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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On Antarctic Wind Engineering

Sanz Rodrigo, Javier 18 March 2011 (has links)
Antarctic Wind Engineering deals with the effects of wind on the built environment. The assessment of wind induced forces, wind resource and wind driven snowdrifts are the main tasks for a wind engineer when participating on the design of an Antarctic building. While conventional Wind Engineering techniques are generally applicable to the Antarctic environment, there are some aspects that require further analysis due to the special characteristics of the Antarctic wind climate and its boundary layer meteorology. The first issue in remote places like Antarctica is the lack of site wind measurements and meteorological information in general. In order to complement this shortage of information various meteorological databases have been surveyed. Global Reanalyses, produced by the European Met Office ECMWF, and RACMO/ANT mesoscale model simulations, produced by the Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research of Utrecht University (IMAU), have been validated versus independent observations from a network of 115 automatic weather stations. The resolution of these models, of some tens of kilometers, is sufficient to characterize the wind climate in areas of smooth topography like the interior plateaus or the coastal ice shelves. In contrast, in escarpment and coastal areas, where the terrain gets rugged and katabatic winds are further intensified in confluence zones, the models lack resolution and underestimate the wind velocity. The Antarctic atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is characterized by the presence of strong katabatic winds that are generated by the presence of surface temperature inversions in sloping terrain. This inversion is persistent in Antarctica due to an almost continuous cooling by longwave radiation, especially during the winter night. As a result, the ABL is stably stratified most of the time and, only when the wind speed is high it becomes near neutrally stratified. This thesis also aims at making a critical review of the hypothesis underlying wind engineering models when extreme boundary layer situations are faced. It will be shown that the classical approach of assuming a neutral log-law in the surface layer can hold for studies of wind loading under strong winds but can be of limited use when detailed assessments are pursued. The Antarctic landscape, mostly composed of very long fetches of ice covered terrain, makes it an optimum natural laboratory for the development of homogeneous boundary layers, which are a basic need for the formulation of ABL theories. Flux-profile measurements, made at Halley Research Station in the Brunt Ice Shelf by the British Antarctic Survery (BAS), have been used to analyze boundary layer similarity in view of formulating a one-dimensional ABL model. A 1D model of the neutral and stable boundary layer with a transport model for blowing snow has been implemented and verified versus test cases of the literature. A validation of quasi-stationary homogeneous profiles at different levels of stability confirms that such 1D models can be used to classify wind profiles to be used as boundary conditions for detailed 3D computational wind engineering studies. A summary of the wind engineering activities carried out during the design of the Antarctic Research Station is provided as contextual reference and point of departure of this thesis. An elevated building on top of sloping terrain and connected to an under-snow garage constitutes a challenging environment for building design. Building aerodynamics and snowdrift management were tested in the von Karman Institute L1B wind tunnel for different building geometries and ridge integrations. Not only for safety and cost reduction but also for the integration of renewable energies, important benefits in the design of a building can be achieved if wind engineering is considered since the conceptual phase of the integrated building design process.

Lakustrine Sedimente als Archive des spätquartären Umweltwandels in der Amery-Oase, Ostantarktis / The Late Quaternary climatic and environmental history of Amery Oasis, East Antarctica

