Spelling suggestions: "subject:"attitudes off students"" "subject:"attitudes oof students""
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The effects of parental marriage, divorce and conlfict on college students' attitudes toward marriage and divorceMoats, Michelle Marie. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--Miami University, Dept. of Family Studies and Social Work, 2004. / Title from first page of PDF document. Includes bibliographical references (p. 35-38).
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Exposure to trauma and self-esteem as predictors of normative beliefs about aggression: A study of South African young adultsWagener, Emma Faye January 2018 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA (Psychology) / Aggressive behaviour is prevalent in the South African context. This is evident in the high
rates of interpersonal violence including rape, intimate partner violence and homicide. Young
adults appear to be both the main perpetrators and victims of aggressive behaviour.
Normative beliefs about aggression have been identified as a central factor underlying
aggressive behaviour. Normative beliefs refer to an individual's cognitions about the
acceptability of specific behaviours and serve to regulate actions. Despite the identified
salience of normative beliefs in influencing aggressive behaviour, limited research has been
conducted within South Africa on this topic. This study thus investigated normative beliefs
about aggression held by young adults attending university. The study also aims to
investigate whether prior exposure to trauma, self-esteem and demographic factors (e.g. age,
gender and family size) predicted normative beliefs about aggression. Results indicated that
exposure to traumatic events, as well as state self-esteem significantly predicted normative
beliefs about aggression. Gender differences were evident in various subscales. Ethical
approval to conduct this study was obtained by the Senate Higher Degrees Committee of the
University of the Western Cape, as well as the University of the Western Cape registrar.
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Teaching Logarithm By Guided Discovery Learning And Real Life ApplicationsCetin, Yucel 01 April 2004 (has links) (PDF)
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of discovery and application based instruction (DABI) on students&rsquo / mathematics achievement and also to explore opinions of students toward DABI. The research was conducted by 118 ninth grade students from Etimesgut Anatolian High School, in Ankara, during the spring semester of 2001-2002 academic year.
During the study, experimental groups received DABI and control groups received Traditionally Based Instruction (TBI). The treatment was completed in three weeks. Mathematics Achievement Test (MAT) and Logarithm Achievement Test (LAT) were administered as pre and posttest respectively. In addition, a questionnaire, Students&rsquo / Views and Attitudes About DABI (SVA) and interviews were administered to determine students&rsquo / views and attitudes toward DABI.
Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA), independent sample t-test and descriptive statistics were used for testing the hypothesis of the study.
No significant difference was found between LAT mean scores of students taught with DABI and traditionally based instruction when MAT test scores were controlled. In addition, neither students&rsquo / field of study nor gender was a significant factor for LAT scores.
Students&rsquo / gender was not a significant factor for SVA scores. However, there was significant effect of math grades and field selections of students on SVA scores.
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Uncertain knowledge of a certain virus human Papilloma virus and abnormal pap smears : an Internet survey of knowledge and beliefs among a university population in Hawaiʻi /Bertram, Cathy Cramer. January 2004 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2004. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 129-137).
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The assessment of HIV knowledge and attitudes towards caring for HIV/AIDS patients among senior nursing students in baccalaureate programs in the United States of America and ThailandBenjakul, Wunvimul, January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2006. / "December 2006" The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file. Vita. Includes bibliographical references.
