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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A contextual history of South African ceramics of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries / Kontekstuele geskiedenis van Suid-Afrikaanse keramiekkuns van die twintigste en een-en-twintigste eeu / Isizinda somlando weseramiki kwikhulu leminyaka lamashumi amabili kanye namashumi amabili nanye eNingizimu Afrika

Watt, Ronald 08 1900 (has links)
Text in English with summaries and keywords in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / Presented in two volumes. Volume 2 contains colour photographs / Bibliography: (volume 1: leaves 181-219) / The history of South African ceramics of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries tends to be presented in a compartmentalised manner in that it focuses on the leading exponents within genres and is limited to an investigation of the contexts that have an immediate bearing on their oeuvres. The result is a fragmented (and sometimes biased) view of the role players, circumstances, influences and incentives that have come to define South African ceramics. The thesis introduces key contributors who have hitherto been considered in relation to crafts and fine art but whose work with ceramic materials places them firmly within the ambit of South African ceramics. It also positions and evaluates the roles of the formal and informal twentieth-century educational and training agencies that, within the constraints of imposed political dogma, produced ceramists who successfully challenged staid Western aesthetics. Particular attention is given to how the black “traditional potters” exercised agency in negotiating a contemporary (as opposed to an ethnographic) presence in which they referenced the forms, meanings and values of “traditional pottery” to meet the expectations of the collector’s market. The thesis posits that the ceramists’ quest to claim an identity (or an “indigeneity”) in the turbulent political era of the later twentieth century has parallels with the intent and outcomes of African Modernism. African Modernism, which arose in postcolonial countries, sought to challenge Western binaries of art, craft, identity and presence and typically made use of hybridity to that end. The same presence of hybridity is evident in twentieth-century South African ceramics, which must be read as an engagement with a multi-cultural society within which the ceramists sought to position themselves. The thesis illustrates the progression of hybrid features from an initially crude and superficial referencing of indigenous and African material culture to subjective translations of that culture that are presented in innovative approaches. This theme is further explored in relation to South African ceramics of the twenty-first century, and evidence suggests that some of the ceramists’ oeuvres can now be considered transcultural and even transnational. The thesis, which is by its nature an enquiry that presents new or reassessed evidence is neither a fully inclusive nor an absolutist revision of the history of ceramics. / Die geskiedenis van Suid-Afrikaanse keramiekkuns van die twintigste en een-entwintigste eeu is geneig om op ʼn onderverdeelde wyse voorgehou te word, omdat dit op die hoofeksponente in genres fokus en beperk is tot ʼn ondersoek na die kontekste wat ʼn direkte uitwerking op hul oeuvres het. Die resultaat is ʼn gefragmenteerde (en soms bevooroordeelde) beskouing van die rolspelers, omstandighede, invloede en aansporings wat Suid-Afrikaanse keramiekkuns definieer. Die tesis stel sleutelbydraers bekend wat tot dusver met handwerk en beeldende kuns verbind is, maar wie se werk met keramiekmateriale hulle sonder twyfel binne die sfeer van Suid-Afrikaanse keramiekkuns plaas. Daarbenewens posisioneer en evalueer die tesis die rolle van die formele en informele twintigsteeeuse opvoeding- en opleidingsagentskappe