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A study of the accuracy of the determination of sulfate as barium sulfate before and after the removal of metals precipitated by hydrogen sulfide ...Millett, William Henry, January 1944 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Pennsylvania, 1942. / Reproduced from type-written copy. Bibliography: p. 44.
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Padronização do contraste de Bário nas preparações para videofluoroscopia em bebês com disfagia. / Standardization of use of Barium contrast for swallow studies in babies with dysphagia.Camila Ribeiro Gomide Queiróz 14 February 2014 (has links)
A videofluoroscopia da deglutição (VDF) é um exame considerado padrão ouro como método de avaliação da deglutição que requer que o paciente ingira o contraste de Bário em diferentes consistências para que as fases oral e faríngea sejam avaliadas com maior efetividade. Porém, existe uma disparidade entre a viscosidade dos alimentos com o contraste de Bário para a VDF e os alimentos espessados com o espessante de forma empírica, indicado subjetivamente na terapia de reabilitação. Por isso, o objetivo desse estudo foi: padronizar a quantidade de espessante a ser acrescentado à fórmula infantil nas consistências néctar (N), mel (M) e pudim (P) em 2 temperaturas: ambiente (T1) e variando de 40ºC até 44ºC (T2); comparar os valores médios das viscosidades com as sete marcas dos espessantes mais comumente utilizados e disponíveis (E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7) nas temperaturas T1 e T2; identificar a quantidade mínima de contraste de Bário a ser acrescentado à fórmula infantil para boa resolução na videofluoroscopia (50%, 25% e 12,5%) e elaborar um manual de preparo de alimento para VFD nas diferentes consistências (N, M, P) com contraste de Bário. Para a padronização foram utilizados sete marcas de espessantes, uma fórmula infantil de partida, e a média da viscosidade avaliada por meio do viscosímetro Brookfield modelo DV-E, em duas temperaturas (ambiente e acima de 40ºC). Foram avaliadas três diluições (50%, 25% e 12,5%) do contraste de Bário (Bariogel 100%) nos leites espessados por meio de seringas no aparelho de VFD e as imagens obtidas julgadas por duas fonoaudiólogas experientes no exame. Os resultados revelaram que a padronização da quantidade de espessante a ser acrescentado à fórmula infantil para obtenção das consistências néctar, mel e pudim, nas temperaturas testadas, variou com o tipo de espessante, requerendo a orientação de um manual para correta manipulação. Os valores de viscosidade diminuíram com o aumento da temperatura, porém os valores foram mantidos dentro do intervalo proposto pela American Dietetic Association (2002) das consistências néctar, mel e pudim. Embora as três quantidades testadas de contraste de Bário tenham proporcionado imagens visíveis, avaliadas pelos juízes, os mesmos consideraram mais seguras aquelas observadas nas diluições de 25% e 50%, necessitando serem testadas outras situadas neste intervalo, uma vez que na diluição de 50% houve alteração da consistência néctar para mel. Um manual foi elaborado para orientação da padronização dos sete espessantes, nas três consistências e nas temperaturas testadas, bem como a sugestão de diluição do contraste de Bário no intervalo de 25% e 50%. / Videofluoroscopy (VDF) is considered a gold standard exam as an evaluation method for swallowing which requires that the patient ingests the Barium contrast in different consistencies so the oral and pharyngeal stages are evaluated with greater effectiveness. However, there is a difference between the viscosity of food with barium contrast for the VDF and thickened foods with the thickener, indicated subjectively in rehabilitation therapy. Therefore, the aim of this study was to standardize the amount of thickener to be added to infant formula in the following consistencies: nectar (N), honey (M) and (P) pudding in 2 environmental temperatures: (T1) and ranging from-40 degrees C to 44 C (T2); compare the average values of viscosities with seven brands of thickening agents most commonly used and available (E1, E2, E3, E4, E5, E6, E7) at temperatures T1 and T2; identify the minimal amount of barium contrast to be added to infant formula for good resolution in videofluoroscopy (50%, 25% and 12.5%), and elaborate a manual of food preparation to VFD in different consistencies (N, M, P) with Barium contrast. Seven brands of thickeners, an infant formula, and the average viscosity evaluated by Brookfield viscometer model DV-E, in two temperatures (above 40°C and environment) were used for standardization. Three dilutions (50%, 25% and 12.5%) of Barium contrast (Bariogel 100%) were used to evaluate the thickened milk by syringes into the VFD and the images obtained judged by two experienced speech language pathologists. Results revealed that the standardization of the amount of thickener to be added to infant formula to obtain the nectar, honey and pudding consistencies, in tested temperatures, varied according to the type of thickener, requiring the use of a manual for correct handling. Viscosity values decreased with increasing temperature, but the values were maintained within the range proposed by the American Dietetic Association (2002) regarding nectar, honey and pudding consistencies. Although the three tested quantities of Barium contrast have provided visible images, evaluated by the judges, those observed in dilutions of 25% and 50% were considered safer. It demanded tests in others situated in this range once in the dilution of 50% there was a change from nectar to honey consistency. A manual has been prepared for the guidance on the standardization of seven thickeners, in the three tested.
