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The transport of the Rooibos tea flavonoid aspalathin across the skin and the intestinal epitheliumHuang, Miao-Juei January 2006 (has links)
A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Health Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of
Master in Pharmacy.
Johannesburg, South Africa, 2006 / The aqueous extract of rooibos has been used for more than three hundred years since its discovery by the indigenous people. Currently, rooibos is gaining popularity in the cosmetic industry and incorporation of rooibos extracts in topical cosmetic formulations has become a fashionable trend. Both topical and intestinal absorption of rooibos tea were investigated. The transport of aspalathin in the unfennented (green) rooibos aqueous extracts and aqueous solution of pure aspalathin were studied. / IT2018
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An investigation into the biological activity of Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) extracts /Richfield, David. January 2008 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--University of Stellenbosch, 2008. / Bibliography. Also available via the Internet.
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Modulation of postprandial oxidative stress by rooibos (aspalathus linearis) in normolipidaemic individualsFrancisco, Ngiambudulu Mbandu January 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MTech (Biomedical Technology))--Cape Peninsula University of Technology, 2010 / Consumption of sucrose with a meal containing oxidised and oxidisable lipids cause an
increase in oxidative stress which is referred to as postprandial oxidative stress. The
modulating effect on postprandial oxidative stress by an antioxidant-rich beverage, fermented
rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) was compared to that of a commercial soft drink (soda). Both
study beverages contained sucrose and were consumed with a standardised fat meal.
The study consisted of two parts, a pilot study (Phase One) where participants
consumed either a standardised fat meal with water (control group n = 5) or a standardised fat
meal with a sucrose-containing commercial soda (treatment group n = 8) using a parallel
design, and the experimental study (Phase Two) where participants (n = 14) consumed the
standardised fat meal with the commercial soda (control group) or the rooibos beverage
(treatment group) using a crossover design. Specific analytical techniques and methods for
determination of plasma glucose, serum insulin, lipid profile, an inflammatory indicator (high
sensitive C-reactive protein), plasma antioxidant capacity, whole blood redox status and
plasma lipid oxidation biomarkers were used. Results from the pilot study indicated
significantly (P<0.05) higher postprandial levels of glucose in the control group at 4 hr and 6hr
postprandially. The inflammatory biomarker and triglyceride levels were significantly (P<0.05)
elevated in both groups when compared to their respective baselines. Results also showed the
total antioxidant capacity and total glutathione levels in the plasma of both groups to be
significantly (P<0.05) lowered when compared to the baseline values. The level of lipid
oxidation biomarkers in the plasma was significantly (P<0.05) higher at 2 hr, 4 hr and 6 hr post
time intervals for thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and 4 hr post time interval for
conjugated dienes in the participants consuming the standardised fat meal with soda when
compared to the baseline value, while this was reflected only at 2 hr post time interval for
thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, with the conjugated dienes levels being significantly
(P<0.05) lowered at 6 hr post time interval in the control group. No differences were shown on
inter group level for the pilot study. On inter group level, results from Phase Two showed
significant (P<0.05) lower levels of plasma glucose at 6 hr post time interval in the treatment
group when compared to the control group, with insulin levels being significantly (P<0.05)
higher in the control group at 4 hr post time interval.
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The effects of maternal diets, varying in fat content, on proximal hepatic and skeletal muscle insulin signalling in neonatal wistar rat offspringNdlovu, Zibele January 2013 (has links)
>Magister Scientiae - MSc / The incidence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) is persistently increasing globally. T2D is associated
with pancreatic β cell dysfunction and insulin resistance in peripheral tissues such as the liver
and skeletal muscle. Skeletal muscle is the major site for insulin stimulated glucose uptake.
Maintenance on a gestational high fat diet may programme insulin resistance. Programming
is induced by the exposure of organisms to either a stimulus or insult during foetal and/or
early neonatal life and alters offspring physiology and metabolism. The aim of the present
study was therefore to investigate the effects of maternal diets, varying in fat content, on
neonatal hepatic and skeletal muscle gene (mRNA) and protein (immunoreactivity)
expression of proximal insulin signalling factors: insulin receptor alpha (IRα), insulin
receptor substrate 2 (IRS2) and phosphoinositide 3-kinase-p110 alpha (PI3K-p110α), and to
assess the therapeutic potential of Aspalathus linearis extract after high fat programming.
