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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigations of stream-aquifer interactions using a coupled surface-water and ground-water flow model

Vionnet, Leticia Beatriz, Maddock, Thomas, III, Goodrich, David C. 01 1900 (has links)
A finite element numerical model is developed for the modeling of coupled surface-water flow and ground-water flow. The mathematical treatment of subsurface flows follows the confined aquifer theory or the classical Dupuit approximation for unconfined aquifers whereas surface-water flows are treated with the kinematic wave approximation for open channel flow. A detailed discussion of the standard approaches to represent the coupling term is provided. In this work, a mathematical expression similar to Ohm's law is used to simulate the interacting term between the two major hydrological components. Contrary to the standard approach, the coupling term is incorporated through a boundary flux integral that arises naturally in the weak form of the governing equations rather than through a source term. It is found that in some cases, a branch cut needs to be introduced along the internal boundary representing the stream in order to define a simply connected domain, which is an essential requirement in the derivation of the weak form of the ground-water flow equation. The fast time scale characteristic of surface-water flows and the slow time scale characteristic of ground-water flows are clearly established, leading to the definition of three dimensionless parameters, namely, a Peclet number that inherits the disparity between both time scales, a flow number that relates the pumping rate and the streamflow, and a Biot number that relates the conductance at the river-aquifer interface to the aquifer conductance. The model, implemented in the Bill Williams River Basin, reproduces the observed streamflow patterns and the ground-water flow patterns. Fairly good results are obtained using multiple time steps in the simulation process.

Sustainability of water abstraction by hand drilling in the floodplain of River Benue of Yola, NE Nigeria

Apagu, Buba Ankidawa January 2014 (has links)
The aim of the research is to assess the sustainability of groundwater supply and the suitability of hand-drilling techniques for accessing groundwater for irrigation practices along the shallow alluvial floodplains of River Benue, NE Nigeria. Hand-drilling techniques are affordable means for the farmers to abstract water from these shallow aquifers. Determining the most sustainable hand-drilling techniques (taking into account the hydrology and sedimentology of the floodplain) will improve farming activities and food security in this region and the country at large. Hydrological data (obtained from fieldwork and modelling) demonstrate that the River Benue is the main source for recharge of the shallow alluvial aquifers of the floodplain during the dry season period. Water table heights were estimated by resistivity survey using ABEM Terrameter equipment and measured by automatic piezometer instruments. Floodplain sedimentology and hydrogeology were assessed at seventeen natural riverbank outcrops and twelve hand-drilled boreholes. At each location, sediment samples were collected from every exposed sedimentological unit. Locations and elevations were measured using a ProMark3 dual frequency GPS instrument, to create a detailed topographic map with updated contours. Twenty-four electrical resistivity sounding profiles and twelve-groundwater measurement were also obtained to explore the groundwater level of the floodplain. The resistivity results confirm the availability of water in the alluvial aquifers of the floodplain. In order to determine the most appropriate hand drilling techniques, a Field Shear Vane Tester was used to measure sediment shear strength at twelve different borehole locations. Shear strength forces were higher on clayey silt and sandy silt, and lower on sand formations. It appeared that in some areas of the floodplain, the farmers are already above the shear strengths that can be provided by human power. Hence, any increase of the hardness of the surface of the sediment would make low-cost hand drilling impractical. Particle size analysis for the sediment samples showed that the samples were largely sandy in nature, which enables easy movement of water through the layers for aquifer recharge. Magnetic susceptibility (used to classify the source of sediment and the process of their formation) revealed that the main source of the sedimentary materials was upstream of the study site and varies little over time. The groundwater level of the study area decreased away from River Benue valley during the dry season period. One perched aquifer formations and possibly two others were observed in three different locations, which reflects a low-permeability stratigraphic unit (such as lens of clayey silt) within alluvial sands. These should be avoided by farmers, as they are likely to provide water only in the short-term. Finally, groundwater modelling was undertaken (with various scenarios) for the River Benue floodplain using acquired sedimentology and hydrology data integrated into MODFLOW software. The results revealed that low-cost hand-drilling techniques such as augering and jetting remain possible for abstracting the shallow alluvial aquifers on the floodplain for irrigation farming in the study area, unless the most likely low river water stages in River Benue, over-exploitation of the shallow alluvial floodplain groundwater and drought scenarios occur.

