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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Charakterisierung und <i>in vitro</i> - Wirkung agonistischer AT<sub>1</sub>-Rezeptor Autoantikörper bei Präeklampsie-Patienten

Neichel, Dajana January 2003 (has links)
Die Präeklampsie ist eine schwangerschaftsspezifische Bluthochdruck-Erkrankung, die im Allgemeinen nach der 20. Schwangerschaftswoche auftritt. Neben der Hypertonie sind die Proteinurie und die Ödembildung charakteristische Symptome der Präeklampsie. Obwohl heute die Pathophysiologie der Präeklampsie zum großen Teil verstanden ist, ist die Ätiologie dieser Erkrankung noch unklar. 1999 konnten wir in den Seren von Präeklampsie-Patientinnen agonistische Autoantikörper, die gegen den Angiotensin II AT1-Rezeptor gerichtet sind (AT1-AAK), nachweisen. Diese AT1-AAK gehören zur Antikörpersubklasse IgG3.<br /> Die AT1-AAK führen in Kulturen neonataler Rattenkardiomyozyten AT1-Rezeptor spezifisch zu einem positiv chronotropen Effekt. Mittels Immunpräzipitation wurde gezeigt, dass AT1-AAK spezifisch den AT1-Rezeptor präzipitieren. Kontrollproben, aus denen die AT1-AAK entfernt wurden, führen zu keiner Präzipitation des AT1-Rezeptors. Die Präzipitation des AT1-Rezeptors bleibt ebenfalls aus, wenn die AT1-AAK mit einem Peptid, welches der Aminosäuresequenz des zweiten extrazellulären Loops des humanen AT1-Rezeptors entspricht, behandelt wurden. Eine Langzeitbehandlung der Kulturen neonataler Rattenherzzellen mit AT1-AAK vermindert die funktionelle Ansprechbarkeit der Zellen auf einen erneuten AT1-Rezeptor-Stimulus.<br /> Eine veränderte AT1-Rezeptorexpression wurde nicht nachgewiesen. In guter Übereinstimmung mit den in vitro-Expressionsdaten wurde gezeigt, dass die plazentare AT1-Rezeptorexpression bei Präeklampsie-Patientinnen nicht verschieden von der plazentaren AT1-Rezeptorexpression gesunder Schwangerer mit nicht pathogen verändertem Blutdruck ist. Im Zellsystem der neonatalen Rattenherzzellen führen die AT1-AAK zur Aktivierung von Gi-Proteinen und zu verringerten intrazellulären cAMP-Spiegeln.<br /> Des Weiteren wurde gezeigt, dass die AT1-AAK in Kulturen neonataler Rattenherzzellen die Transkriptionsfaktoren AP-1 und NFkB aktivieren. Die Aktivierung des Transkriptionsfaktors NFkB wurde vornehmlich in den Nicht-Myozyten der Rattenherzzellkultur nachgewiesen. Generell wurde festgestellt, dass sich die AT1-AAK pharmakologisch wie der natürliche Agonist des AT1-Rezeptors, Angiotensin II, verhalten.<br /> Erste Daten dieser Arbeit deuten auf einen eventuellen Einfluss der AT1-AAK auf die Expression von Komponenten der extrazellulären Matrix bzw. assoziierter Faktoren (Kollagen III, MMP-2, TIMP-2, Colligin) hin. In allen in dieser Arbeit untersuchten Seren von klinisch diagnostizierten Präeklampsie-Patientinnen wurden agonistische AT1-AAK nachgewiesen. Wir vermuten daher, dass die AT1-AAK möglicherweise bedeutend in der Pathogenese der Präeklampsie sind. / Preeclampsia is a serious, pregnancy-specific disorder that usually occurs after week 20 of gestation and is characterized by hypertension, proteinuria, and oedema. While the pathophysiology is clear, little is known about etiology of preeclampsia.<br /> In 1999, we showed that sera from preeclamptic patients contain autoantibodies directed against angiotensin II AT1 receptor (AT1-AAB). These autoantibodies are immunoglobuliens of the IgG3 subclass.<br /> AT1-AAB accelerate the beating rate of neonatal rat cardiomyocytes. The agonistic effect can be blocked with the AT1 receptor blocker losartan.<br /> Co-immunoprecipitation studies have shown that AT1-AAB specifically precipitate the AT1 receptor while control samples lacking AT1-AAB do not. The AT1 receptor could not be precipitated following neutralization of the AT1-AAB by a peptide corresponding to the AT1 receptors second extracellular loop. In further studies on neonatal rat heart cells, we showed long-term stimulation of the AT1 receptor whereby AT1-AAB down-regulated the AT1 receptor-mediated response to a second agonistic receptor-stimulation.<br /> After long-term stimulation of neonatal rat heart cells, no changes in AT1 receptor expression could be identified. Corresponding to these in vitro-expression data, no difference was seen in placental AT1 receptor expression between patients with preeclampsia and healthy pregnant women. Next, we tested if the AT1-AAB lead to activation of AT1 receptor signaling in angiotensin II fashion. In neonatal rat heart cell cultures, AT1-AAB lead to activation of Gi-protein with reduced cAMP levels. AT1-AAB are able to activate the transcription factors AP-1 and NFkB in this cell system. In all observations, the agonistic AT1-AAB behave pharmacologically in a similar fashion to angiotensin II.<br /> Initial data suggest that AT1-AAB may have an effect on extracellular matrix components (ECM).<br /> We have found AT1-AAB in all women meeting the clinical criteria of preeclampsia and, therefore, suggest that AT1-AAB may be important to the pathogenesis of the disease.