Pregnant rats were randomised into groups maintained on diets with varying fat proportions:
10% (control), 20% (20F), 30% (30F) and 40% (40F) fat as energy throughout gestation.
Neonatal liver and skeletal muscle were collected to determine the proximal insulin signalling
expression profiles of the target factors: IRα, IRS2 and PI3K-p110α. Quantitative polymerase
chain reaction (qPCR) was applied to determine mRNA expression of these target insulin
signalling factors. Immunostaining of the target proteins in the liver and skeletal muscle was
performed followed by relative quantification with image analysis software. Further,
Aspalathus linearis (Al) extract was orally administered to mothers during gestation in the
10% (Control-Al) and 40% (HFD-Al) diets at a dose of 150 mg/kg. Body weight, food intake
and blood glucose concentrations were monitored throughout gestation in mothers.
Maternal diets, varying in the percentage of fat content, showed no significant effect on
neonatal hepatic IR and IRS2 mRNA expression. However, hepatic PI3K mRNA expression
was elevated in 30F neonates compared to 20F neonates. Skeletal muscle IR and PI3K
mRNA expression were reduced in the 30F and 40F neonates compared to 20F neonates.
There was reduced hepatic IRα immunoreactivity in 40F neonates compared to control and
20F neonates. Further, skeletal muscle IRα immunoreactivity was significantly reduced in
30F and 40F neonates compared to control neonates. Therefore foetal high fat programming reduced IRα in both the liver and skeletal muscle which may impair proximal insulin
signalling in these glucose recipient organs. Aspalathus linearis had no effect on maternal
serum insulin and glucagon concentrations. In addition, maternal caloric intake, body weight
and organ weights (liver, brain and pancreas) were not altered amongst the groups. Further,
HFD-Al neonates were heavier than control neonates. In conclusion, Aspalathus linearis, at a
dose of 150 mg/kg, had neither harmful nor ameliorative effects in pregnant mothers fed high
fat diet during gestation. In addition, Aspalathus linearis treatment had no ameliorative
effects on neonates from mothers fed high fat diet throughout gestation.
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Aspalathus linearis (Rooibostee) : die invloed van oespraktyke op sekere vegetatiewe en fisiologiese aspekteStassen, Pieter Jacobus Cornelius January 1987 (has links)
Aspalathus linearis vorm deel van die Fabaceae familie. Die plant is n
bladboudende, stikstofbindende naalddraer waarvan die naalde en dunner
stingels geoes word vir bemarking as rooibostee. Die inbeemse plant, wat
natuurlik in die Seder- en Olifantsrivierberge voorkom, word vandag reeds
deur meer as 400 produsente kommersieel verbou.
Die gewas word normaalweg verbou onder lae en wisselvallige reenval- en
stremmende grondtoestande. Lae produksie is daarom een van die
belangrikste knelpunte. Hiermee saam dra progressiewe terugsterwing by tot
wisselende produksietendense. Hierdie situasie lei tot onstabiele
markvoorsiening en het n beperkende uitwerking op die ontwikkeling van
Daar het dus n beboefte aan veral inligting oor die uitwerking van
oespraktyke op produksie en terugsterwing asook basiese inligting oor
aspekte van groei, koolbidraatreserwes en voedingselemente bestaan. Die
doel van die buidige studie was dan ook daarop toegespits om bogenoemde
inligting te bekom.
Resultate verkry het daarop gedui dat die oes van rooibosteeplant die
jaarlikse wegneem van 50 tot 60% van die droe massa van die bos bebels het,
indien eenmalig geoes word. Oorblywende blaarmassa van plante wat op n
konstante boogte gesny is, bet toegeneem met toenemende frekwensie van oes.
