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A contribuição das habilidades de letramento emergente para as competências iniciais de leitura e escrita / The contribution of emergent literacy skills to early reading and writing performanceCastro, Danielle Andrade Silva de 03 August 2017 (has links)
A análise da literatura científica evidencia intenso esforço para se obter melhor entendimento de como ocorre a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita e como é possível colaborar para essa aprendizagem, a partir da identificação das habilidades cognitivas e linguísticas subjacentes a ela. A perspectiva do letramento emergente considera a importância de um conjunto de habilidades linguísticas e de conhecimentos sobre a língua escrita, adquiridos pela criança no período compreendido entre o nascimento e o início do processo formal de alfabetização, os quais seriam precursores da aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita, destacando o papel da Educação Infantil no desenvolvimento destas habilidades e conhecimentos. Diante disto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal investigar se e quais habilidades de letramento emergente, apresentadas pelas crianças ao final da Ed. Infantil, contribuem significativamente e de modo independente para a aquisição da leitura e escrita durante o primeiro ano escolar. A metodologia utilizada seguiu um delineamento correlacional de caráter longitudinal. Para tanto, na primeira etapa da pesquisa, foram avaliadas as habilidades de letramento emergente de uma amostra de 41 crianças de duas turmas do último ano da Ed. Infantil (idade média de 5,84 anos). Os instrumentos utilizados foram testes padronizados de consciência fonológica, nomeação (vocabulário) e compreensão oral, além de uma prova de conhecimento de letras. Ao final do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental, foram reavaliadas 34 crianças da amostra anterior (idade média de 6,68 anos), através de testes padronizados de leitura de palavras e pseudopalavras, escrita de palavras e compreensão em leitura. Os dados foram analisados através de técnicas correlacionais e de análise de regressão, visando identificar a relação entre as variáveis estudadas e a contribuição das habilidades de letramento emergente para as habilidades de leitura, escrita e compreensão da amostra estudada. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que todas as habilidades de letramento emergente (consciência fonológica, conhecimento de letras, nomeação e compreensão oral) estavam correlacionadas e que estas também estavam correlacionadas com as variáveis dependentes (escrita, leitura de palavras e compreensão em leitura). As análises de regressão mostraram maior contribuição da consciência fonológica e conhecimento de letras para o desempenho em escrita e da consciência fonológica para o desempenho em leitura de palavras e para a compreensão em leitura. Conclui-se que os resultados obtidos permitem dar suporte à hipótese da importância do desenvolvimento das habilidades de letramento emergente na Ed. Infantil, a fim de favorecer a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita no Ensino Fundamental. / The analysis of the scientific literature shows intense effort to obtain a better understanding of how reading and writing learning occurs and how it is possible to collaborate for this learning by identification of the cognitive and linguistic abilities underlying it. The emergent literacy perspective considers the importance of a set of linguistic skills and knowledges about press acquired by the child in the period between birth and the beginning of the formal literacy process, whose could promote literacy, highlighting the role of Early Childhood Education in the development of these skills and knowledges. In view of this, the main objective of this study was to investigate whether and what emergent literacy skills presented by the children at the end of the kindergarten contribute significantly and independently to the acquisition of reading and writing during the 1st grade of elementary school. The methodology used followed a correlational design of longitudinal features. To do so, in the first stage of the research, the emergent literacy skills were evaluated in a sample of 41 kindergarteners (mean age 5.84 years). The instruments used were standardized tests of phonological awareness, naming (vocabulary) and oral comprehension, as well as a proof of letter knowledge. At the end of the first year of elementary school, 34 children from the previous sample (mean age 6.68 years) were reassessed, through standardized tests of reading of words and pseudowords, writing of words and comprehension in reading. Data were analyzed using correlation and regression analysis techniques to identify the relationship between the variables studied and the contribution of emergent literacy skills to the reading, writing and comprehension performance of the sample studied. The results indicated that all emergent literacy skills (phonological awareness, letter knowledge, naming and oral comprehension) were correlated and that these were also correlated with the dependent variables (writing, reading of words and comprehension in reading). The results of the regression analysis showed a greater contribution of phonological awareness and letter knowledge to the performance of writing. Phonological awareness was also the most important predictor for the performance of reading words and reading comprehension. The obtained results allow us to support the hypothesis of the importance of the development of emergent literacy skills in kindergarten, in order to benefit the reading and writing learning in 1st grade of Elementary School.