Identificação de proteínas que interagem com a porção citoplasmática C-terminal do receptor para Angiotensina II (AT1aR) em células de tecido renal / Identification of binding-partners interacting with the intracellular c-terminal domain of the angiotensin II receptor AT1aR in rat renal tissue

Camila Nogueira Alves Bezerra 01 October 2010 (has links)
O receptor para Angiotensina II tipo 1 (AT1R) é expresso tanto em membrana apical quanto basolateral dos túbulos proximais renais. Embora haja evidências de diferenças funcionais entre receptores apicais e basolaterais, como, por exemplo, a dependência do processo de internalização de receptores apicais, mas não de basolaterais, para a efetivação dos efeitos fisiológicos da Angiotensina II, os mecanismos envolvidos na determinação dessas diferenças não são conhecidos. Alguns trabalhos já evidenciaram a importância da porção c-terminal do receptor AT1 na sua internalização. Desta forma, com o intuito de identificar proteínas de membrana que possam interagir com tal região, foi feita a clonagem do fragmento de DNA correspondente a esta no vetor pGEX-6P-2. O produto da transcrição e tradução do gene foi uma proteína de fusão (GST-AT1aR) que possui em torno de 35kDa, a qual foi imobilizada em resina de glutationa sefarose e incubada com proteínas de membranas totais de córtex renal de ratos (GST pull-down assay). As amostras foram submetidas à Eletroforese Bidimensional, onde identificamos seis spots correspondentes a proteínas que interagem especificamente com a proteína de fusão, mas não com GST. Estes spots foram recortados e analisados por espectrometria de massa. Cinco diferentes proteínas foram identificadas como provavelmente associadas ao receptor AT1aR: ATP sintase subunidade beta, ATP sintase subunidade alfa mitocondrial, GRP78 (heat shock protein de 78kDa regulada por glicose), HSC70 (heat shock protein de 71kDa) e dipeptidil peptidase 4 (DPPIV). Experimentos subsequentes de GST pull-down e western blotting para as proteínas encontradas, confirmaram interação da cauda C-terminal do receptor com as proteínas ATP sintase subunidade beta, HSC70 (heat shock protein de 71kDa) e GRP78 (heat shock protein de 78kDa regulada por glicose). No entanto, nos estudos de co-imunoprecipitação foi possível confirmar apenas a interação com HSC70, um membro da família HPS70, uma heat shock protein. HSP são também chamadas de chaperonas por estarem envolvidas no dobramento correto de proteínas recém sintetizadas, no redobramento de proteína desnaturadas ou dobradas incorretamente e na degradação de proteínas com danos irreparáveis. No entanto, trabalhos recentes descrevem novos papéis para esta proteína, como a participação em processos de tráfego protéico entre compartimentos intracelulares, reciclagem de proteínas para a membrana plasmática e endocitose mediada por clatrina. Novos estudos serão necessários para se determinar a função fisiológica da interação de HSC70 com a cauda citoplasmática do receptor AT1 e ainda, se essa associação estaria envolvida nas diferenças funcionais observadas quando esse receptor é expresso em membrana apical ou basolateral / The angiotensin II receptor type 1 (AT1R) is expressed in both apical and basolateral membranes in the renal proximal tubules. Although there are evidences that they have functional differences, such as the dependence on internalization for apical, but not basolateral, receptors to trigger physiological effects of angiotensin II, the mechanisms of this peculiar behavior are not clear. The carboxy-terminal tail of