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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le microbiote du DEMODEX associé à la rosacée / Rosacea-associated microbiota of Demodex

Murillo, Nathalia 18 December 2013 (has links)
Demodex est un genre d’acariens dont deux espèces sont connues pour coloniser la peau de l’homme : Demodex folliculorum et Demodex brevis. Leur implication dans le développement de la rosacée reste controversée. Cette maladie est caractérisée par une inflammation chronique de la peau et est définie en quatre sous-type majeurs : la rosacée érythémato-télangiectasique (ETR), la rosacée papulopustuleuse (PPR), la rosacée phymateuse et la rosacée oculaire. Certains pensent que le rôle des acariens est principalement d’exacerber une inflammation déjà enclenchée. Toutefois, l’isolation par culture d’un Bacillus oleronius à partir du broyat d’un Demodex de patient atteint de rosacée papulopustuleuse ont remis sur le devant de la scène le rôle de l’acarien en tant que vecteur de bactéries pathogènes. Le but de notre étude était de décrire le microbiote associé au Demodex par clonage du gène de l’ARN ribosomal 16S afin d’identifier par la suite d’éventuelles différences en fonction du statut de l’hôte (ETR, PPR ou sain). Le microbiote décrit présentait une diversité jusqu’alors insoupçonnée. Une partie des espèces identifiées n’avaient jamais été rapportées chez l’homme, pouvant donc correspondre au microbiote spécifique de l’acarien. Il serait composé comme d’une majorité de Protéobactéries. De manière intéressante, les proportions des phyla majeurs étaient différentes en fonction du groupe étudié. De plus, il semblerait que certaines espèces soient spécifiques des Demodex collectés chez des patients atteints de rosacée. Par exemple, Bartonella quintana n’a été détectée qu’à partir de Demodex d’une patiente atteinte de rosacée érythémato-télangiectasique. / Demodex is a genus of mites comprising two species known to colonize human skin: Demodex folliculorum and Demodex brevis. Their role in the pathogenesis of rosacea remains controversial. Rosacea is defined by a chronic inflammation of the skin and four main subtypes are defined : erythematotelangiectasic rosacea (ETR), papulopustular rosacea (PPR), phymatous rosacea and ocular rosacea. Mites are thought to be only involved in the exacerbation of a pre-existing inflammation. The growth of Bacillus oleronius from a crushed Demodex mite collected on a PPR patient gave rise to a new hypothesis that the mite is actually the vector of pathogenic bacteria. Present study aimed at describing the microbiote associated with Demodex mites by a 16S rRNA clone library approach. This allowed us to compare the obtained bacterial communities according to the group of patients the mites were collected from (erythematotelangiectasic rosacea, papulopustular rosacea or healthy subjects). The microbiota described here revealed an unexpected diversity. Part of the identified species had never been reported on human beings and could thus represent the microbiota specific to Demodex. As in many arthropods, this microbiota was predominantly composed of Proteobacteria. Interestingly, the proportion of the main phyla Proteobacteria, Firmicutes and Actinobacteria differed according to the host status. Though, some species appeared to be specific to Demodex collected from patients with erythematotelangiectasic rosacea or papulopustular rosacea. Among them, we identified Bartonella quintana only from a mite collected on a patient with erythematotelangiectasic rosacea.

Rôle de Ctenocephalides felis (bouché, 1835) [Siphonaptera Pulicidae] dans la transmission de Bartonella spp. [Rhizobiales Bartonellaceae] et moyens de contrôle / Role of Ctenocephalides felis (Bouché, 1835) [Siphonaptera Pulicidae] in the transmission of Bartonella spp. and control

