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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Železobetonová nosná konstrukce / Reinforced concrete load-bearing construction

Eliášová, Kristýna January 2015 (has links)
My diploma thesis presents structural design of an apartment block in Praha Smíchov. It is a reinforced concrete column structure with six floors. Plane dimensions of the building are 19x36 m. The project includes design of main structural system elements - columns, ceiling plate, foundation and staircase structure.

Porovnání cen bytového domu v k.ú. Brno - Židenice stanovených dle platných oceňovacích předpisů / Price Comparison of an Apartment Building in the Cadastral Area of Brno - Židenice According to the Valid Valuation Regulations

Jursa, Michal January 2010 (has links)
Price is one of the most important factor which influences people in making decisions in connection with apartment blocks. In the first part I attended to terminology and pricing techniques according to the valid valuation regulations. In the second part I appreciated select apartment block in combnation with load and yield technique of valuation and comparative teqnique of valuation. Sequentially I compared and assessed this prices.

Interventions in Existing Buildings : Methods and Materializations

Amrén, Johanna, Nilsson, Ellen January 2018 (has links)
Our aim with this project was to become more aware about the consequencesthat different kinds of changes or additions have on existing buildings andtheir characteristic architectural qualities. We have focused our study on thepart when a change or addition is designed, how the planned intervention isto be materialized, trying to understand how a change or addition relate to theexisting. Whether it is made to closely resemble that which is already there orcontrast in for example form, colour or material. In our thesis we call theseways of relating to the existing methods, and it is these methods that we havetried to identify, analyse and implement throughout this project.Some of the questions we have asked ourselves are:What different methods are there and how can they be materialized? How do theywork in combination? What effect do they have on a room and what do the differentmethods communicate?

Re-reading The Social Context Of Apartment Block Development In Istanbul: 1889-1922

Aktuna, Zeynep 01 December 2003 (has links) (PDF)
The thesis investigates the early phases of apartment block development in Istanbul, which took place in the second half of the 19th century. Apartment block development represents a unique process in Istanbul. It not only reflects the &ldquo / west-oriented&rdquo / side of the Ottoman Empire but also sheds light on the transformation of urban fabric from pre-modern to modern. The emergence of apartment blocks in Istanbul, hence, does not simply imply the adoption of a &ldquo / western&rdquo / and &ldquo / modern&rdquo / life, but also reflect a spatial transformation. To clarify this unique process, the thesis studies the social and spatial aspects of apartment block development from 1889 to 1922. The study uses the Annuaire Orientals related to the years of 1889, 1893, 1896, 1910 and 1922. Through the use of the Annuaire data, it investigates on the &lsquo / social profile&rsquo / of the early apartment residents and &lsquo / spatial setting&rsquo / of apartment blocks. Doing this, the study aims to shed light on the socio-spatial differentiation behind the apartment block development.

Apartment Block As The Object Of The Generic City:ankara

Urger, Mucip Ahmet 01 September 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Ankara has experienced a radical transformation after 1950s, in which the identity of the highly planned capital has been erased, emphasizing homogenization, blankness and similarity. The Apartment Block was the object of this condition and the subject of the transformation in the urban identity, both with its physical existence and with the mind-set it has radiated to the whole levels of the society. It has stripped out the identity of the city with its &quot / endless reproduction.&quot / This transformation has led the Apartment Block to be accused of transforming Turkish cities to deformed agglomerations, deprived of aesthetics. In this sense, architectural discipline has been criticized for its impotence to respond the economical, social and cultural conditions that traverse the urban setting. This criticism has questioned the generative role of architecture in the Early Republican period as a social engineering and discouraged any relation between architecture and the city, which has manifested the reduction of the architecture to a formal discipline. Ankara, with its dazzling transformation within few decades proposed its own urbanism and its own architecture, with the mutation of the Apartment Block first to a resilient frame than to a multi-programmed infrastructure. This study will consider this transformation as &amp / #8216 / another&amp / #8217 / manifestation of a new kind of urbanism that was mainly declared by Rem Koolhaas and OMA, claming that the resilient and neutral objects are the dominant and extensive forms of the contemporary urbanism. Hence, the study presents a cross reading of the urban development of Ankara together with Rem Koolhaas&amp / #8217 / book Delirious New York and his essay The Generic City in SMLXL. The utmost goal is to explore a possible &quot / reciprocal relation&quot / between architecture and the city and to explore the limits of architectural intervention in the particular case of Ankara. Such an objective inevitably requires extending the limits of architectural thinking to the city scale. Thus, Ankara goes beyond a case study in an inquiry that aims to undertand the mechanisms of the building production in the contemporary urbanism.

