Spelling suggestions: "subject:"anda social services"" "subject:"ando social services""
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Socialinių paslaugų teikimo vertinimas Jonavos rajono savivaldybėje / Social Services Evaluation In Jonava MunicipalityVasiliauskienė, Vaiva 20 December 2006 (has links)
This paper is analysis the system of Lithuanian social security, appreciable the problems of social services organization and offering. Also there are descriptive criterions of social services evaluation and discernible reparation of social services functions in Lithuanian authority departments. There are ratable social services offering of Jonava municipality. By the questionnaire poll in Rukla there are sounding social services quality and Rukla population content with them.
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Přínos standardů kvality sociálních služeb v zařízeních pro děti a mládež / Benefits for standards of qualities in social services in institutions for children and youthTRAORE, Júsuf January 2015 (has links)
This final thesis deals with benefits of standards in social services. It is aimed to reasons and sources for developement of social service standards in a connection with the socioeconomic change of a society after 1989. Furthermore, it offers a view on specialities of social work with children and youth and specialities of their needs linked with use of social service offers. It also reflects general processes in institutions which implement quality standards of social work as tools to increase its own services. This work also shows a resume and results of actual theoretical and practical outputs directed to benefit of standards of social services. This thesis currently offers a probe into social workers view to a particular institution for children and teen-agers to uncover benefits of standards of quality in their institution.
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Služba sociální rehabilitace z pohledu jejích uživatelů / Social Rehabilitation Services from the Perspective of their usersMYŠÁKOVÁ, Hana January 2016 (has links)
The master's thesis Social rehabilitation services from the users' point of view is concerned with social rehabilitation through users of the service who play an important role in its successful realization. The theoretical part of the thesis defines basic issues. Development of social services in the Czech Republic and their current legislative form is described. The importance of social rehabilitation from the view of coordinated rehabilitation is explained. However, the main part is focused on particularities of social rehabilitation in the sence of social services. Current trends in social services, related especially to a planned amendment of the Social Services Act, are referred to in the end. The practical part of the thesis is written in the form of a qualitative research. The method of questioning and semi-structured interviews were used for the purposes of the research. Fourteen people were chosen intentionally for the survey. The data gained from the interviews were analysed with the method of open coding. The main aim of the thesis was to evaluate the importance of social rehabilitation in the context of abilities and skills that users of social services gained. In addition to that, social rehabilitation availability in the region of Písek was discussed. The results of the research showed interesting knowledge about meaning of service for its user. Three organizations, whose target group are people with disability, provide social rehabilitation services in the region of Písek. Obstacles connected to people's disability are the main reason for the interest in this service. The users of social services expect help and support above all, while solving their unfavourable social conditions. These may vary, so the content of social service may vary as well, and their lenght can be different across different providers. Important role in process of providing service has social worker, which leads user to social change and participates on succes of service itself. This master's thesis can be contributive to understanding the importance of social rehabilitation for disabled people's living. It brings information about users' experience with the realization of social rehabilitation services and about their satisfaction. It can also help to uncover weaknesses and obstacles during the realization of the services.
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Kvalita života osob s mentální retardací v kontextu transformace sociálních služeb / Quality of life mentally handycapped persons in context of transformation social servicesSkořepová, Romana January 2018 (has links)
1 Abstract Thesis name: Persons with mental retardation and their quality of life in context of Social Services transformation. Purpose of this thesis is to describe process, history, progress and risks of transformation of Social Services in Czech Republic. Target of this thesis is not transformation of Social Sevices in Czech Republic generally but it is targeted on Nalžovický zámek organization, Social Services provider where transformation is in progress from 2013. In thesis I investigate how clients using supported housing perceive this service in context of quality of their life. My thesis includes theoretical base focused on mental retardation, social services, institutional care. Purpose of this thesis is not representative research or academic analysis of data. Used information are extract from professional literatury and Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs website. Main used method is narative interview. Thesis has six chapters. Results of my research are presented in chapter five and I consider this chapter as most important. Research shows clients of supported housing perceive this service in a very positive way and are satisfied. Feel this opportunity as a new way how to make quality of their life better.
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Možnosti návazných sociálních služeb pro uživatele s kombinovaným postižením starší 18 let z Českých Budějovic a okolí / Possibilities of follow-up social services for users with multiple disabilities over 18 years from České Budějovice and surroundingsNOVÁK, Jaromír January 2011 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis was to map a current range of social services for users with multiple disabilities over 18 years from České Budějovice and the surrounding area and also to find an interest in individual types of social services from a perspective of their legal representatives. The theoretical part deals with a concept of the combined disability and its basic division. Further it devotes in detail to social services that are determined for clients with multiple disabilities over 18 years. A part of the theoretical there is also a list of organizations currently providing social services for this target group in České Budějovice and surroundings. A conclusion of the theoretical part devotes to a community planning, its history and present days in the South Bohemian region as well as directly in the town of České Budějovice. The practical part has been processed by a quantitative research method, specifically in a form of an anonymous questionnaire survey and it provides a comprehensive information on a fact, which social services are currently used by the legal representatives of the users with multiple disabilities over 18 years from České Budějovice, what services they are in future interested in and how they would imagine their functioning. This part also summarizes information how the legal representatives of users with combined disabilities over 18 years participate in an establishment of new social services and it maps their awareness of the community planning. The conclusions of the diploma thesis should serve as a feedback to organizations providing social services for users with multiple disabilities over 18 years. Furthermore, they could be used as a source for the community plan and to help for an extension of the offer of provided social services in České Budějovice.
