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Radiation pattern reconfigurable microfabricated planar millimeter-wave antennasBalcells Ventura, Jordi 20 May 2011 (has links)
Els serveis de telecomunicacions i sistemes radar estan migrant a freqüències mil•limètriques (MMW), on es disposa d 'una major amplada de banda i conseqüentment d'una major velocitat de transmissió de dades. Aquesta migració requereix de l'ús de diferents tecnologies amb capacitat d'operar a la banda de freqüències mil•limètriques (30 a 300 Ghz), i més concretament en les bandes Ka (26,5 - 40GHz), V (50 – 75GHz) i W (75 – 110GHz). En moltes aplicacions i sobretot en aquelles on l'antena forma part d'un dispositiu mòbil, es cerca poder utilitzar antenes planes, caracteritzades per tenir unes dimensions reduïdes i un baix cost de fabricació. El conjunt de requeriments es pot resumir en obtenir una antena amb capacitat de reconfigurabilitat i amb un baix nivell de pèrdues en cada una de les bandes de freqüència. Per tal d'afrontar aquests reptes, les dimensions de les antenes mil•limètriques, juntament amb els tipus de materials, toleràncies de fabricació i la capacitat de reconfigurabilitat ens porten a l'ús de processos de microfabricació.
L'objectiu d'aquesta tesis doctoral és l'anàlisi dels conceptes mencionats, tipus de materials, geometries de línia de transmissió i interruptors, en el context de les freqüències mil•limètriques, així com la seva aplicació final en dissenys d'antenes compatibles amb els processos de microfabricació. Finalment, com a demostració s'han presentat dissenys específics utilitzables en tres aplicacions a freqüències mil•limètriques: Sistemes de Comunicació per Satèl•lit (SCS) a la banda Ka, Xarxes d'àrea personal inalàmbriques (WPAN) a la banda V i sistemes radar per l'automoció a la banda W.
La primera part d'aquesta tesis consisteix en l'anàlisi d'algunes tecnologies circuitals a freqüències mil•limètriques. S'han presentat els materials més utilitzats a altes freqüències (Polytetrafluoroethylene or Teflon (PTFE), Quartz, Benzocyclobuten polymer (BCB) i Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC)) i s'han comparat en termes de permitivitat i tangent de pèrdues. També s'inclou un estudi de pèrdues a altes freqüències en les principals línies de transmissió (microstrip, stripline i CPW). Finalment, es presenta un resum dels interruptors RF-MEMS i es comparen amb els PIN diodes i els FET.
En la segona part, es presenten diferents agrupacions d'antenes amb la capacitat de reconfigurar la polarització i la direcció d'apuntament. S'han dissenyat dos elements base reconfigurables en polarització: CPW Patch antena i 4-Qdime antena. La primera antena consisteix en un element singular amb interruptors RF-MEMS, dissenyada per operar a les bandes Ka i V. La segona antena consisteix en una arquitectura composta on la reconfigurabilitat en polarització s'obté mitjançant variant la fase d'alimentació de cada un dels quatre elements lineals. La fase és controlada mitjançant interruptors RF-MEMS ubicats en la xarxa de distribució. L'antena 4-Qdime s'ha dissenyat per operar en les bandes V i W. Ambdós elements base s'han utilitzat posteriorment pel disseny de dues agrupacions d'antenes amb capacitat de reconfigurar l'apuntament del feix principal. La reconfigurabilitat es dur a terme utilitzant desfasadors de fase d'1 bit.