A hydrogeochemical evaluation of groundwater in fractured rock aquifers using trace elements and stable isotopes at Loxton in the Central Karoo

Marais, Leander Hugo 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study was conducted to assess groundwater characteristics of geologically different fracture rock aquifers, at different depths, by means of chemical, isotope and 14C-dating results and to test for a "deeper seated aquifer", with different characteristics. Jurassic dolerite dykes and sills, Cretaceous kimberlite fissures and pipes, as well as EW trending sinusoidal megafolds, comprise the structural domains of the study area. Fluvial sandstone and mudstone of the Beaufort Group are the dominant lithology of the study area. The main water type found in the area is a water type not dominated by any anions or cations in particular. The second is a water type in which Na-S04 is dominant, followed by a Na-HC03 dominated water and to a lesser extend a Ca-S04 type water. The main cause of groundwater salinity is the infiltration of evaporated water to the subsurface, suggested by the isotopic enrichment of 0180 and 02H, indicating very slow recharge from ponded water during excessive rainfall events. There is a fair difference in isotopic values between surface measurements and measurements taken at depth, enforcing the possibility of a "second deeper seated aquifer". The water with the lower 180 values, for samples at depth suggest that this water has a source further inland, from rainfall on the range to the NE, the Hex River Mountain or Pramberge, which has greatly depleted 180 values relative to SMOW. Most of the groundwater samples taken at depth indicated a 14C~dating of century age (±200 years), although in an evolutionary sequence the water is not such an old (evolved) water type, lending support to the theory about the migration of deeper seated water and thus a "second deeper seated aquifer system". The chemical character of the groundwater is predominantly controlled by the infiltration of evaporated surface and subsurface water, the topographical nature of the catchments, geological influences (i.e. the process of dissolution, precipitation and ion exchange) and the influence of man. Variability in water quality is caused by differences in rainfall, recharge, evaporation, topography, soil type and thickness, vegetation cover and antropogenic activities. Micro-scale differences occur due to the nature of groundwater flow in Karoo rocks, namely the resulting variations within matrix and fracture components of the groundwater flux. The residence times are often different for these two main components and give rise to the differences in mineralization and solute proportion in passing groundwater. This project should be seen as a basis of continuing study to provide the concrete answers needed to manage groundwater projects in the fractured rock aquifers of the Karoo. Enslin (1950) expresses the classical hydrological conceptualisation of Karoo dolerite dykes - lithe effect of induration and crushing of the sedimentary rock is that the permeability has been increased and the contact zone has been changed into an aquifer lying between the solid dyke and the saturated, low permeability country rock". / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie was onderneem met die doel. om grondwater eienskappe te ondersoek in geologies verskillende gekraakte / genate aquifere en by verskillende dieptes met die hulp van chemiese, isotopiese en 14C-datering resultate, om sodoende te toets vir 'n "tweede dieper liggende aqulfeer", met verskillende eienskappe. Doleriet gange en plate (Jura), kimberliet gange en pype (Kryt), sowel as OW lopende sinusvormige mega-verskuiwings en monoklienes van die Kaapse Plooi Gordel, Vorm die strukturele omgewings in die studie gebied. Die dominante litologie in die studie gebied is fluviaal gedeponeerde sandsteen en moddersteen van die Beaufort Groep. Die opvallendste water-tipe wat in die studie gebied waargeneem word is 'n grondwater wat geen dominante katione of anione toon nie, tweedens is daar 'n Na-S04 tipe grondwater wat gevolg word deur 'n Na-HC03 tipe water en daarna 'n Ca-S04 grondwater tipe. Die hoof oorsaak van saliniteit in the grondwater is die infiltrering van verdampte water na die grondwater-tafel, deur die verryking in 01BOen 02H, wat stadige infiltrasie van water na hewige reënval episodes voorstel. Die verskil van isotoop waardes by vlak en diepper watervlakke, steun die moontlikheid van die aanwesigheid van 'n "tweede dieper liggende aquifeer". Water met die lae 1BO-waardes (met diepte) dui op 'n opvangsgebied meer na die noordoostelike binneland, soos byvoorbeeld die Hex Rivier Berge en die Pramberge. Meeste van die grondwater monsters wat geneem is by 'n redelike diepte toon 'n 14C-datering waarde van ongeveer 200 jaar, alhoewel die water uit 'n evolutionere oogpunt nie so oud is nie en sodoende ondersteuning bied aan die teorie van die beweging van dieper liggende water en die bestaan van 'n "tweede dieper liggende aquifeer". Die chemiese karakter van grondwater word hoofsaaklik beheer deur die infiltrering van verdampte oppervlak water na die grondwater-tafel, die topografiese geaardheid van die opvangsgebied, geologiese invloede (soos die prosesse van presipitering, oplossing en ioon uitruiling), sowel as die infloed van die mens. Wisselvalligheid in die kwaliteit van grondwater word veroorsaak deur verskille in reënval, infiltrasie, evaporasie, topografie, grond tipe en diepte, plantegroei en die aktiwiteite van die mens. Verskille op mikro-vlak word veroorsaak deur die aard van die grondwater vloei deur die Karoo gesteentes, volgens die verskil in hidroliese geleiding tussen vloei in die matriks en vloei in die krake / nate. Daar is ook 'n verskil in die tydsbestek wat grondwater in die twee hoofstrukturele komponente deurbring en so die verskil in mineralisasie en saliniteit in die dinamiese grondwater veroorsaak. Die projek moet gesien word as die basis vir voortdurende studie om konkrete antwoorde te verseker vir die gebruik in grondwater bestuur projekte van die gekraakte / genate rots aquifere in die Karoo. Enslin (1950) konseptualiseer Karoo doleriet gange as volg: "die effek van indringing en verbrokkeling van sedimentêre gesteentes is dat die deurlaatbaarheid verhoog word en dat die kontak sone verander is na 'n aquifeer wat lê tussen die soliede gang en die versadigde, lae deurlaatbare wand-gesteentes".

