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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Non-native bullhead in Scotland : molecular and morphological identification and parasite links with native fauna

McLeish, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
The arrival of a non-native species to has the potential to shape native communities by influencing ecological interactions such as predation, foraging, competition and disease transfer. A designation of invasive is applied to an introduced non-native species that has the potential to threaten the continued wellbeing of a native species, pose a risk to human health or negatively impact the economy. The European bullhead (Cottus perifretum) is a freshwater benthic-dwelling fish that is native to England but considered invasive in Scotland. The species was first reported in Scotland in the 1950's and thriving populations are now established in the waters of the Clyde, Forth and Tweed catchments. Bullhead presence is thought to negatively impact native stone loach (Barbatula barbatula) and brown trout (Salmo trutta) parr, due to shared preferences for habitat and prey resources. They are also thought to prey upon the eggs of native Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) and brown trout, two species that are of high commercial value in Scotland. In other areas of introduction, bullheads have been found to increase parasite infection rates in native fishes. The species therefore has the capacity to incite competition and alter parasite/host interactions in areas of introduction, to the potential detriment of native fauna and the Scottish economy. The European bullhead has been the subject of considerable taxonomic scrutiny in recent years, resulting in its reclassification as a species complex. What was once considered a single species with a distribution encompassing Europe, Russia, Asia and Scandinavia, has been shown to consist of at least 15 distinct species. Genetic examination of bullheads from England confirmed the presence of Cottus perifretum, not Cottus gobio as traditionally listed in all UK literature and legislation. Native English bullhead is currently protected under Annex II of the European Commission Habitats Directive 92/43/EEC, based on the historic assumption that the species present is C. gobio. Analysis of the taxonomic identity of Scottish bullheads has remained outstanding. In this study the invasive status of bullhead was explored by examining feeding and parasitological interactions between bullheads and native freshwater communities in south-east Scotland. An assessment of the feeding preferences of native brown trout and stone loach in the presence and absence of bullheads tested competition for prey resources. Parasitological interactions were investigated by examining the shared parasite fauna of bullheads and native fish and invertebrate species. Bullheads from the Clyde and Forth catchments were analysed to provide a molecular and morphological description of this introduced species. Phylogenetic analysis of COX1 sequences obtained from Scottish bullheads, and a pair-wise distance calculation based on a Kimura 2-parameter model, showed that samples clustered in a distinct clade with English C. perifretum. Significant intraspecific variation was reported in all morphological features examined, but pooled data also revealed a resemblance to the published description provided for C. perifretum. Scottish bullhead is therefore confirmed to be an introduced pocket of the native English species, which is considered under threat in some areas due to habitat modifications and population decline. Comparisons between the dietary compositions of bullheads, brown trout and stone loach showed that the prey selection of brown trout and stone loach varied in the sample locations that contained co-occuring bullheads, when compared to locations where bullheads were absent. However, no direct evidence of trophic competition between bullheads and either brown trout or stone loach was reported. An examination of parasitological interactions recovered eight parasite species from four distinct taxonomic groups in total, of which four species (Echinorhynchus truttae, Apatemon gracilis, Diplostomum volvens and Raphidascaris acus) were shared between bullheads and one or more native fishes. Echinorhynchus truttae was also shared with gammarid crustaceans. Bullhead presence was found to coincide with D. volvens infections in European minnow (Phoxinus phoxinus) and a reduced prevalence of E. truttae in brown trout. Diplostomum volvens was only reported from minnow found in sites with bullheads, strongly suggesting bullheads were responsible for introducing this parasite to native minnows. Bullheads functioned as an alternative host for E. truttae, diluting brown trout parasite loads and reducing overall infection rates in sites where bullhead and brown trout co-exist. The findings reported for both feeding preference and parasite burdens in the presence and absence of bullheads suggest that bullheads do have some effect on the ecology of native species, but these are considered minimal and unlikely to impact the long-term survival of native species. Eradication of Scottish bullhead may contradict the conservation effort that is currently in place. Given the current lack of evidence to validate bullhead's invasive qualities and the recent confirmation of its genetic lineage, revisiting the designation of the bullhead as invasive is warranted. Active eradication should be treated with caution until a significant negative impact can be proven.

