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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reducerad tidsvariation vid monteringsmoment

Arufors, Robert January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Koncept för materialpresentation till kollaborativ robot / Material Presentation Concept for Collaborative Robots

Sandström, Jonathan January 2019 (has links)
This report is based on a bachelor’s thesis for mechanical engineers at Umeå University, done during the spring of 2019. The thesis is done at the request of and in cooperation with Sanmina SCI-AB in Örnsköldsvik.   The purpose of the project is to develop a concept for material presentation that can feed and present material to a collaborative robot that Sanmina has chosen to purchase. The robot and material presentation solution together are supposed to make up a complete automated solution. Along with this, a preferred suggestion should be presented to the layout of the robot cell.   An additional request from Sanmina was that the chosen concept should be as simple as possible with regards to electronics such as sensors, motors and the like. To explore the ways which the project could proceed, contact was established with an automated solution company. With recommendations from an expert in the field, the finalized concept could be created.   The chosen solution uses gravity to move trays with material down a slope, towards the robot. The sloped surfaces length allows them to function as storage for additional material trays, increasing the time between restocking of material. Additionally, to maximize the amount of different materials each robot can use, the solution can utilize different levels. With more than one level stacked upon the other, the robot can move the material presentation surface to access trays below. / Denna rapport grundar sig i ett examensarbete för högskoleingenjörer inommaskinteknikvid Umeå Universitetutfört under våren 2019. Arbetet är gjort på uppdrag av och i samarbete med Sanmina SCI-AB i Örnsköldsvik. Arbetets syfte är att ta fram ett koncept för en materialpresentation som kan presentera och mata fram material till en kollaborativ robot som Sanmina valt att köpa in. Den valda roboten och materialmatningen ska tillsammans bilda en komplett automationslösning, med förslag på planlösning för robotcellen. Önskemålen från uppdragsgivaren var att den slutgiltiga lösningen skulle vara så enkel som möjlig gällande elektronik som givare, motorer och dylikt. För att undersöka möjligheterna upprättades kontakt med en automationsleverantör med syfte att säkerställa att konceptet var verklighetsförankrat. Med rekommendationer från en expert på området kunde slutgiltiga koncept skapas. Konceptet som valdes använder gravitationen för att för att föra mindre paletter med material på nedför ett lutande plan, riktat mot roboten. Denna lösning använder de lutande planen som magasin för material som gör att materialpåfyllnad sker mer sällan. För att maximera antalet olika paletter varje robot kan nå anpassades konceptet till flera våningar där roboten utför förflyttningar av våningarna.

Effektivisering av layout i produktionshallen på ETP Transmission AB : Layoutoptimering / Optimizing the layout in the production hall at ETP Transmission AB : Layout optimization

Engbåge, Niklas, Flodell, Jakob January 2019 (has links)
This bachelor thesis is made on behalf of ETP Transmission AB during spring2019 to develop and produce layouts that are optimized for future demands. The proposals of the layouts should consider aspects such as ergonomics, economics and efficiency. ETP:s products include casings and chucks. The production is located in Linköping, Sweden. In 2017 the company had 52 employees and the turnover was 110 million SEK. ETP:s vision for the production is to make it more efficient to be able to produce more. Therefore, they have decided to invest in the production hall by adding a lathe and three paternoster lifts. They also want to make space for two sanding machines. Because of the changes in the production hall, ETP needs a new layout to fulfill their new demands. The method “Systematic Layout Planning” has been used to develop different proposals of layouts. Together with theory from different types of productions has three different layout concepts created. These concepts have been analysed through an extensive SWOT analysis process. Based on ETP:s suggestion, only two concepts were focused on. The result includes two layouts, both of them are fulfilling ETP:s demands. The report describes the ideology “Lean”, with focus on the 5S tool. 5S is a tool that helps keep the workplace organized and maximize efficiency and effectiveness. The ideology Lean was used in the development of the concepts.