wat, binne die beperkings van voorgeskrewe politieke dogma, keramiste opgelewer het wat oninspirerende Westerse estetika suksesvol betwis het. Aandag word veral geskenk aan hoe die swart “tradisionele pottebakkers” bemiddeling uitgeoefen het in die verwesenliking van ʼn kontemporêre (teenoor ʼn etnografiese) teenwoordigheid waarin hulle verwys het na die vorme, betekenisse en waardes van “tradisionele pottebakkery” om aan die verwagtinge van die versamelaarsmark te voldoen. Die tesis voer aan dat daar parallelle bestaan tussen die keramis se soeke om op ʼn (inheemse) identiteit te kan aanspraak maak in die onstuimige politieke era van die latere twintigste eeu, en die oogmerke en uitkomste van Afrika-modernisme. Afrika-modernisme het in na-koloniale lande ontstaan en het beoog om Westerse binêre pare van kuns, handwerk, identiteit en teenwoordigheid te betwis; om hierdie doel te bereik is hibridisme gewoonlik gebruik. Dieselfde teenwoordigheid van hibridisme kan gesien word in Suid-Afrikaanse keramiekkuns van die twintigste eeu, wat beskou moet word as ʼn gemoeidheid met ʼn multikulturele samelewing waarin die keramiste hulself probeer posisioneer. Die tesis illustreer die vooruitgang van hibriede eienskappe, van ʼn aanvanklik onafgewerkte en oppervlakkige verwysing na inheemse en Afrika- materiële kultuur, na subjektiewe interpretasies van daardie kultuur wat in innoverende benaderings voorgehou word. Hierdie tema word verder ondersoek in verband met SuidAfrikaanse keramiekkuns van die een-en-twintigste eeu, en bewyse dui daarop dat sommige van die keramiste se oeuvres nou as transkultureel en selfs as transnasionaal beskou kan word. Die tesis, wat in wese ʼn ondersoek is wat nuwe of hersiende bewyse voorhou, is nóg ʼn ten volle inklusiewe nóg ʼn absolutistiese hersiening van die geskiedenis van keramiekkuns. / Umlando weseramiki yaseNingizimu Afrika kwikhulu leminyaka lamashumi amabili namashumi amabili nanye uvamise ukwethulwa ngendlela ehlukaniswe ngezigaba ngokuthi igxile phezu kwezingcweti ezihola phambili ngaphakathi komkhakha wezinhlobo kanti lokhu kugxile kuphela kuphenyo lwezizinda ezinomthintela osheshayo phezu kwemisebenzi yonke yalezo zingcweti. Umphumela ukhombisa umbono owehlukene (kanti ngesinye isikhathi umbono owencike kwingxenye eyodwa) wabadlalindima, wezimo, wemithelela kanye neziphembeleli ezichaza iseramiki eNingizimu Afrika. Ithesisi yethula abagaleli abasemqoka ukufika manje okudala benakiwe mayelana nemisebenzi yobuciko kanye nemisetshenzana yobuciko obuncane kodwa imisebenzi yayo yomatheriyali weseramiki ibabeka ngaphakathi komkhakha wezeseramiki eNingizimu Afrika. Lokhu kuphinde futhi kuhlole izindima zezinhlaka zemfundo nezoqeqesho ezihlelekile nezingahlelekile, lezo ngaphaklathi kwezihibhe zohlelo olumatasa lwepolitiki, lukhiqize osolwazi bezeseramiki abaphonsele inselele ngempumelelo osolwazi bezobuhle beNtshonalanga. Kugxilwe kakhulu kwindlela ababumbi bendabuko abamnyama “traditional potters” abasebenzisa ngayo ubummeli uma bexoxisana ukubonakala emsebenzini wesikhathi samanje (njengoba lokhu kuphambene ne-ethinigrafi) lapho baye bariferensa izindlela, izincazelo kanye nezinga lobugugu bobuciko bendabuko bokubumba ukufeza izinhloso ezilindelwe zemakethe yabaqoqi bomsebenzi wobuciko. Ithesisi iyasho ukuthi impokophelo yosolwazi bezeseramiki yokuzitholela uphawu oluchaza ubunjalo babo (or an “indigeneity”) esikhathini esibucayi sezepolitiki sekhulu leminyaka yamashumi amabili inezimpawu ezifanayo ngenhloso kanye nemiphumela yohlelo lwesimanjemanje sase-Afrika African Modernism. Uhlelo lwe-African Modernism, oluqhamuka kumazwe avele ngemuva kombuso wobukoloni, luphonsela inselele yezinhlelo zobuciko, yesithombe sobuciko kanye nobukhona bobuciko kanti ikakhulukazi bukhandwe ngobuciko bokuhlanganisa izinhlobo (hybridity) ezahlukile. Ubukhona bohlelo lokusebenzisa izinhlaka ezahlukile lwe-hybridity lubonakala kwimisebenzi yeseramiki yesenshuwari yamashumi amabili