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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Early tertiary magmatism in the North Atlantic

Brodie, James A. January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Seismic Imaging of the Global Asthenosphere using SS Precursors

Sun, Shuyang 21 September 2023 (has links)
The asthenosphere, a weak layer beneath the rigid lithosphere, plays a fundamental role in the operation of plate tectonics and mantle convection. While this layer is often characterized by low seismic velocity and high seismic attenuation, the global structure of the asthenosphere remains poorly understood. In this dissertation, twelve years of SS precursors reflected off the top and bottom of the asthenosphere, namely, the LAB and the 220-km discontinuity, are processed to investigate the boundaries of the asthenosphere at a global scale. Finite-frequency sensitivities are used in tomography to account for wave diffraction effects that cannot be modeled in global ray-theoretical tomography. Strong SS precursors reflected off the LAB and the 220-km discontinuity are observed across the global oceans and continents. In oceanic regions, the LAB is characterized by a large velocity drop of about 12.5%, which can be explained by 1.5%-2% partial melt in the oceanic asthenosphere. The depth of the Lithosphere Asthenosphere Boundary is about 120 km, and its average depth is independent of seafloor age. This observation supports the existence of a constant-thickness plate in the global oceans. The base of the asthenosphere is imaged at a depth of about 250 km in both oceanic and continental areas, with a velocity jump of about ∼ 7% across the interface. This finding suggests that the asthenosphere in oceanic and continental regions share the same defining mechanism. The depth perturbations of the oceanic 220-km discontinuity roughly follow the seafloor age contours. The 220-km topography is smoother beneath slower-spreading seafloors while it becomes rougher beneath faster-spreading seafloors. In addition, the roughness of the 220-km discontinuity increases rapidly with spreading rate at slow spreading seafloors, whereas the increase in roughness is much slower at fast spreading seafloors. This observation indicates that the thermal and compositional structures of seafloors formed at spreading centers may have a long-lasting impact on asthenospheric convections. In continental regions, a broad correlation is observed between the 220-km discontinuity depth structure and surface tectonics. For example, the 220-km discontinuity depth is shallower along the southern border of the Eurasian plate as well as the Pacific subduction zones. However, there is no apparent correlation between 3-D seismic wavespeed in the upper mantle and the depths of the 220-km discontinuity, indicating that secular cooling has minimum impact on the base of the asthenosphere. / Doctor of Philosophy / In classic plate tectonic theory, the outermost shell of the Earth consists of a small number of rigid plates (lithosphere) moving horizontally on the mechanically weak asthenosphere. In the classic half space cooling (HSC) model, the lithosphere is formed by gradual cooling of the hot mantle. Therefore, the thickness of the plate depends on the age of the seafloor. The problem with the HSC model is that bathymetry and heat flow measurements at old seafloors do not follow its predicted age dependence. A modified theory, called plate cooling model, can better explain those geophysical observations by assuming additional heat at the base of an oceanic plate with a constant thickness of about 125 km. However, such a constant-thickness plate has not been observed in seismology. In this thesis, the asthenosphere boundaries are imaged using a global dataset of seismic waves reflected off the Earth's internal boundaries. Strong reflections from the top of the asthenosphere are observed across all major oceans. The amplitudes of the SS precursors can be explained by 1.5%-2% of partial melt in the asthenosphere. The average boundary depths are independent of seafloor age, and this observation supports the existence of a constant-thickness plate in the global oceans with a complex origin. The 220-km discontinuity, also called the Lehmann Discontinuity, was incorporated in the Preliminary Reference Earth Model in the 1980's to represent the base of the asthenosphere. However, the presence and nature of this boundary have remained controversial, particularly in the oceanic regions. In contrast to many studies which suggest the 220-km discontinuity does not exist in the global oceans, SS precursors reflected from this interface are observed across the oceanic regions in this thesis. Furthermore, there is a positive correlation between the topography of the 220-km discontinuity and seafloor spreading rate. Specifically, the 220-km discontinuity is smoother beneath slower-spreading seafloors and much rougher beneath faster-spreading seafloors. In addition, the roughness increases faster at slowerspreading seafloors while much more gradual at faster-spreading seafloors. This indicates a close connection between seafloor spreading and mantle convections in the asthenosphere, and seafloors have permanent memories of their birth places. Different melting processes at slow and fast spreading centers produce seafloors with different physical and chemical properties, modulating convections in the asthenosphere and ultimately shaping the topography of the 220-km discontinuity. Reflections from the 220-km discontinuity are also observed across the global continental regions. In addition, the 220-km discontinuity beneath the continents is comparable to that under oceanic regions in terms of their average depth (∼ 250 km) and velocity contrast across the discontinuity (∼ 7%). In continental regions, there is a general connection between the 220-km depth structure and plate tectonics. For example, the boundary is shallower along the southern border of the Eurasian plate from the Mediterranean region to East Asia where mountain belts were formed as a result of collision between the Eurasian plate and the Nubian, Arabian and Indian plates. Depth perturbations of the 220-km discontinuity are also observed along the Pacific subduction zones including the Cascadia Subduction Zone, Peru-Chile Trench and Japan-Kuril Kamchatka Trench. In addition, depth anomalies are mapped in the interior of continents, for example, along the foothills of high topography in the interior of the Eurasian plate, which may be controlled by far-field convection associated with the convergent processes at the plate boundaries.