the AT1 receptor was shown to be involved in its internalization. Thus, in order to identify possible AT1R c-terminal interacting proteins, we have inserted the cDNA coding the last 53 amino acids of the C-terminus into pGEX-6P-2 vector. The gene translation product was a fusion protein (GST-AT1aR) weighting approximately 35 kDa which was immobilized on Glutathione Sepharose resin and incubated with rat renal cortex total membrane proteins (GST pull-down assay). The samples were then subjected to two dimensional gel electrophoresis. We identified six protein spots that specifically interacted with GST-AT1aR. These spots were cut and analyzed by mass spectrometry. Five different proteins were identified as probably associated with AT1aR, ATP synthase beta subunit, ATP synthase alpha subunit, GRP78 (glucose regulated protein of 78kDa), HSC70 (Heat shock cognate 71kDa protein) and dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPPIV). The interaction with ATP synthase beta subunit, HSC70 and GRP78 was confirmed by GST pull-down and western blotting. However, immunoprecipitation of total protein of renal cortex followed by immunobloting only confirmed the interaction with HSC70. This protein is a member of the Heat Shock Proteins family HSP70 also called chaperones, because their involvement in correct folding of newly synthesized proteins, refolding of partially denatured or misfolded proteins, and in protein degradation of irreparably damaged proteins. Recent studies have described new roles for HSC70, such as the participation in protein trafficking between intracellular compartments, recycling of proteins to the plasma membrane and endocytosis mediated by clathrin. Further studies are necessary to determine the physiological role of this interaction and whether this association is involved in the functional differences observed regarding the activation of the receptor in apical or basolateral membranes

Sulfhydryl Reducing Agents Distinguish Two Subtypes of Angiotensin II Receptors in the Rat Brain

Speth, Robert C., Rowe, Brian P., Grove, Kevin L., Carter, Michelle R., Saylor, David 10 May 1991 (has links)
Two angiotensin II receptor subtypes were distinguished in the rat brain using in vitro receptor autoradiography based on the differential effects of sulfhydryl reducing agents on 125I-sarcosine1, isoleucine8 angiotensin II binding in various brain nuclei. At several nuclei, e.g. the hypothalamus, circumventricular organs and the dorsal medulla, 125I-sarcosine1, isoleucine8 angiotensin II binding was strongly inhibited by 30 mM β-mercaptoethanol or 5 mM dithiothreitol, whereas at other nuclei, e.g. the lateral septum, colliculi, locus coeruleus and medial amygdala, sulfhydryl reducing agents had either little effect on radioligand binding or enhanced the binding. The distribution of the sulfhydryl reducing agent inactivated subtype corresponds exactly with the distribution of DuP 753 sensitive (designated as AIIα) 125I-sarcosine1, isoleucine8 angiotensin II binding sites25. The subtype not inhibited by sulfhydryl reducing agents corresponds with the DuP 753 insensitive (designated as AIIβ) sites in the brain25. The sulfhydryl reducing agent effect on brain angiotensin II receptor subtypes is similar to that seen in angiotensin II receptor subtypes in peripheral tissues. These observations indicate that many previous studies of brain angiotensin II receptor binding that included 5 mM dithiothreitol in the assay medium overlooked the sulfhydryl reducing agent inactivated (AIIα) receptor subtype.

