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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of Genetic Alterations in Patients Affected with Neurofibromatosis Type 2 and its Associated Tumors

Hansson, Caisa Marie January 2006 (has links)
Neurofibromatosis type 2 (NF2) is an autosomal dominant disorder with the clinical hallmark of bilateral vestibular schwannomas (VS). Patients affected by a severe NF2 phenotype also presents with peripheral schwannomas, meningiomas and ependymomas. The closely related disorder schwannomatosis also displays multiple schwannomas, but never VS. Mutation screening of the NF2 gene in the above mentioned tumors did not identify mutations in numerous of cases. We analyzed the DNA sequence covering the NF2 locus in order to identify evolutionarily conserved non-genic sequences (CNGs) with unknown regulatory function (paper I). The aim was to analyze CNGs for mutations in DNA derived from patients affected by NF2 associated tumors. During mutation analysis of the coding part of NF2 and within the CNGs defined in paper I, were mutations detected in 39% of sporadic meningiomas (paper II). Two candidate regions were identified on 22q using array-CGH. Methylation profiling did not identify methylation of the NF2 promoter in these tumors. Sporadic schwannomas were profiled for CNV using a 22q genomic array in the search for putative gene(s) that in addition to NF2 could be involved in the development of schwannoma and/or schwannomatosis (paper III). The predominant aberration identified was monosomy 22. Terminal and interstitial deletions encompassing the NF2 gene were detected in tumor DNA and eight loci affected by CNV in constitutional DNA. Some of these CNVs are unlikely to be phenotypically neutral, considering their size and gene content. Two schwannomatosis candidate regions were identified on 22q using array-CGH (paper IV). These regions were further characterized by a PCR-product based array with higher resolution. Rearrangements of the immunoglobulin lambda (IGL) locus detected were restricted to schwannomatosis patients. In the second candidate region spanning GSTT1 and CABIN1 genes, was frequent copy number polymorphism at the GSTT1 locus identified. We further describe missense mutations in the CABIN1 gene, making this gene a plausible candidate which may contribute to the pathogenesis of these disorders.

Les dysplasies tubo-ovariennes : contribution à une meilleure compréhension de la carcinogenèse ovarienne / Ovarian and tubal dysplasia : an early event in the pathogenesis of epithelial ovarian cancer

