Spelling suggestions: "subject:"back scattered""
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Mitigation of contrast loss in underwater imagesMortazavi, Halleh January 2010 (has links)
The quality of an underwater image is degraded due to the effects of light scattering in water, which are resolution loss and contrast loss. Contrast loss is the main degradation problem in underwater images which is caused by the effect of optical back-scatter. A method is proposed to improve the contrast of an underwater image by mitigating the effect of optical back-scatter after image acquisition. The proposed method is based on the inverse model of an underwater image model, which is validated experimentally in this work. It suggests that the recovered image can be obtained by subtracting the intensity value due to the effect of optical back-scatter from the degraded image pixel and then scaling the remaining by a factor due to the effect of optical extinction. Three filters are proposed to estimate for optical back-scatter in a degraded image. Among these three filters, the performance of BS-CostFunc filter is the best. The physical model of the optical extinction indicates that the optical extinction can be calculated by knowing the level of optical back-scatter. Results from simulations with synthetic images and experiments with real constrained images in monochrome indicate that the maximum optical back-scatter estimation error is less than 5%. The proposed algorithm can significantly improve the contrast of a monochrome underwater image. Results of colour simulations with synthetic colour images and experiments with real constrained colour images indicate that the proposed method is applicable to colour images with colour fidelity. However, for colour images in wide spectral bands, such as RGB, the colour of the improved images is similar to the colour of that of the reference images. Yet, the improved images are darker than the reference images in terms of intensity. The darkness of the improved images is because of the effect of noise on the level of estimation errors.
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Monte Carlo simulations of a back scatter time-of-flight neutron spectrometer for the purpose of concept testing.Eriksson, Benjamin January 2018 (has links)
The work focuses on Monte Carlo simulations for finding the optimal back scatter time-of-flight spectrometer design for concept testing at the NESSA facility at Uppsala University. The spectrometer consists of two scintillator detectors, D1 (placed in a neutron beam) and D2 (placed in front of D1), at some distance from each other. A fraction of the neutrons that impinge on D1 back scatter into D2 and information on the neutron energy distribution is acquired using the time-of-flight method. For the given constraints on geometry, resolution and efficiency a best resolution was found to be 6.6% with a corresponding efficiency of 1E-4 which gives a sufficient count rate for a neutron generator producing 1E+11 neutrons/s. In order to achieve a minimum of 10 000 counts/h with the same setup a D2 with an area of at least 7 cm^2 is required.
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Deformation behaviour and twinning mechanisms of commercially pure titanium alloysBattaini, Michael January 2008 (has links)
The deformation behaviour and twinning mechanisms of commercially pure titanium alloys were investigated using complementary diffraction techniques and crystal plasticity modelling. The main motivation for conducting this investigation was to improve understanding of the deformation of titanium to help achieve the long term aim of reducing manufacturing and design costs. The deformation behaviour was characterised with tension, compression and channel die compression tests for three important variables: orientation; temperature from 25 C to 600 C; and composition for two contrasting alloys, CP-G1 and CP-G4. The experimental data used to characterise the behaviour and determine the mechanisms causing it were: textures determined by X-ray diffraction; twin area fractions for individual modes determined using electron back-scatter diffraction; and lattice strains measured by neutron diffraction. A strong effect of the orientation–stress state conditions on the flow curves (flow stress anisotropy) was found. The propensity for prism hai slip was the dominant cause of the behaviour – samples that were more favourably oriented for prism hai slip had lower flow stresses. Twinning was the most significant secondary deformation mode in the CP-G1 alloy but only had a minor effect on flow stress anisotropy in most cases. In the CP-G4 alloy twinning generally did not play a significant role indicating that hc + ai slip modes were significant in this alloy. Differences in the flow stress anisotropy between the two alloys were found to occur largely in the elasto-plastic transition and initial period of hardening. Modelling results indicated that larger relative resolved shear stress values for secondary deformation modes in the higher purity alloy increased the initial anisotropy. Decreasing flow stresses with increasing temperature were largely caused by a decrease in the critical resolved shear stress (CRSS) values for slip, but also by a decrease in the Hall-Petch parameter for slip. The propagation of twinning was found to be orientation dependent through a Schmid law in a similar way to slip – it was activated at a CRSS and hardened so that an increasing resolved shear stress was required for it to continue operating. The CRSS values determined for the individual twin modes were – 65MPa, 180MPa, 83MPa for {1012}, {1122} and {1011} twinning, respectively. Further, twinning was found to be temperature insensitive except when the ability to nucleate twins posed a significant barrier (for {1011} twinning). Also, the CRSS for {1012} twinning was clearly shown to increase with decreasing alloy purity. A thorough method for determining crystal plasticity modelling parameters based on experimental data was formulated. Additionally, twinning was modelled in a physically realistic manner influenced by the present findings using the visco-plastic self-consistent (VPSC) model. In particular: the activity of twinning decreased in a natural way due to greater difficulty in its operation rather than through an enforced saturation; and hardening or softening due to changes in orientation and dynamic Hall-Petch hardening were important. The rigorous modelling procedure gave great confidence in the key experimental findings.
