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Charakterisierung und experimentelle Therapien eines neuen Mausmodells für das Rett Syndrom / Characterization and experimental therapies of a new mouse model for Rett syndromeWegener, Jan Eike 12 October 2015 (has links)
Für das Rett Syndrom, eine der häufigsten genetischen Ursachen für mentale Retardie-rung bei Frauen, gibt es bisher keine kausale Therapie, obwohl gentherapeutische Studi-en mit konditionellen knockout Mäusen gezeigt haben, dass es sich um eine therapierbare Erkrankung handelt. Um neue Therapien entwickeln zu können, werden Mausmodelle benötigt, die auf den beim Menschen am häufigsten gefundenen Mutation beruhen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde ein Mausmodell mit der häufigsten humanen Nonsense-Mutation R168X im Mecp2 Gen charakterisiert. Mit Hilfe dieses Mausmodells wurden dann die Therapieansätze der „Stop-Codon Readthrough-Therapie“ und einer Knochenmarktransplantation auf ihre Wirksamkeit in vitro und in vivo untersucht.
Die Charakterisierung der Mauslinie zeigte, dass männliche MeCP2R168X-Mäuse im Gegensatz zu anderen MeCP2-Mausmodellen kein verkürztes MeCP2 Protein exprimieren. Desweiteren weisen männliche MeCP2R168X-Mäuse einen Phänotyp, inklu-sive der drastisch verkürzten Lebenspanne, auf, wie er bei bereits etablierten Mausmo-dellen für das Rett Syndrom beschrieben wurde. Dagegen zeigten weibliche, heterozy-gote MeCP2R168X-Mäuse nur einen sehr mild ausgeprägten Phänotyp verglichen mit bereits etablierten MeCP2-Mauslinien.
Für die „Stop-Codon Readthrough-Therapie“ wurde die Effizienz der Aminoglykoside Geniticin, Gentamicin und Neomycin, der Komponenten NB54, NB84 und NB124, sowie der niedermolekularen Substanz PTC124 auf ihre Wirksamkeit bei der Induktion eines Readthroughs mit transfizierten HeLa-Zellen und MeCP2R168X/y-Mausohrfibroblasten in vitro untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich eine deutliche Steigerung der Readthrough-Effizienz der NB-Komponenten, gemessen an der detektierbaren Menge an MeCP2, mit zunehmender Generation (NB54 --> NB84 --> NB124) und gegenüber dem klinisch angewandten Gentamicin. Während die Behandlung mit Neomycin zu einem minimalen Readthrough-Produkt führte, zeigte die Behandlung mit PTC124 kei-nen messbaren Readthrough.
Anschließend wurden männliche MeCP2R168X-Mäuse mit den in vitro getesteten Sub-stanzen, mit Ausnahme von Geniticin, behandelt. Die Expression eines MeCP2-Proteins voller Länge konnte durch keine der applizierten Substanzen induziert werden. Auch bei Behandlungen über einen längeren Zeitraum mit hohen Dosierungen, im Fall von Gentamicin nahe der LD50-Dosis und nachweisbarer intrazellulärer Aufnahme, konnte in den behandelten Tieren weder ein verkürztes noch ein MeCP2 Protein nativer Länge detektiert werden. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass für die „Stop-Codon Readthrough-Therapie“ für das Rett Syndrom neue Komponenten entwickelt werden oder andere Applikationswege gewählt werden müssen, da mit den derzeit verfügbaren Substanzen kein therapeutischer Erfolg erzielt werden kann.
Im letzten Teil dieser Arbeit wurde die Theorie einer gestörten Phagozytose MeCP2-defizienter Mikroglia, sowie die Therapie von MeCP2-defizienten Mäusen durch eine Knochenmarktransplantation überprüft. Dabei konnte weder in vitro noch in vivo eine Veränderung der Phagozytoseaktivität der MeCP2-defizienten Mikroglia nachgewiesen werden, wie sie von Derecki und Kollegen publiziert wurde.
Die Transplantation von gesundem Knochenmark führte bei männlichen MeCP2R168X-Tieren zu keiner Verlängerung der Überlebensspanne oder einer allgemeinen Abmilde-rung der Symptomatik, wie sie ebenfalls von Derecki und Kollegen publiziert wurde. Bei weiblichen Tieren führte die Transplantation gesunden Knochenmarks zu einer Verschlechterung der motorischen Fähigkeiten.