Chêne, Gautier 14 June 2011 (has links)
Introduction : l’analyse histopathologique des pièces d’annexectomie prophylactique(pBSO) pour risque génétique (mutations BRCA) a pu révéler des anomalies cytologiques etarchitecturales interprétées comme potentiellement pré-cancéreuses et dénommées « dysplasieovarienne et tubaire ». Nous proposons d’étudier les aspects morphologiques,immunohistochimiques et moléculaires des dysplasies tubo-ovariennes.Matériels & Méthodes : l’analyse morphologique a été réalisée dans un premier grouped’annexectomies après stimulation de l’ovulation (protocole de Fécondation in vitro).L’évaluation morphologique et immunohistochimique (expression de Ki67, p53, Bcl2, PAX2et ALDH1) a par la suite concerné 111pBSO, 42 annexectomies exposées au Tamoxifène et116 témoins non cancéreux et spontanément fertiles (nBSO). Les analyses ont été réaliséespar deux pathologistes en aveugle. Les cellules épithéliales d’intérêt ovariennes et tubairesprovenant du groupe pBSO ont été microdisséquées par laser ; l’ADN extrait a été étudié parhybridation génomique comparative (CGH array). La longueur des télomères a été évaluéepar PCR quantitative en temps réel.Résultats : les scores moyens de dysplasie ovarienne et tubaire étaient significativement plusélevés dans les groupes stimulation de l’ovulation et génétique par rapport aux témoins. Seulle score de dysplasie tubaire était supérieur aux témoins pour le groupe Tamoxifène. Onretrouvait une surexpression de ALDH1 dans les groupes pBSO et tBSO alors que Ki67, p53,bcl2 et PAX2 étaient faiblement exprimés dans les groupes pBSO et tBSO. D’ailleurs,l’expression d’ALDH1 était faible dans l’épithélium non dysplasique, forte dans la dysplasieet constamment faible dans les carcinomes occultes. De subtiles altérations génomiques et desraccourcissements télomériques ont été mis en évidence au niveau des dysplasies génétiques.Conclusions : les scores élevés de dysplasie, la forte expression d’ALDH1 et les altérationsmoléculaires provenant du groupe à risque génétique pourraient supporter le conceptd’instabilité génétique. La dysplasie tubo-ovarienne pourrait être une étape importante etprécoce de la carcinogenèse ovarienne. Nos résultats suggèrent également qu’un certainnombre de cancers de l’ovaire pourrait avoir pour origine la trompe de Fallope. Le marqueurde cellules souches ALDH1 pourrait constituer une cible dans la prévention et le diagnosticprécoce des cancers de l’ovaire. / Background: Histopathological examination of material from prophylactic salpingooophorectomies(pBSO) performed in patients at genetic risk has revealed frequentabnormalities interpreted as possible pre-cancerous “ovarian and tubal dysplasia” lesions. Wesought to study the morphologic, immunohistochemical and molecular features in ovarian andtubal dysplasiaMaterials and methods : Morphologic analysis was evaluated in 37 oophorectomies afterovulation induction (iBSO). Morphologic features and immunohistochemical expressionpatterns of Ki-67, p53, Bcl2, PAX2 and ALDH1 (an enzyme significantly associated withearly-stage ovarian cancer) were evaluated in 111 pBSO, 42 salpingo-oophorectomiesexposed with Tamosifen (tBSO) and 116 normal salpingo-oophorectomies (nBSO).Representative slides from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue blocks were read blindlyby two gynaecological pathologists. Tubal and ovarian epitheliums from normal anddysplastic tissues (from pBSO) were laser microdissected and studied by comparativegenomic hybridization (array CGH). Telomere length was performed using quantitative realtimePCR.Results: Mean ovarian and tubal dysplasia score were significantly higher in the ovulationinduction group and in the genetic risk group than in controls. Only tubal dysplasia score wassignificantly higher in the Tamoxifen group. Increased ALDH1 expression was observed inpBSO and tBSO compared with nBSO whereas expression patterns of Ki67, p53, bcl2 andPAX2 were low at moderate in pBSO and tBSO group. Interestingly, ALDH1 expression waslow in non dysplastic epithelium, high in dysplasia and constantly low in the carcinoma foundincidentally on pBSO. Subtle genomic alterations were found in the dysplastic ovarian andtubal epitheliums. Shortened telomeres were found in dysplastic tissues from pBSO.Conclusion: The increased dysplasia scores, the strong ALDH1 expression and the geneticalterations in ovaries and tubes from BRCA 1/2 carriers could support the genetic instabilityof dysplasia and might be consistent with progression towards neoplastic transformation andcould justify the use of the term “dysplasia”. Ovarian and tubal dysplasia may be a premalignant,non-invasive histopathological abnormalitie that could be an important step in11early ovarian neoplasia. Our results suggest that a greater percentage of ovarian cancers thanoriginally thought may actually have a fallopian origin with metastasis to the ovary. The stemcell marker ALDH1 activation in pBSO could be considered as a target for early diagnosisand prevention of ovarian cancers.

