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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

EBSD Investigation of High-Temperature Magnetite from Apatite-Iron-Oxide Deposits: Implications for the Formation of Giant Kiruna-Type Deposits / EBSD-undersökning av högtemperatur magnetit från apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter: Implikationer för bildningen av gigantiska fyndigheter av Kiruna-typ

Henriksson, Jens January 2022 (has links)
European iron production is to a large extent dependant on massive Kiruna type apatite-iron ore deposits. In this contribution, high-temperature magnetite samples from apatite-iron-oxide deposits are investigated by means of Electron Backscattered Diffraction. However, the origin of Kiruna-type deposits is still unresolved. Although magmatic processes are likely, it is not clear how small-scale processes can form giant Kiruna-type deposits. The sample suite consists of magnetite samples from six global apatite-iron-oxide deposits: the famous Kiirunavaara deposit and the Malmberget deposit, both located in northern Sweden, the Grängesberg deposit in south-central Sweden, the iconic El Laco deposit in north-eastern Chile, the Bafq deposit in central Iran, and the Varena deposit in south Lithuania. Fe-O systematics has been conducted to complement existing δ18O and δ56Fe isotope data and ensure magmatic origin of the samples from the Malmberget deposit (n=6) and the Varena deposit (n=2). This is the first effort to characterise magnetite samples from apatite-iron-oxide deposits utilising EBSD. In total, twelve EBSD maps have been produced. Evaluation of the EBSD data have been performed to quantify the preferred orientation of the magnetite crystals. Four deposits, with Kiirunvaara being the prime example, shows no preferred alignment of the magnetite crystals. Whereas the El Laco samples exhibits a strong preferred alignment of {111}. The EBSD data from magnetite samples in equilibrium with a magmatic source indicate that apatite-iron-oxide deposits are formed in both intrusive and extrusive environment and that magmatic crystal accumulation is a key process in aggregating magnetite to form large and even giant Kiruna-type deposits. / Europeisk järnmalmsproduktion är i stor utsträckning beroende av massiva apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter av Kiruna-typ. I det här arbetet, undersöks magnetitprover av hög-temperaturs ursprung från olika apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter med Elektron Bakåtspridande Diffraktion. Bildningsmekanismen av apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter av Kiruna-typ är än idag oklar. Bevisen indikerar magmatiska bildningsprocesser, det är dock fortfarande oklart hur småskaliga magmatiska processer bildar gigantiska apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter av Kiruna-typ. Provserien består av magnetitprover från sex globala apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter: den världsberömda Kiirunavaara fyndigheten och Malmberget fyndigheten, båda lokaliserade i Norrbotten, Sverige, Grängesberg fyndigheten i Bergslagen, Sverige, den ikoniska El Laco fyndigheten i nordöstra Chile, Bafq fyndigheten i centrala Iran, och Varena fyndigheten i södra Litauen. För att fastställa ett magmatiskt ursprung och komplettera befintlig δ18O och δ56Fe isotopdata har Fe-O-systematik utförts på magnetitproverna från Malmberget (n=6) och Varena (n=2). Det här är den första dokumenterade EBSD-undersökningen av magnetitprover från apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter. Totalt tolv EBSD-kartor har producerats. Utvärdering av EBSD-data har utförts för att kvantifiera den föredragna riktningen på magnetitkristallerna. I fyra fyndigheter, med Kiirunvaara som typexempel, uppvisar magnetitkristallerna ingen föredragen riktning, medan magnetitproverna från El Laco uppvisar en tydlig föredragen riktning längs {111}. EBSD-data från magnetitprover i jämnvikt med en magmatiskkälla påvisar att apatit-järnmalmer bildas i både intrusiva miljöer och extrusiva miljöer och att magmatisk ackumulation är en nyckelprocess för att aggregera magnetitkristaller och bilda stora till gigantiska apatit-järnmalmsfyndigheter av Kiruna-typ.

Detekce signálních elektronů v prostředí vysokého tlaku plynů environmentálního rastrovacího elektronového mikroskopu / Detection of Signal Electrons in High Pressure Conditions in Environmental Scanning Electron Microscopy

Neděla, Vilém January 2008 (has links)
The thesis deals with the study of properties of a new system for detection of true secondary and backscattered electrons in high pressure conditions of the specimen chamber of a newly built environmental scanning electron microscope AQUASEM II. Detection system contains three detectors. For the first time is introduced and analyzed the working principle of ionisation detector with electrostatic separator, which is in many experiments compared with ionisation detector of secondary electrons. Experimentally demonstrated are unique properties of this detection system, especially the ability of energy separation of detected signal electrons. For the various working conditions are also analyzed signal levels detected by the BSE YAG detector, which is designed as a part of the new detection system and which worked together with both ionisation detectors.