Effektivisering av en produktionsprocess : En fallstudie på Corroventa AB / Streamlining a production process

Abdalrahman, Moutoz, Brice, Alistair January 2019 (has links)
A major concern for companies today is the necessity to manufacture a wide range of products with short lead times and at a low cost. This puts greater demands on companies to have a good product mix and volume flexibility while maintaining a high level of efficiency. In addition, companies need to be aware of the source of unknown losses in their organisation and production process in order to minimise them.  This study was conducted at Corroventa avfuktning AB in Bankeryd, Sweden, a company that specialises in products that are used to dehumidify buildings and neutralise radon radiation. Their production process mainly focuses on maintaining stock levels, but adverse weather conditions that cause flooding and water damage could push demand levels to a point where they are unable to guarantee a short enough lead time to win a customer order. This puts pressure on them to make their production process more flexible and efficient while reducing their lead time.  The case study was carried out in a pre-assembly department for the final assembly of adsorption dehumidifiers. The department had been identified as a bottleneck for the whole system during high demand, and the study was undertaken to identify the underlying problem. With a firm theoretical framework and in-depth status analysis the authors identified key areas to improve the overall performance of the pre-assembly department. The improvements included a new production layout, a more balanced assembly process and a reduction in material handling. This led to improved product mix and volume flexibility, and reduced lead times. As a final step, a discussion and conclusion has been written that discusses the validity and reliability of the study, sums up all the areas of improvement and determines further studies that need to be undertaken in order to facilitate future improvements throughout the plant. / En pågående fråga för företag idag är möjligheten att leverera ett brett sortiment av produkter, med kort ledtid och till låg kostnad. Det innebär att större krav ställs på att företagen ska ha en hög produktmix- och volymflexibilitet samtidigt som de håller hög effektivitet. För att uppnå detta krävs att företagen bland annat belyser de okända förlusterna i sin organisation och produktionsprocess för att sedan minimera dessa.   Denna studie har tagit plats på ett industriellt företag som heter Corroventa avfuktning AB och är beläget i Bankeryd, Sverige. De specialiserar sig bland annat på produkter som används för att avfukta byggnader och neutralisera radonstrålning.   Företaget producerar i huvudsak mot lager, väderförhållanden som skapar översvämningar och fuktskador kan driva upp efterfrågan till en punkt som företaget inte kan uppfylla med en tillräckligt kort ledtid för att vinna kundorder. Detta sätter press på Corroventa till att effektivisera och utveckla produktionen för att öka flexibiliteten och minska ledtiden.   Fallstudien har genomförts på en avdelning som kallas för insatsmontering, denna avdelning är en förmonteringsenhet till slutmontering av produkten adsorptionsavfuktare. Avdelningen har identifierats som en begräsning för hela systemet när hög efterfrågan råder, därför har undersökningen utförts för att identifiera de underliggande problemen som orsakade begräsningen och ge förbättringsåtgärder på dessa.   Med en nulägesanalys och ett teoretiskt ramverk som grund har författarna identifierat områden på avdelningen som kan effektiviseras. Rekommendationsförslagen inkluderar en ny produktionslayout, en mer balanserad monteringsprocess samt en minskning av materialhanteringen. Dessa förslag kommer att förbättra avdelningens produktmix- och volymflexibilitet samtidigt som ledtiden reduceras.   Som ett sista steg har en diskussion och slutsats skrivits för att diskutera studiens validitet och reliabilitet, därefter sammanfattas förbättringsförslagen och föreslagna framtida studier som kan genomföras för att ständigt förbättra verksamheten.

Flödessimulering och utveckling av en monteringsstation med avseende på ergonomi, flöde och kvalitet

Brännström, Emma, Swidnicki Berg, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
This report constitutes the result of a master thesis that was composed at Presetting- and Sharpening at Scanias engine department in Södertälje. The department works as a service organisation for the production lines and its purpose is to maintain the right quality on tools within machining. This is done by resharpening of drills and by turning and changing inserts on milling tools. The tools are then adjusted according to given tolerances to obtain correct quality on processed parts. The master thesis project consists of two main parts; analysis of flow and waste within the department with the goal to make the processes more efficient. The other part treats development of an assembly station for milling tools with the aim to improve the ergonomy. The mutual connection for the master thesis project lies within the ergonomy which has been a problem on the assembly station. The demands for the station has been developed mutually to ensure good ergonomy, flow and quality on the work performed on the station. In addition to this, a digitizing has been made of the department to illustrate the proposed changes. Through observations, interviews and simulation of flow, wastes and bottlenecks have been detected. For the development of the assembly station the product development process Ulrich and Eppinger has been used. The work resulted in a recommendation to institute routines and standardized work methods for how the work is supposed to be performed by operators. A routine should also be instituted on the milling handling station that means that the automatic measurement station always is prioritized by operators to guarantee maximum productivity. Finally, the wash process should be prioritized as a critical part in the daily work and thereby receive machine ownership, and thus make sure that knowledge about the wash process is obtained. The development of the assembly station led to three level based solutions that were supposed to be implemented today, within 1-2 years and a vision about the future's possible assembly station.