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Elevers attityder gentemot matematik på två grundskolor med olika socioekonomiska förutsättningarHåkansson, Isabell January 2019 (has links)
Matematik är ett debatterat ämne som diskuteras i såväl skolans och medias värld. Få andra skolämnen skapar så mycket känslor som detta ämne (Olèn, 2016). Detta arbete syftar till att undersöka attityder till matematik hos unga elever samt dess bakomliggande faktorer i den sociala närmiljön. Vidare ämnar även studien att undersöka om det förekommer skillnader i attityder på två grundskolor i Malmö med olika socioekonomiska förutsättningar. För att undersöka detta har en enkät blivit besvarad av elever i en klass från varje skola. Tidigare nationell och internationell forskning visar på elevers negativa attityder gentemot matematik. Trots det visar resultatet i denna studie att en majoritet av eleverna uttrycker positiva attityder oavsett socioekonomiska förutsättningar. Framträdande skillnader mellan skolorna är användandet av matematik utanför skolmiljön. Tendenser påvisar att vårdnadshavare med högre utbildning har en prevalens av att vara mindre involverade i elevers matematik-utveckling i hemmet, enligt elevernas uppfattning. Samma elever uttrycker i högre utsträckning att de sällan får hjälp i eller samtalar om matematik i hemmet. Däremot visar resultatet att de elever som uppgett att deras vårdnadshavare saknar utbildning på högskola eller universitet erbjuds mer stöttning genom hjälp och samtal om matematik i hemmet. Studiens resultat belyser att läroboken, av eleverna, anses utgöra en central roll i matematikundervisningen på båda skolorna. Övriga likheter uppvisas genom att samtliga respondenter anser att ämnet är viktigt och en majoritet uppger även att de vill fortsätta att arbeta i läroboken i matematikundervisningen. Det framgår av resultatet att en merpart av eleverna upplever att undervisningen utgörs av kommunikation i form av diskussion och samtal i tillägg till lärobokens centrala roll. Flera svar tyder också på att mottagarna av undervisningen uppfattar lektionerna som varierade. Studien visar vidare att lärare eller vårdnadshavare är de som, ur elevernas perspektiv, har störst inverkan på attityden till matematik. / Mathematics is a topic which is up for debate and discussion in school as well as the media. Few other educational subjects induces emotions in the same manner as mathematics. The purpose of this paper is to examine the attitude towards mathematics in young students and the underlying influences by the immediate social environment. Further, the papers intends to examine if there are differences in attitudes towards mathematics in two different elementary schools in Malmö, Sweden, with different socio-economic conditions. In order to examine the topic, a questionnaire has been conducted with one class from each school. Pre-existing national as well as international research indicates a negative attitude towards mathematics in students. In contrary to this, the results of this study concludes a majority of the students expresses positive attitudes on the subject regardless of socio-economic basis. Augmented differences between the two schools are found to be in the use of mathematics outside of the educational environment. There are tendencies at display which indicates parental guardians with higher education are prevalent to be less involved in the students development in mathematics at home, according to the students perception. To a higher extent, the same students expresses that they receive less assistance or discussion regarding mathematics at home. On the contrary, the result indicates that students who stated their parental guardians lack higher level education such as a university degree receives more support through assistance and discussion regarding mathematics at home. The result illustrates that the textbook is, by the students, perceived as a central role of the mathematical education on both schools. Other similarities are at display through the fact that all respondents are of the opinion that mathematics is an important subject and a majority of them reports that they would like to continue working in the text book during mathematics education. It also apparent from the result that a majority of the students experience that the learning is conducted through communication in the form of discussion and conversation in addition to the central role of textbooks. Several answers also indicates that the recipients of the education acknowledges the classes or lessons as varied. Further, the study demonstrates that teachers or parental guardians are the ones, out of the students perspective, who implicates the students attitude towards mathematics the most.
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Ефекти примене мултимедије у настави физике у првом разреду средње стручне школе / Efekti primene multimedije u nastavi fizike u prvom razredu srednje stručne škole / Effects of multimedia application on teachingphysics in the first grade of secondary vocational schoolRadlović-Čubrilo Danijela 22 May 2015 (has links)