Évaluation des effets de taille et d'architecture sur les propriétés mécaniques et électriques de fils composites métalliques cuivre/niobium fabriqués par déformation plastique sévère / Size and architecture effects on mechanical and electrical properties of copper/ niobium composites wire fabricated by severe plastic deformation

Medy, Jean Rony 08 December 2016 (has links)
Les fils composites Cu/Nb étudiés ici sont d'excellents candidats pour les bobines non destructives générant des champs magnétiques pulsés intenses (B ≥ 100T). Ils sont fabriqués par Accumulative Drawing and Bundling (ADB) et sont constitué de renforts continus de Nb dans une matrice multi-échelles de Cu. Ces travaux rentrent dans le cadre du projet METAFORES (ANR-12-BS09-0002), visant l’évaluation des effets de taille et d’architecture sur les propriétés des conducteurs Cu/Nb. L’objectif principal consiste donc à caractériser leur microstructure et leurs propriétés à chaque étape de la fabrication par différentes techniques de caractérisation. Des essais mécaniques et électriques montrent une augmentation de la limite d’élasticité avec l’affinement de la microstructure tout en conservant une conductivité électrique adéquate. Les études de la texture globale par DRX ont mis en évidence trois composantes de texture de fibre dont deux pour la matrice de Cu (<111> et <100>) et une composante unique <110> pour le Nb. On retrouve ces trois composantes de texture dans les analyses locales (EBSD), cependant les proportions relatives des composantes du Cu varient en fonction du nombre de cycles ADB.Les essais de déformation in-situ sous neutrons ont mis en évidence des comportements élasto-plastique et purement élastique des familles de grains {111} du Cu et {110} du Nb respectivement, quels que soient les échantillons. Pour la famille {200} du Cu, le comportement mécanique varie en fonction du nombre de cycles ADB. Tous ces résultats viendront nourrir les simulations effectuées dans le cadre du projet METAFORES (Thèse de Tang Gu, ENSAM-Paris/Mines ParisTech). / High strength and high conductivity Cu/Nb composites studied here are very good candidates for the design of magnets generating high pulsed magnetic fields (B ≥ 100T). They are fabricated by Accumulative Drawing and Bundling (ADB) and are constituted with a multi-scale Cu matrix embedding continuous Nb filaments that are distributed in a controlled manner. This study is performed within the framework of the METAFORES project (ANR-12-BS09-0002) aiming at assessing size and architecture effects on properties of these Cu/Nb conductors. The main purpose is therefore to characterize the microstructure and properties of these conductors at different stages of the fabrication process. Mechanical and electrical results show an increase in yield strength while maintaining adequate electrical conductivity. Global texture studies confirm three fiber texture components: two for the Cu matrix (<111> and <100>) and a single component <110 > for Nb. These three texture components are also observed at the local scale analysis (EBSD); however the volume fractions of the Cu components locally depend on the number of ADB cycles.In-situ deformation tests under neutrons reveal elasticplastic and purely elastic behaviors of the {111} Cu and {110} Nb grains family respectively, whatever the samples. However, for the {200} Cu grains family, mechanical behavior strongly depends on the number of ADB cycles. These results will feed the simulations conducted in the METAFORES project (Thesis of Tang Gu, ENSAM-Paris / Mines ParisTech).

Émission électronique sous impact d'électrons : applications spatiales / Electron emission under electron irradiation : space applications