Hultzsch, Nadja January 2006 (has links)
Im Rahmen einer deutsch-australischen Forschungskooperation erfolgte im Südsommer 2001/2002 eine Expedition in die Amery-Oase (70°50’S, 68°00’E), die im Einzugsgebiet des Lambert-Gletscher/Amery-Schelfeis-Systems, dem größten ostantarktischen Eis-Drainagesystem, liegt. Von deutscher Seite wurden im Zuge der Geländekampagne erstmals lakustrine Sedimentsequenzen gewonnen, um die bislang wenig erforschte spätquartäre Klima- und Umweltgeschichte dieser rund 1800 km<sup>2</sup> großen eisfreien Region zu rekonstruieren. Die drei untersuchten Glazialseen Beaver, Radok und Terrasovoje unterscheiden sich sowohl deutlich in ihrer Größe, Bathymetrie und den hydrologischen Merkmalen sowie in ihren Sedimentabfolgen. <br><br> Einen Schwerpunkte dieser Doktorarbeit bildet die Rekonstruktion der Sedimentationsprozesse und des Ablagerungsmilieus sowie Untersuchungen zur Herkunft des detritischen Sedimentmaterials in den Seebecken. Der methodische Ansatz verfolgt die Charakterisierung der klastischen Sedimentfazies an Hand lithologisch-granulometrischer Merkmale sowie mineralogisch-geochemischer Analysen der Sedimentherkunft. Ein weiterer Schwerpunkt ist die Rekonstruktion der holozänen biogen gesteuerten Ablagerungsbedingungen im Terrasovoje-See, die Rückschlüsse auf den kurzfristigen postglazialen Klima- und Umweltwandel in der Amery-Oase gestattet. Dabei wurden mikrofazielle Untersuchungsmethoden und hochauflösende Elementscannermessungen angewandt. <br><br> Die klastische Sedimentherkunft in den drei Seen unterscheidet sich räumlich deutlich voneinander und spiegelt den komplexen geologischen Aufbau der Amery-Oase wider. Als Sedimentquellen konnten präkambrische Metamorphite, permotriassische Sedimentgesteine und tertiäre Lockersedimente identifiziert werden. Die Varibilität der Herkunftssignale ist zeitlich weniger deutlich als räumlich ausgeprägt und deutet auf relativ konstante Liefergebiete in den einzelnen Seen hin. <br><br> Das glaziolakustrine Ablagerungsmilieu der drei untersuchten Seen zeigt klare räumliche und zeitliche Unterschiede. In allen drei Seen setzen sich die älteren Sedimente aus grobkörnigem, häufig diamiktischem Material zusammen, während die jüngeren Sedimente aus feinkörnigen Laminiten bestehen. Die lithofazielle Zweiteilung in den Sedimentabfolgen deutet auf einen Rückzug der Gletscher und/oder einen Anstieg der Wassertiefen im Übergang von den grobkörnigen zu den feinkörnigen Ablagerungseinheiten hin. Die oberen feinkörnigen Kernabschnitte spiegeln in allen drei Seen die postglaziale lakustrine Sedimentation wider. Im Beaver-See wird die postglaziale Fazies durch laminierte klastische Stillwassersedimente repräsentiert, im Radok-See durch Turbiditsequenzen und im Terrasovoje-See durch Algenlaminite. <br><br> Abgesehen vom Terrasovoje-See ist die zeitliche Einordnung der Fazieswechsel auf Grund mangelnder Altersinformationen schwer erfassbar. Im Terrasovoje-See setzte die postglaziale Sedimentation um rund 12,4 cal. ka ein. Somit weisen die darunterliegenden glazigenen Klastika mindestens ein spätpleistozänes Alter auf. Die sedimentologischen Eigenschaften, Änderungen der Sedimentationsraten und organogene Zusammensetzung der postglazialen Biogenlaminite des Terrasovoje-Sees deuten auf Variationen der paläolimnologischen Bedingungen hinsichtlich Eisbedeckung, biologischer Produktivität, Wasserstand, Redoxbedingungen und Salinität hin, die mit regionalen holozänen Klimaänderungen in Verbindung gebracht werden können. Weitere Anhaltspunkte ergeben sich aus der Zusammensetzung und den Mächtigkeitsvariationen der Laminae, die generell aus Wechsellagerungen von Cyanobakterienmatten mit feinklastischen Lagen bestehen. Lagenzählungen der Laminae belegen Änderungen des Ablagerungsmilieus auf subdekadischen Zeitskalen, wobei zeitweilige jährliche Signale nicht ausgeschlossen werden können. Unter Berücksichtigung aller faziellen Indikatoren lässt sich aus der Sedimentabfolge des Terrasovoje-Sees ein frühholozänes Klimaoptimum zwischen 9 und 7 cal. ka sowie weitere Wärmephasen zwischen 3,2 und 2,3 cal. ka sowie 1,5 und 1,0 cal. ka ableiten. <br><br> Im Vergleich mit Eiskernarchiven und anderen Seesedimentabfolgen aus ostantarktischen Oasen zeigt sich, dass das Auftreten postglazialer Warmphasen nicht allenorts einem allgemein gültigen räumlich-zeitlichen Muster folgt. Die Ursachen hierfür liegen vermutlich in den lokalen geographischen Gegebenheiten. Es lässt sich daraus schliessen, dass die bisher vorliegenden Klimarekonstruktionen eher das Lokalklima an einem Untersuchungsstandort als das Großklima der Ostantarktis reflektieren. Daraus ergibt sich die Notwendigkeit weiterer Untersuchungen von antarktischen Klimaarchiven und Untersuchungsstandorten, um örtliche von überregionalen Klimasignalen besser unterscheiden zu können. / In the scope of