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Characterization of natural antimicrobial peptides adsorbed to different matricesvan Rensburg, Wilma 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Biofouling is the attachment and biofilm formation that leads to negative repercussions such as
persistent post-harvest infections, infections obtained from medical implants and continual
surface contamination of food processing plants. Much of the problem lies with the resistance
that develops against conventional treatments due to the formation of mature biofilms. Thus the
focus has shifted from the removal of biofilms to the prevention of initial attachment of
organisms. This entails the use of antimicrobial surfaces that either have an inherent
antimicrobial activity, e.g. certain metals, or surfaces that are modified by the attachment of
antimicrobial agents. The attachment of antimicrobial agents can either be through covalent
bonding or adsorption, depending on the intended use of the surface as well as the mode of action
of the antimicrobial agent. Antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) are ubiquitous in nature, tend to have
a broad spectrum of activity, are very stable and have been shown to maintain activity when
covalently bound to solid surfaces. Tyrocidines (Trcs), antimicrobial peptides produced by
Bacillus aneurinolyticus, are cyclodecapeptides with a broad spectrum of activity against Grampositive
bacteria, fungi, yeasts and the human malaria parasite, Plasmodium falciparum. The aim
of this study was to determine the antimicrobial activity of surfaces treated with a tyrocidine extract, under which conditions the activity remained stable and to look into possible
applications of these peptide-treated surfaces.
The study focussed on different solid surfaces namely mixed cellulose, polyvinylidene fluoride,
polycarbonate, cellulose acetate, cellulose (paper)(CL) and high density cellulose packing
material (HDC), as a pilot study to assess the antimicrobial activity of Trc and gramicidin S (GS)
treated solid surfaces. Peptide desorption and subsequent analysis by mass spectrometry was
used to confirm the presence and integrity of the Trcs adsorbed. Scanning electron microscopy
was utilised to show that the adsorbed peptides did not affect the structural integrity of the treated
filters. However, it was shown that the adsorbed peptides changed the hydrophobic/hydrophilic
character by means of a wettability assay. A cell viability assay and erythrocyte assay were developed from existing methodologies to
determine the biological activity of the AMP-functionalised polymeric material. Seven of the
AMP treated solid surfaces showed antimicrobial activity when challenged with >105
Micrococcus luteus cells/cm2. Although the polycarbonate filter lost antimicrobial activity at the high cell concentrations, it was shown to have potent antimicrobial activity at lower cell
concentrations. Complete inhibition of M. luteus growth was observed for both the gramicidin S
and tyrocidine extract treated high density cellulose and cellulose filters.
Stability tests showed that the tyrocidines remained adsorbed to cellulose filters and biologically
active when exposed multiple water washes, water washes at different temperatures (25°C -
100°C) and pH changes (pH 1-12). The antimicrobial activity was only affected after exposure to
the water wash of pH 13 which is possible due to susceptibility of the CL filters to high pH
solvents. A preliminary study on the effect of Trcs treated CL filters on the sterilization,
germination and effect on tomato seedlings was conducted. It was found that Trcs had no effect
on the germination and did not fully sterilise the seeds or environment against fungi. However, it
was observed that 5 μg/mL Trcs treated filters promoted root length opposed to the toxic effect
seen with filters treated with higher Trc concentrations. It is hypothesised that Trcs prefer to bind to hydrophilic surfaces exposing the hydrophobic
residues and the cationic residue of the peptide to interact with the bacterial membrane to elicit
its antimicrobial response. The exposed residues contain some of the hydrophobic residues and
the cationic Orn9/Lys9, which are crucial to the antimicrobial activity of the peptides.
Hydrophobic interaction is particularly important for the haemolytic activity which is currently
the only viable method of detection of the adsorbed Trcs. Trcs also have a preference for
adsorption onto cellulose and cellulose analogues which points to possible application in
protective food wrapping and wood surface protection.
