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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Amarillo Globe-News: How Did Gene Howe and the Globe-News Help Guide Amarillo, Texas through the Dust Bowl and Great Depression?

Hasman, Gregory R. C. 05 1900 (has links)
For many years newspapers were locally owned by editors and publishers. However, today many are run by corporations from out of state. As a result, many communities have lost the personal relationship between the family owned publication and the community. Gene Howe, who served as editor, publisher and columnist of the Amarillo Globe-News from 1926 until his death in 1952, believed the community was where the focus should be and the newspaper should do all that it can to help their readers. Despite the fact that Howe was not born in Amarillo, Texas, his passion and love for the city and its inhabitants compensated for it. During the Dust Bowl and Great Depression Howe and the Globe-News helped Amarillo survive the dust and economic storms that blew through the Texas Panhandle, an area that has not been written as much as other parts of Texas. Through his “Tactless Texan” column, which served as a pulpit to the community, to the various contests and promotions the newspaper sprang up, including the creation of Mother in Law Day, Gene Howe gave the newspaper another dimension little has been studied about, the role of the editor and publisher in guiding a community through a dramatic era. Understanding Howe’s ethos can allow others to examine the roles editors and newspapers play in communities throughout the country.

Mapeo de regiones genómicas asociadas a contenido de pigmentos carotenoides y color amarillo en trigo candeal