Bouhsira, Emilie 25 April 2014 (has links)
Ctenocephalides felis est une espèce de puce cosmopolite parasitant majoritairement les carnivores domestiques. Elle est vectrice de nombreux agents pathogènes zoonotiques dont les bactéries du genre Bartonella, bactéries intracellulaires facultatives. La compétence vectorielle de cette puce a été investiguée pour B. henselae, B. quintana, B. clarridgeiae, B. tribocorum et B. birtlesii. Dans ces conditions expérimentales, utilisant un système de gorgement sur membrane, ces espèces ont persisté pendant les trois jours d'une première étude, et pour B. henselae durant les 13 jours de survie des puces, dans une seconde étude. Les cinq espèces de bartonelles ont été retouvées dans les fèces. Pour ces cinq espèces, nos résultats montrent une absence de transmission verticale transovarienne chez la puce et suggèrent une possibilité de contamination horizontale. Nous proposons enfin un protocole original d'évaluation de l'efficacité d'un traitement antiparasitaire chez le chat, pour prévenir sa contamination par Bartonella spp. / Ctenocephalides felis is a cosmopolitan flea species mainly parasitizing pets, transmitting several pathogens of veterinary and zoonotic importance including the facultative intracellular bacteria of the genus Bartonella. The vector competence of this flea was investigated for B. henselae, B. quintana, B. clarridgeiae, B. tribocorum and B. birtlesii, using an artificial feeding system. In these experimental conditions, these bartonellae proved to persist for three days, in a first study, while B. henselae persisted for the 13 days of its life span, in a second study. All five bartonellae were excreted in the flea's faeces. On the whole, these five species were not transmitted transovarially in the fleas, though horizontal transmission was suggested. Furthermore, we propose an original protocol allowing the evaluation of the efficacy of ectoparasiticidal products against Bartonella spp. infection in cats.

Endocardites comunitárias por Bartonella spp. e Coxiella burnetii: investigações etioepidemiológica e clínica em pacientes com endocardite com culturas negativas / Community-acquired endocarditis due to Bartonella spp. and Coxiella burnetii: etiologic, epidemiologic and clinical investigations in patients with culture-negative endocarditis