Gineste, Thomas 19 November 2015 (has links)
L‘objectif de la thèse consiste à caractériser expérimentalement sous vide les propriétés d’émission électronique de matériaux utilisés dans des applications spatiales tels que l’argent et l’aluminium dans leur état de contamination naturel, afin de fournir des données précises à la communauté du spatial tout en contribuant à comprendre et quantifier le rôle joué par la contamination naturelle sur leurs propriétés d’émission électronique. Afin de répondre à cet objectif, un moyen expérimental nommé CELESTE permettant de caractériser les différentes propriétés d’émission électronique de ces matériaux sous ultravide a été développé. Il permet d’effectuer des mesures de rendement d’émission électronique ainsi que des mesures de rendement de rétrodiffusion. Afin d’établir un lien entre la physique d’émission bien connue des matériaux purs et la physique d’émission des matériaux d’utilité pratique, un protocole expérimental spécifique a été mis en place. Il permet de caractériser l’évolution du rendement d’émission et de la distribution énergétique des électrons émis à partir d’un matériau exposé à l’air jusqu’à l’élimination par décapage ionique successifs de tous les contaminants déposés à la surface. Une corrélation a été établie entre évolution du rendement d’émission et évolution de la composition de la surface de l’argent et de l’aluminium. Ce travail a permis de mettre en évidence l’influence prépondérante des contaminants naturels sur leurs propriétés d’émission électronique. En effet, les propriétés d’émission de ces deux matériaux exposés à l’air dépendent d’avantage de la nature de la couche de contamination déposée à la surface que du matériau pur sous-jacent. / The aim of this study is to provide accurate data on electronic emission properties of technical materials used in spacecraft applications such as silver and aluminium and to understand and to quantify the effect of natural contamination on their electron emission properties.In order to reach this goal, an experimental facility named CELESTE allowing electronic emission properties characterization under ultra-high vacuum had been developed. The facility can be used to perform electron emission yield measurements and also backscattering yield measurements thanks to special experimental setup developed during this phD. To establish a link between the well-known emission physic of pure materials and those of “technical” materials, a specific protocol has been implemented. It allows the study of emission proprieties starting from a sample exposed to ambient atmosphere and reaching a cleaned sample, using Ar ion etching step by step technic.A link has been established between electron emission yield and surface composition evolution of silver and aluminium sample. This work highlights the leading influence of natural contamination on the electron emission proprieties of metals.

Soldagem a laser e caracterização microestrutural do aço avançado de alta resistência DP1000 / Laser beam welding and microstructural characterization of advanced high strength steel DP1000

Alves, Paulo Henrique de Oliveira Monteiro 12 April 2018 (has links)
O desenvolvimento dos veículos atuais vem sendo impulsionado pela necessidade de redução de massa associada com o aumento da segurança para os passageiros. Na procura de novos materiais e processos para atender estas exigências, os aços bifásicos ferrítico-martensíticos ou DP vêm se destacando entre os aços avançados de alta resistência (AHSS), por apresentar elevada resistência mecânica e boa ductilidade. Da mesma forma, a soldagem a laser vem se mostrando promissora para junção desta classe de materiais. Este processo permite unir os aços DP com boa qualidade metalúrgica sem significativas distorções dimensionais. Embora os aços DP apresentem boa soldabilidade, um amolecimento localizado na zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC) também é observado, especialmente no aço DP1000, que apresenta elevada fração de martensita. Desta forma, esta Tese propõe a soldagem a laser do aço DP1000 de espessura 1,80 mm, seguida de uma sistemática caracterização microestrutural, visando a produção de juntas soldadas suficientemente resistentes. Para isto, foram produzidos cordões numa chapa de aço DP1000, variando a potência nominal de soldagem entre 0,4 e 2,0 kW e a velocidade de soldagem entre 20 e 150 mm/s. A caracterização microestrutural foi conduzida com o auxílio das técnicas de microscopia óptica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), difração de raios X (DRX) e difração de elétrons retroespalhados (EBSD). As juntas soldadas mais representativas foram submetidas a ensaios de dureza Vickers e tração uniaxial. Os resultados mostram que é possível produzir juntas soldadas resistentes no aço DP1000. Todavia, é fundamental que a combinação de parâmetros gere soldas com penetração total e mínima largura de ZAC, limitando a quantidade de amolecimento da martensita prévia e a fração volumétrica de austenita retida. Na presente Tese, os melhores resultados foram obtidos para uma potência de 2,0 kW e velocidade de 150 mm/s. / The development of modern vehicles has been driven by the need of mass reduction associated with the increase of the safety of passengers. In the search for new materials and processes to meet these requirements, ferritic-martensitic dual-phase (DP) steels are potential candidates among advanced high-strength steels (AHSS), because of their high mechanical strength and good ductility. In that sense, laser beam welding has been shown promising for joining this class of materials. This process allows joining DP steels with good metallurgical quality without large dimensional distortions. Although DP steels show good weldability, a localized softening in the heat affected zone (HAZ) is also observed, especially in DP1000 steel which contains large amounts of martensite. Thus, laser beam welding has been performed in DP1000 steel with thickness of 1.80 mm, followed by a systematic microstructural characterization, aiming at the production of resistant welded joints. For this, bead-on-plate welds were carried out in DP1000 steel, varying the welding power between 0.4 and 2.0 kW and the welding speed between 20 and 150 mm/s. The microstructural characterization was conducted with the aid of light optical microscopy (LOM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). The most representative welded joints were tested for Vickers hardness and uniaxial tensile test. Results show that it is possible to produce sound and resistant welded joints in DP1000 steel. However, it is critical that the combination of parameters allows the obtainment of welds with full penetration and minimum HAZ width, limiting the amount of softening of prior martensite and the volume fraction of retained austenite. In the present Thesis, this was achieved using a power of 2.0 kW and a welding speed of 150 mm/s.