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Language awareness & knowledge about language : a history of a curriculum reform movement under the Conservatives, 1979-1997Murakami, Charlotte Victoria Trudy January 2013 (has links)
England’s long history of education has witnessed many conflicts in regard to language teaching. In this thesis, I investigate the conflicts surrounding two language education reform movements, Language Awareness and Knowledge About Language, during the Conservative administration between 1979 and 1997. The investigation examines official and non-official plans and policy texts produced by various groups and actors, notably Hawkins and Cox, that detail how the teaching of ‘Language’ should be conducted in England’s state school curriculum. The focus of the research is upon identifying what LA and KAL were as pedagogical concepts; why LA was reconstituted as KAL; what the motives underpinning these various plans and policies were; and finally, why efforts to establish LA and KAL were resisted. In the effort to make sense of this history, I draw theoretically and methodologically upon the work of Foucault, Fairclough, Bernstein and Ager. Limitations of my interpretation of this history notwithstanding, my findings revealed that LA was an educational reform movement that emerged from common schooling discourses, and one that sought to improve its educational provision. While LA was originally intended to be a subject in its own right that bridged the English and Foreign Language subject areas, Her Majesty’s Inspectorate reconstituted LA and placed its responsibility firmly within the English subject area. The motives underpinning LA and KAL planning and policy are varied. Those underpinning the policies, however, are distinctly ideological in nature, drawing a strong relationship between language education and democracy. Nearly all motives pertain to what Bernstein calls a competence model of education, the modes of which are notably attuned to addressing inequality and promoting social integration. LA and KAL were reforms that were both ill understood and resented, for varying and complex reasons, by educators and the Conservatives alike. The thesis closes with directions for future research.
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Den personifierade marknadsföringens effekter på köpintentioner : En studie med fokus på medvetenheten om online behavioral advertisingWesterberg, Elin, Wuopio, Elin January 2018 (has links)
Utvecklingen av tekniken sker i snabb takt vilket gör att människors vetskap om OBA inte alltid hänger med, inte heller lagar och regler som ska skydda deras integritet. Därför är det intressant att undersöka hur effektiv marknadsföringstypen OBA är beroende av konsumenternas medvetenhet om fenomenet. Syftet är att analysera hur hög, respektive låg medvetenhet hos konsumenter om online behavioral advertising påverkar deras köpintentioner, med fokus på Generation Ys uppfattningar. Denna studie visar på samband mellan lägre medvetenhet om OBA och högre köpintentioner. Lägre medvetenhet om denna typ av marknadsföring förknippas även med en högre oro kring integriteten. / The development of technology takes place at a rapid pace, which means that people's knowledge of OBA does not always keep up, nor laws and regulations that supposed to protect their privacy. Therefore, it is interesting to investigate how effective online behavioral advertising is as a marketing strategy, based on consumers’ awareness of the phenomenon. The purpose is to analyze how a high and a low level of consumers’ awareness about OBA affects their purchase intentions, focusing on Generation Y’s perceptions.This paper reveals a connection between lower awareness of OBA and higher purchase intentions. Even a higher concern about integrity in the context is associated with lower awareness about this type of marketing.
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A contribuição das habilidades de letramento emergente para as competências iniciais de leitura e escrita / The contribution of emergent literacy skills to early reading and writing performanceDanielle Andrade Silva de Castro 03 August 2017 (has links)
A análise da literatura científica evidencia intenso esforço para se obter melhor entendimento de como ocorre a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita e como é possível colaborar para essa aprendizagem, a partir da identificação das habilidades cognitivas e linguísticas subjacentes a ela. A perspectiva do letramento emergente considera a importância de um conjunto de habilidades linguísticas e de conhecimentos sobre a língua escrita, adquiridos pela criança no período compreendido entre o nascimento e o início do processo formal de alfabetização, os quais seriam precursores da aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita, destacando o papel da Educação Infantil no desenvolvimento destas habilidades e conhecimentos. Diante disto, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal investigar se e quais habilidades de letramento emergente, apresentadas