Estudo genético-clínico e molecular da síndrome de Rokitansky-Mayer-Küster-Hauser e condições afins / Clinical, genetic and molecular study of Rokitansky-Mayer-Küster-Hauser syndrome and related conditions

Carola Cheroki 28 April 2008 (has links)
Introdução: A síndrome ou seqüência malformativa de Rokitansky-Mayer-Küster-Hauser (SR), de caráter geralmente esporádico, caracteriza-se por aplasia útero-vaginal, freqüentemente associada a anomalias esqueléticas e do trato urinário e a caracteres sexuais secundários, hormônios esteróides e cariótipo normais. A condição é claramente heterogênea, podendo fazer parte de outras seqüências e complexos mais abrangentes. Sua freqüência ao nascimento foi estimada em cerca de 1/5.000 meninas. O banco de dados OMIM (McKusick, 2005) classifica-a como autossômica recessiva e apenas um caso atípico, portador de virilização, foi atribuído a mutação descrita no gene WNT4 (Biason-Laubert e col.., 2004). A vitamina A e seus derivados ativos (ácidos retinóicos ou AR) desempenham papel importante nos processos de diferenciação, proliferação e apoptose celular. Mendelsohn e col. (1994) e Kastner e col. (1997) descreveram malformações congênitas semelhantes afins às da SR em camundongos portadores de mutações nos genes RAR-G e RXR-A dos receptores de AR. A região homóloga em humanos de um desses receptores corresponde exatamente à região descrita por Kucheria e col. (1988) em duas mulheres não aparentadas com agenesia mülleriana e portadoras de translocação (12;14)(q14;q31). Os fatores etiológicos responsáveis pelas anomalias müllerianas são ainda pouco conhecidos, mas o achado freqüente de afetadas com outros defeitos associados (renais, esqueléticos, cardíacos e auditivos) sugere o envolvimento de genes primordiais do desenvolvimento. Materiais e métodos: No total, 43 pacientes (todas com cariótipo 46,XX) e 21 familiares foram todos submetidos a exame clínico e ginecológico e de imagem (ultra-sonografia urogenital e raios-X de coluna) padronizados e à coleta de sangue para estudo cromossômico e molecular. O DNA foi extraído e amplificado por PCR Touch-Down; a triagem das mutações foi realizada em cinco genes (RARG, RXR-A, WNT-4, LHX-1 e KLHL-4) por eletroforese SSCP, dHPLC e de seqüenciamento (MegaBace). Quinze pacientes do total apresentando fenótipo mais grave foram triadas quanto a variações no número de cópias de DNA pela técnica de ~1 Mb array-CGH. As alterações detectadas foram validadas por FISH e MLPA. Foram excluídas alterações no número de cópias previamente descritas em indivíduos normais (DGV). Dois novos genes (LHX-1 e KLHL-4) surgiram como possíveis candidatos após a triagem com array- CGH e foram incluídos aos três genes candidatos previamente existentes. Resultados e conclusão: Trinta e nove pacientes possuíam quadro bastante típico de SR com agenesia útero-vaginal, em 27 delas acompanhado de manifestações extra-genitais como defeitos renais, ósseos, agenesia de ovários e surdez. Quatro pacientes apresentaram defeitos müllerianos isolados (agenesia de vagina) e uma outra era portadora da associação MURCS. A analise molecular por meio das técnicas de SSCP, dHPLC e seqüenciamentode todas as regiões codificados dos cinco genes candidatos permitiu identificar 95 alterações. A comparação com os bancos de dados (http://www.ensembl.org/) determinou que as alterações identificadas correspondem a variações populacionais polimórficas previamente descritas e sem efeito patogênico, uma vez que nenhuma delas altera a seqüência de aminoácidos das proteínas por elas codificadas. Mediante array-CGH foram identificadas, em 5 pacientes, um total de 7 alterações submicroscópicas (deleções e duplicações) comprometendo as regiões 1q21.1, 17q12, 22q11.21, 22q11.22, e Xq21.31. Alguns familiares das afetadas, também portadores dessas alterações, apresentavam manifestações leves, indicando que as alterações apresentam penetrância incompleta e expressividade variável. Nossos resultados afastam a RAR-G, RXR-A, WNT-4 como diretamente envolvidos na patogênese da síndrome de Rokitansky e sugerem a existência de variações no numero de copias de novas regiões cromossômicas como relevantes durante o desenvolvimento mülleriano, indicando especificamente os genes LHX1 e KLHL4 como candidatos. / Background: Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome, comprising utero-vaginal atresia in otherwise phenotypically normal women with a normal karyotype (46,XX), has an incidence of about 1/5,000 among newborn girls. Anomalies of the genital tract range from upper vaginal atresia to total Müllerian agenesis (congenital absence of the Fallopian tubes, uterus, and upper vagina). Patients with müllerian aplasia (MA) often exhibit additional clinical features such as renal, vertebral and cardiac defects. A number of different syndromes have been associated with MA, and in most cases its aetiology remains poorly understood. We studied 43 women with the MRKH defect and 21 relatives presenting associated anomalies. The study included clinical and ultrasonographic examination of the urogenital system, radiographs of the vertebral column and sequencing of three candidate genes named RAR gama, RXR alpha and WNT-4. Fifteen of our patients, with more complex phenotypes (genital, renal, cardiac, and skeletal defects), were screened for DNA copy number changes by 1 Mb whole genome bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) array based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH). The detected alterations were validated by an independent method and further mapped by high resolution oligo-arrays. Results: All patients had a normal 46,XX karyotype and were also normal to the RAR gama, RXR alpha and WNT-4 genes. Submicroscopic genomic imbalances affecting the 1q21.1, 17q12, 22q11.21, and Xq21.31 chromosome regions were detected in five probands. Presence of the alterations in the normal mother of one patient suggests incomplete penetrance and/or variable expressivity. Conclusion: 5 of the 15 patients were found to have cryptic genomic alterations. The imbalances on 22q11.21 support recent findings by us and others that alterations in this chromosome region may result in impairment of müllerian duct development. The remaining imbalances indicate involvement of previously unknown chromosome regions in MA, and point specifically to LHX1 and KLHL4 as candidate genes.