Roncallo, Pablo Federico 13 May 2010 (has links)
El color de la sémola y harina de trigo candeal se debe fundamentalmente al contenido de pigmentos carotenoides presentes (CPC) en los granos y a su degradación por enzimas oxidativas como las lipoxigenasas. Esta tesis tuvo como objetivo mapear QTL asociados al contenido de pigmentos carotenoides y color amarillo en trigo candeal y encontrar marcadores moleculares ligados a los mismos. Para ello se utilizó una población de 93 RILs (líneas recombinantes endocriadas) derivadas de la cruza de progenitores contrastantes (UC1113 x Kofa) para estos caracteres. Se determinó el color amarillo (CIE b*) y el CPC en harina integral sobre la población de RILs, los progenitores y 8 cultivares comerciales nacionales. Estos materiales fueron sembrados en tres localidades (ACA-Cabildo, CEI-Barrow e INTA-Balcarce) durante dos campañas consecutivas (2006/07 y 2007/08). El test de ANOVA mostró diferencias entre las RILs para el CIE b* y el CPC en cada ambiente. No se observaron efectos significativos del año y la localidad sobre el CIE b*, aunque las interacciones dobles y triples fueron altamente significativas (p< 0,01). El CPC fue afectado en forma altamente significativa por el genotipo, mientras que el efecto del año y localidad fueron significativos (p< 0,05). Para este carácter no se observó interacción del genotipo con el año, pero la interacción del genotipo con la localidad fue significativa y las interacciones localidad x año y genotipo x año x localidad fueron altamente significativas. La heredabilidad fue alta en todos los casos (h2<0,94). Se detectó un elevado número de QTL asociados al CIE b* y al CPC, ubicados sobre los cromosomas 1BL, 2AS, 4AL (2), 5AS, 5BL, 6AL (3), 7AS, 7AL, 7BS, 7BL. Si bien se expresaron de forma diferente según los ambientes, en su mayoría se localizaron en posiciones estables, flanqueados por los mismos marcadores moleculares. Este es el primer informe de la existencia de un QTL sobre el brazo corto del cromosoma 7A, asociado al CPC y al CIE b*. La presencia del QTL 7BS, región homeóloga, solo fue informada recientemente. Los análisis mostraron que los principales QTL significativos según el mapeo combinado (4AL, 6AL, 7BL) poseen también un efecto de interacción. El QTL encontrado sobre el cromosoma 6A (6AL.2) explicó la mayor parte de la variación fenotípica para ambos caracteres sobre el promedio de los seis ambientes. Los resultados del mapeo para el QTL 7BL apoyan la hipótesis de la presencia de un gen adicional al Psy-B1 (involucrado en la biosíntesis de carotenoides) afectando el CPC en esta región. Los marcadores flanqueantes a las regiones genómicas encontradas en el análisis combinado, sobre los cromosomas 6AL (Barc113-wmc553), 7AS (BQ170462_176-Barc174), 7BS (Barc23a-Barc72) y 7BL (PsyB-cfa2257), mostraron ser de utilidad para seleccionar ambos caracteres, CPC y CIE b*. El número de ambientes requeridos para realizar el mapeo de QTL es un factor importante a tener en cuenta, ya que los mismos genotipos presentan la expresión de genes/QTL diferentes en los distintos ambientes. Las regiones genómicas de mayor efecto asociadas a CIE b* y CPC fueron coincidentes, lo que demuestra un control genético similar para ambos caracteres. / Durum wheat flour and semolina bright yellow color is mostly due to the carotenoid pigment content (CPC) in wheat grains and its degradation by oxidative enzymes such as lipoxygenases. The aim of this research work was to map QTL associated with carotenoid pigments content and bright yellow color in durum wheat and to find linked molecular markers to be used in marker assisted selection. A mapping population of 93 RILs (recombinant inbred lines) derived from a cross between parents contrasting for the traits (UC1113 x Kofa) was used. CIE b* and the CPC were evaluated in flour of a mapping population, in both parents and in eight national commercial cultivars. The experimental design consisted in these 103 plant materials planted in three locations (ACA-Cabildo, CEI-Barrow and INTA-Balcarce) during two consecutive growing seasons (2006/07 y 2007/08). The differences between RILs in each location according to the ANOVA test were highly significant. The combined ANOVA test taking into account RILs, years and locations revealed differences for both variables. For CIE b* values, significant effects were not observed for years and locations; however, double and triple interactions were highly significant (p< 0.01). The CPC showed highly significant differences for genotype effects while these differences were significant for year and location (p< 0.05). For this trait, the genotype x year interaction was no significant but the genotype x location interaction was significant, and the year x location and genotype x year x location interactions were highly significant. High hereditability values were estimated in all cases indicating (h2 <0.94). A high number of QTL (Quantitative Trait Loci) related to the CIE b* and CPC were identified, mostly located on chromosomes 1BL, 2AS, 4AL (2), 5AS, 5BL, 6AL (3), 7AS, 7AL, 7BS, 7BL. These QTL were differentially expressed among to the environments but most QTL were stably anchored between the same molecular markers in all the environments. This is the first report on the existence of a QTL associated to the CIE b* and CPC located on chromosome 7AS. The presence of the QTL 7BS, its homeolog region, was recently reported. According to the combined mapping analyses, significant QTL (4AL, 6AL, 7BL) also have interaction effects. The QTL found in chromosome 6AL (6AL.2) explained most of the phenotypic variation for both traits over the average from the six environments. Irrespective of gene Psy-B1, these results suggest the presence of an extra gene on 7BL affecting the CPC. Molecular markers flanking the chromosome regions found in the combined analysis in chromosomes 6AL (Barc113-wmc553), 7AS (BQ170462_176-Barc174), 7BS (Barc23a-Barc72) and 7BL (PsyB-cfa2257), showed to be useful for selecting both traits, CPC and CIE b*. The number of environments required for QTL mapping is a critical factor because the same genotypes showed different gene/QTL expression patterns in different environments. The principal genomic regions related to CIE b* value and CPC are essentially the same.

