-demographic variables. Theoretically, the study advances the understanding of conflict management behaviour and its antecedents in the South African workplace. The empirically tested psychosocial framework informs workplace conflict management interventions from an employment relations perspective which may contribute to enhanced organisational performance. / Die algemene doel van die navorsing was om ondersoek in te stel na die komponente en aard van ʼn psigososiale raamwerk vir konflikbestuur in organisasies. Die navorsing het die manier waarop so ʼn raamwerk manifesteer, bestudeer – deur verkenning van die verhoudingsdinamika tussen die voorgangers (leierskap, organisasiekultuur en werknemer se stem), bemiddelaars (werknemerbetrokkenheid en vertroue in ʼn organisasie), en uitkomsveranderlikes (konflikbestuur – tipes konflik en hanteringstyle ten opsigte van interpersoonlike konflik), soos getemper deur sosiodemografiese faktore (ras, geslag, ouderdom, kwalifikasie, posvlak, inkomstevlak, ampsbekleding, aanstellingstatus, vakbondverteenwoordiging, vakbondlidmaatskap, sektor, werknemergetalle, organisasiegrootte, werknemerbetrokkenheidprogram). Die assosiasies tussen individue se persoonlike en organisasiegebonde eienskappe is verder bestudeer om betekenisvolle verskille tussen hierdie veranderlikes te bepaal. ʼn Kwantitatiewe deursnee-opname is gemaak onder ʼn nie-waarskynlikheidssteekproef van volwasse werkers in diens van Suid-Afrikaans-gebaseerde organisasies (n = 556). Kanoniese korrelasie-ontleding, bemiddelingsmodellering, en strukturele vergelykingsmodellering is gedoen om die kern- empiriese komponente van die raamwerk te identifiseer. ʼn Kritiese beskouing van die onderling verwante dinamika van die raamwerkkomponente het getoon dat die bemiddelende veranderlikes van werknemerbetrokkenheid (werksbetrokkenheid en organisasiebetrokkenheid) en vertroue in die organisasie (toewyding, betroubaarheid, integriteit) deurslaggewend was in die intensifisering van die rigting en sterkte van die skakel tussen leierskapsgedrag, organisasiekultuur, konfliktipes (taak-, relasionele, proses- en statuskonflik, groepatmosfeer en konflikoplossingspotensiaal), en verskillende hanteringstyle ten opsigte van interpersoonlike konflik (integrerend, vermydend, dominerend, inskiklik, kompromitterend). Stapsgewyse meervoudige regressie het getoon dat die aantal werknemers, ʼn formele werknemerbetrokkenheidsprogram, en posvlak die drie belangrikste sosiodemografiese veranderlikes was om mee rekenskap te hou in ʼn konflikbestuursraamwerk, gevolg deur ouderdom. Die hiërargiese gemodereerde regressie-ontleding het getoon dat ouderdom, vakbondlidmaatskap, posvlak, aantal werknemers, en formele werknemerbetrokkenheidsprogram belangrike modererende faktore was om in gedagte te hou in die raamwerk. Toetse vir noemenswaardige gemiddelde verskille het aansienlike ongelyksoortighede ten opsigte van die sosiodemografiese veranderlikes getoon. Teoreties bevorder die studie die begrip van konflikbestuursgedrag en die voorgangers daarvan in die Suid-Afrikaanse werkplek. Die empiries getoetste psigososiale raamwerk vorm konflikbestuursintervensies in die werkplek vanuit ʼn werksverhoudingeperspektief wat kan bydra tot verbeterde organisasieprestasie. / Inhloso jikelele yocwaningo kwaba ukuphenya izingxenye nemvelo yohlaka lwezengqondo lokuphathwa kokungqubuzana ezinhlanganweni. Ucwaningo luphenye indlela lapho uhlaka olunjalo lubonisa ngokuhlola amandla obudlelwano phakathi kwezinqumo (ubuholi, isiko lenhlangano nezwi lesisebenzi), abalamuli (ukuzibandakanya kwesisebenzi kanye nokwethembana kwenhlangano), kanye nemiphumela eguquguqukayo (ukuphathwa kokungqubuzana - izinhlobo zokungqubuzana nezindlela zokuphatha ukungqubuzana phakathi kwabantu), njengoba kuhlaziywe yizici zenhlayo yeningi labantu (uhlanga, ubulili, ubudala, imfanelo, izinga lomsebenzi, izinga lomholo, ukusebenzisa umhlaba, isimo somsebenzi, ukumelwa yinyunyana, ubulunga benyunyana, imboni, izinombolo zabasebenzi, ubungako benhlangano, uhlelo lokuzibandakanya kwesisebenzi).