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Καθαλατώσεις θειικού βαρίου : σχηματισμός και παρεμπόδιση με την [sic] χρήση φωσφονικών αλάτων / Barium sulfate scaling : formation and inhibition using organophosphorous compoundsΑθανασόπουλος, Ευάγγελος 05 February 2015 (has links)
Το θειικό βάριο είναι ένα κρυσταλλικό στερεό το οποίο απαντάται ως ορυκτό. Οι χρήσεις του στην βιομηχανία είναι πολλές, καθώς χρησιμοποιείται σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα εφαρμογών από την κατασκευή πυράντοχων βαφών έως την βιομηχανία παραγωγής πετρελαίου για την αποφυγή αύξησης της πίεσης κατά την διάρκεια των γεωτρήσεων. Ωστόσο, κατά τη χρήση του στην άντληση πετρελαίου, η χρήση του έχει ως αποτέλεσμα το σχηματισμό επικαθίσεων οι οποίες είναι δύσκολο να απομακρυνθούν λόγω της μικρής τους διαλυτότητας.
Για την απομάκρυνση των επικαθίσεων θειικού βαρίου δεν είναι δυνατόν να χρησιμοποιηθούν κοινά οξέα, καθώς το θειικό βάριο αφενός είναι δυσδιάλυτο σε αυτά αλλά παράλληλα δημιουργούν σοβαρά προβλήματα διάβρωσης του εξοπλισμού (σωληνώσεις, reservoir αποθήκευσης νερού). Για την αντιμετώπιση των καθαλατώσεων αυτού του είδους, χρησιμοποιούνται υδατοδιαλυτές ενώσεις οι οποίες προστίθενται στα ρευστά στα οποία λαμβάνει χώρα καταβύθιση του θειικού βαρίου και έχουν την ικανότητα να παρεμποδίσουν ή να επιβραδύνουν το σχηματισμό του θειικού βαρίου. Ενώσεις αυτού του τύπου είναι οι πολύ-φωσφονικές, πολυηλεκτρολύτες όπως τα πολύ-καρβοξυλικά, πολυσουλφονικά οξέα κ.τ.λ., με ορισμένες από αυτές να είναι αρκετά δραστικές και να μπορούν να περιορίσουν σε μεγάλο βαθμό τον σχηματισμό επικαθίσεων του θειικού βαρίου.
