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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Conceptual Design of a South Pole Carrier Pigeon UAV

Dlima, Kendrick M 01 June 2020 (has links)
Currently, the South Pole has a large data problem. It is estimated that 1.2 TB of data is being produced every day, but less than 500 GB of that data is being uploaded via aging satellites to researchers in other parts of the world. This requires those at the South Pole to analyze the data and carefully select the parts to send, possibly missing out on vital scientific information. The South Pole Carrier Pigeon will look to bridge this data gap. The Carrier Pigeon will be a small unmanned aerial vehicle that will carry a 30 TB solid-state hard drive from the South Pole to various destinations in the Southern Hemisphere, but it has been designed to y to Christchurch, New Zealand. This 87 lb. UAV will be able to y 3,650 nmi. up to 25,000 ft., using a 5.7 hp. engine. It will feature an de-icing system on the leading edge of its 8 ft. span wing to allow it to y through cold, moist climates. It will have a 39 in. long fuselage with a tail boom of 33 in. The aircraft has been designed to be made out of composites, thus reducing both the weight of the aircraft as well as its drag. It has been designed to come apart in order to be shipped successfully to the South Pole. There, it will be assembled and launched via a custom pneumatic launcher. It will y autonomously to 15,000 ft. and cruise climb throughout the flight to 25,000 ft., before descending to its destination. There, it will be caught by a net restraint system, where the hard drive will be extracted. The Carrier Pigeon is truly a unique vehicle for its size, range, and robustness.

Regionale Geoidmodellierung in Polargebieten: Betrachtungen zu ausgewählten Anwendungen und ihren besonderen Anforderungen am Beispiel der Antarktis