Diese Ergebnisse sind im Einklang mit denen Ergebnissen der Arbeitsgruppen von An-drew Pieper, Antonio Bedalov und Jeffrey Neul, die in anderen Mausmodellen die Wir-kung der Knochenmarktransplantation untersuchten.
Die Ergebnisse aller beteiligten Arbeitsgruppen legen daher nahe, dass eine Knochen-marktransplantation nach einer Ganzkörperbestrahlung keine geeignete Therapie für das Rett Syndroms darstellt.
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Investigation into optimal amikacin dosing in children.Forsyth, Nan Barbara. January 1996 (has links)
Aminoglycoside antibacterial agents, such as amikacin, continue to play an
important role in the treatment of Gram-negative infections. However, although extremely effective, they are not without potential adverse events, the most important of which being nephro- and ototoxicity. Research into factors thought to influence both the efficacy and toxicity, has challenged the rationale upon which these agents have classically been dosed. Various studies in adult patients have found that a new approach to dosing (use of single daily administration) has equal or greater efficacy or safety compared to the standard multiple daily dosing of
these agents. Similar studies comparing regimens in children are few, and as yet no comparative investigation has been performed using amikacin in children (as a separate and distinct group). Additionally, in evaluating the impact of altering dose regimens, it is imperative that the documented age-related aminoglycoside pharmacokinetic alterations, be taken into account. Amikacin pharmacokinetic parameters (determined using traditional methods) have been previously published for various (usually small) groups of children. However, population parameters are not currently available for South African children . This study therefore aimed to
investigate optimal amikacin dosing in children by studying: a) the comparative efficacy and toxicity of two dosing regimens, and b) the population pharmacokinetic parameters derived using one of the alternative approaches capable of utilising routine, sparse serum drug concentration time data.
This investigation was conducted in the paediatric surgical and burns wards of King Edward VIII Hospital , Durban. Study patients (0.6-12 years) received amikacin either once daily (15mg/kg) or twice daily (7.5 mg/kg) by slow intravenous bolus. Concomitant medication was given as prescribed. Regimen efficacy (favourable, unfavourable or indeterminate outcome) was assessed by patient temperatures, clinical improvement and white cell counts. Clinical nephrotoxicity was evaluated by changes in serum creatinine, and renal tubular damage (investigated in a small subgroup of patients) was indicated by detection of urinary low molecular weight proteins. Ototoxicity (cochleotoxicity) was assessed by pure tone audiometry. Pertinent demographic and treatment details (amikacin
concentration time data) were recorded for the population pharmacokinetic
analysis. The Nonlinear Mixed Effects Model (NONMEM) programme was used to derive appropriate models describing clearance (CL) and volume of distribution (V), as well as mean values of these pharmacokinetic parameters for this population.
Fifty four patients were entered into the regimen assessment. Patients in the single daily regimen (n=27) had significantly greater (p<0.05) mean (SO) peak (±0.5 hour post-dose) serum amikacin levels (37.7 (6.9) mg/L) as well as cumulative dose (91.5 (26.5) mg/kg) and duration of therapy (5.7 (1 .5) days) when compared with those of the twice daily group (19.5 (3.7) mg/L, 70.1 (26.1) mg/kg and 4.6 (1 .6) days respectively). No statistically significant differences were found between the groups in terms of outcome (18/24 and 22/25 patients in the once and twice daily dosing groups had favourable outcomes; there were no unfavourable outcomes).
Pure tone audiometry (evaluated post-therapy , in 20 patients from each dosing regimen) revealed no statistically significant differences between the number of patients in the two groups with possible drug-related ototoxicity. None of the patients assessed (including an additional 14 patients with burn injury) developed clinical nephrotoxicity. Urinalysis was performed in 17 amikacin treated patients (9 and 8 from the once and twice daily dosing regimens respectively) and 9 control subjects. Low molecular weight proteinuria was absent in all of the latter patients
except one, in whom pre-existing renal disease was suspected. Tubular
dysfunction ascribed to possible drug effect was detected in similar numbers of patients in the two treatment groups (3 and 2 patients in the once and twice daily dosing groups respectively).