Στην παρούσα εργασία μελετήθηκε η κινητική της καταβύθισης του θειικού βαρίου σε υδατικά υπέρκορα διαλύματά του, στα οποία η αναλογία πλεγματικών ιόντων Ba:SO4 1:1 στους 25οC, απουσία και παρουσία πρόσθετων. Πραγματοποιήθηκαν πειράματα αυθόρμητης καταβύθισης για την εύρεση του εύρους της μετασταθούς ζώνης με την τεχνική “free drift”. Από την συσχέτιση του χρόνου επαγωγής που μετρήθηκε, συναρτήσει του υπερκορεσμού και βάσει της κλασσικής θεωρίας της πυρηνογένεσης υπολογίσθηκε ότι η επιφανειακή ενέργεια του θειικού βαρίου ήταν 17,4 mJ•m-2. Η τιμή αυτή, η οποία είναι σημαντικά διαφορετική από τις τιμές οι οποίες αναφέρονται στην βιβλιογραφία, αντανακλά τη σημασία του τρόπου παρασκευής των υπέρκορων διαλυμάτων στις μετρήσεις αυτές.
Στη σταθερή περιοχή των υπέρκορων διαλυμάτων, και προκειμένου να διερευνηθεί ο μηχανισμός κρυσταλλικής ανάπτυξης του θειικού βαρίου, έγινε σειρά πειραμάτων στα οποία μετρήθηκε ο ρυθμός κρυσταλλικής ανάπτυξης του θειικού βαρίου σε κρυσταλλικά φύτρα θειικού βαρίου. Στα υπέρκορα διαλύματα, η αναλογία πλεγματικών ιόντων Ba:SO4 1:1 στους 25oC. Οι μετρήσεις αυτές πραγματοποιήθηκαν με την τεχνική διατήρησης σταθερού του υπερκορεσμού κατά την διάρκεια της καταβύθισης. Ως παράμετρος παρακολούθησης της εξέλιξης της κρυσταλλικής ανάπτυξης χρησιμοποιήθηκε η ειδική αγωγιμότητα των υπέρκορων διαλυμάτων, η οποία εμετρείτο με τον αντίστοιχο αισθητήρα, το σήμα από τον οποίο, ενεργοποιούσε αυτόματο τιτλοδότη για την προσθήκη αντιδραστηρίων κατάλληλης συγκέντρωσης. Οι μετρήσεις του ρυθμού κρυσταλλικής ανάπτυξης έδειξαν παραβολική εξάρτηση από τον υπερκορεσμό των αντίστοιχων διαλυμάτων ενώ δεν παρουσιάστηκε εξάρτηση του ρυθμού από την συγκέντρωση των φύτρων για τις συγκεντρώσεις κρυστάλλων μεταξύ 0,026 – 0,19 mg.L. Η εξάρτηση του ρυθμού κρυσταλλικής ανάπτυξης του θειικού βαρίου από τον υπερκορεσμό των αντίστοιχων διαλυμάτων έδειξε ότι ο μηχανισμός καθορίζεται από την επιφανειακή διάχυση των δομικών μονάδων.
Οι αναστολείς που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν για την μελέτη στην επίδραση της παρουσίας τους στα υπέρκορα διαλύματα στο ρυθμό της κρυσταλλικής ανάπτυξης φύτρων θειικού βαρίου ήταν το βενζοϊκό- 1,3,5 τρις φωσφονικό οξύ (BTP) και το άμινο τρις-μεθυλενοφωσφονικό οξύ (AMP). Η κυριότερη διαφορά των δυο ενώσεων έγκειται στη μοριακή τους γεωμετρία: Το πρώτο χαρακτηρίζεται από σχετική ακαμψία των δεσμών ενώ το δεύτερο από ευκινησία . Κατά τη διάρκεια των πειραμάτων αυτών διαπιστώθηκε ότι η παρουσία των αναστολέων στα υπέρκορα διαλύματα είχε σημαντική επίδραση (αύξηση) στη διαλυτότητα του θειικού βαρίου, ενώ ταυτόχρονα παρατηρήθηκε μείωση των ρυθμών κρυσταλλικής ανάπτυξης. Το AMP βρέθηκε ότι ήταν περισσότερο αποτελεσματικό στην αναστολή της καταβύθισης του θειικού βαρίου, προκαλώντας μείωση στο ρυθμό σε ποσοστό μεγαλύτερο του 90% σε συγκεντρώσεις της τάξης των 30 ppm. Το BTP ήταν και αυτό αρκετά αποτελεσματικό, παρατηρήθηκε όμως ότι η αποτελεσματικότητα της παρουσίας του ήταν αρκετά υψηλή (>50%) σε χαμηλές (10 ppm) και σε υψηλές συγκεντρώσεις (>50 ppm) συγκεντρώσεις, ενώ στις ενδιάμεσες συγκεντρώσεις η αποτελεσματικότητά του ήταν σημαντικά μικρότερη. Επιπλέον, το AMP είχε ανασταλτική δράση στο ρυθμό καταβύθισης του θειικού βαρίου τόσο σε αλκαλικές (pH=9,5) όσο και σε όξινες (pH=3,6) τιμές pH στα υπέρκορα διαλύματα. Η αποτελεσματικότητα του AMP ήταν αρκετά υψηλή, μεγαλύτερη από 70%, σε συγκεντρώσεις >30 ppm. / Barium sulfate is a crystalline solid encountered as mineral and precipitated in numerous applications from analytical chemistry to the of fire resistant paints up to the oil industry to avoid the pressure increase during the drilling. However, in oil industry form deposits which are difficult to remove due to the low solubility.