Siciliano, Rinaldo Focaccia 24 April 2014 (has links)
Endocardite infecciosa é uma doença associada à elevada morbidade e letalidade. O diagnóstico precoce e o reconhecimento de sua etiologia podem contribuir para o sucesso do tratamento antibiótico; entretanto, cerca de um quarto das endocardites permanece sem diagnóstico etiológico. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal identificar a frequência de endocardite por Bartonella spp. e Coxiella burnetii dentre as endocardites com culturas negativas comunitárias e avaliar os fatores preditores dessas infecções. Como objetivo secundário compararam-se as características clínicolaboratoriais e prognósticas entre as endocardites comunitárias com culturas negativas e positivas. Foram avaliados também os fatores associados à letalidade intra-hospitalar das endocardites com culturas negativas. Entre janeiro de 2004 e janeiro de 2009, foram investigados 369 episódios consecutivos de endocardite em pacientes atendidos no Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo - InCor HC-FMUSP. Foram estudados os casos que ocorreram em adultos, classificados pelos critérios de Duke modificados como \"endocardite definida\" e de origem comunitária. Assim, foram incluídos 221 episódios de endocardite, 170 com culturas positivas e 51 com culturas negativas. Neste último grupo, foram feitas as pesquisas sorológicas (reação de imunofluorescência indireta) e histopatológica de Bartonella spp. e Coxiella burnetii. Consideraram-se positivos títulos de imunoglobulina G (IgG) >= 800 para Bartonella henselae e ou Bartonella quintana, e IgG antifase I para C. burnetii > 800. O estudo histopatológico das valvas cardíacas foi capaz de identificar morfologicamente a etiologia de 87% das endocardites com culturas negativas, enquanto que o método de Gram do tecido a fresco o fez em somente 10% dos casos. As endocardites com culturas negativas apresentaram maior frequência de dispneia à admissão (p=0,001), menor valor de proteína C reativa (p=0,009), menor Fração de Ejeção do Ventrículo Esquerdo (Feve) (p=0,022) e necessitaram de mais tempo para o início do tratamento antibiótico para endocardite (p < 0,001) quando comparadas àquelas com culturas positivas. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos na letalidade intra-hospitalar e na sobrevida após alta hospitalar. Verificou-se que a presença de diabetes mellitus (p=0,009) ou sepse grave na admissão (p=0,01) esteve independentemente associada ao óbito intra-hospitalar entre as endocardites com culturas negativas. Dez casos de endocardite por Bartonella spp. (frequência 19,6% [IC95%: 9,8 - 33,1]) e quatro casos de endocardite por Coxiella burnetii (frequência 7,8% [IC95%: 2,2 - 18,9]) foram diagnosticados dentre os 51 episódios de endocardite com culturas negativas. As endocardites por Bartonella spp. apresentavam menor Feve (p=0,025), associação com a identificação de cocobacilo Gram-negativo no exame histológico da valva cardíaca (p=0,001) e presença de gato no domicílio (p=0,001). Conclusões: Bartonella spp. e Coxiella burnetii foram as etiologias de quase um terço (27,5%) das endocardites comunitárias com culturas negativas. A presença de gato no domicílio, Feve <= 45%, e a identificação de cocobacilo Gramnegativo no exame histológico da valva cardíaca em pacientes com endocardite com culturas negativas parecem estar associadas à infecção por Bartonella spp. O exame histológico da valva cardíaca permitiu a identificação morfológica do micro-organismo na maioria dos casos, mesmo quando as hemoculturas estavam negativas. Não se observou diferença na letalidade intra-hospitalar e na sobrevida em longo prazo entre os dois grupos. A presença de diabetes mellitus ou sepse grave à admissão associou-se ao óbito hospitalar nas endocardites com culturas negativas / Infective endocarditis is associated with high morbidity and lethality. Early diagnosis and recognition of the specific etiology can contribute to successful antibiotic treatment. However, approximately one-fourth of endocarditis cases remain without an etiologic diagnosis. This study aimed to identify the frequency of endocarditis caused by Bartonella spp. and Coxiella burnetii among cases of community-acquired culture-negative endocarditis and to also assess risk factors for such infections. As a secondary objective, the clinical, laboratory and prognostic features of community-acquired endocarditis were compared. Factors related to the in-hospital lethality of culture-negative endocarditis were also assessed. Between January 2004 and January 2009, 369 consecutive cases of endocarditis were investigated in patients attending the no Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo - InCor HC-FMUSP. Cases occurring in adults, those classified by the modified Duke criteria as \"defined endocarditis\" and community-acquired cases were studied. In total, 221 cases of endocarditis comprising 170 culture-positive and 51 culturenegative cases were included. For the culture-negative cases, serology (indirect immunofluorescence reaction) and histopathological analyses for Bartonella spp. and Coxiella burnetii were performed. Cases were considered positive for Bartonella henselae or Bartonella quintana with IgG titers >= 800 and for Coxiella burnetii with antiphase I IgG titers > 800. Histopathological studies of the cardiac valves were capable of morphologically identifying the etiology in 87% of the culture-negative endocarditis cases, whereas the Gram stain was only positive in 10% of cases using fresh tissue. Culture-negative endocarditis patients presented a greater frequency of dyspnea on admission (p=0.001), lower C-reactive protein levels (p=0.009), and a lower left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (p=0.022), and they required more time to start antibiotic therapy (p < 0.001) when compared with culture-positive patients. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding in-hospital lethality or survival after hospital discharge. Diabetes mellitus (p=0.01) or severe sepsis on admission (p=0.01) were independently associated with in-hospital death for culture-negative endocarditis. Ten cases of endocarditis caused by Bartonella spp. (frequency 19.6% [IC95%: 9.8 - 33.1]) and 4 caused by Coxiella burnetii (frequency 7.8% [IC95%: 2.2 - 18.9]) were diagnosed among the 51 cases of culture-negative endocarditis. Endocarditis caused by Bartonella spp. was associated with lower LVEF values (p=0.025), the identification of Gram-negative coccobacilli in cardiac valve histology (p=0.001) and the presence of a cat in the patient\'s residence (p=0.001). Conclusions: Bartonella spp. and Coxiella burnetii were the causative etiology of almost one-third (27.5%) of the community-acquired cases of culture-negative endocarditis. The presence of a cat in the patient\'s residence, a LVEF <= 45% and the identification of Gram-negative coccobacilli in the histological examination of the cardiac valve in patients with culturenegative endocarditis appear to be associated with Bartonella spp. as the causative etiology. Histological examination of the cardiac valves allowed for morphological identification of the causative microorganism in the majority of cases, even when blood cultures were negative. There was no difference in in-hospital lethality or long-term survival between the two groups. The presence of diabetes mellitus or severe sepsis at admission was associated with in-hospital death in cases of culture-negative endocarditis

Endocardites comunitárias por Bartonella spp. e Coxiella burnetii: investigações etioepidemiológica e clínica em pacientes com endocardite com culturas negativas / Community-acquired endocarditis due to Bartonella spp. and Coxiella burnetii: etiologic, epidemiologic and clinical investigations in patients with culture-negative endocarditis

