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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Femoral Osteohistology in American Alligators (Alligator mississippiensis) Reveals High Variation in Growth and Facilitates Interpretation of an Early Pliocene Alligator

Gunnin, Davis 01 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
Histological analysis of long bone thin sections is commonly used to infer growth rates and ecology of extinct vertebrates, particularly within Archosauria. However, most comparative neontological studies have used small samples of captive individuals, limiting the scope of variation. To fill this gap, 44 femoral thin sections of wild Alligator mississippiensis were prepared and analyzed. Comparison of slides revealed that larger individuals from cooler climates tend to show more LAGs compared to southerly A. mississippiensis of similar size, however, there is considerable variation. This pronounced variation in wild specimens emphasizes the need to use caution when interpreting paleohistological data with little modern comparative samples. Finally, thin sections of early Pliocene Alligator sp. fossils from the Gray Fossil Site (GFS), Washington Co., Tennessee were prepared. The GFS Alligator grew more slowly than A. mississippiensis examined and may have reached reproductive maturity at smaller sizes.

Sujeito engraçado: a produção de comicidade pela instância de enunciação em Arrested Development

Pelegrini, Christian Hugo 27 March 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa se volta para os mecanismos de enunciação nos sitcoms de câmera única e a produção de comicidade por parte do sujeito enunciador que emerge do texto audiovisual. O trabalho inicia com uma abordagem do gênero sitcom, considerando-o como uma categoria cultural, analisando, em seguida, como o sitcom se constituiu, ao longo das décadas de sua história, em uma variedade de temas e formas que negam qualquer tentativa de abordagem definicional do gênero.Propomos, então, uma análise da oposição entre os modos de produção recorrentes no gênero, o multicâmera e o câmera única. Nestes, observam-se procedimentos de encenação, cinegrafia e edição que produzem material audiovisual com características bem distintas, opondo formas textuais diferentes no interior de um mesmo gênero. Tais modos de produção (e tais formas textuais) vão se articular com as teorias da subjetividade audiovisual na identificação de uma instância mediadora dos diferentes sitcoms. Para tal, buscamos compreender o processo de enunciação audiovisual, perscrutando as formulações oriundas da linguística e revisando o arcabouço teórico das teorias da enunciação na literatura e, especialmente, no cinema. Buscamos também o arcabouço teórico que instrumentaliza a pesquisa para identificar os mecanismos de levam ao riso, revisando as principais formulações teóricas que explicam o fenômeno (a Teoria da Superioridade, a Teoria da Incongruência e a Teoria do Alívio). A partir de tais formulações, propomos uma taxonomia dos sintagmas cômicos que nos permita isolar os ocorrências de gags, eventos cômicos e mordacidade. É neste ponto que isolamos o sujeito da enunciação no contexto do sitcom, observando suas diferenças no sitcom de multicâmera e no sitcom de câmera única. Tomado este último, identificamos a pluralidade de estilos que resulta de mudanças na estética televisual americana ao longo das décadas de 1980 e 1990, em fenômenos conhecidos como televisualidade e continuidade intensificada, para chegar aos single camera sitcoms do começo do século XXI. Desta leva de programas, tomamos nosso objeto de análise, o sitcom Arrested Development, para analisar de que forma o seu sujeito enunciador vai além de sua função de mediador, ultrapassando-a em favor de uma atitude incisiva como comentador da diegese, francamente fazendo rir pelo modo como mostra personagens e situações. / The research turns to the utterance mechanisms of single camera sitcoms and the making of comic by the utterance subject that comes from the audiovisual text. This work starts with an approach of sitcom genre, taking it as an cultural category, analyzing, then, how the sitcom constituted itself through the decades of its history, in a variety of themes and forms that denies any trying of definitional approach of the gender. Then, we propose an analysis of the opposition between the more usual modes of production of this gender, the multicam and the single camera. On these modes of production, we observe proceedings on staging, cinematography and edition that produces audiovisual material with very distinct characteristics, opposing textual forms in the same television gender. Such modes of production (and such textual forms) articulates with the audiovisual subjectivity theories identifying an utterance instance on different sitcoms. For such, we search understand the process of audiovisual utterance, searching on theories formulations arising from linguistics and reviewing the theory body from utterance on literature and, specially, cinema. We search also the theories that instrumentalizes this research for to identify the mechanisms that takes us to laugh, reviewing the main theoretical formulations that explains the phenomenon of laughing (the Superiority Theory, the Incongruence Theory and the Relief Theory). From such formulations, we propose a taxonomy of comic sintagms that allows us to isolate the occurrence of gags, comic events and wit. It is on this point that we isolate the subject of utterance in the sitcom context, looking for the differences between the multicam sitcom and the single camera sitcom. Taking the last one, we identify the plurality of styles that comes from the esthetical changes on American television by the decades of 1980 and 1990, known as televisuality and intensified continuity, to get to the single camera sitcoms of the beginning of XXI. From this wave of shows, we take the sitcom Arrested Development, to analyze the way its utterance subject goes beyond the mediation role, acting incisively as a diegesys commentator, frankly making us laugh by the way it shows characters and situations.