Mantle flow and melting beneath young oceanic lithosphere: Seismic studies of the Galápagos Archipelago and the Juan de Fuca Plate

Byrnes, Joseph 06 September 2017 (has links)
In this dissertation, I use seismic imaging techniques to constrain the physical state of the upper mantle beneath regions of young oceanic lithosphere. Mantle convection is investigated beneath the Galápagos Archipelago and then beneath the Juan de Fuca (JdF) plate, with a focus on the JdF and Gorda Ridges before turning to the off-axis asthenosphere. In the Galápagos Archipelago, S-to-p receiver functions reveal a discontinuity in seismic velocity that is attributed to the dehydration of the upper mantle. The depth at which dehydration occurs is shown to be consistent with prior constraints on mantle temperature. A comparison between results from receiver functions, seismic tomography and petrology shows that mantle upwelling and melt generation occur shallower than the depth of the discontinuity, despite the expectation of high viscosities in the dehydrated layer. Beneath the JdF and Gorda Ridge, low Vs anomalies are too large to be explained by the cooling of the lithosphere and are attributed to partial melt. The asymmetry, large Vs gradients, and sinuosity of the anomalies beneath the JdF Ridge are consistent with models of buoyancy-driven upwelling. However, deformation zone processes appear to dominate mantle flow over seafloor spreading beneath the Explorer and Gorda diffuse plate boundaries. Finally, S-to-p receiver functions reveal a seismic discontinuity beneath the JdF plate that can only be attributed to seismic anisotropy. Synthesis of the receiver function results with prior SKS splitting results requires heterogeneous anisotropy between the crust and the discontinuity. Models of anisotropy feature increasing anisotropy before the decrease at the discontinuity, but well below the base of the lithosphere, and a clockwise rotation of the fast direction with increasing depth. In these results and even in the SKS splitting results, additional driving mechanisms for mantle flow such as density or pressure anomalies are required.

Ein neues magmatisch-tektonisches Modell zur Asthenosphärendynamik im Bereich der zentralandinen Subduktionszone Südamerikas / A new tectono-magmatic model of asthenospheric processes in the Central Andean subduction zone of South America