The removal of barium sulfate scale deposits is not possible through the use of common acids, because the solubility of this salt does not change significantly with increasing acid concentration. Moreover the use of mineral acids result in the severe corrosion of the metal parts of the equipment involved (pipes, water storage reservoir). Alternative descaling and scale prevention techniques have been desighed and are widely applied. In these techniques, a number of compounds have been used which, when added at very low concentrations in scale prone aquatic media result in the inhibition or cancellation of the formation of barium sulfate scale deposits. In these compounds which include poly-phosphonates or polyelectrolytes with sulfonated or carboxyl functional groups, have shown impressive results. The issue of structure of the additive molecules both in solution but most important upon adsorption on the surface of the nuclei of the crystalline deposit forming under the favorable friving force created by the solution supersaturation, is very important for obtaining a better understanding of the factors underlying the efficiency of inhibition of inorganic scale formation.
In the present work, we investigate the kinetics of precipitation of barium sulfate from supersaturated solutions both in the absence and in presence of additives was investigated. The kinetics of crystal growth were investigated using the seeded growth techiwue at sustained supersaturation. The molar ratio of total barium : sulfate (Ba:SO4) in the supersaturated solutions was 1:1 and all experiments were done at 25oC in the absence and presence of additives. The width of the metastable zone for the barium sulfate system was determined from spontaneous precipitation experiments involving unstable supersaturated solutions with the “free drift” technique. From the dependence of the inhibition times preceding precipitation on the solution supersaturation and using the classical nucleation theory (CNT) models the surface energy of the precipitated phase was estimated.
The kinetics of crystallization of barium sulfate were investigated in stable supersaturated solutions which were seeded with well-aged and characterized barium sulfate crystals prepared from slow mixing of equimolar barium chloride and sodium sulfate solutions. The molar ratio Ba:SO4 was in these experiments 1:1. The rates of crystal growth were measured at conditions of constant supersaturation using a specific conductivity probe, which through the synchronized burettes of an automatic titrator triggered the addition of equimolar barium chloride and sodium sulfate solutions. The added titrants had the appropriate composition to compensate for the respective quantities transferred to the solid phase forming. The rate of titrants addition yieleded the rates of crystal growth at the respective conditions. The measured crystal growth rates showed parabolic dependence on the solution supersaturation suggesting the prevalence of a surface diffusion controlled mechanism. Moreover, the independence of the measured crystal growth rates (moles precipitated per unit time and seed crystals surface area) on the mass of the seed crystals. Confirmed that crystal growth took place exclusively on the seed crystals.