Sujeito engraçado: a produção de comicidade pela instância de enunciação em Arrested Development

Christian Hugo Pelegrini 27 March 2014 (has links)
A pesquisa se volta para os mecanismos de enunciação nos sitcoms de câmera única e a produção de comicidade por parte do sujeito enunciador que emerge do texto audiovisual. O trabalho inicia com uma abordagem do gênero sitcom, considerando-o como uma categoria cultural, analisando, em seguida, como o sitcom se constituiu, ao longo das décadas de sua história, em uma variedade de temas e formas que negam qualquer tentativa de abordagem definicional do gênero.Propomos, então, uma análise da oposição entre os modos de produção recorrentes no gênero, o multicâmera e o câmera única. Nestes, observam-se procedimentos de encenação, cinegrafia e edição que produzem material audiovisual com características bem distintas, opondo formas textuais diferentes no interior de um mesmo gênero. Tais modos de produção (e tais formas textuais) vão se articular com as teorias da subjetividade audiovisual na identificação de uma instância mediadora dos diferentes sitcoms. Para tal, buscamos compreender o processo de enunciação audiovisual, perscrutando as formulações oriundas da linguística e revisando o arcabouço teórico das teorias da enunciação na literatura e, especialmente, no cinema. Buscamos também o arcabouço teórico que instrumentaliza a pesquisa para identificar os mecanismos de levam ao riso, revisando as principais formulações teóricas que explicam o fenômeno (a Teoria da Superioridade, a Teoria da Incongruência e a Teoria do Alívio). A partir de tais formulações, propomos uma taxonomia dos sintagmas cômicos que nos permita isolar os ocorrências de gags, eventos cômicos e mordacidade. É neste ponto que isolamos o sujeito da enunciação no contexto do sitcom, observando suas diferenças no sitcom de multicâmera e no sitcom de câmera única. Tomado este último, identificamos a pluralidade de estilos que resulta de mudanças na estética televisual americana ao longo das décadas de 1980 e 1990, em fenômenos conhecidos como televisualidade e continuidade intensificada, para chegar aos single camera sitcoms do começo do século XXI. Desta leva de programas, tomamos nosso objeto de análise, o sitcom Arrested Development, para analisar de que forma o seu sujeito enunciador vai além de sua função de mediador, ultrapassando-a em favor de uma atitude incisiva como comentador da diegese, francamente fazendo rir pelo modo como mostra personagens e situações. / The research turns to the utterance mechanisms of single camera sitcoms and the making of comic by the utterance subject that comes from the audiovisual text. This work starts with an approach of sitcom genre, taking it as an cultural category, analyzing, then, how the sitcom constituted itself through the decades of its history, in a variety of themes and forms that denies any trying of definitional approach of the gender. Then, we propose an analysis of the opposition between the more usual modes of production of this gender, the multicam and the single camera. On these modes of production, we observe proceedings on staging, cinematography and edition that produces audiovisual material with very distinct characteristics, opposing textual forms in the same television gender. Such modes of production (and such textual forms) articulates with the audiovisual subjectivity theories identifying an utterance instance on different sitcoms. For such, we search understand the process of audiovisual utterance, searching on theories formulations arising from linguistics and reviewing the theory body from utterance on literature and, specially, cinema. We search also the theories that instrumentalizes this research for to identify the mechanisms that takes us to laugh, reviewing the main theoretical formulations that explains the phenomenon of laughing (the Superiority Theory, the Incongruence Theory and the Relief Theory). From such formulations, we propose a taxonomy of comic sintagms that allows us to isolate the occurrence of gags, comic events and wit. It is on this point that we isolate the subject of utterance in the sitcom context, looking for the differences between the multicam sitcom and the single camera sitcom. Taking the last one, we identify the plurality of styles that comes from the esthetical changes on American television by the decades of 1980 and 1990, known as televisuality and intensified continuity, to get to the single camera sitcoms of the beginning of XXI. From this wave of shows, we take the sitcom Arrested Development, to analyze the way its utterance subject goes beyond the mediation role, acting incisively as a diegesys commentator, frankly making us laugh by the way it shows characters and situations.

