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Eficacia de la fagoterapia contra la infección inducida por Vibrio alginolyticus en cultivos de Artemia franciscanaFernández Espinel, Carla Ivonne January 2016 (has links)
Evalúa la eficacia de la fagoterapia para reducir la mortalidad en Artemia franciscana causada por una infección inducida con la cepa de Vibrio alginolyticus. Desarrolla las infecciones experimentales en recipientes con 100 ml de agua de mar estéril suplementada con peptona a una densidad de 100 nauplios por ml. Se toma como LD50, la dosis de inóculo bacteriano que causó el 50% de muerte de nauplios de Artemia franciscana a las 48 horas y realiza la cinética de infección de Vibrio alginolyticus para evaluar cómo disminuye la tasa de supervivencia en el cultivo experimental. Para evaluar la eficacia de la fagoterapia del fago Va1 se inoculan diferentes dosis del bacteriófago para determinar cuál de ellas es más efectiva y se trabaja con esta dosis para determinar en qué tiempo de comenzada la infección se debe inocular el bacteriófago para obtener una mayor supervivencia de los nauplios. Demuestra que el fago Va1 es efectivo para aumentar la supervivencia, una sola dosis de 400µl con un título de 8.108 UFP/mL al comienzo de la infección es suficiente para eliminar la infección inducida con Vibrio alginolyticus. El tiempo de aplicación del bacteriófago no puede exceder las 15 horas post infección, ya que dentro de este intervalo de tiempo el índice de supervivencia se encuentra entre 75 y 97%, resultados que muestran diferencias significativas con respecto al control. Concluye que el uso de bacteriófagos como tratamiento contra vibriosis utilizando a Artemia franciscana como modelo biológico es efectivo para la prevención y control de Vibrio alginolyticus. / Tesis
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A snapshot of the Artemia genome to code or not to code /Wittig, Stacey Lynn, January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Rutgers University, 2009. / "Graduate Program in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics." Includes bibliographical references (p. 60-62).
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Purificação, caracterização físico-química e biológica de SLA: uma nova lectina extraída de sementes de Swartzia laevicarpa Amshoff / Purification, physico-chemical and biological characterization of SLA: a new lectin extracted from seeds of Swartzia laevicarpa AmshoffSimões, Rafael da Conceição January 2013 (has links)
SIMÕES, R. C. Purificação, caracterização físico-química e biológica de SLA: uma nova lectina extraída de sementes de Swartzia laevicarpa Amshoff. 2013. 115 f. Tese (Doutorado em Bioquímica) - Centro de Ciências, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Fortaleza, 2013. / Submitted by Daniel Eduardo Alencar da Silva (dealencar.silva@gmail.com) on 2015-01-20T17:39:45Z
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Previous issue date: 2013 / Lectins are proteins of non-immune origin that have at least one specific and reversible carbohydrate binding domain without enzymatic action. These proteins are widely distributed in nature. Lectins isolated from legume seeds are among the most studied, have homology and are important markers of evolution within this plant family. There is little information about the lectins of the basal tribes of the subfamily Papilionoideae and new information is important to solidify your knowledge of the lectins of these tribes. This study aimed to purify a new lectin from Swartzia laevicarpa, to characterize its physical-chemical and mass spectrometry proprieties and test as its ability to cause inflammation and pain and their toxicity against Artemia sp. The lectin was purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation followed by ion exchange chromatography and molecular exclusion. Named SLA, the lectin shows the electrophoretic profile of a chain of 30 kDa and, unlike SLL presents subunits around 13 and 17 kDa. Has affinity for GalNAc and Gal derivatives, and presents thermodynamic binds characteristics of different for Gal and GalNAc. SLA caused inflammation in a model of paw edema of mice and hypernociception linked to inflammation. SLA also showed toxicity against stage II nauplii of Artemia sp. The lectin isolated and characterized in this work proves to be an interesting tool and corroborate the taxonomic placement of Swartzeae. SLA also demonstrate the biotechnological potential in the study of models from inflammation and pain. By mass spectrometry we found that SLA has at least two isoforms and provides glycoforms. It has approximately 250 amino acid residues and in