Physiological role of prolylcarboxypeptidase

Schadock, Ines Claudia 04 October 2011 (has links)
Prolylcarboxypeptidase (PRCP, EC3.4.16.2) ist ein ubiquitär exprimiertes Enzym, mit höchster Expression im Maushirn. Es spaltet spezifisch die letzte carboxyterminale Aminosäure von Substraten, deren vorletzte Aminosäure ein Prolin ist. Seine bisher publizierten Substrate Angiotensin II (AngII) und alpha Melanocortin Stimulierendes Hormone (alphaMSH) legen eine Rolle von PRCP in der Entwicklung von kardiovaskulären und metabolischen Krankheiten nahe. Um die in vivo Funktion von PRCP zu studieren, wurde eine Knockout Maus generiert (PRCP-/-). Metabolischer Phänotyp: PRCP-/- Mäuse zeigten generell ein reduziertes Körpergewicht, selbst wenn sie über Monate mit einer Hochfettdiät versorgt wurden. Erhöhte Plasmaleptin Werte und Proopiomelanocortin (pomc) Expression in knockout Hypothalami wiesen auf eine wichtige Rolle von PRCP in der Regulation von Futteraufnahme und Energiehomöostase hin. Eines der Genprodukte von pomc ist alphaMSH, welches im Hypothalamus die Futteraufnahme terminiert. Die carboxyterminale Struktur dieses Neuropeptids erfüllt alle Voraussetzungen, um von PRCP gespalten zu werden. Zudem konnte prcp Promotoraktivität in den selben Hirnstrukturen gezeigt werden, in denen auch alphaMSH-Wirkung beschrieben wurde. Eine mögliche Funktion von PRCP wäre somit die Inaktivierung des Appetitzüglers alphaMSH im Hypothalamus. Kardiovasculärer Phänotyp: Zunächst erwiesen sich zirkulierende Ang-Peptide in PRCP-/- Mäusen als unverändert. Jedoch konnte ein erhöhtes Niveau des Degradationsproduktes Ang1-7 in der Niere gezeigt werden. Die Entdeckung einer erhöhten Enzymaktivität von Angiotensin Converting Enzyme 2 (ACE2) in PRCP-/- Nieren, wurde als Kompensation der fehlenden PRCP Aktivität in PRCP-/- Nieren interpretiert. bot einen Erklärungsansatz für dieses Ergebnisse. Es wird davon ausgegangen, daß ACE2 die fehlende PRCP Aktivität in knockout Mäusen kompensiert. Das es sich hierbei um eine lokale begrenzte Kompensation handeln muß, zeigten der erhöhte Blutdruck und Herzrate, sowie die milde Herzhypertrophie. Da spezifische prcp Promotoraktivität in Hirnnuclei gefunden wurde, die in die Kontrolle der Herzfrequenz und des Blutdrucks involviert sind, wird eine regulatorische Funktion von Hirnstamm-PRCP auf Herzrhytmus und Blutdruck vermutet. / Prolylcarboxypeptidase (PRCP, EC3.4.16.2) is an enzyme specifically cleaving the last carboxy-terminal amino acid from substrates containing a penultimate proline. Its known potential substrates are linked to cardiovascular and metabolic phenomenon. To analyse the in vivo function of this enzyme a PRCP knockout mouse was generated. Homozygous knockout mice are viable but show tendency of decreased life span. In mice prcp expression is present in all tissues tested with very specific localizations of prcp promotor activity to distinct brain areas within the cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus and the brain stem. The metabolic phenotype of PRCP deficient mice is characterized by low body weight even when feeding the animals a high fat diet. The increased plasma leptin levels and elevated expression of proopiomelanocortin gene (pomc) found in knockout hypothalami suggests an involvement of PRCP in the regulation of food intake and energy homeostasis. One of the gene products of pomc is alpha-melanocortin stimulating hormone (alphaMSH) that is terminating feeding when released from hypothalamic POMC neurons. Its carboxy-terminal structure is fitting the cleavage preferences of PRCP. Prcp promotor activities are localized in arcuate nucleus and paraventricular nucleus, brain areas of known alphaMSH signalling, supporting a role of PRCP in the degradation of central alphaMSH. The impact of PRCP on angiotensin II (AngII) metabolism was studied by determining the level of AngII and its degradation product Ang1-7 in blood and tissues. But instead of increased AngII levels due to the missing degradation enzyme in knockout mice, Ang1-7 levels were increased in kidney. These results were explainable by the increased activity of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) found in kidney. Probably ACE2 is compensating the lack of PRCP in the knockout mouse. Nevertheless, blood pressure and heart rate of PRCP knockout mice was increased. The mild hypertension was accompanied by mild hypertrophy of the hearts. Prcp promotor activity was found in brain stem an area important for regulation of blood pressure and heart rate suggesting that central PRCP regulates blood pressure.

