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O compositor frente à sua peçaEnrique Gras, Germán January 2010 (has links)
O presente memorial está dividido em duas partes, a primeira trata da situação do compositor de frente à sua própria peça. Partindo do modelo tripartite da semiologia de Jean Jaques Nattiez, é proposto um deslocamento do observador com o intuito de oferecer uma ferramenta analítica a ser utilizada pelo compositor na análise de seu próprio trabalho. Após a formulação teórica, esta primeira parte é encerrada por uma breve análise de uma das peças do portfólio apresentada como uma primeira aproximação ao funcionamento do modelo analítico e como exemplo das questões que estão se debatendo tais como material, objeto musical entre outros. Esta análise é seguida por uma critica composicional que por sua vez dá lugar a alguns comentários de outra das peças do portfólio. A segunda parte trata do problema composicional especifico que fora trabalhado durante o mestrado; a saber, o relacionamento entre tempo e forma. Num primeiro momento se estabelece um debate teórico para logo dar lugar à análise de outra peça do portfólio que exemplificará o funcionamento de um dispositivo formal proposto como possível solução ao binômio tempo/forma. / This text is divided into two parts, the first dealing with the situation of the composer in front of his own work. Based on the tripartite model of semiology proposed by Jean Jaques Nattiez, a shift of the observer is proposed in order to provide an analytical tool to be used by the composer in the analysis of their own work. After the theoretical formulation, the first part concludes with a brief analysis of a piece of the portfolio presented as a first approach to the operation of the analytical model and an example of the issues with which at deals, such as material and musical objects. This analysis is followed by a compositional critique, which in turn gives rise to some comments on an other piece of the portfolio. The second part deals with the specific compositional problem that has been worked during the Masters investigation: namely, the relationship between time and form. At first a theoretical debate is established that in turn give rise to the analysis of another piece of the portfolio that exemplifies the performance of a device formally proposed as a possible solution to the binomial time/form.
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O compositor frente à sua peçaEnrique Gras, Germán January 2010 (has links)
O presente memorial está dividido em duas partes, a primeira trata da situação do compositor de frente à sua própria peça. Partindo do modelo tripartite da semiologia de Jean Jaques Nattiez, é proposto um deslocamento do observador com o intuito de oferecer uma ferramenta analítica a ser utilizada pelo compositor na análise de seu próprio trabalho. Após a formulação teórica, esta primeira parte é encerrada por uma breve análise de uma das peças do portfólio apresentada como uma primeira aproximação ao funcionamento do modelo analítico e como exemplo das questões que estão se debatendo tais como material, objeto musical entre outros. Esta análise é seguida por uma critica composicional que por sua vez dá lugar a alguns comentários de outra das peças do portfólio. A segunda parte trata do problema composicional especifico que fora trabalhado durante o mestrado; a saber, o relacionamento entre tempo e forma. Num primeiro momento se estabelece um debate teórico para logo dar lugar à análise de outra peça do portfólio que exemplificará o funcionamento de um dispositivo formal proposto como possível solução ao binômio tempo/forma. / This text is divided into two parts, the first dealing with the situation of the composer in front of his own work. Based on the tripartite model of semiology proposed by Jean Jaques Nattiez, a shift of the observer is proposed in order to provide an analytical tool to be used by the composer in the analysis of their own work. After the theoretical formulation, the first part concludes with a brief analysis of a piece of the portfolio presented as a first approach to the operation of the analytical model and an example of the issues with which at deals, such as material and musical objects. This analysis is followed by a compositional critique, which in turn gives rise to some comments on an other piece of the portfolio. The second part deals with the specific compositional problem that has been worked during the Masters investigation: namely, the relationship between time and form. At first a theoretical debate is established that in turn give rise to the analysis of another piece of the portfolio that exemplifies the performance of a device formally proposed as a possible solution to the binomial time/form.
