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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rening av avloppsvatten med anaerob membranbioreaktor och omvänd osmos / Wastewater treatment with anaerobic membrane bioreactor and reverse osmosis

Grundestam, Jonas January 2006 (has links)
This master's theses was carried out on assignment from Stockholm Vatten AB as a part of a project developing new waste water treatment techniques. The goal of the theisis has been to evaluate an anaerobic membrane bioreactor for treatment of waste water from Hammarby Sjöstad. The bioreactor has not been heated and the main interest has been to study the gas production, power consumption and the reduction of organic matter and nutrients. The system has been completed with a reverse osmosis unit and a total of four batch runs have been made with good results. The use of reverse osmosis allows nutrient in the waste water to be reintroduced into circulation as the reverse osmosis concentrate can be used as crop nutrient. The membrane unit is of VSEP ("Vibratory Shear Enhanced Processing") type and an extensive membrane test has been conducted. This so called L-test helped determine the most suitable type of membrane for the system to allow a higher ±ux and thus lower power consumption. The L-test gave good results and a new membrane with a poresize diameter of 0,45 μm was used. The organic load on the bioreactor has been more or less constant, around 0,7 kg COD/day, during the seven weeks of testing. The reduction over the entire system including reverse osmosis has been large, around 99 % regarding organic matter and phosporus and 93 % for nitrogen, making the system suitable for waste water treatment except for high power consumption, around 2 kWh/m3. The production of methanegas has worked although it has been quite low, with average values of 0,13 m3 CH4/kg reduced COD. / Examensarbetet är utfört på uppdrag av Stockholm Vatten AB som en del av det pilotprojekt som utvärderar nya tekniker för avloppsvattenrening för Hammarby Sjöstad. Målsättningen med studien har varit att utvärdera ett system bestående av en anaerob membranbioreaktor för behandling av avloppsvatten från Hammarby Sjöstad. Bioreaktorn har inte varit uppvärmd och det som har studerats är reningseffekten, biogasproduktionen samt energiåtgången. Systemet har även innefattat en omvänd osmosanläggning och totalt har fyra försök med denna gjorts med goda resultat. Analyser har koncentrerats till att utvärdera reduktion av organiskt material över membranbioreaktorn och av närsalter och metaller över omvänd osmos anläggningen. Bakgrunden till att använda omvänd osmos är att öka återföringen av näringsämnen från avloppsvatten. Resultatet av försöken med omvänd osmos gav ett koncentrat med högt näringsinnehåll och låg halt av tungmetaller vilket ger möjligheten att sprida det på åkermark. Membranenheten är av typen VSEP ("Vibratory Shear Enhanced Processing") och ett membrantest har även utfötts för att finna det membran som passar systemet bäst med avseende på flöde och energiförbrukning. Det så kallade L-testet var omfattande och gav en klar bild över vad som skulle vara det bästa membranet. Det membran som visade sig passa systemet bäst var ett membran med en porstorlek på 0,45 μm. Belastningen av organiskt material på reaktorn under försöksperiodens sju veckor har varit mer eller mindre konstant och låg, cirka 0,7 kg COD/dygn. Reduktionen över hela systemet inklusive omvänd osmosanläggningen med avseende på organiskt material och fosfor har varit mycket hög, omkring 99 %. Reduktionen av kväve var som högst 93 %. Gasproduktionen har fungerat och har i genomsnitt varit omkring 0,13 m3 CH4/kg reducerad COD. Energiförbrukningen för systemet i motsvarande fullskala blev omkring 2 kwh/m3.