Wirkung der AT2-Überexpression auf Collagen I alpha 2-mRNA-Gehalt und Migration porciner kardialer Fibroblasten

Kaup, Daniel 11 April 2003 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde der Einfluss der humanen AT2-Rezeptorexpression und -stimulation auf den Collagen I alpha 2-mRNA-Gehalt und die Migration von porcinen kardialen Fibroblasten untersucht, um die Frage zu klären, ob AT2-Rezeptoren in kultivierten kardialen Fibroblasten AT1-antagonistische antifibrotische und migrationshemmende Effekte auf den Collagen I alpha 2-mRNA-Gehalt bzw. die Migration ausüben. Um die Funktion der AT2-Rezeptoren in der Zellkultur untersuchen zu können, wurde die AT2-cDNA durch adenovirale Transduktion in die Fibroblasten übertragen und so der AT2-Rezeptor überexprimiert. Mittels RT-PCR wurden die relativen Änderungen im Collagen I alpha 2-mRNA-Gehalt in TGF-beta1- bzw. TGF-beta1 plus Ang II-stimulierten Fibroblasten im Vergleich zur unstimulierten Kontrolle bestimmt. Alle Werte wurden auf ein Referenzgen (beta-Actin) bezogen. Die AT2-Stimulation änderte den relativen Collagen I alpha 2-mRNA-Gehalt der Fibroblasten nicht signifikant gegenüber den Antisense-(Ad5TA2)-transduzierten Fibroblasten. In der modifizierten Boyden-Kammer wurde der AT2-vermittelte Effekt von Ang II, hPDGF-BB sowie der Kombination beider Stoffe auf die Migration untersucht. Die alleinige Stimulation von AT2-Rezeptoren mit Ang II verhinderte die Migration gegenüber nichttransduzierten Fibroblasten. In Kombination mit hPDGF-BB änderte Ang II die Migration in AT2-überexprimierenden Fibroblasten nicht gegenüber den Antisense-(Ad5TA2)-transduzierten Fibroblasten. Bei ausschließlicher Stimulation durch hPDGF-BB wurde aber in AT2-exprimierenden Fibroblasten eine signifikant geringere Migration als in Antisense-(Ad5TA2)-transduzierten Fibroblasten festgestellt. Die zugrunde liegende Hypothese, dass AT2-Expression und Stimulation den relativen Collagen I alpha 2-mRNA-Gehalt hemmt, konnte in den vorliegenden Experimenten nicht bestätigt werden. Dies ließ keine inhibitorische AT2-vermittelte Wirkung von Ang II im Bezug auf den TGF-beta1-induzierten Collagen I alpha 2-mRNA-Gehalt erkennen. Dagegen führte die Ang II-Stimulation überexprimierter AT2-Rezeptoren zu einer verringerten Migration und vermittelte so einen AT1-antagonistischen Effekt. / In this work the influence of expression and stimulation of the human AT2 receptor on Collagen I alpha 2-mRNA-content and migration of porcine cardiac fibroblastst was tested to clarify the question if AT2 receptors promote AT1 antagonistic antifibrotic and antimigratory effects on collagen I alpha 2-mRNA content and migration. To examine the AT2 receptor function in the cell culture AT2 cDNA was transferred into fibroblasts by adenoviral transduction and the AT2 receptor was overexpressed. Through the use of RT-PCR the relative changes in collagen I alpha 2-mRNA content in TGF-beta1 stimulated and TGF-beta1 plus Ang II stimulated fibroblasts were assayed and compared to the unstimulated control. All values were referred to a reference gene (beta-actin). Stimulation of AT2 receptors did not change the relative collagen I alpha 2-mRNA content of the fibroblasts significantly compared to antisense-(Ad5TA2) transduced fibroblasts. In the modified Boyden-chamber the AT2 mediated effect of Ang II, hPDGF-BB and the combination of both on migration was assessed. The stimulation of AT2 receptors with Ang II inhibited migration compared to nontransduced fibroblasts. In combination with hPDGF-BB Ang II did not change the migration in AT2 overexpressing fibroblasts compared to antisense-(Ad5TA2)-transduced fibroblasts. In the case of exclusive stimulation of AT2-expressing fibroblasts with hPDGF-BB a significantly lower migration was found compared to antisense-(Ad5TA2)-transduced fibroblasts. The underlying therory that AT2 expression and stimulation inhibits the relative collagen I alpha 2-mRNA content could not be confirmed in this work. This did not reveal an inhibitory AT2 mediated effect of Ang II in respect to the TGF-beta1 induced collagen I alpha 2-mRNA content. In contrast to that Ang II stimulation of overexpressed AT2 receptors led to a decreased migration and mediated an AT1 antagonistic effect.