a German-Australian research cooperation field work was conducted in the Amery Oasis (70°50’S, 68°00’E), situated in the Lambert Glacier/Amery Ice Shelf region, the largest East Antarctic ice drainage system. The German part comprised the retrieval of lacustrine sediment cores for the reconstruction of the late Quaternary development of the palaeoenvironment in the 1800 km<sup>2</sup> large ice-free region. The three studied glacial lakes Beaver, Radok, and Terrasovoje reveal marked differences in size, hydrology and their sedimentary inventory. The goals of this thesis were to infer the onset of depostion in the lacustrine basins and to characterize changes in the depositional environment in the course of glacial retreat and the postglacial climate development. The methodic approach followed the recognition of sedimentary facies variability and sediment sources by means of facies analysis and mineralogical-geochemical provenance analysis. Another aspect was the high-resolution reconstruction of postglacial biogenic sedimentary modes in Lake Terrasovoje that provide insights into the short-term Holocene palaeo-climatic and palaeoenvironmental development. <br><br> The origin of siliciclastics shows marked spatial differences between the lakes, reflecting the complex geological setting of the Amery Oasis. The main detrital sources comprise crystalline rocks of the East Antarctic craton, Permotriassic and Tertiary sedimentary rocks. The temporal variability of sediment provenance is less developed than the spatial pattern, pointing to relatively constant sediment sources through time in the respective lakes. <br><br> The glaciolacustrine depositional environment of the three lakes shows clear spatial and temporal contrasts. In all lakes, the older sediments are composed of coarse, partly diamictic lithologies, while the younger materials consist of fine-grained laminites. The twofold lithofacial pattern is related to regional glacial retreat at the boundary between both sedimentary units that reduced direct glacigenic sediment input. In the epishelf Lake Beaver, in addition, the effect of postglacial sea-level rise led also to the rise of lake level and shifted the study site towards a more distal position from the shore, away from the influence of coarse clastic sediment input. The upper sedimentary units of the three lakes are dominated by fine-grained sediments, which only occasionally include ice-rafted dropstones. The postglacial sediments comprise clastic stillwater laminites at Lake Beaver, finely laminated turbidites in Lake Radok, and algal laminites in Lake Terrasovoje. <br><br> Apart from Lake Terrasovoje the timing of the lithological change is hard to determine, because of missing age constraints. At Lake Terrasovoje, the postglacial sequence started at approximately 12.4 cal. ka BP, suggesting an late Pleistocene age for the underlying glacial sediments. Sedimentological features, changes in sedimentation rates, and the compositional variability of the organic-rich postglacial laminites in Lake Terrasovoje point to variations in the palaeolimnic environment in terms of ice cover, biological productivity, lake level, redox conditions, and salinity that can be related to the regional Holocene climate history. Further evidence arises from the structure, composition, and thickness variations of the laminae, which basically consist of alternations of algal mats (cyanobacteria) and fine-clastic layers. The counting of laminae couplets reveal changes in the depositional enviroment at sub-decadal time scales that partly might include annual layering. Under the consideration of all sedimentological facies indicators, the postglacial laminite sequence of Lake Terrasovoje documents an early Holocene climate optimum between 9 and 7 cal. ka as well as two warm spells between 3.2 and 2.3 cal. ka and 1.5 and 1.0 cal. ka, respectively. <br><br> In comparison with ice-core records and lake records from other East Antarctic ice-free regions, it becomes evident that the appearence of warm episodes does not follow a consistent spatial-temporal pattern. Common trends comprise the existence of an early Holocene climate optimum, as seen in the ice-core records and in the Amery Oasis, and several warm episodes in the middle to late Holocene that are often time-transgressive. The cause of this inconsistent pattern probably can be explained by local boundary conditions that affect the study sites, such as topography, maritime influences and the distance to glacial ice. Therefore, many climate reconstructions basically document local climate rather than overregional Antarctic climate. In conclusion, there is need for ongoing palaeoclimatic studies in East Antarctica and the establishment of a dense network of study sites to distinguish and validate local from overregional palaeoclimatic fingerprints.

