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Descrição arquivística de documentos fotográficos em sistemas informatizados / Archival description of photographic documents in the systems informatization.Elisa Maria Lopes Chaves 10 December 2018 (has links)
Nas instituições arquivísticas, as imagens estão cada vez mais acessíveis através da web. A pesquisa analisa a descrição dos documentos fotográficos digitais neste contexto, sejam eles produtos da digitalização da imagem física, isto é, produzida em processos analógicos, ou das imagens nato-digitais. Visa analisar o acesso em ambientes virtuais, através da padronização das normas de descrição arquivística. Para isso, foi utilizado o AtoM, software desenvolvido pelo Conselho Internacional de Arquivo (CIA), ferramenta totalmente voltada para web, que segue padrões de normas arquivísticas como a ISAD(G). Com o objetivo de complementar as especificidades do documento fotográfico, analisamos a ferramenta Sepiades, desenvolvida pelo CIA para descrever coleções fotográficas, atendendo às normas arquivísticas. Através da análise das duas ferramentas, realizada por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, verificamos que o AtoM é a ferramenta mais indicada para a descrição dos documentos. Como resultado, geramos um quadro para descrição de documentos fotográficos arquivísticos com base no AtoM, compatibilizado com os parâmetros do modelo Sepiades. / In archival institutions, images are increasingly accessible through the web. The research analyzes the description of digital photographic documents in this context, whether they are products of physical image scanning, that is, produced in analogical processes, or of digital-born images. It aims to analyze access in virtual environments, through the standardization of the norms of archival description. For this purpose, AtoM was used, software developed by the International Archive Council (CIA), a web-based tool that follows the standards of archival standards such as ISAD(G). In order to complement the specificities of the photographic document, we analyzed the Sepiades tool, developed by the CIA to describe photographic collections, meeting archival standards. Through the analysis of the two tools, carried out through bibliographical and documentary research, we verified that the AtoM is the most suitable tool for the description of the documents. As a result, we generated a framework for describing archival photographic documents based on AtoM, compatible with the parameters of the Sepiades model
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Monte Carlo Simulations of Bowing Effects Using Realistic Fuel Data in Nuclear Fuel AssembliesWestlund, Marcus January 2019 (has links)
Deformations of nuclear fuel assemblies have been observed in nuclear power plants since the mid-90s. Such deformations are generally called bowing effects. Fuel assemblies under high irradiation undergo growth and creep induced by high loading forces and low skeleton stiffness of the assemblies which gives permanent deformations and modifies moderation regions. Hence, giving an unpredicted neutron flux spectrum, power distribution, and isotopic concentrations in the burnt fuel. The aim of this thesis is to study the effects of local fuel bowing in terms of power distribution and isotopic composition changes through simulations of the reactor core. The reactor is simulated with realistic bowing maps and previous deterministically simulated realistic fuel data from a present reactor by deploying the Monte Carlo method using the nuclear reactor code Serpent 2. Two subparts of a full reactor core with fuel from separate fuel cycles are investigated in 2D using burnup. To quantify the impact of the bowing, the change in power distribution and the induced isotopic composition change are calculated by a relative difference between a nominal case and a simulation with perturbed fuel assemblies. The results are presented in colormaps, for visualization. The isotopic composition for U235, U238, Pu239, Nd148, and Cm244 are investigated. Also, statistical uncertainty estimations in the composition of the depleted fuel are done by multiple calculations of the same geometry while changing the seed of random variables in the Monte Carlo calculation. The mean value and the standard deviation in the mass density of U235 and Pu239 are calculated for two pins together with histograms with a normal fit for each case to clarify the mathematical distribution of the calculations. The simulations performed in this thesis have detected clear impacts of the reactor behavior in terms of power distribution and isotopic composition in the burnt fuel introduced by the bowing. Assembly perturbations of about 10 mm may locally introduce a 10 % relative difference in power density and U235 content between the nominal and the bowed case at 15 MWd/kgU burnup. The power and the isotopic composition changes agree with expectations from the bowing maps.