Schwabe, Joachim 07 July 2015 (has links)
Der regionalen Schwerefeldmodellierung in polaren Gebieten kommt in vielerlei Hinsicht eine besondere und wachsende Bedeutung zu. Einerseits sind hochauflösende und präzise Geoidmodelle eine wichtige Eingangsgröße bei der Untersuchung und Quantifizierung geophysikalischer, ozeanographischer bzw. glaziologischer Phänomene, z. B. bei der Bestimmung der mittleren dynamischen Ozeantopographie oder der Anwendung des Schwimmgleichgewichts im Bereich von Schelfeisen, Meereis oder subglazialen Seen. Zudem werden sie allgemein zur Referenzierung von Höhenmodellen benötigt. Andererseits sind, aufgrund der unvermeidbaren polaren Datenlücken von Satellitenbeobachtungen jenseits der Grenzbreite (sog. „Polloch“), terrestrische Schweredaten auch für die globale Schwerefeldmodellierung unerlässlich. Jedoch sind die verfügbaren terrestrischen (bodennahen) Schwerebeobachtungen insbesondere im Gebiet der Antarktis äußerst lückenhaft und heterogen. So entspricht das tatsächliche Auflösungsvermögen selbst aktueller kombinierter Schwerefeldmodelle wie EGM2008 oder EIGEN-6C über dem antarktischen Kontinent lediglich dem der reinen Satellitenmodelle aus GRACE bzw. GOCE. Des Weiteren sind Standardverfahren der regionalen Geoidmodellierung hier nicht ohne Weiteres anwendbar. Neben der Heterogenität der Daten als praktischer Herausforderung muss aus theoretischer Sicht dem zusätzlichen Dichtekontrast durch das Eis Rechnung getragen werden. Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertation greift diese Problematik auf. Während die einzelnen Publikationen die Ergebnisse ausgewählter regionaler Fallstudien präsentieren, soll die folgende zusammenfassende Abhandlung einen doppelten Bogen spannen, indem die geophysikalischen Phänomene gleichzeitig als zu untersuchende Anwendungsgebiete und als Einflussfaktoren im Kontext der regionalen Geoidmodellierung beschrieben werden. So wird am Beispiel der Weddellsee gezeigt, wie die Meereisbedeckung die Qualität und Zuverlässigkeit der mithilfe der Satellitenaltimetrie abgeleiteten Schwerefeldmodelle beeinträchtigt. Diese Modelle bilden derzeit die alleinige Datengrundlage für die hochauflösenden globalen Modelle im Gebiet des Antarktischen Ozeans. Zugleich wird anhand des verfeinerten regionalen Modells und daraus abgeleiteter geostrophischer Geschwindigkeiten demonstriert, dass selbst lückenhafte und heterogene terrestrische Daten hier einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur simultanen Kalibrierung und Vereinheitlichung des Datenbestandes leisten können. Im Ergebnis konnten in den küstennahen Gewässern Differenzen von mehreren Dezimetern gegenüber Geoidhöhen aus EGM2008 festgestellt werden, welche teils auf systematische Abweichungen und teils auf Rauschen im globalen Modell zurückzuführen sind. Über dem Festland erreicht dessen Vernachlässigungsfehler im quadratischen Mittel sogar 0,75 m und Maxima von über 3 m. Ein weiteres verfeinertes und, dank geeigneter Eingangsdaten, sehr genaues und hochauflösendes Geoidmodell wird für die Region um den Vostoksee in der Ostantarktis abgeleitet. In Kombination mit Eisoberflächenhöhen und Eisdicken gelingt es, das Schwimmgleichgewicht des subglazialen Sees nachzuweisen. Das gegenüber GOCE zusätzlich gewonnene Geoidsignal ist hier mit 0,56 m Standardabweichung zwar etwas kleiner, jedoch wird im Vergleich mit der residualen Auslenkung des Seespiegels (0,26 m Standardabweichung) auch für diese Anwendung der signifikante und gegenüber dem Auflösungsvermögen von GOCE auch notwendige Beitrag eines regionalen Geoidmodells deutlich. Für das hydrostatische Gleichgewicht eines subglazialen Sees ist streng genommen das tatsächliche Schwerepotential in Höhe des Seespiegels maßgeblich. Dessen Berechnung erfordert eine Fortsetzung des Störpotentials nach unten innerhalb der Topographie, welche konzeptionell in engem Zusammenhang mit dem bekannten Geoid-Quasigeoid-Separationsterm steht. Dessen oft angenommene Approximation mithilfe der Bougueranomalie kann, angesichts der heutigen Anforderungen an ein modernes zentimetergenaues Geoid, gerade in rauem Gelände zu ungenau sein. In Anlehnung an aktuelle Arbeiten auf diesem Gebiet wird ein verallgemeinerter und zugleich verfeinerter Ansatz zur praktischen Berechnung des Terms erarbeitet. Am Beispiel des Himalaya werden die einzelnen Anteile im Rahmen einer Simulationsstudie quantifiziert und insbesondere ihre Sensitivität gegenüber dem Integrationsradius der Topographie untersucht. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt ebenso auf dem indirekten Effekt der Topographie in Bezug auf das Potential, welcher, im Gegensatz zur Anwendung eines planaren Modells, in sphärischer Betrachtungsweise nicht verschwindet. / In many respects, regional gravity field modeling in polar areas is of special, and growing, interest. On the one hand, high-resolution and precise geoid models are an important input parameter to investigate and quantify manifold geophysical, oceanographical and glaciological phenomena, e.g., the determination of the mean dynamic ocean topography, or the application of the hydrostatic equilibrium condition in the areas of ice shelves, sea ice, or subglacial lakes. Moreover, geoid models are in general needed as a reference for height models. On the other hand, because of the unavoidable polar data gaps in satellite measurements due to the inclination (the so-called “polar gap”), terrestrial gravity data are indispensable also for global gravity field modeling. However, the available terrestrial (ground-based) gravity datasets, in particular of Antarctica, are very sparse and heterogeneous. For example, over the Antarctic continent the true resolution of even the most recent combined global geopotential models such as EGM2008 or EIGEN-6C only corresponds to that of the satellite-only models derived from GRACE and GOCE, respectively. Furthermore, standard techniques of regional geoid modeling cannot be readily used in this area. Apart from the heterogeneity of the data as a practical challenge the additional density contrast implied by the covering sheet needs to be accounted for from the theoretical point of view. This complex situation is the starting point for the present cumulative dissertation. Whereas the individual publications present the results of selected regional case studies, the intention of the following summary is to draw an integrated picture aiming at explaining the geophysical phenomena as both applications and influencing factors in the context of regional geoid modeling. Using the example of the Weddell Sea it is shown how sea-ice coverage affects the quality and reliability of marine gravity field models derived from radar satellite altimetry. At present, these models are the only input data to the high-resolution global geopotential models. At the same time, the refined regional model and geostrophic velocities derived thereof are employed to demonstrate how even sparse and heterogeneous terrestrial gravity data may provide a contribution to simultaneously calibrate and unify the available datasets. As a result, near the coast differences at the order of some decimeters could be observed in comparison with EGM2008, originating partly from systematic effects and noise in the global model. In the continental areas, its omission error even yields a standard deviation of 0.75 m and attains a maximum of more than 3 m. Another refined and, owing to appropriate input data, very precise and highly resolving geoid model is derived for the region around subglacial Lake Vostok. In combination with ice-surface heights and ice thickness data it is used to provide observational evidence that the lake is in a state of hydrostatic equilibrium. There, the additional geoid signal w.r.t. GOCE is a bit smaller (0.56 m standard deviation). However, considering the residual deviations of the apparent lake level (0.26 m standard deviation) the significant and necessary, as compared to the resolution of GOCE, contribution of a regional geoid model to this application is shown. In a strict sense, the relevant quantity to evaluate the hydrostatic equilibrium condition of a subglacial lake is the actual geopotential at the anticipated lake level. Its computation requires a downward continuation of the disturbing potential inside the topography, which is closely related to the concept of the well-known geoid-quasigeoid separation term. In the past, this term was frequently described as an approximation by means of the Bouguer anomaly. However, considering the modern requirements of the “one-centimeter geoid” this approximation may be too coarse over rough terrain. Following recent works in this field, a generalized yet refined approach for practical implementation of the term is developed. The individual constituents of the term are quantified. In particular, their sensitivity against the radius up to which topography is taken into account is investigated. For this simulation study, the Himalaya mountain region served as test area. Furthermore, special focus is given to the indirect of topography on the potential which, contrary to applying a planar model, does not vanish in the spherical approach.