Surfactants based on natural products - enzymatic synthesis and functional characterization

Viklund, Fredrik January 2003 (has links)
Surfactants are molecules that contain a water-soluble and afat-soluble part. They have important functions in productssuch as detergents, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and foods aswell as in many industrial processes. Surfactants are used onvery large scale, which makes it important to decrease theirimpact on the environment. This can be done by starting withnatural materials, by improving the synthetic methods and byreducing the use of limited resources such as energy andorganic solvents. This thesis focuses on lipase-catalyzed synthesis ofsurfactants based on natural products. It also includesfunctional studies of the produced surfactants; as antioxidantsin oils, or as surfactants to solubilize pharmaceuticals. Unsaturated fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid weresynthesized with catalysis by Candida antarctica lipase B int-amyl alcohol and in ionic liquids. High yields ofascorbyl oleate were obtained in an ionic liquid that wasdesigned to improve the solubility of the fatty acid, when thereaction was performed under vacuum. Ascorbyl oleate wasamorphous and was a better antioxidant than ascorbyl palmitatein rapeseed oil. Polyethylene glycol (PEG) stearate, PEG 12-hydroxystearateand a series of PEG 12-acyloxy-stearates were synthesized in avacuum-driven, solvent-free system usingC. antarcticalipase B as catalyst. Critical micelleconcentration and solubilization capacity were determined forthe PEG 12-acyloxy-stearates. Their effects on living cellswere evaluated in studies of hemolysis and transepithelialelectrical resistance. Several PEG1500 12-acyloxy-stearateswere excellent solubilizers for pharmaceutical use and hadnegligible negative effects on living cells even at highconcentrations. Enzymatic and chemo-enzymatic methods offer uniquepossibilities to synthesize surfactants of high purity. Pureand well-defined surfactants enable new applications and areimportant for the understanding of surfactantstructure-function relationships.

Exploiting enzyme promiscuity for rational design

Branneby, Cecilia January 2005 (has links)
Enzymes are today well recognized in various industrial applications, being an important component in detergents, and catalysts in the production of agrochemicals, foods, pharmaceuticals, and fine chemicals. Their large use is mainly due to their high selectivity and environmental advantage, compared to traditional catalysts. Tools and techniques in molecular biology offer the possibility to screen the natural sources and engineer new enzyme activities which further increases their usefulness as catalysts, in a broader area. Although enzymes show high substrate and reaction selectivity many enzymes are today known to catalyze other reactions than their natural ones. This is called enzyme promiscuity. It has been suggested that enzyme promiscuity is Nature’s way to create diversity. Small changes in the protein sequence can give the enzyme new reaction specificity. In this thesis I will present how rational design, based on molecular modeling, can be used to explore enzyme promiscuity and to change the enzyme reaction specificity. The first part of this work describes how Candida antarctica lipase B (CALB), by a single point mutation, was mutated to give increased activity for aldol additions, Michael additions and epoxidations. The activities of these reactions were predicted by quantum chemical calculations, which suggested that a single-point mutant of CALB would catalyze these reactions. Hence, the active site of CALB, which consists of a catalytic triad (Ser, His, Asp) and an oxyanion hole, was targeted by site-directed mutagenesis and the nucleophilic serine was mutated for either glycine or alanine. Enzymes were expressed in Pichia pastoris and analyzed for activity of the different reactions. In the case of the aldol additions the best mutant showed a four-fold initial rate over the wild type enzyme, for hexanal. Also Michael additions and epoxidations were successfully catalyzed by this mutant. In the last part of this thesis, rational design of alanine racemase from Geobacillus stearothermophilus was performed in order to alter the enzyme specificity. Active protein was expressed in Escherichia coli and analyzed. The explored reaction was the conversion of alanine to pyruvate and 2-butanone to 2-butylamine. One of the mutants showed increased activity for transamination, compared to the wild type. / QC 20100929