Barriers Limiting Access to Hospice Care for Elderly African Americans in Amarillo, Texas

Anthony, Tomagene 08 1900 (has links)
This study examines barriers limiting access to hospice care for elderly African Americans. Ethnic background plays a critical role in the development of attitudes, beliefs and expectations related to death and issues surrounding hospice care. The purpose of this study was to identify barriers that may limit access to hospice care for African Americans. A questionnaire was administered to 56 elderly African Americans in three religious settings and an African American senior citizens center. The questionnaire was designed to obtain information concerning African Americans' attitudes toward death and dying; religious beliefs; health beliefs; familiarity with hospice and prospective use of hospice. The results of the study indicate a number of barriers in access to hospice care for African Americans including: hospice knowledge barriers; education/outreach barriers; cultural knowledge barriers related to death/dying values; family/social support barriers; hospice organizational/provider barriers; health care organizational/provider barriers; and reimbursement barriers.

A Study of the Needs of Second Grade Children and an Evaluation of the Methods Used in Meeting These Needs in One Second Grade Room of the Horace Mann School, Amarillo, Texas

Johnston, Joe 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the personality, social, and physical needs of children attending the second grade at Horace Mann School in Amarillo, Texas.

Survey of Employment Criteria and Recommended Adult Commercial Education Program at Amarillo College, Amarillo, Texas

Balderston, John F. 01 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to attempt establishment of ways by which Amarillo College, as a community junior college, can further extend its benefits to the adults of the community through its commercial curriculum.

A Study of the Dental Hygiene Program in the Wolflin Elementary School of Amarillo, Texas, to Determine the Needs for a Preventative Program in Dental Hygiene

Sims, Bessie 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to discover and record the present dental conditions of the pupils in the Wolflin Elementary School, Amarillo, Texas, and to use this as an informative basis for the establishment of a concentrated dental program.

An Evaluation of the Equality of Educational Opportunity

Larsen, Ross Harold 08 1900 (has links)
This thesis examines the equality of physical education, health, and recreation for middle school boys in Amarillo, Texas. Data gathered at three schools in the city informed the author's conclusions.

A Comparative Study of Intelligence Quotients and Achievement Scores and Marks in Social Studies, Arithmetic, Physical Education, Elementary Science, and Language Arts in the Sixth Grade of Wolflin School, Amarillo

Peters, Ruby Gray 08 1900 (has links)
As a sixth grade teacher in Wolfin School, Amarillo, Texas the writer is interested in determining to what extent academic success my be predicted by the use of intelligence tests.

Características agronômicas de genótipos de amendoim forrageiro em resposta à intensidade e ao intervalo de desfolhação / Agronomic characteristics of perennial peanut genotypes in response to intensity and defoliation frequency