yaseNingizimu Afrika, okufanele ifundwe njengomsebenzi ohlanganiswe ndawonye nomphakathi wamasiko amaningi, kanti ngalo msebenzi ababumbi beseramiki bafuna ukuziphakamisa ngawo. Ithesisi ikhombisa intuthuko yezimpawu wumsebenzi oyingxubevange (hybrid) ovela kwindlela yokureferensa eluhlaza neyobuciko bamaqhinga bosiko lwendabuko lomatheriyeli wase-Afrika ukuphawula ngemisebenzi ehunyushiwe yalolo siko eyethulwe ngezindlela ezinamaqhinga amasha. Lesi sihloko siqhubekela phambili nokuhlolwa mayelana nohlelo lweseramiki eNingizimu Afrika kwisenshuwari yamashumi amabili, kanti ubufakazi buyasho ukuthi eminye imisebenzi yosolwazi bobuciko beseramiki ingathathwa njengemisebenzi ekhombisa ukushintsha amasiko kanye nokushintsha kwesizwe. Ithesisi, ngokwemvelo yayo ingumbuzo owethula ubufakazi obusha noma ubufakazi obubuyekeziwe, le thesis ayiwona umsebenzi oxuba konke futhi ayikona ukubuyekezwa kwangempela komlando weseramiki. / Art History, Visual Arts and Musicology / D. Phil. (Art)

Interrelationship between work calling orientation, work engagement and burnout among nurses in the Namibian health care sector

Wambui, Lydiah 02 1900 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Afrikaans and Zulu / This research investigated work as a calling, the relationship with work engagement and the effect on burnout in the Namibian health care sector. A quantitative survey was conducted on a convenient sample of nurses (N = 261) employed by government and private hospitals in Namibia. Kendall's tau_b correlation analysis indicated a positive correlation between job/calling orientation and total work engagement, and a negative correlation with the burnout sub-dimensions of exhaustion and cynicism/ depersonalisation. The results of this study also suggest that both job/calling and work engagement are statistically related to the respondents’ positive world view, which is an important attribute for quality of life. Additionally, the study revealed that burnout had a partial mediation effect on the interaction between job/calling and work engagement. Selected demographic characteristics had a partial moderation effect on the relationship between job/calling orientation, work engagement and burnout. These findings may provide new knowledge for the design of workplace practices that assess calling orientation, and may enhance work engagement. The study provided a deepened understanding of the interrelationships between work as a calling, work engagement and burnout. On a practical level, the recommendations provided can be used by human resource management practitioners, nurse managers and health care providers to motivate health care workers to become more productive in the provision of quality health care, and to improve the management of employees throughout their employment life cycle. / In hierdie studie is werk as ʼn roeping en die verband tussen werkverbintenis en die uitwerking van ooreising in die Namibiese gesondheidsorgsektor ondersoek. ʼn Kwantitatiewe opname is onder ʼn geriefsteekproef van verpleegsters (N = 261) by private en staatshospitale in Namibië gedoen. Volgens Kandall se tau_b-korrelasieanalise is daar ʼn positiewe korrelasie tussen pos/roepingsgerigtheid en totale werkverbintenis, en ʼn negatiewe korrelasie met die ooreisingsubdimensies van uitputting en sinisme/ontpersoonliking. Die uitslag van hierdie studie dui daarop dat sowel pos/roeping as werkverbintenis statisties met die respondente se positiewe wêreldbeskouing, ʼn belangrike kenmerk vir lewenskwaliteit, verband hou. Afgesien hiervan dui die uitslag daarop dat ooreising ʼn gedeeltelike mediasie-effek op die wisselwerking tussen pos/roeping en werkverbintenis het. Die gekose demografiese kenmerke het ʼn gedeeltelik matigende effek op die verband tussen pos/roepingsgerigtheid, werkverbintenis en ooreising. Hierdie bevindings is nuwe kennis vir die ontwerp van werkplekpraktyke wat roepingsgerigtheid evalueer en dit