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Une nouvelle source pour l'interférométrie atomique avec un condensat de Bose-Einstein double espèce / Towards a new source for atom interferometry coith double species Bose Einstein condensateAlibert, Julien 12 December 2017 (has links)
L'interférométrie atomique a démontré sa capacité à effectuer des mesures de grande précision, notamment pour la réalisation de capteurs inertiels, les tests de physique fondamentale ou la mesure de constantes fondamentales. Une piste pour l'amélioration de la sensibilité des interféromètres atomiques est la réduction de la dispersion en vitesse de la source en utilisant un ensemble d'atomes ultra-froids pour augmenter le temps d'interrogation des atomes et accroitre la séparation spatiale entre les bras de l'interféromètre. Un nouvel interféromètre atomique à bras séparés est en construction au Laboratoire Collisions Agrégats et Réactivité de Toulouse. Ce dispositif répond à deux objectifs. Premièrement sa conception a pour but l'étude et le développement de nouveaux types de sources de condensat de Bose-Einstein (C.B.E.) double espèce de rubidium 85 et 87 adaptées à l'interférométrie. Cette source de C.B.E. repose sur l'utilisation de puces pour la manipulation et le refroidissement des atomes. Cette technologie est compacte et consomment peu d'énergie, ce qui est adaptée aux applications spatiales. L'autre objectif est d'utiliser cet interféromètre pour tester la neutralité de la matière via l'effet Aharonov-Bohm scalaire. Dans ce manuscrit je commence par exposer et justifer les choix techniques fait lors du dimensionnement et de la construction de la source de C.B.E. double isotopes. Par la suite, je présente les premiers résultats expérimentaux accompagnés de simulations numériques et d'explications théoriques. Lors de la première étape de refroidissement laser nous produisons un nuage de rubidium 87 et 85 contenant 4 × 10^10 atomes à une température de 10 µK avec un taux de cycle de 1 s. A la suite du refroidissement laser 8 × 10^9 atomes sont chargés dans le piège magnétique millimétrique de surface. Différentes expériences de caractérisation sont réalisées et expliquées à la lumières de simulations numériques. L'étude des fréquences de piégeage et de la profondeur a révélé les limites du premier prototype de piège millimétrique que nous avons réalisé au laboratoire. Cependant ces développements expérimentaux et théoriques servent à développer et implémenter dans le dispositif une nouvelle génération de puce à échelle micrométrique. / Atom interferometry has shown its interest for high precision measurements, such as inertial sensors, tests of fundamental physics or fundamental constant measurements. A way to improve sensitivity of such device is to reduce speed dispersion of the atomic cloud. The use of ultra-cold atoms allows increasing the interogation time of atoms and the spatial separation between the interferometer arms. The building of a new atom interferometer with separated arms is ongoing in the laboratory "Collisions Agrégats et Réactivité" at Toulouse. This new setup must meet two objectives. One aim of its conception is to study and develop a new kind of double species Bose-Einstein condensate (B.E.C.) source for atom interferometry with rubidium 87 and 85. This B.E.C. source relies on atom chip technology to cool down and manipulate atoms. This technology is compact and low power consuming, therefore suitable for transportable applications in space. A second aim is to use this interferometer to fix new boundary on the experimental value of atom neutrality thanks to the scalar Aharonov-Bohm effect. In this manuscript I start by exposing and justifying technical choices made for the design of the double isotope B.E.C. source. Then I present the first experimental results compared with numerical simulations and theoretical explanations. During the first laser cooling stage we produce a cloud including 4 × 10^10 rubidium atoms of both isotopes (87 and 85) at 10 µK. This operation can be repeated every second. Following the laser cooling 8×10^9 atoms are loaded into a millimeter sized magnetic trap. Various experiments were performed to characterize the trap. Studies of the trap frequency and depth revealed the limitations of this first prototype. However these theoretical and experimental developments led to design and future implementation of a new generation of micro-chip in our apparatus.