Rinaldo Focaccia Siciliano 24 April 2014 (has links)
Endocardite infecciosa é uma doença associada à elevada morbidade e letalidade. O diagnóstico precoce e o reconhecimento de sua etiologia podem contribuir para o sucesso do tratamento antibiótico; entretanto, cerca de um quarto das endocardites permanece sem diagnóstico etiológico. Este estudo teve como objetivo principal identificar a frequência de endocardite por Bartonella spp. e Coxiella burnetii dentre as endocardites com culturas negativas comunitárias e avaliar os fatores preditores dessas infecções. Como objetivo secundário compararam-se as características clínicolaboratoriais e prognósticas entre as endocardites comunitárias com culturas negativas e positivas. Foram avaliados também os fatores associados à letalidade intra-hospitalar das endocardites com culturas negativas. Entre janeiro de 2004 e janeiro de 2009, foram investigados 369 episódios consecutivos de endocardite em pacientes atendidos no Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo - InCor HC-FMUSP. Foram estudados os casos que ocorreram em adultos, classificados pelos critérios de Duke modificados como \"endocardite definida\" e de origem comunitária. Assim, foram incluídos 221 episódios de endocardite, 170 com culturas positivas e 51 com culturas negativas. Neste último grupo, foram feitas as pesquisas sorológicas (reação de imunofluorescência indireta) e histopatológica de Bartonella spp. e Coxiella burnetii. Consideraram-se positivos títulos de imunoglobulina G (IgG) >= 800 para Bartonella henselae e ou Bartonella quintana, e IgG antifase I para C. burnetii > 800. O estudo histopatológico das valvas cardíacas foi capaz de identificar morfologicamente a etiologia de 87% das endocardites com culturas negativas, enquanto que o método de Gram do tecido a fresco o fez em somente 10% dos casos. As endocardites com culturas negativas apresentaram maior frequência de dispneia à admissão (p=0,001), menor valor de proteína C reativa (p=0,009), menor Fração de Ejeção do Ventrículo Esquerdo (Feve) (p=0,022) e necessitaram de mais tempo para o início do tratamento antibiótico para endocardite (p < 0,001) quando comparadas àquelas com culturas positivas. Não houve diferença estatisticamente significante entre os grupos na letalidade intra-hospitalar e na sobrevida após alta hospitalar. Verificou-se que a presença de diabetes mellitus (p=0,009) ou sepse grave na admissão (p=0,01) esteve independentemente associada ao óbito intra-hospitalar entre as endocardites com culturas negativas. Dez casos de endocardite por Bartonella spp. (frequência 19,6% [IC95%: 9,8 - 33,1]) e quatro casos de endocardite por Coxiella burnetii (frequência 7,8% [IC95%: 2,2 - 18,9]) foram diagnosticados dentre os 51 episódios de endocardite com culturas negativas. As endocardites por Bartonella spp. apresentavam menor Feve (p=0,025), associação com a identificação de cocobacilo Gram-negativo no exame histológico da valva cardíaca (p=0,001) e presença de gato no domicílio (p=0,001). Conclusões: Bartonella spp. e Coxiella burnetii foram as etiologias de quase um terço (27,5%) das endocardites comunitárias com culturas negativas. A presença de gato no domicílio, Feve <= 45%, e a identificação de cocobacilo Gramnegativo no exame histológico da valva cardíaca em pacientes com endocardite com culturas negativas parecem estar associadas à infecção por Bartonella spp. O exame histológico da valva cardíaca permitiu a identificação morfológica do micro-organismo na maioria dos casos, mesmo quando as hemoculturas estavam negativas. Não se observou diferença na letalidade intra-hospitalar e na sobrevida em longo prazo entre os dois grupos. A presença de diabetes mellitus ou sepse grave à admissão associou-se ao óbito hospitalar nas endocardites com culturas negativas / Infective endocarditis is associated with high morbidity and lethality. Early diagnosis and recognition of the specific etiology can contribute to successful antibiotic treatment. However, approximately one-fourth of endocarditis cases remain without an etiologic diagnosis. This study aimed to identify the frequency of endocarditis caused by Bartonella spp. and Coxiella burnetii among cases of community-acquired culture-negative endocarditis and to also assess risk factors for such infections. As a secondary objective, the clinical, laboratory and prognostic features of community-acquired endocarditis were compared. Factors related to the in-hospital lethality of culture-negative endocarditis were also assessed. Between January 2004 and January 2009, 369 consecutive cases of endocarditis were investigated in patients attending the no Instituto do Coração do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo - InCor HC-FMUSP. Cases occurring in adults, those classified by the modified Duke criteria as \"defined endocarditis\" and community-acquired cases were studied. In total, 221 cases of endocarditis comprising 170 culture-positive and 51 culturenegative cases were included. For the culture-negative cases, serology (indirect immunofluorescence reaction) and histopathological analyses for Bartonella spp. and Coxiella burnetii were performed. Cases were considered positive for Bartonella henselae or Bartonella quintana with IgG titers >= 800 and for Coxiella burnetii with antiphase I IgG titers > 800. Histopathological studies of the cardiac valves were capable of morphologically identifying the etiology in 87% of the culture-negative endocarditis cases, whereas the Gram stain was only positive in 10% of cases using fresh tissue. Culture-negative endocarditis patients presented a greater frequency of dyspnea on admission (p=0.001), lower C-reactive protein levels (p=0.009), and a lower left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) (p=0.022), and they required more time to start antibiotic therapy (p < 0.001) when compared with culture-positive patients. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups regarding in-hospital lethality or survival after hospital discharge. Diabetes mellitus (p=0.01) or severe sepsis on admission (p=0.01) were independently associated with in-hospital death for culture-negative endocarditis. Ten cases of endocarditis caused by Bartonella spp. (frequency 19.6% [IC95%: 9.8 - 33.1]) and 4 caused by Coxiella burnetii (frequency 7.8% [IC95%: 2.2 - 18.9]) were diagnosed among the 51 cases of culture-negative endocarditis. Endocarditis caused by Bartonella spp. was associated with lower LVEF values (p=0.025), the identification of Gram-negative coccobacilli in cardiac valve histology (p=0.001) and the presence of a cat in the patient\'s residence (p=0.001). Conclusions: Bartonella spp. and Coxiella burnetii were the causative etiology of almost one-third (27.5%) of the community-acquired cases of culture-negative endocarditis. The presence of a cat in the patient\'s residence, a LVEF <= 45% and the identification of Gram-negative coccobacilli in the histological examination of the cardiac valve in patients with culturenegative endocarditis appear to be associated with Bartonella spp. as the causative etiology. Histological examination of the cardiac valves allowed for morphological identification of the causative microorganism in the majority of cases, even when blood cultures were negative. There was no difference in in-hospital lethality or long-term survival between the two groups. The presence of diabetes mellitus or severe sepsis at admission was associated with in-hospital death in cases of culture-negative endocarditis

