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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Personal branding and career success : an empirical investigation

Coetzer, Esme 30 October 2019 (has links)
Knowledge about personal branding, the development and sustaining of a personal brand and the link between personal branding and career success did not exist in a scientifically structured manner. The purpose of this study was to understand what the elements of personal branding are and what it takes to develop a personal brand in the corporate environment. It was also important to identify whether personal branding is key to career success. The systematic literature review procedure was used to identify, analyse and critically evaluate both empirical studies and popular literature relating to personal branding. The current body of knowledge was ill defined and a six step model detailing how to develop and maintain a personal brand was developed as a result of a content analysis of the available popular literature. A measure of a complete personal brand within the workplace was subsequently developed. In this study, the hypotheses of a possible relationship between personal branding and career success (performance appraisal score, 360 leadership evaluation and talent board placement) were tested. It was found that talent board placement was statistically significant and practically related to personal branding. The study was the first to provide a measurement tool as well as empirical evidence on the relationship between personal branding and career success and, as such contributed significantly to the body of knowledge. This study also opened avenues for further research. / Daar was min kennis oor ’n persoonlike handelsmerk, die ontwikkeling en handhawing van ’n persoonlike handelsmerk, en die verband tussen ’n persoonlike handelsmerk en loopbaansukses in die wetenskaplike domein beskikbaar. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die elemente van ’n persoonlike handelsmerk te begryp, asook om te bepaal wat dit behels om ’n persoonlike handelsmerk in die korporatiewe omgewing te ontwikkel. Dit was ook belangrik om te bepaal of ’n persoonlike handelsmerk deurslaggewend is tot loopbaansukses. ‘n Sistematiese literatuuroorsig is gedoen om empiriese studies asook gewilde literatuur oor ’n persoonlike handelsmerk te identifiseer, te ontleed en krities te evalueer. Gegewe beperkte akademiese kennismateriaal, en na aanleiding van die inhoudsontleding van die beskikbare gewilde literatuur, is ’n sesstapmodel ontwikkel om aan te dui hoe ’n persoonlike handelsmerk ontwikkel en gehandhaaf kan word. Na aanleiding hiervan is ’n instrument ontwikkel om ’n person se handelsmerk omvattend in die werkplek te meet. Dit is gevolg deur hipoteses van ’n moontlike verband tussen ’n persoonlike handelsmerk en loopbaansukses (prestasiebeoordelingtelling, 360-leierskapevaluasie en talentplasing) te toets. Die studie het bevind dat ’n persoonlike handelsmerk statisties beduidend en prakties relevant is tot talentplasing. Hierdie navorsing lewer ’n omvattende meetinstrument vir die meting van ’n persoonlike handelsmerk, asook empiriese bewyse rakende die verhouding tussen ’n persoonlike handelsmerk en loopbaansukses. Die studie maak in dié opsig ‘n beduidende bydrae tot die gebrekkige akademiese kennismateriaal wat oor hierdie onderwerp beskikbaar is. / Ulwazi nge-branding yomuntu siqu, ukuthuthukiswa kanye nokuqhubekela phambili kwe-brand yomuntu siqu kanye nokuxhumana phakathi kwe-brand yomuntu siqu kanye nokuphumelela emsebenzini bekuyizinto ebezingahlelekile ngendlela yesisayense. Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuqondisisa ukuthi ngabe iyini imikhakha ye-branding yomuntu siqu kanye nokuthi yini okudingekayo ukwenza ibrand yomuntu siqu emkhakheni wezamabhizinisi. Bekubalulekile nokubheka ukuthi ngabe i-branding yomuntu siqu isemqoka kangakanani ekuphumeleleni emisebenzini. Inqubo yokubuyekeza imibhalo ngendlela ehlelekile iye yasetshenziswa ukuphawula, ukuhlaziya kanye nokuhlola izifundo ezinobufakazi ezenziwe kanye nemibhalo edumile maqondana ne-branding yomuntu siqu. Imikhakha yolwazi ekhona ibingachazekile kahle, kanti kuye kwalandelwa imodeli yezinyathalo eziyisithupha echaza imininingwane ngokwenza kanye nokugcina i-brand yomuntu siqu, iye yenziwa ngakho-ke kwase kuhlaziywa ingqikithi yemibhalo edumile ekhona. Kwenziwe i-brand yomuntu siqu ephelele emkhakheni wezemisebenzi. Kulolu cwaningo, kuhlolwe i-hypotheses yobudlelwane phakathi kwe-branding yomuntu siqu kanye nokuphumelela emsebenzini (amaphuzu ohlolo lokusebenza ngendlela efanele, uhlolo lobuholi obungu 360, kanye nokubekwa kwebhodi yamathalente endaweni efanele) kuye kwahlolwa. Kutholakale ukuthi ukubekwa kwebhodi yamathalente endaweni efanele yinto esemqoka ngokwamastatistiki kanti futhi kuhambisana ne-branding yomuntu siqu. Ucwaningo belungolokuqala ukuhlinzeka ngethuluzi lokukala kanye nocwaningo obunobufakazi obubambekayo ngobudlelwane phakathi kwe-branding yomuntu siqu kanye nokuphumelela emsebenzini, kanti-ke, lokhu yikho okuye kwaba nomthelela obabalukile kulwazi. Lolu cwaningo luvule imikhakha lapho okungenziwa khona ezinye izinhlobo nemikhakha yocwaningo. / Business Management / DBL

Social media and mobile money adoption: comparative evidence from South Africa and Zimbabwe