Statistical analyses and stochastic modeling of the Cortaro aquifer in southern Arizona

Binsariti, Abdalla A. January 1980 (has links)
Transmissivity, specific capacity, and steady state hydraulic head data collected from the Cortaro aquifer in Southern Arizona are analyzed statistically by means of regression and Kriging techniques. The statistics obtained in this manner are used to develop a stochastic model of the aquifer based on the finite element and Monte Carlo simulation methods. Three stages of generated head uncertainties are considered; (1) non-conditional, (2) conditional on transmissivity data and (3) conditional on both transmissivity and initial hydraulic head data (or inverse method). We found that simulated head values in stage 1 and 2 are associated with high variance amounting to 144.0 ft². When the statistics obtained from regression and Kriging in stage 2 are processed by means of the statistical inverse method of Neuman (1980), the result is a drastic reduction in the input head variance amounting to 75 percent reduction in the input head variance (i.e., 144 ft²). From these results, one may conclude that in order to minimize the variance of outputs generated by stochastic aquifer models, the input into such models must be created with the aid of appropriate statistical inverse procedure.

Modeling mountain-front recharge to regional aquifers

Chavez Rodriguez, Adolfo,1951- January 1987 (has links)
The estimation of mountain-front recharge to regional aquifers is approached from a hydroclimatic standpoint. Analytical models of the seasonal water yield and streamflow are developed in this dissertation. These models are specialized for hard-rock mountainous watersheds where deep percolation occurs through fractures exclusively. Input variables are considered to be stochastic, and a relationship between precipitation and surface runoff is derived by using a deterministic physical process. Streamflow models for the summer and winter rainy seasons are developed separately in terms of known parameters of the storm process and unknown parameters of the physical process. The winter model considers the generation of surface runoff from both rainfall and snowmelt. These models include the long-term effective subsurface outflow from the mountainous watershed, or mountain-front recharge, as one of the parameters to be identified. The parameter estimation problem is posed in the framework of maximum likelihood theory, where prior information about the model parameters and a suitable weighting scheme for the error terms in the estimation criterion are included. The issues of model and parameter identifiability, uniqueness and stability are addressed, and strategies to mitigate identifiability problems in our modeling are discussed. Finally, the seasonal streamflow models are applied to three mountainous watersheds in the Tucson basin, and maximum likelihood estimates of mountain-front recharge and other model and statistical parameters are obtained. The analysis of estimation errors is performed in both the eigenspace and the original space of the parameters.