Pilz, Peter January 2008 (has links)
Im Rahmen der Dissertation wurden an Wässern und freien Gasen aus Thermalquellen sowie an weniger als 5 Millionen Jahre alten basischen Vulkaniten des zentralandinen Puna-Hochplateaus (NE-Argentinien) umfangreiche element- und isotopengeochemische Untersuchungen durchgeführt und die Edelgasgehalte und -isotopensignaturen in diesen Medien bestimmt. Damit soll ein Beitrag zum besseren Verständnis der jüngeren Subduktionsgeschichte im Bereich der südlichen Zentralanden geleistet, die Wechselwirkungen zwischen ozeanischer Unter- und kontinentaler Oberplatte sichtbar gemacht und die Edelgassystematik verbessert werden. Wie die Ergebnisse der Untersuchungen an Gasen aus den Thermalquellen der Puna-Region zeigen, ist der Anteil an Mantel-Helium in den Thermalquellen dieser Region mit bis zu 67 % wesentlich höher als in der westlich gelegenen vulkanisch aktiven Westkordillere und den anderen angrenzenden Gebieten. In einigen Quellen konnten sogar Anteile an Mantel-Neon nachgewiesen werden, was aufgrund von Überlagerungen mit Neon atmosphärischen und krustalen Ursprungs weltweit bisher nur vereinzelt gelungen ist. Für kontinentale Bereiche mit großer Krustendicke ist ein solch starker Mantelgasfluss äußerst ungewöhnlich und bedeutet, dass Mantelschmelzen bis in die Kruste aufgedrungen sind und tief reichende Wegsamkeiten existieren, so dass die Mantelgase aufsteigen können, ohne stark krustal beeinflusst zu werden. Dass im Bereich der Puna rezent Mantelmaterial in die Kruste aufsteigt, zu diesem Ergebnis kommen auch aktuelle seismologische Untersuchungen. Zudem wurden junge, vorwiegend monogenetische Basalte bis basaltische Andesite geochemisch auf ihre Haupt-, Neben- und Spurenbestandteile sowie ihre Gehalte an Seltenenerdenelementen hin untersucht. Auch wurden die Isotopenverhältnisse von Sr, Nd und Pb in den Gesteinen bestimmt und petrographisch-mineralogische Analysen der darin enthaltenen Olivine und Pyroxene durchgeführt. Wie die Resultate belegen, haben die Magmen bei ihrem Aufstieg durch die Erdkruste insbesondere Material aus der Oberkruste assimiliert und sind zudem durch Fluide aus der abtauchenden Platte beeinflusst worden. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass einfache geochemische Methoden allein nicht ausreichen, um die Mantelquelle der Magmen ermitteln oder Aussagen über die Asthenosphärendynamik in der Region machen zu können. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigen die Messungen der Edelgasisotopenverhältnisse in den Fluideinschlüssen der Olivine und Pyroxene, dass deren Edelgaszusammensetzung nicht durch Krustenkontamination beeinflusst wurde, weil die Magmen erst nach der Olivin- bzw. Pyroxen-Kristallisation Schmelzen aus der Oberkruste assimiliert haben. Darüber hinaus konnten durch die Edelgasisotopenmessungen die bisher höchsten magmatischen He- und Ne-Isotopenverhältnisse von ganz Südamerika nachgewiesen werden. Aus der unterschiedlichen Höhe der Messwerte ist zu schließen, dass die im Osten der Puna vorkommenden älteren Laven aus einem nichtkonvektiven (lithosphärischen) Mantel stammen, während die am vulkanischen Bogen und Westrand der Puna gelegenen jüngeren Laven, ihren Ursprung in einer konvektiven (asthenosphärischen) Mantelquelle haben. Zudem konnte gezeigt werden, dass der Mantelgasfluss in der Region in den letzten 5 Millionen Jahren stark zunahm und sich die Eruption von mantelstämmigen basischen Laven in dieser Zeit kontinuierlich in westliche Richtung zum aktiven Vulkanbogen hin verlagerte. Im daraus abgeleiteten Modell beruht dieser Prozess (1) auf einer an die Kontinentalverschiebung gekoppelten W-Drift des Kontinents und (2) auf einem mit der Versteilung der Unterplatte verbundenen Vordringen des subkontinentalen asthenosphärischen Mantels nach W, nach dem Ende der Subduktion des unterseeischen aseismischen Juan Fernández-Rückens in der Region. Zudem gibt es starke Argumente dafür, dass die asthenosphärischen Magmen aus einer fluidreichen Zone in 500 – 600 km Tiefe parallel zur subduzierten Platte aufsteigen und nicht, wie bisher angenommen, durch Schmelzbildung in Bereichen unter 200 km Tiefe, allein durch Entwässerung der abtauchenden Platte erzeugt werden. Zu diesem Resultat führt vor allem die Kombination der He-Isotopenverhältnisse mit Ergebnissen seismologischer Untersuchungen. / This study has determined the concentrations and isotopic composition of noble gases in water and gas samples from thermal springs and in samples of post Miocene basic volcanic rocks from the central Andean Puna Plateau (NW Argentina). The