Munongo, Shallone 06 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The study investigated the effects of social media on mobile money adoption in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The main gap identified in empirical literature is the omission of social media use in technology adoption models and social networking theories. While some theories acknowledge the role of social influences in technology adoption, the social interactions considered therein are not mediated through the internet as is social media. Furthermore, no empirical study has to date focused on how social media influences mobile money technology adoption. Thus, this study deviates from the offline social network analysis approach which is restricted to the neighbourhood effects, physical contact, cell phone calls and text messages where information on mobile money technology is disseminated to an individual’s limited social circle. The secondary data used for the study were obtained from individual responses in the cross-sectional FinScope consumer surveys South Africa 2015 and Zimbabwe 2014 which were conducted and reported by FinMark Trust (2015; 2014). The study employed the binary logistic regression model to estimate the nature of effect. The results of the study indicated that use of social media had a positive and statistically significant impact on mobile money adoption in both South Africa and Zimbabwe. The results also revealed that despite there being a lower internet penetration and social media usage rate in Zimbabwe than South Africa, the use of social media in the former led to a higher rate of mobile money adoption. The study also established that mere use of social media and availability of mobile money technology did not translate to a high adoption rate; instead, availability had to be matched by a demand for the financial services. Additionally, the study found that the interaction of mobile money adoption and use of social media increased the overall mobile money adoption in both countries. The study recommended the implementation of collective policies that increase internet penetration to facilitate increased use of social media platforms and promote mobile money adoption to foster improved financial inclusion in developing countries. / Hierdie studie het die gevolge van sosiale media op die ingebruikneming van mobiele geld in Suid-Afrika en Zimbabwe ondersoek. Die belangrikste leemte wat in empiriese literatuur geïdentifiseer is, is die weglating van die gebruik van sosiale media in tegnologieaanvaardingsmodelle en sosialenetwerkvorming-teorieë. Hoewel sommige teorieë (teorie van beredeneerde handeling; teorie van beplande gedrag; diffusie van innovasie) die rol van sosiale invloede op tegnologieaanvaarding erken, word die sosiale interaksies wat daarin oorweeg word nie deur middel van die internet bemiddel nie, soos wel in die geval van sosiale media. Boonop het geen empiriese studie tot op hede gefokus op hoe sosiale media die ingebruikneming van mobielegeld-tegnologie beïnvloed nie. Hierdie studie wyk dus af van die niegekoppelde sosialenetwerkontleding-benadering, wat beperk is tot die omgewingsgevolge, fisieke kontak, selfoonoproepe en teksboodskappe, waar inligting oor mobielegeld-tegnologie aan ʼn individu se beperkte sosiale kring versprei word. Die sekondêre data wat vir die studie gebruik is, is verkry uit afsonderlike response in die deursnee- FinScope-verbruikersopnames (Suid-Afrika 2015 en Zimbabwe 2014), wat onderneem en bekendgemaak is deur FinMark Trust (2015; 2014). Die studie maak gebruik van die binêre logistiese regressiemodel om die aard van effek te skat. Studiebevindings dui daarop dat die gebruik van sosiale media ’n positiewe en statisties beduidende uitwerking op die ingebruikneming van mobiele geld in sowel Suid-Afrika as Zimbabwe het. Die resultate wys ook dat, ondanks ’n laer internetpenetrasie en sosialemedia-gebruikskoers in Zimbabwe, die gebruik van sosiale media in Zimbabwe tot ’n hoër koers van ingebruikneming van mobiele geld in dié land as in Suid-Afrika tot gevolg het. Daar word verder waargeneem dat die blote gebruik van sosiale media en die beskikbaarheid van mobielegeld-tegnologie nie geredelik omgesit kan word in ’n hoë ingebruiknemingskoers nie; beskikbaarheid moet met ’n vraag na die finansiële dienste gepaard gaan. Daarbenewens toon die studie dat die interaksie tussen mobielegeld-ingebruikneming en die gebruik van sosiale media die oorkoepelende ingebruikneming van mobiele geld in albei lande versterk. Die studie beveel die implementering van beleide aan wat internetpenetrasie verhoog om wydverspreide gebruik van sosiale media te fasiliteer, wat op sy beurt die ingebruikneming van mobiele geld sal bevorder, wat finansiële insluiting sal bevorder. / Ucwaningo luphenyisise imiphumela ye-social media ekwamukelweni kwe-mobile money eNingizimu Afrika naseZimbabwe. Igebe elikhulu eliphawuliwe kwimibhalo yobufakazi ukweqiwa kokussetshenziswa kwe-social media ekwamukelweni kwama-technology adoption models kanye namathiyori e-social networking. Kodwa amanye amathiyori (i-theory of reasoned action; i-theory of planned behaviour; i-diffusion of innovation) amukela indima yemithelela ye-social influences ekwamukelweni kwetheknoloji, ngokusebenzisana kwama-social interactions abonelelwe lapha, awaxhunyaniswa nge-inthanethi, njenge-social media. Kanti-ke futhi okunye, akukho bufakazi bocwaningo kuze kubemanje obugxile kwindlela i-social media enomthelela ngayo kwi-mobile money technology adoption. Ngakho-ke, lolu cwaningo luyehluka kwizinqubo ze-offline social network analysis approach, enezihibe kwimiphumela esondelene nayo, ukuxhumana ngokubamba, ukushayelana izingcingo nge-cellphone, kanye nemilayezo ebhaliwe, lapho ulwazi kwi-mobile money technology lusatshalaliswa kumuntu ngamunye nalabo asondelene nabo. I-secondary data esetshenzisiwe kucwaningo itholakale kwizimpendulo zabantu ngamunye kwi-cross-sectional FinScope consumer surveys (iNingizimu Afrika 2015 kanye neZimbabwe 2014), olwenziwa nokubikwa nge-FinMark Trust (2015:2014). Ucwaningo lusebenzisa i-binary logistic regression model ukulinganisa inhlobo yomphumela. Imiphumela yocwaningo ikhombisa ukuthi i-social media inomphumela omuhle futhi ngomphumela wezibalo ezibalulekile ekwamukelweni kwe-mobile money okwamukelwe kuwo womabili amazwe iNingizimu Afrika kanye neZimbabwe. Imiphumela ikhombise nokuthi, ngisho noma i-inthanethi ingakangeneleli kangako kwezinye izindawo, kodwa izinga lokusetshenziswa kwe-social media eZimbabwe kungaphezulu kuneNingizimu Afrika, ukusetshenziswa eZimbabwe kuhola phambili ngezinga eliphezulu ekwamukelweni kwe-mobile money kunaseNingizimu Afrika. Kanti futhi kuphawulwa ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwe-social media kanye nokutholakala kwe-mobile money technology, akuhambelani ngezinga lokwamukelwa kakhulu; ukutholakala kumele kuhambelane nesidingeko samasevisi ezezimali. Nangaphezu kwalokho, ucwaningo lukhombisa ukuthi ukusebenzisana kokwamukelwa kwe-mobile money nokusetshenziswa kwe-social media kuphakamisa ukwamukelwa kakhulu kwe-mobile money kuwo womabili amazwe. Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi ukwamukelwa kwemigomo enyusa ukungenelela kakhulu kwe-inthanethi ukulekelela ukusetshenziswa kakhulu kwe-social media, kanti futhi lokhu okuzophakamisa kakhulu ukwamukelwa kwe-mobile money okusiza ukubandakanya wonke kwezezimali. / Business Management / D. Phil. (Management Studies)

A framework for determining the adoption of new services in the South African mobile telecommunications market