In the pharmacokinetic assessment (156 serum levels from 82 patients) using a one compartment model, the final models which best described the data were as follows :
CL (Uhr) = 0.271 x age(yrs) + 2.46 x body surface areatrrr'),
V (L) = 7.34 x body surface areatrn")
Other fixed effects tested, which did not render the data more probable, included serum creatinine measurements at the start of treatment, gender, presence of burn injury and drug regimen. Interpatient variation was 15% and 18% for CL and V respectively, with intrapatient variation or residual error of 10%. The weight adjusted population parameter estimates (95% Confidence Interval) for this group were CL =0.180 (0.175 ,0.185) Uhr/kg and V =0.293 (0.286, 0.300) Ukg, which are within the range of values published previously for other children of similar ages.
The findings of this investigation , consistent with those of other similar studies, indicate that daily amikacin administration (in combination with a B-lactam), to children with normal renal function, has similar efficacy to, and no greater toxicity than multiple daily dosing. However, the role, if any, of the significantly greater cumulative dose and duration of therapy in the daily dosing group is unknown. As uncertainty remains regarding the precise duration of certain post-exposure events (and hence, the ideal duration of the interdose interval), and with the rapid drug clearance in this group of patients , future in vitro and in vivo investigations may shed even further light on the optimal dosing approach in these patients. / Thesis (M.Med.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1996.
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Applications of organ culture of the mouse inner earBerggren, Diana January 1991 (has links)
The embryonic mouse inner ear was used as a model with which to study ototoxicity and tissue interactions. The inner ear anlage can be explanted and cultured in vitro from about the 12th gestational day (gd), and will differentiate parallel with the inner ear developing in vivo until a time corresponding to birth (21st gd). During this period the ovoid sac develops into the labyrinth. In the present thesis work, otic anlagen from gd 12, 13, 13.5, 15 and 16 were used. As a rule the explants were kept in culture until a time point equivalent to the 21st gd. Analyses using freeze-fracture technique and transmission electron microscopy showed that in cultured 13th gd otocysts the development of junctional complexes followed the same principal pattern as in vivo. Tight junctions develop into many strands lying parallel to the apical surface of all epithelial cells. Uncoupling of the hair cells occurs with loss of gap junctions. Some tight junctions had an aberrant appearence, with in part very thick strands and strands running at right angles to the apical surface. All aminoglycosides are potentially ototoxic. In the inner ear, outer hair cells of the organ of Corti and vestibular type I hair cells are affected by these antibiotics. The access route to the hair cells and the sites and mechanisms of action of aminoglycosides are not precisely defined. The uptake of tritiated tobramycin in 16th gd inner ears was studied. An initial rapid uptake of the drug, within 10 min, was followed by a slower accumulation, reaching a steady state after 60 min. Most of the tobramycin was bound reversibly, at least after a short period of incubation (2 h). The irreversibly bound fraction was of the same magnitude as the uptake within 10 min. Uptake took place against a concentration gradient. The otocyst can differentiate even without the statoacoustic ganglion. The interaction of the sensory epithelium with the ganglion was investigated by explanting the statoacoustic ganglion without target tissue. Twenty-five percent of the ganglions survived and had outgrowth of neurites but there was no differentiation into either the cochlear or vestibular type of neuron cells. Exposure of cultured otocysts (13 or 13.5 gd) to l-azetidine-2-carboxylic acid, a 1-proline analog that disrupts formation of collagen, resulted in retarded morphogenesis of the labyrinth and a dose- dependent derangement of the basal lamina. The expression of intermediate filaments (IFs) was analysed using monoclonal antibodies. The same IF pattem was found in cultured inner ears as in vivo. Explants were taken on 13th, 15th or 16th gd. Exposure to gentamicin, ethacrynic acid or cisplatin did not alter the IF composition. Cytokeratins (CKs) 8 and 18 were identified in all inner ear epithelia. In addition CKs 7 and 19 were visualized in the epithelia involved in maintaining endolymph homeostasis. The ganglion cells showed coexpression of CK, vimentin and neurofilaments. The elemental composition of the endolymph compartment of 16th gd inner ears cultured for 5 days was studied using energy-dispersive X-ray microanalysis. Na to K ratios characteristic of endolymph were found. / <p>S. 1-34: sammanfattning, s. 37-88: Härtill 6 uppsatser</p> / digitalisering@umu
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Netilmicin : In Vitro study and clinical evaluation of therapy in pediatric patients with serious gram-negative infections /Patcharee Vannakrairotj. January 1982 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.Sc. (Pharmacy))--Mahidol University, 1982.