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Podpora rodin s dítětem se zdravotním postižením / Support of families with a handicapped childLUKEŠOVÁ, Miloslava January 2008 (has links)
The family means an environment in which human personality is formed, where human capital is created and where future generations are raised and educated. Its prosperity influences the development of the state as well as the cultural, social and economic development. It is always a stressful situation for the family if the newborn child is handicapped or if the handicap develops in a child so far healthy. There may be inevitable changes in parents´ employment, in the lifestyle of the family, in the way of spending free time and often even in the relationships within the family. One form of possible alleviation in such a situation is the existence of social services. Act no. 108/2006 on Social Services is aimed at specifying particular types of social services and related allowances as a tool for helping. The intended outcome is a healthy, competitive environment in this sphere and subsequent growth of social services network. The submitted bachelor thesis is based on qualitative research focused on the opinions and attitudes of handicapped children´s parents. The parents evaluated the current forms of support provided for their families, the offer of social services in their region and the services utilization. The thesis also surveys how much information is available to the parents as regards the system of social help and social services, what is their first experience regarding family care allowance. This allowance is a new form within the Czech social support system. The sample consisted of thirty parents of handicapped children and the data collection technique was based on semi-standardized interviews and content analysis. The survey results yielded the following hypothesis for prospective quantitative research: The interest of families with a handicapped child in broader offer of social services does not depend on the nominal value of allowances intended for covering the cost of these services.
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Psychologicko - etické aspekty umístění v domově pro seniory / The Psychological - the ethical aspects of the placement in the home for the elderlySOBOTKOVÁ, Lucie January 2011 (has links)
The work deals with the psychological - the ethical aspects of the placement in the home for the elderly. It focuses on issues of aging and old age, including changes in physical, psychological and social sphere. It offers an overview of the evolution of the system of care for the elderly to the present form of social services under Act No. 108/2006 Coll. on social services. It deals with basic principles in the provision of social services: partnership, autonomy, respect for client dignity, individual approach. It also provides information on the individual planning of the social services. It deals with select models of senior activation and finally focuses on the theme guiding the senior end of his way of life.
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Změna v rámci prevence syndromu vyhoření v souvislosti se změnou legislativy. / The change in scope of burning-out syndrom prevention in the legislation chanages.MEDLÍNOVÁ, Eva January 2009 (has links)
Paper covers educational training of social services workers who are supposed to have achieved the prescribed qualifications in compliance with the above-mentioned act, or who are supposed to achieve the respective qualifications by means of the so-called qualifications course for workres engaged in social services. Assisting professions are characterized , in particular, by the fact that persons engaged in them are exposed to a more intense contact with people than other professions are. Performance of such professions is associated with great commitment and responsibility. Therefore, workers engaged in social services are exposed to risk of burnout syndrome development to a higher extent than people working in other professions. This syndrome is experienced most frequently as a feeling of mental, physical and emotional exhaustion and not only does it result in deterioration of the quality of services provided, it has very adverse consequences for a social services worker affected by burnout syndrome as well. The work resulted in finding that no improvement of the Burnout Syndrome Manifestation Inventory score was found and that no influence on attitudes to burnout syndrome on the part of most workers engaged in social services after completion of the qualification course was observable. The workers themselves feel that there is no link between the qualification course and the quality of services provided by them.
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Komunitní plánování sociálních služeb v městské části Praha 6 - Suchdol / Community Planning of Social Services in Municipal District of Prague 6 - SuchdolKubátová, Zuzana January 2017 (has links)
Community planning of social services is not the current topic in the society. The diploma thesis goal is to realize a study review of community planning of social services in the Czech Republic and to describe the actual social situation in Praha-Suchdol municipal district according to community plan creation methodology. First part describes social services system and its legislation in the Czech Republic. Community planning of social services correlates with community and community social work. So I pay attention to them in the second part of the thesis. The community planning of social services can be described with respect to different views. I focused on such themes that are connected with a process of identifying the needs. This thesis analyses the actual social situation in Praha-Suchdol municipal district by secondary data and finally the thesis analyses results of the survey created for the thesis purpose of Praha-Suchdol citizen's opinions and needs.
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Integration of community development and statutory social work services within the developmental approachLandman, Liezel 04 October 2005 (has links)
South African welfare policies and social problems dictate social service rendering in South Africa. Social workers are involved in various service delivery interventions of which community development (macro focus) and statutory services (micro focus) are two separate specialised interventions. In social work practice there is a need for both interventions, however, there is no clear guidelines for social workers how to integrate these interventions in practice. The aim of this study was to determine how community development and statutory services as two distinctive social work interventions could be integrated in order to render effective, integrated social services within a developmental approach. A qualitative research approach was utilised for the study and data was gathered by means of four focus group interviews. Respondents for the study included social workers and clients who were involved in both statutory and community development interventions. Research findings indicated that statutory and community development interventions are guided by different processes, time frames, and models of implementation, such as the legislative framework in the case of statutory work as opposed to participatory models in community development. The study concluded that there is not only confusion with regard to the role of social workers, but also a high risk of clients loosing trust in the helping relationship when one social worker simultaneously does community work and render statutory services in the same community. The distinctive nature of statutory services and community development calls for other options for the integration of these two intervention levels. This study proposed three options for social workers and NGOs to integrate statutory services and community development. Based on the research findings and conclusions of the study, the researcher proposed guidelines for (1) the development of an integrated model and (2) a policy framework for the integration of statutory services and community development within a developmental approach and finally recommended that such a designed model and policy framework be implemented and the impact thereof on social service delivery be researched. / Dissertation (MSD (Social Development and Policy))--University of Pretoria, 2006. / Social Work / unrestricted
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