Záchyt submikroskopických aberací u fenotypově abnormálních nosičů zjevně balancovaných chromozomových přestaveb metodou array CGH / Detection of submicroscopic chromosomal aberrations in phenotypically abnormal carriers of apparently balanced rearrangements using array CGH

Slámová, Zuzana January 2020 (has links)
Carriers of apparently balanced chromosomal aberrations (BCA) are usually phenotypically normal. However, it has been estimated that up to 27% of these BCA may be associated with an abnormal phenotype, most often caused by cryptic imbalances at the breakpoints, gene disruption by the breakpoint or via the position effect. In contrast to conventional karyotyping, molecular cytogenetic techniques enable more detailed BCA characterization and better correlation between genotype and phenotype of the patient. The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the presence of copy number variants (CNVs) at breakpoints or elsewhere in the genome in patients with abnormal phenotype who carry de novo or inherited BCA. 54 BCA were investigated using array CGH (20 de novo cases, 27 inherited and 7 cases of unknown origin) including 32 reciprocal translocations, 6 robertsonian translocations, 12 inversions and 4 complex chromosomal rearrangements. If possible, the parents were also examined to ascertain the inheritance of the relevant CNVs. In order to specify microarray findings or exclude gene disruption, FISH was used in selected patients. Among the patients included, in 31,5% (17/54) at least one (in 8 patients more than one) significant CNV was detected. Four cases carried cryptic imbalances only at the breakpoints,...

Molekulárně cytogenetické vyšetření chromozomových aberací v mozaice / Molecular cytogenetic analysis of mosaic chromosomal abnormalities

Cinkajzlová, Anna January 2013 (has links)
The focus of this diploma thesis is on mosaic numerical and structural chromosomal aberrations. In its theoretical part, general problems of mosaicism, its phenotypic effect, mechanisms of origin, related epigenetic modifications, and diagnostic options are described. The methodical part of the thesis then primarily refers to fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and its application in the diagnostics of mosaicism. This method was used in the examination of 29 patients with numerical as well as structural abnormalities of autosomes or gonosomes with proven or suspected mosaicism. On the basis of this analysis, possible errors of measurement were determined and data for statistic evaluation were retrieved. For the examinations of three patients an alternative of the comparative genomic hybridization, the array CGH technique, was applied. The FISH method, although being based on random selection and human factor, proved sufficient sensitivity as well as specificity in the field of low-frequency mosaicism diagnostics. The main critical factors responsible for potential misinterpretation of the data arose from inherent characteristics of the biological material, incorrect targeting of the analysis, probe instability, bleed through effect and absence of mitosis during the structural aberrations analysis.