Industriella avloppsvatten i Chile : Identifiering av problem samt förslag på åtgärder / Industrial Wastewater in Chile : Identification of Problems and Suggestions for Improvement

Risberg, Anna January 2006 (has links)
Chile and Santiago are struggling with heavy environmental problems as a consequence of urbanisation and industrialisation. In the Santiago region the air is seriously contaminated and most of the rivers are classified as heavily polluted. The aim of this thesis is to survey the industrial fluid waste situation in the Santiago region and to make suggestions on technological improvements or process changes. The purpose is also to study five different enterprises more closely and to give more detailed suggestions for improvement. Another purpose is to summarize relevant Chilean legislation. Information, provided by the supervisory authority, about the release of industrial wastewater to rivers has been analysed. Deep interviews have been made with authorities and consultants. Five enterprises have been visited; a brewery, a dairy, a bakery, a producer of cooked meat and a surface treatment industry. The present treatment of the wastewater was studied at the plants and the information was completed with a questionnaire to the responsible at each company. The contamination load released to the Chilean rivers is heavy. The rivers in southern Chile receive the biggest loads of BOD and SS and the rivers in central Chile were the most exposed to discharges of the metals Cr, Cu, Zn and CN as well as phenols. The industrial discharge into the rivers of Santiago RM and Region VII is also to a large extent characterized by high concentrations of BOD and SS. Large releases of oils and greases, nitrogen and phosphorus are also fairly common, as are too high or too low pH levels. The food industry is the most contaminating sector, but also tanneries have great problems with effluents exceeding limits. All five companies visited share the need to take measures towards more water saving technologies. The brewery, the producer of cooked meat and the surface treatment company also need end-of-pipe-treatment of their wastewater. In many cases, the recommended and most economic alternative is to separate the flows with the highest concentration of polluting substances for internal treatment, while releasing the rest of the wastewater to the outside sewage system. The costs of the suggested changes must be balanced against the present costs for treatment of wastewater and remaining solid waste as well as the costs for alternative treatments. The economic incentives for Chilean companies to invest in wastewater treatment plants or to optimize the processes until today have been few. Cost reductions may be achieved by savings in water consumption and reuse of raw material. Another motive could be to keep “one step ahead” if the discharge limits in the future are tightened up leading to rising costs. / Chile och Santiago brottas med omfattande miljöproblem till följd av urbanisering och industrialisering. I santiagoregionen är luftföroreningarna svåra och de flesta floderna klassas som gravt förorenade av CONAMA, det chilenska naturvårdsverket. Syftet med examensarbetet är att kartlägga situationen i santiagoregionen med avseende på industriell avloppsrening samt att ge förslag på förbättring av teknik eller förändring av processer. Dessutom är syftet att studera fem industrier närmare och att ge mer detaljerade förslag på åtgärder. Syftet är också att ge rekommendationer för fortsatt utveckling av relevant chilensk lagstiftning. Uppgifter från tillsynsmyndigheten för utsläpp till ytvattendrag har studerats och djupintervjuer har gjorts med myndigheter och konsulter. Fem olika industrier besöktes; ett bryggeri, ett mejeri, ett bageri, ett charkuteri samt en ytbehandlingsindustri. Nuvarande hantering av processvattnet studerades på plats och med hjälp av ett frågeformulär kompletterades uppgifterna av ansvariga på företagen. Föroreningsbelastningen på Chiles floder är stor. Floderna i södra delen av landet tar emot störst mängder organiskt material och suspenderat material medan centrala Chiles floder är värst drabbade av utsläpp av metallerna Cr, Cu, Zn och CN samt utsläpp av fenoler. Utsläppen från industrin till floderna i Region Metropolitana och Region VII kännetecknas också i stor utsträckning av höga halter BOD och suspenderat material. Relativt vanligt är också stora utsläpp av oljor och fetter, kväve, fosfor samt för höga eller låga för pH-värden. Det är främst flera olika typer av livsmedelsindustri, som har de största utsläppen till floderna, men även garverierna har stora problem med överskridande av gränsvärden. Gemensamt för de fem besökta företagen är att vattenbesparande åtgärder bör vidtas för att minska volymen avloppsvatten som går till extern eller intern behandling. Bryggeriet, charkuterifabriken och ytbehandlaren behöver även end-of-pipe-rening. Det kan ofta vara lämpligt och mer ekonomiskt att avskilja de flöden som har högst halt av föroreningar till den interna reningsanläggningen. Resten av avloppet kan i vissa fall släppas ut på avloppsnätet. Kostnader för föreslagna åtgärder måste vägas mot aktuella kostnader för behandling av avlopp och restprodukter, samt kostnader för alternativa behandlingar. Incitamenten, bl a de ekonomiska, för chilenska företag att skaffa eget reningsverk eller att resurseffektivisera produktionen har hittills varit små. Kostnadsminskningar kan uppnås genom sänkt vattenförbrukning samt återanvändning av råmaterial. Ytterligare en drivkraft kan vara att ”ligga steget före” om utsläppskraven i framtiden skärps och kostnaderna därmed ökar.