<p>У раду су приказани резултати истраживања спроведеног са циљем да се испитају свеукупни ефекти примене мултимедије у настави физике у првом разреду средње стручне школе. У оквиру првог дела истраживања испитан је утицај примене мултимедије у настави физике на квантум и квалитет знања ученика, као и њихову ретенцију у односу на традиционални облик извођења наставе. Други део истраживања је за циљ имао испитивање ставова ученика према мултимедијалној настави физике. Истраживање је спроведено на узорку од 140 ученика првог разреда Техничке школе у Кикинди.</p><p>Први део истраживања реализован је експерименталном методом – експеримент са паралелним групама. Независна варијабла истраживања била је <em>мултимедијална настава</em>, док су зависне варијабле биле <em>квантум</em> и <em>квалитет </em>знања ученика. Квалитет знања ученика разматран је према Блумовој таксономији у три категорије когнитивног домена: знање (памћење), разумевање и примена. За испитивање утицаја главних ефеката – групе (облика наставе) и времена, као и њихове интеракције на квантум и<br />квалитет знања ученика употребљена је анализа варијансе са поновљеним мерењима, док је за испитивање разлика у квантуму и квалитету знања између група у индивидуалним временским моментима – иницијалном, финалном и ретенционом употребљена униваријантна анализа варијансе. Утврђено је да је примена мултимедије у настави физике резултовала статистички значајним повећањем квантума и квалитета знања ученика у свим категоријама, као и ретенције знања у категорији примена у односу на традиционални облик извођења наставе.</p><p>Други део истраживања реализован је анкетирањем ученика упитником о мултимедијалној настави физике у форми Ликертове петостепене скале за мерење ставова. Факторском анализом упитника издвојене су три димензије ставова према мултимедијалној настави физике које су назване: <em>Повећано интересовање </em>за мултимедијалну наставу,<em> Олакшано учење</em> путем мултимедијалне наставе и <em> Тешкоће у праћењу </em>мултимедијалне наставе. Резултати анкетирања потврдили су да ученици имају генерално позитивне ставове према мултимедијалној настави физике. Истраживањем је такође утврђено да се ставови ученика који су били потвргнути различитом експерименталном третману не разликују, као и де не постоји повезаност<br />ставова ученика према мултимедијалној настави физике са оценом из физике и<br />општим успехом ученика.</p><p>Резултати истраживања указују на оправданост примене мултимедије у наставној пракси са циљем да се развијају позитивни ставови према учењу физике и поспеши разумевање фундаменталних физичких концепата и закона, те самим тим повећа ефикасност наставе физике.</p> / <p>U radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja sprovedenog sa ciljem da se ispitaju sveukupni efekti primene multimedije u nastavi fizike u prvom razredu srednje stručne škole. U okviru prvog dela istraživanja ispitan je uticaj primene multimedije u nastavi fizike na kvantum i kvalitet znanja učenika, kao i njihovu retenciju u odnosu na tradicionalni oblik izvođenja nastave. Drugi deo istraživanja je za cilj imao ispitivanje stavova učenika prema multimedijalnoj nastavi fizike. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na uzorku od 140 učenika prvog razreda Tehničke škole u Kikindi.</p><p>Prvi deo istraživanja realizovan je eksperimentalnom metodom – eksperiment sa paralelnim grupama. Nezavisna varijabla istraživanja bila je <em>multimedijalna nastava</em>, dok su zavisne varijable bile <em>kvantum</em> i <em>kvalitet </em>znanja učenika. Kvalitet znanja učenika razmatran je prema Blumovoj taksonomiji u tri kategorije kognitivnog domena: znanje (pamćenje), razumevanje i primena. Za ispitivanje uticaja glavnih efekata – grupe (oblika nastave) i vremena, kao i njihove interakcije na kvantum i<br />kvalitet znanja učenika upotrebljena je analiza varijanse sa ponovljenim merenjima, dok je za ispitivanje razlika u kvantumu i kvalitetu znanja između grupa u individualnim vremenskim momentima – inicijalnom, finalnom i retencionom upotrebljena univarijantna analiza varijanse. Utvrđeno je da je primena multimedije u nastavi fizike rezultovala statistički značajnim povećanjem kvantuma i kvaliteta znanja učenika u svim kategorijama, kao i retencije znanja u kategoriji primena u odnosu na tradicionalni oblik izvođenja nastave.</p><p>Drugi deo istraživanja realizovan je anketiranjem učenika upitnikom o multimedijalnoj nastavi fizike u formi Likertove petostepene skale za merenje stavova. Faktorskom analizom upitnika izdvojene su tri dimenzije stavova prema multimedijalnoj nastavi fizike koje su nazvane: <em>Povećano interesovanje </em>za multimedijalnu nastavu,<em> Olakšano učenje</em> putem multimedijalne nastave i <em> Teškoće u praćenju </em>multimedijalne nastave. Rezultati anketiranja potvrdili su da učenici imaju generalno pozitivne stavove prema multimedijalnoj nastavi fizike. Istraživanjem je takođe utvrđeno da se stavovi učenika koji su bili potvrgnuti različitom eksperimentalnom tretmanu ne razlikuju, kao i de ne postoji povezanost<br />stavova učenika prema multimedijalnoj nastavi fizike sa ocenom iz fizike i<br />opštim uspehom učenika.</p><p>Rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na opravdanost primene multimedije u nastavnoj praksi sa ciljem da se razvijaju pozitivni stavovi prema učenju fizike i pospeši razumevanje fundamentalnih fizičkih koncepata i zakona, te samim tim poveća efikasnost nastave fizike.</p> / <p>The paper presents the results of research conducted in order to examine the overall effects of<br />the multimedia application in teaching physics in the first grade of seco ndary vocational<br />school. In the first part of the research, the impact of multimedia application in teaching<br />physics to quantum and quality of students’ knowledge was examined, as well as their<br />retention compared to the traditional method of teaching. The aim of the second part of the<br />research was to examine students’ attitudes to multimedia in teaching physics. The research<br />was carried out on a sample of 140 students of the first grade of Technical School in Kikinda.