Waar eenmalig, tweemalig of driemalig geoes is, was respektiewelik 5%, 21%
of 52% van die totale blaarmassa voor oes aanwesig. Dit is duidelik dat
groot boeveelbede fotosintetiserende materiaal asook droemassa met oes
verwyder word. Resultate het getoon dat lengte- en massagroei van die
oesbare gedeelte boofsaaklik tussen Augustus- en Meimaand plaasgevind het.
-opname het saam met die ontwikkeling van groei toegeneem gedurende die
seisoen, totdat die volwasse blaar op n stadium as stoororgaan van
koolbidrate begin funksioneer en fotosinteties blykbaar minder aktief
geraak het.
Die beste tyd van oes was wanneer die koolbidraatreserwes in alle bosdele
relatief boog was. Indien te vroeg in die groeiseisoen geoes is, was
verdwerging die meeste en terugsterwingsprobleme was groter as gedurende
die midseisoen. Indien te laat gedurende die groeiseisoen geoes is, het
daar nie weer bergroei voor die lente plaasgevind nie en die bos was
onbedek, met groot wonde en laag in fisiologiese aktiwiteit gelaat. Dit skep moontlik ideale infeksietoestande vir swamme wat terugsterwing
bevorder. Veldproewe het aangetoon dat die boogste produksie verkry is
waar eenmalig tydens ongeveer Maartmaand geoes is. 'n Hoër frekwensie van
oes het wel die leeftyd van rooibosteeplante aansienlik verleng, maar dit
het nie opgeweeg teen die verliese in opbrengs nie. Daar word voorgestel
dat bosse wat gedurende die periode geoes word, se naalde weer
fotosinteties aktief is voor die dormante rusperiode en moontlik selfs
tydens die winter. Hierdie aspek verdien verdere navorsing. Dit wil ook
voorkom asof bosse wat later gedurende die groeiseisoen geoes word minder
en vir korter periodes afhanklik van reserwes in die volgende vroeër lente
was. Beide suiker- en styselreserwes kon egter dien as substrate vir
energie en onderhoud van groei tot ongeveer Desembermaand.
Uit resultate verkry is bereken dat 18,4 g N, 1,2 g P, 4,6 g K, 4,1 g Ca en
4,1 Mg benodig word vir elke 1 kg bemarkbare tee wat later in die
groeiseisoen geproduseer is. Omdat die rooibosteeplant stikstofbindende
knoppiesbakteriee bevat, beboort dit ten opsigte van N selfvoorsienend te
wees. Daar word aanbeveel dat P, Ca en Mg met grondvoorbereiding reeds
voorsien word vir die leeftyd van n aanplanting. K moet egter jaarliks
toegedien word. / Thesis (DSc Agric)--University of Pretoria, 1987. / gm2015 / Agricultural Economics, Extension and Rural Development / Unrestricted
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Pythium species associated with rooibos, and the influence of management practices on disease developmentBahramisharif, Amirhossein 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Damping-off of rooibos (Aspalathus linearis), which is an important indigenous crop
in South Africa, causes serious losses in rooibos nurseries and is caused by a complex of
pathogens of which oomycetes, mainly Pythium, are an important component. The
management of damping-off in organic rooibos nurseries is problematic, since phenylamide
fungicides may not be used. Therefore, alternative management strategies such as rotation
crops, compost and biological control agents, must be investigated. The management of
damping-off requires knowledge, which currently is lacking, of the Pythium species involved,
and their pathogenicity towards rooibos and two nursery rotation crops (lupin and oats).
Pythium species identification can be difficult since the genus is complex and consists of
more than 120 species. Species identification is, however, greatly facilitated by analyses of
the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. These regions, have also been used to divide the
genus into 11 phylogenetic clades (A to K), with some clades, such as clade G, still being
poorly characterised.
The first aim of the study was to characterize 12 Pythium clade G isolates that were
obtained from damped-off rooibos seedlings, along with six known clade G species.
Subsequently, oligonucleotides were designed for differentiating two rooibos associated
groups that may represent new taxons, for future use in DNA macro-array analyses.