kan werkverbintenis verbeter. Hierdie studie bied groter insig in die onderlinge verbande tussen werk as ʼn roeping, werkverbintenis en ooreising. Op ʼn praktiese vlak kan mensehulpbronbestuurders, verpleegsterbestuurders en gesondheidsorgverskaffers die aanbevelings gebruik om gesondheidsorgwerkers te motiveer sodat hulle produktiewer in die lewering van goeie gesondheidsorgdienste raak. Dit kan eweneens gebruik word om gesondheidsorgwerkers hulle hele werkslewensiklus deur beter te bestuur. / Lolu cwaningo beluphenya umsebenzi njengobizo lomsebenzi, ubudlelwano bokuzibandakanya emsebenzini kanye nomthelela wokukhathala kakhulu kwabasebenzi emkhakheni wezempilo eNamibia. Isaveyi eyencike kumanani iye yenziwa ngokuthi kuthathwe isampuli efanele yabahlengikazi (N = 261) abaqashwe yizibhedlela zikahulumeni kanye nezibhedlela zangasese eNamibia. Uhlaziyo lukaKendall lwe-tau_b luveze ubudlelwano obuhle obuphakathi kobizo/kokufundiswa umsebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya ngokugcwele emsebenzini, kanye nobudlelwano obubi bokukhathala kwezigatshana ezincane zokudangala kanye nokwenza into ngesizathu sokuzinceda wena wedwa/ukuqeda ukuzibheka wena wedwa. Imiphumela yalolu cwaningo nayo iphakamisa ukuthi kokubili umsebenzi/nobizo lomsebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya emsebenzini ngokwamanani kuhlobene nombono omuhle wabaphenduli bemibuzo mayelana nomhlaba, okungumthelela obalulekile kwizinga elihle lempilo. Ngaphezu kwalokho, ucwaningo luveze ukuthi ukukhathala kakhulu ngakolunye uhlangothi kunomphumela omuhle wokuxazulula kahle lapho kuhlangana khona umsebenzi/ubizo lomsebenzi kanye nokuzibandakanya emsebenzini. Izimpawu ezikhethiwe zedemografi ngakwenye ingxenye zinomthelela wozinzisa kahle ubudlelwano obuphakathi kohlelo lokungeniswa emsebenzi/obizweni lomsebenzi, kokuzibandakanya emsebenzini kanye nokukhathala kakhulu emsebenzini. Lolu lwazi olutholakele lungaletha ulwazi olusha olumayelana nedizayini yezingqubo zendawo yomsebenzi, okuyizingqubo ezihlola ukufundiswa ngobizo lomsebenzi kanti lokhu kungaqinisa ukuzibandakanya emsebenzini. Empilweni yangempela, izincomo zingasetshenziswa abasebenzi bomnyango wezokuqhashwa kwabasebenzi, abaphathi babahlengikazi kanye nabahlinzeki bezempilo ngesizathu sokukhuthaza abasebenzi bezempilo ukuba babe abasebenzi abaqotho mayelana nokunikezwa kwezinsiza zempilo zezinga eliphezulu, kanyenokuthuthukisa nohlelo lokuphathwa kwabasebenzi empilweni yabo yonke yokusebenza. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management)

The use of mobile communication technology in professional identity development : a case of using whatsapp messenger to teach inquiry-based pedagogy to university chemistry teachers

Mutanga, Patrick 07 May 2021 (has links)
Abstracts in English, Zulu and Setswana / This study investigated the feasibility of using WhatsApp Messenger as a tool to enhance the professional identity and inquiry-based pedagogy through the professional development of university chemistry teachers. The epistemological interpretive paradigm was used to guide the study. The study assumed a naturalistic, exploratory investigation. The qualitative research methodology was used to conduct the study. Nine university teachers were purposively sampled from three universities (three teachers from each university) for the study. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews, participant observations, and focus group discussions. Data analysis was completed using the thematic networks analysis. Ethics considerations were observed by not disclosing personal information of the participants or information about the universities where they represented. This study was guided by four theoretical underpinnings: the connectivism theory, the transformative learning theory, the expectancy-value theory, and the dual systems theory. The primary research question guiding this study was: How does the professional