Smith, Neil Wesley 02 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The aim of this study was to determine the key factors which explain the adoption of mobile data services in South Africa and incorporate them into an explanatory framework that can be used to indicate whether a new mobile data service that is introduced into the South African Mobile Market will be successful. Additionally, it shows that the current usage of mobile data services in South Africa supports the framework. The research used a design based on a mixed methods methodology. The research was conducted using a literature survey and two research phases. The literature survey was an extensive review of communication technology adoption frameworks and all the possible factors of adoption. This literature survey was also used to develop the discussion document which was used as the guidelines for the Phase 1 interviews. The interviews were with experts in the telecommunications market in South Africa and were used to determine the key drivers of adoption and possible moderating factors of mobile data services. From those interviews a preliminary model was proposed. Phase 2 was a market survey which tested the framework and moderating factors in different metropolitan areas as well as examined the current usage of mobile data services. The statistical analysis used in determining the framework incorporated Descriptive Statistics, Factor Analysis, using Principal Axis Factoring, and Structural Equation Modelling. The framework, which was based on the Technology Acceptance Model, introduced two new constructs. The first new construct was the Mobile Service Providers Marketing Tactics and the second was Social Pressure and Aspirational Value. The two constructs combined can be used to explain why mobile service providers with low cost strategies are not successful. Demographic factors such as Age were found to influence the adoption as well as Socio-economic factors such as Income. Personal factors such as Technical Knowledge, Ability and Skills and Attitude towards Technology were also found to influence adoption. Geographical location was found to be the most important moderating factor. The current mobile data usage supported the framework. The results of data usage highlighted the fact that nearly 50% of the study’s participants spent over 4 hours per day interacting with their mobile devices and that the participants from Gauteng spent more than 2½ times on mobile services than those in the other metropolitan municipalities of Cape Town and eThekwini / Die doel van hierdie studie was om die sleutelfaktore te bepaal wat die aanneming van selfoondatadienste in Suid-Afrika verklaar, en hulle te verenig in ʼn raamwerk waarmee aangetoon kan word of ʼn nuwe selfoondatadiens die Suid-Afrikaanse selfoondatamark suksesvol sal betree. Afgesien hiervan dui hierdie studie aan dat die huidige gebruik van selfoondatadienste in Suid-Afrika die geldigheid van die voorgestelde raamwerk bevestig. ʼn Mengsel van metodes is in die navorsing toegepas. Die navorsing het uit ʼn literatuuroorsig en twee navorsingsfases bestaan. Die literatuuroorsig het ʼn deurtastende oorsig van die raamwerke vir die aanneming van kommunikasietegnologie en alle moontlike faktore daarvoor behels. Uit die literatuuroorsig is die besprekingsdokument saamgestel wat as riglyn gedien het vir die onderhoude in fase 1 van die navorsing. Onderhoude is met kundiges uit die Suid-Afrikaanse telekommunikasiebedryf gevoer om die belangrikste dryfvere vir aanneming en moontlike remfaktore ten opsigte van selfoondatadienste te bepaal. ʼn Voorlopige model is op grond van die onderhoude aangebied. Fase 2 het ʼn markopname behels waarin die raamwerk en remfaktore in verskeie metropolitaanse gebiede getoets en die huidige gebruik van selfoondatadienste ondersoek is. Die statistiese analise waarop die raamwerk berus, het bestaan uit beskrywende statistiek, faktorontleding met behulp van hoofasfaktorering, en struktuurvergelykingsmodellering. Twee nuwe konstrukte het uit die raamwerk wat op die tegnologieaanvaardingsmodel gegrond was, gespruit. Die eerste was selfoondiensverskaffers se bemarkingstrategieë en die tweede sosiale druk en aspirerende waarde. Saam verklaar die twee konstrukte waarom selfoondiensverskaffers wat laekostestrategieë volg, misluk. Daar is bevind dat demografiese faktore soos ouderdom, en sosiaal-ekonomiese faktore soos inkomste, aanneming beïnvloed. Volgens die bevindings word aanneming eweneens bepaal deur persoonlike faktore soos tegniese kennis, vermoë en vaardighede asook houding jeens tegnologie. Daar is bevind dat geografiese ligging die belangrikste remfaktor is. Die huidige selfoondatagebruik bevestig die geldigheid van die raamwerk. Die uitslag van datagebruik benadruk die feit dat byna 50% van die deelnemers aan die studie langer as vier uur per dag met hulle selfone doenig is, en dat deelnemers in Gauteng twee en half keer meer as deelnemers in die metropolitaanse munisipaliteite van Kaapstad en eThekwini aan selfoondienste bestee. / Inhloso yalolu cwaningo bekuwukuthola izinto ezibalulekile ezichaza ukwamukelwa kwezinsiza zamadatha amaselula eNingizimu Afrika nokuzifaka ohlakeni oluchazayo olungasetshenziswa ukukhombisa ukuthi ngabe insiza entsha yedatha ethulwe emakethe yamaselula eNingizimu Afrika izophumelela. Ngaphezu kwalokho, kukhombisa ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwamanje kwezinsiza zedatha yamaselula eNingizimu Afrika kuyalusekela uhlaka. Ucwaningo lusebenzise umklamu osuselwe ezindleleni zokwenza ezixubile. Ucwaningo lwenziwe kusetshenziswa ucwaningo lwezincwadi kanye nezigaba ezimbili zocwaningo. Ucwaningo lwezincwadi belungukubuyekezwa okubanzi kokwamukela kwenzinhlaka zobuchwepheshe kwezokuxhumana kanye nazo zonke izici ezingenzeka ukuthi zamukelwe. Lolu cwaningo lwezincwadi lusetshenzisiwe futhi ukuthuthukisa umqulu wezingxoxo osetshenziswe njengezinkombandlela zokuxoxisana nabantu besigaba 1. Izingxoxo ebezinazo bezingochwepheshe emakethe yezokuxhumana eNingizimu Afrika futhi zasetshenziselwa ukuthola izidingongqangi zokwamukelwa kanye nezici zokulingisanisa kwezinsiza zamadatha amaselula. Kulezo zingxoxo, kuphakanyiswe isifaniselo sokuqala. Isigaba 2 bekungukucwaningo lwezimakethe oluhlola uhlaka kanye nezici zokulinganisa ezindaweni ezahlukahlukene zedolobha kanye nokuhlola ukusetshenziswa kwamanje kwezinsiza zedatha yamaselula. Ukuhlaziywa kwezibalo okusetshenzisiwe ekunqumeni uhlaka lufake izibalo ezichazayo, ukuhlaziya izakhi, kusetshenziswa izisekelo eziyinhloko zokuphamba, kanye nesifaniselo sokulinganisa esihlelekile. Uhlaka, olwalususelwa kusifaniselo sokwamukela ubuchwepheshe, lwethule izakhiwo ezimbili ezintsha. Isakhiwo esisha sokuqala kwakungamacebo wokukhangisa wabahlinzeki bezinsiza zamaselula futhi owesibili kwakuyingcindezi yomphakathi nenani lesifiso. Lezi zakhiwo zombili ezihlanganisiwe zingasetshenziswa ukuchaza ukuthi kungani abahlinzeki bezinsizakalo zamaselula abanamasu ezindleko eziphansi bengaphumeleli. Izici ezithinta abantu ezinjengobudala zitholakele ukuthonya ukwamukelwa kanye nezici zezomnotho nezenhlalo ezifana nomholo. Izici ezithinta umuntu ngqo ezifana nolwazi lwezobuchwepheshe, ukwazi ukwenza kanye namakhono, nesimo sengqondo maqondana nezobuchwepheshe zatholakala zithonya ukwamukelwa. Indawo yendawo yatholakala njengesici sokulinganisa esibaluleke kakhulu. Ukusetshenziswa kwedatha yeselula yamanje kusekele uhlaka. Imiphumela yokusetshenziswa kwedatha igcizelele iqiniso lokuthi bacishe babe ngama-50% ababambe iqhaza kulolu cwaningo bachithe isikhathi esingaphezu kwamahora amane ngosuku bexhumana nemishini yabo yamaselula nokuthi ababambiqhaza abavela eGauteng bachithe izikhathi ezingaphezu kwezingu-2½ kuzinsiza zamaselula kunalabo bakwamanye amadolobha amakhulu aseKapa naseThekwini. / Business Management / D.B.L.

Social media and mobile money adoption: comparative evidence from South Africa and Zimbabwe