09 July 2020 (has links)
[pt] Em 1555 Nicolas D. Villegagnon chegou a América lusa trazendo consigo uma esquadra com o objetivo de sedimentar sua ocupação no continente. Sua estadia na Guanabara foi viabilizada pelas alianças travadas com grupos indígenas tupinambás conhecidos e apresentados como tamoios em vários corpos documentais. Os portugueses por sua vez encontravam-se ainda muito concentrados ao norte do continente, na Bahia, e ao longo de toda costa fizeram amizades com os grupos indígenas tupis inimigos dos tupinambás. Assim delineia-se o conflito que tomou conta da costa do Rio de Janeiro a partir de 1560 quando Mem de Sá é enviado para expulsar os franceses e dar conta dos indígenas, que ao aliar-se aos francos, frustravam espiritualmente e de maneira prática os planos catequéticos da Companhia de Jesus. Este trabalho analisa a documentação seiscentista produzida sobre os conflitos e com o objetivo de averiguar como a experiência americana desencadeou um medo europeu da guerra indígena – e tudo que ela envolvia, como a antropofagia – e como este temor norteou ações de extermínio de certos grupos indígenas inimigos dos colonos portugueses. A guerra que é comumente atrelada às políticas europeias de expansão e colonização, neste trabalho é analisada de maneira diferenciada, como resposta a situações singulares e novas que as alianças e guerras indígenas apresentaram para os colonos europeus e para a coroa portuguesa. / [en] When in 1555 the French captain Nicolas D. Villegagnon arrived to the Portuguese part of America, he had the clear intention to establish a fortress and to occupy the territory. His actions at the Guanabara – also known as Rio de Janeiro – were feasible thanks to the alliances made between Indians, known as the tupinambás and tamoios, and the French. The Portuguese at that moment were concentrated in the northeast of the continent, in Bahia, and they had also made alliances with other Indian groups throughout the coast, which groups were enemies of the tupinambás. This is how the conflict known as Tamoios War begins. In 1560 Mem de Sá was sent by the Portuguese Crown to expel the French and to take actions regarding the Indians that were allied with them, and by doing that the tamoios frustrated at once the catechetical plans of the Jesuits and jeopardizing the success of the mission. This thesis intends to ascertain how the American experience has unfold a fear in the Europeans settlers connected most of all to the Indian experience of war, and everything it involved, such as the anthropophagical practices. The work also investigates how this fear was the motor that guided extreme actions of extirpation of certain groups of Indians, enemies of the Portuguese. This war is currently associated with the European plan of expansion, however this work reads this event by its singularities and sees it as a response to certain experiences that the alliances and wars between tribes have presented to the settlers and to the Portuguese monarchy. / [fr] C était l année 1555 quand Nicolas D. Villegagnon est arrivé en Amérique avec ses escouades pour mettre en place l occupation du continent. La permanence à Guanabara est devenue possible grâce aux alliances avec les Indiens Tupinambas, connus et présentés comme Tamoios dans divers documents de cette période. Les Portugais, à ce moment-là, étaient concentrés au nord-est du continent, entourant Bahia de Todos os Santos, et ils avaient noué des liens d amitié avec les Indiens Tupi, qui étaient des ennemis de longue date des Tamoios, groupes indigènes proches des Français depuis des générations. Cinq ans après l arrivée de Villegagnon, le portugais Mem de Sá est envoyé par la monarchie portugaise au Brésil pour y occuper le poste de gouverneur général dans l intention d expulser les Français et de trouver une solution pour le problème des Indiens qui, en s alliant à ceux-ci, frustraient de façon à la fois spirituelle et pratique les plans de catéchèse que les Jésuites essayaient d installer. Ainsi se dessine un conflit qui, plus tard, s appellera la Guerre des Tamoios. Ce mémoire propose une analyse de documents du XVIe siècle autour de ce conflit ; l objectif étant d investiguer comment l expérience américaine a produit une crainte parmi les colons européens en fonction de la guerre indienne, et aussi de tout ce qu elle déclenche, notamment l anthropophagie. Cette peur a guidé les actions d extermination de certains groupes autochtones ennemis des Portugais. La guerre, souvent liée aux politiques d expansion et de colonisation européenne, est analysée différemment au sein de ce travail, c est-à-dire, comme une réponse aux nouvelles situations que les alliances et les guerres indiennes ont présenté aux colons européens et à la couronne portugaise.