Karaktärisering av avfallsbränslen / Characterization of waste fuels

Olofsson, Anna January 2006 (has links)
All products will eventually end up as waste, which in a sustainable society has to be handled in an efficient and environment friendly way. This report focuses on waste fractions meant for combustion, often difficult to characterize. However, more homogeneous fractions that are treated biologically are also discussed. The study concerns the region of Borås, Sweden, where the waste plant Sobacken has provided a good starting point. On this site, fuel to the Energy-from-Waste plant of Borås Energi is prepared and the biological waste is treated through anaerobic digestion. One important part of the study has been to collect experience-based knowledge from the technical staff at Sobacken and Borås Energi. This information was compiled into an overview of wanted and unwanted fractions to the preparation plant and the boilers respectively. The purpose of this overview is to complement existing delivery terms and thereby facilitate an increased quality of the fuel from the suppliers. A significant element of the analysis has been to characterize the content of the industrial waste sent to Sobacken for combustion. Chemical analyses of the prepared fuel as well as the conducted waste component analysis indicate a heterogeneous composition of the waste. A heterogeneous fuel often results in an uneven combustion, leading to higher emissions and an unwanted variation in the energy production. Through the waste component analysis, a comprehensive picture of the waste composition was attained. Materials non-valid for delivery mostly consisted of wet domestic waste (biodegradable materials), but some hazardous waste was also found. The results of the waste component analysis were communicated to the involved suppliers and this has already resulted in a considerable reduction of the amount of biodegradable waste in the deliveries of industrial waste. / Förr eller senare blir alla produkter avfall, som i ett uthålligt samhälle måste hanteras på ett resurssnålt och miljövänligt sätt. Det här arbetet är främst inriktat mot de svåridentifierade fraktionerna som är ämnade för förbränning, men berör även de mer homogena fraktionerna som behandlas biologiskt genom rötning. Arbetet har utförts i Boråsregionen där Sobackens avfallsanläggning, med beredning av avfallsbränsle till Borås Energis två FB-pannor och rötkammare, har utgjort en naturlig utgångspunkt. Ett stort inslag i arbetet var sammanställning av erfarenhetsbaserade kunskaper hos driftteknikerna på beredningsanläggningen, liksom hos Anders Johnsson på Borås Energi. På detta sätt erhölls viktig information om både bra och dåliga fraktioner, för såväl avfallskross som för pannor. Dessa fakta har bland annat använts för att sätta samman en översikt över önskade respektive oönskade fraktioner. Översikten är tänkt som komplement till befintliga leveransregler, i syfte att förenkla för avfallsleverantörerna. Stor vikt har lagts vid att försöka kartlägga sammansättningen av det verksamhetsavfall som kommer in till Sobackens beredningsanläggning. Både kemiska analyser av bränsleprov och utförd plockanalys visar på en heterogen sammansättning i avfallet. Ett heterogent bränsle brinner i många fall ojämt, vilket resulterar i högre emissionsnivåer samt en icke-önskvärd variation i energiproduktion. I och med plockanalysen erhölls en övergripande bild av förbränningsavfallets sammansättning. Det icke leveransgilla materialet som påträffades utgjordes främst av blött hushållsavfall (biologiskt nedbrytbart material), men även av en del elektronik påträffades. Efter avslutad analys kommunicerades erhållna resultat med aktuella leverantörer, vilket hittills har resulterat i en betydande minskning av biologiskt nedbrytbart material i verksamhetsavfallet.