Application of Genomic and Expression Arrays for Identification of new Cancer Genes

Nord, Helena January 2010 (has links)
Copy number variation (CNV) comprises a recently discovered kind of variation involving deletion and duplication of DNA segments of variable size, ranging from a few hundred basepairs to several million. By altering gene dosage levels or disrupting proximal or distant regulatory elements CNVs create human diversity. They represent also an important factor in human evolution and play a role in many disorders including cancer. Array-based comparative genomic hybridization as well as expression arrays are powerful and suitable methods for determination of copy number variations or gene expression changes in the human genome. In paper I we established a 32K clone-based genomic array, covering 99% of the current assembly of the human genome with high resolution and applied it in the profiling of 71 healthy individuals from three ethnic groups. Novel and previously reported CNVs, involving ~3.5% of the genome, were identified. Interestingly, 87% of the detected CNV regions overlapped with known genes indicating that they probably have phenotypic consequences. In papers II through IV we applied this platform to different tumor types, namely two collections of brain tumors, glioblastoma (paper II) and medulloblastoma (paper III), and a set of bladder carcinoma (paper IV) to identify chromosomal alterations at the level of DNA copy number that could be related to tumor initiation/progression. Tumors of the central nervous system represent a heterogeneous group of both benign and malignant neoplasms that affect both children and adults. Glioblastoma and medulloblastoma are two malignant forms. Glioblastoma often affects adults while the embryonal tumor medulloblastoma is the most common malignant brain tumor among children. The detailed profiling of 78 glioblastomas, allowed us to identify a complex pattern of aberrations including frequent and high copy number amplicons (detected in 79% of samples) as well as a number of homozygously deleted loci. These regions encompassed not only previously reported oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes but also numerous novel genes. In paper III, a subset of 26 medulloblastomas was analyzed using the same genomic array. We observed that alterations involving chromosome 17, especially isochromosome 17q, were the most common genomic aberrations in this tumor type, but copy number alterations involving other chromosomes: 1, 7 and 8 were also frequent. Focal amplifications, on chromosome 1 and 3, not previously described, were also detected. These loci may encompass novel genes involved in medulloblastoma development. In paper IV we examined for the presence of DNA copy number alterations and their effect on gene expression in a subset of 21 well-characterized Ta bladder carcinomas, selected for the presence or absence of recurrences. We identified a number of novel genes as well as a significant association between amplifications and high-grade and recurrent tumors which might be clinically useful. The results derived from these studies increase our understanding of the genetic alterations leading to the development of these tumor forms and point out candidate genes that may be used in future as targets for new diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.

Techniques d'exploration chromosomique en prénatal : mises au point et applications / Technical development and applications of the chromosomal exploration technics in prenatal diagnosis