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Eleven och atomen : En studie om svårigheter som elever har med atomen och dess egenskaper / The student and the atom : A study on the difficulties students have with the atom and its propertiesTörlind, Virpi January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att belysa och diskutera svårigheter som elever har med atomens uppbyggnad och egenskaper inom den inledande kemidelen i kursen Naturkunskap 2. Undersökningen genomfördes i två steg. I första steget fick eleverna rita sina atommodeller och berätta om dem innan arbetet med kemi började. Samtidigt fick de berätta om svårigheter de upplevt med atomkonceptet. I steg två intervjuades elever efter genomfört kemiavsnitt i kursen om svårigheterna och hur dessa skulle kunna avhjälpas. Intervjuerna transkriberades och i analysarbetet grupperades svaren efter likheter och mönster. Resultatet visade att samtliga elever i urvalsgruppen behövde arbeta mer med atomens uppbyggnad innan de kunde arbeta vidare med kemin inom Naturkunskap 2 kursen. Bland svårigheterna nämnde eleverna att atomen är abstrakt på grund av sin storlek och för att den inte förekommer i vardagliga sammanhang, vidare används många begrepp inom atomkonceptet som de inte bearbetat tillräckligt. Några elever nämnde även en dålig undervisning på grund av täta lärarbyten i grundskolan som orsak till svårigheterna. Eleverna önskade mer samtal i undervisningen både för att bearbeta begrepp och atomkonceptet och för en mer vardagsnära användning av atomen. / The purpose of the study is to shed light on difficulties that students have with the structure and properties of the atom within the initial chemistry part in the course Science studies 2. The study was conducted in two steps. First the students draw their atomic models and explained what they had drawn. At the same time they told about difficulties they experienced with the concept of the atom. The next part was conducted after completing the chemistry section in the course. Students were interviewed on the difficulties and how they would like to work with the concept of the atom. The interviews were transcribed and in the analysis work the answers were grouped according to similarities and patterns. The result showed that all the students needed to work more with the structure of the atom initially in the course. The students thought that the atom is abstract because of its size and because it is not found in their everyday contexts, many words are used within the atomic concept that the students have not worked with sufficiently. Some students also mentioned a poor teaching because of frequent teacher changes in compulsory school as the cause of the difficulties. The students wanted more conversation in the teaching, both to process concepts and the atomic concept, and for a more everyday use of the atom.
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Sol-Gel Glasses Doped with Pt-Acetylides and Gold Nanoparticles for Enhanced Optical Power LimitingLundén, Hampus January 2017 (has links)
High power laser pulses can be a threat to sensors, including the human eye. Traditionally this threat has been alleviated by colour filters that blocks radiation in chosen wavelength ranges. Colour filters’ main drawback is that they block radiation regardless of it being useful or damaging, information is removed for wavelengths at which the filter protect. Protecting the entire wavelength range of a sensor would block or strongly attenuate the radiation needed for the operation of the sensor. Sol-gel glasses highly doped with Pt-Acetylide chromophores have previously shown high optical quality in combination with efficient optical power limiting through reverse saturable absorption1. These filters will transmit visible light unless the light fluence is above a certain threshold. A key design consideration of laser protection filters is linear absorption in relation to threshold level. By increasing chromophore concentration the threshold is lowered at the expense of higher linear absorption. This means that the user’s view is degraded through the filter. Adding small amounts of gold nanoparticles to the glasses resulted in an increase in optical power limiting performance. The optimal concentration of gold nanoparticles corresponded to a mean particle distance of several micrometers. The work in this licentiate thesis is about the characterization and explanation of this effect. The glasses investigated in this work were MTEOS Sol-Gel glasses doped with either only gold nanoparticles of varying shape and concentration, 50mM of PE2-CH2OH codoped with gold nanoparticles or 50mM of PE3-CH2OH codoped with gold nanoparticles. The glasses only doped with gold nanoparticles showed high optical power limiting performance at 532nm laser wavelength, but no optical power limiting at the fluences tested at 600nm. The PE2-CH2OH glasses codoped with gold nanoparticles showed an enhancement of optical power limiting at 600nm for the low gold nanoparticle concentration glasses. The enhancement was weakened or not present for higher concentrations. A similar enhancement above noise level for the PE3-CH2OH glasses was not found. A population model is used to give a qualitative explanation of the findings. The improvement in optical power limiting performance for the PE2-CH2OH glasses is explained by the gold nanoparticles helping to more quickly populate the highly absorbing triplet state during the rising edge of the laser pulse by enhancing two-photon absorption. The lack of any marked enhancement for the PE3-CH2OH glasses is explained by the PE3-CH2OH chromophore already being of sufficiently high performance to quickly populate the highly absorbing triplet state during the rising edge of the laser pulse. Further work is necessary to validate this model against other chromophores and improving its quantitative predictive power.