Entre salas, celas e vozes: relatos sobre formação escolar em prisões femininas / Between classrooms, lockups and voices: schooling reports in women prisons

Ramos, Ellen Taline de 02 April 2019 (has links)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender como se dá a escolarização nas prisões femininas do estado de São Paulo, bem como as percepções das alunas, das professoras e dos professores envolvidos neste processo. Ao longo do trabalho, são apresentadas discussões a respeito das estatísticas ligadas ao sistema penal, a história e organização das prisões tal como as conhecemos hoje, as especificidades de gênero e suas interfaces com o sistema prisional, a escola na prisão, seu surgimento e desenvolvimento, e como os teóricos da escola de Frankfurt contribuem para a compreensão da temática deste estudo. A coleta de dados desta tese foi realizada por meio de visitas a unidades femininas do estado e de entrevistas semiestruturadas com alunas, professoras e professores. Além disso, realizaram-se observações em sala de aula a fim de compreender a organização e o andamento das aulas. Após a transcrição literal das entrevistas, realizou-se a análise de conteúdo, que gerou quatro categorias. Os principais resultados encontrados foram de que, no encontro marginal entre professoras e professores precarizados e mulheres presas, há uma potência de humanizarem-se e também uma hipervalorização alienante (aluna ideal e melhores professores); além disso, uma das principais motivações para a volta à escola foi para que as mulheres presas sirvam de exemplo para seus descendentes, reproduzindo a perspectiva dos papéis social (im)postos às mulheres na sociedade. Viu-se também a escola como possibilidade, ainda que remota, de ascensão social. Neste ponto, discursos bastante idealizados surgiram. A última categoria analisada traz as precariedades das salas de aula nas prisões e a falta de suporte técnico e pedagógico para os docentes. Por fim, foi possível verificar as contradições do espaço que se pretende educativo dentro de uma instituição punitiva, sendo que esta última acaba por delinear todas as regras da escola, interferindo direta e indiretamente em seu cotidiano. Além disso, os encontros entre professoras/professores e alunas, ao mesmo tempo em que se mostra potente, se apresenta carregado de valores ideológicos e de alienação, o que contribui para a não ocorrência da formação cultural, propagando a semicultura. Desta forma, compreende-se que este trabalho de cunho histórico, político, social e de gênero atingiu o que se propôs, quanto a analisar seus objetivos e, sobretudo, olhar e dar voz ao socialmente invisível e inaudível. No entanto, diante do que se mostra como possibilidades futuras, é essencial que este não seja o fim desta discussão - o ponto final deste trabalho constitui-se apenas como uma lacuna provocante e instigante, para novos parágrafos, lutas e resistências / This study aims to understand how the schooling process works at the women prison of São Paulo State, as well as the perceptions of the students and the professors involved of all these procedures stages. All over the text, we present discussions about the statistics related to the penal system, the history and the organizational methods of the prisons as we know today, also the gender specifications and its interfaces with the prison system, the prison\'s school as it was originated and developed, and how the Frankfurt theorists contribute to the subject-matter of the study. The data collection of the present thesis was made through the women units visitation and the semi-structured interviews to the students and professors (women and men), in addition, there were classrooms observational sections to comprehend the organizational methods and the classes progress. After the literal transcription of the interviews, the content analysis was made considering four categories. The main discovered results were that by the marginal meeting among the precarious professors and the arrested women, there is a powerful humanization process of themselves and an alienating overvaluation (the ideal student and the best professor), moreover, one of the arrested women major motivations to the school return was to be their descendants examples reproducing the social perspective roles (in)posed to the women in society. There is also the school as one possibility, albeit remote, of social ascension, at this point, rather idealized discourses emerged. The last category analyzed brings us the prison classrooms precariousness and the lack of technical and pedagogical support for the teachers. By the end, it was possible to verify the local contradictions of the place which is intended to be educative within a punitive institution, also considering that the last one will design every scholar rule, interfering directly and indirectly in their daily life. Furthermore, the meetings among professors and students at the same time that is powerful are loaded with ideological values and alienation, which contributes to the nonoccurrence of the cultural formation, diffusing the semiculture. According to it all, it is understood that the present research reached the historical, political, social and gender imprint of its purpose, including itself analysis of the claims and above all, to look and to give it a voice to the socially invisible and inaudible ones. However, up to the future possibilities, it is essential to not put an end of the discussions, the endpoint of this study it is only a provocative and incendiary gap, to new paragraphs, struggles and resistance