pelas crianças ao final da Ed. Infantil, contribuem significativamente e de modo independente para a aquisição da leitura e escrita durante o primeiro ano escolar. A metodologia utilizada seguiu um delineamento correlacional de caráter longitudinal. Para tanto, na primeira etapa da pesquisa, foram avaliadas as habilidades de letramento emergente de uma amostra de 41 crianças de duas turmas do último ano da Ed. Infantil (idade média de 5,84 anos). Os instrumentos utilizados foram testes padronizados de consciência fonológica, nomeação (vocabulário) e compreensão oral, além de uma prova de conhecimento de letras. Ao final do primeiro ano do Ensino Fundamental, foram reavaliadas 34 crianças da amostra anterior (idade média de 6,68 anos), através de testes padronizados de leitura de palavras e pseudopalavras, escrita de palavras e compreensão em leitura. Os dados foram analisados através de técnicas correlacionais e de análise de regressão, visando identificar a relação entre as variáveis estudadas e a contribuição das habilidades de letramento emergente para as habilidades de leitura, escrita e compreensão da amostra estudada. Os resultados obtidos indicaram que todas as habilidades de letramento emergente (consciência fonológica, conhecimento de letras, nomeação e compreensão oral) estavam correlacionadas e que estas também estavam correlacionadas com as variáveis dependentes (escrita, leitura de palavras e compreensão em leitura). As análises de regressão mostraram maior contribuição da consciência fonológica e conhecimento de letras para o desempenho em escrita e da consciência fonológica para o desempenho em leitura de palavras e para a compreensão em leitura. Conclui-se que os resultados obtidos permitem dar suporte à hipótese da importância do desenvolvimento das habilidades de letramento emergente na Ed. Infantil, a fim de favorecer a aprendizagem da leitura e da escrita no Ensino Fundamental. / The analysis of the scientific literature shows intense effort to obtain a better understanding of how reading and writing learning occurs and how it is possible to collaborate for this learning by identification of the cognitive and linguistic abilities underlying it. The emergent literacy perspective considers the importance of a set of linguistic skills and knowledges about press acquired by the child in the period between birth and the beginning of the formal literacy process, whose could promote literacy, highlighting the role of Early Childhood Education in the development of these skills and knowledges. In view of this, the main objective of this study was to investigate whether and what emergent literacy skills presented by the children at the end of the kindergarten contribute significantly and independently to the acquisition of reading and writing during the 1st grade of elementary school. The methodology used followed a correlational design of longitudinal features. To do so, in the first stage of the research, the emergent literacy skills were evaluated in a sample of 41 kindergarteners (mean age 5.84 years). The instruments used were standardized tests of phonological awareness, naming (vocabulary) and oral comprehension, as well as a proof of letter knowledge. At the end of the first year of elementary school, 34 children from the previous sample (mean age 6.68 years) were reassessed, through standardized tests of reading of words and pseudowords, writing of words and comprehension in reading. Data were analyzed using correlation and regression analysis techniques to identify the relationship between the variables studied and the contribution of emergent literacy skills to the reading, writing and comprehension performance of the sample studied. The results indicated that all emergent literacy skills (phonological awareness, letter knowledge, naming and oral comprehension) were correlated and that these were also correlated with the dependent variables (writing, reading of words and comprehension in reading). The results of the regression analysis showed a greater contribution of phonological awareness and letter knowledge to the performance of writing. Phonological awareness was also the most important predictor for the performance of reading words and reading comprehension. The obtained results allow us to support the hypothesis of the importance of the development of emergent literacy skills in kindergarten, in order to benefit the reading and writing learning in 1st grade of Elementary School.
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Fachkräfte im Gesundheitswesen und das Thema häusliche Gewalt: Ergebnisse dreier Befragungen in Sachsen 2009, 2010 und 2015Schellong, Julia 08 October 2020 (has links)