Anaerob psykrofil behandling av hushållsavloppsvatten i UASB : Utvärdering av kapaciteten hos en två-stegs UASB-reaktor för behandling av hushållsavloppsvatten / Anaerobic psychrophilic treatment of household waste water in an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor

Hesselgren, Frida January 2004 (has links)
Hammarby Sjöstad is a new district in southern Stockholm. A main objective with the Sjöstad project was to halve the environmental impact compared to other construction work. The environmental goals involve a halved water consumption rate, a local treatment of storm water and trials aiming to extract nutrients from the waste water. Sjöstadsverket is an experimental treatment plant used for testing new treatment processes for domestic waste water from Hammarby Sjöstad. The results are to be compared with the conventional process used at Henrikdals treatment plant today. Two aerobic and two anaerobic main treatment processes are to be tested before decision of full scale is taken in 2005. Anaerobic treatment without heating, as a way to reduce the content of organic material in the waste water, consumes less energy than conventional methods. Anaerobic reactors are usually operated at 37°C. It is possible to attain a high COD-reduction at lower temperatures, assumed a longer contact time between biomass and waste water. In an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) - reactor the microorganisms form granules with excellent sedimentation properties. The granules are floating with the waste water flowing upwards through the reactor. This makes it possible to reduce the COD-content despite a short hydraulic retention time in the reactor. The two UASB-reactors examined in this thesis is a part of the pilot plant. The thesis shows how the startup of the reactors has functioned and evaluates the possibility to reduce the contence of different COD-fractions with this technique.The domestic waste water temperature has during the experiment period dropped from 23°C to 18°C. The total COD-content of the untreated waste water is 567 mg/l. Before the anaerobic step the water is pre-treated by adding of flocculation chemicals and sedimentation. The total amount of suspended material is reduced by 50 % in the pre-treatment and the load on the UASB-reactors is 100 mg/l. With a hydrologic retention time of 2,4 h the pre-treatment and the two-step anaerobic reactor has reduced 64 % of the total COD-content. Over the anaerobic treatment step the COD-reduction was 49 %. The reduction of dissolved COD (<0, 45 μm) was 59 %. When operated in series the main part of the soluble CODreduction has taken place in the first reactor. After more than six months operation there is still a granulated sludge in the reactors and tests show a high metanogenic activity. Gas production from the reactors has been observed but not measured quantitatively. The results from this thesis show that anaerobic treatment with a UASB-process functions without heating for the household waste water from Hammarby Sjöstad. The anaerobic process should be combined with pre-treatment and supplementary treatment to reduce the remaining COD and the nitrogen and phosphorus content. / Hammarby Sjöstad i södra Stockholm är en stadsdel under framväxt. Tanken bakom Sjöstadsprojektet var att halvera miljöpåverkan jämfört med annan nybyggnation. Bland annat anges i miljömålen halverad vattenförbrukning, lokal hantering av dagvatten och försök med utvinning av växtnäringsämnen ur avloppsvattnet. Sjöstadsverket är en del av detta projekt; en försöksanläggning för reningen av avloppsvattnet från hushållen i Hammarby Sjöstad. Två aeroba och två anaeroba linjer ska utvärderas innan beslut om full skala tas år 2005. Anaerob rening utan uppvärmning är ett resurssnålt sätt att minska innehållet av organiskt material i avloppsvattnet. Anaeroba reaktorer drivs vanligen vid ca 37°C. Det är möjligt att nå en hög reduktion av organiskt material även vid lägre temperaturer, förutsatt en längre kontakttid mellan biomassa och avloppsvatten. I en Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB)-reaktor utnyttjas mikroorganismernas förmåga att bilda granuler, vilka svävar med avloppsvattnet som flödar uppåt genom reaktorn. Det gör det möjligt att reducera vattnets innehåll av organiskt material trots en kort hydraulisk uppehållstid i reaktorn. I detta examensarbete studeras de två UASB-reaktorer som ingår som en del i pilotanläggningen vid Sjöstadsverket. Examensarbetet visar hur uppstarten av reaktorerna fungerat och utvärderar möjligheten att reducera avloppsvattnets olika fraktioner av COD med denna teknik. Temperaturen på vattnet från hushållen har under försöksperioden sjunkit från 23°C till 18°C. Det obehandlade avloppsvattnet har en total COD-halt kring 567 mg/l. Innan det anaeroba reningssteget förbehandlas vattnet genom sedimentering och inblandning av flockningskemikalier. Den totala mängden suspenderat material halveras i förbehandlingen och belastningen på UASB-reaktorerna är kring 100 mg /l. Efter förbehandling är vattnets COD-koncentration ca 400 mg/l. Med en hydraulisk uppehållstid på 2,4 timmar har en COD-reduktion på 64 % uppnåtts i hela systemet, dvs. försedimentering och två-stegs UASB-reaktor. Över det anaeroba reningssteget var reduktionen av COD 49 %. Reduktionen av löst COD (<0, 45 μm) i UASB-reaktorerna var 59 %. Vid seriell drift har merparten av lösligt COD reducerats i den första reaktorn. Efter nio månaders drift finns fortfarande ett granulärt slam i båda reaktorerna. Tester visar på en hög metanogen aktivitet. Gasproduktion har observerats i reaktorerna men inte kunnat mätas kvantitativt. Resultaten från detta examensarbete indikerar att anaerob rening med en UASB-process fungerar utan uppvärmning för avloppsvattnet från hushållen i Hammarby Sjöstad. Den anaeroba behandlingen bör kompletteras med förbehandling samt en kompletterande behandling för att minska kvarvarande COD och reducera kväve och fosfor.