Phylogenetic analyses of the ITS region and a combined phylogeny of four gene regions
(ITS, -tubulin and, COX1 and COX2 [cytochrome c oxidase subunits I and II]) identified
five sub-clades within Pythium clade G. The rooibos isolates formed two groups, Rooibos
group I (RB I) and II (RB II) that clustered into two groups within sub-clade 1 with good
support (64%-89% bootstrap, 1.00 probability). The Pythium RB I isolates had P. iwayamai
as its nearest neighbour, and may represent a new species. The Pythium RB II isolates had P.
canariense and P. violae as their closest relatives and may, along with other isolates
contained in the RB II sub-clade, represent several new species. Morphological analyses of
the rooibos isolates were inconclusive, since the isolates all contained similar morphological characteristics that did not correspond to the description of known Pythium species. The
Pythium RB I and II isolates were all non-pathogenic toward rooibos, lupin and oats
seedlings. For each of the two rooibos groups, one newly developed oligonucleotide was able
to differentiate the isolates from clade G reference isolates using DNA macro-array analyses.
The second aim of the study was to determine the oomycetes species associated with
rooibos in nurseries and in a native rooibos site, and their pathogenicity towards rooibos and
two nursery rotation crops (lupin and oats). Since some isolates were shown to be nonpathogenic,
another aim was to determine whether these isolates, along with the previously
characterised non-pathogenic Pythium RB I and RB II isolates, could suppress pathogenic
oomycetes. Characterisation of isolates from 19 nurseries and one native rooibos site revealed
the presence of five Pythium species (P. acanthicum, P. irregulare, P. mamillatum, P.
myriotylum, and P. pyrilobum) and Phytophthora cinnamomi. In nurseries, P. irregulare was
the most common species (81%) followed by P. myriotylum (14%). Similarly, P. irregulare
was also the most prevalent species (57%) in native rooibos, but P. pyrilobum (26%) was
second most prevalent. Pathogenicity studies on rooibos showed that all species, except P.
acanthicum, were highly virulent causing 100% damping-off. On lupin, P. acanthicum was
also the only non-pathogenic species, with the other species being less virulent on lupin than
on rooibos. Only P. irregulare, P. myriotylum, and P. pyrilobum were pathogenic towards
oats, and were also less virulent on oats than on rooibos. On lupin and oats, not all off the
isolates from a specific species was pathogenic. Non-pathogenic Pythium species (P.
acanthicum, Pythium RB I and II) was only effective at suppressing disease on the less
susceptible crops of lupin and oats, but not on rooibos.
The third aim of the study was to investigate the management of rooibos damping-off
using two composts (A and B), and composts combined with non-pathogenic Pythium
species. Evaluation of the suppression by composts of Ph. cinnamomi and 29 Pythium
isolates, which represented the four pathogenic Pythium rooibos species, showed that both
composts were able to suppress some, but not all of the pathogenic Pythium isolates. Both
composts were very effective at, and the highest percentage control was achieved, with
suppression of Ph. cinnamomi. Most isolates of P. mamillatum and P. pyrilobum were
suppressed by composts, whereas most P. irregulare (> 62%) and P. myriotylum (>50%)
isolates were not suppressed. Non-pathogenic Pythium species combined with either of the
two composts were able to significantly reduce damping-off caused by P. irregulare or a
combination of pathogenic species (P. irregulare, P. mamillatum, P. myriotylum, P. pyrilobum, and Ph. cinnamomi), compared to than when only the pathogens were present. In
the absence of non-pathogenic species, neither of the composts was able to suppress the
aforementioned pathogenic isolates.
This study has improved our knowledge of the oomycete species that are involved in
rooibos damping-off, and has identified possible management strategies for use in organic
nurseries. Several oomycete species are involved in causing damping-off and their
differential virulence, and responses to being suppressed by composts, will require the use of
integrated management strategies. Management strategies that showed promise include the
combined use of compost and non-pathogenic Pythium taxons. The use of oats, which is
susceptible to fewer oomycete isolates than rooibos, could also be valuable as a rotation crop.