Jennifer C H Newall (10724127) 29 April 2021 (has links)
<p>Understanding climate-driven changes in global land-based ice volume is a critical component in our capability to predict how global sea level will rise as a consequence of the current human-driven climate change. At the last glacial maximum (LGM, which peaked around 20 ka), ephemeral ice sheets covered vast regions of the northern hemisphere while both the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets were more extensive than at present. As global temperatures rose at the transition into the Holocene, driving the LGM deglaciation, eustatic sea level rose by approximately 125 m. The east Antarctic ice sheet (EAIS) is the largest ice sheet on Earth today, holding an ice volume equivalent to ca. 53 m rise in global sea level. Considering current trends in global climate, specifically rapidly increasing atmospheric CO<sub>2</sub> levels and global temperature, it is important to improve our understanding of how the EAIS will respond to global warming so that we can make better predictions of future sea level changes to guide community adaptation and planning efforts. Numerical ice sheet models which inform projections of future ice volume changes, and can, therefore, yield projections of sea level rise, rely on empirical data to test their ability to accurately represent former and present ice configurations. However, there is a general lack of data on the paleoglaciology of the EAIS along the western Dronning Maud Land (DML) margin. In order to address this situation, the paleoglaciology of western DML forms the focus of the work presented in this thesis.</p><p><b> </b></p><p>Together with collaborators within the MAGIC-DML consortium (Mapping, Measuring and Modelling Antarctic Geomorphology and Ice Change in Dronning Maud Land) that provides the funding for this MS project, the author has performed geomorphological mapping across western DML; an area of approximately 200,000 km<sup>2</sup>. The results of the mapping presented in this thesis will provide the basis for a detailed glacial reconstruction of the region. The geomorphological mapping was completed almost entirely by remote sensing using very high-resolution (sub-meter in the panchromatic) WordView-2 and WorldView-3 (WV) satellite imagery, combined with ground validation studies during field work. Compared to Landsat products, the improved spatial resolution provided by WV imagery has fundamentally changed the scale and detail at which remote sensing based geomorphological mapping can be completed. The mapping presented here is focused on the glacial geomorphology of mountain summits and flanks that protrude through the ice sheet’s surface (nunataks). In our study area of western DML these nunatak surfaces make up <0.2 % of the total surface area, and the landforms mapped here are generally smaller than can be identified from Landsat products (30 m spatial resolution). The detail achieved in our mapping, across such a vast, remote area that presents numerous obstacles to accessibility highlights the benefits of utilizing the new VHR WV data. As such an evaluation of the WV data, as applied to geomorphological mapping is presented here together with our mapping of the glacial geomorphology of western DML. The results of which provides evidence of ice having overridden sites at all elevations across the entire study area; from the highest elevation inland nunataks that form the coast-parallel escarpment, to low-elevation emerging nunataks close to the coast. Hence from our studies of the glacial geomorphology of this region we can ascertain that, at some point in the glacial history of western DML, ice covered all of the mountain summits that are exposed today, indicating an ice sheet surface lowering of up to 700 m in some places.</p>

Concentrations en gaz dans la glace de mer: développements techniques et implications environnementales