Hintergrund: Häusliche Gewalt ist ein allgegenwärtiges Problem mit multiplen negativen Gesundheitsauswirkungen für Betroffene und hohen Folgekosten für das Gemeinwesen. Aufgrund der direkten und indirekten Gesundheitsfolgen nehmen Betroffene häufig medizinische Hilfe in Anspruch. Diese Kontakte sind wesentlich häufiger als die Inanspruchnahme spezifischer nichtmedizinischer Hilfeeinrichtungen. Gesundheitsfachkräften kommt hiermit eine wesentliche Rolle bei der Identifizierung häuslicher Gewalt, der Versorgung ihrer Folgen und auch der Prävention weiterer Gewalt zu. Um Fachkräfte im Gesundheitswesen für das Thema zu sensibilisieren und zu qualifizieren, wurde in den Jahren 2008-2010 das Projekt „Hinsehen – Erkennen – Handeln“ (HEH) durchgeführt. Es wurden ein Dokumentationsbogen für Sachsen sowie Informationsmaterialien für Betroffene entwickelt und gemeinsam mit dem bereits bestehenden ärztlichen Leitfaden in berufs- und fachgruppenspezifischen Veranstaltungen vorgestellt. Die Evaluation der Veranstaltungen fand kontinuierlich Eingang in die Weiterentwicklung der Materialien. Das Projekt wurde begleitet durch Befragungen von Gesundheitsfachkräften, mit einer Ersterhebung 2009 und einer Folgeerhebung 2010. Basierend hierauf beauftragte das Sächsische Staatsministerium für Gleichstellung und Integration 2015 die Erstellung eines „Maßnahmenkatalogs zur Einbindung des Gesundheitswesens in die Hilfenetzwerke zur Bekämpfung häuslicher Gewalt in Sachsen“ und in Vorbereitung dazu eine erneute Befragung aller sächsischen (Zahn-)Ärztinnen und (Zahn-)
Ärzten. Die drei genannten Befragungen sind Gegenstand der hier vorgelegten Promotionsschrift. Methoden: Bei den Befragungen 2009 und 2010 wurden 4787 bzw. 4812 Fachkräfte im Gesundheitswesen angeschrieben (Angehörige des Universitätsklinikums, ambulant tätige Ärzt*innen, Psycholog*innen, Hebammen, Physiotherapeut*innen und Pflegekräfte aus Dresden und Chemnitz). Der Fragebogen umfasste 74 Items in den Bereichen: Person und Beruf, Informationsstand zum Thema, Umgang mit Betroffenen, Bekanntheit von Arbeitshilfen und Beratungsstellen, sowie Einstellung zu Fortbildungen zum Thema. Der Rücklauf betrug 1107 (23%) bzw. 788 (16%). Unter den Antwortenden der Re-Befragung 2010 befanden sich 132 von insgesamt 931 Teilnehmern von Schulungen im Rahmen des Projektes HEH. Für die Befragung 2015 wurden alle 20.712 sächsischen (Zahn-)Ärztinnen und (Zahn-)Ärzte (16.757 bzw. 3.955) angeschrieben. Der Fragebogen enthielt 78 Items in den vorgenannten Themenbereichen; zusätzlich sollte ein beigelegter Dokumentationsbogen bewertet werden. Der Rücklauf betrug 1346 (6.5%). Von den weiblichen Angeschriebenen antworteten 8,3%, von den männlichen 4,3%. Die Auswertung der Antworten erfolgte mit Hilfe deskriptiver Statistik. Vergleiche wurden durchgeführt zwischen Berufsgruppen, zwischen den Städten Dresden und Chemnitz, zwischen den Befragungszeitpunkten 2009 und 2010, sowie zwischen Schulungsteilnehmern und Nicht-Schulungsteilnehmern. Bei der Auswertung der Befragung 2015 wurden zusätzlich Beziehungen zwischen der Beantwortung einzelner Items hergestellt. Ergebnisse: a) Informationsstand zum Thema Häusliche Gewalt: Auf einer mehrstufigen Skala zur subjektiven Informiertheit lagen in den jeweiligen Gesamtkollektiven die Antworten mehrheitlich nahe dem Mittelwert; es fanden sich keine Unterschiede nach Befragungsjahren, Städten oder Berufsgruppen. Allerdings fühlten sich niedergelassene Ärztinnen und Ärzte in Dresden im Jahr 2010 signifikant besser informiert als in Chemnitz (p=0.02); in 2015 war dieser Unterschied nicht mehr vorhanden. Unter den Antwortenden 2010 fühlten sich diejenigen, die an einer Schulung teilgenommen hatten, hochsignifikant besser informiert als Nicht-Schulungsteilnehmer (p<.001); dies sowohl im Vergleich innerhalb Dresdens (Effektstärke d=0.59) als auch zwischen den Städten als auch im Vergleich mit dem Gesamtkollektiv 2009. Schränkt man die Vergleiche auf diejenigen Personen ein, die angaben, auf beide Befragungen geantwortet zu haben, war die Effektstärke zwischen Schulungsteilnehmern und Nicht-Schulungsteilnehmern aus Dresden noch etwas höher (d=0.61); zusätzlich fand sich sogar ein Unterschied unter den Nicht-Schulungsteilnehmern 2009 und 2010 (p<0.001; d=0.19). Dieser letzte Unterschied war für die Antwortenden aus Chemnitz nicht vorhanden. Gebeten um eine Schätzung der Lebenszeitprävalenz von Erlebnissen häuslicher Gewalt, antworteten in allen drei Befragungskollektiven nur ein Viertel nahe der tatsächlichen Ziffer für Frauen von 20-30%; für Männer wurde die Ziffer deutlich geringer geschätzt, wobei verlässliche epidemiologische Zahlen nicht vorliegen. Unterschiede zwischen den Untergruppen von Befragten waren nicht zu erkennen. b) Umgang mit Betroffenen: In allen drei Befragungen wurde die vermutete berufliche Kontakthäufigkeit zu Betroffenen als sehr gering eingestuft; einzige Ausnahme bildete die Berufsgruppe der Psycholog*innen. Die Bereitschaft, Betroffene anzusprechen, wurde mit 40-100% als durchaus hoch eingeschätzt, es fanden sich jedoch signifikante Unterschiede zwischen den Berufsgruppen (niedriger bei Hebammen und Pflegekräften, höher bei Ärzt*innen und Psycholog*innen). Die Zufriedenheit mit den Möglichkeiten, Betroffenen zu helfen, wurde durchweg als gering berichtet; lediglich Psycholog*innen gaben eine bessere Einschätzung. Für den Vergleich zwischen Schulungsteilnehmern und Nicht-Schulungsteilnehmern fand sich in der Befragung 2010 ein Trend (p=0.09).