Altogether, knowledge obtained in this study can be used to (i) optimize integrated
management strategies for organic nurseries, (ii) elucidate the mechanisms involved in
disease suppression and (ii) develop molecular techniques, such as DNA macro-arrays and
quantitative PCR (qPCR) for the rapid assessment of the species involved, and the
quantification of inoculum in nursery soils. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Omvalsiekte van rooibos (Aspalathus linearis), wat ‘n belangrike inheemse gewas in
Suid-Afrika is, veroorsaak ernstige verliese in rooiboskwekerye, en word deur ‘n kompleks
van patogene veroorsaak, waarvan oömysete, hoofsaaklik Pythium, ’n belangrike komponent
is. Die bestuur van omvalsiekte in organiese rooiboskwekerye is problematies, aangesien
fenielamied fungisiedes nie gebruik mag word nie. Alternatiewe bestuurstrategieë, soos
rotasie-gewasse, kompos en biologiese beheer-agente, moet dus ondersoek word. Die bestuur
van omvalsiekte vereis kennis, wat tans ontbreek, naamlik die Pythium spesies wat betrokke
is, hul patogenisiteit teenoor rooibos, en twee kwekery rotasie-gewasse (lupiene en hawer).
Pythium spesie-identifikasie kan moeilik wees aangesien die genus kompleks is en uit meer
as 120 spesies bestaan. Spesie-identifikasie word egter grootliks vergemaklik deur analise
van die interne getranskribeerde spasieerder (ITS) areas. Hierdie areas is ook gebruik om die
genus in 11 filogenetiese “clades” (A tot K) te verdeel, met sommige “clades”, soos “clade”
G, wat steeds swak gekarakteriseer is.
Die eerste doelwit van die studie was om 12 Pythium “clade” G isolate te
karakteriseer, wat vanaf omvalsiekte rooibossaailinge verkry is, tesame met ses bekende
“clade” G spesies. Gevolglik is oligonukleotiede ontwerp ten einde twee rooibosgeassosieerde
groepe, wat nuwe taksons kan verteenwoordig, te onderskei, en vir toekomstige
gebruik in DNS makro-“array” analise. Filogenetiese analise van die ITS area en ‘n
gekombineerde filogenie van vier geen-areas (ITS, -tubulien en, COX1 en COX2 [sitokroom
c oksidase sub-eenhede I en II]) het vyf sub-“clades” binne Pythium “clade” G geïdentifiseer.
Die rooibos isolate het twee groepe gevorm, Rooibos groep I (RB I) en II (RB II) wat twee
groepe binne sub-“clade” 1 gevorm het, met goeie ondersteuning (64%-89% “bootstrap”,
1.00 waarskynlikheid). Die Pythium RB I isolate het P. iwayamai as sy naaste verwant, en
mag ‘n nuwe spesie verteenwoordig. Die Pythium RB II isolate het P. canariense en P.
violae as hul naaste verwante en mag, tesame met ander isolate wat in die RB II sub-“clade”
ingesluit word, verskeie nuwe spesies verteenwoordig. Morfologiese analise van die rooibos-isolate was onbeslis, aangesien die isolate almal soortgelyke morfologiese kenmerke bevat
het, wat nie met die beskrywing van bekende Pythium spesies ooreengestem het nie. Die
Pythium RB I en II isolate was almal nie-patogenies teenoor rooibos-, lupien- en
hawersaailinge. Vir elk van die twee rooibosgroepe, was een nuut-ontwikkelde
oligonukleotied in staat om die isolate van “clade” G verwysingsisolate te differensieer, deur
die gebruik van DNS makro-“array” analise.