La part final de la tesis es centra en les toleràncies de fabricació i en els processo de microfabricació d'agrupacions d'antenes mil•limètriques. Les toleràncies de fabricació s'han estudiat en funció dels error d'amplitud i fase en cada element de l'agrupació, fixant-se en les pèrdues de guany, error d'apuntament, error en l'amplada de feix, errors en el nivell de lòbul secundari i en l'error en la relació axial. El procés de microfabricació de les diferents antenes dissenyades es presenta en detall. Els dissenys de l'antena CPW Patch reconfigurable en polarització i apuntament operant a les bandes Ka i V, s'han fabricat en la sala blanca del Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF). Posteriorment, s'han caracteritzat l'aïllament i el temps de resposta dels interruptors RF-MEMS, i finalment, el coeficient de reflexió, el diagrama de radiació i la relació axial s'han mesurat a les bandes Ka i V per les antenes configurades en polarització lineal (LP) i circular (CP). / Telecommunication services and radar systems are migrating to Millimeter-wave (MMW) frequencies, where wider bandwidths are available. Such migration requires the use of different technologies with the capability to operate at the MMW frequency band (30 to 300GHz), and more specifically at Ka- (26.5 to 40GHz), V- (50 to 75GHz) and W-band (75 to 110GHz). For many applications and more concretely those where the antenna is part of a mobile device, it is targeted the use of planar antennas for their low profile and low fabrication cost. A wide variety of requirements is translated into a reconfiguration capability and low losses within each application frequency bandwidth. To deal with the mentioned challenges, the MMW antenna dimensions, together with the materials, fabrication tolerances and reconfigurability capability lead to microfabrication processes.
The aim of this thesis is the analysis of the mentioned concepts, materials, transmission lines geometries and switches in the MMW frequencies context and their final application in antenna designs compatible with microfabrication. Finally, specific designs are presented as a demonstration for three MMW applications: Satellite Communication Systems (SCS) at Ka-band, Wireless Personal Area Network (WPAN) at V-band and Automotive Radar at W-band.
The first part of this thesis consist to analyze some MMW circuit technologies. The four most used materials at MMW frequencies (Polytetrafluoroethylene or Teflon (PTFE), Quartz, Benzocyclobuten polymer (BCB) and Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramic (LTCC)) have been presented and compared in terms of permittivity (εr) and loss tangent (tanδ). An study of the main transmission lines attenuation (microstrip, stripline and CPW) at high frequencies is included. Finally, an overview of the RF-MEMS switches is presented in comparison with PIN diodes and FETS switches.
The second part presents different polarization and beam pointing reconfigurable array antennas. Two polarization-reconfigurable base-elements have been designed: CPW Patch antenna and 4-Qdime antenna. The first consists of a single reconfigurable element with integrated RF-MEMS switches, designed to operate at Ka- and V-band. The second antenna presented in this thesis has a composed architecture where the polarization reconfigurability is obtained by switching the phase feeding for each of the four linear polarized elements in the feed network with RF-MEMS switches. The 4-Qdime antenna has been designed to operate at V- and W-band. The two base-elements have been used to design two beam pointing reconfigurable antenna arrays. Using phased array techniques, beamsteering is computed and implemented with 1-bit discrete phase-shifter.
The final part of the thesis is focused into the fabrication tolerances and microfabrication process of Millimeter-wave antenna arrays. The fabrication tolerances have been studied as a function of the amplitude and phase errors presented at each elements array, focusing on the gain loss, beam pointing error, Half-Power Beamwidth (HPBW) error, sidelobe level error and axial ratio error. The microfabrication process for the designed antennas is presented in detail. Polarization- and pointing- reconfigurable CPW Patch antenna operating at Ka- and V- band have been fabricated in a clean-room facility at Cornell NanoScale Science & Technology Facility (CNF). The RF-MEMS switches isolation and time response have been characterized. Finally, the reflection coefficient, radiation pattern and axial ratio have been measured at Ka- and V-band for the fabricated antennas configured in Linear Polarization (LP) and Circular Polarization (CP).
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Investigations On Frequency Beam Scanning Microstrip (bsms) Antenna StructuresDundar, Burhan 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Beam scanning Microstrip (BSMS) antenna is designed to work at center frequency of 10 GHz for using in the scanning applications of 9 GHz to 11 GHz band. The design parameters are defined and by using an Electromagnetic Simulation software program, the parameters are optimized. A Beam Scanning Microstrip Antenna is produced as a prototype and the measurement&rsquo / s results are compared with theoretical results. In conclusion, the values of deviation between theoretical and experimental results are discussed.