Growth of Pt/Mg Multilayer X-ray Mirrors : Effects of Sputter Yield Amplification / Nil : Nil

Sohail, Hafiz Muhammad January 2009 (has links)
<p>This thesis report is focused on the growth of Pt/Mg multilayers and the studies of the sputter yield amplification effect in these. The main application is to use the multilayers as X-ray mirrors reflecting an X-ray wavelength of 17 Å. This wavelength is important for astronomical applications in general, and solar imaging applications in particular.</p><p>For periodic X-ray multilayer mirrors only a certain specific wavelength of X-rays can be reflected. What wavelength that is reflected depends on the individual layer thicknesses of the materials that are constituting the multilayer. These thicknesses can be determined using modified Bragg’s law and are approximately a quarter of the wavelength.</p><p>In order to obtain the exact desired layer thickness of each individual layer it is necessary to understand the growth processes and the effects that are going on during deposition of such multilayer mirrors. It has been shown that when depositing multilayers consisting of one very light and one very heavy material, like e.g. Pt and Mg, the deposition rate of the light element is non-linear with deposition time for thin layers. This is because of backscattered energetic neutrals from the heavy target material, which affects the growing film. Furthermore, a sputter yield amplification is present for thin layers when a light element is grown on top of a heavy element, i.e. for Mg on top of Pt.</p><p>Dual DC magnetron sputtering has been used to grow the Pt/Mg multilayers, and the influence of the backscattered energetic neutrals and the sputter yield amplification effect has been studied for Ar and Kr sputtering gases at pressures ranging from 3 up to 9 mTorr. The individual layer thicknesses have been obtained from simulations of hard X-ray reflectivity measurements using the IMD program. The number of backscattered energetic neutrals and their energies at the target have been calculated using the TRIM code.</p><p>Using the results obtained it is now possible to predict and compensate for the non-linear deposition rate of Mg.</p>

Growth of Pt/Mg Multilayer X-ray Mirrors : Effects of Sputter Yield Amplification / Nil : Nil

Sohail, Hafiz Muhammad January 2009 (has links)
This thesis report is focused on the growth of Pt/Mg multilayers and the studies of the sputter yield amplification effect in these. The main application is to use the multilayers as X-ray mirrors reflecting an X-ray wavelength of 17 Å. This wavelength is important for astronomical applications in general, and solar imaging applications in particular. For periodic X-ray multilayer mirrors only a certain specific wavelength of X-rays can be reflected. What wavelength that is reflected depends on the individual layer thicknesses of the materials that are constituting the multilayer. These thicknesses can be determined using modified Bragg’s law and are approximately a quarter of the wavelength. In order to obtain the exact desired layer thickness of each individual layer it is necessary to understand the growth processes and the effects that are going on during deposition of such multilayer mirrors. It has been shown that when depositing multilayers consisting of one very light and one very heavy material, like e.g. Pt and Mg, the deposition rate of the light element is non-linear with deposition time for thin layers. This is because of backscattered energetic neutrals from the heavy target material, which affects the growing film. Furthermore, a sputter yield amplification is present for thin layers when a light element is grown on top of a heavy element, i.e. for Mg on top of Pt. Dual DC magnetron sputtering has been used to grow the Pt/Mg multilayers, and the influence of the backscattered energetic neutrals and the sputter yield amplification effect has been studied for Ar and Kr sputtering gases at pressures ranging from 3 up to 9 mTorr. The individual layer thicknesses have been obtained from simulations of hard X-ray reflectivity measurements using the IMD program. The number of backscattered energetic neutrals and their energies at the target have been calculated using the TRIM code. Using the results obtained it is now possible to predict and compensate for the non-linear deposition rate of Mg.