c) Bekanntheit von Arbeitshilfen und Beratungsstellen: Von den zur Auswahl gestellten Arbeits- und Informationshilfen war unter (Zahn-)Ärztinnen und (Zahn-)Ärzten das bundesweite Hilfetelefon (geschaltet seit 2011) mit 45% die bekannteste, gefolgt vom sächsischen Ärzteleitfaden (in allen drei Jahrgängen gleichbleibend ca. 30%). Von den örtlichen Beratungsstellen und Hilfeeinrichtungen waren in der Befragung 2015 das Institut für Rechtsmedizin (68%) und die Frauenhäuser (61%) die bekanntesten; lediglich 31% kannten die lokalen spezialisierten Beratungsstellen. In den Jahren 2009 und 2010 waren es sogar nur 9% bzw.13% gewesen. Durchweg waren die Kenntnisse in anderen Berufsgruppen deutlich geringer. Schulungsteilnehmer hatten in der Befragung 2010 signifikant höhere Kenntnisse als Nicht-Schulungsteilnehmer. Diejenigen Antwortenden 2015 mit den geringsten Kenntnissen von Informationsmaterialien und Hilfeeinrichtungen hatten auch die geringste Zufriedenheit mit der Möglichkeit zu helfen angegeben. d) Einstellung zu Fortbildungen zum Thema: Über alle Befragungen hinweg zeigten sich ca. 70% der Ärztinnen und Ärzte an Fortbildungen zum Thema interessiert. Ein zeitlicher Umfang von bis zu zwei Stunden wurde stark bevorzugt. Pflegekräfte hatten ähnliche Präferenzen, Hebammen und Psycholog*innen tendierten zu längeren Fortbildungsdauern. Von möglichen Inhalten wurden am häufigsten genannt: konkrete Handlungsanleitungen, Informationen über Beratungsstellen, rechtliche Aspekte sowie Hinweise zur Gesprächsführung mit Betroffenen.
Schlussfolgerung: Die geschilderten Befragungen aus Sachsen zeigen, dass Fachkräfte im Gesundheitswesen, darunter gleichermaßen Ärztinnen und Ärzte wie Angehörige anderer Berufsgruppen, wenig vorbereitet sind, ihre wesentliche Schlüsselrolle bei der umfassenden Hilfe für Betroffene von häuslicher Gewalt einzunehmen und zur Geltung zu bringen. Sie signalisieren zwar einerseits eine hohe Bereitschaft, Betroffene anzusprechen, sehen sich in ihrer Berufsausübung aber in nur sehr geringem Kontakt zu Betroffenen und sind wenig zufrieden mit den Möglichkeiten zu helfen. Gleichzeitig ist die Kenntnis verfügbarer Informationsmaterialien und bestehender Hilfeeinrichtungen unvollständig oder sogar gering. Der offenkundige Bedarf an Awareness-Steigerung einerseits und Kenntnis-Vermittlung andererseits wurde im Projekt HEH adressiert. Die Befragungen zeigen eindeutig, dass derartig fokussierte Schulungen und Fortbildungen einen positiven Effekt haben, gleichzeitig aber, dass sie longitudinal besser verankert werden müssen. Die Befragung hat zusätzlich herausgearbeitet, dass Fortbildungen durchaus auf Interesse stoßen, und welche Formate und Inhalte dabei die größte Akzeptanz finden.:1 EINLEITUNG 1
2.1 Politische Relevanz 3
2.2 Definition: Häusliche Gewalt 4
2.3 Art der Gewalttaten bei häuslicher Gewalt 4
2.4 Prävalenz häuslicher Gewalt 5
2.5 Prävalenz häuslicher Gewalt in Sachsen 7
2.6 Gesundheitliche Folgen häuslicher Gewalt 9
2.7 Schlüsselstelle Gesundheitswesen 11
2.8 Netzwerke zur Bekämpfung häuslicher Gewalt 11
2.9 Europäische Interventionsprojekte zu häuslicher Gewalt 12
2.10 Interventionsprojekte zu häuslicher Gewalt im Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland 13
2.11 Maßnahmen zum Thema häusliche Gewalt im sächsischen Gesundheitswesen 15
2.12 Maßnahmen zum Thema häusliche Gewalt in der Stadt Dresden 17
3.1 Strategisches Vorgehen 18
3.2 Digitale Verfügbarkeit der Materialien 21
3.3 Fortbildungsformate 21
3.4 Prozessbegleitung und Evaluation der Veranstaltungen 24
3.5 Fachveranstaltung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit 25
3.6 Zielstellung: Befragungen medizinischer Fachkräfte 26
4.1 Befragung von Fachkräften im Gesundheitswesen im Jahr 2009 28
4.2 Re-Befragung von Fachkräften im Jahr 2010 34
4.3 Vergleich Befragung Dresden-Chemnitz 2009 und Re-Befragung 2010 36
4.4 Befragung von (Zahn-)Ärztinnen und (Zahn-)Ärzten Sachsen im Jahr 2015 37
4.5 Statistik 42
5.1 Ergebnisse Befragung im Jahr 2009 44
5.2 Ergebnisse Re-Befragung Fachkräfte im Jahr 2010 59
5.3 Ergebnisse Befragung im Jahr 2015 71
5.4 Befragungsergebnisse im Vergleich 83
6.1 Hauptergebnisse aus den Fragebogenuntersuchungen 98
6.2 Limitationen und Stärken der Untersuchungen 102
6.3 Klinische Implikationen und Konsequenzen für die politische Willensbildung 104
6.4 Fazit 108
12 ANHANG 129