The effect of the presence of benzene-1,3,5-triyltris phosphonic acid (BTP) and amino-tris(methylenephosphonic) acid (AMP) in the supersaturated solutions on the rates of crystal growth of barium sulfate was investigated by measurements of the respective crystal growth rates at sustained supersaturation as in the additives free solutions. The main structural difference of the two molecules tested is that the former has a flat conformation because of the aromatic ring while the latter has a significantly higher freedom of motion. The presence of the test additives in the supersaturated solutions had a significant effect on the solubility of barium sulfate. The modified solubilities were calculated from measurements of the concentrations of free Ba2+ and SO42- ions concentrations and solution supersaturations were calculated accordingly. The presence of the test additives resulted in the significant reduction of the respective crystal growth rates. The presence of AMP in the ssupersaturated solutions caused reduction of the crystal growth rates as high as 90% at 30 ppm. BTP was efficient as well in inhibiting barium sulfate crystallization. However, it was found that rates were reduced by more than 50% at concentrations as low as 10 ppm and high concentrations in the range of 50 ppm. At intermediate concentration (20-30 ppm) the efficiency of BTP in the reduction of crystal growth of barium sulfate was significantly lower. AMP inhibited barium sulfate scale not only at alkaline pH (pH=9,5) values and at acidic values (pH=3,6). At pH=3,6 and for AMP conentrations of 30 ppm the rates of crystal growth of barium sulfate were reduced by 70% with respect to the values in its absence.
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The Effect of Baffles and Entrance Ports on the Measured Reflectance of Diffuse and Specular Samples in the Integrating SphereDuncan-Chamberlin, Katherine V. 03 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Étude des procédés de décontamination des effluents liquides radioactifs par coprécipitation : de la modélisation à la conception de nouveaux procédés / Study of the radioactive liquid waste treatment by coprecipitation : from modelling to design of new processesPacary, Vincent 04 November 2008 (has links)
Le procédé par coprécipitation est l’un des plus utilisé dans l’industrie nucléaire pour le traitement des effluents liquides radioactifs car il peut être appliqué à tous les effluents quelque soit leur composition. Ce procédé consiste à former in situ des particules solides par précipitation dans le but de capter sélectivement un ou plusieurs radioéléments. L’objectif de ce travail de thèse est de mettre en évidence les phénomènes impliqués lors de la coprécipitation d’un élément présent en faible concentration. Pour cela, cette étude propose une nouvelle modélisation des phénomènes de coprécipitation dont l’originalité tient dans la possibilité de simuler le phénomène hors équilibre thermodynamique et à l’échelle d’un réacteur chimique. Ce modèle, couplé avec la résolution du bilan de population, permet d’identifier l’influence des paramètres de procédés (débits, agitation…) sur la décontamination. Afin d’éprouver ce nouveau modèle, celui-ci est appliqué au traitement, dans les conditions industrielles, du strontium par le sulfate de baryum en réacteur continu et semi-fermé. A partir de ces simulations, des lois d’évolution de l’efficacité du traitement en fonction de différents paramètres de procédé (Temps de passage ou d’injection, agitation, concentration de BaSO4) ont été dégagées puis vérifiées expérimentalement. Cette étude permet de définir les meilleures conditions de traitement. Trois dispositifs (à recyclage, à lit fluidisé et réacteur/décanteur) permettant d’approcher ces meilleures conditions ont été testés avec succès. Ceux-ci ouvrent d’importantes perspectives pour la réduction de la quantité de boue produite. Deux brevets ont été déposés suite à ce travail / To decontaminate liquid nuclear wastes, the coprecipitation process is the most commonly used in nuclear field because it can be applied to any type of aqueous effluents whatever their composition may be. This process deals with the in situ precipitation of solid particles to selectively remove one or more radioelements. The aim of this PhD work is to investigate phenomena which take place during the coprecipitation of a trace component. To reach this objective, we have proposed a new modelling of the coprecipitation mechanism. The originality of this new approach lies in the possibility to simulate the phenomenon in non equilibrium conditions and at the reactor scale. This