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Electron-transfer processes in fast ion-atom collisionsStøchkel, Kristian January 2005 (has links)
<p>The subject of this thesis is experimental studies of electron-transfer processes in ion-atom collisions at velocities significantly higher than typical orbital velocities of electrons in bound states of atoms or molecules. The experimental technique applied combines the high beam intensity of heavy-ion storage rings with a supersonic gas-jet target equipped with a recoil-ion-momentum spectrometer. In singleelectron capture to fast protons from helium atoms, we have for the first time achieved a complete separation of the kinematic and Thomas transfer mechanisms and are able to perform a quantitative comparison with the many theoretical results on a much more detailed level than what was previously possible. For the process of transfer ionization in proton-helium collisions we have determined the velocity dependence of the Thomas transfer ionization cross section to be the expected<i> v</i><i>p</i><sup>-11</sup> when the projectile velocity, <i>v</i><i>p</i>, is sufficiently high. Further, we have determined the velocity-dependent probability for shake-off of the second electron from helium provided that the first one is transferred in a kinematic capture process. Finally, we have considered collisions between protons and hydrogen molecules. Here we have found a strong variation in the cross section for transfer and excitation processes when the angle between the direction of the incoming projectile and the internuclear axis of the target molecule is varied. The variation can be explained as a result of quantum mechanical interference related to the two indistinguishable atomic centers of the molecule.</p>
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Electron-transfer processes in fast ion-atom collisionsStøchkel, Kristian January 2005 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is experimental studies of electron-transfer processes in ion-atom collisions at velocities significantly higher than typical orbital velocities of electrons in bound states of atoms or molecules. The experimental technique applied combines the high beam intensity of heavy-ion storage rings with a supersonic gas-jet target equipped with a recoil-ion-momentum spectrometer. In singleelectron capture to fast protons from helium atoms, we have for the first time achieved a complete separation of the kinematic and Thomas transfer mechanisms and are able to perform a quantitative comparison with the many theoretical results on a much more detailed level than what was previously possible. For the process of transfer ionization in proton-helium collisions we have determined the velocity dependence of the Thomas transfer ionization cross section to be the expected vp-11 when the projectile velocity, vp, is sufficiently high. Further, we have determined the velocity-dependent probability for shake-off of the second electron from helium provided that the first one is transferred in a kinematic capture process. Finally, we have considered collisions between protons and hydrogen molecules. Here we have found a strong variation in the cross section for transfer and excitation processes when the angle between the direction of the incoming projectile and the internuclear axis of the target molecule is varied. The variation can be explained as a result of quantum mechanical interference related to the two indistinguishable atomic centers of the molecule.
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Intertextuality as internal adaptation in Ann-Marie MacDonald's Goodnight Desdemona, Good morning Juliet, Robert Lepage's Le confessionnal, and Atom Egoyan's The sweet hereafterHallquist, Pola L., January 1900 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--Université de Sherbrooke, 1999. / Includes bibliographical references.
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Atom detection and counting in ultracold gases using photoionisation and ion detectionTom Campey Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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Atom detection and counting in ultracold gases using photoionisation and ion detectionTom Campey Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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