Slippery fish, material words : the substance of subsistence in coastal Sierra Leone

Diggins, Jennifer January 2014 (has links)
This thesis is based on eighteen months' fieldwork in Tissana: a bustling multi-ethnic fishing town on Sierra Leone's southern coast. It tells the story of the successive waves of young migrants who, for several decades, have been arriving on the coast from rural areas seeking an alternative to the indentured labour conditions of a farming economy still shaped by the legacy of domestic slavery. Set against the backdrop of a rapidly changing post­‐war economy, and in an ecological context in which fish stocks are in treacherous decline, I explore the intersection between people's everyday struggles for economic survival and their taken-for-granted knowledge of the substance of the world within which those fragile livelihoods play out. In a region in which we have come to correlate ‘memory' with the collective scars of slavery and civil war, Tissana's older residents look back with nostalgia and remember the youthful energy, conspicuous consumption and seemingly easy ‘freedom' of their town's early boom years. In some respects, the pattern is familiar from accounts of resource rushes all across Africa: the convergence of large numbers of young strangers in an unfamiliar landscape far from the authority of village elders opened up a space in which a new kind of moral economy emerged. However, within just a few decades of its initial boom, the fluidity of Sierra Leone's fishing economy is already under intense pressure. Fish stocks have suffered a noticeable decline and, as catches become smaller and more erratic, people find themselves drawn once more into networks of dependency and reciprocity that offer their only viable hope of material security. A constant tension animating everyday life in Tissana is how people are able to work, through the strategic deployment of material gifts, to nurture the relationships that they rely upon for their subsistence, whilst simultaneously attempting to protect themselves from becoming entangled in other, less appealing social bonds. At its core, then, this is a work about the materiality of human relationships; of social bonds formed and lived under conditions of such stark economic uncertainty that, very often, ‘love' and ‘livelihoods' are difficult to disaggregate — and even more difficult to trust. Here relationships often have a peculiarly fleshy, ethnographically observable aspect. One can go a long way towards mapping the town's fluctuating networks of friendship, love, debt, and obligation simply by watching the gifts of fish exchanging hands on the wharf. The town also raises a quite particular set of problems for an anthropologist interested in the materiality of social life. I explore how the lived experience of poverty, and the anxiety of stretched livelihoods are entangled with quotidian discussions of blessings, swears, initiation societies, and ‘fetish' medicines: elements of social life that we might intuitively gloss as ‘ritual', but that are, in fact, integral to the everyday economic order. Here, my work builds on a long literature in Sierra Leonean ethnography. Anthropologists working in this region have often revealed how their interlocutors do not draw any sharp distinction between ‘material' and ‘immaterial' elements of the physical environment and the agencies that inhabit it (Ferme 2001; Tonkin 1979; Bellman 1984). My contribution to this literature is to explore how such apparently abstruse questions of im/materiality become relevant in people's lives through economic practice: through the everyday decisions people make, and the work they invest, in fishing, trading, and gift-exchange.

DNA methylation profiling of fish tumours

Mirbahai, Leda January 2012 (has links)
Assessment of disease status in fish is used as an indicator of the biological effects of contaminants in the marine environment. At some UK offshore sites the prevalence of liver tumours in Limanda limanda (dab) exceeds 20%. However, the molecular mechanisms of tumour formation and the causative agents are not known. The contribution of epigenetic mechanisms, although well-established in human tumourigenesis, is under-studied in tumours of aquatic species. In this thesis, alteration in the DNA methylation patterns in tumours of two fish species, the model species zebrafish (Danio rerio) and the un-sequenced marine flatfish dab, were investigated. The data presented provided a comprehensive characterisation of DNA methylation pattern in zebrafish liver and the first evidence of alterations in DNA methylation profiles of key genes in tumourigenesis pathways in any aquatic species. A statistically significant lower level of global DNA methylation was demonstrated in hepatocellular adenoma (HCA) and non-cancerous surrounding liver tissue (ST) compared to liver of non-cancer bearing dab. The evidence presented in this thesis suggests that chronic exposure to a mixture of pollutants contribute to global DNA hypomethylation followed by further epigenetic and genomic changes, leading to the development of tumours in dab. These findings suggest a link between the environment, epigenome and cancer in fish tumours in the wild.