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Simulations of a back scatter time of flight neutron spectrometer for the purpose of concept testing at the NESSA facility.Eriksson, Benjamin January 2018 (has links)
A back scatter time of flight neutron spectrometer consisting of two scintillation detectors is simulated in Geant4 to examine whether it is possible to perform a proof of concept test at the NESSA facility at Uppsala University. An efficiency of ε = 2.45 · 10^-6 is shown to be large enough for a neutron generator intensity of 1.9 · 10^10 neutrons per second to achieve a minimal required signal count rate of 10000 counts per hour. A corresponding full width at half maximum energy resolution of 8.3% is found. The background in one of the detectors is simulated in MCNP and found to be a factor 62 larger than the signal for a given set of pulse height thresholds in the detectors. Measures to increase the signal to background ratio are discussed and an outlook for future work concerning testing the spectrometer at NESSA is presented.
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ANALYSIS OF LASER CLAD REPAIRED TI-6AL-4V FATIGUE LIFESamuel John Noone (8081285) 14 January 2021 (has links)
Laser cladding is a more recent approach to repair of aviation components within a damage tolerant framework, with its ability to restore not simply the geometric shape but the static and fatigue strength as well. This research analysed the fatigue performance of Ti-6Al-4V that has undergone a laser clad repair, comparing baseline specimens with laser clad repaired, and repaired and heat treated specimens. First an understanding of the microstructure was achieved by use of BSE imagery of the substrate, clad repaired region and post heat treated regions. The substrate of the material was identified with large grains which compared to a repaired clad region with a much finer grain structure that did not change with heat treatment. Next, performance of the specimens under tensile fatigue loading was conducted, with the clad specimens experiencing unexpectedly high fatigue performance when compared to baseline samples; the post heat treated specimen lasting significantly longer than all other specimens. It is theorised that the clad may have contributed to an increase in fatigue resilience due to its fine microstructure, when compared to the softer, more coarse substrate. The heat treatment is likely to have relaxed any residual stresses in the specimens leading to a reduction in any potential undesirable stresses, without impacting the microstructure. Residual stress analysis using EDD was unproductive due to the unexpected coarse microstructure and did not provide meaningful results. Fractography using the marker-band technique was explored with some success, proving a feesable method for measuring fatigue crack growth through a specimen post failure. Unfortunately fatigue crack growth throughout the entire fatigue life was not possible due to the tortuous fracture surface and potentially due to the fine micro-structure of the clad, resulting in interrupted marker-band formation. Future research shall expand on this work with a greater focus on residual stress analysis and its impact on fatigue.
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Studium dynamiky deformačních procesů ve slitinách Mg-RE pomocí in-situ experimentálních metod / Investigation of the dynamics of the deformation processes in Mg-RE alloys using in-situ experimental methodsSzabóová, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
In this present work, the dynamics of deformation mechanisms activated in binary magnesium-gadolinium alloys with respect to amount of Gd were investigated with in-situ experimental methods. Cast alloys are characterized by random texture. Compression test were done at room temperature with simultaneous record of acoustic emission response. The acoustic emission signal was subsequently analysed using advanced clustering method providing information about the dominant deformation mechanisms. High speed camera was used to study the dynamics of twinning, including estimation of the velocity of twin propagation with respect to Gd concentration. The deformation tests were repeated in a chamber of scanning electron microscope (in-situ SEM) with concurrent following the microstructure development using secondary electrons and electron back-scattered diffraction (EBSD) in different stages of the deformation. Main goal of this measurements was to identify active slip systems and the progress of twin volume fraction during deformation. Keywords: magnesium alloy, deformation tests, acoustic emission, high-speed camera, electron microscopy, twinning
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Příprava metastabilních vrstev železa pro magnetické metamateriály / Metastable iron thin films for magnetic metamaterialsHolobrádek, Jakub January 2020 (has links)
Magnetické nanostruktury mají zajímavé vlastnosti, které umožňují jejich aplikace v základním výzkumu i průmyslu. Jednou z těchto vědeckých disciplín je i magnonika - výzkumný obor, který se zabývá fyzikou spinových vln, které lze použít v nediskrétních výpočtech s nízkými ztrátami energie. Výroba magnetických struktur fokusovaným iontovým svazkem (FIB) je alternativní metoda k běžně používaným litografickým metodám. Materiál použitý v této práci - metastabilní železo - je schopen při ozáření iontovým svazkem podstoupit fázovou transformaci z paramagnetické plošně centrované kubické krystalové struktury na feromagnetickou fázi s prostorově centrovanou kubickou krystalovou strukturou. Jednou z vlastností, která ovlivňuje šíření spinových vlny, je magnetická anizotropie. Tato práce představuje vliv depozičních podmínek v ultra vysokém vakuu během přípravy metastabilní železné vrstvy na magnetickou anizotropii struktur vytvořených pomocí FIB do tohoto filmu. Dále prezentujeme souvislosti mezi parametry FIB, krystalografickými vlastnostmi výsledných struktur a jejich magnetickou anizotropií.
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