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Contribution à l’étude des aspects mécaniques et thermiques des générateurs de forte puissance pour les EMR / Contribution to the study of the mechanical and thermal aspects of hight power generators for the marine renewable energiesOuagued, Sofiane 20 December 2017 (has links)
Le développement des générateurs de forte puissance pour les énergies marines renouvelables nécessite un effort important de recherche et de développement plus particulièrement centre sur les aspects mécaniques et thermiques. Généralement, la modélisation précise des machines électriques nécessite l'utilisation de la méthode des éléments finis. Cependant, cette méthode est gourmande en temps de calcul en particulier lors des premières étapes de conception. Le but de cette thèse est de fournir des modèles permettant l’analyse des générateurs synchrones à aimants permanents pour les énergies marines renouvelables avec un rapport temps / précision réduit. Deux approches de modélisation sont proposées dans ce travail: une approche à constantes localisées et une approche hybride basée sur le couplage direct entre un modèle analytique et un modèle à constantes localisées. Ces modèles sont utilisés pour l'étude des différents phénomènes physiques inhérents au fonctionnement des dispositifs électromagnétiques (magnétiques, thermiques et mécaniques). Les modèles magnétiques et thermiques à constantes localisées sont construits à partir d'une démarche dite générique, consistant en un maillage du domaine d'étude. Les modèles développés enrichiront les travaux en cours sur les modèles thermiques et mécaniques au GREAH afin d'aboutir à un code de calcul multi-physique par constantes localisées. / The development of high power generators for the marine renewable energies requires substantial research and development, focusing particularly on the mechanical and thermal aspects. Generally, accurate modelling of electrical machines requires the use of finite-element (fe) method. However, fe analysis is highly time consuming, especially at first design stages. The aim of this phd thesis is to propose a design approach of the permanent magnet synchronous generators for marine renewable energies applications offering a good computation time to precision ratio. Two design models are proposed in this work : lumped parameter approach and a hybrid approach based on the direct coupling of an analytical model and lumped parameter model. This modelling approach is used for the modelling of the three main physics to be considered in an electrical generator (magnetic model, thermal model and mechanical model). The lumped parameters approach consists, in this thesis, in the development of a generic magnetica and thermic lumped parameter network linked to the machine geometry. The models developed will regroup the ongoing developments of thermal and mechanical models at the GREAH lab in order to reach the completion of a mutliphysics lumped parameters computational code.
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O compositor frente à sua peçaEnrique Gras, Germán January 2010 (has links)
O presente memorial está dividido em duas partes, a primeira trata da situação do compositor de frente à sua própria peça. Partindo do modelo tripartite da semiologia de Jean Jaques Nattiez, é proposto um deslocamento do observador com o intuito de oferecer uma ferramenta analítica a ser utilizada pelo compositor na análise de seu próprio trabalho. Após a formulação teórica, esta primeira parte é encerrada por uma breve análise de uma das peças do portfólio apresentada como uma primeira aproximação ao funcionamento do modelo analítico e como exemplo das questões que estão se debatendo tais como material, objeto musical entre outros. Esta análise é seguida por uma critica composicional que por sua vez dá lugar a alguns comentários de outra das peças do portfólio. A segunda parte trata do problema composicional especifico que fora trabalhado durante o mestrado; a saber, o relacionamento entre tempo e forma. Num primeiro momento se estabelece um debate teórico para logo dar lugar à análise de outra peça do portfólio que exemplificará o funcionamento de um dispositivo formal proposto como possível solução ao binômio tempo/forma. / This text is divided into two parts, the first dealing with the situation of the composer in front of his own work. Based on the tripartite model of semiology proposed by Jean Jaques Nattiez, a shift of the observer is proposed in order to provide an analytical tool to be used by the composer in the analysis of their own work. After the theoretical formulation, the first part concludes with a brief analysis of a piece of the portfolio presented as a first approach to the operation of the analytical model and an example of the issues with which at deals, such as material and musical objects. This analysis is followed by a compositional critique, which in turn gives rise to some comments on an other piece of the portfolio. The second part deals with the specific compositional problem that has been worked during the Masters investigation: namely, the relationship between time and form. At first a theoretical debate is established that in turn give rise to the analysis of another piece of the portfolio that exemplifies the performance of a device formally proposed as a possible solution to the binomial time/form.