Why the Big 5? : understanding UK seafood consumer behaviour

Tetley, Sarah January 2016 (has links)
UK consumers bought just under 500 thousand tonnes of seafood in 2010, at a cost of £3.8bn. Despite rising prices, consumption is on a general upwards path, with the average UK adult now eating 2% more seafood than they would have eaten a generation ago, and demand predicted to grow by a further 17% by 2030. However, this demand is increasingly restricted to a narrow range of imported and wild-caught species (Cod, Haddock, Tuna) and farmed products (Salmon and Prawns) over locally-available species with the consequence that between 60% and 80% of UK domestic landings are currently exported and 80% of all the seafood eaten in the UK is one of either Cod, Haddock, Salmon, Tuna or Prawns – the so-called Big 5. The shortage of local markets for native fish species is arguably reducing the relative viability of small scale, over large-scale, fisheries in the UK. It also increases pressure upon wild stocks of commercially valuable species and is driving the rapid expansion of fish-farming operations which can have negative environmental and social implications. Considering the above, it is suggested that UK consumers could make a positive contribution to the UK economy and marine environment if they chose to buy native, locally-caught species, over farmed and exotic imports. In order to achieve this, however, significant behavioural change would need to take place; and for behavioural change initiatives to be successful, it is argued that it is first necessary to understand why these consumption patterns have developed, i.e. Why the Big 5? Accepting that no single theory has been found that can fully explain behaviours from intentions, this research used mixed methods to develop a consumer-centric view of the full range of factors that might be driving these unsustainable consumption patterns. Regular consumers of seafood from four contrasting localities in England were recruited to complete surveys, maintain shopping diaries and to take part in group and one-to-one interviews to understand their reasons for eating seafood in general and the Big 5 in particular. Drawing on the Literature on seafood consumption, demographic and geographic-induced differences in consumption were explored; and consumer understanding of, and concern for, the sustainability of their seafood was assessed. Retail behaviour was also examined by undertaking an on-line review of the seafood offered for sale by the UK’s five largest retailers. Consumers were generally ill informed and confused about the sustainability of their seafood and had little to no awareness of labelling. In their confusion/apathy, they tended to revert to habitual behaviours and safe choices tending towards the Big 5. They felt strongly that retailers should be making it easier for them to make sustainable choices. The evidence from this study is that Retail is failing in this respect. Interest in and demand for local seafood was very high, with consumers equating local with sustainable, even though the evidence to support this assertion is currently lacking. Consumer definitions of “local” and “sustainable” were found to vary from accepted policy and academic understanding, presenting the possibility of adding to consumer confusion when communicating about sustainable seafood; further, “sustainable” possessed negative connotations for these consumers who, in stark contrast to the average UK consumer, were found to score highly for Hedonism. In total, twenty eight distinct variables were identified as influencing unsustainable UK seafood consumer behaviour. Key amongst these were consumer ignorance/apathy regarding sustainability; retail behaviour; and habit – factors that are presented in the Trifold Model of Unsustainable Consumer Behaviour. This model brings much needed clarity to a complex and poorly understood area of consumer behaviour and marks a significant contribution to three areas of academic study: Sustainable Consumption; Consumer Behaviour; and Business Ethics. The Trifold Model is presented for further testing. Recommendations for policy and industry are highlighted as are areas for further research.

Physical controls on salmon spawning habitat quality and embryo fitness : an integrated analysis

Burke, Niamh January 2011 (has links)
The research focusses on the river Lugg – a cross-border catchment and major tributary of the river Wye, the most important Atlantic salmon river in England and Wales. The problem of declining Atlantic salmon populations in the catchment is addressed through investigating recruitment from egg fertilization to the emergent life stage and beyond using multiple field-based and laboratory techniques. The approach adopted is multidisciplinary and addresses the need for holistic approaches to habitat degradation which is increasingly recognised as systemic in nature; often with multiple stressors acting interactively. The initial premise of deleterious fine sediment infiltration into spawning gravels was addressed by a sediment fingerprinting study to ascertain the provenance of infiltrated redd sediment from a range of land-use types. In addition, nine artificial redd sites were constructed and assessed for fine sediment infiltration, intragravel dissolved oxygen levels, intragravel flow velocity and other hyporheic pore water characteristics, in relation to survival to emergence over two field seasons. A study examining the quality of emergent fry was also carried out using fitness tests and individual stress levels. Additionally, a study on long-residence groundwater infiltration into the incubation environment was carried out. The main fine sediment contributor was derived from agricultural sources, particularly during wetter periods. The average contribution of fine sediment from agricultural sources was 60%. Survival ranged from 12% to 70% during the 2008 flood season and from 76% - 93% during the 2009 dry season. Fine sediment mass as a stand-alone index was only weakly correlated with survival but is thought to influence other factors; medium strength correlations of survival with dissolved oxygen, intragravel flow velocity and oxygen supply in particular were observed. Evidence of groundwater-surface water interactions were detected at two of three sites investigated and is proposed as an additional controlling mechanism for embryonic survival in the catchment. Sublethal fitness tests demonstrated variations between cohorts in the 2009 period despite a relatively small range of oxygen concentrations. The results highlight both temporal and spatial variations in spawning habitat quality, which influence not only survival to hatch but also posthatch fitness.

