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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Spatial distribution and co-occurrence of surface-atmosphere exchange processes

Mitic, Constance M. (Constance Maria) January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

A procedure to convert total column ozone data to numerical weather prediction model initializing fields, and its validation via simulations of the 24-25 January 2000 east coast snowstorm /

Durnford, Dorothy A. January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

Development of empirical ozone models for the East Central Florida and Pensacola, Florida airsheds

Chambers, Rachel 01 April 2001 (has links)
No description available.

The depletion of nitric oxide by reaction with molten sodium carbonate and sodium carbonate/sodium sulfide mixtures

Thompson, Laura M. 01 January 1995 (has links)
No description available.

Solar influences on Polar ozone.

Stephenson, Judy Ann Elizabeth. January 1994 (has links)
Measurements by the TOMS instrument aboard the Nimbus 7 satellite, of total column ozone over polar regions have been studied to determine the effects of solar induced natural ozone modulation. Two different analysis methods were employed to ascertain short term (days to months) and long term (months to years) solar influences on polar ozone. Bursts of intense solar activity can result in solar proton events (SPE's). The high energy protons, originating in solar flares, produce secondary electrons which can generate large concentrations of odd nitrogen in the middle atmosphere. These reactive species can catalytically destroy ozone. Three case studies are presented in an attempt to quantify the effect of SPE's on ozone mass over a latitude region 90 to 70°. In order to monitor the ozone response following a SPE over both hemispheres simultaneously, the SPE must occur during the equinox period when both poles are irradiated. Fortuitously, a SPE was recorded in March 1989, the analysis of which forms a case study in this thesis. Ozone depletions of 7.4 x 10 to the power of 9 kg for the south polar cap and 8.0 x 10 to the power of 9 kg for the north polar cap indicate the degree of symmetry for this event. Longer term effects of solar variability are investigated by Fourier techniques. A Fourier transform of eleven years of total ozone mass values, over the region 90 to 70° S, was performed. Inspection of the Fourier spectrum reveals peaks associated with solar cycle, annual and semi-annual oscillations, that may be attributed directly to solar variation. Other peaks, corresponding to QBO and ENSO periodicities, may be ascribed to indirect solar influences i.e. thermally driven dynamics. Finally, a comparison between the phase of the solar cycle peak in this spectrum with that in a spectrum of daily values of solar radio flux, reveals that the austral polar ozone solar cycle periodicity lags solar forcing by 2.8 years. Portions of chapters have been reported at the 1990 South African Institute of Physics Annual Conference, University of Port Elizabeth, South Africa and as a poster at the 1992 Quadrennial Ozone Symposium, Charlottesville, United States of America, 4-13 June 1992. In addition, various parts of this work has been submitted for publication, viz: Stephenson, J. A. E. and M. W. J. Scourfield, Importance of energetic solar protons in ozone depletion, Nature, 352, 137: 1991. / Thesis (Ph.D.)-University of Natal, Durban, 1994.


Fontinele, José Lourêdo 19 November 2012 (has links)
This study discusses the influence of tropopause folding in ozone total column during the passage of frontal systems. This research aims to analyze, from the relations between the upper level jet and the ozone total column, tropopause folding in southern South America. The aim is also to quantify the cold fronts that have acted throughout 2008, as well as identify them in tropopause folding events and action of the jet stream. Finally, it verifies the occurrence of stratospheric air into the troposphere at selected events. This research is characterized by being predominantly qualitative in relation to the collection and analysis of data obtained from Brewer Spectrophotometers, installed at the Southern Space Observatory, and the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI). It is noteworthy that were initially selected all events of cold fronts that occurred in 2008. However, only events of greater magnitude were analyzed and the chosen were the ones that evidenced a strong tropopause folding. Of the results analyzed, we can conclude that the ozone total column is influenced by the passage of fronts and may increase when there is intrusion of stratospheric air in the troposphere through the tropopause folding, caused by the action of the jet stream that comes with the front. / O presente estudo trata da influência do envelopamento da tropopausa na coluna total de ozônio, durante a passagem dos sistemas frontais. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo analisar, a partir das relações entre a corrente de jato em altos níveis e a coluna total de ozônio, o envelopamento da tropopausa no sul da América do Sul. Pretende-se também quantificar as frentes frias que agiram ao longo de 2008, bem como identificá-las em eventos de envelopamento da tropopausa e ação da corrente de jato. Por fim, verifica-se como ocorre a intrusão de ar estratosférico para a troposfera em eventos escolhidos. A presente pesquisa se caracteriza por ser predominantemente de caráter qualitativo em relação ao levantamento e análise dos dados, obtidos através de Espectrofotômetro Brewer, instalado no Observatório Espacial do Sul, e pelo Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI). Ressalta-se que foram inicialmente selecionados todos os eventos de frentes frias ocorridos em 2008. Porém, apenas os eventos de maior magnitude foram analisados e destes foram escolhidos os que evidenciavam um forte envelopamento da tropopausa. Dos resultados analisados, pode-se concluir que a coluna total de ozônio sofre influência com a passagem das frentes, podendo aumentar quando ocorre a intrusão do ar estratosférico na troposfera, através do envelopamento da tropopausa, causado pela ação da corrente de jato que acompanha a frente.