15 ERKLÄRUNG ZUR EINHALTUNG RECHTLICHER VORSCHRIFTEN 157 / Background: Domestic violence is an omnipresent problem with multiple negative consequences for those affected and high costs for the community. Due to direct and indirect health impacts, medical attention is sought frequently. Contact with medical professionals is much more common than with specialized non-medical counseling facilities. Therefore, health care providers play a key role in the identification of domestic violence, treatment of the consequences, and thus prevention of further violence. The 2008-2010 project 'Hinsehen–Erkennen–Handeln' (HEH: Look at–Recognize-Act) was initiated in order to sensitizing and training medical professionals. Information material and a documentation form for Saxony were developed and presented at focused training modules together with existing medical guidelines. The project was flanked by two surveys of health care providers, first in 2009, then in 2010. Based on that, the Saxon Ministry of Equality and Integration in 2015 commissioned a 'Catalog of Measures for Integrating the Health Care System into the Help Network Combating Domestic Violence in Saxony'. In preparation for that, another survey of all physicians and dentists in Saxony was employed. Those three surveys are the subject of the current thesis. Methods: The 2009 and 2010 surveys were sent to 4787 and 4812 professionals, respectively (members of the university clinic, outpatient doctors, psychologists, midwives, physiotherapists and care personnel from Dresden and Chemnitz). They comprised 74 items on: personal information and profession, level of information, handling of those affected, familiarity with work aids and counseling facilities, as well as interest in continued education on the topic. The rates of return were 1107 (23%) and 788 (16%), respectively. Among those who answered in 2010 there were 132 out of a total 931 participants of training modules from the HEH project. The 2015 survey went out to all 20,712 Saxon physicians and dentists (16,757 and 3,955 respectively). It covered 78 items on the same topics. In addition, a proposed documentation form was to be evaluated. There were 1346 replies (6.5%). The rates were 8.3% for female and 4.3% for male recipients. Analysis of the answers was done by descriptive statistics. Points of comparison were: professions, the cities Chemnitz and Dresden, survey year 2009 or 2010, and participation of training modules. For the 2015 survey, relations between different items were analysed. Results: a) Level of Information about Domestic Violence: Answers on the subjective information about the topic mostly converged around the mean irrespective of year of the survey, city, or profession. However, Dresden physicians in private practice felt significantly better informed than those in Chemnitz in 2010 (p=0.02) but not so in 2009. The difference disappeared again in 2015. In 2010, those respondents who attended training modules felt themselves to be much more informed than those who did not (p<0.001), an effect which held true for the comparison within Dresden (effect strength d=0.59), between the cities, and with the 2009 survey. When limiting the comparisons to those who responded to both the 2009 and the 2010 surveys, this effect was even higher comparing Dresdners who attended training modules and those who did not (d=0.61). In addition, there was even a difference between 2009 and 2010 for respondents from Dresden who did not attend training modules (p<0.001; d=0.19), an effect that could not be observed in Chemnitz. When asked to estimate the lifetime prevalence of domestic violence, only a quarter of respondents of all three surveys came close to the actual rate for women, 20-30%. The rate for men was estimated to be significantly lower. There were no divergences between the subgroups of respondents. b) Dealing of those affected: Participants of all three surveys estimated the frequency of their professional contact with those affected to be very low, the only exception being psychologists. Readiness to approach the affected was rated relatively high with 40-100%, but significant differences were found between professions (lower for midwives and nurses, higher for physicians and psychologists). Satisfaction with options for offering help was generally low, only psychologists saw them more positive. Here, the 2010 survey showed an upward trend between those who participated in training modules and those who did not (p=0.09). c) Familiarity with work aids and counseling facilities: For physicians and dentists, among the information and work aids mentioned in the survey, the federal help hotline (started in 2011) was best known with 45%, followed by the Saxon guideline for physicians with 30% for all three surveys. In 2015, the list of local counseling and aid facilities was topped by the institute for forensic medicine (68%) and by women's shelters (61%). Only 31% of respondents knew of the more specifically dedicated local counseling facilities, a number that grew from 9% and 13% in 2009 and 2010, respectively. For other professions, familiarity with these options was markedly lower. Participation in the training modules indicated significantly