Surfactants based on natural products - enzymatic synthesis and functional characterization

Viklund, Fredrik January 2003 (has links)
<p>Surfactants are molecules that contain a water-soluble and afat-soluble part. They have important functions in productssuch as detergents, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals and foods aswell as in many industrial processes. Surfactants are used onvery large scale, which makes it important to decrease theirimpact on the environment. This can be done by starting withnatural materials, by improving the synthetic methods and byreducing the use of limited resources such as energy andorganic solvents.</p><p>This thesis focuses on lipase-catalyzed synthesis ofsurfactants based on natural products. It also includesfunctional studies of the produced surfactants; as antioxidantsin oils, or as surfactants to solubilize pharmaceuticals.</p><p>Unsaturated fatty acid esters of ascorbic acid weresynthesized with catalysis by Candida antarctica lipase B in<i>t</i>-amyl alcohol and in ionic liquids. High yields ofascorbyl oleate were obtained in an ionic liquid that wasdesigned to improve the solubility of the fatty acid, when thereaction was performed under vacuum. Ascorbyl oleate wasamorphous and was a better antioxidant than ascorbyl palmitatein rapeseed oil.</p><p>Polyethylene glycol (PEG) stearate, PEG 12-hydroxystearateand a series of PEG 12-acyloxy-stearates were synthesized in avacuum-driven, solvent-free system using<i>C. antarctica</i>lipase B as catalyst. Critical micelleconcentration and solubilization capacity were determined forthe PEG 12-acyloxy-stearates. Their effects on living cellswere evaluated in studies of hemolysis and transepithelialelectrical resistance. Several PEG1500 12-acyloxy-stearateswere excellent solubilizers for pharmaceutical use and hadnegligible negative effects on living cells even at highconcentrations.</p><p>Enzymatic and chemo-enzymatic methods offer uniquepossibilities to synthesize surfactants of high purity. Pureand well-defined surfactants enable new applications and areimportant for the understanding of surfactantstructure-function relationships.</p>

Gradients in Season, Latitude, and Sea Ice: Their Effect on Metabolism and Stable Isotopic Composition of Antarctic Micronekton

Ombres, Erica H. 01 January 2013 (has links)
Respiration, metabolic enzyme assays, and body composition parameters were measured in the Antarctic krill Euphausia superba during the summer, fall and winter on the Western Antarctic Peninsula (WAP). E. superba of all sizes decrease their metabolism from the summer to the winter. These same parameters were also measured along the WAP during the austral fall 2010. E. superba's enzyme activity indicated that there was a latitudinal gradient to the decline in metabolism along the WAP with the more northerly sites having significantly higher metabolic enzyme activities than the sites to the south. Carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes were measured in E. superba along the WAP to determine if there were any latitudinal trends. δ13C showed a significant trend with latitude with more depleted δ13C values in the southern portion of the WAP. Carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes were also measured in two important prey fishes along the WAP, the silverfish Pleuragramma antarcticum and the myctophid Electrona antarctica. P. antarcticum had a more variable and more enriched δ13C value than E. antarctica indicative of P. antarcticum's more neritic habitat. There were no significant differences between the δ15N values of the two fish, indicating that although they feed in different areas they were feeding at the same trophic level. Carbon (δ13C) and nitrogen (δ15N) stable isotopes were measured in twenty species in the marginal ice zone (MIZ) of the Weddell Sea at the beginning of the austral summer. Samples were taken from under the ice, at the ice edge and in the open ocean. A significant trend in the δ13C values of all species was found with the under-ice δ13C values being more depleted than those in the open ocean. This is most likely due to the reduced atmospheric exchange of CO2, upwelled water with depleted δ13C values, and continuous biological respiration under the ice, all of which contribute to very depleted δ13C values. δ15N values were significantly lower in the open ocean than the other ice conditions due to the increased reliance on primary production. The diapausing copepods Calanoides acutus and Rhincalanus gigas showed similar patterns in their isotopic signatures across the ice zones. Cluster analysis revealed trophic shifts between the different ice zones. The ice edge zone proved to contain the most species and was the best habitat for most species. The trophic shifts observed within species in the differing ice conditions mimicked the seasonal changes they undergo during the course of the productive season every year.