Die tweede doelwit van die studie was om die oömysete spesies wat met rooibos in
kwekerye en in ‘n inheemse rooibos-area geassosieer word, te bepaal, en hul patogenisiteit
teenoor rooibos en twee kwekery rotasie-gewasse (lupien en hawer). Aangesien van die
isolate nie-patogenies was, was ’n ander doelwit om te bepaal of hierdie isolate, tesame met
die voorheen gekarakteriseerde nie-patogeniese Pythium RB I en RB II isolate, patogeniese
oömysete kan onderdruk. Karakterisering van isolate van 19 kwekerye en een inheemse
rooibos-area, het op die teenwoordigheid van vyf Pythium spesies (P. acanthicum, P.
irregulare, P. mamillatum, P. myriotylum, en P. pyrilobum) en Phytophthora cinnamomi
gedui. P. irregulare was die mees algemene spesie (81%) in kwekerye, gevolg deur P.
myriotylum (14%). Soortgelyk was P. irregulare ook die mees algemene spesie (57%) in
inheemse rooibos, maar P. pyrilobum (26%) was tweede mees algemeen.
Patogenisiteitstudies op rooibos het getoon dat alle spesies, behalwe P. acanthicum, hoogs
virulent was en 100% omvalsiekte veroorsaak het. Op lupien was P. acanthicum ook die
enigste nie-patogeniese spesie, terwyl die ander spesies minder virulent op lupien as op
rooibos was. Slegs P. irregulare, P. myriotylum en P. pyrilobum was patogenies teenoor
hawer, en was ook minder virulent op hawer as op rooibos. Op lupien en hawer was nie alle
isolate van ‘n spesifieke spesie patogenies nie. Nie-patogeniese Pythium spesies (P.
acanthicum, Pythium RB I en II) was slegs effektief om siekte op die minder vatbare
gewasse, lupien en hawer, te onderdruk, maar nie op rooibos nie.
Die derde doelwit van die studie was om die bestuur van rooibos omvalsiekte te
ondersoek, deur die gebruik van twee tipes kompos (A en B), en kompos gekombineer met
nie-patogeniese Pythium spesies. Evaluasie van die onderdrukking deur kompos van Ph.
cinnamomi en 29 Pythium isolate, wat die vier patogeniese Pythium rooibosspesies
verteenwoordig het, het getoon dat beide tipes kompos in staat was om sommige, maar nie al
die patogeniese Pythium isolate, te onderdruk nie. Beide tipes kompos was baie effektief, en
die hoogste persentasie beheer was met die onderdrukking van Ph. cinnamomi verkry.
Meeste isolate van P. mamillatum en P. pyrilobum is deur kompos onderdruk, terwyl meeste P. irregulare (> 62%) en P. myriotylum (>50%) isolate nie onderdruk is nie. Nie-patogeniese
Pythium spesies, in kombinasie met enige van die twee tipes kompos, was in staat om
betekenisvol omvalsiekte veroorsaak deur P. irregulare, of in ’n kombinasie met patogeniese
spesies (P. irregulare, P. mamillatum, P. myriotylum, P. pyrilobum, en Ph. cinnamomi), te
verminder, in vergelyking met wanneer slegs die patogene aanwesig was. In die afwesigheid
van nie-patogeniese spesies, was nie een van die tipes kompos in staat om die
voorafgenoemde patogeniese isolate te onderdruk nie.
Hierdie studie het ons kennis rakende die oömysete spesies betrokke in rooibos
omvalsiekte verbeter, en het moontlike bestuurstrategieë geïdentifiseer wat in organiese
kwekerye gebruik kan word. Verskeie oömysete spesies is betrokke in die oorsaak van
omvalsiekte, en hul verskille in virulensie, en reaksies op onderdrukking deur kompos, sal die
gebruik van geïntegreerde bestuurstrategieë vereis. Bestuurstrategieë wat belofte toon, sluit
die gekombineerde gebruik van kompos en nie-patogeniese Pythium taksons in. Die gebruik
van hawer, wat vir minder oömysete isolate as rooibos vatbaar is, kan ook waardevol as ‘n
rotasie-gewas wees. Tesame, kan kennis wat in die studie opgedoen is gebruik word om (i)
geïntegreerde bestuurstrategieë vir organiese kwekerye te optimaliseer, (ii) die meganismes
betrokke in siekte-onderdrukking te bepaal, en (iii) molekulêre tegnieke, soos DNS makro-
“arrays” en kwantitatiewe PKR (qPKR) te ontwikkel vir die vinnige bepaling van die spesies
betrokke, en die kwantifisering van inokulum in kwekery-gronde.
