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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Soa a projektové řízení Soa projektů

Jelen, Václav January 2007 (has links)
V prostředí stále komplexnějších informačních systémů dramaticky rostou nároky na integraci jejich heterogenních částí. Řešení tohoto problému nabízí SOA ? service oriented architecture (architektura orientovaná na služby).

Information Architecture of Web Pages and Applications and its Role in the Time of Web 2.0 / Informační architektura webových stránek a aplikací a její role v době Webu 2.0

Jeřábek, Michal January 2008 (has links)
In contemporary times internet plays without doubts, a key role in our life. It is one of the most effective information channels of modern economy and a powerful tool of citizen society. Great number of new web pages is created daily and the competition is becoming stronger. This Diploma Thesis is dealing with the information architecture of web pages and applications an its significance for projects of Web2.0 In our territory, "information architecture" is relatively new term and therefore, the first part of the thesis endeavor to define it. It attempts to emphasize that the web page is not a pretty picture only but it must contain well-designed communication of the goals of the page creation. For attaining them, it is essential to define precisely the expectation at the very beginning. On the other hand, it is also necessary to have on mind the web users who opens the page for to fulfill their specific needs and with their own expectations. Web page therefore should meet both the goals of the designers and expectations of the users. Further part of the introductory chapter deals with the history of the information architecture having its roots in the sphere of the information design. Beside other topics, there is discussed the work of Ladislav Sutnar, who significantly contributed to the development of this topic. The following chapter deals with the process of the information architecture design proper. It is not a detailed instruction for web page creation, but rather a description of individual steps and factors able to influence substantially the web page presentation success. The last part is devoted to the recently frequently referred phenomenon of Web 2.0. There was attempted to describe its principles and answer the question whether it is only an empty word used as attractive label for promotion of certain projects or really a new direction in the web development. Then there is discussed the influence of Web 2.0 on the information architecture and whether this topic is for its design necessary at all.

Analýza a návrh struktury intranetu / Analysis and design of intranet structure

Novák, Miroslav January 2016 (has links)
Nowadays, Intranet is an inseparable part of every company, notwithstanding of their size or field of activity. Both, in my work and personal life, I often come across different intranets that usually do not get a positive response. But they usually have the same source of the problem, which is based on their wrong structure. This is why is chose this topic for my thesis. The goal of my thesis is to perform an analysis of an existing intranet of a particular company and subsequently create a design of the intranet new structure using the card-sorting method. This thesis primarily represents a generalized method of how to proceed during such realization and which areas to look into. Theoretical part of this thesis covers the topics of information architecture and also the term intranet itself, where the most frequent issues I came across in the intranets are pointed out. Practical part covers the analysis itself, where I focus on the structure of the existing intranet, categorization of its content, connections with other systems, customization, permission management, surveys of contentment, and intranet usage. The analysis is performed manually by scanning through the existing intranet of the company, since other methods or approaches could not be applied due to technical limitations or insufficient permis-sions. Based on the outputs of the analysis, web categorizations and the card-sorting method, a design of a structure of the new intranet has been proposed. The design itself is a demonstration of the method how to approach the new intranet design.

Formování stavby větrnou energií / Form follows wind energy

Brahmi, Jakub January 2021 (has links)
Diplomová práce zkoumá možnost využití větrného proudění jako hnacího elementu architektonického návrhu za účelem integrace větru jako jeden ze zdrojů získávání energie. Větrné turbíny byly již využity v několika architektonických projektech, spíše však jako doplněk k výškovým budovám, jejichž výška je zřejmým předpokladem pro snažší získávání větrné energie díky dosahu k rychlejším proudům vzduchu. Tento projekt prověřuje skrze architektonický návrh možnost získávání energie z větru i v menších výškách, kde není energetický potenciál tak zřejmý, kvůli výrazně menším rychlostem větru. Výchozím bodem pro rozšíření využití větrné energie je Venturiho efekt, jehož výskyt je možné pozorovat v urbánním prostředí především jako negativní jev působící nepohodlí obyvatelům města, kvůli zvýšeným rychlostem větru. Naproti tomu, když je venturiho efekt předpokládán, může být využit pro zrychlení proudění vzduchu a následného sběru energie. Za účelem podpoření Venturiho efektu pro sběr energie zkoumá projekt, jaký má tvarové uspořádání vliv na proudění vzduchu. Za pomoci simulací proudění tekutin(CFD) a na základě hodinových dat povětrnostních podmínek vybrané lokality, odvozuje možné množství získané energie, různými tvarovými uspořádáními. Energetické zisky jsou srovnávány s předpokládanou energetickou náročností stavby a následně je skrze architektonickou studii prověřována využitelnost stavby jako vítr urychlujícího tvaru stejně tak, jako objektu umožňujícího běžné obývání.

Nové digitální metody v procesu architektonického navrhování / New Digital Methods in Architecture Designing Process

Sirotek, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
The topic of this thesis is digital methods in process of architectonic designing, analysis, research and application of new methods. This thesis describes theoretical sources, which are useful for creating new digital methods. Thesis systematically describes existing methods and analyzes application on various projects. In thesis is also described research of new, own methods and preview of application.