aim of this study is to shed light on questions related to the Neogene subduction history, the geochemical relationship between the oceanic and continental plate and on the distribution of noble gases in mantle-derived rocks of the Central Andes. The results of the geothermal water study show that the Puna plateau has higher values of mantle-derived He between 22° and 26° S compared to the neighbouring Western and Eastern Cordilleras. The highest 3He/4He ratio (5,4 Ra) was obtained close to the Tuzgle volcano, and this is rather high for back-arc gases considering they have ascended through a relatively thick 65 km crust, enriched in crustal 4He. In some cases it was also possible to detect the presence of mantle-derived Ne, which has so far only been demonstrated in a few locations around the world, because of the ubiquitous contamination by atmospheric- and crustal-Ne. Hence, this study clearly demonstrates a higher flux of noble gases from the mantle in the Puna Plateau region than in nearby regions of the Altiplano, the Salta-Rift and the Eastern and Western Cordilleras. In addition to the water study, a series of samples from post Miocene basic volcanic rocks in the Puna back-arc region were analyzed for major, minor and trace element composition as well as Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic ratios. Mineralogical analysis of olivine and pyroxenes from the lavas show that the rocks compositions have signatures that vary depending on the distance from the volcanic arc. Accordingly, magma compositions reflect processes that took place in the subduction-modified mantle wedge and the overlying continental plate. During their ascent, most of the magmas were contaminated with acid crustal melts that mask the geochemical signature of their mantle sources. This makes it difficult to accurately reconstruct the specific geotectonic setting for the magmas and their related mantle sources from the whole rock compositions. However, it is possible to put limits on the origin and amount of contamination from the Pb, Nd and Sr isotopic data. The results show that contaminants are mainly from the upper mantle. Mixing models suggest degrees of crustal assimilation on the order of 10 % and less. Given the problems of interpreting conventional geochemical studies on the origin of the back-arc magmas as just described, the combination of whole rock geochemical results with the corresponding noble gas data is potentially very important. For this purpose, olivine and pyroxene mineral separates mechanically and thermally degassed in order to measure their noble gases content and isotopic ratios. As the results show, the He isotopic signatures in the rocks are quite variable (4,5 - 8,1 Ra), depending on the age and distance to the volcanic arc. Whereas the samples nearest to the arc have MORB-type 3He/4He > 7 Ra, those farthest from the arc have 3He/4He < 7 Ra similar to the typical signature of a subcontinental lithospheric mantle (SCLM). The youngest Puna lavas have the highest primordial 3He/4He ratios and therefore the highest values for mantle-derived He yet found in the whole Andes chain. This implies that the mantle gas flux in the Puna region has increased since the Pliocene while during the same time interval, the focus of back-arc volcanic activity migrated progressively west towards the position of the present volcanic arc. This migration can be correlated with steepening of the subducted slab and advance of the asthenospheric mantle wedge to the west as a consequence of the drift of the Juan Fernández ridge towards the south. A consequence of the westward drift of the subduction zone at ca. 26 km/Ma is the ascent of asthenosphere into the mantle wedge. Geophysical studies suggest that this material ascends parallel to the slab (return flow). The He isotopic signatures from this study show that the asthenospheric ascent was not spacious but took place along certain channels or branches that may relate to deep-reaching weak lithospheric zones but not to a widespread delamination in the SCLM. The isotopic He, Ne and Xe relations of the lava samples collected in the back-arc region far from the volcanic arc indicate the presence of SCLM during back-arc volcanism in this region, which is a grave argument against a crustal delamination. Crustal contamination could not have been responsible for these values as the assimilation of crustal melts essentially took place after the olivine crystallization, as indicated by the variations in Sr- and He-isotope data and the coexistence of quartz and olivine in the samples.