Munongo, Shallone 06 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The study investigated the effects of social media on mobile money adoption in South Africa and Zimbabwe. The main gap identified in empirical literature is the omission of social media use in technology adoption models and social networking theories. While some theories acknowledge the role of social influences in technology adoption, the social interactions considered therein are not mediated through the internet as is social media. Furthermore, no empirical study has to date focused on how social media influences mobile money technology adoption. Thus, this study deviates from the offline social network analysis approach which is restricted to the neighbourhood effects, physical contact, cell phone calls and text messages where information on mobile money technology is disseminated to an individual’s limited social circle. The secondary data used for the study were obtained from individual responses in the cross-sectional FinScope consumer surveys South Africa 2015 and Zimbabwe 2014 which were conducted and reported by FinMark Trust (2015; 2014). The study employed the binary logistic regression model to estimate the nature of effect. The results of the study indicated that use of social media had a positive and statistically significant impact on mobile money adoption in both South Africa and Zimbabwe. The results also revealed that despite there being a lower internet penetration and social media usage rate in Zimbabwe than South Africa, the use of social media in the former led to a higher rate of mobile money adoption. The study also established that mere use of social media and availability of mobile money technology did not translate to a high adoption rate; instead, availability had to be matched by a demand for the financial services. Additionally, the study found that the interaction of mobile money adoption and use of social media increased the overall mobile money adoption in both countries. The study recommended the implementation of collective policies that increase internet penetration to facilitate increased use of social media platforms and promote mobile money adoption to foster improved financial inclusion in developing countries. / Hierdie studie het die gevolge van sosiale media op die ingebruikneming van mobiele geld in Suid-Afrika en Zimbabwe ondersoek. Die belangrikste leemte wat in empiriese literatuur geïdentifiseer is, is die weglating van die gebruik van sosiale media in tegnologieaanvaardingsmodelle en sosialenetwerkvorming-teorieë. Hoewel sommige teorieë (teorie van beredeneerde handeling; teorie van beplande gedrag; diffusie van innovasie) die rol van sosiale invloede op tegnologieaanvaarding erken, word die sosiale interaksies wat daarin oorweeg word nie deur middel van die internet bemiddel nie, soos wel in die geval van sosiale media. Boonop het geen empiriese studie tot op hede gefokus op hoe sosiale media die ingebruikneming van mobielegeld-tegnologie beïnvloed nie. Hierdie studie wyk dus af van die niegekoppelde sosialenetwerkontleding-benadering, wat beperk is tot die omgewingsgevolge, fisieke kontak, selfoonoproepe en teksboodskappe, waar inligting oor mobielegeld-tegnologie aan ʼn individu se beperkte sosiale kring versprei word. Die sekondêre data wat vir die studie gebruik is, is verkry uit afsonderlike response in die deursnee- FinScope-verbruikersopnames (Suid-Afrika 2015 en Zimbabwe 2014), wat onderneem en bekendgemaak is deur FinMark Trust (2015; 2014). Die studie maak gebruik van die binêre logistiese regressiemodel om die aard van effek te skat. Studiebevindings dui daarop dat die gebruik van sosiale media ’n positiewe en statisties beduidende uitwerking op die ingebruikneming van mobiele geld in sowel Suid-Afrika as Zimbabwe het. Die resultate wys ook dat, ondanks ’n laer internetpenetrasie en sosialemedia-gebruikskoers in Zimbabwe, die gebruik van sosiale media in Zimbabwe tot ’n hoër koers van ingebruikneming van mobiele geld in dié land as in Suid-Afrika tot gevolg het. Daar word verder waargeneem dat die blote gebruik van sosiale media en die beskikbaarheid van mobielegeld-tegnologie nie geredelik omgesit kan word in ’n hoë ingebruiknemingskoers nie; beskikbaarheid moet met ’n vraag na die finansiële dienste gepaard gaan. Daarbenewens toon die studie dat die interaksie tussen mobielegeld-ingebruikneming en die gebruik van sosiale media die oorkoepelende ingebruikneming van mobiele geld in albei lande versterk. Die studie beveel die implementering van beleide aan wat internetpenetrasie verhoog om wydverspreide gebruik van sosiale media te fasiliteer, wat op sy beurt die ingebruikneming van mobiele geld sal bevorder, wat finansiële insluiting sal bevorder. / Ucwaningo luphenyisise imiphumela ye-social media ekwamukelweni kwe-mobile money eNingizimu Afrika naseZimbabwe. Igebe elikhulu eliphawuliwe kwimibhalo yobufakazi ukweqiwa kokussetshenziswa kwe-social media ekwamukelweni kwama-technology adoption models kanye namathiyori e-social networking. Kodwa amanye amathiyori (i-theory of reasoned action; i-theory of planned behaviour; i-diffusion of innovation) amukela indima yemithelela ye-social influences ekwamukelweni kwetheknoloji, ngokusebenzisana kwama-social interactions abonelelwe lapha, awaxhunyaniswa nge-inthanethi, njenge-social media. Kanti-ke futhi okunye, akukho bufakazi bocwaningo kuze kubemanje obugxile kwindlela i-social media enomthelela ngayo kwi-mobile money technology adoption. Ngakho-ke, lolu cwaningo luyehluka kwizinqubo ze-offline social network analysis approach, enezihibe kwimiphumela esondelene nayo, ukuxhumana ngokubamba, ukushayelana izingcingo nge-cellphone, kanye nemilayezo ebhaliwe, lapho ulwazi kwi-mobile money technology lusatshalaliswa kumuntu ngamunye nalabo asondelene nabo. I-secondary data esetshenzisiwe kucwaningo itholakale kwizimpendulo zabantu ngamunye kwi-cross-sectional FinScope consumer surveys (iNingizimu Afrika 2015 kanye neZimbabwe 2014), olwenziwa nokubikwa nge-FinMark Trust (2015:2014). Ucwaningo lusebenzisa i-binary logistic regression model ukulinganisa inhlobo yomphumela. Imiphumela yocwaningo ikhombisa ukuthi i-social media inomphumela omuhle futhi ngomphumela wezibalo ezibalulekile ekwamukelweni kwe-mobile money okwamukelwe kuwo womabili amazwe iNingizimu Afrika kanye neZimbabwe. Imiphumela ikhombise nokuthi, ngisho noma i-inthanethi ingakangeneleli kangako kwezinye izindawo, kodwa izinga lokusetshenziswa kwe-social media eZimbabwe kungaphezulu kuneNingizimu Afrika, ukusetshenziswa eZimbabwe kuhola phambili ngezinga eliphezulu ekwamukelweni kwe-mobile money kunaseNingizimu Afrika. Kanti futhi kuphawulwa ukuthi ukusetshenziswa kwe-social media kanye nokutholakala kwe-mobile money technology, akuhambelani ngezinga lokwamukelwa kakhulu; ukutholakala kumele kuhambelane nesidingeko samasevisi ezezimali. Nangaphezu kwalokho, ucwaningo lukhombisa ukuthi ukusebenzisana kokwamukelwa kwe-mobile money nokusetshenziswa kwe-social media kuphakamisa ukwamukelwa kakhulu kwe-mobile money kuwo womabili amazwe. Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi ukwamukelwa kwemigomo enyusa ukungenelela kakhulu kwe-inthanethi ukulekelela ukusetshenziswa kakhulu kwe-social media, kanti futhi lokhu okuzophakamisa kakhulu ukwamukelwa kwe-mobile money okusiza ukubandakanya wonke kwezezimali. / Business Management / D. Phil. (Management Sciences)

Adopting green information and communication technology: barriers for South African small and medium enterprises

