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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Practical Approach to CAM

Blackwelder, Reid B. 01 June 2005 (has links)
No description available.

The Experience of Bereaved South Asian Family Caregivers of Adult Family Members

Kulasegaram, Pereyanga 11 1900 (has links)
This study focuses on understanding the experiences of bereaved South Asian family caregivers living in Canada. Findings suggest that South Asian caregivers face several challenges and that there is a need for a more culturally sensitive palliative approach to care. / The South Asian population faces several challenges when receiving palliative care, including language barriers, unawareness of resources, and poor cultural awareness among health care providers (HCP). However, little is known about the needs of South Asian family caregivers in Canada. The purpose of this study is to understand the experience of bereaved South Asian informal caregivers, who cared for a family member in their last year of life. An interpretive descriptive design was used. Eleven participants were recruited by referral through a community hospice and a community health centre. Participants were South Asian informal caregivers and at least two months bereaved. Audio-recorded one-on-one interviews were conducted followed by a thematic analysis of the transcripts. Five themes were identified to describe the experience of bereaved South Asian informal caregivers: transforming perceptions of life and death, the influence of culture on the experience; the challenges of being a caregiver; coping with the challenges of care-giving; and getting support. Caregivers expressed feeling a sense of duty to their family members and were reluctant to utilize long-term care homes or hospices. The perceived hierarchy of HCP roles also affected their experience. In reflecting on their experiences, caregivers had a deeper appreciation for life and were more willing to talk about death and dying. The experience of South Asian family caregivers is complex with several underlying cultural influences. This study has important implications in improving the delivery of culturally sensitive palliative care and developing supports that address the challenges experienced by caregivers in the South Asian community. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / The South Asian community faces many challenges when receiving palliative care, including language barriers and health care providers (HCP) who do not understand the South Asian culture. However, little is known about the needs and experiences of South Asian family caregivers. In this study, South Asian caregivers of family members who recently died described their experience of being a family caregiver. Caregivers had a strong sense of duty to their family members and were against moving their family members into long-term care homes or hospices. Their understanding and views of HCPs’ roles affected their experiences. Caregivers also had more appreciation for life and wanted to talk about their wishes for their own death with their family members. The findings of this study can help improve the delivery of palliative care for the South Asian community and can help HCPs better support their South Asian patients and families.

An exploration of the changing understandings of physical impairment and disability in early medieval England: a bioarchaeological, funerary, and historical approach

Bohling, Solange N., Croucher, Karina, Buckberry, Jo 28 April 2023 (has links)
Yes / This paper explores experiences and perceptions of physical impairment and disability in early medieval England, contrasting pre-Christian (AD 5th–early 7th centuries) and Christian (AD late 8th–11th centuries) communities through a combination of bioarchaeological, clinical, funerary, historical, and theoretical analyses. By comparing understandings of physical impairment and disability in the pre-Christian and Christian periods, this paper investigates how political rearrangements and the growing power of the Church might have influenced changing contemporary perceptions of physical impairment and disability. This research has found that the funerary treatment of individuals with physical impairment in the pre-Christian period was extremely variable within and between cemeteries, and there is evidence for arguably positive, normative, and potentially negative burial treatment. Although mortuary treatment of Christian-era individuals with physical impairment was somewhat variable, this variation was much more subtle. This reflects the overall Christian-era pattern in burial form, and strongly negative or positive mortuary treatment was not identified among the individuals with physical impairment. Based on this evidence, it is proposed that administrative and judicial standardisation, conversion to Christianity, and the spread of Christian morals and doctrine influenced the reduction in mortuary variability observed in individuals with physical impairment and/or disability in the 8th–11th centuries in England.