Energy recovery at Chişinȃu wastewater treatment plant

Graan, Daniel, Bäckman, Rasmus January 2010 (has links)
Possibilities for energy recovery from sludge at Chişinȃu wastewater treatment plant have been investigated and evaluated. One way of recovering energy from sludge is to produce biogas through anaerobic digestion. Which method of biogas usage that is to prefer in Chişinȃu has been evaluated from a cost-efficiency point of view. There is a possibility that a new waste incineration plant will be built next to the wastewater treatment plant, and therefore solutions that benefit from a co-operation have been discussed. The results show that biogas production would be suitable and profitable in a long time perspective if the gas is used for combined heat and power production. Though, the rather high, economical interest rates in Moldova are an obstacle for profitability.

Evaluation of emergent macrophytes as a source forbiogas production after mechanical, alkaline and fungalpretreatments.

Alvinge, Simon January 2010 (has links)
Two species of emergent macrophytes, Typha latifolia (common cattail) and Phalaris arundinacea (reed canary grass) were evaluated as substrates for biogas production. The specific methane yield for each plant was obtained by batch wise anaerobic digestion in 300-mL bottles. Three different pretreatments were evaluated for increased biogas production; mechanical milling, alkaline treatment with lime and fungal degradation with Pleurotus ostreatus (oyseter mushroom).The methane yield for Typha latifolia and Phalaris arundinacea was determined to 300 and 323mL methane per g VS, respectively. There was no statistical difference in methane yield between the two species. Milling pretreatment increased the biogas yield with 16 % by average compared to untreated plant. Alkaline pretreatment with lime increased the biogas yield with 27 % at roomtemp. and 22 % at 55 °C. The fungal pretreatment decreased the biogas production by 20 % and is probably not suitable for this kind of substrate.The results showed that emergent macrophytes have a biogas yield similar to other plants already tested (grasses) and commonly used (pasture crops) in large scale reactors. However, emergent macrophytes and grasses cause mechanical problems in a reactor due to their structure. Probably some kind of milling must be done to decrease the fiber length of the emergent macrophytes. The costs for harvest, transport, handling and possible pretreatment of the emergent macrophytes have to be estimated and included in the overall cost calculations. This can tell if emergent macrophytes should be used as a substrate for biogas production.