The Atmospheric Gravity Wave Transfer Function above Scott Base

Geldenhuis, Andre January 2008 (has links)
Gravity waves have a significant dynamic effect in the mesosphere. In particular, they drive the mesospheric circulation and are the reason that the summer polar mesosphere is cooler than the winter polar mesosphere. This thesis examines whether the effects of gravity waves are largely determined by filtering effects which allow only gravity waves with certain properties to propagate into the atmosphere. The filtering of gravity waves above Scott Base, Antarctica is examined using a radiosonde derived gravity wave source function, an MF-radar derived mesospheric gravity wave climatology, and a model derived filtering function. Least squares fitting of the source function and filtering function to the observed mesospheric gravity wave climatology allows us to determine which gravity wave phase velocities and propagation direction are likely to be present in the mesosphere and the relative importance of filtering and sources in this region. It is concluded the blocking of eastward gravity waves is important in winter and westward waves in summer.

Untersuchungen zu gezeitenbedingten Höhenänderungen des subglazialen Lake Vostok, Antarktika / Investigation of tidal induced height variations of the subglacial Lake Vostok, Antarctica

Wendt, Anja 08 May 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Lake Vostok, der größte der über 70 subglazialen Seen in der Antarktis, ist derzeit einer der Forschungsschwerpunkte der geowissenschaftlichen Polarforschung. Der See erstreckt sich unter einer 4 000 m dicken Eisschicht auf über 250 km Länge mit einer Wassertiefe von bis zu 1 000 m. Ziel der hier vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Untersuchung des Einflusses der Gezeiten auf den Wasserstand des Sees, die eine bisher nicht betrachtete Komponente in der Zirkulation im See darstellen. Auf Grund seiner Ausdehnung ist das Gezeitenpotential an verschiedenen Punkten auf dem See nicht gleich, sondern weist differentielle Unterschiede auf. Unter der Annahme, dass sich die Seeoberfläche entlang einer Äquipotentialfläche ausrichtet, ergeben sich Gleichgewichtsgezeiten des Sees mit Amplituden von bis zu 4,6 mm für die größte ganztägige Tide K1 und 1,8 mm für die größte halbtägige Tide M2. Differenzen des Luftdruckes zwischen Nord- und Südteil des Sees rufen zusätzlich einen differentiellen inversen Barometer-Effekt hervor. Der inverse Barometer-Effekt besitzt im wesentlichen die spektralen Eigenschaften eines roten Rauschens. Die Variationen erreichen bis zu +/- 20 mm. Zum messtechnischen Nachweis derartiger Höhenänderungen an der Eisoberfläche über dem See wurden drei unterschiedliche Verfahren herangezogen. Differentielle GPS-Messungen zwischen einem Punkt auf aufliegendem Eis und einem zweiten in der südlichen Seemitte bestätigen die Modellvorstellungen und zeigen sowohl mit der Luftdruckdifferenz korrelierte Höhenänderungen als auch Höhenänderungen mit ganz- und halbtägigen Perioden. Die SAR-Interferometrie als flächenhaft arbeitende Methode zur Bestimmung von Höhenänderungen lässt den räumlichen Verlauf der Deformation erkennen. Dabei zeigt sich, dass sich die Aufsetzzone auf dem etwa 50 km breiten See bis in die Seemitte ersteckt. Erdgezeitenregistrierungen, die im Jahr 1969 in der Station Vostok durchgeführt wurden, zeigen zwar Auffälligkeiten wie etwa einen stark erhöhten Luftdruckregressionskoeffzienten und einen Phasenvorlauf der K1-Tide, diese können jedoch nicht eindeutig als Resultat von Höhenänderungen der Seeoberfläche identifiziert werden. Auf Grund der Lage der Station Vostok nahe dem Ufer des Sees ist die Deformation dort schon stark gedämpft. Die zu erwartenden Effekte liegen daher unterhalb der Auflösung der damaligen Messungen. Damit sind die theoretischen Grundvorstellungen über die Reaktion des subglazialen Sees auf Gezeiten- und Luftdruckanregungen herausgearbeitet, sowie diese Effekte mit zwei unabhängigen und komplementären Messverfahren nachgewiesen. / Lake Vostok, the largest of more than 70 subglacial lakes in the Antarctic, is one of the prominent topics of recent geoscientific polar research. The lake extends beneath the 4,000 m thick ice sheet to a length of more than 250 km with a water depth of up to 1,000 m. This thesis aims to investigate the influence of tides on the lake level which has not been considered so far in the discussion of water circulation within the lake. Due to the extent of the lake the tidal potential at different positions on its surface is not equal but exhibits a differential effect. Under the assumption of the lake level to be parallel to an equipotential surface the equilibrium tides of the lake yield amplitudes of up to 4.6 mm for the largest diurnal tidal constituent K1 and 1.8 mm for the largest semi-diurnal wave M2. In addition, differences in air pressure between the northern and the southern part of the lake result in a differential inverse barometric effect. This effect shows red noise characteristics with variations of up to +/- 20 mm. Three different types of measurements were used to verify corresponding height changes of the ice surface above the lake. Differential GPS measurements between one station on grounded ice and one in the southern centre of the lake confirm the concept and show height changes correlated to air pressure differences as well as changes with diurnal and semi-diurnal periods. SAR interferometry as a spatial method to determine height changes reveals the areal extent of the deformation with a grounding zone extending to the centre of the about 50 km wide lake. Gravimetric earth tide data recorded at Vostok Station in 1969 show pecularities such as an increased regression with air pressure and a phase lead of the K1 tide. However, these effects cannot be explicitly attributed to height changes of the lake surface. Due to the position of the station near the edge of the lake the effect is highly attenuated and below the noise level of these measurements. This work introduces the concept of the response of the subglacial lake to the tidal potential and to air pressure forcings and presents evidence for the effect by two different techniques proving the validity of the model.