Architektura moci ; Síla architektury a její efektivní využití v právu / Architecture of Power : The Power of Architecture and its effective Use in Law

Veselá, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
Architecture of Power: The Power of Architecture and its effective Use in Law Abstract This thesis is concerned with the relationship between law and architecture and their mutual effects. It is focused on the subject of the prison system where these two fields intertwine, and concludes that the prison system should react to the changing conception of punishment and adapt the appearance of prison buildings. The thesis is divided into six parts which are further subdivided into chapters and subchapters. The first part introduces generally architecture and its mission. First, it deals with the concept itself then with the circumstances under which architecture arises, and also the functions that architecture has in society. It also deals with the impact of a space on humans, with the interconnection of architecture and power or with the representative role of some buildings. This part is a general introduction and it illustrates the nature of the chosen topic of this thesis. The second part deals with the relationship between law and architecture, i.e. how architecture projects into law. The first chapter focuses on architectural works representing law and its symbolism, the second chapter on the criminological approach CPTED which is directly based on architecture and urbanism. The main part of this thesis...

Stav a perspektivy post-industriálního sídla :recyklace degradovaných krajin /

Matějka, Daniel January 2016 (has links)
The thesis „The status and perspectives of post-industrial sites“ with the sub-title „Recycling of degraded landscapes“ deals with the research of post-industrial objects, areas, sites and landscape and possibilities for their further utilization. This thesis focuses on brownfield classification and subsequent definition of criteria that are significant for choice of acceptable conversion of post-industrial areas with emphasis on use of landscape architecture as the main field of study applied in the work of selected conversions. For the purpose of categorization and searching for forms of transformations, the author chooses and draws up a catalogue of 61 executed conversions located in the old industrial areas in Germany, afterwards defines a set of general recommendations for post-industrial areas development, or post-industrial landscape development; the main benefits, which these specific landscapes bring or may bring to us (both at the level of cultural and historical values, recreational potential, psychogeographic importance and the economic possibilities), also defining risks of post-industrial areas (specification of their urgency and finding ways to elimination) and subsequently verifies these conclusions on a basis of own project conversions of post-industrial areas, which enables final explicit extraction of knowledge into the resulting recommendations. Special attention is paid to post-industrial vegetation, in the thesis there are defined four possible approaches to its integration into urban ecosystem (retaining, adjustment, complementation and negation). Further high attention is paid to classification and possibilities of railway brownfield conversions, classification and possibilities of dumps (spoil banks) conversions and classification and possibilities of large industrial areas conversions. The final set of strategies for post-industrial landscapes conversion comprises 6 articles: (1) Ensuring and conservation of valuable industrial buildings and other post-industrial landscape elements; (2) Interconnection of areas with natural surroundings and urban ecosystem and support of permeability in post-industrial landscapes; (3) Renaturation, solving of contamination and pollution problems; (4) Area improvement, attractors and post-industrial significant signs selection and their protection and development; (5) Creation of a full-area concept for a development of an area or a region; (6) Medialization support and awareness of post-industrial landscape revitalization possibilities. The aim of this thesis is to help to save industrial heritage of certain areas and to outline the ways of searching for new meaningful utilization of post-industrial areas.

Dočasné ztvárnění městských prostorů v zahradní a krajinářské architektuře

Bobríková, Júlia January 2019 (has links)
This master thesis aims to review the topic of temporary objects of landscape architecture, their impact in the broader context of a city, as well as their own design on the material and construction level. The first part of the theoretical analysis in the thesis gathers the available information about integrating the temporary projects into the spatial planning precess and decribes the role of such projects in the changing world of the 21. century. The second half of the theoretical analysis aims to profile the possibilities of material and construction making of the temporary projects in the contemporary cities. In the proposal part of the thesis these information are applied on the chosen area in Bratislava. The area is an axis of several streets. In accordance with the analysis of the area, four places were chosen to serve as spaces for temporary objects of landscape architecture. The aim of the temporary objects design is to elevate the overall image of the interest area and react on the contemporary demands of the city dwellers.

Současné možnosti využití torz sakrálních staveb

Březinová, Magdaléna January 2019 (has links)
The goal of the master thesis is to analyze contemporary possible approaches how to rehabilitate religious buildings, in our countryside, which were devastated. Historical sources stand out as a subject of the surveys. Those sources give the reasons of the destruction of those churches and chapels and point on the importance of those building in the landscape. The author uses five contemporary examples to show the different approaches how to use the ruins of the churches. The specifics are defined, and benefits and risks are clarified from the point of view of the landscape architect. Based on the acquired knowledge there is established universal procedure how to treat those monuments. Pivotal idea of the whole thesis is the necessity to discover the specific sign for every ecclesiastical ruin and after that to keep or restore this sign to approach this monument to keep its place. All the process is based on the profound analysis. Next step is to modify the surrounding in the kind of way to keep the character of the place. This theory is verified by the design of the model object. The study processes rehabilitation of the area where is the ruin of bigger chapel in the border area in the village Slezská Harta (former Sudety). This area has been displaced twice in history because of the construction of the water reservoirs. The study offers the solution of the surrounding of the building with the overlap into the landscape and even verify the correctness of the procedure of the rehabilitation the ruins in variants. In succession one variant is chosen and finished in detail. The discussion deals with three topics: - Sums up the landscape means, which can be used to rehabilitation of the monument - Deals with the impact of the surrounding and importance ofthe sacral building as a symbol - Outlines the future and sustainability of the projects of renewal and rehabilitation of the sacral architecture

Optimalizácia a inovácia systému pre riadenie praxí na PEF MENDELU

Jurina, Ivan January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis deals with optimization of processes inside of a~system for managing internship experiences at PEF MENDELU. After analysis of current state of the system, new features and improvements are introduced for providing better user experience for students and faculty employees. After presenting these improvements to faculty management new web application is implemented with Java programming language and Spring Framework. After implementing and testing the application will be used for supporting the system for managing students working experience.

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