Bok, Elizma Sharee 12 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Xhosa / Green information and communication technology (ICT) is viewed as a pioneering initiative that plays a key role in reducing the negative impact of ICT on the environment. The research problem of the study was the low green ICT adoption rate in South African small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The primary objective was to identify the most prominent barriers resulting in this low adoption rate. The first secondary objective was to determine the barrier with the strongest underlying correlation resulting in the low adoption rate of green ICT in South African SMEs. The second secondary objective was to recommend strategies on how to improve the adoption rate of green ICT. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect data through electronic and paper-based surveys. A census study was conducted among owners and managers of high-technology-based SMEs located in Gauteng. An exploratory factor analysis was employed to identify the barriers resulting in the low adoption rate of green ICT. These barriers were found to be a lack of funding, awareness, legislation, skills, and knowledge based on complexity and uncertainty. A lack of funding was identified as the most prominent barrier to adopting low green ICT. Although five constructs were discussed in the literature, the overall results presented six components, with the construct of knowledge being made up of two parts – complexity and uncertainty. This study recommends that SMEs align green ICT initiatives with their strategic goals and that government consider more adequate support structures for SMEs. The study confirmed a low green ICT adoption rate in South African SMEs, and more research is required to explore the impact of each of the factors above on the environment. / Met groen inligting-en-kommunikasietegnologie (IKT) word baanbrekerswerk gedoen om die nadelige uitwerking wat IKT op die omgewing het, te verklein. Die trae tempo waarteen Suid-Afrikaanse klein en medium ondernemings (KMO’s) groen IKT aanneem was die navorsingsprobleem van hierdie studie. Die primêre oogmerk was om die grootste struikelblokke vir die aanneem van groen IKT aan te toon. Die eerste sekondêre oogmerk was om die struikelblok met die sterkste onderliggende korrelasie met die trae tempo waarteen Suid-Afrikaanse KMO’s groen IKT aanneem, te bepaal. Die tweede was om met strategieë te kom om die tempo te versnel waarteen groen ITK aangeneem word. Data is met ʼn selfvraelys deur elektroniese en papieropnames versamel. ʼn Sensusstudie is onder die eienaars en bestuurders van hoëtegnologie-KMO’s in Gauteng gedoen. Struikelblokke wat vir die trae aanneming van groen ITK verantwoordelik is, is met ʼn verkennende faktoranalise aangetoon. Daar is bevind dat gebrekkige befondsing en bewustheid, wetgewing, ʼn gebrek aan vaardighede en kennis weens die kompleksiteit en onsekerheid struikelblokke is. ʼn Gebrek aan befondsing was die grootste struikelblok vir die aanneem van groen IKT. Hoewel vyf konstrukte in die literatuur bespreek is, het die uitslag aangedui daar is ses. Die konstruk kennis is uit twee dele saamgestel: kompleksiteit en onsekerheid. Hierdie studie beveel aan dat KMO’s hulle groen IKT-inisiatiewe met hulle strategiese doelwitte in ooreenstemming bring, en dat die regering KMO’s beter ondersteun. Die studie bevestig die trae tempo waarteen Suid-Afrikaanse KMO’s groen ITK aanneem. Die invloed van elk van die bogenoemde faktore op die omgewing moet in verdere navorsing verken word. / Ulwazi lwezeMvelo kanye nobuchwepheshe bezokuxhumana (ICT) kuphawuleka njengemizamo yamaqhinga amasha adlala indima esemqoka ekunciphiseni umthelela omubi we-ICT kwezemvelo. Inkinga exazululwayo kucwaningo kwabe kuyizinga eliphansi lomthintela we-ICT kwezemvelo kumabhizinisi amancane nalawo asafufusa (SMEs) eNingizimu Afrika. Inhloso yokuqala kwabe kuwukuthola izikhinyabezo ezigqamile eziholela ekutheni kube nezinga eliphansi lokwamukela ezemvelo. Inhloso yokuqala esesigabeni sesibili kwabe kuwukuthola isikhinyabezo esinezimpawu ezihambisanayo kakhulu esidala izinga eliphansi lokwamukela ezemvelo kwi-ICT. Inhloso yesibili yesigaba sesibili kwabe kuwukuncoma amasu angasetshenziswa ukuthuthukisa izinga lokwamukelwa kwezemvelo kwi-ICT. Umbhalo wemibuzo ehlelwe wumcwaningi ngokwakhe wasetshenziswa ukuqoqa idatha ngohlelo lwesaveyi eyaqhutshwa ngekhomphyutha nangephepha. Ucwaningo lohlelo lokubalwa kwabantu/lwesensasi lwenziwa phakathi kwabanikazi kanye nabaphathi bamabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa esifundazweni saseGauteng, amabhizinisi encike kubuchwepheshe beqophelo eliphezulu. Uhlelo lokuhlaziya oluhlolayo lwasetshenziswa ngesizathu sokuthola izihibhe ezidala izinga eliphansi lokulandelwa kwezemvelo ku-ICT. Lezi zihibhe zatholakala ukuthi ukuswela uxhaso lwezimali, ukwexwayiswa, umthetho, izakhono zomsebenzi kanye nolwazi olwencike phezu kwesimo esixubene kanye nokungabi nesiqinisekiso. Ukuswela ukuxhaswa ngezimali kwabonakala njengesikhinyabezo esikhulu mayelana nokwamukelwa kwezinga eliphansi lwe-ICT yezemvelo. Yize kuye kwaxoxwa ngezakhiwo ezinhlanu kumbhalo wobuciko, yonke imiphumela iveze izigaba eziyisithupha, ngesakhiwo solwazi esahlukene izingcezu ezimbili – isimo esixubene kanye kanye nokungabi nasiqinisekiso. Ucwaningo luncoma ukuthi amabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa (SMEs) ahambisana nemizamo yohlelo lwe-ICT olulandela ezemvelo kanye nezimpokophelo zamasu kanye nokuthi uhulumeni ubhekelele ukuthi kube nezakhiwo eziningi nezanele zokuxhasa amabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa (SMEs). Ucwaningo luqinisekisile ukuthi kunezinga eliphansi lokubhekelelwa amabhizinisi amancane nasafufusa mayelana nezemvelo kwi-ICT eNingizimu Afrika, kanti kudingeka ucwaningo oluningi ukuhlola umthintela wazo zonke izinto ezingenhla mayelana nezemvelo. / Business Management / M. Com. (Business Management)

A contextual history of South African ceramics of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries / Kontekstuele geskiedenis van Suid-Afrikaanse keramiekkuns van die twintigste en een-en-twintigste eeu / Isizinda somlando weseramiki kwikhulu leminyaka lamashumi amabili kanye namashumi amabili nanye eNingizimu Afrika