台灣基本工資政策之政治經濟分析 / The Political Economy of Taiwan's Minimum Wage Policy

許雲翔, Shiu, Yun-Shiang Unknown Date (has links)
經濟發展與財富分配一直以來是國家所面臨的兩難處境。經濟發展的過程中不可避免會產生財富集中於特定階級的現象,所得極化產生的弊端使得歐美國家不得不採取公共政策介入工資協商。其一是制訂最低工資迫使資方給付此等數額以上之工資,其二則是以一組工資政策制度設計令勞工能以集體力量就工資與資方進行協商(或連同政府形成三方對談),此二政策皆是在避免分配問題惡化造成社會不安,同時兩者皆是試圖對市場工資進行規制,因而在效果上有重疊的部份,功能上也相互影響。最低工資政策與工資政策或分由國家與勞資雙方各別制訂,或皆在勞、資、政三方協商下形成,並沒有一固定模式出現,端視該國工業關係而異。 基本(最低)工資政策在我國則因特殊的工業關係與強勢的國家機關有著截然不同的發展。早期台灣的國家機關傾向追求經濟發展,在相對弱勢的社會團體(包含勞資雙方)之前對工資議題採嚴密控制的態度,避免工資受政治力量影響而造成台灣在國際市場上的比較利益優勢受損,因而在基本工資政策上採取謹慎調整、甚或不調整的策略。同時在工資政策上因工會的低度發展,工資協商只出現在少許產業,這使台灣的市場工資長期維持在一相當低的水準,具議價功能的工會如此發展更是因為國家機關政治動員與經濟動員策略對工會功能造成的扭曲。因而在早期台灣基本工資政策的效用不彰,團體協商也受到普遍的漠視。 然而1980年以後巨幅變遷的國際與國內政經環境迫使國家機關必須調整其在工資議題上的態度。首先在國際間來自主要出口貿易國對貿易條件的異議使得台灣不能再以低工資為其發展策略,這使得國家必須正視勞動基準與工會發展的問題;其次,後進亞洲國家與台灣在國際市場上競價的結果使得低工資產品的獲利空間日益縮小,因而台灣面臨產業結構調整的壓力,這使得國家機關毋需再刻意維持低市場工資的局面,反而需要制訂出較高的勞動基準迫使勞力密集產業自然淘汰或遷往海外,加速國內的產業升級;再者,國內政治民主化改變了國家-社會間的關係,蓬勃的勞工運動與變遷的政商關係使得工業關係也有了與以往不同的發展。在1988年基本工資審議辦法通過後,基本工資政策便進入了逐年審議調整的制度化階段,政府試圖將經濟發展所帶來的利益與勞工分享,降低發展過程中日益惡化的分配問題。但政院通過之基本工資與審議機制議定結果往往有相當大的差異,在制訂過程間不但各方在認知上有極大的落差,對制訂結果也是爭議不斷,這使得原先欲降低分配爭議的基本工資調整反而成為另一爭議的起源。 其中經濟部門不只一次表達廢除基本工資制度的看法,但我們可發現自1988年以後政府非但沒有廢止基本工資的跡象,其還是在爭議不斷的聲浪中逐年進行調整。我們認為政府對基本工資積極調整的態度與基本工資所連動的勞保投保工資有極大的關係。由於勞工保險在1980年代中期突然出現大幅虧損,同時人口結構老化、職業工會投保者日眾等結構性問題亦難以克服,逐年調整的基本工資便成為改善政府財政危機的一大利器。不過隨著外勞引進日增,同樣受到基本工資連動的外勞工資讓雇主團體對基本工資調整極為反彈,而諸多社會保險的開辦也令勞工團體在投保薪資調整上採取抵制的態度,反映在基本工資政策上便是基本工資與其他工資脫勾及勞資自由協商的聲浪日起。 1996年政府在基本工資政策上有了重大的調整,自1997年起將原先基本工資的政策草案形成委由勞資雙方先行協商,再由政院通過基本工資調整案。基本工資決策權雖仍在行政機關之手,但政策形成卻讓勞資雙方有了更大的參與空間。不過,日後的發展卻也印證了本研究的觀察,勞資雙方在社會保險工資上有著共同利益因而達成基本工資脫勾的協議,甚至為迴避基本工資調整對外勞工資的影響,1997年的勞資談判反而形成了製造業調薪3%的協議。然而最終還是因為我國工資政策制度設計的問題,這項協議並沒有通過,而基本工資調整還是回歸至行政機關完成。 本研究發現在台灣由於國家機關自主性與工業關係在不同階段有不同的發展,使得基本工資政策呈現出了不同的面貌。80年代之前,國家強大的自主性與組織勞動者的弱勢使得國家機關能夠充分遂行政權穩定與經濟成長的目的,國家機關排除任何影響工資決定制訂因素的結果使得台灣的市場工資長期維持在一相當低的幅度,卻也使得基本工資處於長期僵化的局面。然而,隨著政治民主化與工業關係的轉變,國家機關漸需正視民間社會對社會正當性的要求,合理分配利益的呼聲也日起;同時,國際政經環境的變遷也使得低工資出口的優勢不再,甚至可能因而生成貿易失衡的問題。這些因素皆使得政府在勞動政策上做出一連串改變,反映在基本工資政策上即是基本工資政策制度化與逐年調整原則的生成。但政策形成開放民間參與使得國家機關在制訂基本工資政策上的自主性逐漸降低,勞資利益衝突的問題日漸浮現;而社會安全網絡財政危機的加劇與外籍勞工的開放引進也為基本工資調整增添新的變數,進而影響基本工資政策的發展,使得台灣基本工資政策呈現出迥異於歐美國家的面貌。 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機、目的與範圍 第二節 文獻回顧 第二章 最低工資政策與工資政策 第一節 最低工資政策演進、概念與模式 一、工資制度之歷史演進 二、基本工資的政策概念與政策模式 第二節 發展中國家的最低工資政策與工資政策 第三章 理論架構 第一節 理論觀點--國家理論 一、社會中心觀點 二、國家中心觀點 三、Block與Offe的國家理論 第二節 研究途徑-歷史制度取向 第四章 台灣基本工資政策之形成與持續(1956-1987) 第一節 從經濟管制到經濟計畫 第二節 政策草案階段 第三節 低工資政策制度設計 第四節 小結 第五章 基本工資政策的發展與轉變(1988-1996) 第一節 工資政策的轉變 一、勞動政策的轉變 二、工業關係 第二節 制度化的基本工資政策 一、基本工資政策轉變的背景 二、基本工資政策的制度化過程 第三節 基本工資政策的轉變 一、基本工資公式政治化 二、外勞工資之因素 三、勞保財務因素 第四節 小結 第六章 結論 參考書目