Alonso, Marcell Patachi 01 December 2017 (has links)
As pastagens são a base da alimentação dos ruminantes na pecuária brasileira. Sistemas de produção em condições pastoris utilizam diversos genótipos forrageiros sob diferentes formas de manejo, no intuito de otimizar respostas produtivas desses sistemas. Algumas decisões quanto ao manejo, no entanto, são tomadas de forma não criteriosa e generalista, tornando o sistema de produção frequentemente propenso a erros na gestão. A intensificação da produção animal em pastagem possibilita o aumento da participação de leguminosas forrageiras no sistema. No entanto, ainda há um limitado entendimento das respostas destas plantas quando submetidas a manejos mais intensificados. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar quatro cultivares comerciais de Arachis pintoi Krapov. & Greg., sob duas intensidades de desfolhação e dois intervalos entre desfolhas ao longo da estação de crescimento de dois anos consecutivos. Para tanto, foi conduzido um experimento analisando-se os cultivares Alqueire-1, Amarillo, Belmonte e BRS Mandobi sob quatro manejos de colheita: dois intervalos (28 e 35 dias) associados a duas intensidades de desfolha (5 e 10 cm). Determinou-se a produtividade total por estação de crescimento, acúmulo total de forragem, taxa de acúmulo diário, composição morfológica, ângulo foliar, interceptação luminosa, índice de área foliar, composição química e digestibilidade da forragem, fotossíntese foliar, fotossíntese de dossel e compostos orgânicas de reserva. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Piracicaba - SP, sendo a área experimental total de 0,11 ha. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado com arranjo em parcelas subdivididas. À parcela foram alocados as combinações entre cultivares de A. pintoi (Alqueire-1, Amarillo, Belmonte e BRS Mandobi) e intervalos entre cortes (28 e 35 dias) em um fatorial 4 x 2. À subparcela foi designado o fator intensidade de desfolhação, na forma de duas alturas de resíduo (5 e 10 cm), tendo o experimento contado com com 3 repetições. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada utilizando-se o procedimento MIXED do SAS&reg;. As médias dos tratamentos foram estimadas utilizando-se o LSMEANS e comparadas pelo teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. O cultivar Belmonte apresentou média de acúmulo total acima de 11,85 Mg MS ha-1 e taxa de acúmulo diário de 41 kg MS ha-1 nos diferentes manejos adotados, sendo o maior desempenho produtivo em relação aos demais cultivares testados. Em geral, o intervalo de 28 dias com intensidade de desfolha de 5 cm, confere maior produtividade total aos cultivares de A. pintoi. Menores produções de folíolos, pecíolos e estolões foram obtidos para o cultivar Amarillo.O perfil nutricional do cultivar Belmonte apresentou maior potencial em função da alta concentração de proteína bruta (277 g kg-1 MS) e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica (717 g kg-1 MS) em relação a Alqueire-1 e Amarillo e concentrações de fibra em detergente neutro (366 g kg-1 MS) intermediárias comparativamente aos três cultivares. Variações intraespecífica entre os cultivares apresenta pouco efeito sobre os compostos de reservas, sendo estes mais afetados pelas estratégias de manejo adotadas. Carboidratos totais não estruturais estiveram menos concentrados nos órgãos de reserva de Alqueire-1 (196 g kg-1 MO), e a concentração de N total apresentou variação somente entre os cultivares Belmonte (31 g kg-1 MO) e BRS Mandobi (25 g kg-1 MO). Em geral, a concentração de carboidratos totais não estruturais nos órgãos de reserva é maior quando o manejo de intervalos entre desfolha é de 35 dias. Plantas invasoras são mais evidentes em dosséis manejados com intensidade de desfolha de 5 cm. O cultivar Belmonte apresenta características que lhe conferem maior desempenho agronômico, sendo portanto considerado o material mais promissor. / Pastures are the backbone of the brazilian livestock industry. Pasture-based ruminant production systems make use of a diverse base of forage genotypes under various managements, aiming at the optimization of productive responses. Decisions regarding management, however, are often made under an empirical and generalistic standpoint, making these systems prone to failure. The intensification of animal production on pasture makes can be achieved with the increased participation of forage legumes in the system. However, there is still a limited understanding of the responses of these plants when subjected to more intensive management. This work aimed to characterize four commercial cultivars of Arachis pintoi (Krapov. & Greg.), under two harvest intensities and two harvest intervals throughout the summer growing season of two years. An experiment was carried out with the cultivars Alqueire-1, Amarillo, Belmonte and BRS Mandobi under four harvest management: two intervals (28 and 35 days) associated with two harvest intensities (5 and 10 cm). The total forage accumulation, daily accumulation rate, plant-part composition, leaf angle, light interception, leaf area index, chemical composition and forage digestibility, leaf photosynthesis, canopy photosynthesis and organic reserve compounds. The experiment was carried out in Piracicaba - SP. The experimental design was completely randomized with split-plot arrangement. To the plots were allocated the combinations between cultivars of A. pintoi (Alqueire-1, Amarillo, Belmonte and BRS Mandobi) and harvest intervals (28 and 35 days) in a factorial 4 x 2. To the subplot was designated harvest intensities (5 and 10 cm). Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS&reg;. Treatment means were estimated using LSMEANS and compared by the Tukey test at 5% of probability. Belmonte had mean of total accumulation above 11.85 Mg DM ha-1 and daily accumulation rate of 41 kg DM ha-1 in the different managements adopted, the greatest production of all four entries. In general, the 28 day interval with harvest intensity of 5 cm resulted in greater total yield of all cultivars. The nutritional profile of Belmonte was the best due to the high concentration of crude protein (277 g kg-1 DM) and in vitro digestible of organic matter (717 g kg-1 DM) relative to Alqueire-1 and Amarillo and neutral detergent fiber concentrations (366 g kg-1 DM) as compared to the three cultivars. Intraspecific variations among cultivars had less effect on the reserve compounds, being more affected by the management strategies. Total non-structural carbohydrate concentratin was less in Alqueire-1 roots and stubble (196 g kg-1 OM), and total N concentration differed only between Belmonte (31 g kg-1 OM) and BRS Mandobi (25 g kg-1 OM). In general, the concentration of total non-structural carbohydrates in the reserve organs is greater when intervals between harvest is 35 days. Weeds are more evident in canopies managed with harvest intensity of 5 cm. Belmonte seems to have greater agronomic performance, being therefore considered the most promising material.