Watt, Ronald 08 1900 (has links)
Text in English with summaries and keywords in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Presented in two volumes. Volume 2 contains colour photographs / Bibliography: (volume 1: leaves 181-219) / The history of South African ceramics of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries tends to be presented in a compartmentalised manner in that it focuses on the leading exponents within genres and is limited to an investigation of the contexts that have an immediate bearing on their oeuvres. The result is a fragmented (and sometimes biased) view of the role players, circumstances, influences and incentives that have come to define South African ceramics. The thesis introduces key contributors who have hitherto been considered in relation to crafts and fine art but whose work with ceramic materials places them firmly within the ambit of South African ceramics. It also positions and evaluates the roles of the formal and informal twentieth-century educational and training agencies that, within the constraints of imposed political dogma, produced ceramists who successfully challenged staid Western aesthetics. Particular attention is given to how the black “traditional potters” exercised agency in negotiating a contemporary (as opposed to an ethnographic) presence in which they referenced the forms, meanings and values of “traditional pottery” to meet the expectations of the collector’s market. The thesis posits that the ceramists’ quest to claim an identity (or an “indigeneity”) in the turbulent political era of the later twentieth century has parallels with the intent and outcomes of African Modernism. African Modernism, which arose in postcolonial countries, sought to challenge Western binaries of art, craft, identity and presence and typically made use of hybridity to that end. The same presence of hybridity is evident in twentieth-century South African ceramics, which must be read as an engagement with a multi-cultural society within which the ceramists sought to position themselves. The thesis illustrates the progression of hybrid features from an initially crude and superficial referencing of indigenous and African material culture to subjective translations of that culture that are presented in innovative approaches. This theme is further explored in relation to South African ceramics of the twenty-first century, and evidence suggests that some of the ceramists’ oeuvres can now be considered transcultural and even transnational. The thesis, which is by its nature an enquiry that presents new or reassessed evidence is neither a fully inclusive nor an absolutist revision of the history of ceramics. / Die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrikaanse keramiekkuns van die twintigste en een-entwintigste eeu is geneig om op ʼn onderverdeelde wyse voorgehou te word, omdat dit op die hoofeksponente in genres fokus en beperk is tot ʼn ondersoek na die kontekste wat ʼn direkte uitwerking op hul oeuvres het. Die resultaat is ʼn gefragmenteerde (en soms bevooroordeelde) beskouing van die rolspelers, omstandighede, invloede en aansporings wat Suid-Afrikaanse keramiekkuns definieer. Die tesis stel sleutelbydraers bekend wat tot dusver met handwerk en beeldende kuns verbind is, maar wie se werk met keramiekmateriale hulle sonder twyfel binne die sfeer van Suid-Afrikaanse keramiekkuns plaas. Daarbenewens posisioneer en evalueer die tesis die rolle van die formele en informele twintigsteeeuse opvoeding- en opleidingsagentskappe wat, binne die beperkings van voorgeskrewe politieke dogma, keramiste opgelewer het wat oninspirerende Westerse estetika suksesvol betwis het. Aandag word veral geskenk aan hoe die swart “tradisionele pottebakkers” bemiddeling uitgeoefen het in die verwesenliking van ʼn kontemporêre (teenoor ʼn etnografiese) teenwoordigheid waarin hulle verwys het na die vorme, betekenisse en waardes van “tradisionele pottebakkery” om aan die verwagtinge van die versamelaarsmark te voldoen. Die tesis voer aan dat daar parallelle bestaan tussen die keramis se soeke om op ʼn (inheemse) identiteit te kan aanspraak maak in die onstuimige politieke era van die latere twintigste eeu, en die oogmerke en uitkomste van Afrika-modernisme. Afrika-modernisme het in na-koloniale lande ontstaan en het beoog om Westerse binêre pare van kuns, handwerk, identiteit en teenwoordigheid te betwis; om hierdie doel te bereik is hibridisme gewoonlik gebruik. Dieselfde teenwoordigheid van hibridisme kan gesien word in Suid-Afrikaanse keramiekkuns van die twintigste eeu, wat beskou moet word as ʼn gemoeidheid met ʼn multikulturele samelewing waarin die keramiste hulself probeer posisioneer. Die tesis illustreer die vooruitgang van hibriede eienskappe, van ʼn aanvanklik onafgewerkte en oppervlakkige verwysing na inheemse en Afrika- materiële kultuur, na subjektiewe interpretasies van daardie kultuur wat in innoverende benaderings voorgehou word. Hierdie tema word verder ondersoek in verband met SuidAfrikaanse keramiekkuns van die een-en-twintigste eeu, en bewyse dui daarop dat sommige van die keramiste se oeuvres nou as transkultureel en selfs as transnasionaal beskou kan word. Die tesis, wat in wese ʼn ondersoek is wat nuwe of hersiende bewyse voorhou, is nóg ʼn ten volle inklusiewe nóg ʼn absolutistiese hersiening van die geskiedenis van keramiekkuns. / Umlando weseramiki yaseNingizimu Afrika kwikhulu leminyaka lamashumi amabili namashumi amabili nanye uvamise ukwethulwa ngendlela ehlukaniswe ngezigaba ngokuthi igxile phezu kwezingcweti ezihola phambili ngaphakathi komkhakha wezinhlobo kanti lokhu kugxile kuphela kuphenyo lwezizinda ezinomthintela osheshayo phezu kwemisebenzi yonke yalezo zingcweti. Umphumela ukhombisa umbono owehlukene (kanti ngesinye isikhathi umbono owencike kwingxenye eyodwa) wabadlalindima, wezimo, wemithelela kanye neziphembeleli ezichaza iseramiki eNingizimu Afrika. Ithesisi yethula abagaleli abasemqoka ukufika manje okudala benakiwe mayelana nemisebenzi yobuciko kanye nemisetshenzana yobuciko obuncane kodwa imisebenzi yayo yomatheriyali weseramiki ibabeka ngaphakathi komkhakha wezeseramiki eNingizimu Afrika. Lokhu kuphinde futhi kuhlole izindima zezinhlaka zemfundo nezoqeqesho ezihlelekile nezingahlelekile, lezo ngaphaklathi kwezihibhe zohlelo olumatasa lwepolitiki, lukhiqize osolwazi bezeseramiki abaphonsele inselele ngempumelelo osolwazi bezobuhle beNtshonalanga. Kugxilwe kakhulu kwindlela ababumbi bendabuko abamnyama “traditional potters” abasebenzisa ngayo ubummeli uma bexoxisana ukubonakala emsebenzini wesikhathi samanje (njengoba lokhu kuphambene ne-ethinigrafi) lapho baye bariferensa izindlela, izincazelo kanye nezinga lobugugu bobuciko bendabuko bokubumba ukufeza izinhloso ezilindelwe zemakethe yabaqoqi bomsebenzi wobuciko. Ithesisi iyasho ukuthi impokophelo yosolwazi bezeseramiki yokuzitholela uphawu oluchaza ubunjalo babo (or an “indigeneity”) esikhathini esibucayi sezepolitiki sekhulu leminyaka yamashumi amabili inezimpawu ezifanayo ngenhloso kanye nemiphumela yohlelo lwesimanjemanje sase-Afrika African Modernism. Uhlelo lwe-African Modernism, oluqhamuka kumazwe avele ngemuva kombuso wobukoloni, luphonsela inselele yezinhlelo zobuciko, yesithombe sobuciko kanye nobukhona bobuciko kanti ikakhulukazi bukhandwe ngobuciko bokuhlanganisa izinhlobo (hybridity) ezahlukile. Ubukhona bohlelo lokusebenzisa izinhlaka ezahlukile lwe-hybridity lubonakala kwimisebenzi yeseramiki yesenshuwari yamashumi amabili yaseNingizimu Afrika, okufanele ifundwe njengomsebenzi ohlanganiswe ndawonye nomphakathi wamasiko amaningi, kanti ngalo msebenzi ababumbi beseramiki bafuna ukuziphakamisa ngawo. Ithesisi ikhombisa intuthuko yezimpawu wumsebenzi oyingxubevange (hybrid) ovela kwindlela yokureferensa eluhlaza neyobuciko bamaqhinga bosiko lwendabuko lomatheriyeli wase-Afrika ukuphawula ngemisebenzi ehunyushiwe yalolo siko eyethulwe ngezindlela ezinamaqhinga amasha. Lesi sihloko siqhubekela phambili nokuhlolwa mayelana nohlelo lweseramiki eNingizimu Afrika kwisenshuwari yamashumi amabili, kanti ubufakazi buyasho ukuthi eminye imisebenzi yosolwazi bobuciko beseramiki ingathathwa njengemisebenzi ekhombisa ukushintsha amasiko kanye nokushintsha kwesizwe. Ithesisi, ngokwemvelo yayo ingumbuzo owethula ubufakazi obusha noma ubufakazi obubuyekeziwe, le thesis ayiwona umsebenzi oxuba konke futhi ayikona ukubuyekezwa kwangempela komlando weseramiki. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / D. Phil. (Art)

Constructing a framework for conflict management within a South African employment relations context / Die skepping van ʼn raamwerk vir konflikbestuur in die konteks van Suid-Afrikaanse werksverhoudinge / Ukwakha uhlaka lokuphatha kokungqubuzana elithinta izindaba zabasebenzi ngaphakathi Eningizimu Afrika