Processing And Characterization Of Textured Barium Ferrite Ceramics

Aydogan, Eda 01 July 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Technological advances results in the fact that quite a large number of electronic equipment interacts with its environment leading to the malfunction of the devices. This brings about the necessity of using proper electromagnetic (EM) wave absorbers/shields to avoid such interactions. In order to absorb EM waves in a large frequency band from several MHz to GHz, barium hexaferrite (BaHF) ceramics which are produced as textured ceramics as well as in multilayered form can be used. Textured ceramics are processed by tape casting using templated grain growth (TGG) phenomenon. In order to obtain textured ceramics, BaHF powders and platelets are required as raw materials in such a way that during sintering small size powders are directioned by large platelet surfaces. In this study, ferrite powders were synthesized by mixed oxide technique while the platelets were produced by both molten salt synthesis (MSS) and reactive templated grain growth (RTGG) methods. In the case of platelet synthesis by MSS, effects of calcination temperature and time as well as type and composition of the flux on the formation and morphology of platelets were investigated based on the XRD and SEM results. Studies have shown that KCl flux led to the formation of sharper platelet morphology, while NaCl resulted in more round shapes. However, extent of BaHF formation in the case of NaCl was higher when compared to KCl flux due to its higher wettability characteristic, and hence faster interaction with the raw materials. Since the aspect ratio of the synthesized platelets was only ca. 2-4, these platelets were not efficient for further TGG studies. Alternatively, BiFeO3 (BiF) particles having ~30-40 &mu / m average size were synthesized as seed crystals for the synthesis of BaHF platelets by RTGG method. After the washing of these platelets with dilute HNO3, pure BaHF powders and platelets were directed by tape casting which was followed by sintering using TGG phenomenon. Degree of achieved texturing in the processed ceramics was studied using Rietveld analysis, pole figure measurement and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD).

Soldagem a laser e caracterização microestrutural do aço avançado de alta resistência DP1000 / Laser beam welding and microstructural characterization of advanced high strength steel DP1000

Paulo Henrique de Oliveira Monteiro Alves 12 April 2018 (has links)
O desenvolvimento dos veículos atuais vem sendo impulsionado pela necessidade de redução de massa associada com o aumento da segurança para os passageiros. Na procura de novos materiais e processos para atender estas exigências, os aços bifásicos ferrítico-martensíticos ou DP vêm se destacando entre os aços avançados de alta resistência (AHSS), por apresentar elevada resistência mecânica e boa ductilidade. Da mesma forma, a soldagem a laser vem se mostrando promissora para junção desta classe de materiais. Este processo permite unir os aços DP com boa qualidade metalúrgica sem significativas distorções dimensionais. Embora os aços DP apresentem boa soldabilidade, um amolecimento localizado na zona afetada pelo calor (ZAC) também é observado, especialmente no aço DP1000, que apresenta elevada fração de martensita. Desta forma, esta Tese propõe a soldagem a laser do aço DP1000 de espessura 1,80 mm, seguida de uma sistemática caracterização microestrutural, visando a produção de juntas soldadas suficientemente resistentes. Para isto, foram produzidos cordões numa chapa de aço DP1000, variando a potência nominal de soldagem entre 0,4 e 2,0 kW e a velocidade de soldagem entre 20 e 150 mm/s. A caracterização microestrutural foi conduzida com o auxílio das técnicas de microscopia óptica (MO), microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV), difração de raios X (DRX) e difração de elétrons retroespalhados (EBSD). As juntas soldadas mais representativas foram submetidas a ensaios de dureza Vickers e tração uniaxial. Os resultados mostram que é possível produzir juntas soldadas resistentes no aço DP1000. Todavia, é fundamental que a combinação de parâmetros gere soldas com penetração total e mínima largura de ZAC, limitando a quantidade de amolecimento da martensita prévia e a fração volumétrica de austenita retida. Na presente Tese, os melhores resultados foram obtidos para uma potência de 2,0 kW e velocidade de 150 mm/s. / The development of modern vehicles has been driven by the need of mass reduction associated with the increase of the safety of passengers. In the search for new materials and processes to meet these requirements, ferritic-martensitic dual-phase (DP) steels are potential candidates among advanced high-strength steels (AHSS), because of their high mechanical strength and good ductility. In that sense, laser beam welding has been shown promising for joining this class of materials. This process allows joining DP steels with good metallurgical quality without large dimensional distortions. Although DP steels show good weldability, a localized softening in the heat affected zone (HAZ) is also observed, especially in DP1000 steel which contains large amounts of martensite. Thus, laser beam welding has been performed in DP1000 steel with thickness of 1.80 mm, followed by a systematic microstructural characterization, aiming at the production of resistant welded joints. For this, bead-on-plate welds were carried out in DP1000 steel, varying the welding power between 0.4 and 2.0 kW and the welding speed between 20 and 150 mm/s. The microstructural characterization was conducted with the aid of light optical microscopy (LOM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and electron backscattered diffraction (EBSD). The most representative welded joints were tested for Vickers hardness and uniaxial tensile test. Results show that it is possible to produce sound and resistant welded joints in DP1000 steel. However, it is critical that the combination of parameters allows the obtainment of welds with full penetration and minimum HAZ width, limiting the amount of softening of prior martensite and the volume fraction of retained austenite. In the present Thesis, this was achieved using a power of 2.0 kW and a welding speed of 150 mm/s.