Strain quantifications in different tectonic scales using numerical modelling

Fuchs, Lukas January 2016 (has links)
This thesis focuses on calculation of finite and progressive deformation in different tectonic scales using 2D numerical models with application to natural cases. Essentially, two major tectonic areas have been covered: a) salt tectonics and b) upper mantle deformation due to interaction between the lithosphere and asthenosphere. The focus in salt tectonics lies on deformation within down-built diapirs consisting of a source layer feeding a vertical stem. Three deformation regimes have been identified within the salt: (I) a squeezing channel flow underneath the overburden, (II) a corner flow underneath the stem, and (III) a pure channel flow within the stem. The results of the model show that the deformation pattern within the stem of a diapir (e.g. symmetric or asymmetric) can reveal information on different rates of salt supplies from the source layer (e.g. observed in Klodowa-diapir, Poland). Composite rock salt rheology results in strong localization and amplification of the strain along the salt layer boundaries in comparison to Newtonian rock salt. Flow and fold structures of passive marker lines are directly correlated to natural folds within a salt diapir. In case of the upper mantle, focus lies on deformation and resulting lattice preferred orientation (LPO) underneath an oceanic plate. Sensitivity of deformation and seismic anisotropy on rheology, grain size (d), temperature (T), and kinematics (v) has been investigated. The results of the model show that the mechanical lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary is strongly controlled by T and less so by v or d. A higher strain concentration within the asthenosphere (e.g. for smaller potential mantle temperatures, higher plate velocities, or smaller d) indicates a weaker coupling between the plate and the underlying mantle, which becomes stronger with the age of the plate. A Poiseuille flow within the asthenosphere, significantly affects the deformation and LPO in the upper mantle. The results of the model show, that deformation in the upper mantle at a certain distance away from the ridge depends on the absolute velocity in the asthenosphere. However, only in cases of a driving upper mantle base does the seismic anisotropy and delay times reach values within the range of natural data.

Déformation et anisotropie sismique sous les frontières de plaques décrochantes en domaine continental / Deformation and seismic anisotropy beneath continental transform plate boundaries

Bonnin, Mickaël 30 November 2011 (has links)
Le travail réalisé pendant cette thèse a permis d'apporter de nouvelles contraintes sur le développement et la distribution de la déformation dans le manteau supérieur et plus particulièrement au niveau des grandes limites de plaques décrochantes. Grâce à l'apport de l'expérience USArray et d'une dizaine d'années d'enregistrements sismologiques supplémentaires, nous avons pu étudier, de manière précise, les variations d'anisotropie dans le voisinage de la Faille de San Andreas. Nous avons confirmé et étendu l'observation de deux couches anisotropes sous cette limite de plaque. On y observe une première couche localisée dans la lithosphère marquant la déformation induite à la limite de plaque, et une autre, asthénosphérique, cohérente avec l'anisotropie observée loin de la faille et d'origine plus discutée. Nous avons montré que la zone de déformation associée aux failles de San Andreas, Calaveras et d'Hayward a, vraisemblablement, une largeur d'au moins 40 kilomètres en base de lithosphère, sous chacune de ces failles. Nous avons ensuite procédé à la modélisation thermomécanique (ADELI) de la migration d'une limite de plaques décrochante couplée à une modélisation du développement de fabriques cristallographiques par une approche viscoplastique auto-cohérente (VPSC). Ceci nous a permis d'y observer le développement de la déformation et les conséquences des