Liu, Jing 01 January 2015 (has links)
Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) is a devastating disease that exhibits permanent lumen expansion typically in the infrarenal aorta. AAA is prevalent among aged population, especially in males. Despite the incidence in women is lower, studies indicate the tortuosity is more severe and aortic rupture risk is higher in women. In most patients, AAA remains asymptomatic until it ruptures leading to sudden and fatal hemorrhage. To date, there is no proven medical therapy that can prevent the expansion or rupture. Human observational studies implicate the presence of AAA is associated with both high plasma low-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) and low plasma high-density lipoprotein-cholesterol (HDL-C) concentrations. To examine the role of specific lipoproteins in development of AAA, angiotensin (Ang) II-induced AAA was firstly determined in apolipoprotein AI deficient (apoAI -/-) mice in both C57BL/6 and LDL receptor deficient (LDL receptor -/-) backgrounds. The deletion of apoAI led to a significant decrease of HDL-C concentrations. However, we were unable to define any exacerbation of AngII-induced AAA in either normo- or hyperlipidemic mice with apoAI deficiency. Next we compared AngII-induced AAA formation using multiple mouse strains with dietary manipulation to generate different severities of hypercholesterolemia. We demonstrated the apolipoprotein B (apoB)-containing lipoproteins promoted the development of AngII-induced AAA. Moreover, ezetimibe administration significantly reduced both apoB-containing lipoproteins and AAA formation. Together, our studies demonstrate that elevated apoB-containing lipoproteins, contribute to the development of AngII-induced AAA. To investigate the role of apoB-containing lipoproteins on established AAA, male LDL receptors -/- mice fed a Western diet were infused with AngII for 4 weeks to induced AAA. Then mice with AAA were stratified into either a group maintained on western diet or switched to a normal diet. AngII infusion was continued for an additional 8 weeks. The diet switch resulted in significantly reduced plasma cholesterol concentrations, which was attributable to the decrease of apoB-containing lipoproteins. We found a profound inhibition of aneurysm progression in diet switched mice associated with attenuated macrophage accumulation and medial thickening. Collectively, our data demonstrate that apoB-containing lipoproteins promote the progression of established AAA.

Crosstalk between peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-[gamma] and angiotensin II in renal proximal tubular epithelial cells in IgAnephropathy

Xiao, Jing, 肖婧 January 2009 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Medicine / Master / Master of Philosophy

Mechanisms of angiotensin II-induced renal fibrosis: role of TGF-{221}/SMAD signaling pathway

Yang, Fuye., 扬付叶. January 2009 (has links)
published_or_final_version / Medicine / Doctoral / Doctor of Philosophy