Pince optique et microscopie à contraste de phase pour l'étude de la mécanique cellulaire : développement, modélisation et calibration en réflexion. / Optical tweezers and phase contrast microscopy for the study of cell mechanics : experimental setup, modeling and calibration using backscattered light.

Gillant, Flavie 13 December 2016 (has links)
Ce manuscrit détaille le développement d'un montage de pince optique permettant d'étudier les propriétés mécaniques des cellules endothéliales, impliquées dans le développement de l'athérosclérose. Le but est de déterminer les propriétés viscoélastiques des cellules, et de suivre la propagation d’une contrainte mécanique au sein de la cellule. Cette contrainte mécanique est appliquée via une bille liée à la membrane de la cellule et soumise à un piège optique.Le dispositif réalisé combine le piégeage optique et la microscopie à contraste de phase, permettant d'exercer une force tout en imageant les cellules via le même objectif de microscope. L'originalité du montage de pince optique repose sur la détection du signal rétrodiffusé par la bille piégée, dans un plan conjugué du plan focal arrière de l'objectif, afin de mesurer la position relative de la bille par rapport au piège.Une part importante de ce travail a consisté à comprendre l'allure du signal détecté présentant un système d'interférences en anneaux, et à l’expliquer par un modèle simple. Ce modèle a permis de comprendre la présence d’artefacts de mesure de position dus à la superposition de l'anneau de phase sur la figure d’interférence. Pour y remédier, l'anneau de phase est déporté dans un plan conjugué intervenant uniquement dans l'imagerie de l'échantillon.La figure d'interférence présente un atout majeur : elle donne accès à la hauteur précise de la bille piégée, généralement difficile à mesurer. Cette information est nécessaire pour calibrer la constante de raideur du piège optique à la hauteur des cellules, que ce soit par l'analyse de la densité spectrale de puissance du mouvement brownien de la bille piégée ou par sa réponse à un échelon de position du piège. Ces deux méthodes de calibration, ainsi que l'application du théorème d’équipartition et l'analyse par inférence bayésienne, ont été mises en œuvre. Tous les résultats s'avèrent en bon accord. La calibration complète du dispositif en fait un outil prêt à l'emploi pour exercer des forces locales contrôlées en direction et en amplitude sur les cellules. / This manuscript details the development of an optical tweezer setup to study the mechanical properties of endothelial cells, involved in the development of atherosclerosis. The goal is to determine the viscoelastic properties of the cells, and to follow the propagation of the mechanical constraint inside the cell. This mechanical constraint is applied via a bead attached to the cell membrane and subjected to an optical trap.The setup built combines optical trapping with phase contrast microscopy, to apply a force while imaging the cells with the same microscope objective. The originality of the optical tweezer setup relies on the detection of the signal backscattered by the trapped bead, in a plane conjugate to the back focal plane of the objective, in order to measure the relative position of the bead with respect to the center of the trap.An important part of this work was dedicated to the understanding of the detected signal presenting an interference pattern with rings, explained by a simple model. This model provides an explanation for the position measurement artifacts arising from the superposition of the phase ring and the interference pattern. To solve the problem, the phase ring was moved in a conjugate plane involved only in the imaging path of the sample.The interference pattern has the main advantage of giving access to the precise height of the trapped bead, usually difficult to measure. This information is necessary to calibrate the optical trap stiffness at the height of the cells, either by the power spectrum analysis of the Brownian motion of the trapped bead, or by its response to a step motion of the trap. These two calibration methods, along with the application of the equipartition theorem and Bayesian inference analysis, were implemented and their results compared, showing a good agreement. The complete calibration of the setup makes it a ready-to-use tool to exert local forces controlled in direction and amplitude on cells.

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