identity of university chemistry teachers develop as they learn IBP through WhatsApp Messenger? A two-pronged approach was used in the research: (1) comparing the professional identity of the teachers before and after the course, and (2) observing and describing the professional identity process as the teachers undertook the course. The results from the interviews conducted before the teachers undertook the WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP course showed that most teachers had a negative professional identity. They had become teachers for a variety of reasons, but they did not consider themselves teachers and believed they would leave university teaching if opportunities arose in the industry. They had no formal qualifications in pedagogy, and they did not believe that such knowledge was necessary. The majority of these teachers used teacher-centred approaches. Results from participant observations during the WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP course showed that the course slowly imparted to the teachers the norms associated with not only IBP, but other teaching approaches as well. WhatsApp Messenger provided a flexible online platform where the teachers interacted and exchanged ideas without the need to meet in a physical space. The results from the interviews conducted after the teachers participated in the WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP course showed that the participants' professional identity had changed positively. They now recognised the importance of pedagogy in teaching, they positively identified with the teaching profession, and some were considering acquiring formal qualifications in pedagogy. / Lolu cwaningo beluphenya ithuba lokusetshenziswa kwangempela kwe-WhatsApp Messenger njengethuluzi lokuqinisa isithombe sesisebenzi kanye nohlelo lokufundisa olwencike phezu kophenyo lothisha besifundo seKhemistri (chemistry) enyuvesi, ngohlelo lokuthuthukisa abasebenzi. Uhlelo lwepharadayimu echazayo ye-ephistemoloji lwasetshenziswa ukuhlahla indlela yesifundo, okuyindlela enqume ukulandela indlela yemvelo, ephenyayo. Umethodoloji wocwaningo olwencike kuKhwalithi (Qualitative) lusetshenzisiwe ukwenza ucwaningo, ndawonye nothisha basemanyuvesi ayisishiyagalolunye abakhethwe ngenhloso kumanyuvesi amathathu (abathathu kwinyuvesi eyodwa). Idatha yaqoqwa ngokusebenzisa izinhlolovo ezimbaxambili (semi-structured interviews), ngokubheka izenzo zomdlalindima (participant observation) kanye nezingxoxo zeqembu eliqondiwe (focus group discussions), kanti ukuhlaziywa kwedatha kwenziwa kwaqedwa ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lokuhlaziya oluwuthungelelwano lwendikimba (thematic network analysis). Kubonakele ukulandelwa komgomo wokuziphatha ngokungadaluli ulwazi lomuntu ongumdlalindima noma ulwazi olumayelana namanyuvesi ababewameleyo. Ucwaningo beluholwa yizinhlaka ezine zethiyori: i-connectivism theory, i-transformative learning theory, i-expectancy-value theory kanye nama-dual systems theory. Umbuzo wokuqala wezocwaningo ohola ucwaningo bewuthi: Ngabe isithombe sobizo lobuthishela wekhemistri enyuvesi sithuthukiswa kanjani ngesikhathi befunda uhlelo lwemfundo eyencike ekuphenyeni (inquiry-based pedagogy (IBP) ngokusebenzisa i-WhatsApp Messenger? Indlela embaxambili iye yasetshenziswa: 1) ukuqhathanisa isithombe sobizo lobuthishela ngaphambi nangemuva kwesifundo,, kanye no-2) baqhathanisa isithombe sobizo lobuthishela sothisha ngaphambi nangemuva kwesifundo, kanye no 2) babheke futhi bachaza uhlelo lwezimpawu zokwakha isithombe sobizo lobuthishela njengoba othisha baye badlala indima kulesi sifundo. Imiphumela evela kwizinhlolovo ezenziwe ngaphambi kokuba othisha bahambele isifundo se-WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP, ikhombise ukuthi iningi lothisha libe nesithombe sobizo esibi. Baye bafundela ubuthishela ngezizathu ezahlukahlukile, kodwa abakaze bazibona bangothisha futhi baye bacabanga