<br />The first part of the research was conducted by the experimental method – the experiment<br />with parallel groups. The research independent variable was <em>multimedia teaching</em>, while the<br />dependent variables were <em> quantum</em> and <em>quality </em> of students’ knowledge. The quality of<br />students’ knowledge was tested in accordance with Bloom's taxonomy in three categories of<br />the cognitive domain: knowledge (memory), comprehension and application. Analysis of<br />variance with repeated measurements was used to examine the influence of major effects –<br />groups (teaching methods) and time, as well as their interactions on quantum and quality of<br />students’ knowledge, while univariate analysis of variance was used in testing the difference<br />in quantum and quality of knowledge between groups in individual moments of time - initial,<br />final and retention. It was found that the use of multimedia in teaching physics resulted in a<br />statistically significant increase in the quantity and quality of students’ knowledge in all<br />categories, as well as the retention of knowledge in the category of application compared to<br />the traditional teaching method.<br />In the second part of research the students were surveyed by a questionnaire about<br />multimedia in teaching physics in the form of the Likert-Type five-point scale for measuring<br />attitude. Factor analysis of the questionnaire identified three dimensions of attitudes toward<br />multimedia teaching in physics, called: <em>Increased interest</em> in multimedia teaching, <em>Learning<br />facilitated </em> through multimedia teaching and <em>Difficulties in following </em> multimedia<br />presentations. The survey results confirmed that students generally had positive attitudes<br />toward multimedia in teaching physics. The survey also found that the attitudes of students<br />who have been subjected to different experimental treatment did not differ, and that there<br />was no correlation between students' attitudes toward multimedia in teaching physics with<br />the grade in physics and general achievement of students.<br />The research results indicate the validity of multimedia application in teaching practice with<br />the aim of developing positive attitudes towards learning physics and enhancing<br />understanding of fundamental physical concepts and laws, and thus increasing the efficiency<br />of teaching physics.</p>
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Povědomí žáků vybraných gymnázií o biopotravinách / Organic Food Awareness of Grammar School StudentsVaňková, Andrea January 2017 (has links)
The theoretical part of the thesis focuses on organic food and ecological agriculture problematics. The primary objective is to point out advantages and disadvantages of organic food and therefore, I mention comparison of organic and conventional food in the thesis. The practical part investigates attitudes and levels of knowledge of students of selected lyceums about organic food. The quantitative research (survey) was conducted at three lyceums in Prague. The statistical methods were used to verify the stated assumptions. While processing the survey I have learned that students struggle with the field of healthy nutrition than with the field of ecological agriculture and therefore, a proposal of healthy nutrition and organic food lecture has been chosen as the pedagogical output of the thesis. A tutoring presentation will focus on students of lyceums and its purpose will be to raise awareness about this problematic.
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Einstellungen zu genetischen Untersuchungen bei Medizinstudierenden in den Jahren 2001, 2010 und 2016/17Troike, Laura 19 January 2019 (has links)
Gegenstand: Seit der vollständigen Entschlüsselung des menschlichen Genoms ist es mit geringem Aufwand möglich, Menschen über das Vorliegen erblich (mit-)bedingter Erkrankungen - sogar vor deren Ausbruch - zu informieren. „Gentests“ sind jedoch umstritten. Neben Vorteilen wie der Ermöglichung präventiver medizinischer Maßnahmen oder möglichst frühzeitiger Interventionen werden auch immense Nachteile für das Individuum, wie z.B. eine hohe psychosoziale Belastung, deutlich. Die tatsächliche Inanspruchnahme genetischer Untersuchungen hängt in erheblichem Maße von den persönlichen Einstellungen ab. Besonders große Bedeutung wird hierbei den behandelnden Ärzten zuteil, die Patienten hinsichtlich der Möglichkeiten und Einschränkungen von genetischen Untersuchungen beraten. Ziel dieser Studie war es, die Einstellungen zu genetischen Untersuchungen bei angehenden Medizinern zu erfragen und die Ergebnisse über mehrere Jahre hinweg miteinander zu vergleichen. Zusätzlich wurde der Einfluss verschiedener Determinanten auf die Einstellungen zu genetischen Untersuchungen erfasst.
Untersuchungsmethoden: In drei unabhängigen Fragebogenerhebungen wurden in den Jahren 2001 (N = 129), 2010 (N = 196) und 2016/17 (N = 134) Medizinstudierende zu ihren Einstellungen zu genetischen Untersuchungen befragt. Hierfür wurde ein 13 Items umfassender Fragebogen genutzt, der aus einer finnischen Studie übernommen wurde und positive und negative Aspekte sowie Befürchtungen und Vertrauen bzgl. genetischer Untersuchungen erfasst. Zusätzlich wurden die Variablen Religion, Politik, Geschlecht, Alter und Persönlichkeit erfasst.