Holtzhausen, Magdalena Maria Elizabeth 01 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / The general aim of the research was to investigate the components and nature of a psychosocial framework for conflict management in organisations. The research investigated the way in which such a framework manifests by exploring the relationship dynamics between the antecedents (leadership, organisational culture and employee voice), mediators (employee engagement and organisational trust), and outcome variables (conflict management – conflict types and interpersonal conflict handling styles), as moderated by socio-demographic factors (race, gender, age, qualification, job level, income level, tenure, employment status, trade union representation, trade union membership, sector, employee numbers, organisational size, employee engagement programme). The associations between individuals’ personal and organisational characteristics were further explored to determine significant differences between these variables. A quantitative cross-sectional survey was conducted amongst a non-probability sample of adult workers who were employed in South African-based organisations (n = 556). Canonical correlation analysis, mediation modelling, and structural equation modelling were conducted to identify the core empirical components of the framework. A critical review of the interrelated dynamics of the framework components revealed that the mediating variables of employee engagement (job engagement and organisational engagement) and organisational trust (commitment, dependability, integrity) were vital in intensifying the direction and strength of the link between leadership behaviour, organisational culture, conflict types (task, relational, process and status conflict, group atmosphere and conflict resolution potential), and various interpersonal conflict handling styles (integrating, avoiding, dominating, obliging, compromising). Stepwise multiple regression revealed that number of employees, a formal employee engagement programme, and job level were the three most important socio-demographic variables to consider in a conflict management framework, followed by age. The hierarchical moderated regression analysis showed that age, union membership, job level, number of employees, and formal employee engagement programme were important moderating factors to consider in the framework. Tests for significant mean differences indicated significant dissimilarities in terms of the socio-demographic variables. Theoretically, the study advances the understanding of conflict management behaviour and its antecedents in the South African workplace. The empirically tested psychosocial framework informs workplace conflict management interventions from an employment relations perspective which may contribute to enhanced organisational performance. / Die algemene doel van die navorsing was om ondersoek in te stel na die komponente en aard van ʼn psigososiale raamwerk vir konflikbestuur in organisasies. Die navorsing het die manier waarop so ʼn raamwerk manifesteer, bestudeer – deur verkenning van die verhoudingsdinamika tussen die voorgangers (leierskap, organisasiekultuur en werknemer se stem), bemiddelaars (werknemerbetrokkenheid en vertroue in ʼn organisasie), en uitkomsveranderlikes (konflikbestuur – tipes konflik en hanteringstyle ten opsigte van interpersoonlike konflik), soos getemper deur sosiodemografiese faktore (ras, geslag, ouderdom, kwalifikasie, posvlak, inkomstevlak, ampsbekleding, aanstellingstatus, vakbondverteenwoordiging, vakbondlidmaatskap, sektor, werknemergetalle, organisasiegrootte, werknemerbetrokkenheidprogram). Die assosiasies tussen individue se persoonlike en organisasiegebonde eienskappe is verder bestudeer om betekenisvolle verskille tussen hierdie veranderlikes te bepaal. ʼn Kwantitatiewe deursnee-opname is gemaak onder ʼn nie-waarskynlikheidssteekproef van volwasse werkers in diens van Suid-Afrikaans-gebaseerde organisasies (n = 556). Kanoniese korrelasie-ontleding, bemiddelingsmodellering, en strukturele vergelykingsmodellering is gedoen om die kern- empiriese komponente van die raamwerk te identifiseer. ʼn Kritiese beskouing van die onderling verwante dinamika van die raamwerkkomponente het getoon dat die bemiddelende veranderlikes van werknemerbetrokkenheid (werksbetrokkenheid en organisasiebetrokkenheid) en vertroue in die organisasie (toewyding, betroubaarheid, integriteit) deurslaggewend was in die intensifisering van die rigting en sterkte van die skakel tussen leierskapsgedrag, organisasiekultuur, konfliktipes (taak-, relasionele, proses- en statuskonflik, groepatmosfeer en konflikoplossingspotensiaal), en verskillende hanteringstyle ten opsigte van interpersoonlike konflik (integrerend, vermydend, dominerend, inskiklik, kompromitterend). Stapsgewyse meervoudige regressie het getoon dat die aantal werknemers, ʼn formele werknemerbetrokkenheidsprogram, en posvlak die drie belangrikste sosiodemografiese veranderlikes was om mee rekenskap te hou in ʼn konflikbestuursraamwerk, gevolg deur ouderdom. Die hiërargiese gemodereerde regressie-ontleding het getoon dat ouderdom, vakbondlidmaatskap, posvlak, aantal werknemers, en formele werknemerbetrokkenheidsprogram belangrike modererende faktore was om in gedagte te hou in die raamwerk. Toetse vir noemenswaardige gemiddelde verskille het aansienlike ongelyksoortighede ten opsigte van die sosiodemografiese veranderlikes getoon. Teoreties bevorder die studie die begrip van konflikbestuursgedrag en die voorgangers daarvan in die Suid-Afrikaanse werkplek. Die empiries getoetste psigososiale raamwerk vorm konflikbestuursintervensies in die werkplek vanuit ʼn werksverhoudingeperspektief wat kan bydra tot verbeterde organisasieprestasie. / Inhloso jikelele yocwaningo kwaba ukuphenya izingxenye nemvelo yohlaka lwezengqondo lokuphathwa kokungqubuzana ezinhlanganweni. Ucwaningo luphenye indlela lapho uhlaka olunjalo lubonisa ngokuhlola amandla obudlelwano phakathi kwezinqumo (ubuholi, isiko lenhlangano nezwi lesisebenzi), abalamuli (ukuzibandakanya kwesisebenzi kanye nokwethembana kwenhlangano), kanye nemiphumela eguquguqukayo (ukuphathwa kokungqubuzana - izinhlobo zokungqubuzana nezindlela zokuphatha ukungqubuzana phakathi kwabantu), njengoba kuhlaziywe yizici zenhlayo yeningi labantu (uhlanga, ubulili, ubudala, imfanelo, izinga lomsebenzi, izinga lomholo, ukusebenzisa umhlaba, isimo somsebenzi, ukumelwa yinyunyana, ubulunga benyunyana, imboni, izinombolo zabasebenzi, ubungako benhlangano, uhlelo lokuzibandakanya kwesisebenzi). Ukuhlangana phakathi komuntu siqu kanye nezici zenhlangano kuphinde kwahlola umehluko omkhulu phakathi kwalokhu okuguquguqukayo. Inhlolovo esezingeni eliphansi yesigaba yenziwe phakathi kwesampula elula yabasebenzi abadala abebeqashwe ezinhlanganweni ezisekelwe zaseNingizimu Afrika (n = 556). Ukuhlaziya kokuxhumanisa kohlu lwezincwadi, ukulamula kwesifanekiso, kanye nesifanekiso sesakhiwo kwenziwa ukukhomba izingxenye ezisemqoka ezinokwehla kohlaka. Isibuyekezo esibucayi samandla ahambisana nezingxenye zohlaka siveze ukuthi ukulamula okuguqukayo kokuzibandakanya kwesisebenzi (ukuzibandakanya komsebenzi nokuzibandakanya kwenhlangano) kanye nokwethembana kwenhlangano (ukuzinikela, ukwethembeka, ubuqotho) kwakubalulekile ekwandiseni ukuqondiswa namandla oxhumano phakathi kokuziphatha kwabaholi, isiko lenhlangano, izinhlobo zokungqubuzana (umsebenzi, ezingubudlelwano, inqubo nesimo sokungqubuzana, isimo sokuzwana eqenjini kanye namandla okuxazulula ukungqubuzana), kanye nezindlela zokuphatha ukungqubuzana okuhlukahlukene phakathi kwabantu (ukuhlanganisa, ukugwema, ukubusa, ukubopha, ukuyekethisa). Ngokuhamba kwesinyathelo ekuhlehleni okuningi kwaveza ukuthi inani labasebenzi, uhlelo lokuzibandakanya olusemthethweni lwesisebenzi, kanye nezinga lomsebenzi kwakuyizinguqunguquko ezintathu ezibaluleke kakhulu zenhlalo yeningi abantu okufanele bazicabange ohlakeni lokuphathwa ukungqubuzana, kulandelwe ubudala. Ukuhlaziywa okuphezulu kokuhlehla kokuhlaziya kubonise ukuthi ubudala, ubulunga benyunyana, izinga lomsebenzi, inani lezisebenzi, kanye nohlelo lokuzibandakanya olusemthethweni lwesisebenzi kwakuyizici ezibalulekile zokulinganisa okufanele zicatshangwe ohlakeni. Uvivinyo lokwehlukahlukana lukhombise ukungafani okubalulekile ngokuya kweziguquguqukayo zenhlalo yeningi labantu. Ngokucatshangwayo isifundo sikhuthaza ukuqondisisa ukuphathwa kokungqubuzana kokuziphatha kanye nezinqumo zako endaweni yomsebenzi eNingizimu Afrika. Ukuhlolwa okunamandla kohlaka lwezengqondo lwazisa ukungenelela kokuphathwa kokungqubuzana endaweni yomsebenzi ngombono wobudlelwano emsebenzini okungaba nomthelela ekwenzeni ngcono ukusebenza kwenhlangano. / Human Resource Management / D. Phil. (Human Resource Management)

Impact of capital structure on profitability : the case of the Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa / Umthelela Wesimozimali Sebhizinisi ekungeneni kwenzuzo : Ucwaningo Oluqondene neBhange Lokuthuthukiswa Komhlaba Nezolimo laseNingizimu Afrika / Khuetšo ya Matlotlo a Kgwebo go bokgoni bja go hwetša Dipoelo Tšhupo ya Panka ya Tlhabollo ya Naga le tša Temo ya Afrika Borwa