Trcs maintains its antimicrobial activity regardless of adsorption to solid surfaces. It can
therefore be concluded that Trcs treated solid surfaces hold great potential in preventing the
initial bacterial colonization and subsequent biofilm formation. Antimicrobial peptide enriched
solid surfaces can thus be developed and tailored to a specific application such as filters,
catheters and packaging materials. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Biovervuiling is die aanhegting en vorming van biofilms met negatiewe gevolge soos
aanhoudende na-oes infeksies, infeksies op mediese inplantings en voortdurende oppervlak
besoedeling van voedselverwerkings fabrieke. Die probleem lê grotendeels by die weerstand wat
ontwikkel word teen konvensionele behandelings as gevolg van die vorming van volwasse
biofilms. Die fokus het gevolglik verskuif vanaf die verwydering van biofilms na die
voorkoming van aanvanklike aanhegting van organismes aan oppervlaktes. Dit behels die
gebruik van antimikrobiese oppervlaktes wat of 'n inherente antimikrobiese aktiwiteit het, bv.
sekere metale óf oppervlaktes wat aangepas is deur die aanhegting van antimikrobiese middels.
Die aanhegting van antimikrobiese agente kan of deur kovalente binding óf adsorpsie plaasvind,
afhangende van die beoogde gebruik van die oppervlak, sowel as die metode van werking van die
antimikrobiese agent. Antimikrobiese peptiede (AMPe) is alomteenwoordig in die natuur, is
geneig om 'n breë spektrum van aktiwiteit te hê, is baie stabiel en het getoon dat aktiwiteit in
stand gehou word wanneer dit kovalent gebind word op soliede oppervlaktes. Tirosidiene (Trcs),
antimikrobiese peptiede wat deur Bacillus aneurinolyticus geproduseer word, is siklodekapeptiede
met 'n breë spektrum van aktiwiteit teen Gram-positiewe bakterieë, swamme, giste
en die menslike malaria parasiet Plasmodium falciparum. Die doel van hierdie studie was om die antimikrobiese aktiwiteit te bepaal van oppervlaktes wat met 'n tirosidien ekstrak behandel is, te
bepaal onder watter omstandighede die aktiwiteit stabiel bly en om te soek na moontlike
toepassings van hierdie peptied-behandelde oppervlaktes.
Die studie het gefokus op verskillende soliede oppervlaktes naamlik gemengde sellulose,
polyvinylidene fluoried, polikarbonaat, sellulose asetaat, sellulose (papier)(CL) en 'n hoë digtheid
sellulose verpakkings materiaal (HDC), as 'n loodsstudie om die antimikrobiese aktiwiteit van
die Trcs en gramisidien S (GS) behandelde soliede oppervlaktes te ondersoek. Peptied-desorpsie
en daaropvolgende ontleding deur massaspektroskopie is gebruik om die teenwoordigheid en
integriteit van die geadsorbeerde Trcs te bevestig. Skandering elektronmikroskopie is gebruik om
aan te toon dat die geadsorbeerde peptiede geen invloed op die strukturele integriteit van die
behandelde filters het nie. Daar is egter getoon dat die geadsorbeerde peptiede die hidrofobiese /
hidrofiliese karakter verander. „n Lewensvatbaarheid selgebaseerde toets en eritrosiet toets is ontwikkel uit bestaande metodes om die biologiese aktiwiteit van die AMP-gefunktionaliseerde polimeriese materiaal te bepaal.
Sewe van die AMP behandel soliede oppervlaktes het antimikrobiese aktiwiteit getoon wanneer
dit met > 105 Micrococcus luteus selle/cm2 gedaag is. Hoewel die polikarbonaat filter
antimikrobiese aktiwiteit met hoë sel konsentrasies verloor het, is dit getoon dat dit wel
uitgeproke antimikrobiese aktiwiteit het teen laer konsentrasies selle. Volledige inhibisie van M.
luteus groei is waargeneem vir beide die hoë digtheid sellulose en sellulose filters wat met GS en
tirosidien ekstrak behandel is.