Effect of helicases on the instability of CTG・CAG trinucleotide repeat arrays in the escherichia coli chromosome

Jackson, Adam January 2010 (has links)
A trinucleotide repeat (TNR) is a 3 base pair (bp) DNA sequence tandemly repeated in an array. In humans, TNR sequences have been found to be associated with at least 14 severe neurological diseases including Huntington disease, myotonic dystrophy and several of the spinocerebellar ataxias. Such diseases are caused by an expansion of the repeat sequence beyond a threshold length and are characterized by non-Mendelian patterns of inheritance which lead to genetic anticipation. Although the mechanism of the genetic instability in these arrays is not yet fully understood, various models have been suggested based on the in vitro observation that TNR sequences can form secondary structures such as pseudo-hairpins. In order to investigate the mechanisms responsible for instability of TNR sequences, a study was carried out on Escherichia coli cells in which TNR arrays had been integrated into the chromosomal lacZ gene. This genetic assay was used to identify proteins and pathways involved in deletion and/or expansion instability. Deletion instability was clearly dependent on orientation of the TNR sequence relative to the origin of replication. Interestingly, it was found that expansion instability is not dependent on the orientation of the repeat array relative to the origin of replication. The replication fork reversal pathway and the RecFOR mediated gap repair pathway were found to have no statistically significant influence on the instability of TNR arrays. However, the protein UvrD was found to affect the deletion instability of TNR sequences. The roles of key helicase genes were investigated for their effects on instability of chromosomal CTG•CAG repeats. Mutation of the rep gene increased deletion in the CTG leading-strand orientation of the repeat array, and expansion in both orientations - destabilizing the TNR array. RecQ helicase was found to have a significant effect on TNR instability in the orientation in which CAG repeats were present on the leading-strand relative to the origin of replication. Mutation of the recQ gene severely limited the number of expansion events in this orientation, whilst having no effect on deletions. This dependence of expansions on RecQ was lost in a rep mutant strain. In a rep mutant expansions were shown to be partially dependent on the DinG helicase. All together, these results suggest a model of TNR instability in which expansions are due to events occurring at either the leading or lagging strand of an arrested replication fork, facilitated by helicase action. The identity of the helicase implicated is determined by the nature of the arrest.

Shakespeare&#039 / s Hamlet As A Precursor Of The Theatre Of The Absurd

Dogan, Buket 01 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT SHAKESPEARE&rsquo / S HAMLET AS A PRECURSOR OF THE THEATRE OF THE ABSURD Dogan, Buket M.A., in English Literature Supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. &Uuml / nal Norman May 2008, 121 Pages Being regarded as a dramatist of all times, Shakespeare and his work is studied with a modern view point by many critics. Every historical period finds in him what it is looking for and what it wants to see. Shakespeare is part of a modern tradition trying to mirror human psychology and condition in all its absurdity. The innovations that the theatre of the Absurd has brought to the stage not only provide an influence for the works of the later generations but also, they make it possible to look back at the past works of the theatre with a contemporary critical eye. Shakespeare&rsquo / s vision of the world is similar to that of the absurdists, mainly due to their shared confidence in humanity&rsquo / s capacity to endure, and the precarious nature of human existence. This thesis analyzes Shakespeare&rsquo / s masterpiece Hamlet, mainly the drama of its protagonist, as a precursor of Absurd drama. In Hamlet, Shakespeare represents man&rsquo / s existential anxiety and precarious condition in a nonsensical world, which is stripped of all logical explanations and accounts. To examine the play in the context of the theatre of the Absurd, it will be discussed in relation to Samuel Beckett&rsquo / s Waiting for Godot and Endgame with regard to their common concerns for the themes of the theatre of the Absurd such as uncertainty and inertia.