modelling combined with the resolution of the population balance, enable to identify the influence of process parameters (flowrates, stirring speed…) on crystal size and ultimately on decontamination. To test this new modelling, simulations of the coprecipitation of strontium ions with barium sulphate have been performed in continuous and semibatch reactors. Thanks to these simulations, laws of the treatment efficiency variation as a function of several process parameters (mean residence time, stirring speed, BaSO4 concentration) have been determined and experimentally verified. This study leads to the determination of optimal treatment conditions. Three apparatus (recycling apparatus, fluidised bed and reactor/settling tank) providing these optimal conditions have been successfully tested and offered significant outlooks for the reduction of the volume of sludge produced by the process. Two new processes are patent pending
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Remoção de bário de efluente aquoso industrial por precipitação mediante dessupersaturação, adição de sulfato em excesso e abrandamento: estudo dos mecanismos dos aspectos tecnológicos e da ecoeficiência dos processos. / Barium removal from aqueous industrial effluent by desupersaturation, excess sulfate addition and softening: study of mechanisms of technological aspects and ecoefficiency of processes.Ronquim, Flávia Marini 08 April 2019 (has links)
Em um cenário global de indisponibilidade hídrica, até regiões sem histórico de escassez de recursos hídricos vêm sendo impactadas pela ausência de chuvas e circunstâncias de adversidade climática. Com perspectivas cada vez menos favoráveis quanto ao abastecimento hídrico, têm-se difundido progressivamente, no Brasil e no mundo, alternativas de tratamento de efluentes aquosos industriais visando seu reúso na própria indústria, diminuindo a necessidade de captação de água em corpos hídricos. Os processos de separação com membrana (PSM\'s) têm tido destaque, sobretudo para reúso em caldeiras e torres de resfriamento. Em um PSM, no entanto, os íons removidos da corrente de alimentação durante o processo de dessalinização concentram-se no compartimento de rejeito das membranas (concentrado). Consequentemente, os sais de baixa solubilidade comumente ultrapassam sua saturação e excedem seus limites metaestáveis, passando a oferecer risco de deposição sobre as membranas. As deposições salinas, chamadas incrustações (ou scaling) prejudicam o processo de dessalinização: reduzem a taxa de recuperação de água, aumentam o consumo energético e danificam membranas e tubulações. Uma vez que o sulfato de bário (BaSO4) é um dos sais com maior potencial incrustante em efluentes industriais, e cujas incrustações apresentam maiores resistências às práticas convencionais de limpeza, estudou-se métodos preventivos de incrustação de BaSO4 por remoção de íons bário de fase líquida a montante de um PSM. A depleção de bário de solução foi analisada mediante: (i) precipitação de BaSO4 por meio de dessupersaturação (com adição de sementes) e efeito do íon comum (excesso de sulfato) e (ii) precipitação de CaCO3 por abrandamento com incorporação do íon Ba2+ no precipitado. Desenvolveu-se, inicialmente, um estudo conceitual da precipitação de BaSO4 por modelagem termodinâmica, aplicada ao tratamento de um efluente padrão de refinaria de petróleo supersaturado em BaSO4. As simulações termodinâmicas apontam que o pre-tratamento de efluentes por dessupersaturação, com opção de adicionar sulfato (via adição externa ou reciclo) são promissores para aumentar o rendimento de PSM\'s. Em estudos experimentais com efluente sintético de refinaria de petróleo, foi obtida a cinética de precipitação do BaSO4 para o ajuste de um modelo de precipitação de BaSO4. Observou-se que o tempo de indução do BaSO4 foi reduzido à medida que se aumentou o excesso de sulfato (em relação ao bário presente) ou à medida que se adicionou sementes de BaSO4. Após um período curto de precipitação (alguns minutos), a solução permanecia supersaturada por longos períodos (horas), com razões de supersaturação residuais dentro da faixa de 1,1 a 3,0. Esses valores foram associados com uma dependência de quarta ordem da taxa de crescimento do cristal com a taxa de supersaturação. Verificou-se que a carga de sementes de BaSO4 é diretamente proporcional à depleção de supersaturação, que sementes heterogêneas (CaCO3, CaSO4.2H2O) são ineficazes para a precipitação do BaSO4 e que os íons cálcio inibem a precipitação de BaSO4. A precipitação de CaCO3 (em mix de vaterita e calcita) por abrandamento em efluente sintético foi eficaz