possibles interactions entre la déformation décrochante en surface et le cisaillement en base de lithosphère dû au déplacement horizontal des plaques. Les propriétés élastiques déduites des fabriques cristallographiques modélisées montrent que de telles interactions existent et provoquent, sous la limite de plaques, une rotation des orientations cristallographiques avec la profondeur. Le signal associé à ces rotations progressives n'est toutefois pas cohérent avec la présence de deux couches d'anisotropie comme proposée sous la faille de San Andreas. Nous pensons par conséquent qu'il existe, sous la Californie, une zone de découplage entre la lithosphère et l'asthénosphère, permettant d'individualiser une déformation lithosphérique d'une déformation asthénosphérique. Nous estimons, en outre, que l'anisotropie observée dans l'asthénosphère sous la Californie ne peut être expliquée seulement par le cisaillement induit par le déplacement de la lithosphère Nord Amérique. En effet, les propriétés anisotropes obtenues par modélisation à partir d'une plaque se déplaçant dans une direction et une vitesse proche de celle de la plaque Amérique du Nord montrent qu'on ne peut espérer guère plus que quelques dixièmes de seconde de délai au bout de 10 Ma de déplacement. Les déphasages mesurés en Californie étant de l'ordre de 1,5 s, il est donc nécessaire d'invoquer la présence d'écoulements mantelliques actifs sous cette région / This work provides new constraints on the development and on the distribution of the deformation in the upper mantle and particularly beneath transform plate boundaries. USArray experiment and the remarkable increase of the dataset in California for the past ten years allowed us to scrutinize the lateral variations of the anisotropy in the vicinity of the San Andreas Fault zone. We have confirmed and increased the detection of two layers of anisotropy beneath this plate boundary. The first layer, located in the lithosphere, is related to the deformation induced at the fault, and the other one, located in the asthenosphere, is coherent with the anisotropy observed far from it, its origin is however less clear. We show that the deformation zone associated both to the San Andreas, Calaveras and Hayward Faults, is likely 40 km wide at 70 km depth. We then performed numerical thermomechanical modeling (ADELI) of the displacement of a transform plate boundary associated with the computation of the development of crystallographic fabrics using a viscoplastic self-consistent approach (VPSC). We analyzed the distribution of the deformation in the model ant looked after the possible interactions at depth between deformation caused at surface by the strike-slip dynamic of the fault and the shearing at the base of the lithosphere caused by the horizontal displacement of the plates. Elastic properties derived from the crystallographic fabrics modeled, show that such interactions exist and induce, beneath the fault zone, a progressive rotation of the crystallographic fabrics with depth. Seismological signature of these smooth rotations is however not relevant with the presence of two anisotropic layers as proposed beneath California. We thus consider that a decoupling zone exists between the lithosphere and the asthenosphere beneath the California to account for the sharp separation between a lithospheric and an asthenospheric deformation. We furthermore estimate that anisotropy observed far form the San Andreas Fault in California cannot be explained only by the drag of the asthenosphere by the North America lithosphere as proposed in our article. Indeed, we can only expect few tenths of second of splitting delay from the anisotropic properties derived from the numerical modeling of a plate moving in the same direction and in the same velocity than the North American lithosphere only for 10 Ma of displacement. As delays observed in California rather reach 1.5 s, anisotropy in this region thus requires the existence of an active asthenospheric flow to be explained.