ukuyeka inyuvesi uma ngabe kuvela amathuba kwimboni. Abakaze babe neziqu zokufundisa, kanti abazange bakholwe ukuthi ulwazi olunjalo kwakunesidingo sokuba nalo, kanti iningi lothisha lwalandela indlela izindlela ezencike kuthisha. Imiphumela evela ekubukeni izenzo zothisha ngesikhathi sesifundo se-IBP ikhombise ukuthi isifundo kancane kancane sinikeze othisha izimfundiso ezithile, kanti futhi nezinye izindlela zokufundisa. Uhlelo lwe-WhatsApp Messenger lunikeze inkundla ye- inthanethi engenamngcele lapho othisha bebahlangana futhi baphakelane ngemibono nhlangothi zombili ngaphandle kwesidingo sokuhlangana endaweni ephathekayo. Ngemuva kwesifundo se-IBP abadlalindima baye babika ukuthi babone izithombe zobizo lwabo zizinhle kakhulu. Manje sebeyakwazi ukubaluleka kwendlela yephedagogi ekufundiseni, bazibona behambisane kahle kakhulu nobizo lobuthishela. Kanti abanye baze bacabanga ukuthola ezinye iziqu ezisemthethweni zobizo lobuthisha. / Thuto e, e dirile dipatlisiso tsa kgonagalo tsa go dirisa WhattsApp Messenger jaaka sediriso sa go tlotlomatsa tlhaolo ya borutegi le potsiso theo ya thuto ya sekolo ya barutabana ba Yunibesithi ba thuto ya khemise, ka tlhabololo ya borutegi. Go dirisitswe pharataeme ya phetolo ya episitemoloji go kaela thuto e e tsaletseng botlhagiso jwa tlhago le tlhotlhomiso. Thutatsela ya patlisiso e e boleng e ne ya dirisiwa go tsamaisa thuto, le barutabana ba ba robongwe ba diyunibesithi tse di neng di na le maikemisetso a bosupi go tswa mo diyunibesithi tse tharo (ba bararo go tswa mo go nngwe le nngwe ya tsona). Didatha di ne di kgobokantswe ka seka-popego sa dipuisano, kelotlhokomelo ya batsayakarolo le tsepamiso ya setlhopha sa dipuisano, fa tshekatsheko ya datha e feditswe ka go dirisa tshekatsheko ya kgokagano ya thitokgang. Kelotlhoko ya maitshwaro e ne e na le tlhokomelo ka go se senole tshedimosetso ya batsayakarolo kgotsa tshedimosetso ka diyunibesthi tse e leng baemedi ba tsona. Thuto e ne e kaelwa ke metheo e mene ya tiori: tiori ya kopano, tiori ya phetogo ya thuto, tiori ya boleng jo bo solofetsweng le tiori ya thulaganyo. Potso e kgolo ya patlisiso e e kaelang thuto e ne e le: tlhaolo ya borutegi e gola jaang mo barutabaneng ba yunibesithi ba thuto ya Khemise fa ba ithuta thuto ka theo-potsiso ya petakoji (IBP) ka WhatsApp Messenger? Go thapilwe tlhagiso e e tlhagelelang gabedi 1) go farologanya tlhaolo ya barutabana pele le morago ga khoso le 2) go ela tlhoko le go tlhalosa tshedimosetso ya tlhaolo ya borutegi jaaka barutabana ba batsayakarolo mo khosong. Dipholo tsa tsamaiso ya potsotherisano e e neng e le teng pele ga go tsena khoso ya WhatsApp Messenger-based IBP, di bontsha gore ba bantsi ba na le tlhaolo ya borutegi jo bo sa siamang. Ba ne ba nna barutabana ka mabaka a a rileng a a sa tshwaneng fela ba sa ipone sentle jaaka barutabana, ka megopolo ya go tlogela Yunibesithi fa ditšhono tsa intasetari di tlhagelela. Ba ne ba sena boatlhodi jwa semmuso ba petakoji, mme ba ne ba sa dumele gore kitso e jaana e a tlhokagala, ka bone bontsi bo ne bo tsaletswe ditlhagiso tsa go tsepama mo borutabaneng. Dipholo tsa kelotlhoko ya batsayakarolo mo nakong ya khoso ya IBP di bontsha gore khoso e e neetse barutabana ditlwaelo tse di rileng tse di sa tsamaisaneng fela le IBP gape le ditlhagiso tse dingwe tsa borutabana. WhatsApp Messenger e kgona go abelana mo polatefomong e e bonolo ya inthanete mo barutabaneng ba ba tlhaeletsanang le go abelana dikakanyo kwa ntle ga tlhokego ya go kopana mo lefelong ka sebele. Morago ga khoso ya IBP batsayakarolo ba begile gore ba leba ditlhaolo tsa bone tsa borutegi ka letshwao la koketso. Jaanong ba lemogile botlhokwa jwa petakoji mo go ruteng, se se tlhagisiwa ka letshwao la koketso mo boruteging jwa go ruta, ba bangwe ba ntse ba akanya go nna le boatlhodi jwa semmuso ka mo petakoji. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Phil. (Curriculum Studies)

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