Jämförande studie av lackpenselns form i förhållande till målarens ergonomi / A comparative study of the shape of the paint brush regarding the painters ergonomics

wadman, christoffer, Videfors, Karin January 2017 (has links)
A comparative study on existing shafts of the paint brush has been carried out within this thesis project. The comparative analysis was performed regarding ergonomics and how the design of the shaft in terms of shape affects the user. By looking at several shafts with different designs, product design can be linked to the user and increase the possibilities for a good working environment through a better tool. A central part of the work is the case study conducted to investigate the target audience using brushes for everyday use, namely the painters. The painters’ grip and movement pattern could be mapped through observation. Movement patterns were analysed in relation to the different shapes on the brushes to study possible relationships between shape and ergonomics. The observation was followed by an evaluation where the painters evaluated the shapes of different brush shafts. The evaluation was carried out by the painters, who were to estimate the different brush shafts as better, equal or worse than the study's reference object. In this way, the subjective experience of the painters could be captured. In order to verify the observed results and to supplement the study with objective measurements, an experiment was also conducted in a movement laboratory. Through the experimental study, differences in the movements of the painter and the amount of muscle activity in the use of the various forms could be recorded. The conclusion reached by the study is that the movement pattern of the painters, in terms of ergonomics, is not affected by the shape of the brush shaft. This is proven by the results from both the observation and the measurements that were made during the motion analysis. Some variation could be seen in the motion analysis, but these deviations were so small that no direct conclusions could be drawn. Neither could the study prove any major differences in the amount of muscle activity between the different forms of the brushes. It may be possible to assume that the muscle of the thumb was activated somewhat more when using one of the brushes. However, this result is uncertain and must be investigated and analysed more thoroughly before any conclusion can be drawn. Regarding the painters’ grips, the observation in the study gave clear answers. Roughly 90% of the time, the painters choose to use the thumb grip when handling the paintbrushes. Despite this lack of difference in both measurement data and observation, the painters themselves felt that the different shapes provided different conditions for better or worse ergonomics. This shows that there is a difference and that the painters themselves can more easily describe this difference than technology or an observer can. One of the brush shafts included in the study was estimated by all painters in the focus group as better than the reference object. Two other brush shafts in the study were estimated, by four out of five painters, to also be better than the reference object. The conclusion is therefore that three of the types of bush shaft studied excels and are appreciated more based on ergonomic aspects of the study´s focus group. However, before the results can be generalized, a more extensive study needs to be carried out on a larger focus group. / Inom ramen för detta examensarbete har en jämförande studie av befintliga skaft hos lackpenseln genomförts. Den jämförande analysen skedde med avseende på ergonomi och hur skaftets utformning vad gäller form påverkar användaren. Genom att titta på flera skaft med olika design kan produktdesign kopplas till användaren och öka hens möjlighet till god arbetsmiljö genom ett bättre verktyg. En central del i arbetet är den fallstudie som genomförts för att undersöka den målgrupp som använder penslar till vardags, nämligen målarna. Målarnas grepp samt rörelsemönster kunde genom observation kartläggas. Rörelsemönster analyserades i relation till penslarnas olika former för att studera eventuella samband mellan form och ergonomi. Observationen kompletterades med en utvärdering där målarna värderade de olika penselskaftens former. Värderingen genomfördes genom att målarna fick skatta de olika penselskaften som bättre, lika bra eller sämre än studiens referensobjekt. På detta sätt kunde målarnas subjektiva upplevelse fångas in. För att verifiera de observerade resultaten, samt för att komplettera studien med objektiva mätvärden, genomfördes även ett experiment i ett rörelselaboratorium. Genom experimentstudien kunde olikheter i målarens rörelser samt mängd muskelaktivitet vid användandet av de olika formerna registreras. Den slutsats studien kommit fram till är att rörelsemönstret hos målarna, vad gäller ergonomi, inte påverkas av formen på penselskaftet. Detta bekräftas av resultatet från både observationen och de mätningar som genomfördes vid rörelseanalysen. Vissa variationer kunde ses vid rörelseanalysen men dessa avvikelser är så små att inga direkta slutsatser kan dras. Någon större skillnad i mängden muskelaktivitet mellan de olika formerna på penslarna kunde studien heller inte påvisa. Möjligen kunde man ana att tummens muskel aktiverades något mer vid användandet av en av penslarna. Detta resultat är dock osäkert och måste undersökas och analyseras mer noggrant innan någon slutsats kan dras. När det gäller de grepp som målarna använder sig av ger observationen i studien tydliga svar. Till närmre 90% av tiden väljer målarna att använda sig av tumvecksgreppet när lackpenseln hanteras. Trots denna brist på skillnad i resultat vid både experimentstudien och vid observationen upplevde målarna själva att de olika formerna gav olika förutsättningar till bättre eller sämre ergonomi. Detta vittnar om att det trots allt finns en skillnad och att målarna själva lättare kan beskriva denna skillnaden än vad tekniken eller någon utomstående kan. Ett av de penselskaft som ingick i studien skattades av samtliga målare i fokusgruppen som bättre än referensobjektet. Två andra penselskaft i studien skattades av fyra av fem målare även de som bättre än referensobjektet. Slutsatsen är därför att tre av de undersökta formerna sticker ut och uppskattas mer utifrån ergonomiska aspekter av studiens fokusgrupp. Innan resultatet kan generaliseras behöver dock en mer omfattande studie genomföras på en större fokusgrupp.