Electrical conductivity structure of the lithosphere in western Fennoscandia from three-dimensional magnetotelluric data

Cherevatova, M. (Maria) 02 December 2014 (has links)
Abstract The lithospheric conductivity in the westernmost Fennoscandia has been studied using magnetotelluric (MT) data. The western margin of Fennoscandia was significantly affected in Paleozoic by the Caledonian orogeny and later by the rifting of Laurentia and the opening of the Atlantic Ocean c. 80 Ma ago. Magnetotelluric studies have been carried out in two target areas in southern Norway and in western Fennoscandia. The first study resulted in 2-D geoelectric models of two profiles stretching from Oslo to the Norwegian coast. The interpretation suggests that the basement is in general very resistive with a few conductive upper crustal layers, representing the alum shales, and middle crustal conductors possibly imaging the remnants of the closed ocean basins. A more extensive MT study was performed within the project "Magnetotellurics in the Scandes". Measurements were carried in summers of 2011 to 2013, resulting in an array of 279 MT sites. The data allowed us to derive 2-D geoelectric models for the crust and upper mantle as well as 3-D models for the crust. The inversions revealed a resistive upper crust and a conductive lower crust, two upper crustal conductors in the Skellefteå and Kittilä districts, highly conducting alum shales in the Caledonides and a conductive upper crust beneath the Lofoten peninsula. The thickness of the lithosphere is around 200 km in the north and 300 km in the south-west. The Palaeoproterozoic lithosphere is the thickest, not the Archaean, on contrary to a generally accepted hypothesis. A better image of the lithosphere will help to evaluate the proposed mechanisms of the exhumation of the Scandinavian Mountains. The theoretical part of this study is the development of a new multi-resolution approach to 3-D electromagnetic (EM) modelling. Three-dimensional modelling of MT data requires enormous computational resources because of the huge number of data and model parameters. The development of the multi-resolution forward solver is based on the fact that a finer grid resolution is often required near the surface. On the other hand, the EM fields propagate in a diffusive manner and can be sufficiently well described on a grid that becomes coarser with depth. Tests showed that the total run time can be reduced by five times and the memory requirements by three times compared with the standard staggered grid forward solver. / Tiivistelmä Olemme tutkineet litosfäärin sähkönjohtavuutta Fennoskandian länsiosassa magnetotelluurisen (MT) menetelmän avulla. Fennoskandian länsireuna muokkautui merkittävästi paleotsooisena aikana Kaledonidien vuorijonopoimutuksessa sekä myöhemmin mesotsooisena aikana Laurentia-mantereen repeytyessä ja Atlantin valtameren syntyessä noin 80 miljoonaa vuotta sitten. MT-tutkimukset tehtiin Etelä-Norjassa ja Fennoskandian luoteisosassa. Ensimmäisessä tutkimuksessa kallioperän sähkönjohtavuutta kuvattiin kaksiulotteisilla (2-D) johtavuusmalleilla, jotka ulottuvat Oslosta Norjan rannikolle. Mallien tulkinta viittaa siihen, että maan kuori on pääosin hyvin eristävä lukuun ottamatta muutamaa kuoren ylä- ja keskiosassa olevaa johdekerrosta. Yläkuoren johteet edustavat alunaliuskeita ja keskikuoren johteet todennäköisesti suljetuissa merialtaissa syntyneitä hiilipitoisia sedimenttikerrostumia. Laajempi MT-tutkimus tehtiin ”Magnetotellurics in the Scandes” -hankkeessa. Mittauksia tehtiin 279 mittauspisteessä kesinä 2011–2013. Saadun aineiston avulla voitiin laatia 2-D inversiomallit kuoresta ja ylävaipasta sekä 3-D inversiomalli kuoresta. Tulosten mukaan täällä kuoren yläosa on eristävä kun taas kuoren alaosa on sähköä hyvin johtava. Edellisen lisäksi malleissa näkyy yläkuoren johtavat muodostumat Skellefteån ja Kittilän alueilla, korkean johtavuuden alunaliuskeet Kaledonidien alueella sekä johde Lofoottien alla. Litosfäärin paksuus on noin 200 km mittausverkon pohjoisosassa ja noin 300 km lounaassa. Tämän mukaan litosfääri on paksuin varhaisproterotsooisen litosfäärin alueella, ei arkeeisen litosfäärin alueella vastoin yleistä hypoteesia. Tutkimuksen teoreettisessa osassa kehitettiin sähkömagneettiseen mallinnukseen uusi monitasoiseen diskretisointiin perustuva menetelmä. MT-aineiston 3-D käänteisongelman ratkaisu ja siihen liittyvä suora mallintaminen vaativat suuren laskennallisen kapasiteetin, koska havaintojen ja mallin kuvaamiseen tarvittavien parametrien määrä on erittäin suuri. Moniresoluutio-algoritmi perustuu siihen, että mallin hienojakoisempaa diskretisointia tarvitaan yleensä lähellä maan pintaa kun taas syvemmälle edettäessä, sähkömagneettisen aallon diffuusin etenemisen vuoksi, malli voi olla karkeampi. Tietokonesimulaatioiden mukaan suoritusaika on viidennes ja muistitarve kolmannes verrattuna tavanomaiseen suoran laskennan ”staggered grid” -diskretisointiin.

Structures des ophiolites d'Oman : flux mantellaire sous un centre d'expansion d'expansion oceanique et charriage a la dorsale