Biogas in the United Kingdom & Sweden - A Technological Innovation System Based Analysis

Gordon, Niall January 2011 (has links)
The production of biogas via anaerobic digestion is an effective technology for converting organic waste into renewable fuel. Using the Technological Innovation System (TIS) theory for assessing emerging technologies a comparison between the British and Swedish biogas sectors is carried out. There are seven components to a TIS allowing the sector to be broken down, a potential scheme for the connection of the functions is illustrated. The Swedish biogas sector is at a more advanced stage of development due to long-term governmental support both financially and through stringent environmental laws. Overall the Swedish government has been an effective system builder allowing the Swedish biogas sector to expand. The British biogas sector is conversely less advanced due to lack of this long-term support, although the scene is beginning to change as the government positions itself as a more effective system builder. Several lessons can be learnt from the Swedish biogas sector; longterm financial support for renewable energy is required and stringent organic waste disposal laws both encourage the development of biogas.

Ultrasonic treatment of sewage sludge in order to increase biogas yields

Ek, Anders January 2005 (has links)
Biogas, a mixture of methane and carbon dioxide, is produced in the anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge. After anaerobic digestion, the digested sludge is often allowed to degas for one or two days. This gas is seldom utilised, but if the degassing could be accelerated, utilisation would be easier. Ultrasound can be used as a pretreatment method for waste activated sludge. It has a disintegrating effect on the sludge and causes lysis of bacteria in the sludge. It also speeds up the hydrolysis; the limiting step of anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge. Ultrasound can be used to degas waterbased liquids. Ultrasonic degassing of sewage sludge has not been examined previously. The present study aims to investigate the effect of ultrasound on waste activated sludge as well as the potential of ultrasound to speed up the degassing of digested sludge. A semi-continuous, lab-scale digestion experiment was performed with four reactors: two receiving untreated sludge and two receiving treated sludge. The effect of the sonicator was 420 W and the treatment time was 6 min, which corresponds to an energy input of 8.4 kWh/m3. Total solids (TS) of the waste activated sludge was ~3.5 %. The ultrasonic treatment caused an increase in gas production of 13 %. There was no difference in methane content. The concentration of filterable chemical oxygen demand (fCOD) increased 375 %, or from 2.8 % to 11 % of total COD. In terms of energy loss/gain the increase in gas production resulted in a loss of 2.7 kWh/m3, i.e. more energy is needed to treat the sludge than the potential energy of the increased gas production. However, if the sludge is thickened to a TS >5 %, a net energy gain should be reached. The effect of ultrasound on the degassing of digested sludge was examined in three barrels. The degassing was measured with and without circulation as well as with ultrasonic treatment. The digested sludge had a gas emission rate of 115 L/(m3 day). No direct burst of gas occurred due to ultrasonic treatment. Over two days more gas was emitted from the barrel equipped with ultrasound, probably due to an induced post-digestion. Thus, ultrasonic pretreatment of waste activated sludge increases the biogas yield. It is inconclusive, whether ultrasonic treatment of digested sludge effects the degassing or not.

Remediation of Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate (PETN) Contaminated Water and Soil

