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Problematika infekcí spojených se zdravotní péčí u vybraných ošetřovatelských činností / Problems of healthcare-associated infection in selected nursing activitiesKRAUSE, Martin January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with problems of healthcare-associated infection in selected nursing activities. The thesis is a theoretical one; it has been processed by means of review and synthesis. In this thesis, four objectives were set, namely to create a comprehensive overview of the problems of healthcare-associated infection in selected nursing activities. Other objectives were to map and analyze clinically relevant sites of transmission and possibilities of prevention of healthcare-associated infection in selected nursing activities and to propose recommendations for the prevention of these infections. The thesis is divided into several chapters that deal with the characteristics of healthcare-associated infection, focusing on the causative agents, formation, spreading and prevention. It also deals with particular nursing activities. The first chosen activity was the care of medical devices intended for repeated use, with a particular focus on the implementation of their disinfection. Secondly, hand sanitation as a basic factor affecting the transmission of healthcare-associated infection activity was selected. This chapter deals primarily with the hygienic hand disinfection, its indications, methods and implementation of disinfection products. It also deals with strategies for improving hand hygiene and glove use in providing nursing care. As the third nursing activity, aseptic techniques, which are an essential part in providing nursing care, were chosen. The thesis describes three specific clinical nursing procedures: aseptic collection of venous blood from a peripheral vein, preparation and administration of a drug into an existing peripheral venous catheter, and uncomplicated (aseptic) wounds dressing. Processing of the thesis was based on a range of relevant sources from the Czech Republic but also from abroad. It also contains various recommendations of national and international institutions. The thesis can serve as a basis for more effective prevention of healthcare-associated infection in certain areas.
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Har Covid-19 förändrat tandläkarstudenters syn på betydelsen av aseptik och vårdhygien inom tandvården? : Ett examensarbete i form av en webbenkät / Has Covid-19 Changed Dentist Students View of the Importance of Aseptic Techniques and Health Care Hygiene in Dentistry? : Master Thesis in the Form of a Web-Based SurveyInglund, Linnéa, Grann, Alexandra January 2022 (has links)
Inledning: God vårdhygien är ett centralt begrepp inom all hälso- och sjukvård för att förhindra spridning av sjukdomsframkallande mikroorganismer, vilka kan ge upphov till vårdrelaterade infektioner. Tandvården ska därför följa Hälso- och sjukvårdslagen (1982:763) och Socialstyrelsens föreskrifter om basala hygienrutiner. I samband med Covid-19 pandemin aktualiserades vikten av vårdhygien ytterligare för att förhindra smittspridning av Covid-19 inom tandvården. Munhålan utgör en stor potentiell risk för överföring av SARS-CoV-2, men även andra mikroorganismer, särskilt vid aerosolgenererande procedurer. Ett tidigare mastersarbete vid Odontologiska fakulteten, Malmö Universitet, påvisade brister i följsamheten med basala hygienrutiner bland tandläkarstudenter. En uppföljning har inte genomförts, vilket uppmärksammades i samband med pandemin och frågeställningen om Covid-19 syn på betydelsen av aseptik och vårdhygien väcktes. Syfte: Undersöka tandläkarstudenters syn på vårdhygien och självbedömd följsamhet med hygienriktlinjer under Covid-19. Material och metod: En anonym webbenkät skickades till samtliga tandläkarstudenter på kurs 4–10 vid Odontologiska fakulteten, Malmö Universitet. Resultat: Den totala svarsfrekvensen var 54%. Resultat visade att samtliga studenter ansåg sig ha tillräckliga kunskaper om hygienrutinerna, men trots detta bröt 20% medvetet mot hygienrutinerna och 4% uppgav att de aldrig följde hygienrutinerna. Slutsats: Den självbedömda kunskapen om hygienriktlinjer är hög, trots det är inte följsamheten med hygienriktlinjerna optimal, vilket innebär att det finns risk för spridning av vårdrelaterade infektioner. / Introduction: Good hygiene is imperative to prevent the spread of health care associated infections. Dental care must therefore comply with the Health and Medical Services Act (1982: 763) and the National Board of Health and Welfare's regulations on basic hygiene guidelines. In conjunction with the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of hygiene measures was further emphasized to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in dentistry. The oral cavity poses a high potential risk for transmission of SARS-CoV-2, in addition to other microorganisms, especially in aerosol-generating procedures. A previous master's thesis at the Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University, showed a deficiency in compliance with hygiene guidelines among dental students. The question if Covid-19 view of the importance of aseptic techniques and hygiene measures in dentistry was therefore raised. Aim: Investigate dental students' views of healthcare hygiene and self-assessed aseptic measures during Covid-19. Materials and method: An anonymous web survey was sent to all dental students in courses 4–10 at the Faculty of Odontology, Malmö University. Results: The overall response rate was 54%. Results showed that all students considered themselves to have sufficient knowledge of the hygiene routines, but despite this, 20% of students deliberately broke the hygiene routines and 4% stated that they never followed the hygiene routines. Conclusion: The self-assessed awareness of hygiene guidelines and aseptic techniques is high among the students, still the compliance with hygiene protocols is not optimal, meaning there is a risk of spread of healthcare associated infections.
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