this work were determined 179 of them. SLA showed similarity with lectins from other basal tribes as VML and SJA, corroborating the classification as Swartzieae Papilionoideae tribe and demonstrating the use of lectins as a taxonomic tool. / Lectinas são proteínas de origem não imune que possuem pelo menos um domínio de ligação específica e reversível a carboidratos, sem ação enzimática. Estas proteínas são amplamente distribuídas na natureza. As lectinas isoladas de sementes de leguminosas estão entre as mais estudadas e possuem homologia, sendo importantes marcadores moleculares da evolução dentro desta família vegetal. Existem poucas informações sobre as lectinas das tribos da base da subfamília Papilionoideae e novas informações são importantes para solidificar os conhecimentos sobre as lectinas dessas tribos. Este trabalho teve como objetivo purificar uma nova lectina de sementes de Swartzia laevicarpa, caracteriza-la físicoquimicamente e por espectrometria de massas e testa-la quanto a sua capacidade de causar inflamação e dor e quanto a sua toxidade contra náuplios de Artemia sp. A lectina foi purificada por fracionamento por sulfato de amônio seguido de cromatografia de troca iônica e exclusão molecular. Denominada de SLA, a lectina apresenta o perfil eletroforético de uma cadeia de 30 kDa e, diferente de SLL, apresenta subunidades por volta de 13 e 17 kDa. Possui afinidade por GalNAc e derivados de galactose, e apresenta características termodinâmicas de ligação diferente para Gal e GalNAc. A lectina em estudo causou inflamação em modelo de edema de pata de camundongos e hipernocicepção ligada a inflamação. SLA também apresentou toxicidade contra náuplios de fase II de Artemia sp. A lectina isolada e caracterizada nesse trabalho demonstra ser uma ferramenta taxonômica interessante para corroborar o posicionamento de Swartzeae além de demonstrar também um potencial biotecnológico no estudo de modelos de inflamação e dor. Através da espectrometria de massas foi possível verificar que SLA apresenta pelo menos duas isoformas e apresenta glicoformas. Possui aproximadamente 250 resíduos de aminoácidos e nesse trabalho foram determinados 179 deles. SLA apresentou similaridade com lectinas de outras tribos basais como VML e SJA, corroborando com a classificação de Swartzieae como tribo de Papilionoideae e demonstrando a utilização de lectinas como ferramenta taxonômica.
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Investigação fitoquímica de Cordia curassavica (JACQ) Roem.Kaufmann, Giana Thaís January 2002 (has links)
Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Programa de Pós-Graduação em Farmácia. / Made available in DSpace on 2012-10-20T00:49:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
205457.pdf: 985436 bytes, checksum: e24cecf9a388c8c64889bfe7fe27739f (MD5) / Cordia curassavica (Jacq.) Roem. & Schult (erva-baleeira) é uma espécie característica da restinga litorânea, onde se emprega o extrato alcoólico das partes aéreas desta planta para uso externo contra reumatismo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi isolar substância(s) ativa(s) de Cordia curassavica, monitorando-se as frações pelo ensaio de letalidade para larvas de Artemia salina. Foram testados extratos preparados com vários solventes e plantas de várias procedências, optando-se por investigar o extrato éter de petróleo (EP) de material coletado na Praia do Campeche (Florianópolis # SC). O extrato EP foi fracionado por cromatografia em coluna sobre gel de sílica (CCSi) ou Sephadex LH-20 (CSLH20), além de cromatografia em camada delgada preparativa (CCDP) sobre gel de sílica impregnada com AgNO3. Para esta última foram testadas diversas metodologias. As frações obtidas de cada procedimento cromatográfico foram analisadas por CCD utilizando vanilina sulfúrica como revelador cromatográfico e avaliadas quanto à letalidade para larvas de Artemia salina, utilizando-se a metodologia descrita por Meyer et al. (1982) e análise estatística pelo teste de Qui-quadrado, com a correção de Yates (tabela 2x2). A seqüência do fracionamento e isolamento foi feita com as frações que apresentaram índice de letalidade mais alto. Foi isolada uma substância (1,7 mg) nomeada Cc1, que apresentou 87% de letalidade na concentração de 3 mg/mL (c2 = 14,94 , a = 0,01). A elucidação estrutural foi obtida pela análise dos espectros de ressonância magnética nuclear (RMN) em CDCl3 (500 MHz): 13C-RMN, DEPT, H-RMN, COSY, HMQC e HMBC, bem como pela comparação com dados de H-RMN da literatura. A estrutura para Cc1 proposta foi do álcool sesquiterpênico 2,3-di-hidrofarnesol, sendo esse o primeiro relato da presença deste composto no gênero Cordia.