Características agronômicas de genótipos de amendoim forrageiro em resposta à intensidade e ao intervalo de desfolhação / Agronomic characteristics of perennial peanut genotypes in response to intensity and defoliation frequency

Marcell Patachi Alonso 01 December 2017 (has links)
As pastagens são a base da alimentação dos ruminantes na pecuária brasileira. Sistemas de produção em condições pastoris utilizam diversos genótipos forrageiros sob diferentes formas de manejo, no intuito de otimizar respostas produtivas desses sistemas. Algumas decisões quanto ao manejo, no entanto, são tomadas de forma não criteriosa e generalista, tornando o sistema de produção frequentemente propenso a erros na gestão. A intensificação da produção animal em pastagem possibilita o aumento da participação de leguminosas forrageiras no sistema. No entanto, ainda há um limitado entendimento das respostas destas plantas quando submetidas a manejos mais intensificados. Este trabalho teve como objetivo caracterizar quatro cultivares comerciais de Arachis pintoi Krapov. & Greg., sob duas intensidades de desfolhação e dois intervalos entre desfolhas ao longo da estação de crescimento de dois anos consecutivos. Para tanto, foi conduzido um experimento analisando-se os cultivares Alqueire-1, Amarillo, Belmonte e BRS Mandobi sob quatro manejos de colheita: dois intervalos (28 e 35 dias) associados a duas intensidades de desfolha (5 e 10 cm). Determinou-se a produtividade total por estação de crescimento, acúmulo total de forragem, taxa de acúmulo diário, composição morfológica, ângulo foliar, interceptação luminosa, índice de área foliar, composição química e digestibilidade da forragem, fotossíntese foliar, fotossíntese de dossel e compostos orgânicas de reserva. O experimento foi conduzido no município de Piracicaba - SP, sendo a área experimental total de 0,11 ha. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o inteiramente casualizado com arranjo em parcelas subdivididas. À parcela foram alocados as combinações entre cultivares de A. pintoi (Alqueire-1, Amarillo, Belmonte e BRS Mandobi) e intervalos entre cortes (28 e 35 dias) em um fatorial 4 x 2. À subparcela foi designado o fator intensidade de desfolhação, na forma de duas alturas de resíduo (5 e 10 cm), tendo o experimento contado com com 3 repetições. A análise estatística dos dados foi realizada utilizando-se o procedimento MIXED do SAS&reg;. As médias dos tratamentos foram estimadas utilizando-se o LSMEANS e comparadas pelo teste Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. O cultivar Belmonte apresentou média de acúmulo total acima de 11,85 Mg MS ha-1 e taxa de acúmulo diário de 41 kg MS ha-1 nos diferentes manejos adotados, sendo o maior desempenho produtivo em relação aos demais cultivares testados. Em geral, o intervalo de 28 dias com intensidade de desfolha de 5 cm, confere maior produtividade total aos cultivares de A. pintoi. Menores produções de folíolos, pecíolos e estolões foram obtidos para o cultivar Amarillo.O perfil nutricional do cultivar Belmonte apresentou maior potencial em função da alta concentração de proteína bruta (277 g kg-1 MS) e digestibilidade in vitro da matéria orgânica (717 g kg-1 MS) em relação a Alqueire-1 e Amarillo e concentrações de fibra em detergente neutro (366 g kg-1 MS) intermediárias comparativamente aos três cultivares. Variações intraespecífica entre os cultivares apresenta pouco efeito sobre os compostos de reservas, sendo estes mais afetados pelas estratégias de manejo adotadas. Carboidratos totais não estruturais estiveram menos concentrados nos órgãos de reserva de Alqueire-1 (196 g kg-1 MO), e a concentração de N