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Mejoramiento de la reducción del desplazamiento de la base en estructuras aisladas tomando en cuenta el periodo creciente en los últimos 20 años utilizando el concepto de transmisibilidad / Improvement of base motion reduction in isolated structures considering the increased period in the last 20 years using transmissibility conceptLazaro Bardales, Carlos Fernando, Mendez Neciosup, Daniel Fernando 23 December 2020 (has links)
En esta investigación se plantea una nueva metodología de diseño con el objetivo de obtener una mejora adicional basada en el concepto de transmisibilidad para la reducción del desplazamiento absoluto en la base aislada de una estructura. El incremento del periodo de diseño en los últimos años potencia el método propuesto basado en el concepto de transmisibilidad. Un edificio de 10 pisos es propuesto para esta investigación. Los resultados demuestran una reducción considerable en el desplazamiento de la base aislada cuando está sometida a sismos de gran magnitud. / In this research, a new design methodology based on the concept of transmissibility is proposed for the reduction of the absolute displacement in the isolated base of a structure. An increase in the design period in the last years favors the proposed method based on the transmissibility concept. A 10-story building is proposed for this research. The results show a considerable reduction in the displacement of the isolated base when it is subjected to earthquakes of great magnitude / Trabajo de investigación
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選舉地盤 : 候選人票源凝聚程度之分析 / Electoral Bases: The Concentration of Candidates' Vote Coalitions鮑彤, Nathan F. Batto Unknown Date (has links)
第一章 緒論
壹 研究動機與目的
貳 文獻檢閱
參 研究性質與方法
第二章 地盤及其特徵
壹 分析方法
貳 各種自變數對地盤單獨的影響
參 交互作用
肆 「一般」地盤的例子
伍 小結
第三章 政黨與地盤
壹 分析方法
貳 地盤為配票的副產物
參 國民黨候選人地盤為責任區
肆 政黨票源的增減與地盤的關係
伍 1995年高雄縣立法委員選舉
陸 小結
第四章 地盤的穩定性
壹 分析方法
貳 地盤的穩定程度:以尋求連任的候選人為例
參 地盤的結構
肆 地盤的分類
伍 票源的移轉
陸 小結
第五章 結論
壹 研究發現
貳 檢討與建議 / The support of the overwhelming candidates is not evenly spread over all areas. Instead, most candidates have certain areas in which they reap a number of votes well above the average for the whole district. These strongest areas are the focus of this thesis.
We start by defining an "electoral base" as well as two indices to measure the scope of the base, "strength" and "importance." These concepts are used to describe the relationships between bases and several independent variables, including the demographic features of the electoral district and the particular attributes of the candidate. We find that bases are largest and most intense for winning, male, KMT candidates running in districts with high numbers of farmers and low overall education levels.
The next section of the thesis deals with the relations between bases and political parties. Through regression analysis, we find that the bases of New Party candidates are actually just a by-product of the New Party's vote rationing system. We consider the possibility that KMT bases also result from the KMT's responsibility zone vote rationing system. However, a case study shows that localism seems to be more directly related to the bases that eventually take shape than the responsibility zone system. Next, we look into the question of whether bases increase a party's votes. We find that if the overall performance of the party's candidates in the entire electoral district is controlled, parties do get increased amounts of votes inside the bases of their candidates. In effect, bases do increase the number of votes the party gets.
The final section of the thesis addresses the question of stability of bases over time. First, two indices, "defense" and "growth" are introduced to measure the stability of bases from one election to the next. We find that from the base of a candidate in one election to the base of the same candidate in the next election, there is a surprisingly large amount of instability; candidates' strongest areas in one election may not be their strongest areas in the next election. Faced with this finding, we look for the keys to stability. One key lies in the structure of the base. Most bases can be divided into three parts: "central areas," "adjacent areas," and "scattered areas." The central areas include the candidate's home town and are the most stable part of the base. The candidate's with the most stable bases tend to be those with large central areas. Finally, we look at the question of whether votes are transferable. Many different political forces are considered, including political families, local factions, and the KMT's military party branch. These forces all have a "core" of support which is stable and can be transferred among different candidates from the group.
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Diseño de sistema de aislamiento por transmisibilidad para la reducción del desplazamiento de la base considerando el creciente período de las estructuras aisladas a lo largo de los últimos 20 años / Design of an isolation system by transmissibility to reduce base displacement considering the growing period of isolated structures over the last 20 yearsLazaro Bardales, Carlos Fernando, Mendez Neciosup, Daniel Fernando 23 November 2022 (has links)
En la presente investigación, se propone un nuevo método de diseño para un sistema de aislamiento en la base de una estructura, aprovechando el creciente periodo de diseño que se viene dando en los últimos 20 años. Para el diseño de este sistema pasivo, se emplearon dichos periodos altos para optimizar el concepto de transmisibilidad, cuyo propósito es solucionar el problema del excesivo desplazamiento de la base de una estructura aislada, el cual es mayor al desplazamiento del suelo, si no hay una consideración a esta variable.
El modelo estructural trabajado corresponde a un edificio de 10 pisos, el cual está representado por un grado de libertad por nivel, debido a que son infinitamente rígidos en su plano, además supone permanecer en el rango elástico bajo las excitaciones sísmicas. Para poder trabajar con el concepto de transmisibilidad, todo el análisis matemático se realizó en el dominio de la frecuencia. Morales (2010) concluyó que los sismos son de banda angosta (0 - 1.6 Hz) para los desplazamientos y que existe una frecuencia límite inferior (0.05 Hz), dato que servirá para el diseño. Por otro lado, se emplearon aisladores del tipo HDRB adicionado con amortiguadores viscosos, para alcanzar un medio-alto coeficiente de amortiguación. Con todas las variables planteadas, se realizaron las matrices que posteriormente servirán para integrarlas en una programación de Matlab que, en conjunto con la excitación sísmica seleccionada, ayudará a verificar el rango de reducción de desplazamiento debido al método de diseño propuesto. La data sísmica seleccionada fue de California (USA), Perú y Chile. / In the present research, a new design method is proposed for a basal isolation system for structures, taking advantage of the growing design period that has occurred in the last 20 years. For the design of this passive system, these high periods were used and also the concept of transmissibility, whose purpose is to solve the problem of excessive base displacement of the isolated structure, which is greater than the ground displacement.
The structural model worked on corresponds to a 10-story building, which is represented by one degree of freedom per level, due to they are infinitely rigid in their plane, it also supposes to remain in the elastic range under seismic excitations. To work on transmissibility’s concept, all the mathematical analysis was carried out in the frequency domain. Morales (2010) concluded that earthquakes are narrow band (0-10 rad/s) for displacements and that there is a lower limit frequency (0.05 Hz), data that will serve for the design. On the other hand, HDRB isolators, added with viscous dampers, were used to achieve a high damping coefficient. With all the variables found, the matrices were made that will later be used to integrate them into a program that, with the selected seismic excitation, will help to verify the range of displacement reduction due to the proposed design method. The seismic data chosen were from California (USA), Peru and Chile. / Tesis
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