Zhuang, Li January 2007 (has links)
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN), a nitrate ester, is widely used as a powerful explosive and is classified as a munitions constituent of great concern by DoD in U.S.A. It is an environmental concern and poses a threat to ecosystem and human health. Our objective was to examine potential remediation strategies for both PETN-contaminated water and soil. Flow-through iron columns were used to determine the potential for using granular iron to degrade PETN in aqueous phase. PETN transformation in both a 100% iron column and a 30% iron and 70% silica sand column followed pseudo-first-order kinetics, with average half-lives of 0.26 and 1.58 minutes, respectively. Based on the identified intermediates and products, the reaction pathway was proposed to be a sequential denitration process, in which PETN was stepwisely reduced to pentaerythritol with the formation of pentaerythritol trinitrate (PETriN) and pentaerythritol dinitrate (PEDN). Although pentaerythrito mononitrate was not detected, an approximately 100% nitrogen mass recovery indicated that all nitro groups were removed from PETN. Nitrite was released in each denitration step and subsequently reduced to NH4+ by iron. Nitrate was not detected during the experiment, suggesting that hydrolysis was not involved in PETN degradation. Furthermore, batch experiments showed that PETN dissolution was likely a rate-limiting factor for PETN degradation, especially in the case with high amount of iron. Using 50% methanol as a representative co-solvent, PETN solubility was greatly enhanced and thus the removal efficiency was improved. The results demonstrate the use of granular iron to remediate PETN-contaminated water. The biodegradability of aqueous PETN was examined with a mixed microbial culture from a site contaminated with PETN. The mixed culture was enriched and selected using a mineral medium containing acetate and yeast extract as carbon and nutrient sources in the presence of nitrate or sulfate. The final enrichment cultures were used as inocula for studying PETN biodegradation under nitrate-reducing and sulfate-reducing conditions. In addition, PETN degradation was tested using the original microbial culture under the mixed electron acceptor conditions of nitrate and sulfate. The results showed that under all conditions tested, PETN was sequentially reduced, apparently following the same pathway as the abiotic reduction by granular iron. Pentaerythritol mononitrate, a suspected intermediate in the abiotic degradation by iron, was identified in this experiment. The presence of nitrate seemed not to affect the kinetics of PETN degradation, with both PETN and nitrate degrading simultaneously. However, the rate of nitrate reduction was much faster than PETN degradation. With respect to sulfate, its presence did not have an adverse effect on PETN degradation, indicated by the very similar degradation rates of PETN in the presence and absence of sulfate. Under all conditions, PETN appeared to act as a terminal electron acceptor for energy generation during biodegradation. A utilization sequence by bacteria in the order of nitrate, PETN, PETriN, PEDN and sulfate was clearly observed. The study in this phase demonstrated that under anaerobic conditions, with carbon sources provided, PETN can be effectively biodegraded by indigenous bacteria in contaminated soil, most likely by denitrifying bacteria. Based on the successful demonstration of abiotic and biotic degradation of PETN in the aqueous phase, both methods were further tested for remediating PETN-contaminated soil in both laboratory and pilot scale. In the laboratory, a systematic soil microcosm experiment was conducted using soil from a contaminated site and additions of either granular iron or organic materials, with deoxygenated Millipore water. Because of the high concentration in the contaminated soil, solid-phase of PETN was initially present in the microcosms. Two types of DARAMEND products, D6390Fe20 (containing 20% iron + 80% botanical materials) and ADM-298500 (100% botanical materials), were used as sources of carbon and other nutrients. During the 84-day incubation period, more than 98% was removed in all DARAMEND treatments, following pseudo-first-order kinetics with half-lives ranging between 8 and 18 days. The results clearly demonstrated that PETN can be effectively degraded under anaerobic conditions with the addition of carbon and possibly nutrients. As in the aqueous tests, the sequence of microbial utilization was nitrate followed by PETN and sulfate. In contrast to the tests with aqueous PETN, iron was not effective in removing PETN in the contaminated soil, due to iron passiviation caused by the presence of high levels of nitrate in the soil. In addition, a slight enhancement was observed in a combined system of iron and biodegradation over biodegradation only. However, the extent of enhancement is not believed to be significant relative to the extra cost for iron addition. A pilot scale test was conducted at a PETN-contaminated site at Louviers, CO, a waste pond which had received waste water from PETN manufacture for over 20 years. The test involved 10 treatments, one control without amendment, one amended with iron (10%), eight with different types and amounts of organic carbon (1%, 2% and 4% of D6390Fe20; 2% and 4% of ADM-298500 and 1%, 2% and 4% of brewers grain). Each treatment was performed in a plastic tub (45 cm wide × 90 cm long × 25 cm deep), containing approximately 18 cm thick layer of soil and 6-8 cm of standing water. Over 74 days, very little consistent reduction of PETN was found in the iron treatment, which was also due to iron passivation in the presence of nitrate in the soil. In contrast, significant removal of PETN (11,200 to 33,400 mg/kg) was observed in the treatments amended with organic materials, and the extent of removal increased with increasing amounts of organic materials. The pilot test was consistent with the results of the laboratory experiments for iron and biodegradation with carbon addition. For biological treatment, the stoichiometric estimation suggests that the complete remediation in many of the treatments will be ultimately limited by carbon sources. Results of this study showed the great potentials of using granular iron to degrade PETN in solution and using indigenous bacteria present in contaminated soils to biodegrade PETN in both the solution and soil phase. Both iron and biodegradation with carbon addition represent viable approaches for remediation of PETN-contaminated water and soil, though iron may not be appropriate in the presence of high concentration of nitrate.