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A taxonomic study of Senecio speciosus, Senecio macrocephalus and possible hybrid populations using morphological data, toxicty tests and chromatographyLewis, Gillian Elizabeth January 1995 (has links)
The variation between populations of Senecio speciosus Willd., Senecio macrocephalus DC. and intermediate plants was investigated in a comparative study of morphological characters, toxicity of plant extracts to brine shrimps (Artemia salina) and chromatography of plant extracts. Specimens were collected at 18 localities in the Eastern Cape Province. All these specimens were examined morphologically and chemical extracts were tested for toxicity and by comparative chromatography. The collection of Senecio speciosus and Senecio macrocephalus specimens in the Selmar Schonland Herbarium (GRA) was also examined morphologically. Six geographical areas were represented in the combined collections. Analysis of morphological data separated typical Senecio speciosus and Senecio macrocephalus at either end of hybrid index histograms and principal components analysis diagrams. The intermediate populations displayed morphological characters of both Senecio speciosus and Senecio macrocephalus. Some specimens were intermediate between these two species, falling within the range of variation of these species while others fell outside this range. The Brine Shrimp Assay was used to test for toxicity and to investigate the possibility of using toxicity data as a genetic marker in taxonomic studies. As Senecio speciosus extracts were less than 1% toxic and Senecio macrocephalus extracts were at least 95% toxic to the brine shrimps it is suggested that in this case toxicity can be used as a genetic marker. Toxicity can even be described as a good taxonomic character as discontinuity is very sudden and complete. The intermediate plants in the Grahamstown area were at least 92% toxic to the brine shrimps linking them to Senecio macrocephalus. Thin layer and paper chromatography were used as comparative techniques to study the chemical profiles of the specimens. Alkaloids, terpenoids and flavonoids were studied. Thin layer chromatography to separate the alkaloid components of the plant extracts showed Senecio speciosus and Senecio macrocephalus to have distinct chemical profiles suggesting that they are separate species. The intermediate plants- were found to contain chemical compounds matching either or both Senecio speciosus and Senecio macrocephalus suggesting that they may have arisen by hybridisation. In a preliminary investigation Senecio speciosus extracts showed a complete lack of terpenoid compounds whereas extracts from Senecio macrocephalus and the intermediate specimens tested gave a terpenoid colour reaction in the basal spot only. This links the intermediate populations with Senecio macrocephalus. Paper chromatography to separate the flavonoid constituents of the plant extracts also showed typical Senecio speciosus and Senecio macrocephalus to be distinct. The intermediate populations contained flavonoid compounds from one or both of these species. The populations in the Grahamstown area show morphological features close to and in some cases indistinguishable from Senecio speciosus. Chemically these specimens show some similarities with Senecio macrocephalus. In the East London area specimens show a similar mixture of characters but appear morphologically to be closer to Senecio macrocephalus. However, in the Amatole Mountains, despite both species being present in the same locality it appears that no hybridisation has occurred. It is therefore suggested that at some of the localities where the geographical ranges of Senecio speciosus and Senecio macrocephalus overlap in the Eastern Cape Province hybridisation between these two species occurs.