higher rates of familiarity in the 2010 survey. In 2015, those with the least knowledge of informational material and counseling facilities were least satisfied with the options for offering help. d) Interest in continued education: Across all surveys, around 70% of physicians showed interest in continued education, strongly favoring units at a length of two hours. Nurses showed very similar preferences, while midwives and psychologists tended towards longer durations. The subjects most commonly called for were concrete guidelines for action, counseling facilities, legal aspects, and conversational skills. Conclusion: The surveys from Saxony show how ill prepared medical professionals are to enact their key role in the comprehensive care for people affected by domestic violence. They show a high readiness to address those affected, but estimate their professional contacts to such cases to be rare. They are unhappy with their ability to help, while having only incomplete or even poor familiarity with informational material and counseling facilities. The project HEH addressed the obvious need for raising awareness and imparting information. The surveys clearly demonstrated that offering training modules had a positive effect. However, more continued education is needed in the long run. Fortunately, there is a high interest in such training. The surveys revealed suggestions for educational subjects and formats.:1 EINLEITUNG 1
2.1 Politische Relevanz 3
2.2 Definition: Häusliche Gewalt 4
2.3 Art der Gewalttaten bei häuslicher Gewalt 4
2.4 Prävalenz häuslicher Gewalt 5
2.5 Prävalenz häuslicher Gewalt in Sachsen 7
2.6 Gesundheitliche Folgen häuslicher Gewalt 9
2.7 Schlüsselstelle Gesundheitswesen 11
2.8 Netzwerke zur Bekämpfung häuslicher Gewalt 11
2.9 Europäische Interventionsprojekte zu häuslicher Gewalt 12
2.10 Interventionsprojekte zu häuslicher Gewalt im Gesundheitswesen in Deutschland 13
2.11 Maßnahmen zum Thema häusliche Gewalt im sächsischen Gesundheitswesen 15
2.12 Maßnahmen zum Thema häusliche Gewalt in der Stadt Dresden 17
3.1 Strategisches Vorgehen 18
3.2 Digitale Verfügbarkeit der Materialien 21
3.3 Fortbildungsformate 21
3.4 Prozessbegleitung und Evaluation der Veranstaltungen 24
3.5 Fachveranstaltung und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit 25
3.6 Zielstellung: Befragungen medizinischer Fachkräfte 26
4.1 Befragung von Fachkräften im Gesundheitswesen im Jahr 2009 28
4.2 Re-Befragung von Fachkräften im Jahr 2010 34
4.3 Vergleich Befragung Dresden-Chemnitz 2009 und Re-Befragung 2010 36
4.4 Befragung von (Zahn-)Ärztinnen und (Zahn-)Ärzten Sachsen im Jahr 2015 37
4.5 Statistik 42
5.1 Ergebnisse Befragung im Jahr 2009 44
5.2 Ergebnisse Re-Befragung Fachkräfte im Jahr 2010 59
5.3 Ergebnisse Befragung im Jahr 2015 71
5.4 Befragungsergebnisse im Vergleich 83
6.1 Hauptergebnisse aus den Fragebogenuntersuchungen 98
6.2 Limitationen und Stärken der Untersuchungen 102
6.3 Klinische Implikationen und Konsequenzen für die politische Willensbildung 104
6.4 Fazit 108
12 ANHANG 129
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Narratives and landscapes their capacity to serve indigenous knowledge interests /Ford, Payi-Linda. January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (Ph.D.)--Deakin University, Victoria, 2005. / Submitted to the School of Education of the Faculty of Education, Deakin University. Degree conferred 2006. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 211-225)
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The impact of the Educhange and Research Foundation (ERF) Self-awareness Programme on learners' reactions and learningLowane, Nkateko Eudora 10 1900 (has links)
Text in English / The aim of the current study was to explore the impact of the Educhange and Research Foundation (ERF) self-awareness programme on the participants’ reactions, experiences, and changes in opinion regarding their knowledge of concepts of self-awareness. This study constitutes an evaluation of a workshop presented by the ERF which is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) aimed at generating solutions toward a better education for all learners through the application of Kirkpatrick’s model of evaluating education and training programmes. Kirkpatrick’s model follows the goal-based evaluation approach and is based on four levels of evaluation. These four levels are widely known as reaction, learning, behaviour, and results. Due to the feasibility of the research, only the reaction and learning evaluation levels were researched. The population identified for the study comprised 15 grade 9 to 11 secondary school learners from Soweto in South Africa which were encouraged to volunteer to take part in the study at their convenience. The sample consisted of all the learners who