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Ein Beitrag zum Toxnetz-Explorer: Erstellung eines Lernprogramms zum Thema SchmerzWack, Gesine 02 February 2023 (has links)
Die Wahrnehmung schmerzhafter Stimuli und eine adäquate Reaktion auf diese ist für das Überleben essenziell. Während man akute Schmerzen vergleichsweise gut mit den klassischen Analgetika therapiert werden können, wirken jene Analgetika bei chronischen und neuropathischen Schmerzen nur unzureichend oder zeigen bei einer Langzeitanwendung therapielimitierende Nebenwirkungen. Chronische Schmerzen sind ein globales Problem, das die Lebensqualität von Millionen von Menschen weltweit beeinträchtigt und die Gesundheitsbehörden erheblich belastet. Die Intention der Erforschung verschiedener Toxine in der toxikologischen Schmerzforschung ist es, deren Mechanismen genau zu eruieren und besser verträgliche Therapiealternativen für Schmerzpatienten zu schaffen.
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Srovnání pooperační analgézie na jednotkách intenzivní péče / Comparison of postoperative analgesia in ICUTrojanová, Eva January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with comparing the postoperative analgesia with a focus on pacients after hip replacement surgery at the intensive care units. The quantitative study realized at the Fakultní nemocnice v Motole and Nemocnice Třebíč during November 2012 and February 2013. The main task of the theoretical part is to analyze the current trends in the field of post- operativeanalgesia by the patients undergoing hip joint surgery as well as the explanation the basicconcepts of this issue and overviewing the international postoperative pain treatments. The practical part is an objective comparison the postoperative analgesia byselected patients at the Fakultní nemocnice v Motole and Nemocnice Třebíč determined by questionnaire. The results of the questionnaire are processed into graphical representation and subsequently evaluated. The work serves to clarify the overall issue of post-operative analgesia. The focus is mainly on ensuring the quality of postoperative analgesia, the financial requirements administered analgesics and the possible complications associated with the use of analgesic therapy. Key words: Analgesia, pain, hip surgery, visual analogue scale, analgesics
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Historie léčby bolesti / History of the pain treatmentErbenová, Helena January 2016 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the history of pain treatment from the beginning of humanity to present days. It aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the research development, creation of theories and struggling of a man with the pain, an unpleasant sensory perception, without which the mankind would most probably not survive. From the skeletal remains we learn about pain-killing practices among primitive people who were, besides various potions, charms, spells and rituals, able to use even the trepanation techniques. We find that people in ancient times apparently understood the pain caused by traumatic mechanisms but they could not handle the pain caused by some internal disorder. Early findings about the treatment of pain were thus linked to the nature. People used plants with narcotic and analgetic effects e. g. opium, cannabis, mandrake and physical quantities such as pressure, heat, cold or even shocks generated by electric fish. Over the time they improved this knowledge and reached for new findings. This thesis presents also ideas and creation of theories of pain provided by thinkers and scholars across centuries. Works from antiquity had apparently the biggest and the longest lasting influence on pain and medical problematics. From historical sources we read that new discoveries in medicine...
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Využití plynové chromatografie pro stanovení reziduí léčiv ve vodách / Aplication of gas chromatography for determination of drug residuals in watersLacina, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on the choose of methods and optimalisation analysis procedure of selected pharmaceuticals (salicylic acid, ibuprofene, naproxene, ketoprofene and diclofenac) in surface and waste water by using gas chromatography with mass spectrometer (GC-MS). Solid-phase extraction (SPE) with Oasis HLB cartridges was used as an extraction method in this analysis. Extraction is followed by derivatization and their optimalization of selected pharmaceuticals. Derivatization and its optimalization were performed by two silylation reagens N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (MSTFA) and N,O-bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA). Different volumes of derivatization reagents, different temperatures and different times were used during the procedure. The best combination is then used for analysis of real samples. Real samples of waste water were collected in sewage treatment plants in Brno – Modřice and real samples of surface water were collected from several rivers and one pond in region Moravia. This thesis also presents and tests SPE methods for extraction and concentration selected sulfonamide residues (sulfamethazine, sulfamethoxazole, sulfapyridine and sulfathiazole) from the aquatic environment.