para remover bário da solução. O mecanismo que controla o processo foi identificado como sendo a substituição isomórfica do íon cálcio pelo íon bário no retículo cristalino do carbonato de cálcio. Consequentemente, a remoção de bário da solução é favorecida quando se aumenta a quantidade de carbonato de cálcio precipitado e quando o coeficiente de distribuição aparente em vateita e calcita (DBa, que indica a quantidade de bário incorporada ao sólido) é elevado. Valores altos de pH e de concentração de cálcio elevam a precipitação de CaCO3 e, portanto, maximizam a remoção de bário. O coeficiente de distribuição aparente do bário mostra-se independente do pH inicial (na faixa de 9,5 a 11,7) e aumenta com a concentração de cálcio. Ele também aumenta com a quantidade de sementes de calcita, o que pode ser consequência de uma maior incorporação de bário em camadas que crescem sobre substratos puros de CaCO3 ou ainda, pode ser devido à manifestação de mecanismos de adsortivos com o aumento de lugares ativos disponíveis para incorporação de bário. Em experimentos com efluente real, ao contrário do observado com soluções sintéticas, a remoção de bário por dessupersaturação foi realizada com eficiência mesmo em presença do íon cálcio, devido provavelmente a sua complexação com aditivos orgânicos. Em precipitação de calcita, fatores que aumentam a supersaturação inicial, como adição de carbonato e aumento do pH, elevaram a precipitação de CaCO3, o que maximizou a remoção de bário. Tais fatores, no entanto, reduziram valores de DBa em calcita, possivelmente devido à diminuição na sorção de íons que estimulam a incorporação do bário. Dosagens de sulfato (insuficientes para precipitar BaSO4) reduziram a quantidade de calcita precipitada, diminuindo a remoção de bário e, inesperadamente, elevando DBa em calcita. Por fim uma análise de ecoeficiência foi feita em um estudo de reúso de água com zero de descarte líquido em refinaria de petróleo aplicando as técnicas de precipitação estudadas. A implantação de etapas de precipitação e de unidades maiores de osmose inversa (OI) acarretaram em reduções no consumo de energia no tratamento térmico do concentrado da OI, diminuindo proporcionalmente a emissão de gases de efeito estufa, consumo de água e degradação ecotoxicológica de água doce. Além disso, verificou-se redução de capital de investimento (dada à aquisição de equipamentos de evaporação menores) e redução nos custos energéticos operacionais. / In a global scenario of water unavailability, even regions with no records of water scarcity have been impacted by the absence of rainfall and climatic adversity. With increasingly unfavorable perspectives on water supply, alternatives to water treatment for industrial reuse have been progressively diffused in Brazil and around the world, reducing the need for water withdraw in water bodies. The membrane separation processes (PSM) have been emphasized in the tertiary treatment of industrial effluents, providing improvement in water quality for reuse in boilers or cooling towers. In a PSM, however, the salts removed from the feed stream during the desalination process are concentrated in the brine stream (concentrate). At this stage, the low solubility salts commonly exceed their saturation in the system, and surpasses their metastable limits, offering risk of deposition on the membranes. Salt deposits, called scaling, jeopardize the desalination process: they reduce the rate of water recovery, increase energy consumption and damage membranes and pipes. Since BaSO4 is one of the salts with the greatest scaling potential in the industry, and which the fouling presents the greatest resistance to conventional cleaning practices, preventive methods of BaSO4 scaling were studied by removal of barium ions from the liquid phase upstream a PSM. The barium depletion from solution was analyzed during the processes of: (i) precipitation of BaSO4 by means of desupersaturation (with addition of seeds) and common ion effect (excess of sulfate) and (ii) chemical precipitation of CaCO3 (softening) with incorporation of the Ba2+ ion in the precipitated crystal. A conceptual study of the BaSO4 precipitation was first developed by thermodynamic modeling, applied to the treatment of a standard oil refinery effluent supersaturated in BaSO4. The thermodynamic simulations show that effluents pretreatment by desupersaturation, with the option of adding sulfate (via external addition or recycle), are promising to increase the yield of PSM\'s. In experimental studies with synthetic oil refinery effluent, BaSO4 precipitation kinetics were obtained in order to adjust a BaSO4 