Ergebnisse: Medizinstudierende sind genetischen Untersuchungen gegenüber sowohl kritisch als auch befürwortend eingestellt. Sie sehen tendenziell jedoch mehr positive Effekte. Die Berechnungen von ANOVAs ergaben, dass im Jahresverlauf positive Aspekte konstant bleiben, negative Aspekte und Befürchtungen abnehmen und das Vertrauen zunimmt. Regressionsanalysen ergaben, dass die Einstellungen zu genetischen Untersuchungen durch die Religion (religiöse Menschen sind Gentests gegenüber kritischer eingestellt) und die Persönlichkeit (verträgliche Menschen sind positiver eingestellt, emotional stabile haben mehr Befürchtungen), nicht jedoch durch die politische Orientierung, Geschlecht und Alter beeinflusst werden. Geschlecht und Alter bedingten ausschließlich den Einfluss der Persönlichkeit auf die Einstellungen zu genetischen Untersuchungen.
Schlussfolgerung: Die Zunahme Gentests befürwortender Einstellungen von Medizinstudierenden während der vergangenen 16 Jahre bei gleichzeitiger kritischer Auseinandersetzung mit der Thematik ist positiv zu bewerten. Nur so kann eine patientenorientierte, non-direktive Beratung bzgl. genetischer Untersuchungen gelingen. Um diese zu unterstützen, sollten psychosoziale Aspekte humangenetischer Beratung ausnahmslos Gegenstand der universitären Ausbildung Medizinstudierender sein. / Purpose: Since the advent of whole-genome sequencing, little effort is necessary to individually inform people about the presence of hereditary diseases, even before symptoms appear. However varying opinions exist regarding the application of genetic testing. There are various recognizable advantages, such as enabling early medical interventions or preventive measures, as well as immense disadvantages e.g. high psychosocial strain. The actual use of genetic testing depends, to a considerable extent, on the personal attitudes of respective individuals. Of particular importance are the attending physicians, advising the patients on possibilities and limitations of genetic testing. The objective of this study was to investigate future physician’s attitudes towards genetic testing, and to observe potential changes in their attitudes over a certain period of time. Additionally, the influence of different determinants on the attitude towards genetic testing was examined.
Methods: Medicine students were questioned on three independent measurements in 2001 (N = 129), 2010 (N = 196) and 2016/17 (N = 134) on their attitudes towards genetic testing. For this purpose a German version of a Finnish questionnaire consisting of 13 items covering approval, disapproval, concern and trust regarding genetic testing was used. Additionally religiosity, political opinion, sex, age and personality were determined.
Results: In general medicine students show positive as well as negative attitudes regarding genetic testing. There is a tendency towards a slightly more positive opinion. ANOVA results indicate no changes in approval regarding genetic testing during the different measurements. In contrast to these results disapproval and concerns decreased whereas trust increased. Regression analysis demonstrated that people with a religious affiliation held a less favorable view of genetic testing. People with a higher level in Agreeableness demonstrate a higher level of approval whereas people with a higher level in Emotional Stability show more concerns regarding genetic testing. There was no influence in the categories of political opinion, sex and age. The effect of the personality on the attitudes towards genetic testing was influenced by sex and age.
Conclusions: The increase of approving opinions of medicine students towards genetic testing during the last 16 years, despite simultaneous and critical debate regarding the same topic, can be evaluated as a positive development. It can help to ensure a patient-centered and non-directive genetic counseling. In support of this development, psychosocial aspects of genetic counseling should, without exception, be included in university education.
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Globalization versus Localization: A Comparative Global Analysis of the Attitudes of University StudentsTonn, Evelyn 01 January 2007 (has links)
This thesis aims to measure and compare the attitudes of university students at three different public universities (The University of Central Florida, The Udmurt State University, and The Middle East Technical University) in three very distinct countries (The United States, Russia, and Turkey, respectively) with the hope of understanding their opinions toward the cultural ramifications resulting from the globalization process. The hypothesis is that the higher the exposure and receptivity of university students to cultures different from their own, via "cosmopolitizing" variables, i.e. study abroad. foreign television, music, or food, the more likely they would be to accept the concepts surrounding globalization and reject those of localization, whether expressly aware of the concepts or no thereby more likely they will be to rank "strongly globalist., on a determined dimension of globalism. An anonymous survey was translated and disseminated to students at each of the three universities referenced above in order to gather a representative sample that could potentially be studied as a microcosm of each country's university student population as a whole. The data garnered was then put through a series of statistical analyses, using SPSS, in order to understand the correlations between variables and to analyze their statistical significance. While there is existing literature discussing the attitudes and opinions of adults towards the concept of globalization there is a dearth of research and information collected on the views and attitudes of the very influential university-age population. This thesis seeks to fill in the informational gap and provide a framework for further continuation of this study.
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