Democracy and human rights in Tanzania Mainland : the Bill of Rights in the context of constitutional developments and the history of institutions of governance

Wambali, Michael Kajela Beatus January 1997 (has links)
This thesis is an examination of human rights and constitutional development in Tanzania Mainland. The colonial and post-colonial history is used to analyse the development of human rights struggles, as well as institutions such as the Bill of Rights in the recent development of multi-party democracy. The thesis intends to establish that in spite of global factors such as pressure for democratisation from international institutions, the achievement of the Bill of Rights in Tanzania Mainland is part of a wider rights struggle of the people of Tanzania. The effective legal and political implementation of specific rights such as the right to vote, freedom of association and assembly reflect the state of that struggle. The thesis further seeks to establish that while the government sponsored the enactment of the Bill of Rights in 1984 and the re-introduction of multi-partism in 1992, it has always preferred to exercise extreme control over the enjoyment of political rights. This has often involved curtailing the establishment and free operation of institutions of popular democracy. The thesis goes on to suggest that unless a democratic culture and civil society are restored in the country, the success of the rights struggles of the people will be far-fetched. Together with the above it is argued that the struggle for rights could be enhanced by working from what is provided as legal rights, all interested parties pushing for the expansion of the human rights field. This can only be attained if the majority of Tanzanians are made aware of the existence of such rights through legal literacy programs.

Labour and land rights of women in rural India : with particular reference to Western Orissa

Patel, Reena January 1999 (has links)
Hindu women's right to independent ownership of property has been established in India since 1956. Given that legal rights have not brought about a significant increase in women's ownership of land, this thesis explores the factors that affect women's effective claim to land ownership. Taking the particular case of Hindu peasant women in small farming households in Western Orissa, it analyses their ability to claim land ownership as the outcome of bargaining. The bargaining approach, as developed by economists, and by Amartya Sen and Bina Agarwal in particular, is adopted to analyse women's access to land as an effect of women's perceptions of self-interest and perceptions of women's contribution. The thesis evaluates the legal framework as it incorporates and reflects these perceptions. It argues that law constructs women's claim to land as a right addressed to 'Hindu' women, located within the family (through succession) and informed by religious ideology. It further argues that recognising women's interests as a basis of their claim to land ownership, as 'peasant' women, located within the household and affected by their work and role within agricultural production, would widen the scope of legal analysis. This would be a starting point towards a deeper understanding of the ways in which law impacts upon women's access to land.

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