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Variations in Morphology of the Brine Shrimp, Artemia in Response to EnvironmentCraig, H. Douglas 04 1900 (has links)
<p> Members of a Californian species of Artemia were raised in brines of four different specific gravities, (1.028, 1.062, 1.090, and 1.120), with the other environmental factors held as constant as possible. Three populations of the shrimp (1.028, 1.090, and 1.120) followed a typical growth curve, while the fourth group (1.062) did not. The dimensions of the mature specimens could be related to the specific gravities of their environments by a formula of the general form y = ax + b </p> <p> These results were,
SPECIFIC GRAVITY= 1.19 - .359(±.018)WTHCAF
- .067(±.010)LTHSTE
+.097(±.032)DEPTHU for a mature population.</p> <p> An inverse relationship between biomass and specific gravity was determined as was a direct relation between specific gravity of the media, and inorganic residue left after the organic material of the shrimp had been burnt away.</p> / Thesis / Bachelor of Science (BSc)
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Phenotypic Morphological Plasticity Induced by Environmental Salt Stress in the Brine Shrimp, Artemia franciscanaJones, Shaun Gray 12 1900 (has links)
Phenotypic plasticity is the ability of an organism to express different phenotypes in response to biotic or abiotic environmental cues. The ability of an organism to make changes during development to adjust to changes in its environment is a key to survival. Sexually reproducing organisms that have short life cycles and that are easy to raise in the laboratory are more conducive for developmental phenotypic plasticity. Considerable research has already been carried out on the brine shrimp, Artemia franciscana, regarding its morphology due to changing salinities. There is, however, little research considering subsequent generations and how there morphology might be affected by parental experiences. This study has examined: 1) the morphological effects of different rearing regimes of different salinity levels, and 2) the epigenetic transgenerational transfer of these morphological traits in A. franciscana. Measurements included rate of growth (as measured by instar), body size, body length, and other morphological traits. A gradual increase to more hyperosmotic conditions during development produced brine shrimp that were larger in size and also more developmentally advanced. Salinity stress experienced by adults had increased the growth rate in the F1 offspring of A. franciscana. Collectively, these data indicate that Artemia franciscana is a tractable model for investigating phenotypic plasticity. These findings have added to the ever-growing field of developmental phenotypic plasticity while also providing more information on the natural history and adaptive abilities of A. franciscana.
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Hodnocení alkaloidů pomocí in vivo testů s Artemia salina II. / Evaluation of alkaloids using in vivo tests with Artemia salina II.Bystrońová, Beáta January 2015 (has links)
1 ABSTRACT Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology Candidate: Beáta Bystrońová Consultant: RNDr. Jitka Vytlačilová, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: The evaluation of alkaloids using in vivo tests with Artemia salina II. The most common cause of dementia in the elderly is probably Alzheimer's disease (AD). The prevalence of this disease increases considerably. Nowadays only acetylcholinesterase inhibitors are being used for the treatment of AD, they can relieve symptoms of AD, but can't stop progression of the disease. Consequently there is a need for therapeutic agents against AD, which act on various pathological levels. More intensive recent studies are being carried out on natural substances that could pharmacologically affect AD neurodegenerative processes. Our aim was to carry out the toxicological screening for each tested substance. For the purpose of this work we have used Artemia salina in the experiment which seems to be suitable organism for evaluating acute toxicity. The experiment was conducted in a miniature environment. Four substances which belong to isoquinoline alkaloids: stylopine, tetrahydropalmatine, canadine and scoulerine were tested. The greatest toxicity showed stylopine, slightly lower tetrahydropalmatine and...
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Hodnocení alkaloidů pomocí in vivo testů s Artemia salina I. / Evaluation of alkaloids using in vivo tests with Artemia salina I.Balíková, Barbora January 2014 (has links)
Charles University in Prague Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmaceutical Botany and Ecology Candidate: Barbora Balíková Consultant: RNDr. Jitka Vytlačilová, Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: The evaluation of alkaloids using in vivo tests with Artemia salina I. Alzheimer's disease is the most common cause of dementia and it is one of the lifestyle diseases. There is so far available only limited symptomatic treatment and the occurrence of the lifestyle diseases (and thus Alzheimer's disease) is increasing in recent decades. Therefore it is necessary to find new compounds which will be effective in the treatment of this disease. Toxicological screening - which was our task - is the part of the research of each substance. For the evaluation of the acute toxicity appears as a suitable organism brine shrimp Artemia salina, which was used in the experiment for the purposes of this work. The experiment was conducted in a miniaturized environment. There were tested three substances belonged to the isoquinoline alkaloids: californidine, papaverine and morphine. As the most toxic was evaluated alkaloid californidine, alkaloid papaverine had less toxicity. Morphine appeared essentially as nontoxic with using the same methodology and similar concentrations as in the case of californidine...