Konstruktion av testbänk för karaktärisering

Örn, Per, Linander, Fredric January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Toward Lean Remanufacturing : Challenges and Improvements in Material and Information Flows

Kurilova-Pališaitienė, Jelena January 2015 (has links)
Remanufacturing is an environmentally sound material recovery option which is essential to compete for sustainable manufacturing. The aim with remanufacturing at a majority of companies is to prolong physical product performance by delivering the same or betterthan-original product quality. In general, remanufacturing is an industrial process that brings used products back to useful life by requiring less effort than is demanded by the initial production process. Consequently, from a product life-cycle perspective, remanufacturing generates great product value. Remanufacturers lag behind manufacturers since they often face complex and unpredictable material and information flows. Based on a review of remanufacturing research, remanufacturing challenges in material and information flows can be classified into three groups: insufficient product quality, long and unstable process lead times, and an unpredictable level of inventory. While some remanufacturing researchers state that manufacturing and remanufacturing are significantly different, they have more in common than many other processes operations. Therefore, to sustain competitive remanufacturing, companies investigate an opportunity for improvement through the employment of lean production that generates significant benefits for manufacturers. In order to investigate the potential to address remanufacturing challenges by lean production, a Minimum time for material and information flow analysis (MiniMifa) method was developed. This method originates from the value stream mapping (VSM) method, broadly practiced to bring lean to manufacturing companies. The focus of MiniMifa was to collect empirical data on the identified groups of remanufacturing challenges from the remanufacturing perspective, and to provide a basis for the development of improvements originating from lean principles. Lean production was selected for this research due to its system perspective on material and information flows. Among the defined lean principles in remanufacturing, a pull principle was investigated at the case companies. The suggested principle demonstrated a reduction in lead time, followed by improvements in inventory level and product quality. However, in order to become lean, remanufacturers have to overcome three levels of lean remanufacturing challenges: external and internal challenges as well as lean wastes. Finally, this research reduces the gap between academia and industry by contributing with a possible solution to the identified remanufacturing challenges in material and information flows.