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Unraveling the transcriptome of Aspalathus linearis (Rooibos) towards identification of novel genes involved in polyphenol biosynthesisStander, Emily Amor January 2019 (has links)
Philosophiae Doctor - PhD / South Africa (SA) is home to one of the six floral kingdoms of the world, and hosts a very diverse flora comprising an astonishing ~30,000 species. Herbal medicines play an important role in many of the diverse cultures of this country. Yet, agricultural production systems for most of these species are missing, and medicinal plants are usually collected in the wild. The endemic medicinal plants of SA produce a wide range of rare medicinally active compounds, which could be developed into drugs. Knowledge on the genes involved in the biosynthesis of these compounds could not only promote establishment of plant production systems, but also their biotechnological exploitation. Transcriptomics has been revolutionized by Next Generation Sequencing technologies, which can cost-efficiently provide a lot of information on plant genes and biosynthetic pathways.
This thesis focuses on the establishment of methodologies for high-throughput plant transcriptome research, including: 1) harvesting plant material suitable for high-quality RNA analysis from distant locations, 2) high-throughput, and inexpensive biochemical sample screening, 3) extraction of high-quality RNA from recalcitrant, polysaccharide- and polyphenol rich plant material, and 4) biocomputational analysis of Illumina sequencing data, including quality control and pre-processing of data, de novo assembly of reads, protein prediction and functional transcriptome annotation. Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) was chosen as the pilot plant, because it is one of the few indigenous SA medicinal plants that has been successfully cultivated as a commercial crop. It produces a wide range of phenolic compounds with health promoting properties (e.g. aspalathin and a phenylpropenoic acid glucoside with scientifically verified antidiabetic and cardioprotective effects). In the course of this study, seven rooibos transcriptomes were produced, assembled and functionally annotated, providing a first extensive dataset for identification of genes associated with economically important traits such as medicinal compound production, rooibos growth type characteristics and stress resistance.
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An in vitro investigation of the effects of camellia sinensis and aspalathus linearis on benign (RPWE 1) and malignant (LNCaP) prostate cell linesMsiska, Thomson January 2015 (has links)
Magister Scientiae (Medical Bioscience) - MSc(MBS) / The prostate is prone to three pathological processes that include inflammation, benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH) and tumors. According to the center for Disease and Control 1999-2012 report, prostate cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States. Scientific evidence suggests that up to 30% of men in the general population aged from 50 years and above, irrespective of geographic origin, have foci of prostate neoplastic growth. Unbalanced ROS production and a dysregulated antioxidant defence system have been implicated in prostate cancer development. The transformation of a normal cell into cancer takes a very long period. This observation provides the advantage of using nutraceuticals to prevent, arrest or reverse the cellular and molecular processes of carcinogenesis. Based on scientifically observed positive health roles of green tea (Cameli sinensis) and rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) on major diseases like atherosclerosis, hepatitis and certain types of cancer, this thesis evaluated the effects of these two teas on benign (RPWE 1) and malignant (LNCaP) prostate cells. This was done through the quantification of reactive oxygen species (ROS) using a fluorescence dye 5,6 CM-H2DCFDA, total prostate specific antigen (PSA) levels using a PSA ELISA kit, cell viability using the MTT assay, apoptosis using Tali annexin V stain and cell imaging studies using a Zeiss axiovert 200M inverted fluorescence microscope. Statistical analysis was done using graphpad prism. The findings of this study show that aqueous extracts of green and black tea, fermented and unfermented rooibos and their active compounds epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and aspalatin, respectively, are cytotoxic in malignant (LNCaP) prostate cells but exert protective effects in benign (RPWE 1) prostate cells. This thesis implicates the pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant properties of the plant extracts, respectively, for the above mentioned effects. In this regard, tea and rooibos promoted