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Využití kapilární zónové elektroforézy pro stanovení vybraných analgetik ve vodách / Use of Capillary Zone Electrophoresis for Determination of Selected Analgetics in WaterČapka, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
From viewpoint of environmental analysis in the whole world became popular in the latest years the question of drugs’ breakthrough to the component of environment. These contami-nants belong to the biological active compounds, with different physical-chemical and biolog-ical properties and evince great tendency to bioaccumulation. They penetrate to the environ-ment because of their increasing of usage and wrong techniques of liquidation. The most often use drugs are preparations against pain – analgetics, and from this category there are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The frequent usage of this compounds relate to their easy accessibility. From this large group of compounds was chosen for monitoring: diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, salicylic acid, naproxen and acetaminophen; because they include in favorite preparations. The monitoring matrix was the wastewater from two waste water treat-ment plants (WWTP). The sampling was performed in inflow and outflow because the com-paring of concentration of selected contaminants and discovering of efficiency of removing the polutants reliance on treatment technology. For extraction of selected contaminants was used solid phase extraction (SPE) and for determination was used capillary zone electrophore-sis (CZE) with diode array detection (DAD). There was identified and quantified all of se-lected analgetics in inflow and so in outflow of WWTP. That means, this polutants infuse into surface water and then into other components of environment.
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Využití GC/MS při analýze léčiv / The use of GC/MS for the analysis of drugsSýkora, Richard January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is based on the current issue of the presence of pharmaceuticals in various components of the environment. Concerning the contamination by residues of pharmaceuticals the most affected environment is the aquatic environment where these substances leaks especially from wastewater treatment plants, which eliminate them during the cleaning process only partially. This work is focused on the selected group of pharmaceuticals, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (salicylic acid, ibuprofen, caffeine, naproxen, ketoprofen, diclofenac) in waste water. For analysis purposes two types of sampling were used and compared: the conventional spot sampling of wastewater and the sampling using passive samplers POCIS. The sampling took place at the inflow and outflow of the wastewater treatment plant in Brno Modřice. The solid phase extraction (SPE) using Oasis HLB columns was used as the extraction method. Extracted sample was derivatized then. Derivatization agents were: MSTFA (N-methyl-N-(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamid) and BSTFA (N, O-bis(trimethylsilyl) trifluoroacetamid). The final analysis was performed using gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection Time-of-Flight (GC/TOF-MS).
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Epidemiology and routine care treatment of patients with hip or knee osteoarthritis and chronic lower back pain: real-world evidence from GermanyHradetzky, E., Ohlmeier, C., Brinkmann, C., Schild, M., Galetzka, W., Schmedt, N., John, T., Kaleth, D., Gothe, H. 06 June 2024 (has links)
Aim Musculoskeletal disorders are a major public health problem in most developed countries. As a main cause of chronic pain, they have resulted in an increasing prescription of opioids worldwide. With regard to the situation in Germany, this study aimed at estimating the prevalence of musculoskeletal diseases such as chronic low back pain (CLBP) and hip/knee osteoarthritis (OA) and at depicting the applied treatment patterns. - Subject and methods German claims data from the InGef Research Database were analyzed over a 6-year period (2011–2016). The dataset contains over 4 million people, enrolled in German statutory health insurances. Inpatient and outpatient diagnoses were considered for case identification of hip/knee OA and CLBP. The World Health Organization (WHO) analgesic ladder was applied to categorize patients according to their pain management interventions. Information on demographics, comorbidities, and adjuvant medication was collected. - Results In 2016, n = 2,693,481 individuals (50.5% female, 49.5% male) were assigned to the study population; 62.5% of them were aged 18–60 years. In 2016, n = 146,443 patients (5.4%) with CLBP and n = 307,256 patients (11.4%) with hip/ knee OA were identified. Of those with pre-specified pain management interventions (CLBP: 66.3%; hip/knee OA: 65.1%), most patients received WHO I class drugs (CLBP: 73.6%; hip/knee OA: 68.7%) as the highest level. - Conclusion This study provides indications that CLBP and hip/knee OA are common chronic pain conditions in Germany, which are often subjected to pharmacological pain management. Compared to non-opioid analgesic prescriptions of the WHO I class, the dispensation of WHO class II and III opioids was markedly lower, though present to a considerable extent.