total apresentou variação somente entre os cultivares Belmonte (31 g kg-1 MO) e BRS Mandobi (25 g kg-1 MO). Em geral, a concentração de carboidratos totais não estruturais nos órgãos de reserva é maior quando o manejo de intervalos entre desfolha é de 35 dias. Plantas invasoras são mais evidentes em dosséis manejados com intensidade de desfolha de 5 cm. O cultivar Belmonte apresenta características que lhe conferem maior desempenho agronômico, sendo portanto considerado o material mais promissor. / Pastures are the backbone of the brazilian livestock industry. Pasture-based ruminant production systems make use of a diverse base of forage genotypes under various managements, aiming at the optimization of productive responses. Decisions regarding management, however, are often made under an empirical and generalistic standpoint, making these systems prone to failure. The intensification of animal production on pasture makes can be achieved with the increased participation of forage legumes in the system. However, there is still a limited understanding of the responses of these plants when subjected to more intensive management. This work aimed to characterize four commercial cultivars of Arachis pintoi (Krapov. & Greg.), under two harvest intensities and two harvest intervals throughout the summer growing season of two years. An experiment was carried out with the cultivars Alqueire-1, Amarillo, Belmonte and BRS Mandobi under four harvest management: two intervals (28 and 35 days) associated with two harvest intensities (5 and 10 cm). The total forage accumulation, daily accumulation rate, plant-part composition, leaf angle, light interception, leaf area index, chemical composition and forage digestibility, leaf photosynthesis, canopy photosynthesis and organic reserve compounds. The experiment was carried out in Piracicaba - SP. The experimental design was completely randomized with split-plot arrangement. To the plots were allocated the combinations between cultivars of A. pintoi (Alqueire-1, Amarillo, Belmonte and BRS Mandobi) and harvest intervals (28 and 35 days) in a factorial 4 x 2. To the subplot was designated harvest intensities (5 and 10 cm). Data were analyzed using the MIXED procedure of SAS&reg;. Treatment means were estimated using LSMEANS and compared by the Tukey test at 5% of probability. Belmonte had mean of total accumulation above 11.85 Mg DM ha-1 and daily accumulation rate of 41 kg DM ha-1 in the different managements adopted, the greatest production of all four entries. In general, the 28 day interval with harvest intensity of 5 cm resulted in greater total yield of all cultivars. The nutritional profile of Belmonte was the best due to the high concentration of crude protein (277 g kg-1 DM) and in vitro digestible of organic matter (717 g kg-1 DM) relative to Alqueire-1 and Amarillo and neutral detergent fiber concentrations (366 g kg-1 DM) as compared to the three cultivars. Intraspecific variations among cultivars had less effect on the reserve compounds, being more affected by the management strategies. Total non-structural carbohydrate concentratin was less in Alqueire-1 roots and stubble (196 g kg-1 OM), and total N concentration differed only between Belmonte (31 g kg-1 OM) and BRS Mandobi (25 g kg-1 OM). In general, the concentration of total non-structural carbohydrates in the reserve organs is greater when intervals between harvest is 35 days. Weeds are more evident in canopies managed with harvest intensity of 5 cm. Belmonte seems to have greater agronomic performance, being therefore considered the most promising material.

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