Ukuhlangana phakathi komuntu siqu kanye nezici zenhlangano kuphinde kwahlola umehluko omkhulu phakathi kwalokhu okuguquguqukayo. Inhlolovo esezingeni eliphansi yesigaba yenziwe phakathi kwesampula elula yabasebenzi abadala abebeqashwe ezinhlanganweni ezisekelwe zaseNingizimu Afrika (n = 556). Ukuhlaziya kokuxhumanisa kohlu lwezincwadi, ukulamula kwesifanekiso, kanye nesifanekiso sesakhiwo kwenziwa ukukhomba izingxenye ezisemqoka ezinokwehla kohlaka. Isibuyekezo esibucayi samandla ahambisana nezingxenye zohlaka siveze ukuthi ukulamula okuguqukayo kokuzibandakanya kwesisebenzi (ukuzibandakanya komsebenzi nokuzibandakanya kwenhlangano) kanye nokwethembana kwenhlangano (ukuzinikela, ukwethembeka, ubuqotho) kwakubalulekile ekwandiseni ukuqondiswa namandla oxhumano phakathi kokuziphatha kwabaholi, isiko lenhlangano, izinhlobo zokungqubuzana (umsebenzi, ezingubudlelwano, inqubo nesimo sokungqubuzana, isimo sokuzwana eqenjini kanye namandla okuxazulula ukungqubuzana), kanye nezindlela zokuphatha ukungqubuzana okuhlukahlukene phakathi kwabantu (ukuhlanganisa, ukugwema, ukubusa, ukubopha, ukuyekethisa). Ngokuhamba kwesinyathelo ekuhlehleni okuningi kwaveza ukuthi inani labasebenzi, uhlelo lokuzibandakanya olusemthethweni lwesisebenzi, kanye nezinga lomsebenzi kwakuyizinguqunguquko ezintathu ezibaluleke kakhulu zenhlalo yeningi abantu okufanele bazicabange ohlakeni lokuphathwa ukungqubuzana, kulandelwe ubudala. Ukuhlaziywa okuphezulu kokuhlehla kokuhlaziya kubonise ukuthi ubudala, ubulunga benyunyana, izinga lomsebenzi, inani lezisebenzi, kanye nohlelo lokuzibandakanya olusemthethweni lwesisebenzi kwakuyizici ezibalulekile zokulinganisa okufanele zicatshangwe ohlakeni. Uvivinyo lokwehlukahlukana lukhombise ukungafani okubalulekile ngokuya kweziguquguqukayo zenhlalo yeningi labantu. Ngokucatshangwayo isifundo sikhuthaza ukuqondisisa ukuphathwa kokungqubuzana kokuziphatha kanye nezinqumo zako endaweni yomsebenzi eNingizimu Afrika. Ukuhlolwa okunamandla kohlaka lwezengqondo lwazisa ukungenelela kokuphathwa kokungqubuzana endaweni yomsebenzi ngombono wobudlelwano emsebenzini okungaba nomthelela ekwenzeni ngcono ukusebenza kwenhlangano. / Human Resource Management / D. Phil. (Human Resource Management)
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