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Understanding the molecular mechanism of eukaryotic translation termination functional analysis of ribosomal RNA and eukaryotic release factor one /Fan-Minogue, Hua. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Alabama at Birmingham, 2007. / Title from PDF title page (viewed on Sept. 16, 2009). Includes bibliographical references.
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Mechanism of endocytosis of CD33/Siglec-3 : role of ITIMs, tyrosine phosphorylation, and monoubiquitylation /Walter, Roland Bruno, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Washington, 2006. / Vita. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 121-132).
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Preparation and Evaluation of Aminoglycoside-Based Nanogels and Microgels for Gene Delivery and DNA bindingJanuary 2014 (has links)
abstract: Many therapeutics administered for some of the most devastating illnesses can be toxic and result in unwanted side effects. Recent developments have been made in an alternative treatment method, called gene therapy. Gene therapy has potential to rectify the genetic defects that cause a broad range of diseases. Many diseases, such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, and acquired immunodeficiency (AIDS) already have gene therapy protocols that are currently in clinical trials. Finding a non-toxic and efficient gene transfer method has been a challenge. Viral vectors are effective at transgene delivery however potential for insertion mutagenesis and activation of immune responses raises concern. For this reason, non-viral vectors have been investigated as a safer alternative to viral-mediated gene delivery. Non-viral vectors are also easy to prepare and scalable, but are limited by low transgene delivery efficacies and high cytotoxicity at effective therapeutic dosages. Thus, there is a need for a non-toxic non-viral vector with high transgene efficacies. In addition to the hurdles in finding a material for gene delivery, large-scale production of pharmaceutical grade DNA for gene therapy is needed. Current methods can be labor intensive, time consuming, and use toxic chemicals. For this reason, an efficient and safe method to collect DNA is needed. One material that is currently being explored is the hydrogel. Hydrogels are a useful subclass of biomaterials, with a wide variety of applications. This class of biomaterials can carry up to a thousand times their weight in water, and are biocompatible. At smaller dimensions, referred to as micro- and nanogels, they are very useful for many biomedical applications because of their size and ability to swell. Based on a previously synthesized hydrogel, and due to the advantages of smaller dimension in biomedical applications, we have synthesized aminoglycoside antibiotic based nanogels and microgels. Microgels and nanogels were synthesized following a ring opening polymerization of epoxide-containing crosslinkers and polyamine-containing monomers. The nanogels were screened for their cytocompatibilities and transfection efficacies, and were compared to polyethylenimine (PEI), a current standard for polymer-mediated transgene delivery. Nanogels demonstrated minimal to no toxicity to the cell line used in the study even at high concentrations. Due to the emerging need for large-scale production of DNA, microgels were evaluated for their binding capacity to plasmid DNA. Future work with the aminoglycoside antibiotic-based nanogels and microgels developed in this study will involve optimization of nanogels and microgels to facilitate in better transgene delivery and plasmid DNA binding, respectively. / Dissertation/Thesis / M.S. Chemical Engineering 2014
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Síntese e atividade biológica da 2-desoxiestreptamina / Synthesis and biological activity of 2-deoxyestreptaminePedro Alves Bezerra Morais 04 June 2008 (has links)
Os antibióticos aminoglicosídeos adquiriram uma posição relevante no cenário terapêutico devido ao interesse na regulação da síntese protéica bacteriana em nível de RNA, uma vez que são ligantes inespecíficos para diversos tipos de RNA bacterianos, como RNA mensageiro, RNA transportador e RNA ribossômico. Esta classe de antibióticos apresenta amplo espectro de ação, particularmente contra bactérias Gram-negativas. Recente abordagem estende o uso dos antibióticos aminoglicosídeos como agentes antivirais devido a sua afinidade de ligação ao RRE-, Rev Responsive Element, e TAR-, Trans-Acting Responsive sequence HIV RNA. Por conseguinte, há uma inibição competitiva envolvendo seus correspondentes ligantes naturais, as proteínas Rev e