Stabiliteit toetse het getoon dat die tirosidiene geadsorbeer en biologies aktief op sellulose filters
bly nadat dit blootgestel is aan verskeie water was-stappe, waterwasse by verskillende
temperature (25 °C -100 °C) en pH veranderinge (pH 1-12). Die antimikrobiese aktiwiteit was
net beïnvloed ná blootstelling aan die water met 'n pH 13, wat moontlik is te danke aan die
vatbaarheid van die CL filters by hoë pH oplosmiddels is. 'n Voorlopige studie is gedoen om die
uitwerking van Trcs behandelde CL filters op die sterilisasie, ontkieming en tamatiesaailinge te
bepaal. Daar is gevind dat Trcs geen effek op die ontkieming het nie, maar dat dit nie volledig
die sade en omgewing steriliseer vir fungiese groei nie. Daar is egter waargeneem dat 5 μg/mL Trcs behandelde filters wortel lengte van die saailinge bevorder teenoor die giftige uitwerking
soos waargeneem vir die filters wat met hoër konsentrasies Trcs behandel is.
Dit word gepostuleer dat Trcs verkies om aan hidrofiliese oppervlaktes te bind wat die van die
hidrofobiese aminosure en die kationiese residu van die peptied blootstel om aan die bakteriële
membraan te bind om gevolglik antimikrobiese reaksie te ontlok. Die blootgestelde deel bevat
sommige van die hidrofobiese residue en positiewe Orn9/Lys9 wat noodsaaklik vir die
antimikrobiese aktiwiteit van die peptiede. Die hidrofobiese interaksies is veral belangrik vir die
hemolitiese aktiwiteit wat tans die enigste bruikbare metode van opsporing van die
geadsorbeerde Trcs is. Trcs het ook 'n tendens vir adsorpsie op sellulose en sellulose analoë wat
dui op die moontlike toepassing in beskermende voedselverpakking en die beskerming van
houtoppervlaktes. Trcs handhaaf hul antimikrobiese aktiwiteit, ongeag van adsorpsie aan soliede
oppervlaktes. Dit kan dus afgelei word dat Trcs-behandelde soliede oppervlaktes die potensiaal
het om die aanvanklike kolonisasie van bakterië te voorkom en die daaropvolgende biofilm
vorming. Antimikrobiese peptied verrykde soliede oppervlaktes kan dus ontwikkel en aangepas
word vir gebruik in spesifieke toepassing soos in filters, kateters en verpakkingsmateriaal.
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Molecular thin films and their role in controlling interface propertiesIarikov, Dmitri 15 October 2013 (has links)
In the first part of this study, frictional and normal forces in aqueous solutions were measured between a glass particle and oligopeptide films grafted from a glass plate. Homopeptide molecules consisting of 11 monomers of different amino acids were each "grafted from" an oxidized silicon wafer using microwave-assisted solid phase peptide synthesis. Oligopeptides increased the magnitude of friction compared to a bare hydrophilic silicon wafer. Friction was a strong function of the nature of the monomer unit and was lower for hydrophilic films. There was a strong adhesion and therefore friction between surfaces of opposite charges. Changes in adhesion and friction depended on the hydrophobicity and electrostatic forces: hydrophobic films and oppositely charged films produced high friction, whereas hydrophilic and like-charges produced low friction. Friction was lower in phosphate buffered saline than in pure water due to the screening of the double layer attraction for oppositely charged surfaces and additional lubrication by hydrated salt ions. We also investigated antimicrobial action of poly (allyl amine) (PA) when covalently bonded to glass. Glass surfaces were prepared by a two-step procedure where the glass was first functionalized with epoxide groups using 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxy silane (GOPTS) and then exposed to PA to bind via reaction of a fraction of its amine groups. Antibacterial properties of these coatings were evaluated by spraying aqueous suspensions of bacteria on the functionalized glass slides, incubating them under agar, and counting the number of surviving cell colonies. The PA film displayed strong anti-microbial activity against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Films that were prepared by allowing the PA to self assemble onto the solid via electrostatic interactions were ineffective antimicrobials. Such films had an insufficient positive charge and did not extend far from the solid. Thus we found that antimicrobial activity was correlated with a combination of the ability of the polymer chain to extend into solution and a positive surface potential. / Ph. D.