A preliminary understanding of deep groundwater flow in the Table Mountain group (TMG) aquifer system.

Netili, Khangweleni Fortress January 2007 (has links)
<p>The Table Mountain Group (TMG) Aquifer is the second largest aquifer system in South Africa, after dolomites. This aquifer has the potential to be a signinficant source of water for the people of the Western Cape. The occurrence of hot water springs in the TMG in relation with the main geological fault systems in SOuth Africa shows that deep flow systmes do exist. Little is known about these deep aquifer systems in South Africa (i.e. flow mechanisms). To close the above-mentioned knowledge gap, this study was initiated. The current study gave a review of some of the aspects that needs to be considered when distinguishing deep groundwater from shallow groundwater.</p>

Hydraulic properties of the vadose zone at two typical sites in the Western Cape for the assessment of groundwater vulnerability to pollution.

Samuels, Donovan. January 2007 (has links)
<p>Aquifer vulnerability assessment is increasingly becoming a very significant basis in order to fulfill the water demands in South Africa. Knowledge of soil hydraulic properties that consists of the soil water retention and hydraulic conductivity functions is a prerequisite for predicting solution transport in soils. The overall objective of the study was to develop a database of hydraulic properties for collected undisturbed samples and to test selected models by making use of this database.</p>

Towards understanding the groundwater dependent ecosystems within the Table Mountain Group Aquifer: a conceptual approach.

Sigonyela, Vuyolwethu January 2006 (has links)
<p>Understanding of Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems (GDEs) and their extent within the Table Mountain Group (TMG) aquifer is poor. To understand the dependence to basic ecological and hydrogeological concepts need explanation. The use of current literature aided in identification and classification. From the literature it has come clear that groundwater dependence centers around two issues, water source and water use determination. The use of Geographical Information System (GIS) showed its potential in proof of water sources. Rainfall data and a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) for the Uniondale area have been used to do watershed delineation, which is in line with locating GDEs on a landscape. Thus the conceptual approach should be a broad one that sets a basis for both investigation (scientific research) and institutional arrangements (management).</p>

Characterization of groundwater flow and vulnerability assessment of karstic aquifers - Development of a travel time based approach and application to the Tanour and Rasoun spring catchment (Ajloun, NW-Jordan)

Hamdan, Ibraheem 12 July 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Imageamento elétrico para auxílio na locação de perfuração de poços tubulares - estudo de casos em aquíferos fraturados / Electrical Imaging to Define de Location of Tubular Well Drilling Case Study in Fractured Aquifers

Sá, Henrique Soares de 15 February 2017 (has links)
Com o aumento da crise hídrica aumentou a perfuração de poços tubulares e consequentemente a procura de métodos para se identificar aquíferos. Para esta finalidade, a geofísica aplicada tem sido cada vez mais procurada. Neste trabalho, utilizando a técnica geoelétrica de imageamento elétrico multi-eletrodos à geometria variável, visou-se localizar lineamentos estruturais nas rochas em subsuperfície, aptas a armazenarem água. Analisou-se quatro casos de aquíferos em rochas cristalinas: i) três deles em metassedimentos e corpos graníticos do Grupo Araxá; ii) e outro nos domos gnáissicos-migmatíticos da Formação Itabaiana Simão Dias. Os dados adquiridos foram processados e interpretados de acordo com informações geológicas de cada região. Para avaliar a resposta geofísica, em todas as situações os poços foram perfurados de acordo com o resultado do imageamento elétrico e em todas elas os poços perfurados apresentaram vazão de água. / With increasing water crisis also increased the drilling wells and therefore the demand for methods to identify aquifers. For this purpose, geophysics has been increasingly demanded. In this work, using the geoelectric technique of electric imaging with multi-electrode and variable geometry aimed to locate structural lineaments on the rocks in the subsurface, able to store water. It analyzed four cases of aquifers in crystalline rocks: i) three of them in the metasediments and granitic bodies of the Araxá Group; ii) and the other in the gneiss-migmatitic domes of Formation Itabaiana - Simão Dias. The acquired data were processed and interpreted in accordance with geological information of each region. To evaluate geophysical response, in all situations the wells were drilled in accordance with the result of the electric imaging and in all of them the drilled wells showed water flow.

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