A novel approach to aesthetically treat arrested caries lesions

Alangari, Sarah Sultan A. January 2017 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / In this thesis, we proposed and investigated the efficacy and safety of dental bleaching as a non-invasive aesthetic treatment option for stained arrested caries lesions (s-ACLs). Chapter 1 reports the suitability of this approach in extracted human teeth, as well as in a selected clinical case. Visual improvement in the color lighteness of the s-ACLs was observed and reported in photographs. In order to systematically study the impact of dental bleaching on the s-ACLs, we developed in vitro models simulating the development of metallic and non-metallic s-ACLs (Chapter 2). Human dental specimens were submitted to incipient caries-like lesion formation, followed by a 5-day cycling protocol based on remineralization and staining episodes. The created lesions were then bleached (simulating in-office/40% hydrogen peroxide). Color change was measured spectrophotometrically at baseline, after lesion creation, staining/remineralization cycling and bleaching; while mineral loss and lesion depth were quantified by transversal microradiography after staining/remineralization cycling. Metallic s-ACLs were darker, more remineralized and more difficult to bleach, compared to the non-metallic ones (p<0.05). In Chapter 3, we tested the efficacy and safety of different dental bleaching systems (simulating at-home/15% carbamide peroxide and in-office/40% hydrogen peroxide) using the in vitro models previously developed. Similar methods and outcomes were used, with the addition of demineralization after bleaching to simulate and test changes in caries susceptibility. At-home bleaching showed greater efficacy in color improvement compared to in-office (p<0.05), but also increased susceptibility to further demineralization (p<0.05), regardless of the type of stain. Overall, bleached non-metallic s-ACLs were more susceptible to demineralization compared to metallic ones (p<0.05). Within the limited laboratory testing conditions, we concluded that dental bleaching can improve the aesthetics of s-ACLs, with efficacy being dependent on the nature of the stain. At-home bleaching presented greater efficacy, but also raised some potential safety concerns, which should be further investigated in clinical conditions. In-office bleaching protocol showed to be an effective and safe procedure for the aesthetic treatment of stained arrested caries lesions.

MMPI Response Patterns and Alcohol Consumption in DUI Offenders

Sutker, Patricia B., Brantley, Phillip J., Allain, Albert N. 01 June 1980 (has links)
Self-reported alcohol use in 500 men (mean age 36 yrs) arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) of intoxicants was examined in relation to MMPI profile patterns identified by multivariate procedures. Although DUI offenders were found to share mild antisocial tendencies, it was possible to isolate profile patterns associated with comparatively higher levels of self-reported drinking. Most pronounced was the relationship between higher levels of estimated average alcohol consumption and patterns in which indices of depression and social deviance were elevated, or the 2-4 2-point code type pattern. Comparisons of prototypic profile patterns derived from samples of DUI offenders, alcoholics, and psychiatric patients revealed limited profile replicability. However, the 2-4 code type pattern was consistently found in samples of DUI offenders and alcoholics, and a single profile pattern indicative of moderate social deviance and impulsivity was common to each sample. (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2006 APA, all rights reserved).

Resilience of Bornean logged-over lowland tropical rainforests in terms of above-ground biomass recovery / 地上部バイオマス回復からみたボルネオ伐採後低地熱帯降雨林のレジリエンス

Takeshige, Ryuichi 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第24659号 / 農博第2542号 / 新制||農||1098(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R5||N5440(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科森林科学専攻 / (主査)教授 北山 兼弘, 教授 北島 薫, 教授 柴田 昌三 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DGAM

Role of the Lineage Gene Phox2B in Neuroblastoma Development

Alam, Goleeta N. 14 July 2009 (has links)
No description available.

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