Brun, Stéphanie 07 October 2019 (has links)
ObjectifLe diagnostic prénatal (DPN) a pour but de détecter des pathologies foetales in utero. L’objectif de ce travail était de mettre au point et d’appliquer les techniques d’exploration chromosomique en prénatal. Nous avons, tout d’abord, validé et évalué une plateforme de séquençage basée sur la technologie des semi-conducteurs, Ion Proton®, pour le dépistage prénatal non-invasif (DPNI) des principales aneuploïdies en routine clinique, puis évalué l’intérêt de l’Analyse Chromosomique sur Puces à ADN (ACPA) dans le diagnostic prénatal des retards de croissance intra-utérin (RCIU) foetaux. Matériel et Méthodes Nous avons inclus prospectivement 2505 patientes enceintes analysées par huit laboratoires hospitalo-universitaires de génétique : 695 grossesses à haut risque pour la trisomie 21 (risque ≥1/250 ou avec anomalie échographique) dans une étude de validation de la technique du test ADN libre circulant (ADNlc), et 1810 grossesses à risque, sans anomalie échographique, en routine clinique. Les issues de grossesses étaient toutes disponibles dans l’étude de validation et pour 521 grossesses dans l’étude en routine clinique. L’ADNlc extrait d’échantillons plasmatiques était séquencé, puis les données étaient analysées à l’aide du logiciel WISECONDOR. Les résultats des tests ADNlc étaient comparés aux caryotypes foetaux ou 7 aux données à la naissance. Nous avons aussi évalué le taux d’échec et comparé trois méthodes d’évaluation de la fraction foetale (FF) (RASSF1A, DEFRAG et SANEFALCON). Nous avons rétrospectivement inclus tous les foetus référés pour un prélèvement invasif pour RCIU et étudié les résultats de technique d’hybridation in situ en fluorescence (FISH), caryotypes et ACPA. Résultats Les résultats des deux cohortes de l’étude sur l’ADNlc étaient cohérents et les âges gestationnels n’étaient pas significativement différents ; les données ont été combinées afin d’étoffer la cohorte à analyser. Respectivement, la sensibilité et la spécificité étaient de : 98.3% (95% IC, 93.5–99.7%) et 99.9% (95% IC, 99.4–100%) pour la trisomie 21; 96.7% (95% IC, 80.9–99.8%) et 100% (95% IC, 99.6–100%) pour la trisomie 18 ; et 94.1% (95% IC, 69.2–99.7%) et 100% (95% IC, 99.6–100%) pour la trisomie 13. Le taux de non rendus était de 1.2% initialement puis après réanalyse de 0.6%. L’estimation de la FF avec les méthodes RASSF1A et DEFRAG étaient comparables, toutes deux compatibles avec une utilisation en routine clinique. Parmi les 162 foetus RCIU (78 associés et 84 isolés) inclus dans l’étude ACPA, 15 avaient une FISH pathologique : 10 RCIU associés et cinq RCIU isolés. Parmi 143 foetus étudiés par ACPA, 10 (7%) présentaient un variant du nombre de copies (CNV), tous étaient des RCIUs associés (10/65 soit 15.4%; 95 IC: 8.4%‐26.2%), versus 0/78 dans le groupe RCIUs isolés (95% IC: 0%‐5.6%). Six foetus (4.2%) ont présenté des variants de signification inconnue (VSI) (trois RCIU associés et trois RCIU isolés). Conclusion : Notre étude évaluant le test ADNlc utilisant la technologie des semi-conducteurs est la première étude clinique à rapporter les issues de grossesses dans une population aussi large. La plateforme est performante pour le DPNI des principales aneuploïdies. Notre protocole robuste est facilement applicable en routine clinique. Notre étude souligne une augmentation de rendement diagnostique de l’ACPA de 6.1% (4/65) par rapport au caryotype pour le DPN des foetus présentant un RCIU associé. Aucun CNV pathogène n’a été mis en évidence dans le groupe RCIU isolé. L’ADNlc pourrait-il supplanter l’ACPA dans cette population de RCIU isolé ? Le développement du test ADNlc a permis de limiter le nombre de prélèvements invasifs et donc leurs complications [...]. / ObjectivePrenatal diagnosis allows to detect fetal pathologies in-utero. The goal of this work was both technical development and application of the chromosomal exploration technics in prenatal diagnosis. First, we aimed to validate and evaluate the performance metrics of the highthroughput semiconductor sequencing platform, Ion Proton®, in non-invasive prenatal genetic screening (NIPS) for common fetal aneuploidies in a clinical setting and, then to evaluate the diagnostic utility of prenatal diagnosis using the chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) for fetuses presenting with isolated or associated intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR). Methods : First, regarding NIPS, a prospective cohort