Comparison of the Humoral Immune Response following Both Bacterial Challenge and RNAi of Major Factors on Proliferation of Bartonella quintana in the Human Louse

Zina, Jake 28 October 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Human body lice, Pediculus humanus humanus, and head lice, Pediculus humanus capitis, have been hematophagous ectoparasites of humans for thousands of years. Despite being ecotypes, only body lice are known to transmit bacterial diseases to humans, and it appears that lower humoral and cellular immune responses allow body lice to possess a higher vector competence. We previously observed that the transcription level of the defensin 1 gene was up-regulated only in head lice following oral challenge of Bartonella quintana, a causative agent of trench fever, and also that body lice excreted more viable B. quintana in their feces. In this study, we first investigated this differential immune response by performing RNAi to knockdown defensin 1 by dsRNA injection. B. quintana was orally infected 72 h after injection and proliferation was compared at 2 hours (day 0) and day 4 post-infection. At day 0, bacterial cell numbers increased 1.5-fold in defensin 1 (Def1(-)) knocked down head lice compared with non-knocked down, pQE30-dsRNA injected, head lice control. At day 4, Def1(-) knocked down head lice had 2.55-fold more bacterial cells than control head lice and 1.65-fold greater than body lice, indicating that defensin 1 was active in reducing B. quintana cell number in non-knocked down head lice. Second, the levels of cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated by the epithelial cells of the alimentary tract were measured using two general indictors of ROS in both body and head lice at day 1 and day 4 following B. quintana challenge. Challenged body lice showed a 42% and 34% increase in ROS, whereas head lice showed a 70% and 22% increase at day 1 using CM-H2DCFDA and HPF as general indicators, respectively. On day 4, all challenged lice showed similar ROS levels except for body lice which maintained their ROS levels (40% increase using CM-H2DCFDA). Head lice are likely to have multiple immune and/or non-immune factors that suppress B. quintana proliferation, and the production of sustained ROS levels and/or the single knockdown of Defensin 1 is not enough to increase B. quintana proliferation in head lice to that seen in body lice.

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