Verbeke, Véronique 26 September 2005 (has links)
La glace de mer couvre jusqu’à 6% de la surface de notre planète. Autour du continent Antarctique, sa superficie varie entre 3.8 et 19 millions de km² (en février et septembre respectivement). Cette superficie présente des variations interannuelles. En parallèle, une évolution de la superficie de la glace de mer a également pour origine le réchauffement climatique global, très médiatisé à l’heure actuelle. Dans ce contexte, et étant donné le rôle que joue la banquise au sein de l’Océan Austral, des études de l’évolution de la glace de mer sont devenues fondamentales. <p>Ce travail a pour objectif d’étudier les relations complexes qui existent entre les processus chimiques, physiques et biologiques qui se déroulent au sein de la glace de mer. La détermination des propriétés physiques et de la composition chimique des glaces de mer correspond en effet à un pré-requis indispensable à l’étude des cycles géochimiques qui existent dans la banquise.<p>Différentes glaces de mer, naturelles ou artificielles, ont été analysées. Pour ce faire, les caractéristiques spécifiques à ce type de glace font que des méthodes d’analyse de la composition en gaz particulières ont été nécessaires.<p>Nous avons ainsi pu montrer que le contenu et la composition en gaz des différentes glaces analysées dépendent de facteurs physico-chimiques et de facteurs biologiques. L’impact des facteurs physico-chimiques se marque lors de l’incorporation initiale des impuretés dans la glace de mer et via une diffusion "post-génétique" tant que la glace est plus chaude que –5°C. En outre, les organismes photosynthétiques sont à l’origine d’une production d’oxygène et d’une consommation de dioxyde de carbone. La composition en gaz résultante peut donc être sensiblement différente de la composition atmosphérique ou de celle des gaz dissous dans l’eau de mer sous-jacente, en été comme en hiver. Il s’agit par conséquent de sérieusement envisager l’impact potentiel de la glace de mer et des microorganismes qu’elle contient, lors du réchauffement et de la débâcle, sur les échanges entre atmosphère et océan comme sur leurs compositions respectives.<p> / Doctorat en sciences, Spécialisation géographie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Microtektites and other glasses from new sites in the Transantarctic Mountains, Antarctica

Angotti, Lauren Elizabeth 28 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Functionalization and Synthesis of Difunctional Folate-targeted Polymeric Conjugates for Potential Diagnostic Applications

Shrikhande, Gayatri January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Synthesis of Folate-Targeted Poly(Ethylene Glycol)-Based Conjugates And Their Precursors

Mulay, Prajakatta January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Enzyme selectivity as a tool in analytical chemistry

Hamberg, Anders January 2007 (has links)
Enzymes are useful tools as specific analytical reagents. Two different analysis methods were developed for use in the separate fields of protein science and organic synthesis. Both methods rely on the substrate specificity of enzymes. Enzyme catalysis and substrate specificity is described and put in context with each of the two developed methods. In paper I a method for C-terminal peptide sequencing was developed based on conventional Carboxypeptidase Y digestion combined with matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry. An alternative nucleophile was used to obtain a stable peptide ladder and improve sequence coverage. In paper II and III, three different enzymes were used for rapid analysis of enantiomeric excess and conversion of O-acylated cyanohydrins synthesized by a defined protocol. Horse liver alcohol dehydrogenase, Candida antarctica lipase B and pig liver esterase were sequentially added to a solution containing the O-acylated cyanohydrin. Each enzyme caused a drop in absorbance from oxidation of NADH to NAD+. The conversion and enantiomeric excess of the sample could be calculated from the relative differences in absorbance. / QC 20101108

A Paleoclimate Modeling Experiment to Calculate the Soil Carbon Respiration Flux for the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum

Tracy, David M 01 January 2012 (has links) (PDF)
The Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) (55 million years ago) stands as the largest in a series of extreme warming (hyperthermal) climatic events, which are analogous to the modern day increase in greenhouse gas concentrations. Orbitally triggered (Lourens et al., 2005, Galeotti et al., 2010), the PETM is marked by a large (-3‰) carbon isotope excursion (CIE). Hypothesized to be methane driven, Zeebe et al., (2009) noted that a methane based release would only account for 3.5°C of warming. An isotopically heavier carbon, such as that of soil and C3 plants, has the potential to account for the warming and CIE (Zachos et al., 2005). During the early Eocene, high latitude surface temperatures created favorable conditions for the sequestration of terrestrial carbon. A large untapped terrestrial carbon reservoir, such as that within permafrost regions, contains the potential, if degraded, to account for the CIE as well as the global temperature increase observed during the PETM. Using an fully integrated climate model (GENESIS) with fully coupled vegetation model (BIOME4), we show that adequate conditions for permafrost growth and terrestrial carbon sequestration did exist during the lead up to the PETM. By calculating the flux of net primary production (NPP) and soil respiration (Rs), we demonstrate that the biodegradation of permafrost-based carbon reservoirs had the potential to drive the PETM. Furthermore, we show that the natural planetary response to unbalanced carbon reservoirs resulted in the terrestrial sequestration of atmospheric carbon via permafrost regeneration, yielding a vulnerable carbon reservoir for the subsequent hyperthermal.

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