Predators, parasites, and the social behaviour of the guppy Poecilia reticulata

Stephenson, Jessica January 2015 (has links)
Predators can have both direct and indirect effects on how their prey interact with parasites. This thesis explores these effects using observational and experimental approaches. A behavioural experiment suggested that the direct effects of predators are size- and sex-biased, with small and male guppies, Poecilia reticulata Peters 1859, more prone to Gyrodactylus turnbulli Harris 1986 parasite-induced vulnerability to predation (Chapter 2). Trait-mediated indirect effects of predators also appear important to this host-parasite interaction, as revealed by surveys of natural Trinidadian populations under different predation regimes. First, predator-driven life history evolution predicts an apparent population divergence in parasite tolerance (Chapter 3). Similar divergence in a second trait, social behaviour, may drive sex- and age-biased parasitism: the guppies most liable to shoal have the highest infection probability (Chapter 4). Social behaviour is thus an important driver of parasite transmission, but how parasites affect social interactions remains poorly understood. The second part of this thesis investigates how guppies may use sensory information to mitigate this cost of sociality. Many fishes rely on chemical and visual information and the interaction between sensory modalities to behave appropriately; for example, chemical cues change how guppies respond to visual cues (Chapter 5). In a social context, guppies use both chemical and visual cues to detect infection in conspecifics, but only avoid those in the later stages of infection (Chapter 6). Infection avoidance behaviour is not innate, but likely results from juvenile guppies imprinting on cues of conspecifics, and associating with these cues in adulthood (Chapter 7). This imprinting-mediated avoidance appears to be adaptive: a transmission experiment showed that the onset of avoidance behaviour coincides with the stage of infection at which conspecifics are most infectious (Chapter 8). The sensory ecology of the host and the community in which it lives therefore have important implications for disease dynamics.

Induction of female monosex polyploid Yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and production of monosex stocks in order to increase efficiency of Yellow perch aquaculture

Miller, Mackenzie E. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

The EU and the changing lives of fishermen : a study of Lampedusan and Fuerteventurian fishing communities

Orsini, Giacomo January 2015 (has links)
Based on 10 months’ qualitative fieldwork and the filming of a documentary conducted on the islands of Lampedusa and Fuerteventura, this thesis examines ground-level Europeanisation, concentrating on two well-established Communitarian policy frames -- the Common Fishery Policy (CFP) and the management of the external border of the Schengen space of free movement of people – and two populations of artisanal fishers who were exposed to them. It analyses how governmental logics operated on the ground through individuals’ engagement with Communitarian policies, and it reconstructs the major transformations that the two islands’ fishing industries underwent in the duree of more than fifty years of European integration. While until less than thirty years ago the economy of the Italian island of Lampedusa was centred on bluefish fishing and canning industries, on the Spanish island of Fuerteventura most islanders lived from agriculture for centuries. Following the European integration of Italy and Spain, both islands turned into major tourist destinations and the centres of frequent European migration crises. By focusing on these two territories, this investigation explores how EU governance contributed to transforming the local sociocultural and economic fabric and the islanders’ everyday life. Following the overview of how both policies were played out on the ground, I analyse the effects that the CFP produced on the two islands, and those that the management of the European external border generated in Lampedusa. Giving centrality to the marine element, I push the study of Europeanisation towards the sea and reveal how European policies had reconfigured the islanders’ relation with the seawaters surrounding them. Concurrently, by exploring the ways in which individuals interacted with EU governmentalities, I also unearth the several unintended consequences of Communitarian governance – as conservation policies aiming at recovering overfished fish stocks actually generated the conditions for increasing and uncontrolled overexploitation, while border policies for the securitisation of the European space de facto de-securitized life in Lampedusa.

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