attended the self-awareness workshop, in effect making this a purposive, convenience sampling. The ERF Board were responsible for the sample selection for their scholarship programme. One of the minimum criteria of selection to take part in the programme was that the learner must have obtained 70% and stem from poor backgrounds. The relatively small sample size possesses the potential to limit the generalisation of the findings. A mixed method approach was employed for this research. Positivist paradigm is the epistemological stance adopted due to the social reality investigated. The sources of data consisted of pre- and post-evaluation questionnaires on self-awareness. The results were thematically and statistically analysed. Thematic analysis included familiarisation with the data and first finding meaning, and then identifying patterns of recurring meaning by generating initial codes and lastly generating themes that run through these meanings.Statistical analysis was conducted through comparison of the data before and after the workshop using chi-square. Objective self-awareness theory and the self-regulation theory were the theoretical framework that informed the current research study. The main finding from this study was that the programme was perceived to have raised positive subjective opinions and feelings of most of the participants, although one participant raised negative subjective opinions about the programme and made suggestions for improvement. After the workshop, the participants felt that they had gained a better understanding of the key concepts of self-awareness, although most items were found to be statistically insignificant. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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The impact of the Educhange and Research Foundation (ERF) Self-awareness Programme on learners' reactions and learningLowane, Nkateko Eudora 10 1900 (has links)
The aim of the current study was to explore the impact of the Educhange and Research Foundation (ERF) self-awareness programme on the participants’ reactions, experiences, and changes in opinion regarding their knowledge of concepts of self-awareness. This study constitutes an evaluation of a workshop presented by the ERF which is a Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) aimed at generating solutions toward a better education for all learners through the application of Kirkpatrick’s model of evaluating education and training programmes. Kirkpatrick’s model follows the goal-based evaluation approach and is based on four levels of evaluation. These four levels are widely known as reaction, learning, behaviour, and results. Due to the feasibility of the research, only the reaction and learning evaluation levels were researched. The population identified for the study comprised 15 grade 9 to 11 secondary school learners from Soweto in South Africa which were encouraged to volunteer to take part in the study at their convenience. The sample consisted of all the learners who attended the self-awareness workshop, in effect making this a purposive, convenience sampling. The ERF Board were responsible for the sample selection for their scholarship programme. One of the minimum criteria of selection to take part in the programme was that the learner must have obtained 70% and stem from poor backgrounds. The relatively small sample size possesses the potential to limit the generalisation of the findings. A mixed method approach was employed for this research. Positivist paradigm is the epistemological stance adopted due to the social reality investigated. The sources of data consisted of pre- and post-evaluation questionnaires on self-awareness. The results were thematically and statistically analysed. Thematic analysis included familiarisation with the data and first finding meaning, and then identifying patterns of recurring meaning by generating initial codes and lastly generating themes that run through these meanings.Statistical analysis was conducted through comparison of the data before and after the workshop using chi-square. Objective self-awareness theory and the self-regulation theory were the theoretical framework that informed the current research study. The main finding from this study was that the programme was perceived to have raised positive subjective opinions and feelings of most of the participants, although one participant raised negative subjective opinions about the programme and made suggestions for improvement. After the workshop, the participants felt that they had gained a better understanding of the key concepts of self-awareness, although most items were found to be statistically insignificant. / Psychology / M.A. (Psychology)
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