study including 2505 pregnant women from eight academic genetics laboratories (695 high risk pregnancies for trisomy 21 (risk ≥1/250 or with ultrasound anomalies) in a validation study, and 1810 such pregnancies, without ultrasound anomalies, in a real-life NIPS clinical setting) was conducted. An outcome was available for all cases in the validation cohort and for 521 in the clinical cohort. Cell-free DNA from plasma samples was sequenced using the Ion Proton sequencer, and sequencing data were analyzed using the open-access software, WISECONDOR. Performance metrics for detection 10 of trisomies 21, 18 and 13 were calculated based on either fetal karyotype result or clinical data collected at birth. We also evaluated the failure rate and compared three methods of fetal fraction quantification (RASSF1A assay, and DEFRAG and SANEFALCON software). Then, regarding the CMA study, we retrospectively included all fetuses with IUGR referred for prenatal testing and studied by rapid fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), karyotype, and CMA. Results :In the NIPS study, results from both cohorts were consistent and their gestational age was not significantly different, so their data were combined to increase the sample size for analysis. Sensitivities and specificities, respectively, were as follows: for trisomy 21, 98.3% (95% CI, 93.5–99.7%) and 99.9% (95% CI, 99.4–100%); for trisomy 18, 96.7% (95% CI, 80.9–99.8%) and 100% (95% CI, 99.6–100%); and for trisomy 13, 94.1% (95% CI, 69.2–99.7%) and 100% (95% CI, 99.6–100%). Our failure rate was 1.2% initially and as low as 0.6% after retesting some of the failed samples. Fetal fraction estimation by the RASSF1A assay was consistent with DEFRAG results, and both were adequate for routine diagnosis. Among the 162 IUGR fetuses (78 associated and 84 isolated IUGR) included in the CMA study, 15 had an abnormal FISH result: 10 associated and five isolated fetal IUGRs. Among the 143 fetuses studied by CMA, 10 (7%) presented pathogenic copy number variations (CNVs). All 10 were in the associated fetal IUGR group (10/65 or 15.4%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 8.4%‐26.2%) versus 0/78 in the isolated fetal IUGR group (95% CI: 0%‐5.6%). Six fetuses (4.2%) carried variants of unknown significance (VOUS) (three associated and three isolated fetal IUGRs). Conclusion: We described one of the largest studies evaluating Ion Proton-based NIPS and the first clinical study reporting pregnancy outcome in a large series of patients. This platform is highly efficient in detecting the three most common trisomies. Our protocol is robust and can be implemented easily in any medical genetics’ laboratory. Our second study highlighted the added value of CMA in the case of associated fetal IUGR with an incremental yield of 6.1% (4/65) over karyotyping. No pathogenic CNVs were reported in the isolated fetal IUGR group. Could NIPS supplant CMA in isolated fetal IUGR? The development of the NIPS test has reduced prenatal invasive testing and therefore its complications [...].

Cascades of genetic instability resulting from compromised break-induced replication

Vasan, Soumini January 2013 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Break-induced replication (BIR) is a mechanism to repair double-strand breaks (DSBs) that possess only a single end that can find homology in the genome. This situation can result from the collapse of replication forks or telomere erosion. BIR frequently produces various genetic instabilities including mutations, loss of heterozygosity, deletions, duplications, and template switching that can result in copy-number variations (CNVs). An important type of genomic rearrangement specifically linked to BIR is half crossovers (HCs), which result from fusions between parts of recombining chromosomes. Because HC formation produces a fused molecule as well as a broken chromosome fragment, these events could be highly destabilizing. Here I demonstrate that HC formation results from the interruption of BIR caused by a defective replisome or premature onset of mitosis. Additionally, I document the existence of half crossover instability cascades (HCC) that resemble cycles of non-reciprocal translocations (NRTs) previously described in human tumors. I postulate that HCs represent a potent source of genetic destabilization with significant consequences that mimic those observed in human diseases, including cancer.

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