Photosynthesis, Dark Respiration, and Growth of Rumex Patientia L. Exposed to UV-B (280-315 nm) Irradiance Corresponding to Reduced Atmospheric Ozone Concentrations

Sisson, William B. 01 May 1976 (has links)
Net photosynthesis, dark respiration, chlorophyll concentrations and growth were determined for Rumex patientia L. exposed to UV-B radiation corresponding to reduced atmospheric ozone concentrations. The hypothesis of whether reciprocity is maintained in the response of R. patientia to polychromatic UV-B radiation was tested. On the basis of the relationships derived from these studies, a simulation model was developed for the prediction of photosynthesis and growth of R. patientia exposed to UV-B radiation corresponding to any atmospheric ozone reduction. Photosynthetic rates were found to be depressed after two hours exposure to UV-B irradiance simulating a 0.18 atm•cm ozone column when the sun is at 30° from the zenith. During this initial exposure period, partial stomatal closure was implicated in the suppression of photosynthesis. However, after one day exposure, substantial increases in photosynthetic resistances apart from stomatal diffusion resistance occurred in the UV-irradiated plants and no differences in stomatal diffusion resistance were apparent between UV-irradiated and control plants. Dark respiration rates were slightly higher in those plants exposed to UV radiation. Leaf expansion of R. patientia was substantially repressed but only during the initial few days of exposure. Thereafter, leaf expansion was similar in the UV-irradiated and control plants. A reduction in total plant dry weight and leaf area of approximately 50 percent occurred after 22 days treatment while chlorophyll concentrations remained unaltered. Time of leaf initiation was shawm to be delayed in those plants exposed to UV-B radiation. Leaf longevity was decreased with increased UV radiation but accelerated whole-plant senescence and death was not observed. Photosynthetic rates determined through the ontogeny of the third leaf of R. patientia exposed to four levels of UV irradiance were found to be depressed as a function of the accumulated biologically effective UV irradiation. Thus, reciprocity was demonstrated between 6350 and 3175 J biologically effective UV irradiation. Results of the simultion model showed that under reduced atmospheric ozone concentrations, suppression of photosynthesis and leaf growth would be more severe during mid-sunnner (i . e. June) than would occur during the March to early May period, This results from smaller solar angles from the zenith and lower prevailing ozone concentrations prevalent during June. A validation test of the model was made with photosynthetic data obtained during a field study with R. patientia exposed to UV-B radiation corresponding to a 38 percent atmospheric ozone reduction (0.18 atm•cm when the sun was at 30° from the zenith). This validation test showed a reasonable correspondence between the measured and predicted photosynthetic rates. R. patientia was selected as the test species for this study because (1) it is reasonably sensitive to UV radiation as determined in preliminary studies evaluating approximately 20 native and agricultural plant species, (2) it is normally exposed to full sunlight in · its natural habitat, and (3) individual leaves are relatively long - lived (about 60 days) and are not normally shaded by other leaves of the same plant. Although this species probably represents one of the more sensitive plants to UV radiation, it would be this group of sensitive plants that would be initially affected under conditions of reduced atmospheric ozone. If more resistant plants with long-lived plant parts also accumulate UV radiation damage as was shown to occur in R. patientia, over sufficient periods of time even these species might be significantly impacted under conditions of reduced atmospheric ozone.

Air-quality and Climatic Consequences of Bioenergy Crop Cultivation

Porter, William Christian 07 June 2013 (has links)
Bioenergy is expected to play an increasingly significant role in the global energy budget. In addition to the use of liquid energy forms such as ethanol and biodiesel, electricity generation using processed energy crops as a partial or full coal alternative is expected to increase, requiring large-scale conversions of land for the cultivation of bioenergy feedstocks such as cane, grasses, or short rotation coppice. With land-use change identified as a major contributor to changes in the emission of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs), many of which are known contributors to the pollutants ozone (O3) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5), careful review of crop emission profiles and local atmospheric chemistry will be necessary to mitigate any unintended air-quality consequences. In this work, the atmospheric consequences of bioenergy crop replacement are examined using both the high-resolution regional chemical transport model WRF/Chem (Weather Research and Forecasting with Chemistry) and the global climate model CESM (Community Earth System Model). Regional sensitivities to several representative crop types are analyzed, and the impacts of each crop on air quality and climate are compared. Overall, the high emitting crops (eucalyptus and giant reed) were found to produce climate and human health costs totaling up to 40% of the value of CO2 emissions prevented, while the related costs of the lowest-emitting crop (switchgrass) were negligible.