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Funktionalisierte Polymeroberflächen für die Photodynamische Inaktivierung (PDI) von MikroorganismenMüller, Alexander 22 July 2021 (has links)
Die Ausbreitung antimikrobieller Resistenzen stellt ein zunehmendes gesundheitliches und gesellschaftliches Risiko dar. Alternative antimikrobielle Verfahren mit einem geringen Resistenzpotenzial, breiten Wirkspektrum und geringen Umweltrisiko gewinnen an Bedeutung. Ein solches Verfahren stellt die Photodynamische Inaktivierung (PDI) dar. Ihr Wirkmechanismus beruht auf der photosensibilisierten Anregung von Singulettsauerstoff (1O2), der durch oxidativen Stress zum Zelltod führt. Der für die katalytische Aktivierung des Sauerstoffs verantwortliche Photosensibilisator (PS), muss nicht in die Mikroorganismen eindringen und wird durch sichtbares Licht angeregt. Die Übertragung einer stationär vermittelten PDI auf Oberflächen erscheint daher besonders sinnvoll. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden erstmalig zwei Ansätze untersucht, die sowohl kommerzielle Substrate als auch industrielle Standardverfahren zur Oberflächenveredelung verwenden: Eine Elektronenstrahl-Funktionalisierung von Mikrofiltrationsmembranen und eine textiltechnologische Funktionalisierung von Polyestergeweben, insbesondere Reinraumtextilien. Für die Charakterisierung der Polymeroberflächen werden neben Versuchen zur Zellviabilität, optisch-spektroskopische Methoden und erstmalig orts- sowie zeit-aufgelöste Messungen der 1O2-Lumineszenz herangezogen. Im Resultat erweisen sich beide Funktionalisierungsansätze als geeignet für eine stationär vermittelte PDI. Dabei sind die textiltechnologisch funktionalisierten Polyestergewebe besonders Wirkungsvoll und erzielen bereits nach kurzer Weißlichtbestrahlung von unter 30 Minuten eine antimikrobielle Wirkung. Die Messungen der 1O2-Lumineszenzkinetik erweisen sich als eine vielversprechende Methode eine mögliche PDI-Aktivität vorab zu bewerten und bei der Entwicklung wichtige Impulse für die Oberflächenfunktionalisierung zu setzen. Schließlich ist eine systematisierte Methodologie zur Bewertung PDI-aktiver Oberflächen ein wesentliches Resultat dieser Arbeit. / The spread of antimicrobial resistance is an increasing health and social risk. Alternative antimicrobial methods with a low resistance potential, broad spectrum of activity and low environmental risk are gaining importance. Photodynamic inactivation (PDI) is one such method. Its mechanism of action is based on the photosensitised excitation of singlet oxygen (1O2), which leads to cell death through oxidative stress. The photosensitizer (PS), which is responsible for the catalytic activation of the oxygen, does not have to penetrate the microorganisms and is excited by visible light. The transfer of a stationary-mediated PDI to surfaces therefore seems particularly useful. In the present work, two approaches are investigated for the first time that use both commercial substrates and standard industrial processes for surface modification: An electron beam functionalisation of microfiltration membranes and a textile-technological functionalisation of polyester fabrics, especially cleanroom textiles. In addition to experiments on cell viability, optical spectroscopic methods and, for the first time, spatially and temporally resolved measurements of 1O2 luminescence are used to characterise the polymer surfaces. As a result, both functionalisation approaches prove to be suitable for a stationary-mediated PDI. The textile-technologically functionalised polyester fabrics are particularly effective and achieve an antimicrobial effect after only a short white light irradiation of less than 30 minutes. Measurements of 1O2 luminescence kinetics are proving to be a promising method of evaluating possible PDI activity in advance and providing important impetus for surface functionalisation during development. Finally, a systematised methodology for the evaluation of PDI-active surfaces is an essential result of this work.
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