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Expliquer et comprendre dans les sciences empiriques : les modèles scientifiques et le tournant computationnel / Explanation and understanding in the empirical sciences : scientific models and the computational turnJebeile, Julie 11 December 2013 (has links)
Comprendre les phénomènes consiste souvent a interroger les modèles mathématiques des systèmes considérés. En particulier. il s'agit d'obtenir par leur intermédiaire des réponses fiables aux questions de type « pourquoi'? ». Nous y réussissons dès lors que les modèles sont acceptables et intelligibles: c'est l'idée directrice de la thèse. Ce double réquisit est ainsi étudié; d'abord dans l'analyse des modèles analytiques puis dans celle des modèles de simulation. Cela a permis dans un premier temps de mettre en lumière le rôle positif des idéalisations dans la compréhension par les modèles analytiques. Puis, dans un second temps, il a été possible d'identifier les conséquences du tournant computationnel. Il demeure en effet un fossé entre le modèle computationnel et ses résultats, il cause, notamment de l'opacité épistémologique des simulations numériques. Or ce fossé semble doublement entraver notre compréhension des phénomènes simulés. En effet, d'une part, certaines difficultés d'ordre épistémologique, qui sont propre à la justification et a l'utilisation des modèles de simulation, contreviennent il leur acceptabilité. D'autre part, puisque la simulation ne peut pas faire l'objet d'une inspection directe, il est difficile pour l'utilisateur de faire la relation entre les résultats de cette simulation et le contenu du modèle : celui-ci devenant par là-même inintelligible. Néanmoins. les représentations visuelles semblent jouer un rôle fondamental en permettant de surmonter le problème de l'opacité des simulations et ainsi d'assurer une fonction explicative. / Understanding phenomena often requires using mathematical models of the target systems. ln particular, this requires obtaining. through them. reliable answers to why-questions. In this context, we achieve understanding once the models are acceptable and intelligible; this is the central assumption in this thesis. This double requirement is thus studied first in the analysis of analytical models. and then in the analysis of simulation models. This study first allowed us to highlight the positive role of idealizations in understanding through analytical models. Next, it allowed for an identification of the consequences of the computational turn. There is in fact a gap between a computational model and its results. partly because of the epistemic opacity of computer simulations. This gap seems to doubly hinder our understanding of simulated phenomena. On the one hand, some epistemological difficulties arise which are specific to the justification and the use of simulation models. These difficulties contravene their acceptability. On the other hand, since simulation is not open to direct inspection. it seems difficult for a user to make the relation between the model content and its results. Nevertheless, visual representations seem to play a fundamental function in allowing us to overcome the opacity issue. and thus to provide us with explanatory elements to our why-questions.
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Industrial and office wideband MIMO channel performanceNair, Lakshmi Ravindran 26 November 2009 (has links)
The aim of this dissertation is to characterize the MIMO channel in two very distinct indoor scenarios: an office building and an industrial environment. The study investigates the use of single- and dual-polarized antenna MIMO systems, and attempts to model the channel using well-known analytical models. The suitability of MIMO architectures employing either single or dual-polarization antennas is presented, with the purpose of identifying not only which architecture provides better average capacity performance, but also which is more robust for avoiding low channel rank. A measurement campaign employing dual-polarized 8×8 patch arrays at 2.4 GHz and 5.2 GHz is analyzed. For both environments the performance of three 4×4 subsystems (dual-polarized, vertical-polarized and horizontal-polarized) are compared in terms of the average capacities attained by these systems and their eigenvalue distributions. Average capacities are found to be only marginally different, indicating little advantage of dual-polarized elements for average performance. However, an eigenvalue analysis indicates that the dual-polarized system is most robust for full-rank MIMO communications, by providing orthogonal channels with more equal gain. The analysis of the analytical models shows that the Kronecker and Weichselberger models underestimate the measured data. Kronecker models are known to perform poorly for large antenna sizes and the performance of the Weichselberger model can be attributed to certain parts of the channel not fading enough. / Dissertation (MEng)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering / unrestricted
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Modelos analíticos no estudo do comportamento estrutural de tubos flexíveis e cabos umbilicais. / Analytical models for the study of the structural behavior of flexible pipes and umbilical cables.Ramos Junior, Roberto 21 December 2001 (has links)