Tat, interrompendo a replicação, do vírus HIV-tipo 1. Em virtude da importância de derivados simplificados dos antibióticos aminoglicosídeos na busca por derivados vestíbulo-tóxico seletivos ou RNA-ligantes, o presente trabalho propõe a síntese do amino- e carba-açúcar 2-desoxiestreptamina, 16, a qual apresenta um desafio sintético interessante devido à presença de cinco centros estereogênicos contínuos com substituintes em relação trans no anel e pode ser utilizada na construção de moléculas mais complexas A estratégia sintética proposta para preparação do composto meso 2-desoxiestreptamina (16), envolve metodologia inédita e foi desenvolvida em duas rotas sintéticas: (i) preparação do carba-açúcar precursor 46 e (ii) preparação de 16 propriamente dito. / Aminoglycoside antibiotics received a relevant position in the therapeutic scenario due to the interest in the regulation of bacterial protein synthesis at the RNA-level, since they are a unspecific ligands to several bacterials RNA types, such as mRNA, tRNA and rRNA. These types of antibiotics show a broad spectrum of activity, particulary against gram negative bacteria. New approach extends the use of aminoglycosides as antiviral agents owing to their binding affinity to RRE- Rev Responsive Element and TAR- Trans-Acting Responsive sequence of HIV RNA. Thus, there is a competitive inhibition involving their corresponding natural ligands Rev and Tat proteins, disrupting the HIV-1 virus replication. Regarding the importance of simplified aminoglycoside antibiotics in the search for selective vestibule-toxic derivatives or RNA-ligands, this work focuses on the synthesis of the amino- and carba-sugar 2-deoxyestreptamine, 16, which has an interesting synthetic challenge related to the presence of five continuous stereogenic centre with substituents in trans disposition in the ring, and may be employed in the construction of more complex molecules. The synthetic strategy proposed to prepare meso 2-deoxyestreptamine (16) involves a new methodology and was performed in two synthetic routes: (i) the synthesis of precursory carba-sugar (46) and (ii) the synthesis of (16) properly.
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Library Synthesis of Anticancer and Antibacterial Agents via Azide ChemistryZhang, Jianjun 01 May 2010 (has links)
Various anticancer and antibacterial agents have been synthesized via azide chemistry by taking advantage of carbohydrate. Starting from the synthesis of 14 glycosyl azides, a library of carbohydrate-oxazolidinone conjugates and a library of carbohydrate-cyclopamine conjugates with biological interests were synthesized based on a highly efficient "click reaction" assisted by sonication. Some of the conjugates have improved solubility and enhanced anticancer activity. A library of neomycin B derivatives with various modifications at the 5" position has been synthesized. Two leads exhibit prominent activity against both methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and vancomycin-resistant enterococci (VRE). Antibacterial activities were measured when combined with other clinically used antibiotics and significant synergistic activities were observed. Three different classes of aryl N-glycosides have been synthesized by employing 1,4-naphthoquinone and glycosyl azides undergoing a [2+3] cycloaddition. Alkyl azides can also undergo the same cycloaddition. After the removal of the protecting group, a library of 9,10-anthraquinone derivatives with potential anticancer activity and a library of 2-aminomethylene-1,3-indanediones with novel antibacterial activity have been developed, respectively. A one-pot three-component [2+3] cycloaddition for the synthesis of 1-alkyl 1H-naphtho[2,3-d][1,2,3]triazole-4,9-dione and 2-alkyl 2H-naphtho[2,3-d][1,2,3] triazole-4,9-dione has been developed. By taking the advantage of their difference in basicity, both products can be obtained in good purity. Using an allylic azide rearrangement, a convenient method has been developed for the synthesis of several 2',3'-dideoxyaminoglycosides. The antibacterial activity of these novel aminoglycosides also confirms the indispensable role of the 2'-NH2 group for both neomycin and kanamycin classes of aminoglycosides. A novel structural motif containing the hexylaminocarbonyl groups at O-5 and/or O-6 of 2',3'-dideoxyneamine could lead to the production of new aminoglycosides against resistant bacteria.
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Self-Reports of Hearing and Tinnitus Related to Audiometry in Children and Young Adults with Cystic FibrosisCox, Madison Allen January 2020 (has links)
No description available.
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