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Strategická analýza podniku Vodafone Czech Republic a. s.Keil, Jan January 2007 (has links)
Záměrem mojí diplomové práce bylo provést strategickou analýzu společnosti Vodafone Czech Rebublic a. s. Nejdříve byla provedena analýza externí (tedy mikrookolí a makrookolí) a pak na ní navazuje interní analýzy. Výsledky těchto dvou analýz jsou využity v ve SWOT analýze, na zaákladě které je provedeno doporučení pro další strategie. V práci jsou také analyzovány strategie, které podnik využívá už nyní.
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Strategická analýza firmy ZAK PrahaZoubková, Hana January 2007 (has links)
Cílem práce je provedení strategické analýzy živnostenského podnikání fyzické osoby. Aplikací teoretického aparátu se odhalují příležitosti a hrozby vyplývající pro analyzovanou firmu z jejího okolí a také silné a slabé stránky firmy samotné. Syntéza nejvýznamnějších poznatků formou SWOT analýzy je pak východiskem pro strategická doporučení firmě.
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Finanční analýza společnosti Jan Becher - Karlovarská Becherovka, a.s.Wachtl, Oldřich January 2007 (has links)
Předmětem mé diplomové práce je finanční analýza společnosti Jan Becher ? Karlovarská Becherovka, a.s. Podnik v roce 2007 oslavil 200 let od svého založení a patří mezi tradiční české výrobce lihovin. V roce 2001 došlo k dokončení jeho privatizace a podnik se stal součástí potravinářského koncernu Pernod Ricard, třetího největšího výrobce alkoholických nápojů na světě. Cílem diplomové práce je odpovědět na otázku, jaká je finanční situace společnosti v její novodobé historii a jaká je další perspektiva jejího finančního zdraví. Analýza je provedena z pohledu externího pozorovatele.
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Analýza intranetu společnosti Sprinx Systems, a.s. a návrhy na jeho zlepšení. / Analysis of the intranet Sprinx Systems, a.s. and suggestions for its improvementPerná, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis devote to design a search of intranets questions and analysis of the current state of the corporate intranet Sprinx Systems, a.s. Intranet can be as useful for small and big company. A well-functioning intranet secures the know-how of company and helps its users at work. The first part of this diploma thesis is focused on design a search of intranet questions, which contains for example historical development of intranets, the basic functions of intranets, create intranet plan, planning intranet content etc. The second part of diploma thesis is focused on the analysis of the current intranet, which was performed using our own experience, structured interview with managers and a questionnaire survey, evaluation and recommendation of proposals to improve the company`s intranet for the future.
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Toru Takemitsu: Rain Tree Sketch II: Analýza skladby pro klavír / Toru Takemitsu: Rain Tree Sketch II: Music analysis for pianoKono, Shoko January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to present the composer Toru Takemitsu, the composer of Japanese classical music and to understand connection between analyzed music, composer’s life and his philosophy. Thesis consists of six parts. Namely introduction, biography, musical works, characteristics of compositions, musical analysis and conclusion. Musical analysis will be performed on his composition called Rain Tree Sketch II – In Memoriam Olivier Messiaen –.
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Friedrich August Kummer a jeho skladby pre dve violončelá / Friedrich August Kummer and his works for two cellosIvanecká, Jana January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis deal with the cellist Friedrich August Kummer a representative of the Dresden school and his works for two cellos. Parts of the thesis are: informations about cello music in Germany, representatives of the Dresden school, Kummer´s biography and Method, description of some works for two cellos and analysis of selected movements of his 3 cello duets op.22. The author colected information from websites, books and sheet music.
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Mimořádné opatření vlády o zákazu prodeje lihovin a jeho faktické dopady na celé odvětví v České republiceDozbaba, Jan January 2014 (has links)
The diploma thesis targets for the government issued an emergency measure to ban the sale of spirits from the day 14. 9. 2012 and its economic impact on institutions spirits market. To demonstrate the problem is the use of internal com-pany data RUDOLF JELÍNEK joint-stock., STOCK Pilsen Bozkov ltd. and Global Spir-its ltd., which are first analyzed and then compared each other. Then the author determine the company, which has the best results after the end of prohibition and suggest stabilization proposals to mitigate the impact of future re-sale ban spirits producers and importers doing business in the Czech Republic. The author proposes legislative measures to restrict market and reducing the strength of the illegal market ("Black Market") trade in liquor
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Business Intelligence na portálu StudentrealityŠkorpík, Jakub January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the creation of module for the company Student-living, s.r.o. designed to simplify the analysis and interpretation of the data contained in the database of the real estate portal Studentreality. This module will use the company's management and staff, as well as property owners who advertise on the portal. Before the creation precedes familiarization with the current system, database and technology that will be used for implementation. Followed by the main part describing the design and implementation of the module itself.
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Tvorba analytického nástroje ke zjišťování vazeb pro potřeby forenzních analýz ICT / Development of analytical tool for relation detection required in digital forensicsHOUŠKA, Jan January 2015 (has links)
The objective of this thesis is to design and implement an application, which will on the basis of outputs from selected forensic tools analyse and search for relations among individual participants in communication. The paper will first describe procedures of digital forensics and selected programs used for digital forensics. Following chapters will be dedicated to description of the whole development cycle of the application. The main outcome of the thesis will be a finished application meeting the requirements of the assignment and enabling not only search for relations based on outputs from forensic tools, but also search for additional possible relations from open sources.
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Strategická analýza vybrané společnostiHegerová, Zuzana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the Diploma thesis is in strategic analysis of Agrochem joint-stock company Lanškroun. A high-quality strategy is an essential precondition for successful future of any company. It is the responsibility of any good management to create an adequate strategic analysis, which reflects on the past, takes the present into consideration and which respects the future as well. The basic starting point for a qualified company strategy proposal is a macroenvirons analysis consisting of the political, economic, social, technological and enviromental factors. The next step is a microenvirons analysis which concerns with the customers, suppliers, competition; and the Porter's Five Forces Competition Theory is applied. The last component analysis is the internal enviroment analysis comprising of factors of technical development, marketing factors, production and management production factors, factors of company and occupational resources and financial analysis. Based on the environs analysis, the SWOT analysis was established and a proper strategy for the above mentioned Agrochem joint-stock company Lanškroun suggested.
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