precipitation model. The BaSO4 induction time was reduced as the excess sulfate (relative to the barium present) was increased and/or as BaSO4 seeds were added. After a short period of precipitation (a few minutes), the solution remained supersaturated for long periods (hours), with residual supersaturation ratios within the range of 1.1 to 3.0. These values were associated with a fourth order dependence of the crystal growth rate with the supersaturation rate. It was found that BaSO4 seed loading is directly proportional to the supersaturation depletion, heterogeneous seeds (CaCO3, CaSO4.2H2O) are ineffective for BaSO4 precipitation and that calcium ions inhibit BaSO4 precipitation. The precipitation of CaCO3 (as a mix of vaterite and calcite) by softening in synthetic effluent was effective to remove barium from solution. Isomorphic substitution of calcium by barium ion in the crystalline lattice of calcium carbonate was identified as the controlling mechanism of sorption process. Consequently, removal of barium from the solution is favored when the amount of precipitated calcium carbonate is increased and when the apparent distribution coefficient (DBa, which indicates the amount of barium incorporated into the solid) is raised. High values of pH and calcium concentration raise the precipitation of CaCO3 and, therefore, maximize the barium removal. The apparent barium distribution coefficient is independent of the initial pH (in the range of 9.5 to 11.7) and increases with calcium concentration. It also increases with the amount of calcite seeds, which may be consequence of higher barium incorporation in growing layers on CaCO3 pure substrates, or may be due to manifestation of adsorption mechanisms by the increase on available active places for barium incorporation. In experiments with real effluent, unlikely the synthetic solutions, the removal of barium by desupersaturation was performed efficiently even in the presence of calcium ion, probably due to its complexation with organic additives. In calcite precipitation, factors that increase initial supersaturation, such as carbonate addition and pH increase, elevates CaCO3 precipitation, which maximized the barium removal. These factors, however, reduced DBa in calcite, possibly due to a decrease on sorption process of ions which may stimulate barium incorporation. Sulphate dosages (insoluble to precipitate BaSO4) reduced the amount of precipitated calcite, decreasing barium removal and unespectly reducing the DBa in calcite. Finally, an eco-efficiency analysis was carried out in a water reuse study with zero liquid discharge in an oil refinery, applying the precipitation techniques studied. The implementation of precipitation stages and larger units of OI resulted in reductions in energy consumption in the thermal treatment of OI concentrate, reducing proportionally the emission of greenhouse gases, water consumption and ecotoxicological degradation of fresh water. In addition, there was reduction of investment costs (given the purchase of smaller evaporation equipment) and reduction in the operational energy costs.
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Vliv oxidu barnatého na tvorbu a vlastnosti portlandského slínku / The influence of barium oxide on the formation and properties of portland clinkerZezulová, Anežka January 2014 (has links)
Portland clinker is thanks to its large-scale production a continuously studied topic. Clinker, or Portland cement, is used for construction purposes, or for insulation and special applications. One of these special applications could be shielding of different types of radiation by making use of the content of barium ions. The present master’s thesis examines the influence of barium oxide on the formation and properties of Portland clinker, which could be, by incorporation of barium ions into the system, used as a binder for buildings resistant to various types of radiation. Barium sulfate and barium carbonate were added to the raw meal in order to prepare clinkers with different content of barium oxide. The effect of barium on the formation of clinker phases was studied (by XRD – Rietveld analysis and by the microscopic point integration), as well as the effects on the variations of temperature of the phase formation (TG-DTA) and the rate of alite formation under isothermal conditions. Furthermore, the ability of barium to become a part of clinker minerals was studied by SEM with EDS, and the solubility of barium phases by ICP-OES. The hydration of clinker minerals containing barium was studied by isothermal calorimetry.
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