ROS production in malignant (LNCaP) prostate cells, which subsequently promoted cell death of the malignant cells through apoptosis and necrosis. Further to this, tea and rooibos used in this thesis, protected normal prostate cells from the adverse effects of ROS. In this regard, fluorescence microscope photographs showed RPWE 1 cells with low DCF fluorescence compared to the malignant prostate cells. Low magnification light microscope photographs showed RPWE 1 cells with flat polygonal shapes and increased adherence both at low and high concentrations of tea and rooibos. On the contrary, high concentrations of tea and rooibos on malignant (LNCaP) prostate cells induced stress, which made the cells attain irregular shapes and as the stress levels increased, cells became detached and appeared dead. Flow cytometry confirmed the presence of apoptotic and necrotic cell in malignant (LNCaP) prostate cells. In this thesis, EGCG and aspalathin were responsible for the high rates of apoptosis observed whereas green tea and unfermented rooibos induced the highest rate of necrosis. Further to this, tea and rooibos and the main active compounds EGCG and aspalathin, respectively, significantly promoted the reduction of total serum prostate specific antigen (PSA) in malignant prostate cells. In normal prostate cells, these plant extracts maintained the total serum PSA at its basal physiological level. In this thesis, to the best of our knowledge, we report for the first time the cell-specific effects of fermented rooibos, unfermented rooibos and their main active component aspalathin, on prostate cancer cells. We showed that rooibos and aspalathin exert pro-oxidant effects on malignant LNCaP cells and anti-oxidant effects on benign RPWE 1 cells. In conclusion, tea (C. sinensis) and rooibos (A. linearis) and their respective main active compounds, epigallocatechin gallate and aspalathin, are cytotoxic to malignant prostate cells whereas in normal prostate cells, they have protective effects against ROS induced stress. The pro-oxidant and anti-oxidant effects are responsible for the aforementioned effects respectively. The decrease in total serum PSA demonstrate the strong therapeutic effects that tea and rooibos have on malignant (LNCaP) prostate cells. / Malawi Government: Department of Human Resources Development and Management
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Green synthesised Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and their antifungal effect on Candida albicans BiofilmsLyimo, Germana Vincent January 2020 (has links)
Magister Scientiae Dentium - MSc(Dent) / Candida albicans is a clinical fungal isolate that is most frequently isolated from
different host niches, and is implicated in the pathogenesis of several fungal infections,
including oral candidiasis. The pathogenesis and antifungal resistance mechanisms of Candida
species are complex and involve several pathways and genes. Oral candidiasis incidence rates
are rapidly increasing, and the increase in resistance to conventional antifungals has led to the
need to develop innocuous and more efficacious treatment modalities. The purpose of this
study was to explore a single pot process for phytosynthesis of zinc oxide nanoparticles (GZnO
NPs) and to assess their antifungal potential.
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The influence of Rooibos (Aspalathus linearis) on adrenal steroidogenic P450 enzymesPerold, Helene 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MSc (Biochemistry))--University of Stellenbosch, 2009. / This study:
1. Describes the preparation of unfermented and fermented rooibos methanol and aqueous
2. Investigates the influence of unfermented and fermented rooibos methanol and aqueous
extracts on the binding of natural steroid substrates to ovine adrenal microsomal
cytochrome P450 enzymes, demonstrating that the binding of natural steroids is inhibited
in the presence of rooibos extracts.
3. Describes an assay demonstrating the inhibitory effect of rooibos extracts on the catalytic
activity of cytochrome 17α-hydroxylase (CYP17) and cytochrome 21-hydroxylase
(CYP21) in ovine adrenal microsomes.
4. Investigates the influence of unfermented and fermented rooibos methanol extracts on the
catalytic activity of individual cytochrome P450 enzymes – CYP17 and baboon CYP21,
that are expressed in COS1 cells.
5. Demonstrates that fractions of the unfermented rooibos methanol extract inhibits the
binding of natural steroid substrate to microsomal cytochrome P450 enzymes as well as
the catalytic activity of baboon CYP21 expressed in COS1 cells.
6. Investigates the inhibitory influence of individual rooibos flavonoids on the catalytic
activity of baboon CYP21 expressed in COS1 cells.
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