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Techniques for pattern control of a dielectric rod antenna suitable for use in mobile communicationsCox, Gavin J. January 2002 (has links)
This thesis describes the development of antennas suitable for mobile coinmunication systems based on a dielectric rod antenna fed from circular waveguide. Pattern control of the antenna is implemented using a combination of Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) elements and metallic endcaps placed on the antenna Both linear and circular polarised feeds have been made for these antennas to ensure they are suitable for a wide range of applications. The suitability of the dominant and next, higher order, waveguide mode were investigated and conclusions drawn as to their suitability for this type of antenna. The antennas were extensively modelled using a commercial TLM based solver and the results of these simulations were compared to the comprehensive set of antenna pattern measurements and S-parameter measurements obtained for the prototype antennas.
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Otimização de largura de banda de antena de microfitaBulla, Giovani January 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho é realizada a otimização de antena de microfita banda larga usando o método de Diferenças Finitas no Domínio do Tempo (FDTD) e software comercial de onda completa. Inicialmente é feita uma introdução sobre o assunto, abordando aspectos de comunicações e de antenas de microfita, além de se fazer uma revisão bibliográfica e resumir o estado da arte sobre o tema do trabalho. A seguir, discorre-se sobre a teoria eletromagnética aplicada a antenas planares. O tópico de base é concluído com síntese dos métodos de simulação usados na análise de antenas de microfita, enfatizando o de FDTD. O próximo item revisa fundamentos teóricos e técnicas aplicadas na obtenção de banda larga em antenas de microfita. O trabalho prossegue com simulações numéricas e medidas da largura de banda, do ganho e da eficiência da antena E e de geometria inovadora aplicando técnica de alimentação capacitiva à antena E. A seguir, o algoritmo genético é apresentado e utilizado na otimização do plano de terra de antena de microfita com alimentação por sonda coaxial e também com alimentação capacitiva, para aplicações em banda larga. Resultados simulados e medidos são apresentados e boa concordância entre eles é obtida. Obteve-se 88% de largura de banda para PIFA com alimentação capacitiva e plano de terra otimizado. A tese é concluída com observações sobre os resultados apresentados e sugestões para prosseguimento e aperfeiçoamento das investigações realizadas. / In the present work, the optimization of broadband microstrip antenna employing the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) and full wave commercial software are presented. First, an introduction on the subject considering main issues in communications and microstrip antennas are described, also a bibliographical review and the state of the art are presented. A review of electromagnetic theory applied to microstrip antenna is presented at the following topic, with emphasis on the FDTD method. The next step is a review of theory and techniques on bandwidth optimization of microstrip antennas. The work follows with numeric simulations and measurements on bandwidth, gain, efficiency of E shapped antenna and with a novel design procedure employing capacitive feeding on the E shapped antenna. The work follows with genetic algorithm being presented and utilized to the optimization of ground plane shape microstrip antenna with coaxial feeding and also with capacitive feeding, aiming to broadband applications. Simulated and measured results are presented. Good agreement is observed. Relative bandwidth of 88% was found for PIFA with capacitive feeding and optimized ground plane. The thesis is concluded with some comments and observations on the results obtained and suggestions for the continuation of the work.