Towards Design Automation for Additive Manufacturing : A Multidisciplinary Optimization approach

Wiberg, Anton January 2019 (has links)
In recent decades, the development of computer-controlled manufacturing by adding materiallayer by layer, called Additive Manufacturing (AM), has developed at a rapid pace. The technologyadds possibilities to the manufacturing of geometries that are not possible, or at leastnot economically feasible, to manufacture by more conventional manufacturing methods. AMcomes with the idea that complexity is free, meaning that complex geometries are as expensiveto manufacture as simple geometries. This is partly true, but there remain several design rulesthat needs to be considered before manufacturing. The research field Design for Additive Manufacturing(DfAM) consists of research that aims to take advantage of the possibilities of AMwhile considering the limitations of the technique. Computer Aided technologies (CAx) is the name of the usage of methods and software thataim to support a digital product development process. CAx includes software and methodsfor design, the evaluation of designs, manufacturing support, and other things. The commongoal with all CAx disciplines is to achieve better products at a lower cost and with a shorterdevelopment time. The work presented in this thesis bridges DfAM with CAx with the aim of achieving designautomation for AM. The work reviews the current DfAM process and proposes a new integratedDfAM process that considers the functionality and manufacturing of components. Selectedparts of the proposed process are implemented in a case study in order to evaluate theproposed process. In addition, a tool that supports part of the design process is developed. The proposed design process implements Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) witha parametric CAD model that is evaluated from functional and manufacturing perspectives. Inthe implementation, a structural component is designed using the MDO framework, which includesComputer Aided Engineering (CAE) models for structural evaluation, the calculation ofweight, and how much support material that needs to be added during manufacturing. Thecomponent is optimized for the reduction of weight and minimization of support material,while the stress levels in the component are constrained. The developed tool uses methodsfor high level Parametric CAD modelling to simplify the creation of parametric CAD modelsbased on Topology Optimization (TO) results. The work concludes that the implementation of CAx technologies in the DfAM process enablesa more automated design process with less manual design iterations than traditional DfAM processes.It also discusses and presents directions for further research to achieve a fully automateddesign process for Additive Manufacturing. / AddMan

Optimization of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles : Expanding the Multidisciplinary Capabilities

Papageorgiou, Athanasios January 2017 (has links)
Over the last decade, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have experienced an accelerated growth, and nowadays they are being deployed in a variety of missions that have traditionally been covered by manned aircraft. This unprecedented market expansion has created new and unforeseen challenges for the manufacturing industry which is now called to further reduce the idea-to-market times while simultaneously delivering designs of even higher performance. In this environment of uncertainty and risk, it is without a doubt crucial for the involved actors to find ways to secure their strategic advantage, and hence, implementing the latest design tools has become a critical consideration in every Product Development Process (PDP). To this end, a method that has been frequently applied in the PDP and has shown many successful results in the development of complex engineering products is Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO). In general, MDO can bring additional knowledge regarding the best-suited designs much earlier in the process, and in this respect, it can lead to significant cost and time savings by reducing the total number of refinement iterations. Nevertheless, the organizational and cultural integration of MDO has been often overlooked, while at the same time, several technical aspects of the method for UAV design are still at an elementary level. On the whole, research on MDO is showing a slow progress, and to this date, there are many limitations in both the disciplinary models and the available analysis capabilities. In light of the above, this thesis focuses on the particulars of the MDO methodology, and more specifically, on how it can be best adapted and evolved in order to enhance the development process of UAVs. The primary objective is to study the current trends and gaps of the MDO practices in UAV applications, and subsequently to build upon that and explore how these can be included in a roadmap that will be able to serve a guide for newcomers in the field. Compared to other studies, the problem is herein approached from both a technical as well as organizational perspective, and thus, this research not only aims to propose techniques that can lead to better designs but also solutions that will be meaningful to the PDP. Having established the above foundation, this work shows that the traditional MDO frameworks for UAV design have been neglecting several important features, and it elaborates on how those novel elements can be modeled in order to enable a better integration of MDO into the organizational functions. Overall, this thesis presents quantitative and qualitative data which illustrate the effectiveness of the new framework enhancements in the development process of UAVs, and concludes with discussions on the possible improvement directions towards achieving more and better MDO capabilities.

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