Zulu, Nonkululeko P. 05 1900 (has links)
Abstract in English, Zulu and Sepedi / The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of capital structure on the profitability of the Land and Agricultural Development Bank of South Africa (Land Bank). Both theoretical and empirical literature were reviewed in order to guide the empirical investigation of this study. In particular, the theories of financial intermediation, credit creation and fractional reserve formed the basis of this study. The capital structure theories that were examined included the pecking order theory, trade-off theory and Modigliani-Miller leverage irrelevance theory. In the literature, it was observed that profitable companies prefer using internal funds over debt or equity. To test the stated hypothesis that there is no relationship between capital structure and bank profitability, a quantitative research design with a case study approach was used, with the Land Bank as the unit of analysis. Using time series data for the period 1982 to 2015, multiple regression using the ordinary least squares method was applied to test the specified models. Preliminary data analysis was performed using trend analysis, descriptive statistics and Pearson bivariate correlation analysis. The study demonstrated that the relationship between capital structure and bank profitability was positive and statistically significant at a 95% confidence level when using only equity. However, inclusion of debt in the capital structure showed that capital structure, proxied by the debt-to-equity ratio, resulted in a negative relationship between capital structure and bank profitability, albeit statistically insignificant. It was concluded that the Land Bank requires an injection of equity to improve its performance. Alternative low-cost sources of funding to debt should be considered. The results of the study have policy implications for the Land Bank, regulators and potential investors. / Injongo yalolu cwaningo kwabe kuwukucubungula nokuthola umthelela wesimozimali sebhizinisi ekungeneni kwenzuzo eBhange Lokuthuthukiswa Komhlaba Nezolimo laseNingizimu Afrika (iBhange Lomhlaba). Kokubili, imibhalo yethiyori kanye nemibhalo esuselwe emaqinisweni abonakalayo naphathekayo, yabuyekezwa ukuze ihole futhi ilawule uphenyo olugxile emaqinisweni abonakalayo naphathekayo oluqondene nalolu cwaningo. Amathiyori ayisisekelo salolu cwaningo, ikakhulukazi, kwaba yi-financial intermediation, credit creation kanye ne-fractional reserve. Lawo mathiyori esimozimali sebhizinisi acutshungulwa abandakanya i-pecking order theory, trade-off theory kanye ne-Modigliani-Miller leverage irrelevance theory. Emibhalweni eyacutshungulwa, kwabonakala ukuthi izinkampani ezinenzuzo zincamela ukusebenzisa izimali zangaphakathi kunokusebenzisa isikweletu noma izabelokulingana (equity). Ngenhloso yokuhlola ihayiphothesisi ethuliwe yokuthi abukho ubudlelwano phakathi kwesimozimali sebhizinisi kanye nokungena kwenzuzo ebhange, kwasetshenziswa idizayini yocwaningo olukhwantithethivu ehambisana nendlela yokusebenzisa ucwaningo lwesigameko egxile ekuhlaziyweni kweBhange Lomhlaba. Ngokusebenzisa i-time series data yesikhathi esisukela kowe-1982 kuyofinyelela kowezi-2015, kwalandelwa i-multiple regression ngokusebenzisa i-ordinary least squares method ukuhlola amamodeli achaziwe. Uhlaziyo lwedatha olwandulelayo lwenziwa ngokusebenzisa uhlaziyo lwezimonkambiso (trend analysis), izibalomanani ezichazayo (descriptive statistics) kanye ne-Pearson bivariate correlation analysis. Ucwaningo lwabonisa ukuthi bukhona ubudlelwano obuphawulekayo phakathi kwesimozimali sebhizinisi kanye nokungena kwenzuzo ebhange futhi idatha yabonisa ukuthembakala okusezingeni elingama-95% uma kusetshenziswa izabelokulingana kuphela. Kodwa-ke ukufakwa kwesikweletu kwisimozimali sebhizinisi kwabonisa ukuthi isimozimali sebhizinisi, ngokusekelwa yizinga-silinganiso phakathi kwesikweletu nezabelokulinganisa, kwaholela ekutheni bungabi khona ubudlelwano obuphawulekayo phakathi kwesimozimali sebhizinisi kanye nokungena kwenzuzo ebhange, nakuba idatha mayelana nalokhu yabonisa ukungathembakali okuthile. Kwafinyelelwa esiphethweni sokuthi iBhange Lomhlaba lidinga ukuthi kufakwe izabelokulingana ngenhloso yokwenza ngcono ukusebenza kwalo. Kumele kwenziwe imizamo yokuthola eminye imithombo yezimali ehlukile futhi engambi eqolo. Imiphumela yocwaningo inemithelela ethile ephathelene nezinqubomgomo eqondene neBhange Lomhlaba, abalawuli kanye nalabo okungenzeka babe nesifiso sokutshala izimali. / Morero wa thutelo ye e be e le go laetša khuetšo ya matlotlo a kgwebo go bokgoni bja go hwetša dipoelo bja Panka ya Tlhabollo ya Naga le tša Temo ya Afrika Borwa (Land Bank). Dingwalo tša ditlhalošo tša diteori le tšeo dithutelo tša peleng di di hweditšeng di sekasekilwe go fa tlhahlo go dipoelo tša dinyakišišo tšeo di dirilwego peleng tša thutelo ye. Gabotsebotse, diteori tša mokgwa wa dipanka wa go tšea tšhelete ye e bolokilwego tša e adimiša, mokgwa wa dipanka wa go hlola dikadimo ka bontši le tsheketšo ya palophatlo ya tšhelete di bopile motheo wa thutelo ye. Diteori tša matlotlo a kgwebo tšeo di lekotšwego di akareditše teori ya mokgwa wa go kgetha methopo ya kadimo ya ditšhelete, teori ya go lekanyetša ditheko le ditefelokholego le teori ya Modigliani-Miller ya go re mokgwa wa go diriša tšhelete ye e adimilwego go bona dipoelo ga o ame boleng bja khamphani. Ka go dingwalo, go lemogilwe gore dikhamphani tše di ka hwetšago dipoelo di kgetha go diriša matlole a ka gare go ena le dikoloto goba bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto Go leka kakanyo ye e filwego ya gore ga go na tswalano gare ga matlotlo a kgwebo le bokgoni bja panka bja go hwetša dipoelo, tlhako ya nyakišišo ya go hwetša dikarabo go batho ka bontši ka mokgwatebelelo wa nyakišišo ye e dirilwego ka ga tiragalo e dirišitšwe, ka Land Bank bjalo ka yuniti ya tshekatsheko. Ka go diriša datha go ya ka tatelano ye e itšeng ya nako ya paka ya 1982 go iša go 2015, tlhahlobo ya tswalano gare ga mabaka a mabedi goba go feta ka go diriša mokgwa wa go fokotša palo ya disekwere e dirišitšwe go leka mehlala ye e šupilwego. Tshekatsheko ya datha ya mathomo e phethagaditšwe ka go diriša tshekatsheko ya taolelopele ya seo se tla diregago ka ditšhelete, mokgwa wa go sekaseka dipalopalo le tshekatsheko ya Pearson ya dipalo tše pedi go bona tswalano ya tšona. Thutelo e laeditše gore tswalano gare ga matlotlo a kgwebo le bokgoni bja panka go hwetša dipoelo go bile le ditlamorago tše botse le dipoelo tše di ka bago nnete ka kemo ya kgonthišo ya 95% ge go dirišwa fela bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto. Le ge go le bjalo, kakaretšo ya sekoloto ka go matlotlo a kgwebo go bontšhitše gore matlotlo a kgwebo, ao a laeditšwego ka tekanyo ya palomoka ya dikoloto go bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto, e hlotše tswalano ye e sa letelwago gare ga matlotlo a kgwebo le bokgoni bja panka go hwetša dipoelo, le ge e ka ba dipoelo tše di ka bago nnete. Go phethilwe ka go re Land Bank e nyaka koketšo ya bokaalo bjo bo šalago ka morago ga go ntšha dikoloto go kaonafatša tiro ye e swanetšwego go dirwa. Methopo ye mengwe ya tswala ya fase go dikoloto e swanetšwe go lebelelwa. Dipoelo tša thutelo di na le ditlamorago tša Molaotshepetšo wa Land Bank, balaodi le babeeletši ba ka moso. / Finance, Risk Management and Banking / M. Com. (Finance)

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