Tubos flexíveis e cabos umbilicais têm sido bastante utilizados pela indústria petrolífera em aplicações offshore nos últimos anos. Os primeiros consistem num tipo de tubulação usada para o transporte de vários tipos de fluidos, geralmente trabalhando a alta pressão. Já os cabos umbilicais são usados para permitir o controle e a comunicação entre equipamentos submersos e de superfície. Quanto à concepção estrutural, os dois tipos de produto são muito semelhantes, apresentando diversas camadas metálicas combinadas com camadas plásticas concêntricas de modo a formar uma estrutura com grande rigidez axial e torcional, porém baixa rigidez flexional. O escopo deste trabalho é o estudo de modelos analíticos para a previsão do comportamento estrutural de tubos flexíveis e cabos umbilicais. Inicialmente são propostos modelos para a análise local destas estruturas, sob a ação de carregamentos de tração, torção, pressão interna, externa e flexão, agindo isoladamente ou combinados. São propostos modelos analíticos consistentes para cada camada, resultando num sistema de equações algébricas que, ao ser resolvido, fornece os valores de tensões e deformações nas diversas camadas, bem como os valores de rigidez equivalente axial, flexional e torcional do tubo/cabo. São feitas várias comparações entre os resultados obtidos analiticamente e resultados experimentais obtidos na literatura para diversos tubos e cabos. A importância dos modelos desenvolvidos fica evidente numa análise do comportamento global para a previsão de instabilidade de linhas sob carregamento combinado de torção e compressão dinâmica. Através de uma análise consistente, mostra-se que a clássica equação de Greenhill também pode ser utilizada para a determinação das cargas críticas de flambagem em barras curvas de grande comprimento, sendo o comprimento de flambagem da barra estimado a partir da relação de dispersão de onda flexional numa viga reta. Vários exemplos de determinação da carga crítica de flambagem são abordados, envolvendo tanto risers rígidos quanto flexíveis. Uma atenção especial ao estabelecimento e discussão de hipóteses é dada em todos os modelos propostos. / Flexible pipes and umbilical cables have been largely used by the oil industry in offshore applications in these last years. The former are a kind of pipeline structure used for conducting several fluids, often working at high pressure, while the latter are cables used to provide control and communication links between seafloor and surface equipments. Regarding their structural design, both flexible pipes and umbilicals are quite similar, presenting a number of steel armour layers combined with polymeric layers disposed in such a way to form a structure which is stiff under torsion and traction, but compliant under bending. The aim of this work is the study of analytical models to predict the structural behaviour of flexible pipes and umbilicals. At first, local analysis of such structures is undertaken, considering combined loadings of traction, torsion, internal and external pressures and bending. Consistent analytical models, proposed for each layer, are then combined to result in a system of algebraic equations that is solved for the stresses and deformations in the layers. Equivalent axial, torsional and flexural stiffness values for the pipe/umbilical are also obtained. Several comparisons between analytical results and experimental results obtained in the literature are also made, involving both flexible pipes and umbilicals. The importance of the developed models is highlighted in an analysis of the global structural behaviour made to predict the instability condition of flexible lines under the action of dynamic compression and twisting moment. Through a consistent analysis, it is shown that the classical Greenhill formula can also be used to determine critical buckling loads for long curved rods. In this case, an estimate for the buckling lenght is given by the flexural wave dispersion relation of a straight beam. Several examples, involving both SCRs and flexible pipes, illustrate the method of critical buckling load determination. Emphasis is also given in the establishment and discussion of hypotheses for all proposed models.
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Safety + AI: A novel approach to update safety models using artificial intelligenceGheraibia, Y., Kabir, Sohag, Aslansefat, K., Sorokos, I., Papadopoulos, Y. 16 September 2019 (has links)
Yes / Safety-critical systems are becoming larger and more complex to obtain a higher level of functionality. Hence, modeling and evaluation of these systems can be a difficult and error-prone task. Among existing safety models, Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) is one of the well-known methods in terms of easily understandable graphical structure. This study proposes a novel approach by using Machine Learning (ML) and real-time operational data to learn about the normal behavior of the system. Afterwards, if any abnormal situation arises with reference to the normal behavior model, the approach tries to find the explanation of the abnormality on the fault tree and then share the knowledge with the operator. If the fault tree fails to explain the situation, a number of different recommendations, including the potential repair of the fault tree, are provided based on the nature of the situation. A decision tree is utilized for this purpose. The effectiveness of the proposed approach is shown through a hypothetical example of an Aircraft Fuel Distribution System (AFDS). / DEIS H2020 Project under Grant 732242
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Retail Facility Design Considering Product ExposureMowrey, Corinne H. 30 August 2016 (has links)
No description available.
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Interpreting random forest models using a feature contribution methodPalczewska, Anna Maria, Palczewski, J., Marchese-Robinson, R.M., Neagu, Daniel January 2013 (has links)
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