Flux associations and their relationship to the underlying heterogeneous surface characteristics

Brown Mitic, Constance Maria. January 1999 (has links)
No description available.

Modelització i simulació fotoquímica mesoscalar del transport del material particulat i gasos a l’atmosfera

Arasa Agudo, Raúl 20 July 2011 (has links)
Durant les últimes dècades la quantitat de gasos i partícules contaminants que s’han injectat a l’atmosfera ha augmentat considerablement. Evidència d’aquesta informació són les elevades concentracions de diòxid de nitrogen o partícules amb una grandària inferior a 10µm (PM10) que es mesuren habitualment en zones urbanes i industrials, o les també altes concentracions d’ozó en moltes zones rurals situades a sobrevent de zones urbanes o industrials, on les concentracions dels seus precursors, fonamentalment òxids de nitrogen, són molt baixes en condicions normals. Paral•lelament però, a l’augment de la concentració de contaminats, s’ha potenciat de forma considerable la sensibilització de la població i de l’administració a la qualitat de l’aire que respirem. D’aquesta manera és ja una necessitat en els països desenvolupats el poder disposar d’eines de control, gestió i avaluació de la contaminació atmosfèrica. Aquest fet ha impulsat que en els darrers anys s’hagin produït importants avenços en els sistemes per a la modelització de la qualitat de l’aire fins a esdevenir eines de gestió i pronòstic ambiental que ofereixen resultats força precisos. A més, la modelització de la qualitat de l’aire s’ha convertit en una eina totalment necessària per poder conèixer els nivells d’immissió a zones on no es disposa d’estacions de mesura i per poder crear plans d’actuació per tal de poder combatre nivells elevats dels diversos contaminants. És per aquest motiu que en aquesta tesi doctoral es descriu la recerca i el desenvolupament d’un sistema de modelització de la qualitat de l’aire. S’ha utilitzat com a punt de partida els treballs anteriors, i es descriu l’acoblament dels diferents models que el componen. Els models són adaptats a la zona d’estudi mitjançant l’ajust de diversos paràmetres i són utilitzats de forma depenent entre ells. L’avaluació estadística dels pronòstics del sistema s’utilitza com el camí per a la localització d’incerteses i posterior refinament del model. Aquest procés d’acoblament i execució del sistema per períodes llargs de temps, validació dels resultats, localització d’incerteses i anàlisi de sensibilitat, esdevé un procés continu i cíclic durant la tasca de recerca del doctorand, fins a obtenir resultats dels paràmetres estadístics dins de les recomanacions de la comunitat científica i acomplint els requeriments de la legislació per a la utilització operativa del sistema. Degut a la problemàtica comentada en l’apartat anterior, cada vegada són més els estudis que es realitzen per investigar iniciatives de reducció de la contaminació atmosfèrica i per implementar models de pronòstic de qualitat de l’aire. És per aquests motius que l’objectiu final i fonamental d’aquesta tesi ha estat implementar un sistema de pronòstic de la qualitat sobre l’àrea d’interès que sigui actual, àgil i efectiu. Assolir aquest ambiciós objectiu ha suposat per al doctorand anar assolint reptes i metes durant la fase de recerca. El document s’estructura en deu capítols diferents, incloent la introducció i la bibliografia. / During the last decades the amount of gaseous and particulate pollutants that have been injected into the atmosphere has increased significantly. Evidence of this information is the high concentration of NO2 and aerosols that are usually measured in urban and industrial areas, or high concentrations of ozone in many rural areas. Parallel to this increase in concentration of pollutants, has been enhanced significantly the sensibility and management to the air quality. Thus it is necessary now in developed countries have the tools to control, management and evaluation of air pollution. In this way, the modelling of air quality is absolutely necessary to know the levels of gases and aerosols in areas where there are not measurement stations, and also to combat high levels of these pollutants. The photochemical models are tools of environmental management and forecasting that in recent years have been refined to provide quite accurate results. We need to adapt the models to each area by adjusting parameters and the study of characteristics of pollution episodes. For this reason, this doctoral thesis describes research and development of a air quality modelling system. We have been used as a starting point the previous work and we describe the coupling of different models. The models are adapted to the area of interest by setting different parameters and are used in a dependent relationship between them. The statistical evaluation of the forecasting system is used as a way to locate uncertain and further refinement of the model. This process of engagement and implementing the system for long periods of time, validation of results, location of uncertainties and sensitivity analysis is an ongoing, cyclical during the doctoral research.

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