Owens III, Albert Phillip 01 January 2009 (has links)
The renin angiotensin system (RAS) exerts many diverse physiological functions throughout the body, mediated by its effector peptide, angiotensin II (AngII). AngII has been linked with a variety of different functions ranging from the initiation of severe vascular pathologies, such as atherosclerosis and abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA), to mundane physiological processes of fluid homeostasis, vascular contraction, and regulation of blood pressure. To provide a potential link between these functions, an in-depth analysis of regional effects of AngII on aortic vasculature was performed. The studies presented in this dissertation tested the overall hypothesis of whether regional changes exist in the vasculature in response to angiotensin II (AngII). We first infused AngII into C57BL/6 animals and studied the aortic morphology in detail. On first glance, we detected a thickening throughout the aorta, with no overt changes from region to region. However, upon further analysis, it was demonstrated that there was a region-specific aortic arch hyperplasia, versus the hypertrophy in the remainder of the aorta. Through a series of experiments, this hyperplasia was linked to the redox-mediated protein Id3. Further analysis of the vasculature demonstrated AngII exerted aortic contractions which were limited to the infrarenal aorta. These contractions were mediated by the AT1b receptor subtype in the RAS. We also demonstrate that AngII leads to suprarenal specific formation of AAA, which can be attenuated by the deletion of specific innate immune mediator proteins, such as MyD88 and TLR4. Overall, these data suggest many region-specific roles for AngII in the aortic vasculature and provide many novel findings as to the cause of these effects.

Role of Angiotensin II, Glutamate, Nitric Oxide and an Aldosterone-ouabain Pathway in the PVN in Salt-induced Pressor Responses in Rats

Gabor, Alexander 13 June 2012 (has links)
High salt intake contributes to the development of hypertension in salt-sensitive humans and animals and the mechanistic causes are poorly understood. In Dahl salt-sensitive (S) but not salt-resistant (R) rats, high salt diet increases cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) [Na+] and activates an aldosterone-mineralocorticoid receptor-epithelial sodium channel-endogenous ouabain (MR-ENaC-EO) neuromodulatory pathway in the brain that enhances the activity of sympatho-excitatory angiotensinergic and glutamatergic pathways, leading to an increase in sympathetic nerve activity (SNA) and blood pressure (BP). We hypothesize that high salt diet in Dahl S rats enhances Ang II release in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN), causing a decrease in local nitric oxide (NO) action and an increase in local glutamate release thereby elevating SNA, BP and heart rate (HR). The present study evaluated the effects of agonists or blockers of MR, ENaC, EO, nitric oxide synthase (NOS) or glutamate and AT1-receptors on the BP and HR responses to acute infusions of Na+ rich aCSF, intracerebroventricularly (icv), or in the PVN of Dahl S, R or Wistar rats or to high salt diet in Dahl S and R rats. In Wistar rats, aldosterone in the PVN enhanced the BP and HR responses to infusion of Na+ rich aCSF in the PVN, but not in the CSF, and only the enhancement was prevented by blockers of MR, ENaC and EO in the PVN. AT1-receptor blockers in the PVN fully blocked the enhancement by aldosterone and the responses to infusion of Na+ rich aCSF icv, or in the PVN. Na+ rich aCSF in the PVN caused larger increases in BP and HR in Dahl S vs. R rats and the responses to Na+ were fully blocked by an AT1-receptor blocker in the PVN. BP and HR responses to a NOS blocker in the PVN were the same, but L-NAME enhanced Na+ effects more in Dahl R than S rats. High salt diet attenuated increases in BP from L-NAME in the PVN of Dahl S but not R rats. AT1 and glutamate receptor blockers candesartan and kynurenate in the PVN decreased BP in Dahl S but not R rats on high salt diet. At the peak BP response to candesartan, kynurenate in the PVN further decreased BP whereas candesartan did not further decrease BP at the peak BP response to kynurenate. Our findings indicate that both an acute increase in CSF [Na+] and high salt intake in Dahl S rats increases AT1-receptor activation and decreases NO action in the PVN thereby contributing to the pressor responses to Na+ and presumably, to dietary salt-induced hypertension. The increased BP response to AT1-receptor activation in the PVN of Dahl S is mediated by enhanced local glutamate receptor activation. An MR-ENaC-EO pathway in the PVN can be functionally active and further studies need to assess its role in Dahl S rats on high salt intake.

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