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Medikace opioidních analgetik na lékařský předpis s alkoholem nebo jinou návykovou látkou ve věkové kohortě 50-64 let / Medication of prescribed opioid analgesics in combination with alcohol or other illegal drug in age group of 50 - 64 yearsLávičková, Jana January 2012 (has links)
Background Based on the gathered data from the previous pilot study and the results of this study we proceeded to the following study which is being focused on the surveillance of the age group 50 - 64 years in the area of prescribed opioid analgesics. Alongside with this, we explored in what possible combinations the medications can be used by the chronic pain patients in the current moment. Methods The base of the research was the qualitative study which was performed by the half-structured deep interview with the participants from the chronic pain patients. The interviews were carried out during the year 2011. Within the main study were pursued two quantitative substudii during the January and March 2012. The first study was focused on the questionnaire survey about the number of the chronic pain patients in the Czech Republic. The second substudy followed the chronic pain patients and their influence by the environmental conditions with the help of the questionnaire in case of the combinations among the prescribed opioid analgesics with alcohol or non-alcohol addictive drugs. Results Half-structured interviews were carried out with 20 participants and with the help of this tool were gathered data pointing out the increasing trend in non-medical use of opioid analgesics and increasing interest...
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Analýza vybraných léčiv pomocí TLC chromatografiejako námět pro laboratorní cvičení / Analysis of sellected drugs with the use of TLC as a topic of laboratory coursesMenzel, Petr January 2018 (has links)
The paper aims to mediate thin film chromatography analysis by means of drugs commonly found in households (analgesic-antipyretics) to secondary school and grammar students, or to college students. For this purpose, laboratory tasks have been designed to cover all levels of the Bloom pyramid so that the educational potential is as high as possible. This is closely related to the topic of drug expiration and treatment. Pupils and students should take on both the competences of knowledge, skills, and attitudes. Keywords: thin layer chromatography; TLC; chromatography in education; educational experiment; expiratory medication; drug handling; analgesic- antipyretics, acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol
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Využití separačních metod pro studium biologicky aktivních látek ve vodách / The Usage of Separation Methods for Research of Biologically Active Substances in WatersVydrová, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
Pharmaceuticals are biological active compounds with different functional groups, physico-chemical and biological properties. These chemical compounds are called as “new contaminants” which cumulate in various environmental components. These contaminants input to environment from industrial processes, hospitals and health care institutions or household sources and these pollutants can to negatively interact with environmental components. Pharmaceuticals are separated according to structure and their effects to live organisms. On the basis of drug consumption in Czech Republic the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are the most using pharmaceuticals, because these drugs can be obtain without prescriptions. The choosing analgesics for study were monitored in waste water from waste waters treatment plant (WWTP Brno – Modřice) and in surface water from two sampling sites of river Kretinka. Pharmaceuticals were monitored in surface waters in Czech Republic, in Scotland (river Thurso) and in Taiwan (river Erren, Agongdian, Yanshuei and canal of Tainan) Solid phase extraction (SPE) is used for extraction of study pharmaceutical from water system. The high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with diode array detection or mass spectrometry was used for determination of drugs in surface waters from Czech Republic. The water samples from Scotland and Taiwan were analysed and the high performance liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry (HPLC/MS) was used for determination of pharmaceuticals. The method of HPLC/MS enables the determination of study compounds in the very low range of concentrations (ng ? l-1). All monitored pharmaceuticals were identified and quantified in water samples from river Kretinka in Czech Republic, river Thurso (Scotland) and rivers Erren, Agongdian, Yanshuei and canal of Tainan in Taiwan and the obtained data were compared.
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