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ESTUDO QUÍMICO E HISTOQUÍMICO DAS FOLHAS DE Duroia longiflora Ducke (Rubiaceae)Cruz, Fabiele Souza da 01 May 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Inácio de Oliveira Lima Neto (inacio.neto@inpa.gov.br) on 2018-07-13T20:05:40Z
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Previous issue date: 2017-05-01 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Amazonas - FAPEAM / Duroia longiflora Ducke species belongs to Rubiaceae family, it occurs spontaneously in Brazil and it is also found in the Amazon region. Studies of the genus Duroia have demonstrated important chemical and biological potentials of their species; however, there are no previous chemical and biological studies with D. longiflora. Therefore, the objective of this work was to carry out phytochemical and biological studies with the extracts of leaves of D. longiflora, as well as to perform histochemical and anatomical studies with its leaves. The extracts were evaluated for their antioxidant, cytotoxic and antimicrobial activities, analyzed by comparative thin layer chromatography, nuclear magnetic resonance and then fractionated. For the histochemical study of the leaves, the presence of alkaloids, phenolic compounds, tannins, proteins, lipids and starch in the stained tissues were histolocalized, and in the anatomical study the leaf tissue descriptions were performed. For the biological assays, it was observed that the methanolic extracts of leaves and branches showed high toxicity against Artemia salina and high antioxidant effect. The results for the antibacterial assay were not conclusive. The extracts and the phases that presented positive activity in the biological assays were fractionated until the isolation of the compouds. It was possible to identify one biflavonoid 2,3-epoxy-5,7,3’,4’- tetrahydroxyflavan-(4-8)-epicatechin and -sitosterol from the chromatographic fractionation of the dichloromethane phase from the methanolic extract of the leaves. Other three alkaloids were isolated, but until the conclusion of this dissertation, it was not possible to carry out the structural identification. / A espécie Duroia longiflora Ducke, pertencente à família Rubiaceae, ocorre espontaneamente no Brasil e é encontrada na região Amazônica. Estudos do gênero mostraram importantes potenciais químicos e biológicos em suas espécies, contudo, não existe estudos prévios químicos e biológicos com D. longiflora. O objetivo deste trabalho foi realizar estudos fitoquímicos e biológicos com os extratos de folhas de D.
longiflora, bem como estudos histoquímicos e anatômicos com as folhas da mesma. Os extratos foram avaliados quanto às atividades antioxidante, citotóxica e antimicrobiana, analisados por cromatografia em camada delgada comparativa e ressonância magnética nuclear e depois foram fracionados. As presenças de alcaloides, substâncias fenólicas, taninos, proteínas, lipídios e amido nos tecidos corados foram histolocalizados nas folhas e no estudo anatômico foram realizadas as descrições dos tecidos das folhas. Para os ensaios biológicos, observou-se que os extratos metanólicos das folhas e galhos apresentaram toxicidade alta frente à Artemia salina e ação antioxidante alta. O resultado do ensaio antibacteriano não foi conclusivo. Os extratos e as fases que apresentaram atividade positiva nos ensaios biológicos foram fracionados. Do fracionamento cromatográfico da fase diclorometânica do extrato metanólico das folhas foi possível identificar o biflavonoide 2,3-epoxi-5,7,3’,4’-tetrahidroxiflavan-(4-8)- epicatequina e o -sitosterol. Outros três alcaloides foram isolados, contudo, até o momento de fechamento da dissertação, não foi possível realizar a identificação estrutural.
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