Kinetics of anaerobic sulphate reduction in immobilised cell bioreactors

Baskaran, Vikrama Krishnan 08 November 2005 (has links)
Many industrial activities discharge sulphate- and metal-containing wastewaters, including the manufacture of pulp and paper, mining and mineral processing, and petrochemical industries. Acid mine drainage (AMD) is an example of such sulphate- and metal-containing waste streams. Formation of AMD is generally the result of uncontrolled oxidation of the sulphide minerals present in the terrain in which the drainage flows with concomitant leaching of the metals. Acid mine drainage (AMD) and other sulphate- and metal-containing waste streams are amenable to active biological treatment. Anaerobic reduction of sulphate, reaction of produced sulphide with metal ions present in the waste stream, and biooxidation of excess sulphide are three main sub-processes involved in the active biotreatment of AMD. Anaerobic reduction of sulphate can be achieved in continuous stirred tank bioreactors with freely suspended cells or in immobilized cell bioreactors. The application of freely suspended cells in a continuous system dictates a high residence time to prevent cell wash-out, unless a biomass recycle stream is used. In an immobilized cell system biomass residence time becomes uncoupled from the hydraulic residence time, thus operation of bioreactor at shorter residence times becomes possible. In the present work, kinetics of anaerobic sulphate reduction was studied in continuous immobilized cell packed-bed bioreactors. Effects of carrier matrix, concentration of sulphate in the feed and sulphate volumetric loading rate on the performance of the bioreactor were investigated. The bioreactor performance, in terms of sulphate reduction rate, was dependent on the nature of the carrier matrix, specifically the total surface area which was provided by the matrix for the establishment of biofilm. Among the three tested carrier matrices, sand displayed the superior performance and the maximum volumetric reduction rate of 1.7 g/L-h was achieved at the shortest residence time of 0.5 h. This volumetric reduction rate was 40 and 8 folds faster than the volumetric reduction rates obtained with glass beads (0.04 g/L-h; residence time: 28.6 h) and foam BSP (0.2 g/L-h; residence time: 5.3 h), respectively. Further kinetic studies with sand as a carrier matrix indicated that the extent of volumetric reduction rate was dependent on the feed sulphate concentration and volumetric loading rate. At a constant feed sulphate concentration, increases in volumetric loading rate caused the volumetric reduction rate to pass through a maximum, while increases in feed sulphate concentrations from 1.0 g/L to 5.0 g/L led to lower volumetric reduction rates. The maximum volumetric reduction rates achieved in the bioreactors fed with initial sulphate concentration of 1.0, 2.5 and 5.0 g/L were 1.71, 0.82 and 0.68 g/L-h, respectively. The coupling of lactate utilization to sulphate reduction was observed in all experimental runs and the rates calculated based on the experimental data were in close agreement with calculated theoretical rates, using the stoichiometry of the reactions involved. The maximum volumetric reduction rates achieved in the immobilized cell bioreactors were significantly faster than those reported for freely suspended cells employed in the stirred tank bioreactors.

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