Ceuleneer, Georges 28 March 1986 (has links) (PDF)
L'ophiolite d'Oman est un fragment de la lithosphère océanique téthysienne obducté sur la marge arabe au crétacé supérieur. Elle occupe un domaine de la chaîne alpine où la convergence entre l'Arabie et l'Eurasie n'a pas encore atteint le stade de la collision continentale. Affleurant de façon, presque continue sur une longueur de 475 Kilomètres parallèlement à l'axe de la paléo- dorsale, c'est le plus grand segment de lithosphère océanique accessible à l'étude directe. La section mantellaire constitue 60% de la surface d'affleurement de l'ophiolite (30.000 Kilomètres carrées). Cette thèse est consacrée à la cartographie des structures internes de cette unité. Les structures crustales permettant d'établir une référentielle paléo-tectonique (paléo-horizontale, azimut et flanc de la paléo-dorsale) furent également relevées. Divers arguments pétrologiques et structuraux permettent d'apparenter l'ophiolite d'Oman aux dorsales rapides actuelles. Les péridotites mantellaires, de composition harzburgitique à dunitique, gardent l'empreinte de deux déformations plastiques successives, la première associée à la formation de la lithosphère (flux asthénosphérique), la seconde au charriage intra-océanique qui préluda à son obduction. La géométrie de l'écoulement asthénosphérique et la composition de la section mantellaire présentent de fortes variations longitudinales. La formation de la lithosphère océanique, au droit des dorsales rapides, implique l'ascension de diapirs asthénosphériques espacés de quelques dizaines à plus de cent Kilomètres les uns des autres. Siège d'une activité magmatique exceptionnelle, ces diapirs semblent également jouer le rôle de centres d'alimentation privilégiés de la chambre magmatique sus-jacente. Un de ces diapirs, figé et échantillonné lors du charriage à la dorsale, a pu être cartographié en détail (région de Maqsad) : le lux asthénosphérique, vertical dans un conduit de 10 à 20 Kilomètres de diamètre, se brise sous le plancher de la chambre magmatique dans une zone de transition épaisse seulement de quelques centaines de mètres et est ensuite canalisé parallèlement à l'axe de la dorsale sur une distance d'au moins 30 Kilomètres depuis le centre du conduit. Cette géométrie implique une modification brutale de la rhéologie mantellaire dans la zone de transition attribuée à une augmentation catastrophique du rapport magma/roche. Un modèle physique de circulation, asthénosphérique a été construit en introduisant une discontinuité de viscosité de plusieurs ordres de grandeur au sommet du diapir. Une telle condition permet, en effet, de canaliser un pourcentage important du flux dans un étroit créneau superficiel. La pression dans le diapir est discontinue sur une épaisseur d'une centaine de mètres sous l'interface pour pouvoir vaincre la surpression due au fluage plastique et continuer son ascension vers la surface. Loin des diapirs, le flux mantellaire peut être régulier à l'échelle de la centaine de kilomètres ; il est alors sub-parallèle au Moho et perpendiculaire à l'axe de la dorsale, évoquant l'accrétion de la lithosphère en régime d'expansion stationnaire. L'angle d'une dizaine de degrés entre le Moho et le plan de fluage reflète probablement la pente moyenne des isothermes au niveau de la zone d'accrétion (flanc de la dorsale). La déformation associée au charriage intra-océanique (CIO) affecte les périodiques sur une épaisseur de quelques centaines de mètres au-dessus du plan de charriage basal, lui-même situé à une profondeur maximale de neuf kilomètres sous le paléo-Moho. Elle peut affecter également des niveaux plus élevés de la section mantellaire et la section crustale sous forme de bandes de cisaillement mylonitiques verticales pouvant atteindre 2 kilomètres d'épaisseur. Ces cisaillements sont contemporains de l'intrusion de magmas hydratés au sein de la section mantellaire, peut-être à mettre en relation avec le volcanisme différencié (" volcanisme 2 ") coiffant l'Ophiolite. Le CIO s'accompagne localement de la fusion de la semelle. Lors de l'initiation du CIO, la lithosphère présentait un fort gradient thermique vertical. D'un point de vue cinématique, la déformation enregistrée par la semelle, les péridotites basales et les bandes de cisaillement sont en concordance parfaite. Le CIO s'accompagne de déplacements considérables de la lithosphère charriante parallèlement à l'axe de la dorsale (de l'ordre de la centaine de kilomètres). L'initiation du CIO à la dorsale elle-même rend le mieux compte de ces observations. Le charriage à la dorsale implique l'inversion rapide (1 à 2 millions d'années) du régime d'expansion en régime compressif. On l'explique par un blocage momentané de la subduction de la Téthys sous l'Eurasie causée par des collisions entre des microcontinents, des arcs insulaires et la marge active eurasienne survenues à cette époque (Albien supérieur). De manière générale, les événements enregistrés par l'Ophiolite d'Oman s'intègrent bien dans l'évolution cinématique et géologique du domaine téthysien.

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