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Otimização de largura de banda de antena de microfitaBulla, Giovani January 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho é realizada a otimização de antena de microfita banda larga usando o método de Diferenças Finitas no Domínio do Tempo (FDTD) e software comercial de onda completa. Inicialmente é feita uma introdução sobre o assunto, abordando aspectos de comunicações e de antenas de microfita, além de se fazer uma revisão bibliográfica e resumir o estado da arte sobre o tema do trabalho. A seguir, discorre-se sobre a teoria eletromagnética aplicada a antenas planares. O tópico de base é concluído com síntese dos métodos de simulação usados na análise de antenas de microfita, enfatizando o de FDTD. O próximo item revisa fundamentos teóricos e técnicas aplicadas na obtenção de banda larga em antenas de microfita. O trabalho prossegue com simulações numéricas e medidas da largura de banda, do ganho e da eficiência da antena E e de geometria inovadora aplicando técnica de alimentação capacitiva à antena E. A seguir, o algoritmo genético é apresentado e utilizado na otimização do plano de terra de antena de microfita com alimentação por sonda coaxial e também com alimentação capacitiva, para aplicações em banda larga. Resultados simulados e medidos são apresentados e boa concordância entre eles é obtida. Obteve-se 88% de largura de banda para PIFA com alimentação capacitiva e plano de terra otimizado. A tese é concluída com observações sobre os resultados apresentados e sugestões para prosseguimento e aperfeiçoamento das investigações realizadas. / In the present work, the optimization of broadband microstrip antenna employing the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) and full wave commercial software are presented. First, an introduction on the subject considering main issues in communications and microstrip antennas are described, also a bibliographical review and the state of the art are presented. A review of electromagnetic theory applied to microstrip antenna is presented at the following topic, with emphasis on the FDTD method. The next step is a review of theory and techniques on bandwidth optimization of microstrip antennas. The work follows with numeric simulations and measurements on bandwidth, gain, efficiency of E shapped antenna and with a novel design procedure employing capacitive feeding on the E shapped antenna. The work follows with genetic algorithm being presented and utilized to the optimization of ground plane shape microstrip antenna with coaxial feeding and also with capacitive feeding, aiming to broadband applications. Simulated and measured results are presented. Good agreement is observed. Relative bandwidth of 88% was found for PIFA with capacitive feeding and optimized ground plane. The thesis is concluded with some comments and observations on the results obtained and suggestions for the continuation of the work.
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Otimização de largura de banda de antena de microfitaBulla, Giovani January 2011 (has links)
Neste trabalho é realizada a otimização de antena de microfita banda larga usando o método de Diferenças Finitas no Domínio do Tempo (FDTD) e software comercial de onda completa. Inicialmente é feita uma introdução sobre o assunto, abordando aspectos de comunicações e de antenas de microfita, além de se fazer uma revisão bibliográfica e resumir o estado da arte sobre o tema do trabalho. A seguir, discorre-se sobre a teoria eletromagnética aplicada a antenas planares. O tópico de base é concluído com síntese dos métodos de simulação usados na análise de antenas de microfita, enfatizando o de FDTD. O próximo item revisa fundamentos teóricos e técnicas aplicadas na obtenção de banda larga em antenas de microfita. O trabalho prossegue com simulações numéricas e medidas da largura de banda, do ganho e da eficiência da antena E e de geometria inovadora aplicando técnica de alimentação capacitiva à antena E. A seguir, o algoritmo genético é apresentado e utilizado na otimização do plano de terra de antena de microfita com alimentação por sonda coaxial e também com alimentação capacitiva, para aplicações em banda larga. Resultados simulados e medidos são apresentados e boa concordância entre eles é obtida. Obteve-se 88% de largura de banda para PIFA com alimentação capacitiva e plano de terra otimizado. A tese é concluída com observações sobre os resultados apresentados e sugestões para prosseguimento e aperfeiçoamento das investigações realizadas. / In the present work, the optimization of broadband microstrip antenna employing the Finite Difference Time Domain (FDTD) and full wave commercial software are presented. First, an introduction on the subject considering main issues in communications and microstrip antennas are described, also a bibliographical review and the state of the art are presented. A review of electromagnetic theory applied to microstrip antenna is presented at the following topic, with emphasis on the FDTD method. The next step is a review of theory and techniques on bandwidth optimization of microstrip antennas. The work follows with numeric simulations and measurements on bandwidth, gain, efficiency of E shapped antenna and with a novel design procedure employing capacitive feeding on the E shapped antenna. The work follows with genetic algorithm being presented and utilized to the optimization of ground plane shape microstrip antenna with coaxial feeding and also with capacitive feeding, aiming to broadband applications. Simulated and measured results are presented. Good agreement is observed. Relative bandwidth of 88% was found for PIFA with capacitive feeding and optimized ground plane. The thesis is concluded with some comments and observations on the results obtained and suggestions for the continuation of the work.