Transports et urbanisation à La Réunion : le rôle de l’accessibilité dans les phénomènes de périurbanisation et de dépendance automobile, modélisation systémique sur la région Est-Nord-Est / Transport and urbanization on Reunion island : the role of accessibility in the phenomenum of suburbanization and automobile dependance, a systemic approach on the East-North-East Region

Bègue, Boris 30 September 2013 (has links)
À l'instar des États-Unis et de l'Australie, l'urbanisation à La Réunion s'est développée autour de l'automobile à partir de la Départementalisation en 1946. On est passé en moins de 20 ans d'une « urbanisation pédestre et ferroviaire » à une « urbanisation automobile ». La ville est étalée et la ségrégation fonctionnelle des espaces urbains les rend dépendants les uns des autres.C'est le cas des espaces périurbains résidentiels qui sont fonctionnellement dépendants de leurs zones d'emplois. Les flux engendrés se caractérisent par des déplacements qui se font à 86% en automobile. Ces phénomènes de périurbanisation et de dépendance automobile sont devenus très problématiques dans l'organisation spatiale et son aménagement en termes environnementaux, sociaux et économiques. Ainsi, cette thèse explore l'identification de ce phénomène d'« urbanisation automobile » en se basant sur trois concepts reconnus en géographie : la périurbanisation, la dépendance automobile et l'accessibilité. Sa représentation sous forme de système permet d'une part de rendre intelligible la complexité du phénomène en identifiant des processus ville – transport et d'autre part d'offrir un diagnostic transversal pour alimenter une stratégie d'aménagement intégrée du territoire. / Urbanization in Reunion Island has been developed and planned around automobile as the new country like the United States or Australia. The sprawl city and the functional segregation of urban activities shape interdependence between the zones. It's the case of suburban residential area who is functionally dependent of their activities center. The transits lead to an automobile dependence that became a major problem of the spatial organization and planning. This thesis explores the mechanism and process that shape that “automobile urbanization”. A systemic approach is used to modeling through using three concepts of transportation and urban geography and planning: suburbanization, automobile dependence and accessibility. This systemic approach contributes to allows territories to make transverse diagnostic toward an integrated strategy of urban and regional planning.

A Methodology For Determining The Dimensions of Community Opposition to Public Facility Location

Fincher, Beatrice Ruth 08 1900 (has links)
<p> This paper is concerned with developing a methodology for identifying and measuring the dimensions of community opposition to externality-generating public facilities. It critically reviews the traditional modelling approaches to public facility location. The methodology, by which the dimensions of facility impact might be established for incorporation into political decision-making models of facility location, is then proposed. The results of a pilot empirical test of this methodology, using techniques of non-metric Multidimensional Scaling for the analysis of individuals' perception's, indicate the types of dimensions which might be derived from the application of the methodology to questions concerning public facility location. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

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