Historický vývoj výstavby bytových domů a jeho vliv na tržní ceny bytů v současnosti v Teplicích / Historical block of flats development with its impact on market prices of flats on the present in Teplice

Walter, Martin January 2013 (has links)
Diploma thesis discusses about the historical development of the apartment blocks in Teplice and analyzes the period influence of their construction on the market prices. Furthermore, this work examines the influence of different period construction of apartment blocks on the market prices in the different ownership types in the city of Teplice. This work is also describes in detail the historical construction development of Teplice and its master plan.

Vývoj výstavby rezidenčních nemovitostí ve Žďáru nad Sázavou / Development of the construction of residential properties in Žďár nad Sázavou

Zdražilová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The main task of this thesis is to describe the development of residential properties in Žďár nad Sázavou. In the first part of the thesis describes the history of the location to the present. The second part is the development of construction is divided into several time periods, which describe in detail the development of the locality. Part of it is devoted to the historical city center. After describing the each time periods followed by a list of most residential properties. The work is accompanied by a map of the development of the urbanistic structure of town marked with residential buildings that are being solved. The last chapter is devoted to the future development of construction and overall assessment of the location.

Rekonstrukce bytového domu / Reconstruction of apartment block

Chmelař, Jiří January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the project documentation of the reconstruction of sewing company in Zlín. Contemporary storey house will increased of one storey. In new storey will created five housing units. Space of sewing company will reduction and instead of will created housing unit and office. Next to the house is courtyard. On the courtyard will constructed gallery for entry to the housing units in second storey.

Arken : Bostäder i stadens skärgård / Arken : Residences in the archipelago of the city

Andersson, Jennifer, Franke, Klara January 2019 (has links)
Ett stenkast från stadsdelen Liljeholmen i Stockholm ligger området Lövholmen. Ett idag till stor del övergivet industriområde där man möts av krossade rutor, förfallna byggnader och nedklottrade fasader. Stockholms stad har tillsammans med en rad olika byggherrar gjort en stadsplanering som är ett förslag om ändring i detaljplan, från ett industriområde till ett bostadsområde. Stadsplaneringen Strukturplan och ramverk för Lövholmen innehåller föreslagna riktlinjer om utformningen för en ny stadsdel. Syftet är att utforma ett gestaltningsförslag till en av fastigheterna enligt den nya detaljplanen som om den vunnit laga kraft, me även att undersöka hur planlösningar kan påverka människans hälsa och trivsel. Förslaget kommer förhålla sig till strukturplanens direktiv där målet är att göra Lövholmen till en tryggare och trevligare plats. Detta kommer göras med hjälp av analyser och undersökningar från allmänhetens önskemål och synpunkter. Resultatet, Arken, kommer visa ett bostadsförslag med en arkitektonisk anknytning till platsen som kommer göra Lövholmen till en mer harmonisk plats. Bostadsförslaget kommer medföra gemenskap för människor som bosätter sig i kvarteret samt genom genomarbetade planlösningar som grundar sig i undersökningar kring människans välmående. / A few steps away from the district of Liljeholmen in Stockholm lies the area of Lövholmen. A largely abandoned industrial zone where visitors are greeted by crushed window panes, dilapidated buildings and defaced facades. Stockholm City has along with a number of different developers made a proposal for a change in the detailed development plan, from an industrial area to a residential area. The urban planning Strukturplan och Ramverk för Lövholmen contains proposed guidelines for the design of a new neighborhood. Our purpose in this thesis is to design a residential proposal as if the detailed development plan has won legal force, also to examine how floor plans can affect human health and well-being. The proposal will relate to urban development guidelines by Stockholm stad, where the aim is to make Lövholmen a safer and nicer place. This will be done with the help of analyzes and surveys from the public's wishes and views. The result of our vision; Arken, will consist a housing proposal with an architectural connection to the place that will make Lövholmen a more harmonious site. The housing proposal will bring a sense of community to people who settle in the neighborhood as well as elaborated floor plans based on surveys on human well-being.

Vybrané části stavebně technologické projektu bytového domu v Hejčíně, Olomouc / Selected Parts of the Construction Technological Project of Apartment Block in Hejčín, Olomouc

Onderka, David January 2018 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is selected parts of the construction project of the apartment block in Hejčín, Olomouc. It deals in detail with the most optimal design of the machine assembly, the assessment of the lifting mechanism, the equipment of the building site, the timetable and, last but not least, the itemized budget of the structural work of the apartment block. The work is based on the technical documentation from the borrowed project documentation.

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