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Mikropásková anténa s kruhovou polarizací s možnosti výběru typu polarizace / Dual-port microstrip circularly-polarised antennaHolek, Karel January 2008 (has links)
The thesis is focused at the design and the execution of a dual-port microstrip circularly-polarized antenna for the frequency of 2.4 GHz. The first part describes general knowledge about microstrip antennas, circularly-polarized, options of power supply, used medium etc. The second part of the thesis deals with the design and simulation of antennas with the use of software called CST Microwave Studio and Zeland IE3D. In the last part, confrontation of simulation and measurement results is provided.
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Šroubovicová dvoupásmová anténa pro WiFi pásmo / Dual-Band Helix Antenna for WiFi bandŠrajbr, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This master’s thesis is focused on the properties and types of helical antennas. The helical antenna work in the different modes. These modes are described in this thesis. There are also discussed possibility for design a dual-band helical antennas. The main aim of this work is the selection of a suitable solution and design a dual-band helical antenna for the WiFi band working at resonance frequencies of 2,4 GHz and 5 GHz. The simulation of this antenna was performed in the program CST Microwave studio.
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Měřicí hřebenová trychtýřová anténa / Double ridge horn antenna for antenna measurementVašina, Petr January 2013 (has links)
The thesis deals with broadband antennas for measurement purposes. A ridged horn antenna has been selected for this concept, designed for the frequency range 0.9 GHz to 9 GHz. This work contains general theoretical description of antennas and further it focuses on a specific design of the ridged horn antenna, beginning with the calculation of its dimensions, modeling and optimization to obtain desired antenna properties. Finally, the antenna was constructed and measured. The reflection factor s11
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Antenna for GNSS Reception in GEO-OrbitMagnusson, Patrick January 2014 (has links)
There are a number of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS), in use or planed, which are used for navigation on earth but also for autonomous navigation of satellites in low earth orbit (LEO). It would be desirable to also have autonomous navigation in geosynchronous earth orbit (GEO) to reduce costs and make it possible to get higher accuracy on the position of the satellite. One part of the navigation system is the GNSS antenna which is examined in this master thesis. The specifications of the antenna were first decided and then three antenna alternatives were investigated in greater detail: a monofilar helix antenna, a three element circular array antenna and a twelve element circular array antenna. The result was that they would all work as a GNSS antenna in GEO but none could be judged to be the best under all circumstances. The size requirement for the mission and the used GNSS receiver would primarily decide which fits the mission best. / Det finns ett antal världstäckande navigeringssystem (GNSS), i användning och planerade, som används för navigation på jorden fast också för autonom navigation för satelliter i låg bana runt jorden. Det skulle också vara önskvärt att använda autonom navigation för satelliter i geostationär omloppsbana (GEO) för att reducera kostnaden och få högre positions noggrannhet. En del av navigationssystemet är GNSS antennen vilken är undersökt i detta examensarbete. Specifikationerna för antennen bestämdes först och sedan undersöktes tre olika antennalternativ i detalj: en monofilär helixantenn, en tre elements cirkulär gruppantenn och en tolv elements cirkulär gruppantenn. Resultatet var att alla alternativen skulle fungera som en GNSS antenn i GEO-bana fast inget av alternativen är bäst i alla förhållanden. Storlekskraven för uppdraget och vilken GNSS mottagare som skall användas påverkar vilket av alternativen som passar uppdraget bäst.
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